The Gazette

Page 1

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Covering Homewood, East Baltimore, Peabody,

Namesake of 1915 building

Michael Eicher named to new

SAIS, APL and other campuses throughout the

makes a guest appearance at its

post of senior vp for external

Baltimore-Washington area and abroad, since 1971.

rededication, page 7

affairs and development, page 7

November 1, 2010

The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University

Volume 40 No. 10


t e c h n o l o g y

Where does Johns Hopkins go from here?

A seismic leap for science

By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette

Continued on page 3




who’s who of administrative and volunteer leadership from across the Johns Hopkins enterprise recently took part in a landmark daylong event to help chart the future course for the university. The Johns HopMore than kins Volunteer Summit, held Oct. 22 350 leaders at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel, convene to convened more than 350 Johns Hopkins leaders—including discuss deans and directors, challenges trustees, members of the alumni council, advisory board members and other volunteers from all university divisions—to think creatively, strategically and collectively about some of the biggest challenges the university faces. The summit, which also included students and recent alumni, marked the first such gathering of JHU volunteers and leaders. It was organized by a university leadership group that included the offices of the President and the Provost, and key executives from the medical institutions and the Alumni Association. In his welcoming remarks, President Ronald J. Daniels called upon those in attendance to offer up their wisdom and experience to propel Johns Hopkins forward and re-energize the university’s mission—and modify it where necessary. “We have the obligation to interpret and reinterpret our mission in light of an array of challenges that will test our tenacity, imagination, our courage and daring, our excellence and our humanity. To do otherwise is to risk complacency, something that is mercifully in short supply at Johns Hopkins,” Daniels said. “Ours is a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. We need you to succeed as part of this transformation that will unfold. This is a day to pause to take stock of where we are, survey the landscape around us and consider the implications for our great institution.”

Alexander Szalay of Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science with GrayWulf, predecessor to the Data-Scope instrument that he says will be ‘the best in the academic world, bar none.’

New computer will enable data analysis not possible today By Lisa De Nike



magine a tool that is a cross between a powerful electron microscope and the Hubble Space Telescope, allowing scientists from disciplines ranging from medicine and genetics to astrophysics, environmental science, oceanography and bioinformatics to examine and analyze enormous amounts of data from both “little picture” and “big picture” perspectives.

Using a $2.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation, a group led by computer scientist and astrophysicist Alexander Szalay of Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science is designing and developing such a tool, dubbed the Data-Scope. Continued on page 5


Surprise finding: Pancreatic cancers progress slowly B y V a n e s s a W a s ta

Johns Hopkins Medicine


ancreatic cancer develops and spreads much more slowly than scientists have thought, according to new research from Johns Hopkins investigators. The finding indicates that there is a potentially broad window for diagnosis and prevention of the disease. “For the first time, we have a quantifiable estimate of the development of pan-

In Brief

Fred Jelinek memorial service; ‘Poetry at Hopkins English’; more Meatless Mondays


creatic cancer, and when it would be best to intervene, so there is potentially a very broad window for screening,” said Christine Iacobuzio-Donahue, associate professor of pathology and oncology at Johns Hopkins’ Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center. Right now, however, she added, “pretty much everybody is diagnosed after that window has closed.” Pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to detect in its early stages because there are frequently few symptoms, and current imaging techniques are not specific for cancer.

C a l e nd a r

Weird science with Sam Kean; Public Health Awareness Week; Apolo Ohno

Bert Vogelstein, professor and director of the Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Therapeutics at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, said that the results of the new study show that “many pancreatic cancer cases have a long lag time before they are detected through conventional tests. This leaves room to develop new early diagnostic tools and intervene with potentially curative surgery.” Continued on page 10

10 Job Opportunities 10 Notices 11 Classifieds

2PS_2010_JHU_Gazette_10-15r3 THE GAZETTE • November 1, 8/15/10 2010

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Fred Jelinek memorial service set for Friday at Homewood


Put these cards in order, then ask our Lower School students to check your work. Park students are invested in math. The Lower School curriculum connects skills and concepts in number and operations; patterns, functions, and change; data analysis and probability; and geometry and measurement.

PARK Learn to think

he Center for Language and Speech Processing and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are holding a service to remember and celebrate the life of Fred Jelinek on Friday, Nov. 5. Jelinek, the Julian Sinclair Smith Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and director of the Center for Language and Speech Processing, died on Sept. 14. The service will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Mason Hall Auditorium and will be followed by a reception/dinner. Members of the Whiting School community are invited to attend. A pioneer in his field, Jelinek devised the statistical methods that enable computers to “understand” human speech and translate languages. At the service, friends and colleagues who represent important stages in his distinguished career—at Cornell, IBM Research and Johns Hopkins—will pay tribute to his life and accomplishments. A tribute website has been created at eng pages. Those planning to attend the service are asked to RSVP via the website.

Meatless Monday campaign comes to Homewood Nov. 1


tarting today, every dining hall on the Homewood campus will offer vegetarian menu specials as part of the Meatless Monday campaign. The national Meatless Monday campaign was launched in 2003 in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. The effort’s primary focus is to reduce the consumption of saturated fat by 15 percent, following the recommendations of the “Healthy People 2010” report issued by then U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher. Meatless Monday also is intended to raise awareness of the environmental and public health impact of industrial meat production linked to water use, climate change and pollution. Meals containing meat will still be available.

Campus Kitchen gets freezer from Housing, Dining Services


he Campus Kitchen at JHU, a student-run organization dedicated to using surplus food to provide nutritious meals for hungry men, women and children in the Baltimore area, now has more freezer space, thanks to Homewood’s Department of Housing and Dining Services. The new freezer will allow the organization to store more food and for greater lengths of time. Previously, it used a single freezer in Levering Hall, which needed to

Editor Lois Perschetz Writer Greg Rienzi

2425 Old Court Road • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410-339-4130

Production Lynna Bright

TOURS WITH PRINCIPALS November 5, December 3 8:45-10:30 a.m. Parents only Reservations required, 410-339-4130 or

Photography Homewood Photography

OPEN HOUSE November 14 1:00-3:00 p.m., Lower School Parents only 3:30-5:30 p.m., Middle/Upper Schools Parents and students Programs begin promptly at start times.

Copy Editor Ann Stiller

A dv e rt i s i ng The Gazelle Group Business Dianne MacLeod C i r c u l at i o n Lynette Floyd Webmaster Tim Windsor

be constantly cleared out to make room for new donations. Since August, Housing and Dining has also donated more than 900 pounds of food to the group, which either cooks meals in off-site kitchens to serve to clients, or delivers edibles directly to local groups that work to relieve hunger. The Campus Kitchens Project is a nationwide organization that partners with schools and anti-hunger programs. It currently works with 25 high schools, colleges and universities to share campus kitchen space, recover food from cafeterias and engage students as volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to the community. The JHU chapter, created in 2009, also offers nutrition and culinary arts education programs. In its first year, the group donated more than 7,500 pounds of raw food and delivered 3,451 prepared meals. More than 190 students have volunteered their time. Dining Services and Aramark, JHU’s food service provider, have made regular contributions to the organization, from food to cookware.

Tan Lin is second guest poet in series at Homewood


he Department of English will continue its Poetry at Hopkins English series with a reading by New York– based poet Tan Lin at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8, in Gilman’s Marjorie Fisher Hall (room 50) on the Homewood campus. Lin is the author of Lotion Bullwhip Giraffe, Blipsoak 01 and Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking. His visual and video work has been exhibited at the Yale Art Museum, Sophienholm in Denmark and Marianne Boesky Gallery in New York. He is a professor of English and creative writing at New Jersey City University. Lin’s reading is the second in the poetry series started in April by Christopher Nealon, an associate professor and director of graduate studies. The series will continue in spring 2011 with readings by Joshua Clover and Lyn Hejinian.

Speed skater Apolo Ohno to sign books at Barnes & Noble


peed skater Apolo Ohno, the most decorated American Winter Olympics athlete of all time, will be at Barnes & Noble Johns Hopkins at 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8, to sign copies of his just-published life story, Zero Regrets. Ohno became the youngest U.S. national champion at the age of 14 but a year later finished last at the U.S. Olympic trials because of his lack of preparation. After a week of soul-searching, he recommitted to his sport and went on to win numerous major titles and eight Olympic medals. The book chronicles both his career and his relationship with the single father who raised him.

C o n t r i b u t i ng W r i t e r s Applied Physics Laboratory  Michael Buckley, Paulette Campbell Bloomberg School of Public Health Tim Parsons, Natalie Wood-Wright Carey Business School Andrew Blumberg, Patrick Ercolano Homewood Lisa De Nike, Amy Lunday, Dennis O’Shea, Tracey A. Reeves, Phil Sneiderman Johns Hopkins Medicine Christen Brownlee, Stephanie Desmon, Neil A. Grauer, Audrey Huang, John Lazarou, David March, Vanessa McMains, Ekaterina Pesheva, Vanessa Wasta, Maryalice Yakutchik Peabody Institute Richard Selden SAIS Felisa Neuringer Klubes School of Education James Campbell, Theresa Norton School of Nursing Kelly Brooks-Staub University Libraries and Museums Brian Shields, Heather Egan Stalfort

The Gazette is published weekly September through May and biweekly June through August for the Johns Hopkins University community by the Office of Government, Community and Public Affairs, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231, in cooperation with all university divisions. Subscriptions are $26 per year. Deadline for calendar items, notices and classifieds (free to JHU faculty, staff and students) is noon Monday, one week prior to publication date. Phone: 443-287-9900 Fax: 443-287-9920 General e-mail: Classifieds e-mail: On the Web: Paid advertising, which does not represent any endorsement by the university, is handled by the Gazelle Group at 410343-3362 or

November 1, 2010 • THE GAZETTE

Summit The event was not intended to produce a concrete plan but rather to look for areas where the university should focus or redouble its existing efforts. To set the scene, Daniels cited five major challenges that elite universities face in the 21st century: intensified competition, both domestically and globally; the rapid evolution of technology; the rising cost of education; the value of integrated research and teaching; and the mounting expectations and issues that weigh on urban-based institutions such as Johns Hopkins. In terms of competition, Daniels cited the pressure coming from other elite domestic universities, many of which emulate traditional Johns Hopkins strengths, and from overseas institutions that are competing for students, faculty and resources. He mentioned the profusion of new universities in China, South Korea, Singapore and the Middle East that are on a fast track to success. The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, he said, opened in 2009 with a $10 billion endowment, a figure that tops all but five U.S. universities. “Many nations, particularly those in the developing world, have now recognized that the path to greatness lies in nurturing institutions of excellence in higher education,” he said. Johns Hopkins and other urban-based universities also face issues of crime, poverty, unemployment and poor health around their campuses. “These are issues we cannot watch from afar,” he said. “Our students and faculty cannot thrive if they are worried about their safety, or that the local schools are not adequate for their children, or if they don’t feel the environment around them can foster creativity and innovation. We want what is best for the city, which in turn is best for us.” Following an introduction of the format by Provost Lloyd Minor, those gathered were broken into discussion groups focusing on one of four major topics: “At Home in the City: Forging a New Partnership With Baltimore,” “The Global Johns Hopkins,” “The Promise and Privacy Challenges of


Continued from page 1

President Ronald J. Daniels wlecomes administrative and volunteer leadership to the daylong summit designed to chart the future course of the university.

Personalized Medicine” and “Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age.” The forums were led by deans, directors and other senior Johns Hopkins leadership. Each forum’s participants were divided into tables of six to 10 individuals, including a group moderator who presented three or four broad questions and facilitated discussions. In the “At Home in the City” session, for example, the tables were asked to discuss the compelling reasons for Johns Hopkins to devote resources to addressing the profound problems facing Baltimore. The forums were lively and spirited, with each participant given a chance to weigh in with thoughts. Following the plenary sessions, the participants reconvened in a main hall to take stock of the day’s discourse. The findings were many. In Baltimore, Johns Hopkins needs to help generate employment, enhance safety around its campuses, increasingly engage with other institutions and local government, yet always be mindful of the community’s needs and desires. Katherine Newman, the James B. Knapp Dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and one of the leaders of the Baltimore City forum, said that her group agreed that the next 10 years were critical to create an atmosphere of turnaround in the city. “We need to try to draw people—people with means and those willing to put shoul-

der to wheel—into our community and inside Baltimore, or risk losing them to the surrounding counties,” Newman said. On the subject of technology, participants felt that Johns Hopkins needs to embrace new technologies in the classroom but be mindful of privacy concerns and not jeopardize the university’s core values. In the global realm, the university needs to expand the existing Johns Hopkins brand and optimize its global presence, not simply through expansion but in partnerships with other institutions of similar caliber, and by linking with alumni throughout the world to increase opportunities for current JHU students. “We heard often in our session [on global issues] that we need to harness the power and expertise of JHU alumni,” said Martha Hill, dean of the School of Nursing and one of the forum’s leaders. Bill Nelson, a forum leader for the discussion on personalized medicine, said that his group addressed concerns of privacy, ethics and costs associated with the explosion of genomics-based medicine. Nelson, the Marion I. Knott Director of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and Professor in Oncology, said the consensus was that people want more information on their health and to be more involved with their care. However, his group agreed that Johns Hopkins needs to play some role in making sure personalized medi-


cine can be made accessible to everyone, and in laying down a framework of ownership over this information and its ethical use. “Many talked about the concern of creating a two-class society, those who could afford personalized medicine and those who could not, and that it should be distributed globally,” Nelson said. The summit also included a presentation by Edward D. Miller, the Frances Watt Baker, M.D., and Lenox D. Baker Jr., M.D., Dean of the Medical Faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, on health care reform and the effect it will have on The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Among those attending the event was Ken Hirshman, a graduate of the Whiting School of Engineering and a Baltimore City forum participant, who called the event “exciting and informative.” “The leadership realizes that you have to be on guard to today’s issues and challenges to make the university successful and for it to continue to grow,” said Hirshman, CEO of Leedo Cabinetry. “Now we have to capitalize on these ideas and get a game plan together. The genius is in the implementation.” Hirshman said he especially appreciated the focus on Johns Hopkins’ role in Baltimore. “It’s good to think that the university recognizes how the environment that it lives in is very important to its success,” Hirshman said. “It’s not about just building new homes in one area; it’s everything about how we interact with the city.” Ray Snow, president of the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association and a participant in the technology forum, described the event as “inspiring and energizing,” as did many fellow alumni. “Universally, the alumni relished the opportunity to meet President Daniels and other Johns Hopkins volunteers from across the country,” said Snow, an ex-officio member of the university’s board of trustees and a wealth management adviser with Merrill Lynch. “They were particularly thrilled to meet with and hear from the students in attendance.” In his closing remarks, Daniels thanked everyone for their generous time and input and said that the issues and items discussed would provide a framework for discussion in future leadership meetings on the university, division and department levels. “This is our launching point,” he said. G

Johns Hopkins researchers discover how to erase memory Work in mice holds promise for treating posttraumatic stress disorder B y A u d r e y H u a ng

Johns Hopkins Medicine


esearchers working with mice have discovered that by removing a protein from the region of the brain responsible for recalling fear, they can permanently delete traumatic memories. Their report on a molecular means of erasing fear memories in rodents appeared Oct. 28 in Science Express. “When a traumatic event occurs, it creates a fearful memory that can last a lifetime and have a debilitating effect on a person’s life,” said Richard L. Huganir, professor and

Related websites Richard L. Huganir: RichardHuganir.php

‘Science Express’: sciencexpress/recent.dtl

‘Science’ magazine:

director of the Department of Neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. “Our finding describing these molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in that process raises the possibility of manipulating those mechanisms with drugs to enhance behavioral therapy for such conditions as post-traumatic stress disorder.” Behavioral therapy built around “extinction training” in animal models has proved helpful in easing the depth of the emotional response to traumatic memories but not in completely removing the memory itself, making relapse common. Huganir and postdoctoral fellow Roger Clem, also of Johns Hopkins, focused on the nerve circuits in the amygdala, the part of the brain known to underlie so-called fear conditioning in people and animals. Using sound to cue fear in mice, they observed that certain cells in the amygdala conducted more current after the mouse was exposed to a loud, sudden tone. In hopes of understanding the molecular underpinnings of fear memory formation, the team further examined the proteins in the nerve cells of the amygdala before and after exposure to the loud tone. They found temporary increases in the amount of particular proteins—the calcium-permeable AMPARs—within a few hours of fear conditioning that peaked at 24 hours and disappeared 48 hours later. Because these particular proteins are uniquely unstable and can be removed from nerve cells, the scientists proposed that they

might permanently remove fear by combining behavior therapy and protein removal and provide a window of opportunity for treatment. “The idea was to remove these proteins and weaken the connections in the brain created by the trauma, thereby erasing the memory itself,” Huganir said. In further experiments, they found that removal of these proteins depends on the chemical modification of the GluA1 protein. Mice lacking this chemical modification of GluA1 recovered fear memories induced by loud tones, whereas littermates that still had normal GluA1 protein did not recover the same fear memories. Huganir

suggested that drugs designed to control and enhance the removal of calcium-permeable AMPARs might be used to improve memory erasure. “This may sound like science fiction, the ability to selectively erase memories,” Huganir said, “but this may one day be applicable for the treatment of debilitating fearful memories in people, such as post-traumatic stress syndrome associated with war, rape or other traumatic events.” This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Authors on the paper are Clem and Huganir.

JHU Press,Woman’s Club of Roland Park host holiday book sale


he JHU Press and the Woman’s Club of Roland Park will host a book fair showcasing the Press’s local authors and popular books about Maryland and the Chesapeake region at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12. The event will be held at the Woman’s Club’s historic building at 4500 Roland Ave., and some proceeds from the sale will help support its restoration. Press editor Bob Brugger will speak about regional publishing, and Press authors

Michael Olesker, Cindy Kelly and Charley Mitchell will discuss their experiences writing and publishing their books of local interest. Many other Press authors, including several JHU faculty and staff, will be on hand to meet guests and sign books—a perfect launch to the holiday shopping season. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served; a selection of wines will be available at a cash bar. Reservations by Nov. 5 are requested; e-mail or call 410-889-0760.

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November 1, 2010 • THE GAZETTE



Career re-entry grant for women goes to JHU physicist By Lisa De Nike


Computer Continued from page 1 Once built, the Data-Scope, which is actually a cluster of sophisticated computers capable of handling colossal sets of information, will enable the kind of data analysis tasks that simply are not otherwise possible today, according to Szalay, the Alumni Centennial Professor in the Krieger School’s Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy. “Computer science has drastically changed the way we do science and the science that we do, and the Data-Scope is a crucial step in this process,” Szalay said. “At this moment, the huge data sets are here, but we lack an integrated software and hardware infrastructure to analyze them. Data-Scope will bridge that gap.” Co-investigators on the Data-Scope project, all from Johns Hopkins, are Kenneth Church, chief scientist for the Human Language Technology Center of Excellence, a Department of Defense–funded center dedicated to advancing technology for the analysis of speech, text and document data; Andreas Terzis, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Whiting School of Engineering; Sarah Wheelan, assistant professor of oncology bioinformatics in the School of Medicine; and Scott Zeger, professor of biostatistics in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the university’s vice provost for research. Data-Scope will be able to handle five petabytes of data. That’s the equivalent of 100 million four-drawer file cabinets filled with text, or about 66.5 years of HD-TV video. (Fifty petabytes would equal the entire written work of humankind, from the beginning of history until now, in all languages.) The new apparatus will allow Szalay and a host of other Johns Hopkins researchers (not to mention those at other institutions, including universities and national laboratories such as Los Alamos and Oak Ridge) to conduct research directly in the database, which is where Szalay contends that more and more science is being done. “The Data-Scope will allow us to mine out relationships among data that already exist but that we can’t yet handle and to sift discoveries from what seems like an overwhelming flow of information,” he said. “New discoveries will definitely emerge this way. There are relationships and patterns



s a young Russian physicist doing her training in Stuttgart, Germany, Natalia Drichko envisioned a career that included research on unusual superconductivity and eventually becoming a university professor there. Her plans did not include meeting an American scientist, getting married and moving to the United States. But that is exactly what happened. Now an associate research scientist at Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Quantum Matter in the Krieger School’s Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy, Drichko has not only a husband (also a Johns Hopkins University faculty member) but also an 18-month-old daughter. Like many working mothers, Drichko struggles to balance her research and career, her parenting responsibilities and her marriage. “I am the same as every working mother who has to do a lot of juggling. We’ve all had to compromise our careers for our family and our family for our careers,” said Drichko, who came to the United States— and Johns Hopkins—in fall 2008, leaving behind family, friends and several research projects. That balancing act is why Drichko, 38,

Natalia Drichko is a recipient of an American Physical Society grant for early career female physicists whose work has been interrupted for personal reasons.

was so happy to learn she was selected as a recipient of the American Physical Society’s 2010 M. Hildred Blewett Scholarship. A career re-entry grant of up to $45,000, the scholarship—given each year to between one and three deserving physicists—supports early career female physicists whose

professional life has been interrupted for family or other personal reasons. (Drichko’s move, marriage and new parenthood, for instance, prevented her from conducting research from the time she left Europe until she received the scholarship.) The scholarship was established by the

that we just cannot fathom buried in that onslaught of data. Data-Scope will tease these out.” According to Szalay, there are at least 20 research groups within Johns Hopkins that are grappling with data problems totaling three petabytes. (Three petabytes is equal to about 20 billion photos on Facebook.) Without Data-Scope, “they would have to wait years in order to analyze that amount of data,” Szalay said. The two-year NSF grant, to be supplemented with almost $1 million from Johns Hopkins, will underwrite the design and building of the new instrument and its first year of operation, expected to begin in May 2011. Szalay said that the range of material that the Data-Scope will handle will be “breathtakingly large, from genomics to ocean circulation, turbulence, astrophysics, environmental science, public health and beyond.” “There really is nothing like this at any university right now,” Szalay said. “Such systems usually take many years to build up, but we are doing it much more quickly. It’s similar to what Google is doing—of course on a thousand-times-larger scale than we are. This instrument will be the best in the academic world, bar none.” Zeger said he is excited about the research possibilities and collaborations that the new instrument will make possible. “The NSF funding of a high-performance computing system, specially designed by Dr. Szalay and his team to solve large compu-

tational problems, will contribute to Johns Hopkins’ remaining in the forefront of many areas, including biomedicine, where I work,” he said. “The new genomic data are voluminous. Their analysis requires machines faster than are currently available. Dr. Szalay’s machine will enable our biomedical and computational scientists to work together to solve problems that would have been beyond them otherwise.” Jonathan Bagger, vice provost for graduate and postdoctoral programs and special projects, said he believes that the Data-Scope positions Johns Hopkins to play a crucial role in the next revolution in science: data analysis. “The Data-Scope is specially designed to bring large amounts of data literally under the microscope,” he said. “By manipulating data in new ways, Johns Hopkins researchers will be able to advance their science in ways never before possible. I am excited that Johns Hopkins is in the forefront of this new field of inquiry: developing the calculus of the 21st century.” The instrument will be part of a new energy-efficient computing center that is being constructed in the basement of the Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy on the Homewood campus. The housesized room once served as a mission control center for the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, a NASA satellite. This computing center is being built using a $1.3 million federal stimulus grant from the National Science Foundation. G

2004 bequest of Canadian accelerator physicist M. Hildred Blewett, who worked at Brookhaven and Argonne national laboratories as well as at Switzerland’s CERN, now home to the Large Hadron Collider. The one-year grant can be used to underwrite expenses ranging from tuition and fees to travel, equipment and even child care. Drichko is the second Johns Hopkins researcher to benefit from this grant: Fellow Physics Department member Janice Wynn Guikema (also married to a Johns Hopkins faculty member) was a recipient in both 2008 and 2009. Though the scholarship money certainly won’t pay all of Drichko’s expenses, it is nonetheless an enormous help in allowing her to resume her work and begin the process of applying for grants. Daniel Reich, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, said, “This is an excellent program that the American Physical Society is running. It provides a great way for the field of physics to retain highly talented women scientists, such as Natalia Drichko and Janice Wynn Guikema, whose personal situations have not allowed them to stay on a standard scientific career path. We at Johns Hopkins are very pleased that Dr. Drichko and Dr. Wynn Guikema have been able to take advantage of this opportunity, and we look forward to their continued success.” Drichko said that the scholarship money is allowing her some breathing room. “It provides me an amazing opportunity to do the research I would like to do at a place where I happen to be for a completely private reason. I do not need to compromise between my family and the work that is so important for me. I can just have it all,” she said.




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Interim director of the Center for Language, Speech Processing named


ynek Hermansky, professor of electrical and computer engineering, will serve as the interim director of WSE’s Center for Language and Speech Processing, effective today. Nick Jones, dean of the Whiting School of Engineering, made the announcement last week. Hermansky joined the Whiting School faculty in 2008 and is affiliated with both the CLSP and the Human Language Technology Center of Excellence. His research interests include robust auto-

matic recognition of speech, automatic speaker identification from voice, auditory models in automatic speech recognition, speech enhancement and noise suppression, speech production and perception, and low-bit rate speech coding and synthesis. Prior to his arrival at Johns Hopkins, Hermansky was director of research at the IDIAP Research Institute and a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He has worked in speech processing for more than 30 years.

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6 THE GAZETTE • November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 • THE GAZETTE A D M I N I S T R A T I ON

Michael Eicher named senior VP for external affairs, development

Michael Eicher


he university’s board of trustees on Sunday, Oct. 24, approved President Ronald J. Daniels’ recommendation that Michael C. Eicher be promoted to senior vice president for external affairs and development, a new position. Eicher joined Johns Hopkins in 2006 as vice president for development and alumni relations, a post that will be assumed by Fritz Schroeder, who was senior associate vice president. In his new role, Eicher will continue to oversee Development and Alumni Relations and will also assume responsibility for the Office of Communications and Public

Affairs, which has been part of the Office of Government, Community and Public Affairs. Daniels said that a vice president for communications, a new position, will report to both Eicher and him. A search for the first occupant of this position will begin immediately. Eicher’s expanded assignment, Daniels said, is similar in scope to the role he held at UCLA prior to coming to Johns Hopkins. In a letter announcing the appointment to the Johns Hopkins community, Daniels said, “Mike works with great energy to strengthen our relationships with our alumni, parents and many other friends. He leads a team that persuasively makes the case for Johns Hopkins and for what our faculty, clinicians and students do to advance knowledge and make the world a better place. In his new role, Mike will expand the arenas in which he makes that case for Johns Hopkins.� The university’s most recent fund-raising campaign, Knowledge for the World, closed with commitments of more than $3.7 billion. Also last week, Daniels and Ed Miller, dean of the medical faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, announced that Steven Rum has been appointed vice president for development and alumni relations at the Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine. Rum, who also was a senior associate vice president, will continue to jointly report to Eicher, Miller and Ron Peterson, president of The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Health System.

Got financial questions? We’ve got answers. This Fall: A Financial Education Seminar Series designed specifically for JHU employees. t +)6 3FUJSFNFOU t 4UBZJOH PO 5SBDL JO B 7PMBUJMF .BSLFU t &BSMZ $BSFFS 4BWF GPS 5PNPSSPX 4UBSU 5PEBZ t .JE $BSFFS "SF :PV PO 5BSHFU



A visitor from the past—an actor portraying the first president of the university, Daniel Coit Gilman (third from left)—takes the stage along with President Ronald J. Daniels; former KSAS Dean Adam Falk, now president of Williams College; trustee Jeff Aronson; KSAS Dean Katherine Newman; former President William R. Brody, now president of the Salk Institute; trustee emeritus Morris W. Offit; and Pamela P. Flaherty, chair of the board of trustees.

Gilman, past and present By Tracey A. Reeves



ore than 400 people turned out Saturday evening, Oct. 23, to celebrate the rededication of the newly renovated Gilman Hall, a $73 million restoration project that blends original features such as the building’s distinctive stained glass windows with more modern additions such as an auditorium and screening room. The event, attended by trustees, university administrators, faculty members and others, showcased Gilman’s old and new spaces, including a gleaming new archaeological museum set to open in December. The early part of the evening featured humanities-themed cocktail parties and

interactive sessions in which guests were invited to sample, for example, Chinese and Italian cuisine while discussing Latin America’s art, history, literature and culture. Guests were then treated to dinner in an elegantly dressed tent, where they heard from university President Ronald J. Daniels and Katherine S. Newman, the James B. Knapp Dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. Alumnus Eric Sundquist, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, delivered the keynote address. Gilman, the Homewood campus’s flagship building, had been closed for more than two years while the renovation was under way. In addition to the auditorium and museum, the restored building has state-of-the-art classrooms, offices and meeting rooms, all of which were designed to preserve the architectural integrity and history of the 1915 building.

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8 THE GAZETTE • November 1, 2010

‘Intelligent’ surgical drill wins prize for JHU student inventors By Phil Sneiderman



n “intelligent� drill developed by Johns Hopkins students to improve orthopedic surgical procedures was awarded third-place honors in the undergraduate division of the 2010 Collegiate Inventors Competition. The team received $2,500 in prize money for its entry, which was among five finalist projects competing Oct. 27 at a Washington, D.C., ceremony.

The students built the prototype while enrolled last year in a two-semester Biomedical Engineering design team course supervised by Robert Allen, an associate research professor. The device can be attached to orthopedic surgical drills to detect sudden changes in drilling speed as well as changes in the tilt and direction of the drill. The design project was sponsored by Maryland-based Bioactive Surgical, which owns the rights to the drill and is moving toward further development of the technology. At Wednesday’s awards ceremony, the

student team was represented by Leyla Isik, Salina Khushal, Michael Shen and Emilie Yeh, all of whom graduated in May. Other past and present students who participated on the design team were John Thomas, Hyun-Sun Seo, Samrie Beshah, Maher Khalil, Jonathan LeMoel and German Om. The prize money will be shared equally among all 10 team members. The design course in which the students developed the prototype was offered by the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design within the Department of Biomedical Engineering, which is affiliated with both

the School of Medicine and Whiting School of Engineering. The Collegiate Inventors Competition, introduced in 1990 by the Invent Now organization, promotes innovation by recognizing inventors and scientists early in their careers and rewarding students’ pioneering ideas. The competition, sponsored this year by the Abbott Fund, the nonprofit foundation of the global health care company Abbott, and by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, has awarded more than $1 million to students since the program was launched.

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November 1, 2010 • THE GAZETTE


Knowledge gap, fears common in parents of children with MRSA B y E k at e r i n a P e s h e va

Johns Hopkins Medicine


nowledge gaps and fear—some of it unjustified—are common among the caregivers of children with a drugresistant staph bacterium known as MRSA, according to the results of a small study from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. These caregivers thirst for timely, detailed and simple information, the researchers said. The study’s findings, published online in the Journal of Pediatrics, underscore the need for health care staff to do a better job in educating parents, while also addressing concerns and allaying fears, the investigators said. “What these results really tell us is not how little parents know about drug-resistant infections but how much more we, the health care providers, should be doing to help them understand it,” said senior investigator Aaron Milstone, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Conducting bedside interviews with 100 parents and others caring for children hospitalized with new or established MRSA, the investigators found that nearly one-fifth (18 of the 100) had never heard of MRSA, whose full name is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Some of the children in the study

were symptom-free carriers who were hospitalized for other reasons, while others had active MRSA infections. This increasingly common antibiotic-resistant bacterium causes skin and soft-tissue infections in healthy people but can lead to invasive, sometimes fatal, infections in seriously sick patients and in those with weak immune systems. To prevent the spread of MRSA to other patients, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in 2007 began screening all children admitted to its intensive care units. They are then screened weekly until discharge. In the study, 29 of the 100 caregivers said they didn’t know that their child had MRSA, but only nine of these cases involved newly identified cases, meaning that 20 children had been diagnosed with MRSA during past hospitalizations, yet parents and guardians were unaware. Investigators said the caregivers expressed frustration and confusion with the delayed revelation, a finding showing the importance of promptly communicating any and all new information to parents and doing so in plain language. Among the 71 caregivers who knew of their child’s MRSA diagnosis, 63 (89 percent) revealed concerns, 55 (77 percent) worried about subsequent MRSA infections, and more than half (36) worried about their child spreading MRSA to othNO V .

ers. Widespread uncertainty existed among them about whether to share the news with the child’s school, primary-care pediatrician or home nurse. Some parents said they didn’t understand the difference between having an active infection and being a carrier. Eleven of the 71 (16 percent) caregivers said their child’s MRSA diagnosis would lead to social stigma, fearing isolation both by friends and at school. To help address these fears, physicians and nurses caring for children with MRSA should ask parents repeatedly if they have lingering concerns or questions, the researchers noted. And they should take extra care to relieve worries among parents about future infections in the child or the fear of their child spreading MRSA to others. This can be done by putting the risks in perspective and by giving clear, specific risk-minimizing instructions tailored to each child’s situation and health status, the researchers said. Because children with MRSA do not pose a serious risk to healthy people outside the hospital, restricting playtime with friends and schoolmates is unjustified and doing so can be psychologically damaging to a child, the researchers said. “An old axiom in pediatric medicine says that when you treat a child, you treat the whole family, so it is up to the physicians 1


Calendar Continued from page 12 ern California. Sponsored by Mathematics. 300 Krieger. HW

with Gail Ryan, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Sponsored by Mental Health. B14B Hampton House. EB

“CASP and Cancer: Notes From a Small Lab,” a Biological Chemistry seminar with David Shortle, SoM. 612 Physiology. EB


“A Neural Mechanism for Learning Temporal Expectancies,” a Psychiatry seminar with Marshall Shuler, SoM. 1-191 Meyer. EB


Tues., Nov. 2, noon.

Tues., Nov. 2, noon.

The M. Gordon Wolman Seminar— “Hydrological Controls of Malaria Transmission” with Arne Bomblies, University of Vermont. 234 Ames. HW Tues., Nov. 2, 3 p.m.

“Temporal Dynamics and Information Retrieval,” a Center for Language and Speech Processing seminar with Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research. B17 Hackerman. HW

Tues., Nov. 2, 4:30 p.m.

“Data Security for Clinical Trials,” a Center for Clinical Trials seminar with Robert Curley and James Kaylor, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. W2030 SPH. EB Wed., Nov. 3, 8:30 a.m.

“Clinical Analytic Model: A Tool for Health Care Quality and Resource Monitoring,” a Health Services Research and Development Center seminar with Steve Bandeian, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Sponsored by Health Policy and Management. 688 Hampton House. EB

Wed., Nov. 3, noon.






Wednesday Noon Seminar— “Perpetration Prevention: Stopping Sexually Abusive Behavior”





“Dynamic Activation of Protein Function,” a Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry seminar with Charalampos “Babis” Kalodimos, Rutgers University. 517 PCTB. Wed., Nov. 3, 3:45 p.m. “Inference for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Diffusion Tensors,” a Biostatistics seminar with Armin Schwartzman, Harvard School of Public Health. W2030 SPH. EB Thurs., Nov. 4, 10:45 a.m. “Esti-

mating Ultra-Large Phylogenies and Alignments,” a Computer Science seminar with Tandy Warnow, University of Texas, Austin. B17 Hackerman. HW

Thurs., Nov. 4, noon. “RussianJewish Socialists and the Sabbath Question,” a Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Jewish Studies Program seminar with David Fishman, Jewish Theological Seminary, and director, Project Judaica. Smokler Center for Jewish Life (Hillel). HW

“From the Developing Pancreas Toward a Cell-based Therapy for Diabetes,” a Cell Biology seminar with Jan Jensen, Cleveland Clinic. Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB Thurs., Nov. 4, noon.

Thurs., Nov. 4, 12:15 p.m.

“Center for Health Market Innovation—Improving Health Market Performance for Better Health and Financial Protection for the Poor,” an International Health seminar with David de Ferranti and Gina Lagomarsino, Results for Development. W1214 SPH. EB

“Role of the Outer Subventrical Zone in Human Cortical Development,” a Neuroscience research seminar with Arnold Kriegstein, University of California, San Francisco. West Lecture Hall (ground floor), WBSB. EB Thurs., Nov. 4, 1 p.m.

The Bromery Seminar—“Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Response in the Pacific Arctic” with Jackie Grebmeier, University of Maryland. Sponsored by Earth and Planetary Sciences. 305 Olin.

Thurs., Nov. 4, 3 p.m.

seminar with Anna Krylova, Duke University. 305 Gilman. HW Mon., Nov. 8, 4 p.m. “Health Reform: Policy and Politics,” a Social Policy seminar with Mark Duggan, University of Maryland. Sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies. 526 Wyman Park Bldg. HW


Thurs., Nov. 4, 3 p.m. “Modeling

Adaptation in E. coli Chemotaxis: Precise, Robust and Optimized,” a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Ned Wingreen, Princeton University. 210 Hodson. HW

Thurs., Nov. 4, 3 p.m. “Photon Mayhem: Imaging Biological Tissues With Optical Coherence Tomography,” an Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar with Alex Vitkin, University of Toronto. 311 Hodson. HW

“Aquatic Propulsion in an Intermediate Reynolds Number Regime: Comparative Analysis of Three Propulsive Mechanisms,” a CEAFM seminar with Jeannette Yen, Georgia Tech. 110 Maryland. HW

Fri., Nov. 5, 11 a.m.

Mon., Nov. 8, 2:30 p.m. “Human

Common Disease and Mouse Phenotype Gene Sets in the Analysis of Microarray and Human GWAS Data,” a Center for Computational Genomics seminar with Kevin Becker, NIH Biomedical Research Center. 517 PCTB. EB “A Portrait of a Soviet Woman as Citizen Soldier: Theoretical and Interpretative Challenges,” a History


Aw a r e n e s s

featuring fun activities, presentations and free giveaways. Sponsored by the Public Health Student Forum and the Center for Health Education and Wellness. Featured events include:


Mon., Nov. 8, 4 p.m.

to ensure that the family understands what MRSA is and, more important, what it is not,” Milstone noted. Lead investigator Arnab Sengupta, formerly of Johns Hopkins and now a pediatric resident at University of Illinois at Chicago, added, “As physicians, we often focus too much on accurate diagnosis and effective treatment and not enough on helping patients and their families make sense of the diagnosis and what it means to them.” Parents in the study who received such guidance reported feeling less stressed and having fewer concerns about MRSA. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Other investigators in the study are Trish Perl and Cynthia Rand, both of Johns Hopkins. Conflict-of-interest disclosure: Milstone and Perl receive grant support from Sage Products. Perl is on the advisory board and has received honoraria from Pfizer and BioMerieux and was on the advisory panel for Theradoc, manufacturer of infection surveillance systems. She has received honoraria from 3M, a manufacturer of drug-delivery and infection-prevention systems. The terms of these arrangements are being managed by The Johns Hopkins University in accordance with its conflict-of-interest policies.

The “Nutrition Diva,” Hopkins graduate, nutrionist, chef, developer of diet plans for websites and author of three books on health, will give a talk. Charles Commons Ballroom. HW

Wed., Nov. 3, 7 p.m.

Thurs., Nov. 4, 6:30 p.m.

International Health Banquet, where student groups prepare dishes from their representative countries. McCoy Multipurpose Room. HW

SYMPOSIA Tues., Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. “The U.S. Trafficking Vic-

tims Protection Act and the U.N. Trafficking Protocol: 10 Years Later,” a Protection Project symposium with a keynote address by M. Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University College of Law. Welcoming remarks by Dean Jessica Einhorn and panel discussions with various speakers; includes a screening of the documentary Not My Life, about global human trafficking. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg.

SAIS Wed., Nov. 3, noon to 1:30 p.m. “Diversity, Civility and

the Concealed Mind,” a Committee on Equity, Diversity and Civility symposium with keynote speaker Howard Ross, founder and

CLO, Cook Ross Inc. Additional remarks by Debbie Sampson, JHU Office of Talent Management and Organizational Development. E2014 SPH. EB W OR K S HO P S Tues., Nov. 2, 10:30 a.m. to noon , and Wed., Nov. 3, 4:30 to 6 p.m. “RefWorks,” a work-

shop for MSE Library’s Web-based citation manager and bibliography creator. For information or to register, go to http://guides.library.jhu .edu/refworks. Electronic Resource Center, M-Level, MSE Library.


“Eyes on Teaching: Instructional Media and Technology,” a Center for Educational Resources workshop for faculty, postdocs and graduate students only. Registration required; go to Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW

Tues., Nov. 2, 1:30 p.m.

Thurs., Nov. 4, 1 p.m. “Ad­vanced Focus on Blackboard’s Content Collection,” a Center for Educational Resources “Bits & Bytes” workshop. Register at www.cer Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW “Repositioning Indigeneity in Latin America,” a three-day

Program in Latin American Studies workshop discussion. Registration required; forms available at index.html. HW •

Thurs., Nov. 4 —

2 to 8 p.m.

6 p.m. “Suma Qamana (Good Living) as an Alternative to the Crisis of Our Civilization,” keynote address by Uruguayan writer Raul Zibechi. 50 Gilman.

Fri., Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Panel discussions 2 and

Panel discussion 1, with various speakers. 205 Dunning.

3. Shriver Boardroom. •

Sat., Nov. 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Panel discussion 4 and group discussion (2 p.m. )

Shriver Boardroom.

10 THE GAZETTE • November 1, 2010 P O S T I NG S


Job Opportunities The Johns Hopkins University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic in any student program or activity administered by the university or with regard to admission or employment.


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Schools of Public H e a l t h a n d N u r s i n g Office of Human Resources: 2021 East Monument St., 410-955-3006 JOB#

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This is a partial listing of jobs currently available. A complete list with descriptions can be found on the Web at

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Season of Giving — During the holiday

MLK Jr. Community Service Award Nominations — Organizers of the upcom-

ing Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Celebration are calling for nominations of faculty, staff, graduate students and retirees for the 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. Award for Community Service. Recipients who demonstrate the spirit of volunteerism, citizenship and activism that characterized King’s life will be recognized at the annual commemoration event, to be held in January. To submit a nomination, go to hrnt.jhu .edu/mlk. The deadline is Nov. 15. For more information, university affiliates should contact Amanda Sciukas at worklife@jhu .edu or 443-997-7000. Employees of the hospital/health system should contact Christina Pickle at or 410-614-3721.

Pancreatic Continued from page 1 The Johns Hopkins work, published in the Oct. 28 issue of the journal Nature, suggests that it takes at least a decade for the first cancer-causing mutation that occurs in a cell in a pancreatic lesion to turn into a full-fledged cancer cell. At this point, the lesion is called “high grade” and should be removed, much like polyps are removed from the colon. After the first cancer cell appears, it takes an average of nearly seven years for that cell to turn into the billions that make up a cancerous tumor the size of a plum, after which at least one of the cells within the tumor has the potential and ability to spread to other organs. Patients die an average of two and a half years after this metastasis. The results contradict the idea that pancreatic cancers metastasize very early in their development, Iacobuzio-Donahue said. For the study, scientists collected tissue samples during autopsies of seven patients who died from pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to other organs. Because the tissue samples were taken within six hours of each patient’s death, the scientists were able to keep some of the cells alive long enough to extract the DNA and sequence the series of chemical “letters” that form genes. In all patients, metastatic deposits were found in two or more sites in the body, most often the liver, lung and peritoneum (lining of the abdomen). The researchers found similar mutations present in both the areas of metastasis and in the primary pancreatic tumors from which the metastases arose. They also identified and classified the types of mutations—ones that occur before metastasis and others that happen after the cancer has spread. Both types of mutations were present within the primary tumor years before the metastases became clinically evident, Iacobuzio-Donahue said. Using mathematical models to study the timing of pancreatic cancer progression, the scientists conservatively estimated an average of 11.7 years before the first cancer cell develops within a high-grade pancreatic lesion, then an average of 6.8 years as the cancer grows and at least one cell has the potential to spread and, finally, an average of 2.7 years from then until a patient’s death. The Johns Hopkins scientists said that the goal is to develop a pancreatic cancer screening method similar to the protocol used for

season, the Office of Work, Life and Engagement is inviting the Johns Hopkins community to help the less fortunate by participating in its Season of Giving programs. In November, a $20 donation to the JHU Vernon Rice Memorial Butterball Turkey Program will provide a food basket, containing a fresh turkey and vegetables from local and free-range farms, to a family in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. During December, faculty, staff, students and retirees can participate in the Adopt-aFamily/Adopt-a-Senior program, conducted in partnership with local nonprofit social services agencies. Participants can provide gifts, clothing and/or grocery store gift cards to individuals who may not otherwise receive or be able to afford gifts during the holiday. To participate or to learn more about the programs, go to community/index.cfm or contact Brandi Monroe-Payton at or 443-997-6060.

breast and colon cancers. Though early stages of pancreatic cancer cause no symptoms, Iacobuzio-Donahue said that perhaps at a certain age people should undergo an endoscopy to screen for pancreatic cancer. Endoscopy is a procedure allowing doctors to look inside the body through the use of an instrument that has a tiny camera attached to a long thin tube. Another study published in the same issue of Nature, directed by British researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in collaboration with Iacobuzio-Donahue, used cell lines and tissue samples from the same pancreatic cancer patients as the Johns Hopkins study to look for rearrangements of genetic material. The scientists found that more than half of specific rearrangements occurred in all metastases and primary tumors. The genome sequencing work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Uehara Memorial Foundation, AACR-Barletta Foundation, John Templeton Foundation, Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center, Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, George Rubis Endowment for Pancreatic Cancer Research, Joseph C. Monastra Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, Alfredo Scatena Memorial Fund, Sigma Beta Sorority, Skip Viragh Foundation, Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research, Joint Program in Mathematical Biology and J. Epstein. Other scientists involved in the research were Shinichi Yachida, Sian Jones, Rebecca Leary, Baojin Fu, Mihoko Kamiyama, Ralph H. Hruban, James R. Eshleman, Victor E. Velculescu and Kenneth W. Kinzler, all of Johns Hopkins; Ivana Bozic and Martin A. Nowak, both of Harvard University; and Tibor Antal, of Harvard and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. G

Related websites ‘Nature’:

The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center at Johns Hopkins:

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center:

www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter .org

GIVE BLOOD. A JHU Blood Drive is scheduled for Wed., Nov. 10, at Hopkins@Eastern, 101 E. 33rd St., from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information, e-mail

November 1, 2010 • THE GAZETTE


Baltimore City, updated 1BR condo in secure gated community, assigned prkng, swimming, tennis, nr hospital and university; option to own ($135,000). $1,200/mo incl utils. 410-951-4750. Bolton Hill (Eutaw Place), sublet beautiful 1BR studio in historic mansion, modern amenities, huge 20-ft BA w/separate shower and tub, double sinks, full kitchen, free off-street prkng, free WiFi. $900/mo. 443563-4840. Bolton Hill (Park Ave), beautiful 1BR, 1BA apt, 8 rms, 1,300 sq ft, office, guest rm, butler’s pantry. $1,595/mo. gbaranoski@ Canton (2443 Fleet St), 2BR, 2.5BA house w/CAC, new appls, granite counters, jacuzzi, fp, nr JHH, park, water and square. $1,500/ mo + utils. 410-375-4862 or okomgmt@ Canton, 2BR, 2.5BA TH, fully furn’d, luxury finishes, 2-car garage. Sonny, 443-955-2040. Catonsville/Ellicott City, 4BR, 3.3BA TH, 4 yrs old. $1,580/mo. 443-631-0476. Charles Village apts: studio ($625/mo) and newly renov’d 1BR apt ($825/mo); utils incl’d for both. murilo_silvia@hotmail .com. Columbia/Howard, newly renov’d 3-4BR TH, 3.5BAs, family rm, priv BA, W/D, AC, carpool to JHU, nr community college and Columbia town center. $450/$550/mo incl all utils, Internet. 571-271-2991 or Ellicott City, 4BR, 2.5BA single-family house w/fin’d bsmt, 2-car garage, lg backyd, excel schools and location. $2,700/mo + utils. 202-441-7913 or jmwu2918@gmail .com. Evergreen/Roland Park, sunny, furn’d 3BR house, avail January-June 2011, 15-min walk to Homewood campus/shuttle. $1,800/ mo. Hampden, 3BR, 2BA TH, dw, W/D, fenced yd, nr light rail. $1,100/mo + utils. 410378-2393. Hampden/Medfield, 3BR single-family house w/office, furn’d or unfurn’d, laundry, priv prkng, walk to campus/shopping/public transit. $1,300/mo + utils. adecker001@ Mays Chapel/Timonium, 3-4BR EOG TH, 3.5BAs, family rm, deck, patio, fenced yd, nr good schools, pleasant green area great for walking/jogging, 5 mins to 695 via I-83, close to Lutherville light rail park & ride. $1,600/mo + utils. 410-321-8889. Mt Vernon, 2BR split-level condo, hdwd flrs, walk-in closets, skylight, fp, deck, prkng. $1,350/mo. 240-475-6817 or vvaidya40@ Rodgers Forge, 2BR, 1.5BA single-family house, furn’d, fin’d bsmt, fenced backyd, nr bus to JHU, avail January-June 2011. $1,100/mo + utils (incl wireless Internet). 443-386-8260. Roland Park, spacious, furn’d 2BR, 2BA condo in secure area, W/D, walk-in closet, swimming pool, cardio equipment, .5 mi to Homewood. $1,600/mo. 410-218-3547 or WYMAN COURT HICKORY HEIGHTS Beech Ave. adj. to JHU!

Studio from $570 1 BD Apt. from $675 2 BD from $785

Hickory Ave. in Hampden, lovely Hilltop setting!

2 BD units from $750, or, with Balcony - $785!

Shown by appointment - 410-764-7776



Rosedale, 3BR single-family house, nice kitchen, dining rm, living rm, W/D, lg, priv backyd, garage, 5-min drive to JHMI, ideal for 2 postdocs to share. $900/mo + utils. 410-746-5022 or Severna Park, sm 2BR, 1BA house, nonsmoking, credit report/references req’d. $1,075/mo. 410-518-6427. Towson, 3BR, 1BA semi-detached house, updated appls, CAC, microwave, dw, hdwd flrs, Berber crpt on stairs/in bsmt, fin’d bsmt, minimum 1-yr lease, bonus rm leads to patio and backyd, alarm sys, pets considered, street prkng. $1,500/mo. 443-386-7061. White Marsh, 3BR, 2.5BA TH, hdwd flrs, fenced yd, dogs allowed, nr the Avenue and 95. $1,400/mo. Lori, 410-440-2873. Wyman Court Apts (Beech Ave), new, spacious efficiency w/balcony, sunlight, 3 closets, 5-min walk to Hopkins. $625/mo. TH nr JHMI, 2BRs each w/priv BA, 1st flr, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, W/D, AC, alarm and half-BA. $1,300/mo. 516-6806703. Cozy 3BR, 2.5BA house nr Homewood/Towson University/Belvedere Square, charming house perfect for family/friends to share, hdwd flrs throughout, fin’d bsmt, front and back yds. 443-414-6834 or lakeave4rent@


Abingdon, 3BR, 2BA EOG TH, fin’d bsmt, granite counters. $220,000. Anthony, 443846-2950 or Baltimore County, gorgeous 3BR, 1.5BA, lg lot, 2-car + garage, new kitchen and BAs, 12 mins to Bayview. site/essexhouseforsale. Gardenville, 3BR, 1.5BA RH in quiet neighborhood, new kitchen and BA, CAC, hdwd flrs, club bsmt, fenced, maintenance-free yd w/carport, 15 mins to JHH. $139,500. 443610-0236 or Gardens of Guilford, lg, newly renov’d 2BR, 2BA condo in elegant setting, easy walk to Homewood campus. 410-366-1066. Greektown house, why rent when you can buy for less. $99,000. 410-458-2878. Hampden, updated 2BR, 2BA TH, hdwd flrs, CAC, lg closets, beautiful deck, prkng, easy walk to Homewood campus. $209,000. 410-808-2969. Roland Park, 6BR, 3.5BA house w/new kitchen, new bsmt w/half-BA, external entrance, landscaped lot, separate 1.5 car garage, enclos’d 1st and 2nd flr porches, lg deck. $690,000. Location and craftsmanship, time to buy while mortgages are still low. 302-9816947 or www.3402mountpleasantavenue Lg 1BR in luxury high-rise condo, secure bldg, doorman, W/D, CAC/heat, swimming pool, exercise rm, nr Guilford/JHU. $180,000. 757773-7830 or Charming 3BR, 2BA condo, separate garage, walking distance to JHU, great buy, hurry! Low $200s. 443-848-6392 or sue.rzep2@


F wanted for rm w/priv BA in lg 2BR, 2BA condo on N Charles St, 8th flr, amazing view, swimming pool, gym, sauna, doorman, 24-hr security, underground prkng, walk to Homewood campus/shuttle. 410-967-4085.

Share new, refurbished TH w/other medical students, 4BRs, 2 full BAs, CAC, W/D, dw, w/w crpt, 1-min walk to JHMI (924 N Broadway).

other dk beige. $450/ea. kiera_wise@yahoo .com.

Nonsmoker wanted for furn’d, spacious BR (700 sq ft) in 3BR house in Cedonia owned by young F prof’l, modern kitchen, lg deck, landscaped yd, free prkng, 5 mi to JHH/ Bayview/Homewood/YMCA, public transportation to JHU/Penn Station. $550/mo + utils. 410-493-2435 or


Mature grad student/prof’l wanted for 2 lg rms in historic RH, share w/prof’l couple, share all common space, free WiFi, W/D, suite is unfurn’d w/bed avail, pref nonsmoker, 6- to 12-mo lease, refs req’d. $675/mo + 1/2 utils.

Responsible, loving pet-, baby- or house-sitter available, JHU employee w/experience w/special needs children and cats or dogs, refs avail. 202-288-1311 or janyelle.marie@

Share 3BR, 2.5BA RH in Wyman Park/Remington area, fin’d bsmt, W/D, dw, cable, Internet, deck, prkng, 2 blks to Homewood campus. $450/mo + share of utils. nancyshipley@


’00 Chrysler Sebring convertible, full power, leather, 6-disc CD, 1 owner, everything works, 113K mi. 410-966-9503 (am) or 410796-8714 (pm). ’04 VW Golf, silver w/black interior, new tires and brakes, in good cond. $8,100. ’99 Dodge Durango SLT, needs brakes replaced but is in good cond, approx 156K mi. $2,000/best offer. ’03 VW GTI, 1.8T, 5-spd, automatic Tiptronic transmission, leather heated seats, moonroof, CD, one owner (nonsmoker), in great cond, well-maintained, 78K mi. $7,900/best offer. 410-381-7628. ’96 VW Jetta, Trek edition, black, manual transmission, 1 owner, in great cond, free bike rack, low 73K mi. $2,900/best offer. 414-350-5472. ’09 Toyota RAV4 SUV, black, 5-dr, 4WD, 2.5L, 4-cyl, 12.9K mi. $20,900. 443-9340164 or 608-807-0416.


Bulldogs. $550/ea (negotiable). 410-5281528, 443-307-5119 or 443-839-6027. Beautiful Chickering baby grand piano, in excel cond, all ivory keys in great cond, price negotiable. 410-366-4488 or Huge moving sale: dressers, glider/rocker, bakers rack, electronics, etc; selling ASAP, reasonable prices, pics available. anuray6@ Bedroom furniture: full-size headboard w/bedframe, dresser w/mirror, chest; sold separately or as set. Best offers. balt.furniture4sale@ 2008 Yamaha YZFR6 motorcycle, custom body work, helmet incl’d, 2K mi. 410-3208106. Conn alto saxophone, best offer; exercise rowing machine, $50; both in excel cond. 410-488-1886. 2-pc sectionals (2), one cream-colored, the

Wanted: advanced Peabody piano student to teach popular piano music to my son in my home. 609-217-2025 or Experienced, reliable babysitter avail, excel refs, JHU faculty. Lisbeth, 443-857-0072.

Trustworthy dog walker avail day and evening, overnight sitting w/complimentary housesitting services, impeccable references. 443-801-7487 or Licensed landscaper avail for lawn maintenance, yd cleanup, other landscaping services, trash hauling, fall/winter leaf and snow removal. Taylor Landscaping LLC. 410-8126090 or Affordable and professional landscaper/certified horticulturist available to maintain existing gardens, also designing, planting or masonry; free consultations. David, 410683-7373 or Experienced gardener wanted to help w/fall cleanup and planting. $12.50/hr. Jim, 410366-7191 or Graphic designer w/20 yrs’ experience, 10 yrs in Web design, can assist w/reports, presentations. Reasonable rates. 828-729-3279 or Elderly, special needs or child care provided in your home, wknd or after 6pm. Lisa, 410299-3973. Mature, experienced nanny avail for FT care of infant/toddler, will also do light housework/laundry. Mary, 410-736-0253. Professional landscaping at its finest, high-quality landscaping at an affordable price. Terry Butler, 410-652-3446 or Bodywork massage studios, professional massage services, gift certificates avail. 443983-7987 or www.bodyworkmobilemassage .com. Need a photographer or videographer for weddings, other events? Edward S Davis photography/videography. 443-695-9988 or Tutor avail for all subjects/levels; remedial and gifted; also help w/college counseling, speech and essay writing, editing, proofreading, database design and programming. 410337-9877 (after 8pm) or Soup for the Soul fund raiser, Nov 20, 4-8pm at Temple Emanuel of Baltimore, mentoring families living in poverty. Tickets are $25. 443-708-5525. Clarinet and piano lessons available, current Peabody clarinet master’s student, 7 yrs’ experience. $20/half-hour, $40/hour. 240994-6489 or My loving, reliable nanny is available to take care of 2 other babies, treats my baby like a grandchild, highly recommended; Hopkins Bayview area. 301-661-5627.

PLACING ADS Classified listings are a free service for current, full-time Hopkins faculty, staff and students only. Ads should adhere to these general guidelines: • One ad per person per week. A new request must be submitted for each issue. • Ads are limited to 20 words, including phone, fax and e-mail.

• We cannot use Johns Hopkins business phone numbers or e-mail addresses. • Submissions will be condensed at the editor’s discretion. • Deadline is at noon Monday, one week prior to the edition in which the ad is to be run. • Real estate listings may be offered only by a Hopkins-affiliated seller not by Realtors or Agents.

(Boxed ads in this section are paid advertisements.) Classified ads may be faxed to 443-287-9920; e-mailed in the body of a message (no attachments) to; or mailed to Gazette Classifieds, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231. To purchase a boxed display ad, contact the Gazelle Group at 410-343-3362.

12 THE GAZETTE • November 1, 2010 NO V .




sponsored by the Centre Louis Marin. 479 Gilman. HW The 2010 Medtronic Lecture—“The Challenge of Re-engineering Health Care Delivery: Beyond Gadgets and Gizmos” by Joseph Smith, Gary and Mary West Wireless Health Institute. Sponsored by Biomedical Engineering. B17 Hackerman. HW

Wed., Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m.

COLLOQUIA Tues., Nov. 2, 4:15 p.m. “Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Fundamentals and Applications to Biosensing and Solar Energy Conversion,” a Chemistry colloquium with Kirk Schanze, University of Florida. 233 Remsen. HW


The Peabody Singers perform motets by Bach. $15 general admission, $10 senior citizens and $5 for students with ID. Griswold Hall.

Tues., Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m.

Wed., Nov. 3, 3:30 p.m. “SuperEarths and Life,” an STSci colloquium with David Latham, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg. HW Nov.




“Dynactin: Beauty and the Beast,” a Biology colloquium with Trina Schroer, KSAS. Mudd Auditorium. HW “William Byrd, Sacred Music and the Roman Catholic Underground in Elizabethan England,” a Peabody Musicology colloquium with Earle Havens, the JHU Sheridan Libraries. George Peabody Library.

Wed., Nov. 3, 5 p.m.

Peabody Thurs., Nov. 4, 3 p.m. “Dark Matter and Black Holes Over Cosmic Time,” a Physics and Astronomy colloquium with Tommaso Treu, University of California, Santa Barbara. Schafler Auditorium, Bloomberg Center. HW

“Architecting and Building a Secure Virtual Infrastructure and Private Cloud,” an Applied Physics Laboratory colloquium with Rob Randell, VMware. Parsons Auditorium.

Fri., Nov. 5, 2 p.m.


C O N FERE N C E S Mon., Nov. 8, 5 to 6:30 p.m.

“Cyber Security,” a SAIS Review of International Affairs conference with Howard Schmidt, cyber security coordinator at the White House. For information, e-mail or call 202-5319727; to RSVP e-mail saisreview@ Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS D I S C U S S I O N / TA L K S Mon., Nov. 1, 12:30 p.m. “The Political Dynamics of Conflict in the Great Lakes,” a SAIS African Studies Program discussion with Gerard Prunier, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5676. 500 BernsteinOffit Bldg. SAIS Mon., Nov. 1, 5 p.m. “Foreign In­­ vestment in Russia,” a SAIS International Finance Club discussion with Bill Browder, CEO, Hermitage Capital Management. To RSVP, e-mail saisinternationalfinance@ 410 Nitze Bldg. SAIS

“Does the Elephant Dance? Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy,” a SAIS South Asia Studies Program discussion with David Malone,

Mon., Nov. 1, 5:30 p.m.

The Peabody Chamber Winds performs music by Barber, Hahn and Bird. Griswold Hall. Peabody

Wed., Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m.




Pianist and faculty member Leon Fleisher performs and conducts in a recital this week at Peabody. See Music.

president, International Development Research Centre. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5722. 806 Rome Bldg. SAIS

“Pulling Nigeria From the Brink,” a SAIS African Studies Program discussion with Tunde Bakare, Save Nigeria Group. To RSVP, e-mail itolber1@jhu .edu or call 202-663-5676. 200 Rome Bldg. SAIS

Wed., Nov. 3, 12:30 p.m.

“The Nigeria Petroleum Industry Bill: Industry Perspectives and Regulatory Challenges,” a SAIS African Studies Program panel discussion with Paul Arinze, British Gas Nigeria; Alexandra Gillies, Revenue Watch Institute; Charles McPherson, International Monetary Fund; Auwal Ibrahim Musa, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Center; Uche Igwe, Shell Nigeria; and Peter Lewis (moderator), director, the African Studies Program. To RSVP, e-mail itolber1@ or call 202-663-5676. 500 Bernstein-Offit Bldg. SAIS

Wed., Nov. 3, 4:30 p.m.

“Bringing About a Sustainable Impact on Poverty Through Education,” a SAIS South Asia Studies Program discussion with Abraham George, founder, the George Foundation. A Year of Demography Event. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5722. 806 Rome Bldg. SAIS Wed., Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m.


N o v.




“The New Global Battle for Ideas,” a Bernard Schwartz Forum on Constructive Capitalism discussion with Ian Bremmer, president, Eurasia Group. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5650. 500 BernsteinOffit Bldg. SAIS “India, Pakistan and Democracy: Solving the Puzzle of Divergent Paths,” a SAIS South Asia Studies Program discussion with Philip Oldenburg, Columbia University, talking about his book of the same name. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5722. 806 Rome Bldg. SAIS Fri., Nov. 5, 12:30 p.m.


“Male Circumcision Prevents Acquisition and Transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections,” Pathology grand rounds with Aaron Tobian, SoM. Hurd Hall. EB Mon., Nov. 1, 8:30 a.m.

Fri., Nov. 5, 12:15 p.m. “How CMS as the World’s Largest Healthcare Payer Is Promoting the Use of IT,” Health Sciences Informatics grand rounds with Tony Trenkle, CMS. W1214 SPH. EB

Thursday Noon Jazz, featuring music by Charles Mingus, Cedar Walton, Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter and Thelonious Monk. Friedberg Hall.

Thurs., Nov. 4, noon.

“Les phrases sont des aventures,” a German and Romance Languages and Literatures lecture by poet and novelist Hedi Kaddour. CoWed., Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m.

“UltraHigh Resolution Functional Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography for Real-Time 4-D Imaging,” a Biomedical Engineering seminar with Jin Kang, WSE. 110 Clark. HW (Videoconferenced to 709 Traylor. EB ) Mon., Nov. 1, 1:30 p.m.

“Gen­ omewide Profiling of Translation Initiation and Elongation,” a Center for Computational Genomics seminar with Nicholas Ingolia, SoM. 517 PCTB. EB

Mon., Nov. 1, 3:30 p.m.



Sat., Nov. 6, 10 a.m. to noon.


Wed., Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m. “Love, Sex and Brain Evolution,” a Brain Science Institute lecture by David Linden, SoM. The lecture is followed by discussion. Cosponsored by the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Radiology and Radiological Science and the division of Neuropathology. 5 p.m. Reception. RSVP to bsmith13@ or call 410-955-4504. Bloomberg Center lobby and Schafler Auditorium. HW

“Proteomics—From Genome Annotation to Signaling Pathways,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Akhilesh Pandey, SoM. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW

Mon., Nov. 1, 12:15 p.m.

Sat., Nov. 6, 8 p.m. Sylvia Adalman Artist Recital presents “Leon Fleisher, Piano and Conductor,” with Fleisher playing and conducting music by Brahms, Takacs, Bach and Ligeti. Faculty artists Marian Hahn and Katherine Jacobson Fleisher will also perform. $15 general admission, $10 senior citizens and $5 for students with ID. Friedberg Hall. Peabody


Mon., Nov. 1, 5:30 p.m. The 2010 Iwry Lecture—“The Legacy of Israel in Judah’s Bible” by Daniel Fleming, NYU. Sponsored by Near Eastern Studies. 50 Gilman. HW

Mon., Nov. 1, noon. “Zebrafish Chewing the Fat: A Study of Lipid Processing With Guts,” a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with Steven Farber, Carnegie Institution. W1020 SPH. EB

Mon., Nov. 1, 2:30 p.m.

Open house for the Engineering for Professionals part-time graduate degree program. Sponsored by the Whiting School of Engineering. A&R Building, Montgomery County Campus.

Mon., Nov. 1, noon. The Kossiakoff Lecture—“Inventing Fibrin: The Evolution of Blood Clotting in Vertebrates” by Russell Doolittle, University of California, San Diego. Sponsored by Biophysics. 111 Mergenthaler. HW



Mon., Nov. 8, 8:30 a.m. “Recent

Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Human Allergic Disease,” Pathology grand rounds with Robert Hamilton, SoM. Hurd Hall. EB

“Inventing Fibrin: The Evolution of Blood Clotting in Vertebrates,” a Biophysics seminar with Russell Doolittle, University of California, San Diego. 111 Mergenthaler.

Mon., Nov. 1, noon.

“The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love and the History of the World From the Periodic Table of the Elements,” an evening of weird science with NYT bestselling author Sam Kean, who will read from his new book by the same name. 6:30 p.m. Reception. Sponsored by Friends of the Libraries. Register at www. keanregistrationpage.html. Mason Hall. HW Wed., Nov. 3, 5:30 p.m.

Mon., Nov. 8, 5 p.m. Winter Olympic speed skater Apolo Ohno will sign copies of his life story, Zero Regrets: Be Greater Than Yesterday. (See In Brief, p. 2.) Barnes & Noble Johns Hopkins. HW

Reading by poet Tan Lin, New Jersey City University. (See In Brief, p. 2.) Sponsored by English. 50 Gilman.

Mon., Nov. 8, 6 p.m.



“The Effects of Lifestyle Intervention on Stroke Risk Factors,” a Health Policy and Management thesis defense seminar with Sony-Yen Tsai. W2303 SPH. EB

Mon., Nov. 1, 10 a.m.

“SelfReported Experiences of ‘Everyday’ Discrimination and Early Markers of Cardiovascular Disease,” a Center for Health Disparities Solutions seminar with Tene Lewis, Yale School of Public Health. B14B Hampton House. Mon., Nov. 1, 4 p.m. “Recent Progress on Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow,” an Analysis/ PDE seminar with Jingyi Chen, University of British Columbia. Sponsored by Mathematics. 304 Krieger. HW

Mon., Nov. 1, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar—“Computation and Representation of Choice Certainty in the Parietal Cortex” with Roozbeh Kiani, Stanford University. Sponsored by the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW Mon., Nov. 1, 4 p.m. “The West Learns to Love,” a History seminar with Bonnie Smith, Rutgers University. 308 Gilman. HW

“Reflections on Conjectures About Algebraic Cycles,” a joint Topology, Algebraic Complex Geometry and Number Theory seminar with Eric Friedlander, University of South-

Mon., Nov. 1, 4:30 p.m.

Continued on page 9


(Events are free and open to the public except where indicated.)

Applied Physics Laboratory Broadway Research Building Cancer Research Building East Baltimore Homewood Krieger School of Arts and Sciences PCTB Preclinical Teaching Building SAIS School of Advanced International Studies SoM School of Medicine SoN School of Nursing SPH School of Public Health WBSB Wood Basic Science Building WSE Whiting School of Engineering

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