1 minute read
Amar Singh
When or if I will achieve, the heaven of my hope,, The centenary of my mind.
Or, by the curse of insatiable spirit, I will die in the mortal world, Leaving behind, All the assets, Gathered, accross the whole war of life.
For morsels
Some incidents really leaves mark with knowledge, Born and gradually grown up in a small village, Where the acute proverty paralysed people 's life That seemed me it was being split with knife.
Small boys and girls loitered with bowls and made sound for food, I thought the cook would come to prepare food as they stood, In a big frying pan plumbum of body slowly soddened, The sight of the cooking made them much maddened.
Disturbed, the cook rebuked some of them harshly Pauper faces drooped for a while as she behaved roughly, Though energy of body pooped out to the small bowls, Like in a farmhouse corns scattered to the hungry fowls.
Limited quantity of food served to fill the every tummy, Abundance of wealth nicely used to preserve mummy, Those who are in such conditions know real hunger, Unfed heart always bears suffering and pain with anger. Amar Singh
Helpless eyes see lovely dreams of golden affection, In the world their questions and answers with rejection, Stringent some samples handles their own policies They repress the true talks and ban some rallies.
has betrayed you
One thousand times I begged you to let me go away
Why you didn't believe me if I was crying all the time?
Selfishness has betrayed you led you astray without a shred of faith that I would have run away.
I have my head down on the hands to protect me from the frost that you left inside me.
I then compel myself to keep watch so as not to go over
Stefano Capasso