36 minute read
poetry 5-24
Eva Petropoulou Lianoy And so new tofit in the present
Greece Need to have one truth Justified and accepted
World Is not about Who cares more Who loves more
World Is who can survive In a lockdown In a breakdown In a difficult situation
World Is not who has the power But who has the ability To overcome
The possibility to understand a situation and continue to fight
World is not being together Poetry
Need to write a new story A new book about the life
Every single day is a new discovery People become evil Failure earn in so many levels And love is replaced with food
People are divided
Between those who love the food Between those who love the humanity
Need to write a poem about the fear And the dark
But many of stars are shining So must not affraid of darkness. But definitely need to re organize in our mind what the unknown is like?
But being apart and continue to respect To support To hope For a better future
I need to write a poem A poem that will serve as peacekeeper Between the God And Humanity Between the brothers and sisters Between my self and my mood
I need to find the verses Be completely different from the past People are divided Between those who love the food Between those who love the humanity
Is so, difficult to think with the stomach full People forgot to love and they become Slaves of their stomach Little servants of this great stomach That cannotfiltre anything
Poetry unites people
Poetry travels more fast than the unknown words, that remain unborn In the mind of an author...
Need to write a poem About the happiness The smile of the childrens
The journey that never ends....
Who is the captain of the boat??
My dream of togetherness
The sun has fallen Behind the mountain s face
Looking at the horizon I see your shape..
The sky had so many colors Orange Pink And some green In the middle
As a painter I mixed up The cold and the warm colors Making yours eyes with a black pencil and your lips with a light red
–I ask the sky –Did my sun, will come back again?
The sky responds: If you believe in Light Sun will always shine for you!!! Mahanaj Parvin
The rumble of rain brings back my childhood! The sound of soft anklets in rain returns my emotions! The rumble of rain writes my name on the steps! Rain walks along the path of village! The perfect rhythm of the rain increases my passion! On a stormy night, whispering and complaining! Rainy night is my good sleeping pill! The rain cools my mind, One name for peace.
Biography: Mahanaj Parvin from Bangladesh. She's government school teacher. She loves her job. She writes poetry and stories in her free time.She has own published book. Many of her poems and stories published various newspapers in her own country and abroad.
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
10 A look - 227
Be good to yourself and others. Nothing is as good as being good. It will see you through the darkest phase of your life. Be honest to yourself and others, be the same both outside and inside, you will never struggle with yourself, will have fewer problems to handle. Return hatred with love, vanity with humility, jealousy with admiration, negativity with positivity, the whole world will be
yours. Nothing but love only can conquer the world.
A look at life-157
Love in motion is life. If you want to live love yourself and others. Without the latter, the former is soincomplete
Love at rest is death You die the day you fail to love yourself. You succumb the day you fail to reciprocate and love your surrounding
The vast universe, the ever-expanding universe stands on bonding. It rests on love and mutual attraction without which it will collapse in minutes like a house of cards
Love islife For love, you are here Love gives birth Love nourishes Love sustains For love life is so beautiful in this beautiful earth
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty, O.F.S, son of Raj Kishore and Shantilata Mohanty is from Padmapur, Jagatsingpur, Odisha. He works as Finance Officer in Govt of Odisha. He is a multilingual poet, essayist and writer whose write-ups are published in newspapers and in more than two hundred national and international magazines, journals and anthologies. He writes extensively on life and its intricacies which are widely acclaimed.His write-ups are regularly featured in Atunis poetry.com, Our Poetry Archive, poemhunter.com, GloMag, Setu bilingual magazine, Different truths, The year of the poet, Destiny poet International,
Spillwords.com, Youtube.com etc. He is a featured poet of the PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry and Year of The Poet, U.S.A. His collection of poems and proses are published in his blogs under the heading A LOOK AT LIFE, SOMETHING I LOOK AT, A LOOK, THE RIVULET, THINK ONCE MORE, THE JOURNEY, AU THARE, AU EKA GAPA, SROTASWINI, JATRA, THE JOURNEY etc. Two of his collection of poems, 'A Look at Life and Something I Look at' are published in U.S.A and U.K.
He has been conferred with hundreds of accolades in the international arena which includes Order of Mahatma medal, Kairat Dussinov Medal for poetic excellence, Haven International Muse award in 2020, Order of Shakespeare, Double Cross gold medal from World Union of Poets, Certificate of honour from Inked with magic, Poetry Planet, Prose and Picture with January Khan etc. In the year 2019 and 2020 he has been consecutively awarded with the medal of International Faith Poet of the year by Destiny Poet International Community of Poets, Wakefield, U.K. For last four years he has been adjudged as one of the highly commended poets in U.K and U.S.A. Maheswar Das
Divine Determination
Here everything is determined by the divine This world belongs to the Divine. His determinationis theuniversal laws of the world He is the changeless soverign master of the world
Nothing is expressed here on earth without the order of the divine. The entire Universe is his design. He is the master creator of everything. The whole creation is his play. It is his leela.
For his Leelas he makes and unmakes everything. He destroys everything for a new creation. Since change isthe law of his Universe, everything co-exist in a single pendal. In a single pendal, when someone is singing, the other one is laughing or crying, some other person is living in some other ways. Heresorrows, sufferings, laughter, darknss andlightall have their play on man.. Even in asingle platform all are playing their role on man. Mysterious arethe ways ofthe creator. We bow to the ineffable sweet master of the world. 11
Ion Cuzuioc
S-a născut la 16 septembrie 1949 în familia intelectualilor Valentina şi Pavel Cuzuioc din comuna Ţareuca, judeţul Orhei, Republica Moldova. A absolvit Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie, , N. Testemiţanu”. Eminent al Ocrotirii Sănătăţii. Medic specialist Sănătatea Publică şi Managementul Sanitar (categorie superioară). Distins cu Ordinul, , Gloria Muncii”și Medalia „Nicolae Milescu Spătarul”, Titluri Onorifice:, , Ambasador al Păcii (ONU) și „Ambasador al Culturii Păcii”(Asociația Europeană a Societății Civile); Distincţia, , Coroana Păcii”(ONU); Premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova (2000), (2009), Uniunii Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Premiul UNESCO şi numeroase premii şi menţiuni la Saloane Internaționale de Carte, Concursuri și Festivaluri Literare Naţionale şi Internaţionale. Cetăţean de Onoare al comunei Ţareuca, Rezina, Orhei. Membru al Uniunii Epigramiştilor, Uniunii Scriitorilor și Uniunii Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România. Membru al Uniunii Cineaştilor, Uniunii Umoriştilor, Uniunii Epigramiștilor, Uniunii Jurnaliştilor şi Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. Membru al Asociației Naționale a Oamenilor de Creație din Moldova. Membru al Senatului Asociației Oamenilor de Știință, Cultură și Artă din Moldova. Membru al Confederaţiei Internaţionale a Cineaştilor, Membru al Federaţiei Internaţionale a Jurnaliştilor. Membru al Asociației Canadiene a Scriitorilor Români. Membru al Academiei RomânoAustraliană. Membru al Academiei Națiunii Române. A editat peste 40 de cărţi de epigrame, aforisme, proză (romane, nuvele, poveşti şi povestiri pentru copii, schiţe umoristice), versuri lirice, poeme stil nipon, publicistică. În toţi aceşti ani publică cronici literare, eseuri, sfaturi medicale, articole ştiinţifico-populare. Selecţii din creaţia sa literară au fost incluse în peste 200 de antologii şi culegeri din România, Rusia, SUA, Austria, Australia, Franța, Canada, Coreea de Sud și Muntenegru, Macedonia etc.
Poemele de sorginte niponă (Haiku, Senryu și Gogyohka) semnate de Ion Cuzuioc au fost traduse în limbile japoneză, engleză, franceză, rusă, muntenegreană și macedoniană, fiind publicate în diverse antologii, culegeri și reviste de profil de peste hotare. Ion Cuzuioc s-a învrednicit de peste 100 de premii și mențiuni la Concursurile Săptămânale și Lunare de Haiku, Senryu și Gogyohka organizate de către Romanian Haiku, Lyrical flashes, Dincolo de retină, Gogyohka România, Gogyohka SUA etc. Recent, scriitorul nostru român basarabean, Ion Cuzuioc, care a participat la Concursurile Internaționale Literare „Planetopia 2020” și „Literatopia 2020” din Macedonia s-a învrednicit de premiile I la secțiunea Aforisme și Haiku.
inel de nuntă –mâna soldatului pe câmpul de luptă Haiku ***
spre sânul mamei –șirag de mărgăritare din ochii pruncului
copilul orfan în pat cu geamul deschis cuprinzând luna în largul mării –desprinsă de mal barca transportând luna
aburi spre cer –în urma plugului brazde arate
singur pe prispă –în palmele bunicului răsare luna
flori scuturate –bunica prin livadă în pantofi noi căpița de fân –trecută în căruță luna cu furca
noapte cu nouri –stelele căzătoare peticind luna
azil în flăcări –dintr-o odaie păpușa rostind mama
ticăit de ceas –în pianul părăsit carii măcinând
citire în taină –filele pomelnicului gălbejite de vreme pălăria tatei –în pânza paingului cuibul de molii
vrăbii în scrânciob –datina strămoșească legănată de vânt
roadele toamnei –luna și soarele pe rând în carul mare pe amurgite –soarele spre orizont cu dealul în spate
daruri de Crăciun –păianjenii țes pânze la orfelinat postul cel mare –cerșetorul și porumbeii din același colac
dor de moș Crăciun –din curtea orfelinatului plânset de păpuși
picuri de lacrimi –copacul își petrece ultima frunză
ninsoare în toi –vecinii de peste drum se bat cu pernele
târgul de Crăciun –cu zdrențele în stradă sperietoarea
Regina nopții –îmbrobodită după prima ninsoare copilul orfan –pe –o filă de hârtie desenând chipul mamei
moștenire –ocrotită de –un paing icoana mamei ***
pădure în flăcări –plânsul puiului de cuc înecat în fum
lacul fără pește –paznicul de serviciu dus cu pluta
pe prispa casei –un scaun și o cârjă doar amintire
Maria D. Reis
Two tips
Two important tips for our well-being: A smile of gratitude when the day is over. A smile of hope when the day begins. The expectant consequence is a blessed night and a promising day. It's so easy to train a smile. It's a grimace of the mouth, trained with love. The smile is an invitation to our inner world. If you go in, leave the door open, everyone can fit in here, those with a good heart. Make yourself comfortable, don't be in a hurry, here time has stopped at the door. Inside, love reigns. If you have any doubts, ask Love. If you need anything ask Love. Love will satisfy all your desires and longings, enjoy while it lasts. Pay with a smile, thank with a smile, reciprocate with a smile. Never forget to smile! I always have a smile dancing in my mouth although I also have setbacks, but I believe in the power and benefits of smiling! Sunilkumar Sahu
The Inadvertent Love…
Inadvertently I lean at you Unknowingly I apprised you Curious, the dream of the day That evoked beneath my heart
Inadvertently you gaze at me Unknowingly, you waved at me Curious, the dream of the eye That exposed your euphoria
Heedlessly, I missed the bus Sleepily, I missed the synthesis Curious, the connection of the soul That lost by chance
Seriously, I dream at night Desirably, I pry at thine Curious, the loss of the dop That lost by the sop
Certainly, My volition quest Precisely, My dream don't go waste Curious, We will lump again That day will attain
Dasharath Naik
Golden moments already in grave since long Ask me not how they got lost or disappeared How they missed their status in Time's broad street I know the knowledge is far-fetched beyond my reach
How I can trust them in this thick shades of distrust Clasping me hard from all corners The helplessness of the soft flowers seems unfair With the updated status sans practical sense to defend themselves
Me an unchangeable soul changing with the pace of time Now shattered into pieces… Totally lonelyin this vast world of mankind In absolute darkness devoid of Humanity. Suresh Chandra Sarangi Bogdana Găgeanu
India Inclusion
Caring love
Do you know what love is, If you don't then listen to me Those who love are Present at all times Whether it is good or bad It doesn't matter. When there is love everything is perfect. And should havefeeling In the heart for beloved. It is only when love invites your fellow man Who takes care of you, Who loves you Values you and makes you feel special How good it is to Love And feelsemotions From the core of his heart There is nothing wrong. Who loves makes a little movement In to a great movement Love is like a flower, It must be watered Cared and conquered in everyday life . But if you are careless Love withers and fades to death.+
What people see as a handicap It is actually a different perspective Inclusion is the best chance Of not choosing only one colour, but the whole rainbow.
Bukurie Binjaku
Mirësia në shpirt!
Dhe pse e vuajtur unë di të fal, mjaft lehtë Si konkluzion, e bukur më erdhi kjo jetë, Por kur më soset durimi, S'ka vënd në shpirt, më trishtimi, Kthehem e shoh drejtimin tim në jetë, Aty në mrekullinë, udhës së vërtetë, Çdokujt i jap për meritë, çmimin, Ballë përballë, çdo të vërtetë, pa ngushëllimin, Mundet të të vinë përgjigjet, si bombë, Por për mua janë, fakte pa gomë, Nuk vras askënd, por kur më vrasin, Bëj be në Zot e Perëndi, shpirtin më plasin, Unë uroj, se kurrë s'di të mallkoj, Lyje o njeri ballin, me të bardhë bojë, Të kesh krenari, këtij brezi të jesh soj, Të dhëntë Zoti mirësi, por dhe mend, Mos të mbetesh, kurrë në atë të errët vënd, Mes ligësisë, kurrë mos jetofsh, Udhë e paqes, përherë të sos, Nëse ti më uron, mua njëherë, Unë të adhuroj, e të uroj njëmijë herë, Si do që shpirti yt, ma jep urimin, Pesëfish ta ktheftë, Zoti shpërblimin, Nëse shpirt yt, me mallkime i mësuar, Mëso! Se Zoti peshoren e ka në duar, S'e them për vete, e kam për të gjithë, Lum kush uron, me shpirtin të mirë, Në gurrën e paqes, rrjedh uji si kristal, U bëftë kjo botë, të dijë të falë, Falja me origjinë, nga Zoti e Perëndia, Çdo gjë e shenjtë, është perfekt e mirësia, Nëse fëmijët tanë, paqen në zemër u fusim, Punëte mira kanë rezultat, kur nuk i ngusim, Në dekada e shekuj, që do të vinë, Brezat do kenë paqen, Diell në shpirt, Mos mendoni, që nga të ligët, po vuajmë sot, Se fatkeqësisht dimë, se të shumtit po derdhin lotë, S'është kurrë mirë, pa paqe e dashuri, Pse kaq i zhveshur për pak mirësi, u bëre ti o njeri, Ti lakmon rrezikshëm, rezistencën tënde e për pushtet, S'je i përjetshëm, jo kurrë në këtë planet, Zoti na dha të drejtë, të vdekurin ta shohim, Me dhëmbsuri, zemrën tonë ta ngrohim, Prandaj na dha, mrekulli dhe hapësirën e qiellit, Dhe pse me sy, s'e shohim dot më engjëllin, Me siguri atje, është jetë e përhershme, Vetëm atje ka, përsosmëri të përjetshme, Kush do që kësaj bote, u hoq gjigand, Fytyrë e trup një ditë, ia mbuluan melopatë, Një grusht dhe i hodhën,
për ngushëllim, Jo kurrë para gjyqit të Zotit, nuk bëhesh trim, Sa je gjallë, në vagonët e jetës, Me moshatarët e shekullit të jesh përherë, i besës, Mos lakmo kurrë, për pasuri e aspushtet, Se një Zot në dorë, të tërëve na ka vetë, Beso përherë Zotin e ndjeje qarkullim energji pozitive, mirësi në shpirt, Me paqe njerëzit s'do vuanin, se Zoti përherë dëshiron barazim, S'janë kurrë kolltuqet, që shpirtin të ngrohin, Por rrezet shpirtërore, që dhe errësirën e shohin, Ja nxjerrin të vërtetat, sado gënjeshtrat të kenë hovin, E vërteta me Diellin, si një pasqyrë e mrekullueshme, çdo gjë e shohin.
Omar Nassar
Kenya Expecting the best for all
18 A leader's best legacy
(peace and productivity)
–Education For Peace –IS a leader's greatest legacy to a NATION as universal education for all to understand the values of peace, peaceful coexistence, hard work, self-reliance, civility, unity, utilitarianism, altruism, and shared progress in a compatible society aware that learning as a tool of progress is always indispensable to self-cultivation and self-authentification of a person as both human and humane... FOR no nation dies except in the past or indeed by accident if its processes of reproduction have deficits of a human factor...
Synonimous with failure
IF a leader does little with the gift of power to uplift the people's standards of living having done nothing to show as thrift except theft that leaves a nation cleft in rafts of corruption and a rift between rich and poor
And nothing is sure
In a peaceful nation
NOW let's look at the nation as a person walking stark nacked into the future as a badge of reality and not judge of the self...
IF a leader allows a nation tolive a lie while the corrupt have their fingers in every national pie without creating any more for all to share....
Without productivity
NO pragmatic leader plays innocent while using others as pawns and screens to disguise involvement in various misdeeds or unplesant things done through third parties.... Harish Pradhan
It is all colourful
The lush green hills The swaying Meadows The silver streams
The wild flowers It hurts
To hide anomalies
NO nation can afford stagnation while losing its pulse tipped into the dustbin of insecurity unable to move forwards or backwards
IF the best gift a leader has is not how to keep enemies off balance and to find a chink in their vanity through which to rattle them while holding the strings..
TO FOSTER PEACE! Drifting away with Strange sense of Hurting memories
The tear drops Swell and swell
And then The heart is full of
Pure blood as if drawn
From nature fresh
You and me
And the songs of love The music of moon
The symphony of stars
Then the agony of
An ocean between us
Sunita Grover Raina
Love and war
I am a wandering thought and wondering
Why do I behave oddly at times that I become a stranger To the other person who knows me well
Behave in a manner which though not offensive Offends the other person
Behave unresponsive and quiet Quite contrary to my nature
Avoid looking and glance elsewhere, anywhere even when I have peeped deep into his soul
Eat the wrong things, behave not a shrew But do anything to irritate indirectly
Speak an alien language that sounds shocking surprising your own vocal cords into getting fits
Bathe and sleep at wrong time Even God wonders if he is going to get his due
Yes I am a wandering thought And I wonder have I got the message through Is the other person a bit jittery and looking at me in wonder
And does not know what to do an emotional wreck
If so then my work is done I have got all his attention
For everything is fair in love and war Lethis thoughts wander around like mine and clash in mid air
Let his thoughts hover over me Like a bumble bee over a flower My job is successfully done
I behave so only with the one I love
For being treated indifferently hurts more than being hated
For being taken for granted also hurts
For being misunderstood and laughed at is like an arrow being shot atyour heart
My wandering thoughts have come back to me and no longer wondering I am at peace sitting on my throne Like a Queen And the throne less Kingstill wandering and wondering when will the punishment be over.
Obasi Ikechukwu
There comes a dream
There comes a dream at night, Imminent bloodbaths and war, War for survival, war for the sunrise, Self determination punctured by sword,
Second struggle to keep the torrent, At night, there was war and onslaught, At morning, comes the joyous sunset, Our dreams came like a drought. Suddenly air started detonating bullets, I heard explosives sounding like trumpet.
Freedom is war, war is peace, We want this bondage to cease, If not let the humanity erase Trees and trees become the next race.
For nature is unfair, it bestows no right, Pre-pre-natally, we would've our clime Chose! Nature should have been easier, But it'll devalue! Freedom will be bondage, For we all are in the life of glacier! Our soul is a mortgage!
I saw war in my dream, Gunshots silenced my thunderous scream, There comes heavy silence heard, Tingling the ear, souls falling to the earth!
Death has no friend, it started with Those against self actualization, I saw their body become stiff and breath, Ceasing! There comes the actualization, When it was no longer sweet, Heroes lost, legends gone. Heat! Heat! Heat of passion! Freedom is our pride, let's makeit a fashion! Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
A look at life
Love in motion is life. If you want to live
love yourself and others. Without the latter, the former is so incomplete
Love at rest is death You die the day you fail to love yourself. You succumb the day you fail to reciprocate and love your surrounding
The vast universe, the ever-expanding universe stands on bonding. It rests on love and mutual attraction without which it will collapse in minutes like a house of cards
Love islife For love, you are here Love gives birth Love nourishes Love sustains For love life is so beautiful in this beautiful earth
Maheswar Das Prasanna Bhatta.
Divine Determination
Here everything is determined by the divine This world belongs to the Divine . His determinationis theuniversal laws of the world He is thechangeless soverign master of the world
Nothing is expressed here on earth without the order of the divine. The entire Universe is his design. He is the master creator of everything. The whole creation is his play. It is his leela.
For his Leelas he makes and unmakes everything. He destroys everything for a new creation. Since change isthe law of his Universe, everything co-exist in a single pendal. In a single pendal, when someone is singing, the other one is laughing or crying, some other person is living in some other ways. Here sorrows, sufferings, laughter, darknss andlightall have their play on man. Even in asingle platform all are playing their role on man. Mysterious arethe ways ofthe creator. We bow to the ineffable sweet master of the world. Love is in action, not sensation
Life longs last with real love Real Love longs last in glee Full of meaningful and fruitful verve. Apart from love, life becomes baseless and charmless .
Love is a bounty of blessing of Almighty Filled with humanity, humility & benignity. Garlanded with kindness, and clemency Praised with compassion and charity. Admired with affection
and amiability. No right to enter into love monarchy For antipathy and cruelty, hate and enemity.
Pious and noble love doesn't admit and admire Sensual and sensuous pleasure. So love is in action, but not sensation
** Real love is a Heavenly gift of perfection** *** E N D ***
Nagwa Lashin
It is honour to be teachers Honestly, sincerity, patience, discipline, hard working and kindness are our features We plant sciences sun in Galaxies Come with fresh ideas, widen narrow roads, grow love fields, carry knowledge candles Have the qualities to bring up generations minds, water rose buds to catch fasteners As the earth we have layers of all knowledges As rivers we have reborn sciences As the sky send blue clouds to survive swards We carve the glory of all nations in past, present and create future Fatherly, motherly treat our learners we are preachers. Damburudhara Behera
India Bhutan
Every time you kiseed me, I was flooded in the sea, The sea of your supreme love, In the warmth of your hugs.
I loved when you touched my bosom, Feeling was so incredible and awesome, Emotions ran deep down
my heart, When love became an art.
Every time you fall asleep, I used to peep, Raising head from my pillow, Love used to grow akin to willow.
But, faith dragged you away from me, And I miss you like a flower missing a bee, I will keep loving you for eons of time, Till sun drinks the dew and kills its shine.
Ho!Rain come and come With smiling face and drazzling voice We wel-come you By our soul and heart To our home of Earth For watering in dry field For ever green for ever seen We get sufficient crop and harvest Tell to anyone about... You are the best and guest We wel-come you Come to the earth From East to West, and North to South It is the passion of the truth... Bagawath Bhandari
Santosh Kumar Biswa
Eyeless Love
Eyeless love, why do you come? You look nothing but the fabricated look To move deeper with no sense to make Of infatuated love to wear, that's insecure. You beam like a candle too fast at peak And breathe the rainbow of hopes to come With dreams as though real that happens That burst like a balloon with a small nip.
Better, I tell you, come with an eyeglass To see through at once, ne'er to regret later And like a ruby you remain firm in shape. Let your love be as hard as diamond Not so fragile that breaks easily and suffer To remain firm that can see dream happen Ne'er to vanish after a while like a rainbow For happier end, not to blame or be blamed.
We are Same, we are One
Mirror, Mirror
Clouds in the sky seem cheerful With flags of peace to march Over the hills and through the valleys As the messenger of love to address During the hot summer daytime To cool every head on the dirt With the song of kinships to be sung And let everyone to put up their hands With gentle clap to produce a tune "We are same, we are one, Let us build the castle Where we all can accommodate"
The smiling wind ready to join With its gentle chants of dearie Freshness in itself to bestow And all high birds chirping Flapping their wings in rhythm Waking up all those sleeping deep Again for a change to join their hands To sing the song that awakes all With gentle clap to produce a tune "We are same, we are one, Let us buildthe castle Where we all can accommodate" The Mysterious Love
The love that dreamth high appears cryptic Like Medea, so tricky in mind for vex to gain, To jab Jason to bleed and dewy eyes to see. Thence, the deceit should go, to free, guiltless.
Mirror, mirror, you're my dateless guardian, You show me black and blue invariably, When I weep, you wipe off my sadness clean To give me strength for the other day Napping the smile on me to grin again.
You're my lone mate to give your hands to cry And pay your smile to cherish my good day.
You mediate me to tidy myself for fondness For your love is as lily-white as the glacier And your thoughts so pragmatic and sane.
You're my pleader when I go namby-pamby With your civility to seize my truculent mind, My pique to freeze and to mellow my psyche To amend me, not be overhauled by wrinkles Off the hook, for normalcy to fall out in hand.
You're my scout when I'm ripped by Mosel, My limbs to stumble on the velvety floors Dim in vision to locate and repent my deeds. Like a medico to rede me for my wellness And to tittle-tattle for my agony to cast away.
Mirror, mirror, I see angel's mind in your aid, The reflections, as bright as a new penny That can take hold the angry storm's claim. Bartering 'tween us, buoys up my head modal To affix, for the chastisement to come at me.
When I’m gone
What would the day be like, when I’m -gone? My dear, the sun's rays may bend permanently, The moon may not be in form overthe night, The river may stop flowing to rest in serenity And you ‘re in dejection with handless hope.
The spirit may seem hopeless in my absence, For your step may not ponder upon you, You being left alone to struggle for survival, And to fight the right fight for the life to lead. But, I shall be by your side, even if I'm gone, As a pathfinder for the sun to shine brighter.
Your loneliness be filled with the singing birds And I shall send the brighter moon for you To make your darkness to shine eternally For the knowledge you possess isn't vague, It shall cause you stand even if I'm gone.
You shall lead in purpose to prosper in spirit Not to keep me in mind and to get distracted For life has to move on even if I'm gone With the great noesis ever granted to strive In peace, never to fall whatsoever the matter.
The Blind Love to Witness
The sweetest language of love, initially you get through, the most loved partner, you find, anything, you can never realize. You pass by, the blind
love to witness of hopes and promises ever that appears not to be at all honest. The love itself will pose to be phony that of lust and pleasure, so temporal, hatred later to be superseded by, at the remnants with mindful regret. 'Cause love is to be examined from many, simply not by how one looks, but to be serious about precious life to secure it, the character to consider liveth within them, in mind for brighter sun to arrive for heaven's gate that last until the final breath.
Saiprakash Kuntamukkala Clive Norman
Where are those maples!
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Forever Bright
Those succulent, shiny greens, losing their sheen The advent of human greed, encompassing each leaf No lessons learnt, hell bent upon to destroy, the pristine glory
From where can the Maples grow, their seeds and shoots eaten away at a tender age Trampled beyond repair Their survival nipped at bud, their growing beds weeded
Concrete floors, high-rise roofs, obstructing the Sunrays Trickle rains, reaching the gutters Motorized roads spewing soot Eaten away by ants down from the root
Tender saplings, devoid of their sap A lifeless plant, falling down to earth Each time it rose, the same story repeats The very greed and neglect coming to fore
How can they survive, this gigantic force What is left,a question with no answer Where are those Maples once stood upright! With their canopies spread wide and across. Lord and Master, please guide and teach us Guiding our thoughts ever-deeper, to the centre of our individually perceived universe While seeking the Kingdom of heaven, dwelling there, deep within us; Awakening the consciousness of Self, the continuously streaming consciousness, the pure essence of one’s soul; Teaching us, to love and respect all life, irrespective of form, as if it was our own Opening our inner eye of insightfulness, of knowledgeable wisdom Seeing through refreshed, unclouded vision As the wondrous unending beauty, of the world, and the universe, unfolds before our very
eyes To listen to the miraculously beautiful dawn chorus to the birds singing, melodically with the angels, eternally watching over us Listening to every heartbeat, in uniquely pulsating, resonating signatures Opening our hearts, minds, and souls, observing newly awakening perceptions Rediscovering the unimaginable, incomprehensible complexities of humanity’s ill-conceived, egotistically self-absorbing lives, in acceptance of the truth and the light, forever shining; forever bright!
Ashokchakravarthy Tholana Introspect oh human!
On the path of life, be careful Try to be almost faithful, Try to be almost truthful, Life seems lovely and cheerful, Exciting and immensely heartful.
So… be always mindful At times, timely be unmindful; Life... always is not playful, Yes, be righteous and dutiful, To experience a life delightful. So…
Uprooting the basic pillars of peace, no one can No one can boast of being called a peace icon, Bloodshed can never bring peace, but bread can, Destruction cannot bring peace, but harmony can.
In the name of caste, creed, race and religion Clashes and conflicts are ignited for a rebellion; Between self-centric forces, victims are civilians Where are we heading to, introspect, oh human!
Mutual trust and harmony are powerful weapons They can keep at bay, the forces of destruction; To fortify the bond of love and friendly relations, Unity and understanding are the reliable options.
Alternate option
Yes, the fickle mind …. Keeps whirring around, With thoughts abound, Tries to prepare a ground, To force us to depend, On its laid path and bond.
Creating thus a vexation With steep fluctuations, And deep frustrations; Mind leaves no option, Either for exhilaration, Or to opt for motivation.
Caught in the deception Ignoring life’s destination, The fathoms ofdejection, Drown our life’s passions. The only ‘alternate option’, Balance the mind with action. Let the superiority complex diminish in humans Let bitter thoughts replace with love and concern; ‘Peace’ is a mighty weapon to avert all conflicts, May righteousness reign in every human thought!
Peace exists if we succeed to uplift the downtrodden Peace prevails if we overcome, difference of opinion; Peace stabilizes progress and progress to prosperity Yes, together why not we give peace, a top priority?
28 About the poet
Ismail Ali Abu Mosallam
Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana is a writer, poet and reviewer, hailing from Hyderabad City, Telangana State, INDIA. During his 30-year stint with poetry, Ashok’s message-oriented poems have the unique distinction of getting published in no less than 90 countries. He relentlessly contributes poetry on themes viz., Universal Peace, World Brotherhood, Environment Consciousness, Protection ofNature, Safeguarding Children’s and Human Rights for promoting world harmony, literature and culture etc. He is conferred with several prestigious national and international awards that include FIVE Doctorates, lots of laurels, commendations and titles etc.
In recognition of his writings, Dr. Ashok received commendations from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former-President, India, Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, former-Prime Minister, India, Bill Clinton, USA, Queen Elizabeth of Britain, Princess of Wales, President and Prime Minister of France, Prime Minister of Switzerland, Senator Viktor Busa, The Lord President, Italy, United Nationals Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF etc. As of now, NINE poetry compilations, viz., ((1)Charismata of Poesie (2)The Chariot of Musings (3)Serene Thoughts (4) Twinkles (5) Reflections (6) Altitudes (7) Outlet (8) Horizon (9) Kaleidoscope)) out of18 volumes of English poetry have been published and received wide readership acclaim all over the world. And, 12 spiritual-related books have been translated so far from Telugu (local language) to English language. – What did Wael_Kfoury say when he started dating?? I love you so much, my love, keep looking at me
– And when you strengthened a heart and moved away from it ... He said: Oh, let her go and tell me I miss you so much
And when nothing was known about her ... Your love is a torment. You endured the absence of your heart and looked at it
And he tried to convince them and said: If our love is a mistake, let us be wrong ...
He got tired together, too, and she didn't understand his feelings, so he said, Now, I've decided on the last one in this story for Wein and Aslin.
"And when he knew she wouldn't change her
mind, " he said. Oh, my shadow, souls, my soul is tired of you
Finally, he concluded that he was patient and said: One page and I folded my life and threw it away ... What a loss, my love
–And when you felt right now and decided to come back, they said ... You came out of love and you were not created to live with your heart
–And finally, they finished the story and said ... Now I have made peace, there is no loss or gain, because you and I have been wounded by a wound
Shabir Rather
Love I want to be with you I will come to you I will reach to you I need your love, I need you forever I can't bear your absence too distance do not matter in love language do not make any difference I know you are deep in my love I love you too madly my heart and soul is always with you you are my life, you are my happiness. you are my last destination I am only for you my soul, I love you, I love you, I love you though you are not with me I feel myself with you you are in my heart beats because I love you because you are my soul Imdadul Islam universe lively. Tapan Roy
Rosy picture
If 'P' denotes pacificatory, 'E' robustly denotes equality. 'A'certainly means amity, And 'C' indicates commensality, Again 'E' means expediency. We want "peace" for consistency. The entire world needs stability, Man seeks safety and security.
The quarrel comes from antipathy, Battle cames from zealotry, We want peace for everybody, Let's promote peace carefully. Let's work for peace universally. We're bard of peace certainly. None canprotest us forcefully. Peace will be stablished doubtlessly
God makes the world equally For rich people and the needy, Let's be hearty to overcomepoverty. Ill jingoism destroys us badly. Work to stabilize human society, Refrain from war and discrepancy. If we want to see all cordially, Let's care the whole
How will I raise the rosy picture! There's stony situation. There's no rain, there's only sun. The rivers flow towards the sea, but don't make fertile the land. In the springthe nature becomes beautiful but not the human life. There's lack of softness, in the stony Situation of hardness how will I be able to raise the rosy picture!
Parthita Dutta Malak Nora Hammadi
I came time and again
sky crying
When you were drenching dolefully in the rain of despair, that day as a mote of peace in the white pigeon’s beak, I came And you were struck, spoiled by the feather again There, I melted on her
tongue. When you were breaking in the clamorous ravine, between the heart and life
I, in the fist of solitude appeared and you got ghastly terrified
of your inner silence there
the crowd swallowed me.
When your cogency became supine by numerous tyrant blow You groped for an imperial spire, being a spark of Tanzanite I fell on your diadem as a light nonchalantly you breathed me out. The tragedy of the sun bathed in beautiful eyes The murmurs of the chest flattened the sky Spring slept on the surface of the earth, its drums beatingfor peace Offerings of dreams poems floating on the river of immortality Deliberately leaving the world
The dimensions of the
void shook in
These doses of Poetry are not enough To reduce desertification
of ideas
Silence broke out crying fromthe horror of the pain Your parts are dead... And you're lying on a bed succumbing to this displacement The smell of boiling pots of human meat pervaded the place Mouths demand their strength... O you who sleep in this blackness, loosen the bonds of life
Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim
True love
Tandra Mishra
Două inimi care bat cu ritm
How beautiful it is to die every second in your smile How beautiful it is to love life while listening to your sigh A true melody that sounds in my aged heart A semblance of happiness that could destroy my nights A love and a great fear but a will and a true desire An adventure too beautiful that brightens my sky And your face that stalks me with the beauty of its rainbows A fury too beautiful an unconscious flame An undefined destiny a fascinating story
A golden heart of inestimable value You are inked in my soul, an inescapable intoxication A love like a baby taking its first steps in wonder A doctor from nowhere who checks my heart and then leaves The road to our kingdom is full of pitfalls But a rare confidence in you I move forward even in unconsciousness A music too beautiful is drawn for us day and night I am the heroine of your majesty, my king, your love is madness. Ținând mâinile, privind laochi, Eliberând durerea, înflorind credințele, Încrederea în viață, crește căldura; crește vibrația. Făcând viața mai demnă, oferind bucurie și senzație înaltă. Plăcerea de a vorbi, de a sta față în față, Arăta că timpul se oprește să simtă harul.
Oh, acea căldură! o, acea supunere! Acele inimi iubitoare bat unul pentru celălalt fără nicio condiție. Vântul este răcoros, soarele este fraged. Uite ce fericiți sunt! Păsări ciupind, într-un ton lent; Chemându-se unul pe altul să cinstească comuna.
Momentele pentru a uita limitele, Doar pentru a simți extazul, beatitudinea. Ținând de mână, desfășurând emoția, umplând miezul inimii cu adorație, Oh! iubirea ta! Căzând O picătură de extaz în inimile trandafirii,
Credință înfloritoare pentru viață, Oh! Lasă-l să curgă și cu artele mele, cu versurile mele.