The Gazette

Page 1

o ur 4 0 th ye ar


p re t e rm bi rth s

Covering Homewood, East Baltimore, Peabody,

Former Biology Department

Biomedical engineer hopes to

SAIS, APL and other campuses throughout the

chair Saul Roseman, 90, ‘The

help docs predict complications

Baltimore-Washington area and abroad, since 1971.

Prince of Serendipity,’ page 3

during pregnancy, page 4

July 18, 2011

The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University


Volume 40 No. 40


A summer of savory jazz and barbecue

A century of medical illustration By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette

Continued on page 7


will kirk /


ax Brodel was a child prodigy of several sorts. Born in 1870 in Leipzig, Germany, Brodel took to the piano just after he learned to walk. At age 12, he could play Beethoven both beautifully and effortlessly, suggesting In 1911, JHU’s a future in music. His true gifts, however, shone Max Brodel on paper and canvas. founded the During the sumfirst program mers of his late teens, Brodel would sketch of its kind museum-quality landscapes and figures to make some extra cash. Luckily for Johns Hopkins and the field of medicine, Brodel’s art didn’t sell well. Needing money, Brodel applied his artistic talents to drawing kidneys and other body parts for the Anatomical Institute in Leipzig. He would later meet Carl Ludwig, the famous physician, who lured the then 18-year-old illustrator to the Institute of Physiology at the University of Leipzig. With Leipzig an epicenter of medicine, Brodel met many visiting scholars, such as anatomist Franklin Mall, who urged Brodel to bring his talents to the new Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The rest is illustrated history. Brodel, who arrived in Baltimore in the winter of 1894, spent nearly 17 years illustrating for Johns Hopkins physicians, defining a professional field along the way, before founding the school’s Art as Applied to Medicine Department that sought to train medical illustrators to help physicians see how the human body works. The program was the first of its kind. On July 20, the School of Medicine will celebrate the work of the German artist and the department’s first 100 years at an event to be held in the school’s Turner Auditorium and Turner

By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette


crowd of hungry patrons savored Kansas City–inspired barbecue and jazz outside Levering Hall on July 8, just before the skies opened up with a short-lived, drenching rain. This summer’s Friday Jazz BBQ series at Homewood, which kicked off June 3, comes courtesy of Housing and Dining Services.

Weather permitting, the grill will be fired up from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Friday until Aug. 5. A jazz trio from Peabody will play from noon to 1 p.m. The series will feature such grill favorites as boneless chicken, pork ribs, pit beef and Italian sausages, along with burgers and hot dogs. Carol Mohr, senior director of Housing and Dining Services, said that with Levering Food Court closed this summer for renovations, the office wanted to provide another option for eating on campus. “We wanted to make it fun and relaxing,

and decided to add the jazz element,” Mohr said. Renovations to the Levering Food Court dining room are nearly halfway completed. Old fixtures, lighting and furniture have been removed, paint has been applied, and installation of new lighting is under way. In addition to the Friday barbecue days, Housing and Dining Services has added enhanced food selections at the Pura Vida organic coffeehouse in Levering Hall. More photos online at


Expanded research effort to seek cure for AIDS Experts embark on joint five-year initiative to purge virus from those infected B y D av i d M a r c h

Johns Hopkins Medicine


team of AIDS experts at Johns Hopkins and other institutions has embarked on a joint five-year research

In Brief

Shuttle service changes; hiring for electronic record system; financial seminar for women


initiative to cure HIV disease by finding ways to completely purge the virus from the body in people already successfully suppressing the virus with antiretroviral drug therapy. Major advances in anti-HIV drug treatment in the last two decades have meant viral control and relatively good health over long periods for millions of infected people worldwide, including hundreds of thousands of the estimated 1 million men and women living with HIV in the United States. But ridding the body of small amounts of the virus hiding in immune system cells,


‘Regulation of Medical Devices’; creating great online presentations; blood drive

as originally discovered by members of the Johns Hopkins team in 1995, has always been considered key to finding a cure. “A lot of effort has gone into preventing the spread of HIV and into trying to develop a vaccine, so it is very exciting to tackle another cornerstone to the problem, which is how to eradicate HIV,” said virologist Janice Clements, vice dean for faculty and a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Continued on page 5

10 Job Opportunities 10 Notices 11 Classifieds

2 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011

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Keswick-Homewood-EasternJHMI shuttle begins


ith the Johns Hopkins at Keswick property up and running and occupancies growing, it was determined that significant demand exists to connect the facility with other Johns Hopkins locations. Launched last week and operating from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday is a Keswick-Homewood-Eastern-JHMI service, which replaced the Eastern–JHMI and Homewood–Eastern shuttle services. The early morning service connecting only Homewood and Eastern will continue. One vehicle will depart every 30 minutes, on the hour and half-hour, from Johns Hopkins at Keswick with stops at Homewood’s Mason Hall, Eastern and JHMI (corner of Wolfe and Monument streets). Another vehicle will depart every 30 minutes, also on the hour and half-hour, from JHMI (corner of Wolfe and Monument streets) with stops at Eastern, Homewood’s Mason Hall and Johns Hopkins at Keswick. The detailed schedule is available online at Questions or comments about this service can be directed to or 410-516-7275. Feedback can be sent to

Job recruitment under way for JHM electronic record system


ohns Hopkins Medicine has begun recruiting members for a team that will implement a new electronic record across the health system. Partnering with Epic, a leading software company that provides electronic and financial information systems for the health care industry, JHM is currently looking to fill more than 60 positions that call for clinical, administrative, financial, project-management and IT skills. The initial hiring phase of what will be a multiyear effort is being referred to as the Ambulatory First rollout. These positions will focus on business areas such as clinical documentation, analytics and research, as well as scheduling and registration, according to William A. Baumgartner, the Vincent L. Gott Professor at the School of Medicine and senior vice president of JHM, and Stephanie Reel, vice president for information services for JHM and university vice provost and CIO for information technology, who are leading the initiative. Details are available online at www

Charles Street construction website adds important updates


s announced in The Gazette in May, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation expects to begin in November a major reconstruction of Charles Street near the Homewood campus. The

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Editor Lois Perschetz Writer Greg Rienzi Production Lynna Bright Copy Editor Ann Stiller Photography Homewood Photography A d v e rt i s i n g The Gazelle Group Business Dianne MacLeod C i r c u l at i o n Lynette Floyd

2501 Eutaw Place in Historic Reservoir Hill

W e bm a s t e r Lauren Custer

project is slated to last more than two years and will shut down portions of Charles Street throughout that time frame. To keep the Homewood campus and affiliates along Charles Street informed about the project, JHU has created a website at www The website has been updated recently to include additional FAQs, some of which were submitted by staff and faculty via the website and others that arose from departmental inhouse briefings conducted during May. In addition, the Resources and Updates tab now includes the city’s Charles Street Reconstruction animation, a video-based presentation of existing conditions coupled with the renderings of the completed work, and information about a bike and pedestrian safety study being conducted on and around the Homewood campus this summer. The website will be updated frequently. Questions about the project may be submitted through the website or directly to

Financial seminar for women now being offered


new offering called “Charting Your Financial Course: A Guide for Women” has been added to the Benefits Service Center’s Financial Education Series. The seminar, given by women, is designed to address the unique investment issues facing women today. The segments are titled “Evaluate Your Financial Health,” “Save and Invest for Your Goals,” “Understand Investing, Risk and Diversification,” “Manage Being Single Again” and “Put It All Together: Your Financial Plan.” To learn more, go to

Octopodes a cappella group to compete on ‘America Sings’


he Octopodes, an undergraduate co-ed contemporary pop/rock a cappella group based at the Homewood campus, will be featured on GMC TV’s America Sings competition at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27. By showing submitted videos, the program is featuring more than 100 singing groups from across North America. The groups are competing to win $10,000, with the audience casting votes online after each episode airs to decide that night’s winner. The singing groups with the most votes will be featured on the season finale. GMC is channel 338 through DIRECTV, and channel 224 through Verizon FiOS TV; the network is not available through Comcast. Each episode also is available for online viewing at, the same website where votes are cast. The Octopodes Facebook page with more information is .php?eid=202001106513403.

Contributing Writers Applied Physics Laboratory  Michael Buckley, Paulette Campbell Bloomberg School of Public Health Tim Parsons, Natalie Wood-Wright Carey Business School Andrew Blumberg, Patrick Ercolano Homewood Lisa De Nike, Amy Lunday, Dennis O’Shea, Tracey A. Reeves, Phil Sneiderman Johns Hopkins Medicine Christen Brownlee, Stephanie Desmon, Neil A. Grauer, Audrey Huang, John Lazarou, David March, Vanessa McMains, Ekaterina Pesheva, Vanessa Wasta, Maryalice Yakutchik Peabody Institute Richard Selden SAIS Felisa Neuringer Klubes School of Education James Campbell, Theresa Norton School of Nursing Kelly Brooks-Staub University Libraries and Museums Brian Shields, Heather Egan Stalfort

The Gazette is published weekly September through May and biweekly June through August for the Johns Hopkins University community by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231, in cooperation with all university divisions. Subscriptions are $26 per year. Deadline for calendar items, notices and classifieds (free to JHU faculty, staff and students) is noon Monday, one week prior to publication date. Phone: 443-287-9900 Fax: 443-287-9920 General e-mail: Classifieds e-mail: On the Web: Paid advertising, which does not represent any endorsement by the university, is handled by the Gazelle Group at 410343-3362 or

July 18, 2011 • THE GAZETTE



Biologist Saul Roseman, 90, champion of serendipitous discovery B y A m y L u n d ay



aul Roseman, an emeritus professor who taught and conducted research for 46 years in the Department of Biology in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, died July 2 of congestive heart failure. He was 90. Roseman came to Johns Hopkins in 1965 and was named the Ralph S. O’Connor Professor of Biology in 1975. He served as chair of the department from 1969 to 1973 and from 1988 to 1990. Fundraising efforts initiated by Roseman during his first tenure as chairman resulted in the construction of many of the department’s buildings and facilities. Roseman made many seminal discoveries in the field of biochemistry and published hundreds of original research papers and reviews, prompting The Journal of Biological Chemistry to honor him in 2006 for a lifetime of contributions to the field. “[Roseman’s] time here as a biology professor was nothing short of prolific,” Katherine Newman, dean of the Krieger School, told The Baltimore Sun. “Saul loved coming to the lab every day, and that enthusiasm inspired his students and his colleagues alike.” Friends, colleagues and collaborators knew the longtime professor as “The Prince of Serendipity,” a nickname earned in the 1950s, when he was beginning his career as an assistant professor of biological chemistry at the University of Michigan Medical School, according to a Johns Hopkins Gazette story published in June 2001, when a symposium was presented in his honor.

Roseman in an undated photograph.

While looking for one thing, Roseman had made a serendipitous discovery, unexpectedly finding something else that also was very valuable. During his study of an enzyme that metabolizes sialic acid, a sugar that is an important component of biologically active carbohydrates, Roseman stumbled upon a major error made by two previous research groups, one of which included two Nobel laureates. The researchers had previously announced that they had determined the structure of sialic acid, but Roseman found that there was a major error in the proposed structure. Other assistant professors might have flinched at challenging not one but two Nobel laureates, but Roseman stood firm. And he was eventually proved correct. Roseman told The Gazette that finding

the unexpected is just Nature’s way of telling researchers where to look for the really interesting and important stuff, and that serendipity is simply a tool of the trade. “As far as I’m concerned, serendipity is a major tool of scientific investigation, and many, many major discoveries in biology and medicine have come through it,” Roseman said. “Take the human brain, for example. We think there’s about 100,000 different types of enzymatic reactions that take place in the human brain. When you start from scratch looking for something in that, the chances that you’re going to find what you’re looking for are pretty low.” “It is hard to imagine our department without Saul,” said Beverly Wendland, chair of Biology. “He was such a presence, always sitting in the front row at seminars and always asking questions of the speakers. In recent years, he was very excited about a process he had patented to convert lobster shell chitin into useful and valuable products. I hope that this patent will be licensed and become yet another legacy of Saul’s serendipity.” Saul Roseman was born in 1921 in Brooklyn, N.Y., and his father died when he was a child, leaving the family in poverty, according to The Sun. As an undergraduate at City College of New York, he majored in chemistry and minored in both biology and physics. “He was a poor kid, the son of immigrants,” his son-in-law, Ronald Schnaar, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told The Sun. “He was very bright in school and skipped grades and was often the youngest in his class. But he had a passion for knowledge.” After earning a master’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin,

Roseman was an infantryman from 1944 to 1946, serving in World War II. To earn his PhD in biochemistry, he returned to Wisconsin, where Newman said that he “discovered his lifelong interest in the field he would one day help to define as glycobiology,” the study of carbohydrates in living systems. Roseman conducted his postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago and spent 11 years on the faculty of the University of Michigan before coming to Johns Hopkins. Throughout his career, Roseman received many awards and honors, including election to the National Academy of Sciences and an honorary medical degree from the University of Lund in Sweden. He remained active as a researcher and teacher throughout his time at the Homewood campus. “I’m actually more productive now than I ever was,” Roseman told The Washington Post in 1994, when he was 72 and was asked about the government-mandated end to colleges’ forced retirement policies. (The story says that Johns Hopkins eliminated mandatory retirement in 1986, seven years before the exemption for colleges expired.) “I’m pulling my own weight. Why should I be supplanted?” Roseman is survived by his wife, Martha Roseman, former Johns Hopkins dean of academic advising; three children; seven grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held July 5, and the Department of Biology plans to hold a memorial on campus in the fall. Contributions in Roseman’s memory can be made to the Roseman Fund, c/o Dean Katherine Newman, The Johns Hopkins University, 237 Mergenthaler Hall, 3400 N. Charles St., 21218.

Popular antismoking drug raises chances of serious cardiac event By Stephanie Desmon

Johns Hopkins Medicine


ealthy middle-aged smokers who take the most popular smoking cessation drug on the market have a 72 percent increased risk of being hospitalized with a heart attack or other serious heart problems compared to those taking a placebo, a Johns Hopkins–led study suggests. “People want to quit smoking to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but in this case they’re taking a drug that increases the risk for the very problems they’re trying to avoid,” said Sonal Singh, an assistant professor of general internal medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the lead author of the research. In the study, described in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Singh and his colleagues reviewed and analyzed 14 doubleblind, randomized, controlled clinical trials involving more than 8,200 healthy people who received either varenicline (made by Pfizer and sold in the United States under the brand name Chantix) or a placebo. Whereas the number of people who died in each group was the same (seven), the increased risk of a major harmful cardiovascular event requiring hospitalization such as a heart attack or arrhythmia was 72 percent in those who took varenicline. None of the studies followed people for longer than a year. The average age of study participants was less than 45 years, and the majority of them were men. Varenicline has been shown to modestly increase the chances of a successful quit attempt, compared to unassisted smoking cessation attempts. But overall, the majority of smokers who quit do so without any pharmaceutical assistance at all. Moreover, Singh noted, varenicline already carries a boxed warning—the Food and Drug Administration’s highest level of caution—because of its association with

suicidal thoughts and behaviors. “We notified the FDA of our cardiovascular safety concerns with Chantix earlier this year,” Singh said. On June 16, the FDA announced that on the basis of a 700-person study, people with existing heart disease who use varenicline have a slightly increased risk of a heart attack or other cardiovascular event. But Singh’s study found that varenicline substantially increased the risk of a serious cardiovascular event even among smokers without heart disease. “I think our new research shifts the risk-benefit profile of varenicline,” Singh said. “People should be concerned. They don’t need Chantix to

quit, and this is another reason to consider avoiding Chantix altogether.” Smoking has long been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cardiac death, and quitting is known to reduce those risks. Singh and his colleagues from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom emphasize the need to quit smoking but suggest that varenicline may not be the right drug to kick the habit. Singh says that questions about the drug’s cardiovascular disease risks have been raised since varenicline went on the market in 2006, but no study has clarified the magnitude of these risks to the extent found in the

new study. Singh says that the FDA used a “fast-track” review process in allowing varenicline to be sold in the United States and that he would like regulators to take a new look. Singh’s research was funded by a grant from the National Center for Research Resources and the National Institutes of Health Roadmap for Medical Research.

Related website Sonal Singh: faculty/Singh.html


Researchers awarded $32 mill to study sugar molecules By Vanessa McMains

Johns Hopkins Medicine


he National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has awarded each of two groups at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine approximately $2.3 million a year for seven years to establish Programs of Excellence in Glycosciences. Gerald Hart, director of Biological Chemistry, and Ronald Schnaar, professor of pharmacology and molecular sciences, will lead these independent efforts to better understand the roles of sugars in the molecular mechanisms of disease, particularly lung and heart diseases. “These are not sugars in the diet but sugar molecules that are found attached to proteins and other molecules in a cell and contribute to how cells communicate with each other,” Schnaar said. The lung disease project led by Schnaar will focus on trying to understand the roles

of sugar molecules in lung inflammatory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sugar molecules on cells in the lungs bind to the immune system’s inflammatory cells turning off the inflammatory response. This team hopes to further investigate the antiinflammatory properties of sugar molecules and harness this power to develop new treatments for lung diseases. The team collaborating on lung diseases includes Schnaar; Bruce Bochner, director of the Asthma and Allergy Center at Johns Hopkins; Zhou Zhu, an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; James Paulson, of The Scripps Research Institute; and Michael Tiemeyer, of the University of Georgia Complex Carbohydrate Research Center. The cardiovascular disease project led by Hart aims to investigate the short-term protective properties of proteins decorated with sugars, or glycoproteins, from conditions such as heart disease and stroke, and

explore why long-term exposure to these glycoproteins may be dangerous. The group will examine the glycoproteins made and released by heart cells and determine how, over time, they can contribute to heart failure. The researchers will also study how certain fats with attached sugar groups can accelerate hardening of the arteries that leads to heart damage and failure. The team collaborating on cardiovascular disease from Johns Hopkins includes Hart; Subroto Chatterjee and David Kass, both professors in the School of Medicine; Jennifer van Eyk, director of the Johns Hopkins NHLBI Proteomics Center and a professor in the School of Medicine; Kevin Yarema, an associate professor of biomedical engineering in the Whiting School of Engineering; Natasha Zachara, an assistant professor of biological chemistry in the School of Medicine; and Hui Zhang, an assistant professor of pathology in the School of Medicine. Allen Bush, of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, is also a team member.

4 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011

Hartwell grant supports research to prevent preterm births By Nora George

Development and Alumni Relations



ore than a half million babies are born every year in the United States before reaching 37 weeks in the womb. For those who survive preterm birth—the leading cause of death for newborns—it often means months, years or even a lifetime full of complications for both the babies and their families. If doctors could predict preterm birth during pregnancy, they could help mothers take measures to prevent early delivery and the issues that accompany it, ranging from low birth weight to a higher risk for learning and developmental disabilities. But more than half of these premature births occur without any known risk factors, and currently no effective clinical methodologies exist to predict them. “When I started reading about preterm birth, I thought, Gosh, this is probably as bad as cancer,” said Xingde Li, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. “Thirty years ago, the statistics were down to just 9.7 percent of births in the United States, and now they’re at 12.7 percent. We don’t know the exact reason; maybe we’re under more stress in modern days. It’s a very significant clinical problem.” Li is now working toward a solution. He received a 2010 Hartwell Foundation Individual Biomedical Research Award to develop a small, flexible, high-resolution fiber-optic endomicroscope that physicians would use to examine cervical collagen during prenatal exams and predict preterm birth. Researchers recently discovered that the structure of collagen fibers in the cervix changes over the course of normal pregnancy, and that certain changes are associated with preterm birth. Changes in

Xingde Li is one of 12 Hartwell Investigators selected nationwide in 2010.

cervical collagen were observed in mice using a 20-year-old laser imaging technology called second harmonic generation, or SHG, microscopy. Currently, the only way to monitor cervical collagen structure in humans is with a tissue biopsy. However, this method can trigger early delivery and thus cannot be the standard of diagnosis for preterm birth. While studies indicate that the SHG technique could work, the technology now requires a bench-top microscope about the size of a mini-refrigerator, far too large to be used in real-world situations. To address this clinical need, Li proposes to develop an endomicroscope that can provide high-resolution images of the cervical collagen without the need for a biopsy. Obstetricians would be able to use the imaging technology in prenatal exams to identify risk for preterm birth. “The underlying principle is that the cervical tissue mechanical rigidity is directly

related to preterm birth possibility,” Li said. “Our goal is to develop a technique that can detect the collagen fiber network structure in a quantitative way. If we can tell an expecting mother that she is at a high risk for preterm birth, she can be encouraged to take bed rest, reduce stress and make other lifestyle changes,” he said. “If this technology really works, we are going to help prevent preterm births.” The Hartwell Foundation seeks to stimulate discovery and foster transformative approaches in early-stage biomedical research that will benefit children of the United States. Li was selected as one of just 12 awardees of the 2010 competition. He will receive $100,000 in support each year for three years. (For information about the 2011 competition, see box.) Fred Dombrose, president of The Hartwell Foundation, said, “If Li is successful, his innovation will provide not only a powerful diagnostic tool ready for clinical translation to predict preterm birth but the ability for the first time to develop new therapeutics to intervene and manage the disorder.” Li has been working on imaging research for some time, particularly with cancer. He began working on prevention for preterm births in fall 2009, after another Hartwell Investigator reached out to him to discuss the potential for application of the SHG technology. But he also has a personal connection to the issue. Li’s older sister was born prematurely, leading to heart complications that forced her to retire in her early 40s. The son of a close friend also was delivered preterm, and his development initially lagged behind other children’s. “But at this point, it goes beyond that,” Li said. “When I read about preterm birth, I realized it is a much bigger problem than I thought and a serious national issue.” The Hartwell Foundation each year selects 10 research institutions to participate in its grant competition. In 2010 it extended

2011 Hartwell grant applications sought


he Hartwell Foundation each year announces its selection of Top Ten Centers of Biomedical Research in the United States, inviting each institution to participate in its grant competition. It has, once again, selected Johns Hopkins as a Top Ten Center and extended an invitation to the institution to nominate four faculty researchers to submit proposals for the Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award. For those interested in participating in the 2011 Hartwell competition, the submission deadline for preliminary proposals for internal review is Monday, Aug. 1. See http:// .htm for instructions. The Hartwell Foundation’s website is

an invitation to Johns Hopkins to nominate four faculty researchers to submit proposals for the Individual Biomedical Research Award, an invitation Johns Hopkins has received and accepted every year since the awards program began in 2006. Researchers from Johns Hopkins have been named Hartwell Investigators in each of the past five years. The Hartwell Foundation also recognizes research institutions that fully participate in the nomination process with funding for a Hartwell Fellowship, which supports one postdoctoral fellow of their choice in an area of biomedical science. The award supports scientists in the early stages of biomedical research careers by enabling them to pursue further specialized training as part of their career development.

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July 18, 2011 • THE GAZETTE



JHU Press launches digital services program for publishers


opkins Fulfillment Services, a division of the Johns Hopkins University Press, has announced plans to offer an array of new publishingrelated services that will be known as HFS Digital. As a distributor of print books for university presses and nonprofit institutions, HFS is taking a necessary leap forward by expanding its service offerings to reflect the advances in digital publishing and content distribution. HFS Digital will provide its clients with additional print-on-demand and digital short-run choices, and will address the growing need for e-book services by offering digital asset distribution to 40 vendors, conversion services and, most importantly, single-title direct-to-consumer e-book sales. The ability to offer direct-to-consumer e-book sales is the result of a partnership with Sheridan Books’ new Electronic Content Services division. Clients represented by HFS will now have the option to sell scholarly works and monographs, often not suited for commercial e-book vendors, direct from their respective websites. Looking to the future, HFS

AIDS Continued from page 1 Clements and Johns Hopkins infectious disease specialist Robert Siliciano will both serve as co-investigators of the research consortium, called the Martin Delaney Collaboratory. Named after a well-known AIDS activist, the Martin Delaney group consists of researchers at nine U.S. universities and a major pharmaceutical company. The group is led by David Margolis at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Funding support, totaling $32 million, comes from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a member of the National Institutes of Health. The group will pursue a dozen or more projects to determine how HIV remains dormant and almost undetectable in the immune system’s T-cells, and to develop possible drug treatments to counter these HIV reservoirs. “This group approach has me much more optimistic,” said Siliciano, whose initial discoveries of the viral reservoirs and their ability to evade antiretroviral drug therapies led him initially to doubt the possibility of a real cure for the disease. Now, he added, “after years of developing a better understanding of these HIV reservoirs, to the point where we can make and study latently infected T-cells in the laboratory, we are finally ready to go

hopes to soon offer e-book rentals and chapter-level sales (or chunking). “The book industry is changing rapidly, and book distributors and support industries must change with it,” said Davida Breier, manager of Hopkins Fulfillment Services. “We feel that as a modern book distributor, we must alter our business models, and mindsets, and focus on the overall concept of distributing content instead of focusing solely on format.” HFS Digital began rolling out its new services in May and plans to have the completed program in place by January 2012. Since 1977 Hopkins Fulfillment Services has provided order processing, collection management, warehousing and fulfillment for a distinguished and growing list of university presses and nonprofit institutions. It currently represents 13 clients, including JHU Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, University of Washington Press, Georgetown University Press, Brookings Institution Press, University Press of Kentucky, Catholic University of America Press and University of Massachusetts Press.

after them.” Siliciano is a professor at Johns Hopkins and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. In addition to Johns Hopkins and the University of North Carolina, partners involved in the Martin Delaney Collaboratory are Case Western Reserve University; University of California, Davis; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, San Diego; University of California, San Francisco; the Gladstone Institutes; University of Minnesota; University of Utah; and Merck Research Laboratories, based in Whitehouse Station, N.J. G

Related websites Janice Clements: faculty/clements.html

Robert Siliciano: pharmacology/research/siliciano .html investigators/siliciano_bio.html

Martin Delaney Collaboratory: newsreleases/2010/Pages/ DelaneyRFA.aspx

Edgar Roulhac, vice provost for academic services, to retire By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette


dgar E. Roulhac, the university’s vice provost for academic services since 1993 and the founding director of the Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus, has announced his retirement, effective Dec. 31. Over the past two decades, Roulhac has assumed broad academic planning oversight and stewardship for the advancement of JHU’s full- and part-time academic programs, key health professional service centers and institutes, and selected community partnerships. In 2009, he chaired the 15-member committee of faculty and administrators that oversaw the Periodic Review Report, a self-examination of the university and its academic divisions that will help set the stage for Johns Hopkins’ upcoming reaccredidation in 2014. As vice provost for academic services, Roulhac assisted and guided the president and provost in advancement of the university’s mission, goals and priorities. Chiefly, he oversaw and coordinated institutional policy and planning regarding both the internal and external reviews and accreditation—in collaboration with state and regional accrediting agencies—of all new or substantially changed full- and part-time academic programs. “Johns Hopkins University has been the

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beneficiary of Ed Roulhac’s hard work and watchful eye for decades,” said Lloyd Minor, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “His accomplishments during nearly 34 years of service are staggering, yet each has the imprint of his integrity, impeccable standards and unwavering commitment to the mission of The Johns Hopkins University. Ed has been an outstanding university citizen, and I am proud to have been his colleague.” Roulhac, who holds a doctorate in higher education administration and health education from Southern Illinois University, joined Johns Hopkins in 1978 as the first assistant dean for student affairs and continuing education at the School of Public Health, from which he holds a master of public health degree in health planning and administration. He also served as an assistant professor of health services administration. In 1982, he was promoted to associate dean for student affairs and continuing education, a post he held until 1986. Roulhac joined the Provost’s Office in February 1986, when he was asked to guide the creation and development of the university’s new campus in Montgomery County. He served for six years as assistant provost and director of the Montgomery County Campus, which opened in 1988. He also directed and guided the expansion of the university’s Washington, D.C., Center from 1986 to 1993. From 1994 to 1995, he served as interim vice president for human resources.

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6 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011

Sexually transmitted parasite twice as prevalent in women over 40 B y D av i d M a r c h

Johns Hopkins Medicine


Johns Hopkins infectious disease expert is calling for all sexually active American women age 40 and older to get tested for the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis after new evidence found that the sexually transmitted disease is more than twice as common in this age group than was previously thought. Screening is especially important because in many cases there are no symptoms. “We usually think of STDs as more prevalent in young people, but our study results clearly show that with trichomonas, while too many young people have it, even more older women are infected,” said senior study investigator Charlotte Gaydos. Results of a study presented July 12 at the annual meeting of the International Society for STD Research, in Quebec City, by Gaydos and her co-investigators show that among 7,593 women in the United States between the ages of 18 and 89, women 50 and older had the highest trichomonas infection rate, at 13 percent. Women in their 40s were next, at 11 percent. The study, which collected test samples from women in 28 states, is believed to be the largest and most in-depth analysis of the STD ever performed in the United States, complementing periodic national surveys of adolescents and individual city reports. “Trichomonas infections are quite treatable with antibiotics,” said Gaydos, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “And these high numbers really warrant older women getting screened by their family physicians and gynecologists during routine checkups to make sure they are not infected and are not inadvertently spreading it to others.” Overall, the survey results showed that 8.7 percent of all women tested positive for the

STD. Previous estimates, using older, less reliable tests, had indicated an overall infection rate of less than 4 percent. In the new study, the infection rate was 8.5 percent in women ages 18 and 19, dropping slightly to 8.3 percent for women in their 20s. Gaydos says that testing is needed to prevent transmission of the parasite because some infected women and most infected men show no signs of the disease, such as liquid discharge from the vagina or penis, irritation while urinating and genital itching. Left untreated, trichomoniasis can lead to severe health problems. Trichomonas infection is closely tied to co-infection with HIV, easing transmission of the virus that causes AIDS. Gaydos says that trichomoniasis also can lead to inflammation of the vagina, urethra and cervix and to pelvic inflammatory disease, and that in pregnant women, the infection has been known to cause premature labor and result in more low-birth-weight babies. The public health threat of trichomonas is compounded, Gaydos adds, by the fact that unlike other common STDs, such as those caused the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, confirmed cases of parasitic trichomonas infection do not have to be reported to local public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “What we are really witnessing with trichomonas, especially in older women, is that no one ever looked, no one ever tested and diagnosed, and no one is really getting treated, so the infection persists year after year,” Gaydos said. She says that in addition to encouraging women to get tested, federal agencies should make trichomonas a reportable condition, as are chlamydia and gonorrhea, so that public health officials can screen, track and develop better methods to halt infections. Another of the study’s key findings was that infection rates were highest among

black women of all ages—at 20 percent, almost twice what earlier estimates had suggested and more than three times the rate in whites, at 5.7 percent. Gaydos says that this finding mirrors results of other health surveys tying increased STD infection rates— such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, too—to high levels of poverty, unemployment and lack of education in different racial and ethnic groups. Such social and economic disparities, she says, also help explain why the infection rate in jails, in which a large proportion of the prison population is African-American, was 22.3 percent, and why women in the relatively poorer Southeast United States have the highest regional trichomonas infection rate, at 14.4 percent, whereas women in the more affluent Northeast had the lowest, at 4.3 percent. “This survey information is vital to tailoring our efforts to get women, especially black women and women in jails, tested, diagnosed and treated,” Gaydos said. The Johns Hopkins team last December published survey results about trichomonas infection rates in men, in whom the disease is even harder to detect. Initial study data from 500 men tested for all three common STDs showed that at least 10 percent of all men participating in the study carried the parasite, whose infection can cause inflammation of the male reproductive organs. Solving the problem in men is also important, Gaydos says, because of the risk of reinfection and instances in which women and men have multiple sex partners who will all need treatment. In the current study, test samples were collected from women in private clinics, emergency departments, hospitals, jails and community health STD clinics across the country between July 1 and Dec. 30, 2010. Leftover samples—consisting of either a urine, cervical or vaginal swab, or liquid pap smears, with the names removed—

were retested specifically for trichomonas after they had already been clinically tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Researchers used the latest genetic assay, a test that is almost 100 percent foolproof in detecting trichomonas, instead of traditional testing methods, which are accurate only about half the time. Funding for the study was provided by participating academic centers, including The Johns Hopkins University. Testing supplies were provided free of charge to testing sites by the assay equipment manufacturer, GenProbe of San Diego. Gaydos has in the past received grant funding from Gen-Probe for studies on the accuracy of its trichomonas assay but did not receive any for this latest study. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists Trichomonas vaginalis as the most common sexually transmitted disease in the nation, with an estimated 7.2 million men and women newly infected each year. The World Health Organization estimates the annual rate of newly infected people at 173 million. In addition to Gaydos, Johns Hopkins University researchers involved in these studies were Mathilda Barnes, Mary JettGoheen, Nicole Quinn, Patricia Agreda, Jeff Holden, Laura Dize, Perry Barnes, Billie Masek and Justin Hardick. Additional research co-investigators were Christine Ginocchio, of North Shore University, in Manhasset, N.Y.; Kimberle Chapin, of Rhode Island Hospital, in Providence; and Jane Schwebke, of the University of Alabama, in Birmingham.

Related website Charlotte Gaydos: Medicine/std/team/gaydos.html

July 18, 2011 • THE GAZETTE


Max Brodel’s reconstruction drawing of the inner ear from serial sections of the temporal bone. The illustration appears in ‘Three Unpublished Drawings,’ 1946.

Walters, a Baltimore financier, philanthropist and art collector, agreed to support the venture. His endowment created the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine, which opened in 1911. In an article published in the September 1911 edition of The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Brodel laid out his case for the creation of the department. “Its purpose,” he wrote, “is to bridge over the gap existing between art and medicine, and to train a new generation of artists to illustrate medical journals and books in the future and to spare them the years of trial and disappointment of their self-taught predecessors.” The department’s courses were divided into two tracks, one for medical students and one for artists and art students. Brodel served as director until 1940. He died a year later, and at his funeral many famous Johns Hopkins physicians served as pallbearers.

“He was loved as a colleague and revered for his knowledge and his art,” Lees says. He also left behind a vast legacy. The department’s graduates went on to become medical illustrators in universities, hospitals, research institutes and clinics. Brodel’s own students would later make up a large percentage of the founding members of the Association of Medical Illustrators, which began in 1945. Between 1941 and 1952, Brodel-trained illustrators would go on to found and direct eight of nine similar medical illustration programs in the United States and Canada. The need for increased communication in health sciences later prompted additional training in photography, medical models and exhibit production at the department. In 1959, the department began its degree of Master of Arts in Medical and Biological Illustration. Entrance requirements were

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Concourse. The all-day conference will include an unrivaled exhibition of medical art, an international array of speakers from the profession and an evening event featuring beer from Brodel’s own recipe and music written for his friend H.L Mencken’s Saturday Night Club. Gary Lees, chair of Art as Applied to Medicine and only the fourth person to hold that position, says that the event will celebrate the past, present and future of the department— and the man who made it all happen. “Brodel was a genius, and I don’t use that term lightly,” Lees says. “He was just so talented and gifted. He loved his art.” When Brodel was 15, he had enrolled in the Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts, where he focused on precision and mastery. Upon graduation from the academy, Brodel worked on gross anatomical and histological drawings for Ludwig, a brilliant physiologist who notably advanced understanding of the kidney and renal function. It was during his time in Ludwig’s laboratory that Brodel developed his doctrine of intimate observation. Brodel would routinely attend surgeries and autopsies, peering over the shoulder of the physician, listening to his descriptions and taking copious notes. “The quote from Brodel that I love the most is to ‘leave paper and pencil alone until the mind has grasped the meaning of the object,’ ” Lees says. “Medical illustration is not drawing a pretty picture. It’s not just knowing the science. It’s being able to take science and the art and combine them to communicate. Today, we’re still doing that.” Upon his arrival in Baltimore, Brodel was quickly employed by Howard Kelly, chief of Gynecology, as his illustrator for a twovolume textbook called Operative Gynecology. Brodel went on to work on other books authored or co-authored by Kelly, including those on diseases of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. He also illustrated Kelly’s journal articles and monographs. When time permitted, Brodel did illustrations for other Johns Hopkins physicians and surgeons, expanding his knowledge of anatomy, pathology and physiology. Lees says that Brodel was in heavy demand. “What Brodel had done was make Johns Hopkins physicians famous because their articles were illustrated beautifully with very accurate, educational art—which was unheard of at that time,” he says. In 1911, when Kelly retired as chief of Gynecology, Brodel was left without consistent illustration work. To retain the outstanding illustrator, who was attracting strong interest from the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins’ Thomas Cullen conceived of a department where Brodel could train students in the necessary knowledge and skills to become medical illustrators. Henry


Continued from page 1

Department chair Gary Lees, seated left, and other faculty and staff of Art as Applied to Medicine raise commemorative beer steins to founder Max Brodel, in painting.


increased, and a two-year curriculum was established. Today, the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine is a leader in the field of visual communication for science and health care. The department continues to teach traditional pencil to paper medical illustration while embracing the latest in communication technologies, such as the use of 3-D modeling, animation and the Internet. The program currently houses 12 full-time students, each with access to a state-of-the-art computer lab with multiple workstations, platforms, peripherals and resources. As medicine, art media and communication technology evolve, Lees says, so does medical illustration. “When the Web came in, it was an opportunity for medical illustrators to do much more in patient education. [People] are now on their computers looking up information on their own health care,” he says. “We use any medium and technique that can be used. The skill of the illustrator, however, remains to intimately know the anatomy and be able to tell that story.” The department’s students attend both illustration and medical courses. In the Surgical Illustration course, students must effectively illustrate four different procedures, such as neuro-, plastic, abdominal and cardiac surgery. To know their subjects, the students are enrolled in the Human Anatomy course with the medical students, and often stay on longer in the dissection room and view more autopsies than their medical student counterparts. “Just like Brodel taught, they stare over the shoulder of the surgeon,” Lees says. “Why? This field is more than just seeing and hearing what is going on. Surgeons are wonderful teachers. They are constantly verbal. They tell residents such things as, ‘When you get your hand underneath the structure, watch out for these blood vessels.’ You can’t take a picture of that. A photo also can’t show what to focus on. You need an illustration for that.” The department’s faculty produces illustrations, animations and graphic design for the medical, research and publishing communities. An anaplastology clinic within the department also creates facial and somatic prosthetics for patients and is in the process of establishing a one-year training program in clinical anaplastology. Recent graduates of the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine have gone on to work at hospitals, clinics and universities, and in the world of television, including the National Geographic and Discovery channels. Lees says that the students leave the program knowing how to illustrate for both medical professionals and a lay audience. “It doesn’t matter what the medium is,” he says. “The message is all-important. I like to say that medical illustrators are either artistic scientists or scientific artists. Every one of us falls somewhere along the line. Sometimes we need to give up a level of artistic imagination to get the message across.” G For more on the July 20 event and the department, go to

Freeze-dried gene therapy system avoids virus, complications By Mary Spiro

Institute for NanoBioTechnology


esearchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have developed a technique that delivers gene therapy into human brain cancer cells using nanoparticles that can be freeze-dried and stored for up to three months prior to use. The shelf-stable particles may obviate the need for virus-mediated gene therapy, which has been associated with safety concerns. The report appears in the August issue of Biomaterials. “Most nonviral gene therapy methods have very low efficacy,” said Jordan Green, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins. “Nanoparticle-

based gene therapy has the potential to be both safer and more effective than conventional chemical therapies for the treatment of cancer.” To develop the nanoparticle, Green’s team started with store-bought small molecules and systematically mixed combinations to generate chemical reactions that resulted in different polymers. The researchers then mixed DNA that encodes a glowing protein with each polymer to allow the DNA to bind to the polymer and form nanoparticles. Each sample was added to human brain tumor cells and to human brain tumor stem cells. After 48 hours, the team examined and counted how many cells glowed from having taken up the nanoparticles and made the glowing protein encoded by the introduced DNA. The team rated success by counting how many cells survived and what

percentage of those cells glowed. Of the many combinations they tested, the researchers found that one particular formulation of so-called poly(beta-amino ester) nanoparticles did particularly well at getting into both glioblastoma and brain tumor stem cells. The researchers then freeze-dried these nanoparticles and stored them at freezer, refrigerator and room temperatures for different lengths of time and then retested their ability to get into cells. According to Green, after six months in storage, the effectiveness dropped by about half, but there was virtually no change in effectiveness after up to three months at room temperature. Furthermore, the team found that certain nanoparticles had a particular affinity for brain tumor cells over healthy brain cells. “I could imagine particles based on this

technology being used in conjunction with, and even instead of, brain surgery,” said Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, an associate professor of neurosurgery and oncology at Johns Hopkins. “I envision that one day, as we understand the etiology and progression of brain cancer, we will be able to use these nanoparticles even before doing surgery. How nice would that be? Imagine avoiding brain surgery altogether.” This study was funded by the Institute for NanoBioTechnology at The Johns Hopkins University, the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund, the National Institutes of Health, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Authors on the paper are Stephany Tzeng, Hugo Guerrero-Cazares, Elliott Martinez, Joel Sunshine, Quinones-Hinojosa and Green, all of Johns Hopkins.

8 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011 F O R


Cheers is a monthly listing of honors and awards received by faculty, staff and students plus recent appointments and promotions. Contributions must be submitted in writing and be accompanied by a phone number. APL Scott Murchie , MESSENGER co-inves-

tigator, has been awarded the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal, the highest honor that NASA bestows to an individual working outside the government. The award is granted only to individuals whose singular accomplishments contributed substantially to the NASA mission. Murchie received the honor in recognition of his leadership of the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars investigation. CRISM, flying aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, is one of NASA’s high-technology instruments designed to seek traces of past and present water on the Martian surface. Murchie received the award June 30 during a ceremony at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. In addition, on July 19 Murchie will be accepting two NASA Public Service Group Achievement Awards on behalf of the MRO CRISM Team: one for developing and operating the CRISM instrument and processing and distributing the data, and one for analyzing the data and publishing the results, thus advancing the understanding of the Martian surface, its composition and its evolution. The awards will be presented at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Jennifer Feder Bobb , a doctoral can-

didate in the Department of Biostatistics, has been selected to receive a Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigator Award at the upcoming Joint Statistical Meetings in Miami. The award is based on her manuscript “A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach for Estimating the Relative Risk of Mortality Associated with Heat Waves in 105 U.S. Cities,” written with mentors Roger Peng, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins, and Francesca Dominici, of Harvard. Bobb will receive her award Aug. 2 at the reception of the Statistics in Epidemiology Section of the American Statistical Association. Jiehuan Sun is the recipient of the Kocherlakota Award, which honors outstanding performance by a master’s student on the Biostatistics first-year comprehensive exam. Yifei Sun is the recipient of the GlaxoSmithKline Award, which honors outstanding performance by a doctoral student on the Biostatistics first-year comprehensive exam. JHPIEGO Leslie Mancuso , president and CEO of

the Johns Hopkins global health affiliate, was named one of Ernst & Young’s 2011 Maryland Entrepreneurs of the Year, a prestigious award presented to only eight business executives, during a gala event held June 23 in Baltimore. Under Mancuso’s leadership, Jhpiego has grown from an organization with a $5 million budget and 125 employees to a leader of innovation in global health care with $130 million in revenues and more than 950 employees working in 50 countries. For nearly 40 years Jhpiego’s mission has remained the same—preventing the needless deaths of women and their families. Regional honorees are invited to the Entrepreneur of the Year National Awards event, which will be hosted by Jay Leno on Nov. 12 in Palm Springs, Calif.

JHU PRESS Terr y Ehling has been appointed associate

director of Content Development and Publisher Relations for Project MUSE, beginning Aug. 1. Ehling will play a lead role in the launch of the University Press Content Consortium ebook initiative that will deliver


on Project MUSE more than 15,000 ebooks from 65 university presses. Ehling was most recently the scholarly publishing strategist for Cornell University Press, where she was responsible for setting ebook strategy for a program that publishes 150 monographs per year. She served as executive director for Project Euclid at Cornell, a multipublisher electronic publishing initiative in mathematics, and also launched CogNet, an online scholarly community for the brain and the cognitive sciences, as director of the Digital Projects Lab at the MIT Press.


D.C. He also was founding director of The Peace Project and Voice of the Earth. He plans to pursue his master’s in development practice as a Mitchell Scholar at Trinity College in Dublin this fall. Lt. Col. Steve Pomper , who was until May a professor of military science and director of the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Johns Hopkins, has received the Army’s highest noncombat-related decoration, the Legion of Merit Medal. The Legion of Merit is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States or a friendly foreign


Marc Kamionkowski, renowned physicist, joins JHU faculty By Lisa De Nike

Physics at Caltech since 1999, Kamionkowski has worked on particle dark Homewood matter, inflation and cosmic acceleration, as well as on neutrino and nuclear arc Kamionkowski, considered physics and astrophysics, large-scaleone of the world’s leading theostructure and galaxy formation, gravitaretical physicists for his work in tional lensing, alternative gravity theolarge-scale structures and the ries, phase transitions in the early history of the universe, early universe, the epoch of has joined the faculty of the reionization, the first stars, Henry A. Rowland Departand high-energy and stellar ment of Physics and Astronastrophysics. omy in the Krieger School of A native of Cleveland, Arts and Sciences at Johns Kamionkowski earned his Hopkins. bachelor of arts degree in Kamionkowski, formerly an 1987 from Washington Uniendowed professor at Califorversity in St. Louis and his nia Institute of Technology, doctorate in 1991 from the has spent much of his career Kamionkowski University of Chicago. He researching astrophysics, cosspent three years in postdocmology and elementary particle theory. toral studies at the Institute for Advanced “Dr. Kamionkowki’s research spans the Study in Princeton, N.J., and joined the boundary between particle physics and faculty of Columbia University in 1994. astrophysics and is directly relevant to Kamionkowski is a fellow of the much of what our department is already American Physical Society. He won working on,” said Daniel Reich, chair of the Department of Energy’s Ernest O. the department. “He is a perfect fit for Lawrence Award in High Energy and us.” Nuclear Physics in 2006 and was named “Johns Hopkins has a number of great the Department of Energy’s Outstandpeople in Physics and Astronomy who I ing Junior Investigator for 1998–99. In have long known and admired, and I am 1998, he won the American Astronomilooking forward to joining their ranks,” cal Society’s Helen B. Warner Prize and Kamionkowski said when his appointwas named an Alfred P. Sloan Foundament was announced. tion Fellow each year from 1996 to The Robinson Professor of Theoretical 1998.


Prior to founding the Digital Projects Lab, she was a senior acquisition editor at MIT, responsible for developing lists in computer science and economics. KRIEGER SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES J ohn F er r y , a professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences, has received the Geological Society of America’s Distinguished Geologic Career Award for his exceptional and lengthy study of metamorphic geology. N a o m i L e v i n , an assistant professor in Earth and Planetary Sciences, has been awarded the Geological Society of America’s Subaru Outstanding Woman in Science Award, given each year to a woman whose doctoral research makes a major impact in the geosciences field. M o h a m m a d M o d a r r es , who graduated cum laude in May with a bachelor’s degree in public health and anthropology, has been selected by Omicron Delta Kappa, the national collegiate leadership honorary society, as the 2011 recipient of the Gen. Russell E. Dougherty National Leader of the Year award, given to the student who has shown the greatest dedication to quality leadership and scholarship. At Johns Hopkins, Modarres was a nominee for Rhodes and Marshall scholarships, a Truman Scholar finalist and recipient of a Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Scholarship. Active on campus and in the community, he served as program assistant for FIFA Football for Hope in Cape Town, Africa, and as an international fellow support associate for Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, in Washington,

nation who have distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. Matthew Porter field , a lecturer in Film and Media Studies, has won the sixth annual Janet & Walter Sondheim Artscape Prize, a $25,000 fellowship given annually in conjunction with Artscape and the Baltimore Museum of Art. Porterfield is a filmmaker whose works include Putty Hill and Hamilton. His winning installation, which consists of 20-by-30-inch cellphone photos and a video montage, is on display at the BMA. The award was announced July 9 by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts. MONTGOMERY COUNTY CAMPUS Kristina M. Obom , program director

of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, and Patrick J. Cummings , program director and director of the Center for Biotechnology Education, both in the Krieger School’s Advanced Academic Programs; and Gar y Brooker , a biomedical engineering research professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, have received a Microbe Library 2011 Editor’s Choice Still Image Award for their work titled “Indirect Immunofluorescence for Detection of Measles Antibody.” The image shows a positive indirect fluorescent antibody serological test for measles virus immunoglobulin G antibody. The Microbe Library is an online collection of peer-reviewed teaching resources for undergraduate microbiology education sup-

ported by the American Society for Microbiology. Maria A. DeBernardi , formerly of Johns Hopkins, also was credited on the image. PEABODY INSTITUTE The world premiere of Michael Hersch ’s

a sheltered corner, commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Eastern Music Festival, in Greensboro, N.C., will be performed at the festival by the Eastern Music Festival Orchestra, conducted by Gerard Schwarz, on July 16. Hersch chairs the Conservatory’s Composition Department. The composer’s brother Jamie will be the horn soloist. Artist diploma candidate Lee Mills will be the third recipient of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra–Peabody Conducting Fellowship, starting in September. Mills will make his public BSO conducting debut on July 16 during Artscape, conducting works by Mozart and Vaughan Williams. Faculty artist Amit Peled will be one of three featured solo cellists in a Grant Park Orchestra performance of Polish composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki’s Concerto Grosso No. 1 for Three Cellos and Orchestra, conducted by Penderecki. Performances will take place July 15 and 16 in Chicago’s Millennium Park, as part of the Grant Park Music Festival. SAIS Azar Nafisi , executive director of Cul-

tural Conversations, Foreign Policy Institute visiting fellow and professorial lecturer, has received the Gabarron International Award of Thought and Humanities 2011. The award is given by the Cristobal Gabarron Foundation “to the individual, group or institution whose intellectual work, creative contribution or dedication to humanity has made a significant, exemplary and outstanding contribution to enriching the perspectives of knowledge, or in favor of human rights, brotherhood between peoples, the fight against injustice, in defense of individual freedom and against any form of oppression of individuals and peoples.” Nafisi’s 2003 book, Reading Lolita in Tehran—based on her experience teaching forbidden Western literature in her native city—has been translated into 33 languages and was on the New York Times bestseller list for 117 weeks. The award will be presented Oct. 7 in Valladolid, Spain. Camille Pecastaing , senior associate professor in Middle East Studies, has been named the program’s interim director. He assumed the position on July 1, when Fouad Ajami left SAIS to focus on research and writing. Ajami will be a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and will serve as co-chair of the Hoover Working Group on Islamism and the International Order. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Frederick Brancati , professor and direc-

tor of the Division of General Internal Medicine, has received the American Diabetes Association’s Kelly West Award for 2011 in recognition of his “significant contributions to the field of diabetes epidemiology, including scientific publications and teaching experience.” Brancati received the award at the association’s 71st Scientific Session, held in June in San Diego. Edward D. Miller , dean of the medical faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, has been selected by Becker’s Hospital Review as one of 65 prominent Physician Leaders of Hospitals and Health Systems in America. The award is based on the physician leaders’ “arrays of experience in medicine and management” along with their strong clinical and financial backgrounds. SHERIDAN LIBRARIES/JHU MUSEUMS Sayeed Choudhur y , Hodson Director of

the Digital Research and Curation Center and associate dean of university libraries, has been elected to the Coordinating Committee of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance, an initiative of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Continued on page 10

July 18, 2011 • THE GAZETTE

Milestones The following staff members are retiring or celebrating an anniversary with the university in July 2011. The information is compiled by the Office of Work, Life and Engagement, 443-997-7000.


15 years of service

5 years of service A l N a be r ,

Jennifer, Residential Life R obe rts , Wanda, Undergraduate Admissions KRIEGER SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

25 years of service A ra now ,

Ruth, Academic Advising

20 years of service Ball,

Gregory, Office of the Dean Christine, Biophysics M i l l e r , Virginia, Classics

Ro se nbe rge r ,

H a te m ,

10 years of service

10 years of service

Wilma, Johns Hopkins University Press

C a tlos ,

Alicia, Johns Hopkins University Press Do wd ing , Samuel, Jhpiego 5 years of service Ferrie r ,

Robin, Marketing, Public Relations and Legislative Affairs Fish er , Joshu, Center for Talented Youth Fish er , Sherry, Information Technology Kreger , Kimberly, Bioethics Institute


Lei, Mind/Brain Institute J one s , Danny, Center for Social Organization of Schools M u ska u s k i , Linda, Center for Social Organization of Schools 5 years of service D a m j a no vi c ,

Ana, Biophysics F ol tz , Nancy, Sociology Le rne r , Kenneth, Center for Social Organization of Schools Lu p e rc hi o , Daniel, Development R oskov i c h , Christina, Center for Social Organization of Schools



30 years of service

S te wa rt ,

Belt ,

Patricia, Epidemiology

15 years of service La urede nt ,

Elsie, Center for Communication Programs Zh eng , Qing, Mental Health

20 years of service

SAIS 30 years of service M a rti n ,

Ba z zet ta ,

Gail, Bologna Center

20 years of service Tobi n ,

10 years of service

Carolee, Preparatory

Ann, European Studies

Stephen, Student Affairs Salvador, Facilities Go o ds , Melanie, Human Resources Ha stings , Ranelda, International Health Ja ckson , Darlene, Environmental Health Sciences Nico te ra , Leslie, Student Affairs Sa lem , Ruwaida, Center for Communication Programs

Judith, 13 years of service, Clinical Practice Association Va l e nti , Laurel, 11 years of service, Urology Wi l c ze k , Kenneth, 14 years of service, Clinical Practice Association

5 years of service

40 years of service

Do rade a ,

Ga wad ,

Amy, Population, Family and Reproductive Health Go o ding , Ira, Center for Teaching and Learning With Technology Ko enke r , Hannah, Center for Communication Programs Ruffin , Jacqueline, Facilities Sa n de rs on , Kathryn, International Health Sh eff ie ld-Hunt , Kristin, International Health Ta ylor , Millinda, Environmental Health Sciences CAREY BUSINESS SCHOOL

15 years of service Edmond-Ros e nbe rg ,

Irene, MBA

Programs 5 years of service Da vies ,

Kelly, Plant Operations


30 years of service Jo ffe ,

Alain, Student Health and Wellness Center

10 years of service Pa ppas ,

Cornelia, Student Health and Wellness Center

10 years of service Keller,

Jonathan, Nanjing Center


Retirees J a ku bow s k i ,

K e a rne y ,

Carlita, Continuing Medical Education

35 years of service M e tc a l f ,

Spring, Cardiology

25 years of service D u bs ,

Frederick, Pathology Betty, Oncology La m a rti n a , Sandra, Clinical Practice Association Le e , Veronica, Animal Services P a sko , Deborah, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Bayview S m i th , Barbara, Biological Chemistry Ta be l i ng , Lisa, Pediatrics Ya zv a c , Peggy, Neurology E d w a rd s ,

20 years of service Dumas,

Ronald, Facilities H ornbe rg er , Jaymie, Human Resources M u sc e l l i , Sandra, Institute of Genetic Medicine S e bou r , Richard, Jr., Facilities Wri ght , Andrea, Urology 15 years of service Ca nnon ,

Tammi, Clinical Practice Association Ci tro , Kathleen, Cardiology

Kathleen, Molecular Biology and Genetics H er r i n g , Janice, Ophthalmology Jo n es , Audrey, Neurosurgery L i n d em a n n , Michael, Anesthesiology and Critical Care M o s t , Pamela, Pathology P o r t er a , Barbara, Ophthalmology R o b i n s o n , Fay, Clinical Practice Association S p er a , Dianne, Gynecology and Obstetrics S t a n f i el d , Heretta, Ophthalmology Ta l l ey , Tray, Clinical Practice Association Vo el k er , Gail, Oncology Wi l l i a m s , Patricia, Pediatrics

Ver d uzc o ,

10 years of service

Fl our noy ,

Do r s ey ,

C h es n er ,

Denise, Gastroenterology Kevin, Immunogenetics G r a ves , Knicole, Research Animal Resources H i l l i a r d , Lee, Institute of Genetic Medicine Kl i co s , Constance, Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine L em m o n , Cynthia, Cardiology L i ch t er - M a s o n , Leslie, Graduate Affairs M cC l a m y , Keisha, Pathology M eh l , Mary, Surgery M ei s s i n g er , Lisa, Chemical Dependency M o r g a n , Frederick, Health, Safety and Environment M o s b r u g er , Timothy, Oncology P a r k i n s o n , Marylyn, Pediatrics P en n i n g t o n , Connie, Gynecology and Obstetrics S k i n n er , Janice, Oncology S t o t t l em y er , Sabrina, Pulmonary Ty l er , Marvin, Facilities Z h o u , Weibo, Neuroscience C h es t er t o n ,

5 years of service Azzaro,

Lisa, Ophthalmology B o l d i n , Tiffany, Gastroenterology B o s t o n , Towanda, HEBCAC C h en g , Yulan, Gastroenterology C o o k , Kathleen, Health, Safety and Environment C o x - M i l l er , Kathleen, Anesthesiology and Critical Care C r o y , Tiffany, Cardiology Du n b a r , Andrea, Occupational Health E n g el , Lauren, Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine H er t k o r n , Kathleen, Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine Jo n es - S i m s , Terra, Financial Aid Office M i l l s , Yoobin, Psychiatry, Bayview M o r r i s , Kerry, Pathology New k i r k , Katherine, Infectious Diseases P o p e , Ajaye, Infectious Diseases P r el l er , Francis, III, Pediatrics R a f a el s , Nicholas, Clinical Immunology R o w l et t e , Devin, Facilities S a l eh , Masoumeh, Neuroscience S h a b a z z , Malika, Facilities S h a n e , Ruth, Pathology S i n g h , Sandeep, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Ta y l o r , Wan-Fang, Clinical Practice Association T h o m a s , Norma, Facilities Ts a i , John, Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Guillermo, Jr., Psychiatry Kaye, Cardiology W hi t ner , Onya, Pediatrics Wi ns hi p , Kimberly, Pediatrics Wr i g ht , Christian, Research Animal Resources Yang , Jian, Gastroenterology Wed d i ng t on ,


15 years of service Ki m bal l ,

Amy, Sheridan Libraries

10 years of service Pat t on ,

Mark, Sheridan Libraries


20 years of service

Don, Supply Chain Shared

Services 15 years of service Ki bl er ,

George, Security Services Koc h , Ann, Development and Alumni Relations Mont er o , Ana, Enterprise Applications Per r one , Debora, Development and Alumni Relations 10 years of service D i ven ,

Kinta, Office of the Vice Provost for Research Hum m el , Lani, Development and Alumni Relations Key s , Ronald, Facilities Kr avc henko , Sergey, Development and Alumni Relations Ky l e , William, Office of Chief Networking Officer Rut h , Shirley, Johns Hopkins Club Thur bon , Charlene, Office of the Chief, Enterprise Technology Services 5 years of service Bur d m an ,

Helen, Enterprise Applications Char l es , Patricia, Facilities D i x on , Erica, Development and Alumni Relations Ei c her , Michael, Development and Alumni Relations Fl ei s c her , Louis, Controller Jar kov , Alice, Office of the Chief, Enterprise Technology Services Mi t c hel l , Eileen, Facilities N j ai , Ibrahim, Office of Chief Networking Officer Rent s c hl er , Andrew, Development and Alumni Relations Robi ns on , Keith, Johns Hopkins Club Shaug hnes s y , Vincent, Controller St ei nbug l , James, Investment Management Thom p s on , Patricia, Controller WHITING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING

20 years of service Weaver ,

Marguerite, Materials Science and Engineering

10 years of service Sp i l l er ,

Robert, Development and Alumni Relations

5 years of service Cheng ,

William, Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center Johns on , Christie, Institute for NanoBioTechnology


10 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011 P O S T I N G S

Job Opportunities The Johns Hopkins University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic in any student program or activity administered by the university or with regard to admission or employment.


Office of Human Resources: Suite W600, Wyman Bldg., 410-516-8048 JOB# POSITION

46386 47755 47861 47867 47881 48167 47887 47896 47898 47917 47963 47993

Sponsored Project Accountant Graduate Recruiter Assistant Program Manager, CTY Tutorial Assistant Distance Education Online and Mobile Marketing, Communications Strategist/Developer Distance Education Instructor (Computer), CTY Sr. Research Program Coordinator Research Program Assistant II Sr. HR Specialist Administrative Coordinator Executive Housekeeper Administrative Coordinator

Schools of Public H e a l t h a n d N u r s i n g Office of Human Resources: 2021 East Monument St., 410-955-3006 JOB# POSITION

44976 44290 44672 41388 44067 44737 44939 44555 44848

Food Service Worker LAN Administrator III Administrative Secretary Program Officer Research Program Assistant II Sr. Administrative Coordinator Student Affairs Officer Instructional Technologist Sr. Financial Analyst

School of Medicine

Office of Human Resources: 98 N. Broadway, 3rd floor, 410-955-2990 JOB# POSITION

45051 46126 46516 46601 47037 47206 47680

Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Clinic Manager Manager, Ambulatory Services Research Nurse Academic Program Coordinator Sr. Research Program Manager Supervisor, Patient Access

48059 48211 47845 47874 47922 47925 48118 47893 47911 48006 48016 48096 48104 48150 48209 48307 48311

44648 44488 43425 43361 44554 44684 42973 43847 45106 45024 42939 42669 44802 44242 44661 45002

Field Manager Sr. HR Specialist Sr. Systems Administrator Sustainability Analyst Web and Electronic Media Specialist Sr. Programmer Analyst Online Production Coordinator Sr. Accountant Billing and Accounts Receivable Student Assistant Director Regional and International Programs Procurement Assistant Administrative Coordinator Sr. Systems Engineer Accounting Specialist Office of Finance Student Assistant Sr. Development Director for Asia Associate Dean, Development and Alumni Relations Assay Technician Research Technologist Research Nurse Research Scientist Administrative Specialist Biostatistician Clinical Outcomes Coordinator Sr. Programmer Analyst Employment Assistant/Receptionist Payroll and HR Services Coordinator Research Data Coordinator Data Assistant Budget Specialist Academic Program Administrator Sr. Research Program Coordinator Research Observer

47889 48312

Laboratory Technologist Sr. Medical Office Coordinator 48425 Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant 48614 Genetic Counselor 48824 Occupational Therapist 48826 Ophthalmic Technician 48864 Sr. Research Nurse 48865 Programmer Analyst 48869 Research Specialist 48870 Technical Support Analyst 48926 Laboratory Manager 49003 Research Program Assistant II

This is a partial listing of jobs currently available. A complete list with descriptions can be found on the Web at

Courtesy shuttle service to JHU-JHMI locations!



No notices were submitted for publication this week.

Cheers Continued from page 8 Program. The mission of the NDSA is to establish, maintain and promote the capacity to preserve the nation’s digital resources for the benefit of present and future generations. Carrie Bertling Disclafani , distance education librarian, has been appointed to Distance Learning Services’ Instruction Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries. ACRL, a division of the American Library Association, is a professional association of academic librarians and other interested individuals dedicated to enhancing the ability of academic library and information professionals to serve the information needs of the higher education community and to improve learning, teaching and research. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION C e c i l i a M . M c C o r m i c k has been

appointed chief of staff for the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration. McCormick joins Johns Hopkins from Widener University, where she was most recently executive director of the Office of the President and assistant secretary to the board of trustees; she was previously dean and director of the Legal Education Institute at the School of Law and assistant dean of academic affairs at the School of Business. She also has held a faculty appointment at Villanova University and has been an assistant professor of business law and adjunct faculty member of the Widener School of Law. WHITING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Jim Aumiller has been promoted to senior

Classifieds Continued from page 11

President’s Achievement Award Mention this ad and receive 15% off on any service work order! Exp. September 30, 2011

Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 6pm Saturday: 8am - 3pm Sunday: Closed Call us at 410-869-1500

Affordable and professional landscaper/certified horticulturist available to maintain existing gardens, also designing, planting or masonry; free consultations. David, 410683-7373 or Licensed landscaper avail for spring/summer lawn maintenance, yd cleanup; other services incl trash hauling. Taylor Landscaping LLC. 410-812-6090 or romilacapers@

PT housekeeper wanted, duties incl cleaning, help w/household management, occasional supervision of 2 teenagers, some cooking, 10 flexible hrs increasing to 15-20 hrs in the fall, Mon-Fri, starting 3pm, must have refs, must like animals. $12/hr (to start). Nina, 410558-0054 or

Studio space, clean, attractive location, crpt, mirrors, sound system, perfect for a dance or yoga practitioner who’d like to make extra money. $30/hr.

PT babysitting offered by stay-at-home mom, White Marsh/Perry Hall area. 410881-0572. Excellent housecleaning services in Baltimore metro area, reasonable rates. 410-7909997 or

Volunteer needed for ambitious ecology project. Mark, 410-464-9274.

7 time winner of the

associate dean for finance and administration. Aumiller joined the school’s leadership team in 2007 after 19 years at Johns Hopkins. In addition to overseeing financial and infrastructure resources, leading improvements in administrative processes and personnel, and ensuring the strength of the Homewood Office of Technology Transfer, he oversees all of the school’s facilities and is heading the planning for Malone Hall and managing major renovations to the New Engineering Building. To n y D a l r y m p l e , the Willard and Lillian Hackerman Professor of Civil Engineering, has been named to the 2011 class of Distinguished Fellows of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The honor is reserved for those individuals who “have attained eminence in some branch of engineering or in the arts and sciences related thereto, including the fields of engineering education and construction.” Since 1853, only 615 individuals have received this honor. Dalrymple was cited “for eminence as a coastal engineering researcher of international importance, particularly for research on waves, rip currents and littoral processes, for development of computer software that benefits the profession and for educating and mentoring engineers.” C h a r l e s M e n e v e a u , a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is the recipient of the 2011 Julian C. Cole Award from the American Institute for Aeronautics’ Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee. At the AIAA conference in June, he presented the Cole Award Lecture, titled “Generalizing the Dynamic SubgridScale Model: Modeling Turbulent Flows Over Fractals and Rough Surfaces.” Rajat Mittal , a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, recognizing his “outstanding engineering achievements.”

Seeking nanny for infant and 7-yr-old girl nr Towson, start early August, 25-35 hrs/ wk, pref longtime basis (3+ yrs), must have own car, functional English, warm heart, good judgment, be highly responsible; serious inquiries only. 443-414-9800 or nriess@

Wanted: Nikon Multiphot macro camera system or parts. 410-262-6826 or jtvriv@

Experts are who we are!


Dog obedience training. 443-983-0707 or Moving/hauling, sm or lg jobs, truck available, 300 mi or less, all Hopkins 15% discount. 443-682-4875. Piano tuning and repair, PTG craftsman serving Peabody, Notre Dame, homes, churches, etc., in central Maryland. 410-382-8363 or

Mobile auto detailing and power wash service. Jason, 443-421-3659.

Fun, caring college student happy to babysit, petsit or housesit over the summer, FT/PT. 973-901-5081. Piano lessons by experienced teacher w/ Peabody doctorate, all levels/ages welcome. 410-662-7951. Hopkins retiree provides fast and accurate transcription services. 410-323-0899. Cleaning service by experienced, prof’l grad student, reliable, pet-friendly. 443-528-3637. Masterpiece Landscaping: knowledgeable, experienced individual, on-site consultation, transplanting, bed preparation, installation, sm tree and shrub shaping; licensed. Terry, 410-652-3446. Horse boarding and horses for lease, beautiful trails from farm. $500/mo (stall board) and $250/mo (field board). 410-812-6716 or Experienced nanny looking for FT, longterm position, extremely reliable, great refs. Donna, 443-768-1702.

July 18, 2011 • THE GAZETTE


Bayview, 3BR, 1.5BA house on huge lot, 1,800 sq ft, gorgeous new kitchen, 10 mins to Bayview, 20 mins to JHMI. $1,700/mo. 410-979-9908 or 806essexhouse@gmail .com. Bolton Hill, 2BR Victorian brownstone on quiet, cobbled street w/gazebo, 1 full BA, 1 half-BA, renov’d BAs/kitchens, upgraded appls, W/D (incl’d in rent), 2nd flr deck off master BR, hdwd flrs, backyd, prkng in rear, email for pics/viewing. $1,236/mo. 571-9333341 or Canton, beautifully renov’d 2BR, 2.5BA RH nr JHH/Bayview, open flr plan, huge master suite, rooftop deck. 443-527-1643.


shuttle; email for pics and to arrange viewing. $1,800/mo. Ocean City (120th St), 2BR, 2BA condo, sleeps 6, immaculate, new appls and living rm furniture, enclos’d courtyd, 2 blks to beach, indoor/outdoor swimming pools, tennis, racketball. 410-992-7867 or joel.alan Ocean City, Md (137th St), 3BR, 2BA condo, ocean block, steps from beach, offstreet prkng for 2 vehicles, lg in-ground pool, walk to restaurants/entertainment, great location. 410-544-2814. Patterson Park, bsmt available, nice area. Maria, 443-921-5669.

Charles Village spacious 3BR apts, nr Homewood campus. $1,350/mo to $1,395/ mo. 443-253-2113 or

Patterson Park, lovely 3BR, 1.5BA TH, W/D, CAC, jacuzzi tub, great back patio, pets OK on case-by-case basis, on JHH shuttle stop, no smoking. $2,000/mo + utils.

Charles Village (Abell and University), spacious 3BR, 1BA apt, eat-in kitchen, living rm, dining rm, sunrm, hdwd flrs, W/D on premises, prkng avail. $1,500/mo. 410383-2876 or

Roland Park, spacious 2BR, 2BA condo in secure area, W/D, walk-in closet, swimming pool, cardio equipment, .5 mi to Homewood. $1,695/mo. 410-218-3547 or khassani@

Charles Village, lg 3BR, 1BA w/laundry, eat-in kitchen, living rm, JHU/JHMI discount. 410-383-2876.

Towson, 3BR, 2BA house nr Towson University, great location, conv to I-83/695. $1,350/mo. 443-847-1862.

Charles Village (40th and Charles St), spacious 1BR condo. $1,150/mo. 410-979-1397 or

Union Square, modern, upscale and fully furn’d studio apt in historic Victorian property, sleeps up to 4, flexible terms. $750/wk. 410-988-3137, flextermrental1886@gmail .com or http://therichardsonhouse.vflyer .com/home/flyer/home/3200019.

Cockeysville, 4BR, 2.5BA single-family house, hdwd flrs, deck, 1-car garage, great schools (Dulaney/Cockeysville/Warren). $2,100/mo + utils. 443-768-2399 or Deep Creek Lake/Wisp, cozy 2BR cabin w/ full kitchen, call for wkly/wknd rentals, pics avail at 410-638-9417. Ednor Gardens, 3BR, 2BA RH, W/D, dw, CAC, yd, pets OK, nr JHU /JHMI, avail August 1. Ednor Gardens, clean 1BR studio apt nr JHU. $625/mo incl laundry and utils. Dag, 720-989-1554. Fells Point (Jefferson Court), 2BR, 2.5BA TH, hdwd flrs, W/D, CAC, rear yd, offstreet prkng incl’d, steps to medical campus. $1,200/mo + utils. Homeland, 1BR, 1BA duplex on 26-acre estate, kitchen, living rm, dining rm, hdwd flrs, W/D, dw, prkng, pref mature prof’l. $1,175/mo incl utils. Mt Vernon, 2BR, 1.5BA condo in gated community, W/D, dw, CAC, hdwd flrs, front patio, prkng space in rear, 7- to 10-min drive to JHH/SPH, 5-min walk to Hopkins

Luxury 1BR condo in high-rise, nr Guilford/ JHU, W/D, CAC/heat, swimming pool, gym, underground prkng, secure doorman bldg. $1,200/mo. 757-773-7830.


Anneslie (Towson), lovely 3BR, 2BA duplex, newly renov’d, Stoneleigh schools. $150,000. Bayview (7030 Bank St), fully renov’d 3BR, 2BA house in Baltimore County, great neighborhood. $154,900. Trulia, 410-812-3490. Bolton Hill, charming 2BR, 2BA carriage house, 1,885 sq ft, modern kitchen, ample storage, nr JHU shuttle, easy prkng. $249,000. 443-377-1616 or bhchinbmore@ Catonsville, spacious 4BR, 2.5BA rancher, backs to woods, gourmet kitchen, double oven, walk-in pantry, hdwd flrs, cozy living rm w/fp, partly fin’d bsmt, workshop, zoned heating, CAC. 410-409-0692.

Gardenville, 3BR, 1.5BA RH in quiet neighborhood, new kitchen and BA, CAC, hdwd flrs, club bsmt w/cedar closet, Spacious Apt. Ͳ Mt. Vernon, Cathedral near Madison, use as 1 or 2 BD, ideal for fenced maintenance-free yd and carport, 15 mins to JHH. $139,500. 443-610-0236 or roommate, CAC, onͲsite laundry, $1250 per mo., includes heat/water, secure bldg., close to public transportation/JHU shuttle. 3402 Mt Pleasant Ave, completely rehabbed 410Ͳ837Ͳ1337,

house nr all Johns Hopkins campuses, new price. $159,900. Pitina, 410-900-7436.

Wyman Park

Park Front, 2 car garage, handsome cherry eat-in kitchen, sunroom & finished LL., mlsBA7585429, 350K

Federal Hill

Attractive Master Suite,1st floor library & media room, roof deck, stainless/granite kitchen. mlsBA7594443, 350K

Chris Raborn, 410-337-9300 RE/MAX Greater Metro EHO

903 University Pkwy, 2BR condo in quiet bldg, clean, freshly painted, W/D, CAC/ heat, garage, less than 1 mi to Homewood Field. $141,000. 410-371-3473 or


1BR and 2BR in 3BR Owings Mills TH, quiet neighborhood, W/D, dw, Internet, 10 mins to metro. $500-$750/mo + 1/2 utils. 443-841-2098 or Two furn’d rms in 3BR, 1.5BA house in Remington, F only, 3-min walk to Homewood campus. $600/mo incl all utils. F wanted to share 2BR house, must have transportation. 410-913-5801. Young F prof’l wanted for rm in Canton TH, lg, furn’d master w/priv BA, walk-in closet, can be unfurn’d, must love dogs, other pets (except cats) negotiable, 1 blk to 2 MTA lines, 6-mo-lease, monthto-month after that. $850/mo incl utils.

Studios - $595 - $630 1 BD Apts. - $710-740 2 BD from $795

Hickory Avenue in Hampden!

2 BD units from $750 w/Balcony - $785!

Shown by appointment - 410-764-7776

Sand beach chairs (2), inkjet printer, oilfilled heaters (3) and baseboard heaters (2), portable canvas chair, keyboard case, 100W amplifier. 410-455-5858 or iricse.its@ Green leather sofa, loveseat and chair, $500; dk brown king-size bedroom set w/mattress, boxspring, $1,700; from nonsmoking home, best offers accepted. 410-935-1168. Specialized Enduro Comp mountain bike, A-1 aluminum frame, Shimano Deore XT, FoxFloat RL 130mm front and FoxFloat R Propedal back shocks, Juicy-5 disc brakes. $500/best offer. 443-562-3447. Wood oval dining table (60" x 42" x 29") w/4 chairs, $75; rectangular wood dining table (54" x 32" x 29"), $30; Ikea wood TV stand (50" x 23" x 29"), $35. 443-257-5136 or

Nonsmoker wanted for rm in new TH nr JHMI, no pets. $525/mo. 301-717-4217, 443-231-8383 or

Double mattress boxspring set and folding frame, $60; fold-down sofabed, $95; brass floor lamp, in box, $25. johannecoll@

Nonsmoker wanted for rm in new TH, walking distance to JHMI. 410-456-1708 or

Original Lego vehicle creations, many styles, sizes 3" x 9" to 8" x 12"; also made to order, contact for pics. $4-$8.

F wanted to share 2BR home, must have own transportation. 410-913-5801.

Conn alto sax, best offer; exercise rowing machine, $50; both in excel cond. 410488-1886.

924 N Broadway, share new, refurbished TH w/medical students, 4BRs, 2 full BAs, CAC, W/D, dw, w/w crpt, 1-min walk to JHMI. Roommate wanted for 2BR in 3BR Owings Mills TH, W/D, dw, Internet, quiet neighborhood, 10 mins to metro. $750/mo + 1/2 utils. 443-841-2098 or gjhoward@gmail .com. 1BR in furn’d 3BR, 2BA apt in Fells Point, W/D, free Internet access, quiet street, best neighborhood, close to everything, free shuttle to SoM. $350/mo to $400/mo + utils. Share 3-flr Federal Hill TH w/26-yrold M SPH master’s student, 2 full BAs, W/D, prkng pad, I-95 access. $850/mo. Rm in Morrell Park (SW Baltimore), share house, no pets, free prkng on street. $500/ mo + utils. 410-882-2312 or flippyputt@


’00 Toyota Corolla CE, automatic, in great cond, 104K mi. $4,000. 443-615-9931. ’07 Acura RDX, silver, still on factory warranty, priced for quick sale, 27.9K mi. $21,500. Dmitry, 410-404-7910. ’91 Honda Civic, red, 4-spd, gas sipper, $1,600/best offer; also ’89 GMC 4x4 pickup, 2500 series, rebuilt motor, new tires/battery. $2,400. 410-419-3902. ’99 Toyota Corolla VE, 5-spd manual, gold, very good cond, 110K mi. $3,800. 443-4700824 or


Long-haired young F cat, delightfully affectionate, spayed, up-to-date on vaccines. $70. 410-371-9886 or

Modern sleeper lounge chair from Target, slate blue, like new, great for an apt. $100. 410-852-3398. Dansko shoes, 3 pairs, sizes 10.5-11, all in boxes, never worn; will negotiate prices. Ikea wood twin bed and mattress, lightly used, bedframe, wood slats, Sultan mattress, hardware. $48. Dormitory-size refrigerator. $75/best offer. Jason, 443-421-3659. House full of Ikea furniture w/birch finish: bed, dining table, TV, lamps, more, all in excel cond, 1/4 catalog price. 443-350-2192 or Live pullets from Stromberg’s, 5-6 wks old, in Owings Mills area; Americaunas, $5, and Partridge Rocks, $4. Pat, 410-458-2520. Inversion therapy table by Teeter Hang Ups, $200; desk chairs (3), $25/ea. Marie, 410-825-8349. Double pedestal dining table, 6 high-back chairs, all solid oak, $400; mahogany reproduction pocket/drawer desk, $400; best offers accepted. 3-pc sectional couch w/reclining addition, separate loveseat, raspberry color, treated w/Fabricoate, in excel cond. $1,000. 202631-2430. Antique Singer sewing machine, model 82387 (No. 66), $100/best offer; 21” JVC tube TV, minimal usage, $40. taswoman@ (for pics).


Nanny available starting September 2011, great w/infants, fantastic references. Florence, Patient Chinese language teacher available. Continued on page 10

PLACING ADS Classified listings are a free service for current, full-time Hopkins faculty, staff and students only. Ads should adhere to these general guidelines:

HICKORY HEIGHTS WYMAN COURT Just Renovated! A lovely hilltop setting on

Beech Ave. adj. to JHU!


• One ad per person per week. A new request must be submitted for each issue. • Ads are limited to 20 words, including phone, fax and e-mail.

• We cannot use Johns Hopkins business phone numbers or e-mail addresses. • Submissions will be condensed at the editor’s discretion. • Deadline is at noon Monday, one week prior to the edition in which the ad is to be run. • Real estate listings may be offered only by a Hopkins-affiliated seller not by Realtors or Agents.

(Boxed ads in this section are paid advertisements.) Classified ads may be faxed to 443-287-9920; e-mailed in the body of a message (no attachments) to; or mailed to Gazette Classifieds, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231. To purchase a boxed display ad, contact the Gazelle Group at 410-343-3362.

12 THE GAZETTE • July 18, 2011

Study: Nonbeating heart cells in scar tissue promote arrhythmia By Mary Spiro

Institute for NanoBioTechnology



ohns Hopkins University biomedical engineers and physicists have completed a study that suggests that mechanical forces exerted by cells that build scar tissue following a heart attack may later disrupt rhythms of beating heart cells and trigger deadly arrhythmias. Their findings, published in the May 17 issue of the journal Circulation, could result in a new target for heart disease therapies. Principal investigator Leslie Tung, a School of Medicine professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, led a team that looked at how heart cells that beat (cardiomyocytes) were affected by the nonbeating cells (myofibroblasts). Myofibroblasts are called to arms at the site of injury following a heart attack. “The role of the myofibroblast is to make the injured area as small as possible,” said lead investigator Susan Thompson, a predoctoral fellow in Tung’s Cardiac Bioelectric Systems Laboratory. “Through contraction, the myofibroblasts close the wound and lay down a protein matrix to reduce the scar area. In doing so,” she said, “the myofibroblasts pull on the membranes of adjacent cardiomyocytes. We found that these forces were strong enough to decrease the electrical activity of the working heart cells through mechanical coupling.” Thompson electrically stimulated cultures containing both the beating and nonbeating cells growing together and found that when the electrical impulses occurred, the nonbeating myofibroblasts pulled on the membranes of beating cardiomyocytes and disturbed their electrical rhythm. Before this study, scientists were aware that myofibroblasts influenced the function of cardiomyocytes by depositing scar tissue, which produces regions of poor or no conductivity in healing cardiac tissue. But the “pulling” scenario described by Tung’s group indicates that myofibroblasts play a

Susan Thompson, of Biomedical Engineering, and Craig Copeland, of Physics and Astronomy, observe a single nonbeating heart cell called a myofibroblast growing on a micropost device.

a device made up of a platform comprising an array of flexible “microposts.” The array resembled a carpet with widely spaced fibers upon which single cells can grow. As the cells responded to their environment, they pulled on the posts. How much the posts bent provided data about the direction and strength of forces exerted. Single layers of myofibroblasts were grown on the micropost device and tested in the presence of the same drugs that Thompson used in her conductivity experiments. “Imagine gripping a basketball with one hand, palm facing downward,” Copeland said. “The forces you apply to the ball with your fingertips to keep it suspended are similar to the forces cells exert on their environment. If you were to place your hand on a bed of rubber nails and apply the same gripping force with your fingertips as you did with the basketball, the nails would bend and their tips be deflected. This is exactly what happens with cells cultured on the post arrays.” Thompson also explained that scientists previously thought that nonbeating cells

more active role than previously realized, Thompson said. In fact, images created using a voltage-sensitive dye showed that the spread of electrical waves was greatly impaired in the cultures with the most nonbeating cells. Electrical conduction improved significantly, however, when drugs that inhibited contraction or that blocked so-called “mechano-sensitive” channels were added. “This is a truly exciting discovery because it radically affects our way of thinking about how cardiac arrhythmias might arise,” Tung said. Tung and Thompson wanted to find out how strong the forces exerted by the myofibroblasts were and whether they changed with the addition of the drugs. So they turned for answers to Daniel Reich, a professor and chair of the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and his doctoral student Craig Copeland. To measure the strength of the contractile forces of the myofibroblasts, the team used J U L Y

1 8

A U G .



Tues., July 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

JHU/American Red Cross Blood Drive. For more information, email johnshopkinsblooddrive@ or call 410-614-0913. Turner Concourse. EB


Wed., July 20, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“Celebrating 100 Years: Teaching Excellence in Medical Illustration,” a daylong conference sponsored by Art as Applied to Medicine. (See story, p. 1.) Dinner follows at 8 p.m. For more details, go to medart/centennial.htm. Turner Auditorium. EB

tive Service Corps; Laura Hudson, Chevron Corp.; Jack Garrity, former executive director, Asia Society; Shamarukh Mohiuddin, executive director, the U.S.-Bangladesh Advisory Council; and Walter Andersen (moderator), SAIS. Co-sponsored by the U.S.Bangladesh Advisory Council. For information or to RSVP, email 500 BernsteinOffit Bldg. SAIS “Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2011: Findings and Recommendations,” a Protection Project at SAIS discussion with Luis de Baca, U.S. State Department. For information or to RSVP, email Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg.

Tues., July 26, 2 p.m.








“Enhancing Investment Relations Between the United States and Bangladesh,” a SAIS South Asia Studies Program panel discussion with Javed Hamid, managing director, International Execu-


Wed., July 20, noon. “Home Births and the Public Health Response: Promoting Informed Choices and Healthy Outcomes,” Public Health Practice grand rounds with Eugene Declerq, Boston University School of Public

Health, and Mairi Breen Rothman, Metro Area Midwives and Allied Services. Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center. W1214 SPH. EB


The FDA Lecture Series, Regulation of Medical Devices, sponsored by the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design. West Lecture Hall. EB






“De­sign Controls II: Safety, Verification and Valida­­­­­­­­­­tion” by William MacFarland, FDA. Thurs., July 28, 6 p.m.

“Medical Device Regulation Outside the USA” by Carole Carey, FDA.

SEM I N ARS Mon., July 18, 2 p.m. “Evolutionary Convergence of Sleep Loss on Cavefish Populations,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Erik Duboue,

affected the beating cells simply through openings called gap junctions, where the two cells came into physical contact. The greater electrical charge of the myofibroblasts would flow passively downhill through the gap junctions toward the cardiomyocytes and disrupt their rhythms. The group’s new hypothesis suggests that another type of membrane channel opened by physical force—the mechano-sensitive channels—may be more important in regulating electrical activity of the cardiomyocytes than mere junctions connecting membranes. The results of both the conductivity and the micropost experiments fully support this new hypothesis, the team said. Although they acknowledge that both the passive gap channels and the active pulling forces can explain how myofibroblasts affect the electrical activity of cardiomyocytes, the researchers believe that the pulling forces could be more relevant to the development of deadly arrhythmias. “We are not ruling out the current theory,” Thompson said. “But we are saying there is something else we should be looking at, and we think the pulling forces are a major component. This could provide another lane of therapeutic investigation, especially if drugs could be targeted specifically to the contraction of the myofibroblasts.” The next step in the project will be to combine the micropost device with electrical experiments on cultures containing cardiomyocyte and myofibroblast cell pairs. “Although technically quite challenging, it will allow us to unravel how pulling forces applied by the myofibroblast to the cardiomyocyte affect the cardiomyocyte’s electrical activity,” Tung said. Both Tung and Reich are affiliated faculty members of the Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology. Thompson and Copeland are fellows in the institute’s National Science Foundation–funded Integrative Graduated Education and Research Traineeship. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association and the NSF IGERT.


New York University. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW

“The Effects of Low-Intensity Lifestyle Modifications for Young Adults With Metabolic Syndrome in Yilan County,” a Health Policy and Management thesis defense seminar with Yi-Lien Liu. W2303 SPH. EB

Wed., July 20, 9 a.m.

David Bodian Special Seminar— “Relative Saliency Affects the Perceptual Decision Process When Detecting Multiple Feature Changes” with Cheng-Ta Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Sponsored by the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW Fri., July 22, 2 p.m.

“Health Systems Strengthening in PostConflict Settings: Hospital Reform in Afghanistan,” an International Health thesis defense seminar with Claire Champion. W2033 SPH.

Mon., July 25, 10 a.m.


“Malaria in an Azithromycin Mass Drug Administration for Trachoma in Central Tanzania: Plasmodium falciparum Diagnostics, the Environment and the Azithromycin Effect,” an Epidemiology thesis defense seminar with Stephen Schachterle. W2030 SPH. EB

Tues., July 26, 2 p.m.

“Carbuying,” a Johns Hopkins Federal

Wed., July 27, noon.

Credit Union seminar offering information about purchasing and financing a car. First-time buyers are encouraged to attend. RSVP to Laurie Hare at 410534-4500, ext. 260, or by email to Sherwood Room, Levering. HW


Tues., July 19, noon to 1:15 p.m. “Unleash Your Inner Spiel-

berg When Delivering Online Presentations,” a Center for Teaching and Learning With Technology workshop with Brian Klaas. Participants should bring their own lunch. E2030 SPH. EB


(Events are free and open to the public except where indicated.)

Applied Physics Laboratory Broadway Research Building Cancer Research Building Computational Science and Engineering Building EB East Baltimore HW Homewood KSAS Krieger School of Arts and Sciences NEB New Engineering Building PCTB Preclinical Teaching Building SAIS School of Advanced International Studies SoM School of Medicine SoN School of Nursing SPH School of Public Health WBSB Wood Basic Science Building WSE Whiting School of Engineering

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