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Cultural event 1 October 2021 Velletri - Italy

Launch of the anthology "White Dove"

Santosh Kumar - Bhutan

A heartfelt thanks to the Luigi Magni and Lucia Mirisola museum foundation and to its host Alessandro Wiki Filippi. Here events, exhibitions, conferences, projects and collaborations with schools and high schools are organized. The museum consists of seven rooms which retrace the career of the master Luigi Magni and his wife Lucia Mirisola. An important event took place on 1 October. Launch of the anthology "White Dove" author Santosh Kumar Biswa (Bhutan).

"White Dove" is a one-of-a-kind anthology of contemporary poetry. It melodically reflects unique human thoughts through the involvement of various figurative languages and devices. 'White Dove' is the 'Third Anthology of Poetry' of Love, Peace, Fidelity and Humanity with eighty-seven poems from the collection of the author Santosh Kumar Biswa. It covers a wide range of themes that will create ideas and feelings about facts, love, motivation, ideologies, global concepts and inspirational poetry. It will ultimately promote exploration that excites and fuels readers' inner instincts to both sprout their own responses and to read and enjoy the poem. Hence, it will make every reader relax, think, enjoy and realize real life. The possibility and the joy of meeting a world-famous man,chosen as Santosh Kumar Bhutan with exemplary results in professional, social terms, an inspired poet, a great humanist who remembers a rainbow that emerged after the storms of time that still gives us hope in people… His professional, literary, humanistic career is successful. A sensitive soul, in search of beauty and people of character, always in love with the written word, which ennobles the characters, the only solid truth in the world. A warm soul, who welcomes you with grace and balance into his universe, without pretending to reciprocate his gesture. And you cannot enter contaminated, because he exudes purity, honesty, sincerity... A kind soul, who lives intensely every second, every event, burning with his whole being and exhorting those around him to do the same ... A special soul, full of desires and turmoil that he has so sublimely put into the word for us, for those who will come, for those who know and feel the vibration of the soul in the written word ... In the great soul as the life of Santosh it beats like waves in rock, and most of them only understand falling sand. It is a joy for the eyes of my soul to admire the sculpture of the letters and the

humanity of the wave on the rock and a divine consolation for the plants of the soul to step on the precious sand of his works ... Remarkable personality, generous in feelings and actions, hard on himself and tolerant with others, an oasis of goodness, sincere love, true friendship. He viewed difficulties as temporary obstacles and always harbored the hope of a better tomorrow. His modesty and dignity are truly remarkable. Subtle intellectual, very cultured, with a great vocation and cultural generosity, with a love for books, for print media. A traveler through life a unique man with a sensitive soul. In his works he communicates the lived and lived moods. In his poems there is a turmoil of the soul in a harsh reality. He expresses the truth, the state of the human spirit, reflects feelings, sheds light for the sake of beauty. Everything he does he does with diligence, dedication, serenity and joy. He highlights the sincerity, seriousness and consistency with which human duties are carried out.

Santosh Kumar Biswa

Santosh Kumar Biswa is a Bhutanese author and poet and currently works as a teacher at Damphu Central School, Bhutan. He is a perfect source of numerous educational books and anthologies of poetry and a worldinspired peacemaker, in which he promotes peace in his stead and around the world through literature. and experiences that require urgent attention and, through writing him, participate in his global concerns and seek to highlight life issues and provide examples for a more comprehensive understanding to bring peace to the world. He commits his life by promoting peace and humiliation among men for a better life in society. He also studied global citizenship education at UNICEF. He is an award-winning writer who has earned various laurels from the writing circle around the world, such as; World Icon of Literature Award, New World History Maker of English Poetry Award, Gold Level Award for Poetic Prohess and depth, Poetic Prowess Award, Poetic Parley Gold Quill Award twice, World Poetic Star Award, Global Literary Society Bronze Star Award, Writer of the Week Award, Eternal Flame Recommendations, Writer's Guild of America Honor, Motivational Band Platinum Certificate of Honor, Edgar Allan American Poet Award, and more.

• Founder of the World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights - WLFPH, BHUTAN. • Cadet Peace Coordinator, International Dynamic Peacekeeping Mission Directorate, Nigeria • Director of the Publishing Department at Inked with Magic, Literary Forum, Africa. • President of Bhutan at the World People's Forum. TWPF @ BTYA, Bangladesh. • Member of the International Border Organization for Peace and Humanitarian Organization (IFPHO) representing Bhutan. • Outstanding Achievement Award for


Humanity • President of Bhutan, World International Economic Group.


• Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Doctor of Literature, Institute of European Studies and Research on Roma in the field of crimes against humanity and international law, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. • Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Peace and Humanity, Dynamic Peace Rescue Mission International, Nigeria • Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Doctorate for Peace, Security, Peace Against Terrorism and Poverty, Sustainable Development and Humanity, Chaudhary Art Trust, India

• Doctor Honoris Causa, honorary doctorate for humanitarian service, peaceful coexistence and the concept of peace among all, the Council of Physical and Spiritual Healing and the Sovereign Royal Empire of the Indira Royal Family, Africa. • Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Excellence, International Mission for the Rescue of Dynamic Peace, Nigeria and International Operation for Peace and Security for the Activation of the Humanitarian Right to Peace, India. • Honorary Grand Master, Mare Maestru Onorific, World Association of Writers Artists of the Orb, Worldwide Writers Assotiation Artist of thw ORBE (ADADO), Peru.

Other qualifications

• Postgraduate in English Literature, Royal University of Bhutan • Bachelor of Science in Education, National Institute of Education, Bhutan • GCED101- INTRODUCTION TO GCED (Global Citizenship Education), UNESCO • DEVELOPMENT OF CURRICULUM FOR EDUCATORS GCED, UNESCO • Gross National Happiness (GNH) Training Workshop, Thimphu, Bhutan


• World Ambassador for Peace, Unit for the Protection of Humanity, Nigeria • World Ambassador for Peace, Soul Mate Organization for Peace and Humanity of Indonesia, Indonesia. • Ambassador of Literature and Humanity, Kano State Council for Physical and Spiritual Healing, Nigeria • Ambassador of Peace (cadet) representing Bhutan, International Dynamic Peacekeeping Mission,

Nigeria • Ambassador of Art and Literature, Egyptian International Academy for Development, Art and Peace Publishinh, Nigeria. • Certificate of Honor for the Ambassador of Peace and Humanity, World Mission for Peace and Humanity, Bangladesh.


• Peace Medal, National Commission for Culture and Sport Change, Morocco. • Global Icon of World Peace and Human Friendship, Galaxy International Jury Prize, India.

• Golden Icon of World Peace and Human Friendship, Galaxy Jury Award, Galaxy International Foundation, India. • Mahatma Gandhi Global Excellence Award 2020, Mahatma Gandhi Global Peace Forum, India. • Outstanding Humanity Award, Human Awareness Council, India • Special Award for Leadership, Commitment and Dedication to the Pursuit of Peace, Harmony, Unity and Solidarity, Institute for Leadership and Peace, Philippines. • Certificate of devotion to devotion and care for peace and humanity, Indonesia soulmate organization for peace and humanity, Indonesia. • International medal for the best character of a year 2019, National Commission for the change of the cultural and sporting mission, Morocco • Icon of world literature, National Academy ofArts and Culture, India • Certificate of honor as Prize Mundail A La Excelencia Literaria 2019-2020, Urubamba, Cusco-Peru. • Certificate of Creative People, IOPSH to activate international humanitarian law for peace, Morocco. • Certificate of Excellence, Khidmat Foundation, India. Minti Gogoi

Clothing and Personality

“Clothing is a part of silent language that communicated through the use of visual but non-verbal symbols”-Goffman At the very beginning of human civilization, clothing was introduced as a method of protecting human body against extreme weather conditions, strong winds, intense heat, cold and precipitation. But at present clothes have an immense impact on the perception of people around and on the perception of the person wearing them and it has become an integral part of self-realization of every person. It is also become important to understand the meaning that are conveyed through clothing symbols in order to present self in such a way that the desire impression is achieved. Clothes are now no longer just an “external shield” and a frivolous attitude to weathered condition or not provide only the physical insulation from heat and cold but they provide psychological insulation as well. Dresses help in building self-confidence, affects our behaviour and mannerism and develops harmony and personality. It is a cue to personality in that it conveys to other an impression of what one is dose and believe. We can say that it is a kind of mimicry through which man expresses many of his subjective social sentiments. The development of dress


proceeds not only the concrete psychological characteristics of men but it expresses the cultural-psychological aspect of human being, Basically, clothing is a way of nonverbal communication with gender, ethical and power aspects. It is a general reflection of how individual think of himself although the accuracy of such judgement may be altered by faculty perception, lack of knowledge or operation of defence mechanism. Generally clothing provides a positive mean of satisfying the need for self-enhancement. It can beautify the appearance and make the physical self more desirable, increase acceptance by the group and prevent rejection. It may be source of over admirable resulting in increased selfesteemed, self-respect self-confidence and security. Individual personality traits are infect influenced by the clothes that he/she wearer. Style of clothing is a fundamental part in the image of a contemporary man or a woman. The image is constructed for various reasons and has various manifestations. They are an indication of caste, place, state and occupation of the person. Clothing is not an attribute of belonging to a clan or to a restrained social level though it still can tell a lot about the financial status of a person. Clothing has been regarded as one of the best ways to distinguish social classes, sexes, occupation, marital status and ethnic or religious affiliation. But in order to interpret correctly the messages a particular set of clothes may transmit to other; one has to be familiar with the translation of the specific code.

In many cases Clothes indicate our social status and interest. Simple and elegant clothes are hallmark of a serious personality. Clothing norm represents the typical or accepted manner of dressing shown by a social group. People of well to do family prefer conspicuous consumption of clothing to show one's social status. The product has to be elegant, exclusive (branded bag, jewellery etc.), or tailor made for the consumer. They mainly prefer two types of clothesbranded clothes and fashionable or trendy clothes. The branded clothes are generally labelled by a popular, well-known brand which, in addition, communicates a certain lifestyle and values since brand communication usually spreads far beyond the phenomenon of clothing and fashion. They also prefer fashionable or trendy clothes, which are defined as smart clothes. Wearing clothes that are in line with the latest fashion is a sign that the person wants to stand out from the crowd. But everybody cannot afford such conspicuous consumption. This gives rise to the next phenomenon, the urge to show off i.e. persuasive consumption. This is how conspicuous consumption gives rise to emulation of clothing items. Apart from the practical functions of wearing clothes it carries specific cultural and social meanings. In numerous cultures, for instance, it is bad sight to show to others parts of the human body anatomy. Thus, clothes serve as a method to hide some particular areas of a person's body. Religion, customs

and of course, particular historically important circumstances have shaped the way different people in various times feel about clothing and exposure. Today, there are many materials with which clothes are made. A person can choose from purchasing clothes made from natural origin materials like cotton, pat silk, muga silk, wool and leather, but may also select one for the man-made fibers extensively used in clothes manufacturing, like nylon, polyester, Lycra and Gore-Tex. With the recent technological developments, there is great speculation for the direction future clothes will take; infact the clothing electronics industry has started to produce smart clothing incorporating some some computerised devices in the outfit, Right clothes are necessary for health, poise and self-respect. An individual who lives within a planned budget is usually happier, more contented than one who spends the money as one earnsit. It is true, our desire or wants are unlimited. But. our needs are comparatively few. While adjustment for needs are essential and important in family life, catering to mere wants is undesirable for development of personality. There is a difference between 'wants' and 'needs'. A good clothing plan may include clothing that fits should be comfortable and not hinder our movements while not looking too baggy or sloppy. Choosing the right clothes for the right occasion e.g. School, church, party, picnic, work, sleep, etc. Clothes for work should suit the type of work being done. For instance, clothes worn in the kitchen might be different from those worn for farm work. Symbolism in clothing may point to the profession the person is dedicated to. The perception of symbols is not the same as the perception of the whole clothing image of an individual, because people may interpret the same symbol differently and therefore the understanding of the carrier of the symbol will be completely different. For instance, a man with a tiger on this T-shirt may seem aggressive to one person and a Green Peace member for another one. A bird may be a symbol of freedom and somebody can view it a symbol of lightmindedness. Every person has to be very careful with the symbol while visiting a foreign country, due to the double meaning of the symbols that may be offending to the culture the person is in. The goal of every symbol is to share information.

Personality development helps in the overall development of an individual. An individual’s style of dressing plays an important role in enhancing his/her personality. It is rightly said that “a man is known by his dress and address”. An individual’s dressing sense speaks volumes of his character and personality. The personality, value and culture of a person can be judged easily from his dress. There are different types of personalities. Highlighting salient features of the personality and camouflaging the figure flaws to some extent is possible through dress. One needs to look good for an impressive personality. Clothes reflect who you are, how


you feel at the moment and sometimes even what you want to achieve in life. Improper dressing makes person a laughing stock and causes inferiority complex. On the other hand, proper dresses help in building selfconfidence which is essential for the proper development of personality. This affects our behaviour and mannerism and develops harmony and personality. As clothing affect the personality of the wearer, wearing the right kind of clothes can give us confidence a huge boost. What we are like to wear it will reflect on the outside, enhancing our personality. They say it takes less than ten seconds to make a first impression and the clothes we wear play a very significant part in it. The way we choose to dress may be a personal preference, but it can be used to interpret our personality. The type of clothes we wear and the colours we choose all send out subliminal messages on the type of person we are. Additionally, many research has shown that the way we dress not only conveys the type of person we are but can also influence the way we think and behaved. Dressing appropriately is particularly vital when it comes to your professional life. As they say, don’t dress for thejob we have but for the job we want. However, it is important to keep in mind that dressing correctly is not always about how expensive our outfit is or what brand it is. Our personal style expression is conveyed through the garments and accessories you choose to wear and the way you wear them. People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her dressing. Dull colours indicate that an individual is sad or upset whereas bright colours not only reflect your happy state of mind but also make the other person happy. People who are introverts prefer light and sober colours whereas extroverts like bright and gaudy clothes. It is important to wear red if we are introvert and need to get things done but are normally too afraid to speak up. It will make us feel bolder and we shall be able to convey the message in a strong voice. Classic women like nothing better than timeless looks, fine beautiful fabrics and simple, tailored cuts in clothing. They enjoy a closet filled with neutral colours, classic cuts, and functional styles. They tend to keep clothing for long periods of time and replace worn out items with a similar replacement. The classic woman is always appropriately dressed and carries the image of someone who is dependable and practical. The elegant woman is in harmony with all things polished, perfect and understated, Quality is high on her list of must-haves and her self-assurance and poise are always noticed and admired. Her preference is for quality rather than quantity leading to a wardrobe of beautiful fabrics and minimalist, feminine styles. Her secret obsession can be searching for beautiful vintage items. The elegant woman is feminine and sophisticated and carries the image of high social standing.

Women who possess a natural style feel most at home in comfortable, functional, unpretentious styles that are free from fru fru. Not women to get ‘all dolled up’, they prefer to keep everything simple and natural –there are few synthetics on this lady’s back. The elegant woman is relaxed and laid back and carries the image of approachable ease and openmindedness. The feminine style personality is all about softness, drape colour and curls. She feels her most at home in dresses and flowy fabrics, ruffles, lace, delicate accessories and when she is primped and primed to perfection. Nothing is too much trouble or takes too much time to get ready – she’s the perfect princess. The feminine woman is ladylike, delicate and youthful and carries the image of innocents, warmth, and compassion. These women dress to the beat of their own drum; following any style rule or fashion trend is totally off their radar. From confrontational to artsythese women are inherently talented for putting the most unexpected items together and carrying it off to perfection. This is the only style personality that is almost impossible to pull off if it does not come naturally to you. Dresses with delicate patterns and sober colours help in enhancing the natural characteristics of tenderness and feminine. On the other hand, big patterns and straight lines go well with regular dominating and grand personalities. Personal body complexion is most important while selecting colours of dress. Some uniforms are reserved for certain professions, which help in enhancing their personality, e.g., wearing white coat by doctors and black by lawyers. Distinctive styles and colours denote gang membership. Thus, wearing white during a western funeral for example is highly inappropriate, while eastern societies endorse such a colour selection for mourning people. There are many ways in which we can enhance our personality by improving our dressing sense. They are--• We can follow our favourite celebrities and check out their dressing styles. • Movies and television shows tend to have the latest fashion trends. • Fashion magazines also provide a lot of information and have numerous tips on dressing right • Learn about the various fabrics and their cuts and colours that will suit our figure best. • Keep our own body structure, features, etc. in mind before following someone else’s style blindly. The clothes should accentuate and complement our body rather than make us feel uncomfortable. Once we have decided on a personal style we would like to follow the need to purchase a few items of clothing that reflect our new and enhanced personality. The most critical aspect is not to go overboard when we are altering our style. However, it is not always about the type or colour of the clothes we wear. It is also important to make sure that your clothes are neat and tidy. It is not enough to just select the right outfits from our wardrobe to wear but also to iron them properly before using them.


Clothing is considered as a second skin of human being. Along with the aesthetic function it does a lot about the psychological issue of the wearer. It is a significant factor in determining the role and status of unknown person as well as our personality. Abdumominov Abdulloh


Thieves of time


My name is Doniyor. My neighbor Abdullah and I have become close friends. One day we couldn't find any any way to have fun. We had no goal. We didn't know what to do. When we were making something from a piece of wood, my father suddenly woke up. His eyes were half open when hesaid: “Hey, thieves of time! Are you wasting your time?” I didn't understand the meaning of my father's "time thieves" at all. I wanted to ask, but he fell asleep. My friend Abdullah also asked “Are we thieves?" When daylight came, he went into his house. I also fell asleep from exhaustion. But I remembered that I was late for school, so I quickly washed my face and drank tea in a hurry. I do not remember whatI ate..I thought I would be late for school, but class had not yet begun.As soon as I arrived, the teacher came in.We all greeted the teacher with respect “My dear students!I am overjoyed to see you.My joy is boundless.“ Just as our teacher was explaining the subject to us, one of my classmates came in and said, "Teacher, I'm sorry I'm late today." “Doniyor, don't be late anymore., the teacher said.“This time I forgive you, but next time I will punish you.” “Dear students, ” the teacher said, “you must build a new Uzbekistan, and at the same time justify the trust of your parents, ready to give their lives for you. If you become famous, I will be proud to say on the street that I taught this student, “ shesaid.

These words of my teacher had a special effect on me and increased my selfconfidence. Various whispers began in the classroom. "Will you come to my birthday tomorrow?" I heard also those words.It was clear that our teacher also heard these words. "Time thieves, " said the teacherHer sharp gaze at the students was marked by regret. "Thieves of time". I had heard these words from my father while I was playing with my friend.That's why I was not surprised to hear them. My classmates were stunned. Doniyor, trembled with fear, as if I, his friend Abdullah, , had committed a crime. “Doniyor, why are you trembling?” the teacher asked. “You called us thieves, didn't you? After all, aren't those who steal punished?“ “Time thieves are punished by time itself. By doing so, you are hurting yourself. “

the teacher said. “Teacher, I do not understand the meaning of this sentence at all. Please tell us about the theft of time.” “Usually, those who steal are punished, ” said the teacher. “Time thieves are no exception. True, the thief of time is not punished. He is not even accountable before the law. But wasting your time now is tantamount to stealing your time, your future. If you spend all your time in science, you will save time and become a mature person in the future. Ohh, my friend Abdullah and I are the thieves of our future. Doniyor thought. These words of the teacher inspired Doniyorm andat that moment, he realized what a "time thief" was. He even came to our house in a hurry: “Anvar, are you there? Starting today, I can say that I understand the value of time.

“Yes, Abdullah, you understand, now we are not stealing our time, we are just following the path of knowledge.In the future, we will be among the mature people mentioned by my teacher. I agree with you. Don't waste your time! I will always remember that it is a trophy!

New year magic

This New Year we did not have a Christmas tree. Friends were supposed to come to my party. But we couldn't buy a real Christmas tree a thorny, scent, fluffy beauty. When my mother left for work, I asked her to buy garlands and toys to somehow decorate the rooril. I have been preparing for the New Year for a long time. My parents knew and allowed me to call my friends. But we were at odds with my best friend - Anvar. And I was not going to put up with him. On the contrary, I wanted to take revenge on him this year. Although, dad always told me: «Do not dig a hole for another — you can fall into it yourself)). And he warned that Santa does not present gifts to bad children. But I didn't care, I was very angry with Anvar and did not want to forgive him. In the afternoon we met with a former friend. He started talking first: «Let's put up, because soon the New Year. All quarrels must be left in the past. Let's make a snowman together and call it Friendship». I decided not to continue the war and make peace with a friend: «Come to me tomorrow for the New Year party. It will be fun. Only we will not have a Christmas tree - we did not have time to buy it)). When I was saying that to Anvar, I saw my mother walking home and carrying a big beautiful fluffy tree in her hands! I was so staring at her that I even fell. It was such a big cool suprise! Probably, they say the truth that New Year should be celebrated with friends, in a good mood and without bad thoughts. Then all wishes will come true and the whole year will be good. I had a great New Year party with my best friends and nice family! I am sure that this year will be happy and successful for everyone and for me! Happy New Year to everybody!


Santosh Kumar Biswa


Peace- our responsibility - (a short note)

The moment we think about peace, we actually are thinking about bringing oneself into peace through the transmutation of our own behavior, character, and the way we represent ourselves to the world. It is after we change, we act to elevate it to the world at large. Hence, self-reflection and selfrectification is necessary before we put in our actions for peace. The people around us will be watching us at all times and we should give them, through our legislation, the objectives we have in our minds.

Why is there war on the face of the earth? Why do people want to obliterate each other just for their own good? It is all because they are desirous, hungry for power and position, and they want to remain concentrated on the world. Is that what it's all about? Do we learn from our religion to hate people and to kill? No, religion doesn't because we entirely know it well. Where are we missing? What went amiss? And what is my role in this world to restore it a peaceful place to live? should be our concern and of course to make meaning out of life.

Education has not changed them as a result of influences in their lives of others who are wicked. Are we born vicious? No, I guess not. So the question like, "Who created them to be bad?" ought to be our concern. It is us, because we have not succeeded in giving them a better education and better life values.

Such people do not value humanity because having power in their hands, they have not realized the pain and experience it brings. It is difficult to change these people because their hearts had already become like a rock that is hard. Thus, we should stop creating such people.

Those who are in this mission should therefore transform themselves first and then their families by making life worth living so that what they see and hear does not alter them, but that they become the strong lover of peace.

Every person in this world has their role to play, the role of transforming people to peace and the role of educating people to peace that the coming generation may live peacefully, free from chaos and hatred because they are our children and grandchildren.

Let us strive, work for good cause and never yield

James Patterson

The Last Days of John Lennon Synopsis

The greatest true-crime story in music history. Paul McCartney, The Last Days ofJohn Lennon is a true-crime drama about two men who changed history. One whose indelible songs enliven our world to this day, and the other who ended the music with five pulls of a trigger.

Charlotte Walker


In the summer of 1980, ten years after the break-up of the Beatles, John Lennon signed with a new label, ready to record new music for the first time in years. Everyone was awestruck when Lennon dashed off '(Just Like) Starting Over'. Lennon was back in peak form, with his best songwriting since 'Imagine'.


In the years after Lennon left the Beatles, becoming a solo artist and making a life with Yoko Ono in New York City, Mark David Chapman had become fixated on murdering his former hero. He was convinced that Lennon had squandered his talent and betrayed his fans. In December 1980, Chapman boarded a flight from Hawaii to New York with a handgun stowed in his luggage. He was never going home again.


Enriched by exclusive interviews with Lennon's friends and associates, including The Unicorn Synopsis

A fast movingpolitical action thriller that keeps on giving. ‘The Unicorn’ by Tony Salter reintroduces readers to MI5 agent Nadia as she continues her hunt for an elusive criminal mastermind Ibrahim Abdel Hak, a.k.a The Unicorn, a dangerous man who seems to have all the substance of smoke and leaves destruction in his path whenever he

appears. The opening of ‘The Unicorn’ is written so well that it can be read as a standalone, as the reader is quickly and seamlessly up to date on Nadia’s story and her past involvement with The Unicorn. However, after reading this story I’m sure you’ll be enticed to go back and read Salter’s earlier book ‘Sixty Minutes’ anyway. I was drawn in by the main character, Nadia, her strength and work as an MI5 agent as well as her earnest attempts to have some semblance of a normal life outside of the office.

I enjoyed the ‘will they, won’t they’ tension between Nadia and Ed and I’m eagerly


awaiting a next book for any further developments between these two characters. ‘The Unicorn’ kept me hooked and reading much later than I should have. When you think that the action is over, there’s room from something new to crop up or a new twist in the tale. A gripping intelligence based thriller with a strong and likable female character and a plot with plenty of twists and turns and action. A great read and I look forward to the next one.

Ibrahim Abdel Hak is the Unicorn. Lost in the mists and shadows of urban legend, he waits and builds his plans in the cold darkness. Each time Ibrahim attacks, he leaves a trail of very real death and destruction in his wake. The world’s intelligence services know he is planning the worst atrocity yet. They know it will be soon. But they have no idea where or when the Unicorn will strike.

Nadia Laroche is an MI5 field agent. Still recovering from injuries sustained during The Unicorn's bombing of the National History Museum, she has her own reasons to want to stop him. She was too late before. Can she find him and stop him this time ... before it's too late. LaVan Robinson

Existential sands

In the sands and annals of time, we leave a recording of our existence and validity from the legacy we leave behind. Through every storm, trial and tribulation, we encounter and prevail successfully through, the more your nature is strengthened by the awakening of the souls true purpose. The divine synchronization of the spiritual, mental and physical expression is a perfect collaboration of that beautiful essence rooted deep within the surface. So while here on the earth’s fertile and blessed grounds and soil. You’re be very grateful that for love and its wonderful principles, you have sown with much persistence, sweat and tears and happily toiled. As you tend to the gardens of your life with much anticipation of the vast expectations you have met, you will leave a positive blueprint for success by the footsteps so others too can follow that you have left.

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