1 minute read
Prof. Dr. Laxmikanta Dash
Learn practically is learning
Prof. Dr. Laxmikanta Dash
Learn practically and pile it up meaningfully Meditating your sincerity rationally Transfer your knowledge and discern thoroughly Make your observation active and energetic regularly.
Repeat and recapitulate your intelligence successfully Lead the domain of wisdom with love skillfully Degree is not the criterion of learning basically Discern your clear understanding wisely.
Mode of teaching and training are important for learning Infuse your affectionate behaviour glaring Inquisitive attitude is necessary for enlightening Temptation their urge for self fulfilling.
Nurtures the pupils existence with educative skill Exalt their aptitudes by active will Inclusive education is the motto of learning Enlighten the students character for becoming.
Learning discern with clear understanding Imbibe the character and nurtures their willing Trained their habits with all consistency Habituated them with well proficiency.