The Gazette

Page 1

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R ec o g n i t i o n


Covering Homewood, East Baltimore, Peabody,

Four Johns Hopkins researchers

Nicholas Evans-Cato brings

SAIS, APL and other campuses throughout the

elected into NAS’s prestigious

a historical perspective to his

Baltimore-Washington area and abroad, since 1971.

Institute of Medicine, page 3

genre of painting, page 16

October 18, 2010

The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University


Volume 40 No. 8


Rare books find home at JHU

WSE students take a Jhpiego field trip

By Brian Shields

Sheridan Libraries

Continued on page 10




he Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries have acquired a unique collection of 280 rare books and manuscripts relating to the history of scientific discovery from the late 15th to the 20th centuries. A generous bequest from the Hinkes famCollection ily, the collection was assembled over focuses on 20 years by Elliott Hinkes, a member history of of the School of Medicine’s class of scientific 1967, who is now deceased. discovery “This is one of the most significant collections ever acquired by the Sheridan Libraries,” said Winston Tabb, Sheridan Dean of University Libraries and Museums. “We are honored to have been chosen by the Hinkes family as the recipient of these magnificent volumes. Dr. Hinkes’ intellectual generosity, as a collector and a man of science, will live on through future generations of Johns Hopkins students and faculty who will have access to these seminal works in their original form.” The Dr. Elliott and Eileen Hinkes Collection of Books of Scientific Discovery has been well-known in the antiquarian-book trade as one of the most important collections of its kind and constitutes one of the major rarebook bequests in recent memory to a U.S. research university. The earliest and rarest materials range from a 1495 edition of the works of Aristotle to early editions of many of the most important and influential works of the Scientific Revolution. The collection also contains seminal works from the European Enlightenment, milestones from the Industrial Revolution and a rich collection of the leading scientific publications of 20th-century achievements in science. Highlights include: • A unique second edition of Coper­­­­-

Sherri Hall, a graduate student in the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design, with CBID brochure in hand, poses with two Maasai tribesmen on the shores of Tanzania.

Aspiring biomedical engineers test ideas in India, Nepal, Tanzania By Ann LoLordo A b h i s h e k P ayal


Jhpiego and the School of Public Health


ohns Hopkins University engineering students are helping design biomedical solutions for health care problems in the developing world as part of a unique partnership with Jhpiego, a global health nonprofit and Johns Hopkins affiliate working to prevent needless deaths of women and families. The 15 students, all enrolled in the one-

year graduate program of the Whiting School of Engineering’s Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design, spent two weeks this summer in field placements in India, Nepal and Tanzania, where they saw up close the health challenges facing women and researched the compatibility of Continued on page 5


2010 United Way campaigns kick off this week By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette


ohns Hopkins’ 2010 United Way of Central Maryland campaign, which kicks off today, will once again play a major role in the daily lives of thousands of Marylanders in need. Mark Furst, president and CEO of United Way of Central Maryland, said

In B r i e f

Grant for special ed PhD program; Burma conference; Dutch composer at Peabody


that the organization will focus this year on meeting the basic needs of people. The organization, he said, will place a greater emphasis on helping agencies that provide emergency shelters, food, affordable child care, utility assistance and other frontline services. “We need to sustain people through crisis, make them self-sufficient and then support them as they rise up to a higher quality of life,” Furst said. “We are supporting agencies

that are literally helping keep people alive and then stabilizing them.” Furst said that due to the economic downturn, the strains on the community safety net are greater than ever. Johns Hopkins, he said, will help United Way prop up this net. “Johns Hopkins is the single largest employee-giving campaign in the state,”

C a l e nd a r

Movie producer Jon Landau; ambassador to Austria; ‘Bike Commuting’; Wes Moore

Continued on page 14

14 Job Opportunities 14 Notices 15 Classifieds

2 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010

Volunteer Summit will examine challenges facing the university By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette


his week, President Ronald J. Daniels will convene almost 300 Johns Hopkins leaders—including senior administration, trustees, members of the alumni council, advisory board members and other volunteers from all university divisions—for a two-day summit in Baltimore to help chart the future course of the university. The 2010 Volunteer Summit will mark the first gathering of volunteers and leaders from across the entire Johns Hopkins enterprise. Daniels said that those gathered will be asked to think creatively, and collectively as “one university,” about some of the biggest challenges the university faces.

Friday’s daylong plenary discussions will focus on four major topics: “At Home in the City: Forging a New Partnership With Baltimore,” “The Global Johns Hopkins,” “The Promise and Privacy Challenges of Personalized Medicine” and “Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age.” The forums will be led by senior Johns Hopkins leadership, including deans and directors. The summit will conclude with a presentation from Edward D. Miller, the Frances Watt Baker, M.D., and Lenox D. Baker Jr., M.D., Dean of the Medical Faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, on health care reform and the effect it will have on The Johns Hopkins Hospital. The Volunteer Summit will be held Oct. 21 and 22 at M&T Bank Stadium and the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel.

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Special education doctoral program receives DoE grant

SAIS and Human Rights Watch to host Burma conference

he U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, has awarded a four-year $1.2 million grant to the Johns Hopkins School of Education to support graduate students in an innovative special education leadership program. This doctoral program will address the shortage of professors in special education and prepare personnel to engage in teacher preparation research and professional development. “A new approach in special education leadership development is needed, one that that prepares scholars who can design, implement and evaluate a full range of teacher preparation alternatives,” said Michael S. Rosenberg, associate dean for research and professor of special education, who will serve as the project director. “Our training sequence will emphasize the use of evidencebased practices, applied policy analysis and culturally responsive instruction, and provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills in high-need schools.” Laurie U. deBettencourt, chair of the school’s Special Education Department, will serve as co-project director. A number of interdisciplinary partners, including the school’s Center for Research and Reform in Education, the Maryland State Department of Education and Baltimore City Public Schools, will assist in mentoring the candidates. The program will begin in fall 2011.

AIS and Human Rights Watch will hold a one-day conference, “A Return to Civilian Rule? The Prospects for Democracy and Rights in Burma After the Election,” from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 20. Nobel Prize–winning economist Amartya Sen of Harvard University will give the keynote address. For an agenda, go to conference-2.pdf. The conference will be held in the Nitze Building’s Kenney Auditorium. NonSAIS affiliates should register online at


villagelofts 6/15/10 2:16 PM


Dutch composer Andriessen in residence at Peabody Institute


utch composer Louis Andriessen will have a one-week residency at Peabody from Oct. 19 through Oct. 27, and two free concerts featuring his work are scheduled. At 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 24, composer and conductor Armando Bayolo, an adjunct faculty member in Music Theory, will conduct the Washington premiere by Great Noise Ensemble of Andriessen’s music theater work De Materie at the National Gallery of Art. And at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26, a concert of Andriessen’s works will be presented in Peabody’s Leith Symington Griswold Hall.

Nine more presses join Project MUSE e-book program

Wind-Down Wednesday aims to help students recharge

ine more university presses have signed on to participate in Project MUSE’s new initiative to offer e-book collections alongside its highly successful electronic journal collections. Newly confirmed are Catholic University of America, Columbia University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Syracuse University, University of Hawaii, University of Michigan, University of Texas and University of Wisconsin presses. These bring to 18 the number of notfor-profit scholarly publishers committed to contributing high-quality frontlist monographs to MUSE’s planned e-books collections. The initial fall 2011 offering is expected to include both a complete collection of the anticipated 350 books in the program and selected subject-based collections complementing MUSE’s existing strengths in disciplines such as literature, history and religion. Previously announced as participants are Baylor University, Brookings Institution, ELT, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins University, Kent State University, Penn State University, Purdue University and University of Illinois presses.

n the midst of midterms, Homewood’s Center for Health Education and Wellness is offering students an oasis from exams. On Wind-Down Wednesday, Oct. 20, Levering Hall’s Levering Lounge will be transformed into an official study-free zone from 1 to 4 p.m. The idea behind the event is to give students an opportunity to decompress and recharge their batteries, according to Barbara Gwinn, the center’s associate director. During the event, students will be able to visit a massage therapist, acupuncturist or herbalist; play some games; and have a healthy snack. Wind-Down Wednesday is one of several programs designed to create a healthier Johns Hopkins community through CHEW, the health promotion arm of the campus’s Student Health and Wellness Center. The weekly Mellow Out Monday brings Stressbusters, a team of undergraduate students trained to provide back rubs, to Q-Level of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library from 8 to 10 p.m. for free five-to-seven-minute sessions. CHEW also hosts weekly SEE for Yourself events from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday on the Breezeway, focusing on either sleeping, eating well or exercising.


Government, Community and Public Affairs:

MHBR #4591

I N   B R I E F

Editor Lois Perschetz Writer Greg Rienzi Production Lynna Bright Copy Editor Ann Stiller P h o t o g r ap h y Homewood Photography A d v e rt i s i n g The Gazelle Group Business Dianne MacLeod C i r c u lat i o n Lynette Floyd Webmaster Tim Windsor


Contributing Writers Applied Physics Laboratory  Michael Buckley, Paulette Campbell Bloomberg School of Public Health Tim Parsons, Natalie Wood-Wright Carey Business School Andrew Blumberg, Patrick Ercolano Homewood Lisa De Nike, Amy Lunday, Dennis O’Shea, Tracey A. Reeves, Phil Sneiderman Johns Hopkins Medicine Christen Brownlee, Stephanie Desmon, Neil A. Grauer, Audrey Huang, John Lazarou, David March, Vanessa McMains, Ekaterina Pesheva, Vanessa Wasta, Maryalice Yakutchik Peabody Institute Richard Selden SAIS Felisa Neuringer Klubes School of Education James Campbell, Theresa Norton School of Nursing Kelly Brooks-Staub University Libraries and Museums Brian Shields, Heather Egan Stalfort

The Gazette is published weekly September through May and biweekly June through August for the Johns Hopkins University community by the Office of Government, Community and Public Affairs, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231, in cooperation with all university divisions. Subscriptions are $26 per year. Deadline for calendar items, notices and classifieds (free to JHU faculty, staff and students) is noon Monday, one week prior to publication date. Phone: 443-287-9900 Fax: 443-287-9920 General e-mail: Classifieds e-mail: On the Web: Paid advertising, which does not represent any endorsement by the university, is handled by the Gazelle Group at 410343-3362 or

October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE



Four JHU researchers elected into NAS’s Institute of Medicine By Contributing Writers

Johns Hopkins Medicine


our Johns Hopkins University faculty members have been elected into the prestigious National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine. This honor was bestowed upon Benjamin S. Carson Sr., Carol Greider, Roger A. Johns and Jeremy Sugarman. Each year the Institute of Medicine elects 65 members, based on service excellence and career achievement, to contribute to the IOM’s mission to act as unbiased advisers Benjamin Carson to law-makers and the public for the purpose of improving health. Carson is the inaugural Benjamin S. Carson Sr., M.D. and Dr. Evelyn Spiro, R.N. Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and he has directed Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center for more than 25 years. In 1987, Carson led the first and only successful separation of twins

joined at the back of the head and has since led other types of successful separations and procedures dealing with conjoined twins. Carson holds more than 60 honorary doctorates. In 2008, President George W. Bush presented Carson with the Ford’s Theatre Lincoln Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States. Greider is the Daniel Nathans Professor and director of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences in the Johns Hopkins School of MediCarol Greider cine. As a graduate student, she discovered the enzyme telomerase, which preserves the end of chromosomes and gives cells a finite life span. She continues research on telomerase by studying how its activity is awry in cancer cells. Greider has accrued much recognition for her achievements, the most esteemed being the 2009 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine and the 2006 Albert Lasker Award. She is a fellow of the American Academy of

Microbiology and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Johns is a professor and former director of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and a professor of pulmonary medicine and critical care at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research involves using genomic and proteomic approaches to diagnose and determine the cause of high blood pressure in the lungs. He also studies the molecular mechanisms of pain, anesthesia and analgesia. A Roger Johns recent Institute of Medicine Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow, Johns worked on Capitol Hill in the 109th Congress as a health policy adviser in the office of Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. His current policy interests concern health care reform, comparative effectiveness and coverage decisions for new medical technologies, and pathways for approval of biogeneric drugs. Sugarman is the Harvey M. Meyerhoff Pro-

fessor of Bioethics at the Berman Institute of Bioethics and the Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins. He is an internationally recognized leader in the field of biomedical ethics, especially the ethics of research in human beings. He has particular expertise in the application of empirical methods and evidence-based standards for the evaluation and analysis of bioethical issues. His seminal contributions to both medical ethics and policy include his work on the ethics of informed consent, umbilical cord blood banking, stem cell research, international HIV prevention research and research oversight. Jeremy Sugarman He currently serves on the Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission, chairs the Ethics Working Group of the HIV Prevention Trials Network and is the ethics officer for the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium. Sugarman is also a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American College of Physicians and the Hastings Center.

SoM receives $3.84 mill to expand urban health residencies By John Lazarou

Johns Hopkins Medicine


he Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has been awarded a $3.84 million federal grant to support the creation of the Osler Urban Health Residency Program, which will bolster the institution’s mission to produce primary care physician leaders versed in the medical and social issues that afflict the underserved of Baltimore City. The five-year grant, part of $320 million in funding available under the new Affordable Care Act, is designed to expand primary care residency programs throughout the nation. The Urban Health Residency track, the primary care arm of the renowned Osler Medical Housestaff Training Program, will annually match four residents who will undergo three years of training in the Department of Medicine, with a focus on addressing the growing medical needs of underserved populations. The track will partner with its sister program, the Johns

Hopkins Internal Medicine–Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Program, which began training four residents in July. “The need for primary care physicians and leaders has never been more acute nationwide,” said Edward D. Miller, dean of the School of Medicine and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Major U.S. cities, including our own, clearly face a primary care work force crisis at a time when health care issues prevalent in our inner cities are rising. This grant sends a clear message about the importance of primary care in managing the complex health problems of our urban populations.” The Affordable Care Act grant will cover the costs of the residents’ salaries, malpractice and health insurance, and expenditures for recruitment and residency-related activities, according to internist and pediatrician Lenny Feldman, the Urban Health Residency track director. “With the passage of health care reform, primary care’s central role in health has been reaffirmed, and the emergence of primary care physician leaders is crucial,” Feldman

said. “This grant will help us in our attempts to address the growing medical needs in underserved communities by providing resident physicians with specialized training in managing the myriad health problems, from high blood pressure and diabetes to alcoholism, AIDS and domestic violence.” After three years of training in internal medicine, the graduates will receive full tuition support from Baltimore Medical System to earn a master’s degree in public health or business administration, or a similar advanced degree in an area of interest, while practicing part time as primary care physicians at Baltimore Medical System, which provides care in medically underserved communities. Rosalyn Stewart, the associate track director, said that the program will focus on social and medical issues that are underemphasized in traditional training. “Healthy living only comes about when all of those issues are dealt with in a coordinated and comprehensive fashion,” she said. Funding for the combined Internal Medicine–Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Pro-

gram currently comes in part from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation and the Osler Center for Clinical Excellence at Johns Hopkins, as well as a grant from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration. This new grant will eventually add 20 residents to the Osler Medical Housestaff Training Program. “This is an important addition to Johns Hopkins and Baltimore,” said Charlie Wiener, director of the Osler program, which will begin in July 2011. “The city and our institution need a program like this.” “Johns Hopkins is in the business of creating leaders, and we all know that we haven’t created enough urban health primary care leaders,” said Myron “Mike” Weisfeldt, the William Osler Professor of Medicine and director of the Department of Medicine. “I am confident that physicians emerging from the Urban Health Residency Program will be able to improve the health care of patients in urban settings around the country.” For more on the Urban Health Residency track, go to Medicine/hstrainingprogram/index.html.

Computer program helps researchers predict pancreatic cancer By Vanessa McMains

Johns Hopkins Medicine


sing a computer program, researchers from Johns Hopkins have predicted which changes in the DNA code may cause pancreatic cells to become cancerous and deadly. The investigators say the findings could lead to more focused studies on better ways to treat the disease, which has only a 5 percent survival rate five years after diagnosis. In a report on the work published in the Sept. 15 issue of Cancer Biology and Therapy, the investigators note that cells in the body accumulate DNA changes over time as a result of the normal aging process and from different toxins in the environment. A cancer cell may have acquired thousands of different DNA changes, but in actuality only a few of those changes may lead to cancer. Determining which of these changes cause the cell to be cancerous is challenging. “A list of thousands of these changes

detected by sequencing the DNA from a group of patients is daunting. Where do you even start?” asks Hannah Carter, a graduate student of Rachel Karchin’s, of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Institute for Computational Medicine and lead author of the study. One approach to finding cancer-causing genes has been to look for those with many more DNA changes than expected. But because some culprit genes don’t contain many changes, a computer program was designed to detect important changes, regardless of whether the change was found in one or many patients. Researchers at the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Research Center at Johns Hopkins sequenced the DNA in pancreatic tumors from 24 patients and compared them to DNA sequences from healthy tissue from the same patients. The comparison turned up many kinds of DNA changes. However, there were 963 DNA changes of a specific type where one letter of the genetic code is

modified that was unique to the pancreatic cancer cells that the group chose to focus on. The sequence data were then given to Karchin’s team for assessment. “Our role in all this is to try to distinguish which of these mutations are worth investing lab resources, money and time in following up,” Carter says. The researchers designed the computer program by listing all individual genetic changes suspected of causing cancer and those highly unlikely to cause cancer. The program then used 70 different predictive features for each DNA change, such as the DNA sequence and structure of the resulting protein, to identify any of the distinguishing characteristics of driver mutations—those DNA changes that contribute to cancer— compared with other genetic changes. Once the researchers had a computer program that could successfully distinguish between DNA changes that are cancer-causing and those that are not, they used it to assess the 963 changes found in the pancreatic

cancer cells. The program gave each of the 963 DNA changes a score between zero and one, with zero meaning a likely driver and one meaning not likely to be a driver mutation. “Our results can help cancer biologists set up experiments to see how important these DNA changes really are in pancreatic cancer and whether or not they are good drug targets for potential treatments,” Karchin says. Additional authors of the manuscript are Josue Samayoa, of the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, and Ralph H. Hruban, of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. This research was supported by funds from the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute and a Department of Defense graduate fellowship.

Related website ‘Cancer Biology and Therapy’: journals/cbt

4 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010

Nanomagic to super synapses: JHU exhibits at Science Fest By Phil Sneiderman



ix teams of Johns Hopkins researchers with expertise in nanotechnology, particle physics and other fields will participate this weekend in an ambitious event centered on the National Mall in Washington: a mammoth exposition at the inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival. The free two-day expo on the National Mall and in surrounding areas will feature more than 1,500 hands-on science activities, plus more than 75 shows on four stages. The family-friendly event was set up to encourage young people to become more interested in science, technology, engineering and math. To accomplish this, organizers said they planned to present “compelling, exciting, educational and entertaining” exhibits and activities. The expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 23 and 24. Among the exhibitors on the

Mall will be the Johns Hopkins science and engineering teams, made up of faculty members, students and staff members who have volunteered to enlighten and entertain visitors. “Johns Hopkins is so close to D.C., and we have a school [SAIS] located in the District, so we really wanted to have a strong presence at this festival,” said Beth Bolton, a Homewood campus staff member who is helping to organize the university’s participation in the event. She said that a bus has been enlisted to transport the teams and their equipment, and that the teams have coordinated their T-shirts, banners and other artwork with logos that call attention to the university. The Johns Hopkins exhibits will be: • Networking Neurons: Making Super Synapses — Volunteers from the Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience will explain how brain cells called neurons connect to one another, forming a signal processing network. Visitors will be able to assemble alphabet beads into a model neuron, with letters spelling out a message. Location: Section NM-5, Booth 532.

• Nature’s Robots and Machines — This exhibit was organized by the university’s Institute for Biophysical Research. Visitors will learn how large magnets, X-rays and computers can reveal how nature’s most complex molecules are assembled and how they keep you alive. Location: Section NM-6, Booth 608. • The Expanding Data Universe: From Galaxies to Sensor Networks — Organized by Johns Hopkins’ Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science, this exhibit will allow visitors to see how science is being revolutionized by an explosion of data across many fields. Applications exist in disciplines ranging from astronomy to environmental science. Location: Section NM-3, Booth 383. • Self-Assembly Is Nanomagic — Volunteers from the Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology will help visitors see how engineers use a technique called self-assembly at the nano- and microscale. Working with everyday objects and materials, visitors will learn how this technique may be used to address human health and environmental problems. Location: Section

NM-6, Booth 610. • Legos Can Show What Happens on the Nanoscale — This exhibit will be presented by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Visitors will see how a popular children’s toy can be used to conduct experiments concerning the behavior of particles, cells and molecules in environments too small to see with the naked eye. Location: Section NM-6, Booth 612. • The Science of the Large Hadron Collider — Volunteers from the Department of Physics and Astronomy will help visitors understand elementary particles by observing the cosmic rays that constantly pass through us. Visitors will also learn why physicists have built a giant particle accelerator. Location: Section NM-2, Booth 235. To locate the Johns Hopkins exhibits on the expo map, go to www.usasciencefestival .org/images/expo/USASEF_ ExpoMapOnly_81810b.pdf. More details are at the main USA Science and Engineering Festival website, www

Despite jobs picture, Michigan nonprofit employment grows By Mimi Bilzor

Institute for Policy Studies


he nonprofit sector has been one of the few engines of job growth in Michigan in the past decade, and it has sustained this record during the recent recession, according to a new report from Johns Hopkins. Between 2001 and 2007, nonprofit employment in Michigan grew by 17.4 percent, while for-profit employment declined by 9.5 percent. Nonprofit employment then continued this trend during the recession, growing by 2.6 percent between the second quarter of 2007 and the second quarter of 2009, while jobs in the business sector fell by 12.8 percent. “Michigan nonprofit organizations are clearly making heroic efforts to cope

with the expanding needs being produced by Michigan’s decade-long recession,” said Lester M. Salamon, study author and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies. “And they are helping the state’s economy in the process.” A recent Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Listening Post Project survey found that 74 percent of Michigan nonprofits reported serving more clients between September 2008 and March 2009 than in the same period a year before. Kyle Caldwell, president and CEO of the Michigan Nonprofit Association, said, “Our nonprofits are working to respond to the rapidly increasing demands and shrinking resources. These pressures are producing enormous strains on organizations but at the same time providing great leadership opportunities as the nonprofit sector employment grows.” Other findings from the Johns Hopkins report include:

• The Michigan nonprofit sector employs nearly 10 percent of workers in the state, well above the national average of 7.2 percent. • The 374,537 nonprofit employees in Michigan earned nearly $14.5 billion in wages in 2009, which translates into an estimated $90 million of income tax revenue for state and local government. • Michigan’s nonprofit sector is the fourth-largest employer among Michigan industries, behind manufacturing, retail trade and local government. • Nonprofit growth was seen in every region of the state. Between 2001 and 2007, regions with nonprofit job growth above the state average of 17 percent included Kalamazoo-Portage (33 percent), Grand Rapids-Wyoming (28 percent) and Lansing-East Lansing (26 percent), while for-profit employment declined in all three regions. Even economically hard-hit Detroit and Flint registered nonprofit job

growth of 14 percent and 13 percent, respectively, while for-profit employment dropped 12 percent and 15 percent. • More than two-thirds (68 percent) of all nonprofit jobs in the state are in the health services field, but significant shares of nonprofit workers are also employed in social services (10 percent) and education (9 percent). • Overall weekly wages of nonprofit employees are lower than those of forprofit and government workers, but in industries in which nonprofits and forprofits are both significantly involved, nonprofit average weekly wages generally outpace for-profit wages. The full report, “Michigan Nonprofit Employment,” which includes a county-by-county breakdown of nonprofit employment, is available at www.ccss.jhu .edu/index.php?section=content&view =16&sub=104&tri=99.

Nearly 3 of 100 Americans have a food allergy, study says B y E k at e r i n a P e s h e va

Johns Hopkins Medicine


n estimated 2.5 percent of Americans—7.5 million people—have at least one food allergy, and young black children with asthma appear to be at the highest risk, according to findings from what is believed to be the largest food allergy study to date. The research was conducted by investigators at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. The findings, published in the October issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, are based on blood samples and interviews with more than 8,200 participants, ages 1 to older than 60, in whom investigators searched for the prevalence

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of four food allergies and for links between food allergies and asthma, eczema and hay fever. Previous research has found slightly higher numbers of national food allergy prevalence, but the researchers say that a true comparison between the new and the previous findings would not be meaningful because of different methodologies, criteria and population sizes. Besides the sheer size of this new study, one of its strengths, the researchers say, was the use of blood levels of antibodies as an indicator of actual disease rather than theoretical risk, making it the first of its kind to use that standard in thousands of participants. Indeed, only people with levels high enough to suggest clinical disease were classified as allergic. Overall, 2.5 percent of the people in the study had a blood test indicating a food allergy. The most common allergy was to peanuts, with 1.5 percent of people testing highly positive for peanut antibodies, the proteins made by the immune system in response to allergens. These were followed by shrimp (1 percent), eggs (0.4 percent) and milk (0.2 percent). Many participants (1.3 percent) had more than one type of allergy. Overall, allergies were most common in children 5 years old or younger, with 4.2 percent of them testing highly positive for one, followed by those between ages 6

and 19 (3.8 percent). “This study is comprehensive in its scope and is the first to use specific blood serum levels and look at food allergies across the whole life spectrum,” said study senior investigator Darryl Zeldin, acting clinical director at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. In the study, children under the age of 5 were more than twice as likely as those older than 20 to have a food allergy, and black people were three times as likely as white people to have one, while men were nearly 1.9 times more likely than women to be affected. Black boys were more than four times as likely as white women over 20 to have a food allergy. The findings also show that food allergies were more common in those with asthma. While the researchers did not study cause and effect between food allergies and asthma, having a food allergy appeared to compound the risk for asthma and vice versa. Those with asthma had nearly four times the risk of having a food allergy than those without it. Overall, people with food allergies were nearly seven times more likely than those without them to have required ER treatment for their asthma in the 12 months leading up to the study. Investigator Robert Wood, director of Allergy and Immunology at the Johns Hop-

kins Children’s Center, said, “Our findings confirm a long-suspected interplay between food allergies and asthma, and that people with one of the conditions are at higher risk for the other.” Wood notes that many children experience an “allergic march,” developing a food allergy first and getting asthma and hay fever later. While people with food allergies were somewhat more likely to be diagnosed with hay fever, the link between the two was not particularly strong, and they did not appear to have higher risk for eczema, the investigators found. Andrew H. Liu, of National Jewish Health hospital and the University of Colorado, was the lead investigator on the study. Conflict-of-interest disclosure: Robert Wood serves on the advisory board of the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network. The terms of these arrangements are being managed by The Johns Hopkins University in accordance with its conflict-of-interest policies.

Related website Robert Wood: staffDetail.aspx?id=3152

October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE

Jhpiego Continued from page 1 proposed biomedical solutions to eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage and other reproductive-health issues. They also got a feel for the impact that societal and cultural realities can have on delivery of health services. Though James Waring, 24, of Yorktown, Va., had lived in Belgium and France, working in the developing world was new to him, he said. “We are sort of wrapped up in a bubble of our own. The challenges [there] are completely different,” he said. The overseas rotations were a first for Waring and the other aspiring biomedical engineers, an outgrowth of a project begun 18 months ago with JHU undergraduate and graduate students and Jhpiego, which is committed to moving research and innovation in global health out into the field. Harshad Sanghvi, Jhpiego’s medical director, said that after visiting the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design, he saw the potential for collaboration with students. “What we are trying to do is to develop extremely affordable technologies that are custom-designed for taking care closer to where women are having problems, often far away from any formal health care setting, and to ensure that cost and a woman’s ability to reach hospitals are not barriers to accessing lifesaving health care,” Sanghvi said. “Jhpiego’s knowledge of these needs developed over 35 years of work in the most difficult places in the world, combined with the ingenuity of bright young engineering graduate students, is a powerful combination to make devices that could make transformational change. I saw in this group of JHU students the innovators of tomorrow.” Joining with the engineering school’s Soumyadipta Acharya, an assistant research professor, Sanghvi issued five design challenges whose goal was to develop low-cost solutions to health care problems that contribute to high maternal mortality rates in many parts of the world. Acharya, in turn,

proposed to Sanghvi “that our students should get some field experiences, or these devices aren’t going to make sense,” he said. “A minute of immersion in the field is worth 10 pages you can read. Words can’t describe it.” The Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design offered all the students in the one-year master’s program the opportunity to participate in a field placement, though it was not a requirement. The Whiting School covered most of the cost of the trips and used grants and gifts for the rest; students paid for their meals and personal expenses. All 15 chose to go. As part of their curriculum, the students take a course each semester on global health. In a recent presentation to Jhpiego staff, the students described their experiences, saying that their interactions with policymakers, clinicians, nurses, midwives and health workers helped them understand the potential impact of simple yet effective innovations in rural clinics and remote areas. Students who visited India said they saw the difficulty in managing the third stage of labor with nearly a dozen pregnant women in one room. Partographs were being used as a record-keeping tool rather than to help make decisions. Mary O’Grady and her fellow students approached the problem from a new perspective. With many patients to care for at the same time, measurements on the Partograph took a lot of time and were not being done. “We asked, ‘What if the Partograph did it for you?’” said O’Grady, 22, of Anchorage, Alaska. In Tanzania and India, students discussed possible plans to develop syringes that are disposable. Some providers shared concerns over costs, while others worried about possible reuse of the syringes. “Articulating desired and absolute needs was hard,” said Shishira Nagesh, 24, of Bangalore, India. “The concept of having a ‘biomedical engineering’ [program] was something very new in the places we visited. So it was hard to get across our purpose there.” Students had to explain that they were at the start of a project to design new and innovative biomedical tools, not participating in clinical trials, she said.

In Nepal, the students researched what level of care would be most appropriate to introduce the intrauterine tamponade, a device used to stop postpartum hemorrhage. While a district hospital made sense, distribution of a tamponade by a skilled birth attendant in a basic care setting might have greater impact. They also learned that a tamponade would have to cost less than $7 to be used widely in the Himalayan nation. While working in Kathmandu, Matthew Means, 22, of Punxsutawney, Pa., took stock of infection prevention measures. In Nepal, except when you go into a sterile operating theater, he said, supplies are very scarce. “At Hopkins there is a hand sanitizer on every wall and outside every door,” Means said. Max Budyansky, 22, of West Hartford, Conn., said he admired the resourcefulness on display at an Indian hospital. “The Kasturba Hospital had a fraction of the technology and equipment [compared to U.S. hospitals]. But the doctors and staff were so dedicated to the patients, so highly trained. They have virtually the same outcomes, the same infection rates, [and] they reuse and innovate on equipment they lack,” he said. “An excess IV line became a drain; gloves were autoclaved, sterilized and reused. Things were made so cost-efficient.” Sean Monagle, who had begun work on his project as an undergraduate, had the experience of actually field-testing the protein pen, a simple device to screen women for the effects of preeclampsia, a condition in some 10 percent of pregnancies characterized by high blood pressure that if left undetected can advance to life-threatening eclampsia. Until his trip, Monagle, 22, of Jacksonville, Fla., had tested the protein pen only with

artificial urine. But in Nepal, in a study led by principal investigator Sanghvi, he was assigned to a crowded maternity hospital, where he had access to scores of potential samples. Jhpiego has been looking for very low-cost solutions to make detection of preeclampsia possible at home and in the community. “I had only been testing four to five samples at a time [in Baltimore]. Here we finally managed to get a couple of hundred,” Monagle said. “I continued to tweak the reagent over the summer. It was nice to be able to go out and do a big sample like this. It was also productive seeing how many people actually loved the idea.” When word got out about his easy-to-use screening agent, Monagle said, members of the medical community wanted to have him test the device at their facilities, too. “I’d been working on it [with Jhpiego] for two years, and I never imagined how big an impact it could have. I never imagined that people over here wanted a test like this,” Monagle said. “Ever since I started working on this project, I loved the concept and the idea. One of the reasons was because of the potential for application.” The students returned to their labs equipped with a more thorough view of the biomedical needs of the developing world, a realistic sense of the commercial potential of the global marketplace and a newfound confidence that they can innovate and deliver. This month, the U.S. Agency for International Development announced that it would give one of its first Innovation Venture Awards to Jhpiego for one of the projects begun with the Whiting students. The $100,000 award is for refining the design of a simple, reliable and low-cost screening test for preeclampsia among pregnant women in low-resource settings. G

GIVE BLOOD. A JHU Blood Drive is scheduled for Wed., Oct. 27, on the Mount Washington Campus, 5801 Smith Ave., from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more information, e-mail

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6 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010



New therapeutic target for some breast cancers B y M a r y al i c e Y a k u t c h i k

Johns Hopkins Medicine


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protein that pumps calcium out of cells also moonlights as a signal to get massive quantities of the stuff to flow in, according to Johns Hopkins scientists. Their discovery of this surprisingly opposite function, reported Oct. 1 in Cell, highlights the link between calcium and cancer and holds the promise of a new therapeutic target for certain breast cancers. The Johns Hopkins study—a good example, the scientists say, of the value of following unexpected “detours� in biomedical research—focused on the enigmatic molecular machines known as SPCA2 that are found in very high levels in human breast cancer cells. Historically, SPCA2 were assumed to be redundant and less essential versions of better-known calcium pumps that scavenge calcium inside of cells everywhere in the body and store it away. Mingye Feng, a graduate student of physiology in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, learned that wasn’t necessarily the case as he conducted a standard control experiment and put the gene that codes for the SPCA2 pump into an ordinary human cell. He expected that if the pump were functional, calcium levels in the cell would decrease, and if it were not, the levels wouldn’t change much or at all. Instead, the calcium levels rose dramatically. “Rather than push this surprising turn of events under the rug, Feng kept probing,� said Rajini Rao, a professor of physiology in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. “Eventually, what turned up was this very unusual calcium signaling mechanism.� Experiments showed that SPCA2 actually move from their normal location inside cells to the cell surface, where they interact with porelike openings called calcium channels. SPCA2 activated the channels, essentially calling all calcium into the cells.

“This signaling role was overriding its pumping and scavenging function,� Rao said. “By overwhelming the pump’s ability to put away the calcium, the net effect was an elevation of calcium.� Rao speculates that nature evolved this unusual mechanism because under certain conditions tissues need to secrete a lot of calcium. One example: lactating mammary glands during breastfeeding. “Human milk is extremely high in calcium, and all that calcium gets there because SPCA2, along with an elaborate network of other proteins, is turned on during lactation,� Rao said. “SPCA2’s normal purpose, we think, is to signal calcium channels to open so lots and lots of calcium comes into the cells of mammary tissue, where it is packaged and pumped out to the milk.� Efficient as the process is, however, it’s also susceptible to misregulation, Rao says. Further studies by her team found that in cells taken from human breast tumors, the SPCA2 gene—normally turned off except during lactation—is on. “When regulation of SPCA2 goes wrong, that’s when you have breast cancer,� Rao said, probably because in breast tumor cells, the lack of regulation of the pump/signaling mechanism lets vast amounts of calcium into the cells, which stimulates the cell cycle, and triggers high levels of proliferation. When the researchers studied human breast cancer cell lines in which they knocked down expression of the SPCA2 pump, they saw calcium levels fall, along with a loss of tumorlike properties such as rapid growth and loss of contact inhibition by other cells. On the other hand, if they inserted the gene coding for the SPCA2 pump into noncancerous human breast cells, these cells behaved like tumor cells. In another set of experiments, they injected the breast cancer cells into mouse flanks, where they formed tumors. However, when they injected the mice with breast cancer cells in which the SPCA2 gene

was knocked out, those cells failed to form tumors, suggesting that the SPCA2 protein is a trigger in breast cancer. This newly discovered mechanism may provide an underlying cause for the microcalcifications (deposits of calcium) in breast tissue that, detectable by mammograms, may signal cancer, Rao says. “No one knew why these appear or where they are coming from,� Rao added. “But our work shows that these calcium-handling proteins are very misregulated in breast cancer.� In the future, Rao says, drugs might be used to disrupt the pump-channel interaction and block proliferation of breast cancer cells. “Some of the best-selling drugs in the world target channel and transporter proteins that reside in cell membranes because they are so available and accessible,� she said. The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and by the National Health and Medical Research and Cancer Council Queensland. Johns Hopkins authors of the study, in addition to Rao and Feng, are Nguyen Nguyen, Sharon Leitch, Yingyu Wang, Sabina Muend and Saraswati Sukumar. Other authors are Paraic A. Kenny, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; and Desma M. Grice, Helen M. Faddy, Sarah J. Roberts-Thomson and Gregory R. Monteith, all of the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Related websites Rao on the cause of some breast calcifications: watch?v=YxQv33fdJgw

Rao on the role of this particular calcium pump: JohnsHopkinsMedicine#p/u/6/ dC-K-8kKVZk

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October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE


8 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE


Nature’s sights, sounds ease pain during bone marrow extraction B y D av i d M a r c h

Johns Hopkins Medicine


s the song says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and now researchers at Johns Hopkins have found that the sights and sounds of chirping birds, ribbiting frogs and water trickling downstream can ease the substantial pain of bone marrow extraction in one of five people who must endure it. In a report published in the September edition of the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the Johns Hopkins team also found that busy cityscapes and sounds of honking cars in traffic, or the absence of other distractions, offered no significant relief from the pain experienced by cancer patients undergoing bone marrow aspiration. And they found that even the soothing distractions of the natural world worked only when the clinician performing the complex procedure was highly skilled in minimizing pain. Bone marrow aspirations—in which a 6-inch-long, one-eighth-inch-wide needle is inserted into the base of the spine for as long as 10 minutes—are often needed repeatedly to diagnose and monitor anemia and leukemia, and as part of bone marrow transplant therapy. The researchers say an estimated 40 percent of cancer patients rank bone marrow aspiration pain as moderate to severe. The study’s lead investigator, pulmonologist and critical care expert Noah Lechtzin, says that bed curtains painted with scenes from the natural world and paired with audio-taped sounds of outdoor life are fairly simple distractions that offer a safe, inexpensive way to reduce the serious discomfort felt

by patients for what is a widely practiced, lifesaving procedure. “Our study results also show that a physician’s skill in pain management is key to making these distraction techniques work effectively,� said Lechtzin, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Lechtzin’s previous research with senior study investigator Gregory Diette, also a Johns Hopkins pulmonologist and critical care expert, showed that the same natural distractions could produce as much as a fivefold drop in pain experienced during bronchoscopy, another common and uncomfortable procedure. That 2003 analysis led Lechtzin and Diette to see if the technique worked in other procedures in which patient discomfort was a leading complication. Bone marrow aspirations use only a mild, local anesthetic so that patients will be awake and alert to offer feedback on their degree of pain. In the new study, 120 men and women, all patients about to undergo bone marrow aspirations at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, were randomly assigned to have their procedure performed either without distraction therapy, as it is commonly performed in most hospitals, with plain-colored curtains and no background sounds; or in a bed surrounded by curtains with painted murals of forests and mountains, or by contrasting scenes of downtown buildings and cars. Sounds were matched to the scenery and played by audiotape in the background, with patients controlling the volume. Immediately before and after their procedure, study participants graded their severity of pain according to the Hopkins Pain Rating Instrument, a scientifically proven selfmeasurement scale in which patients mark a paper line scale measuring 10 centimeters to show exactly how much pain they feel.

Markings close to 0 indicate no pain, and those close to 10 connote the worst pain imaginable. Recordings beyond the 4 centimeter mark are designated as moderate to severe pain. Results confirmed that, overall, bone marrow aspiration is a painful process, with an average score of 4.8 on the pain scale and one-quarter of study participants having reported severe pain. When researchers broke apart the analyses among each of the 10 clinicians performing the aspirations, they found among the two physicians with the lowest pain scores that study participants exposed to the nature cues had an average pain score of 3.9, while those who were not distracted in any way had an average pain score of 5.7. Other factors, including pre-existing health conditions, anxiety levels and how much of the local anesthetic lidocaine was needed during the procedure, were also monitored in the study but did not affect the pain results. “The bottom line here is that finding alternatives, such as these fairly inexpensive nature scenes, to reduce or better control a patient’s pain during common medical procedures is both needed and important, especially if we are trying to keep health care costs down and improve patients’ satisfaction with their care,� said Diette, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins. Each screen and audiotape cost less than $300, he notes, pointing out that alternatives such as hypnosis or increased use of expensive analgesics and sedatives carry with them added risk of complications, greater need for patient monitoring and more time for recovery, all of which add to the cost of care. He says it is also easy to forget the indirect costs associated with sedation, such as the time involved for family and friends in transporting patients who are not safe to drive after they wake.

Diette says that the team’s next focus on training clinicians in best practices for pain control is to expand the use of nature scenery and sounds in clinics at Johns Hopkins, and to plan a multicenter trial to replicate and strengthen the technique. Funding for the study was provided by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a member of the National Institutes of Health, and by the Johns Hopkins Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. All nature and cityscape screens, plus accompanying audiotapes, were Bedscapes manufactured by Healing Environments International, of Elkins Park, Pa. Other researchers involved in this study, conducted from August 2004 to June 2005 solely at Johns Hopkins, were Anne Busse, Michael Smith, Stuart Grossman and Suzanne Nesbitt.

Related websites Gregory Diette: pulmonary/faculty/division_ faculty/diette_gd.html

Noah Lechtzin: pulmonary/faculty/division_ faculty/lechtzin_n.html

Video of Lechtzin discussing the study: watch?v=Qtdrf-vzVbY


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10 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010 F O R


Cheers is a monthly listing of honors and awards received by faculty, staff and students plus recent appointments and promotions. Contributions must be submitted in writing and be accompanied by a phone number. JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE

Marketing and Communications has been recognized with two awards from the Washington-area chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Dome has won a Thoth Award, the top prize in its category, while the office’s H1NI flu campaign received the second place honor, the Award of Excellence. The Dome honorees include theneditors Mar y Ellen Miller and Judy Minkove ; Amy Goodwin , who oversaw its production; Max Boam , its creative designer; and photographer Keith Weller . The H1N1 award winners are Goodwin and Boam; communications specialists Janet Anderson and Mark Guidera ; Web production specialist Katrin Evseeva ; Stephen Gaede , associate director of strategic Web services; and Melissa Schmelick , digital signage content manager. PEABODY INSTITUTE Ted Bickish , a master of music candidate, and EunHye Grace Kim , a gradu-

ate performance diploma candidate, tied for first place in the Bach Concert Series’ Inaugural Organ Competition, held Sept. 11 at Christ Lutheran Church in Baltimore. Junior Christopher Keenan was the runner-up. N e i l T h o m p s o n S h a d e , instructor in the Recording Arts Department, was an invited speaker at the 2010 Concert Hall Research Group Summer Institute 2010, held in conjunction with the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. Shade gave a multimedia presentation on the historic development of chamber music halls, focusing on the acoustic and architectural attributes of venues and how they influenced composers from the Renaissance to current times. The CHRG meets every four years to discuss advances and current thinking on the design


of music performance spaces; the focus of this year’s meeting was halls for chamber music and opera. Pianist Min-Kuei Yang , a doctor of musical arts candidate studying with Alexa n d e r S h t a r k m a n , was awarded the Bronze Medal in the Seattle International Piano Competition, which took place Sept. 17 to 19. She also received a jurors’ award for the Best Performance of Chopin. SAIS Nelson Graves has joined SAIS Bologna

as director of Recruitment and Admissions, a new position. Graves, who has spent two decades as a foreign correspondent managing multimedia news teams in six countries in Europe and Asia, joins the center from his position as editor of Reuters News, Japan. Graves taught for four years and was a trustee for two years at an international school in New Delhi, India. A graduate of Yale University, he is a Fulbright Award recipient and an alumnus of SAIS (Bologna, 1982, and Washington, 1983). S t e f a n o Z a m a g n i , SAIS Bologna vice director and senior adjunct professor of international economics, was awarded the 18th annual Internazional Prize for Dialogue Among Peoples and Their Cultures by the Franciscan International Study Center on Oct. 4 at Palazzo Ducale in Massa Carrara, Italy. Zamagni was recognized for a lifetime of commitment to interreligious, international and interdisciplinary values. He received the honor together with Carlo Azelio Ciampi, former president of Italy; Renato Raffaele Martino, former Holy See representative in the United Nations; and Angelo Pansa, a well-known missionary.

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Cher yl Holcomb-McCoy , professor and

chair of the Department of Counseling and Human Services, addressed the annual meeting of the North Atlantic Region’s Association for Counselor Education and Supervision on Oct. 1 in New Brunswick, N.J. She discussed the role of school counselors in closing the achievement and college access gap.

SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Larr y Appel , professor of medicine, has

been named head of the Welch Center


oncology, has been named co-director of the Kimmel Cancer Center’s breast cancer program. Stearns joined the Johns Hopkins faculty in 2002. She is internationally known for her groundbreaking work on the pharmacogenetics, or hereditary response to drugs, of potential breast cancer patients who are given Tamoxifen, a medication that interferes with the activity of the female hormone estrogen. She also is known for the use of biomarkers to implement new interventions for breast cancer treatment and prevention. The breast cancer program’s other co-director is Sara Sukumar , professor of oncology. Jon Weingart , professor of neurological surgery and oncology, is one of 10 recipients of a 2010 Healthnetwork Foundation Service Excellence Award. The award comes with a $10,000 research grant from an anonymous donor, who nominated Weingart for his consistently high standards of patient care and service. The nonprofit Cleveland-based Healthwork Foundation, which strives to improve health care for all through philanthropy, acts as a networking group for business leaders or affluent families with medical problems, linking its members to top hospitals.

for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research. Appel, who joined the faculty in 1989 and has a joint appointment as a professor of epidemiology and international health in the Bloomberg School of Public Health, is a pioneer in research on hypertension, diabetes, nutritional supplements and obesity. He succeeds Fred Brancati , professor and chief of General Internal Medicine, who served as interim head of the 25-year-old center, which is operated jointly by the schools of Medicine and Public Health. John Bartlett , professor and former chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, is one of only 16 out of nearly 1,200 physicians to receive a Community Choice Award from QuantiaMD, an online worldwide physician-to-physician learning collaborative. Dubbed the “ultimate form of peer review” by the Waltham, Mass., communications company, the award is based on rankings that online lecturers receive from the physicians who watch their presentations. One thousand or more respondents gave Bartlett a top, five-star ranking for his lectures about issues concerning HIV and clostridium difficile, a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection. Mar y Beach , associate professor of medicine, went to Verona, Italy, in September to receive the Jozien Bensing Research Award from the Netherlands-based European Association of Communication in Health Care. A member of the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Beach is only the second recipient of the award, which is bestowed once every two years to talented early-career researchers. Her research focuses on patient-physician communication and relationships. R o g e r B l u m e n t h a l , professor and head of the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, has received the 2010 David Levine Research Award from the Division of General Internal Medicine for his cardiology research and unsurpassed reputation as a mentor. His multidisciplinary NIH-funded training program on behavioral aspects of cardiovascular disease has been funded continuously for more than 30 years and recognized as perhaps the best of it kind in the history of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The Levine Award is named for the former chief of General Internal Medicine. Vered Stearns , associate professor of

WHITING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Peter Searson , the Joseph R. and Lynn

C. Reynolds Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and director of the Institute for NanoBioTechnology, has been named a fellow of the Electrochemical Society. This distinction is given in recognition of Searson’s contributions and leadership in the achievement of science and technology in the area of electrochemistry and solid-state sciences, and his participation in the affairs of the society. Russell Taylor , professor of computer science and director of the Engineering Research Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology, has received the 2010 Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society’s Enduring Impact Award. The prestigious award is given annually in recognition of research leadership in the field. Taylor, a Johns Hopkins School of Engineering alumnus, was a founding member of the MICCAI and was elevated to the rank of MICCAI Fellow in 2009.

Books nicus’ treatise on the heliocentric theory of the galaxy, completely unbound and unsewn, as issued from the printer in 1566; no other such copies are recorded. • A first edition of Galileo’s illustrated treatise on the discovery of sunspots (1613). • A first edition of Sir Isaac Newton’s monumental treatise on gravitation, the Principia (1687). • The first printed description of Uranus, the first planet to be discovered since classical antiquity (1781). • The first appearance in print of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, in a rare paper printed by the Linnaean Society (1858). • Twenty-seven rare offprints and first editions of the works of Albert Einstein, including the first printed formulation of E=mc2. • Original copies of the three 1953 articles by Watson and Crick outlining the nature of DNA. In addition to books on scientific discovery, the collection includes such rarities as a leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed with the technology of movable type; and a copy of the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle, an illustrated world history drawn from the Bible. “Dr. Hinkes, never a serious collector except for some interest in stamps as a boy, was a self-professed autodidact, someone who discovered a passion for antiquarian


Continued from page 1

Hand-colored celestial map of the northern sky superimposed with constellations, with representations of contemporary astronomical observatories constructed throughout Europe. Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr, ‘Atlas Coelestis’ (Nuremberg, 1742), Dr. Elliott and Eileen Hinkes Collection of Rare Books of Scientific Discovery, Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University.

rarities that gradually led to the accumulation of a truly remarkable collection of some of the greatest milestones in the history of science,” said Earle Havens, curator of early books and manuscripts at the Sheridan Libraries. “He grew to become a true connoisseur as well, keen to find copies in the finest condition, many of them

in historically interesting early bindings and endowed with historically important provenance.” After early admission to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine as a member of the “Year One” class of 1967, Hinkes received his undergraduate degree from the School of Arts and Sciences in 1964. Upon earn-

ing his medical degree, Hinkes began his training at Stanford, where he completed his internship and residency. He then went to UCLA, where he completed a fellowship in oncology and hematology. Hinkes maintained a private practice specializing in medical oncology and hematology in the Los Angeles area for more than 30 years and was an associate clinical professor at UCLA. Hinkes’ decision to give the books to Johns Hopkins was motivated not only by a sense of pride in his alma mater but by the knowledge that the collection would be used for scholarly work. “The books are where Elliott and I wanted them to be,” said his wife, Eileen. “It warms my heart to learn that our donation of the collection will make such an impact at Johns Hopkins.” An exhibition of the Dr. Elliott and Eileen Hinkes Collection is planned for October 2011. Images from some of the volumes can be seen at photos/brodylc/sets/72157625017596829/ show. The Sheridan Libraries encompass the Milton S. Eisenhower Library and its collections at the Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room in Gilman Hall, the John Work Garrett Library at Evergreen Museum & Library and the George Peabody Library at Mount Vernon Place. Together these collections provide the major research library resources for The Johns Hopkins University. The mission of the Sheridan Libraries is to advance research and teaching by providing information resources, instruction and services. The libraries were rededicated in 1998 to reflect the extraordinary generosity of Mr. and Mrs. R. Champlin Sheridan. G

October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE

Milestones The following staff members recently retired or celebrated an anniversary with the university in October 2010. The information is compiled by the Office of Work, Life and Engagement, 443-997-7000. ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL CENTERS

25 years of service D a l e , Mary Jo, Institute for Policy Studies 20 years of service Lora, Johns Hopkins University Press Czarnowsky,

10 years of service C h a m o r r o , Corina, Center for Talented Youth 5 years of service G i b s o n , Hannah, Jhpiego BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH

30 years of service C l a r k , Shirley, Facilities F l e m i n g , Chunyea, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 25 years of service C h i v e r a l , Mark, Biostatistics W a s h i n g t o n , Shellery, Facilities 20 years of service Cheryl, Facilities S c h l e g e l , Jane, Office of Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration Murray,

10 years of service K e e n e , Vickie, Facilities R a n d l e , Dawson, Information Systems S i m s , David, Facilities U k o l o v a , Larisa, Information Systems 5 years of service Susie, Center for American Indian Health F o n g e m i e , Ryan, Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology Tr o i l o , Joseph, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Ya z z i e , Kimberlyn, Center for American Indian Health Dixon,


20 years of service L a n e , Eva, Programs 15 years of service Lawrence, Business and Financial Services


10 years of service Jennifer, Development and External Affairs



15 years of service L a f o r e s t - S h a r i f , Regine, Housing and Dining Services 10 years of service C o l o n , Joseph, Office of Multicultural Affairs J o n e s , Terri, Student Health and Wellness Center KRIEGER SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES

10 years of service Ya q o o b , Tahir, Physics and Astronomy

5 years of service Valeria, Center for Language Education J o h n s o n , Alexander, Psychological and Brain Sciences J o n e s , Craig, Advanced Academic Programs M c E l f a t r i c k , Caitlin, Chemistry S h e r w o o d , Andrew, Psychological and Brain Sciences Costadoni,


20 years of service A m r h e i n , Stephen, Peabody Institute 5 years of service W e i l , Alexandra, External Relations SAIS

10 years of service W i l s o n , Bonnie, Student Affairs 10 years of service W a s h i n g t o n , Robin, Academic Affairs 5 years of service V i l l a t o r o , Jill, Office of the Dean SCHOOL OF EDUCATION

5 years of service K o s t i k , Dawn, Administrative Services SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

35 years of service A d a m s , Robert, Neurology A m e y , Michael, Office of Research Administration D i l l i n g e r , Ruth, Laboratory for Molecular Pharmacology M a r i n , Joan, Health Safety and Environment 30 years of service D a n k o , Katharine, Welch Medical Library 25 years of service C l o u g h , David, Radiology J o n e s , Carlisa, Ophthalmology S i m m o n s , Carol, General Administration W a t s o n , Samuel, Jr., Facilities 20 years of service Kelly, Clinical Practice Association D i s i l v e s t r e , Deborah, Medicine, Cardiology F i n l e y , Paige, Radiology F o r t i e r , Jennifer, Surgery G r i f f i t h , Katherine, Urology H a r l e e , Denita, Otolaryngology H a u l k , Thomas, Jr., Radiation Oncology K i e f e , Catherine, Art as Applied to Medicine K o l i s h , Kathleen, Biophysics M c D o w e l l , Darcenia, Molecular Biology and Genetics O l i v e r , Cheryl, Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer P a p a p a v l o u , Chrisanthe, Biological Chemistry P a r k e n t , Karen, Office of the Dean/ CEO P y z i k , Paula, Neurology W e i n e r , Martha, Clinical Practice Association Bolch,

15 years of service Christine, Psychiatry D a v i s , Russell, Clinical Practice Association H a r r i s , Reatha, Institute for Clinical Translational Research S h u e , Denise, Clinical Practice Association S t e r n e r , Shone, Travel T h o r p e , Julia, Gastroenterology W i l l i a m s , Kimberly, Psychiatry Chew,

10 years of service Leslie, General Internal Medicine D i l w o r t h , David, Marketing and Communciation G r e e n , Carol, Gynecology and Obstetrics G r i m m , Leslie, Oncology H a c k e r - P r i e t z , Amy, Radiation Oncology H e n n a w y , Rachel, Anesthesiology and Critical Care H e s t e r , Sarah, Bayview Medical Center J i e m j i t , Anchalee, Oncology J o y n e r , Yvonne, Gastroenterology K o p e c , Barbara, Geriatric Medicine L o n g , Jami, General Administration M a n n i n g , Amanda, HEBCAC M o n e l l , Charles, Clinical Practice Association M u r p h y , Christi, Radiology N e l s o n , Chanda, Urology N y a s a e , Lydia, Cell Biology O c k i m e y , Jessica, Continuing Medicine Education R a m o s , Ada, General Internal Medicine R i l e y , Donna, Surgery S a r r o , Linda, Chemical Dependency S a w y e r , Sally, Urology S h a w , David, Clinical Operations S t a m p , Tanya, Clinical Operations S t a n l e y , Toni, Clinical Practice Association S u l l i v a n , Rana, Oncology Va c h i n o , Gina, International Services W a l t e r s , Janice, General Internal Medicine W a n g a r u r o , Lucy, Pathology W i l s o n - S t u r d i v a n t , Veronica, Psychiatry Z h o u , Xue, Pathology Campbell,

5 years of service A c r e e , Linda, Dermatology A l l e n , Sarah, Center for Inherited Disease Research B e s w i c k , Lindsay, Ophthalmology B i s h o p , Caitlin, Rheumatology B r o g d e n , Lisa, Radiation Oncology D a v i s , Spencer, Jr., Facilities D i g g i n s , Danielle, General Internal Medicine D i p a s q u a l e , Shirley, Radiation Oncology D o r a n , James, Pathology E n n i s , Laura, Infectious Diseases E p p s , Wayne, Facilities F a l c o n , Todsha, Clinical Practice Association F i m b r e s , Maria, Research Animal Resources G r e e n , Tashana, Clinical Operations H a n s f o r d , Rozann, Cardiology H e n l e y , Barbara, Facilities J o h n s o n , Miayana, Dermatology J o n e s , Bryan, Facilities L a n g , Nancy, Oncology L e a , Donna, Cardiology M e d l e y , Jacqueline, Research Animal Resources M o m p l a i s i r , Tara, Cardiology M o o d y , Katherine, Radiology M o o r e , Sheila, Facilities N g o h , Patience, General Internal Medicine P a r i k h , Vaishali, Orthopedic Surgery P e r r o t , Cheryl, Pathology P o t t i n g e r , Samantha, Center for Inherited Disease Research P u c a k , Michele, Neuroscience R o d r i g u e z , Marvella, Surgery S a c h e t t e , Kelly, Facilities S t e i n b a c h , Glen, Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer S t r z y z e w s k i , Mary, Oncology S u l l i v a n , Rebecca, Neurology


Ta y l o r ,

Monica, Oncology Tr a o r e , Keshawn, Research Animal Resources Va v e r e , Andrea, Cardiology W i l l i a m s , Mildred, Dermatology W o o d s o n , Tanita, General Internal Medicine W r i g h t , Jerome, Research Animal Resources SCHOOL OF NURSING

30 years of service H i l l , Martha, Academic Affairs 5 years of service C a l h o u n , Jennifer, Office of the Dean SHERIDAN LIBRARIES/ JHU MUSEUMS

40 years of service D y s a r t , Robert, Sheridan Libraries 20 years of service Albert, Sheridan Libraries Schweitzer,

10 years of service M e t s g e r , Elliot, Sheridan Libraries 5 years of service E s p i n o s a , Paul, Sheridan Libraries UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION

30 years of service L o n g , Deborah, Financial and Information Technology Training Program M o o d y , Jesse, Materials Management Shared Services 20 years of service A s m a n , Gregory, Enterprise Network Engineering B r a n c h , Christopher, Plant Operations O ’ S h e a , Dennis, Office of Vice President, Government, Community and Public Affairs W a l t o n , Geraldine, Plant Operations W e b b , David, Enterprise Network Engineering 15 years of service Patricia, HR Shared Services Center P a r k , Kyung, Plant Operations Beyer,

10 years of service Vincent, Office of the Chief Enterprise Technology Services R a y , Kenneth, Plant Operations S t a f f o r d , Robert, Plant Operations Tr a y h a m , Maisha, Office of Vice President Development and Alumni Relations Draper,

5 years of service J a c k s o n , Tonia, Plant Operations K e n n e d y , Arthur, Financial Systems Administration M a c k a l l , Steven, Homewood Campus Safety Security Services M a c o m b e r , William, Plant Operations N i e m y e r , Michael, Homewood Campus Safety Security Services R o b e r t s , Richard, Plant Operations S u l l i v a n , Michael, Design and Construction WHITING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING

10 years of service M o o d y , Joyce, Geography and Environmental Engineering S i m m o n s , Thomas, Facilities

12 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010

25 years of lifelong learning: A milestone for retiree program


his fall marks 25 years of lifelong learning for a community of Johns Hopkins scholars. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1986 as the Evergreen Society to fill a need within the community for learning opportunities for retired individuals. Today, it continues to thrive and serve a population that is eager to stay engaged in the pursuit of knowledge, according to Kathy Porsella, director of the program since its inception. “Johns Hopkins had programs for many ages, from young children to working adults, but nothing was available during the day for retirees,” said Porsella about the program’s origin. “Hopkins prides itself on serving the community, and Osher at JHU is where the senior population comes to access the excellence that Johns Hopkins has to offer.”

Thinking about getting engaged?

The Evergreen Society began in 1986 at the university’s Columbia Center, with 30 members. It was created by Stanley Gabor, then dean of the School of Professional Studies in Business and Education (predecessor of today’s Carey Business School and School of Education), who wanted to offer lifelong learning to older adults in the community, an opportunity not available at that time. In 1991, the program expanded into Baltimore at Grace Church, three miles north of the Homewood campus, and began with 125 members. It expanded again in 1995, to Johns Hopkins’ Montgomery County Campus, where it started with 125 members. In 2007, the program underwent two significant changes. Johns Hopkins launched the Center for Liberal Arts in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences to bring together three programs—Master of Liberal Arts,


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Odyssey and the Evergreen Society—whose mission was to promote the educational journey by creating learning opportunities for individuals of all ages and stages of life that enhance their personal, social and professional goals while creating a community of great thinkers. The same year, the Bernard Osher Foundation approached the university with an opportunity to apply for funding and become a part of the family of 123 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes. Johns Hopkins received an initial program grant of $100,000 (renewed in 2008) and, to satisfy the grant requirements, the Evergreen Society was renamed the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Johns Hopkins University. In 2009, the university was encouraged to apply for a $1 million endowment grant, which was recently approved. Now offering more than 20 courses per




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 University Parkway at West 39th Street  Convenient to Downtown Tues-Fri 12-5, Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5

12-week semester on the Homewood, Columbia Center and Montgomery County campuses, Osher provides its 750 members with an eclectic mix that includes studies in art, music, film, literature, writing, current events, politics, history, theology, philosophy, psychology, financial planning and others. “Osher at JHU provides both educational and social opportunities,” Porsella said. “I’ve heard it said that people come in for the curriculum—and stay for the socialization. I think that’s largely true.” —Kate Pallant For more information about the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Johns Hopkins, go to For Homewood/Columbia registration or membership questions, contact Wafa Sturdivant at 410-516-9719 or wafas@jhu .edu. For Montgomery County registration or membership questions, contact Susan Howard at 301-294-7058 or

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October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE O C T .

1 8

2 5

Calendar M U S IC

The Alvin H. Bernstein Lecture by Admiral James Stavridis, supreme allied commander for Europe for NATO. For information or to RSVP, e-mail or call 202-663-5772. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS

Fri., Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m. The Peabody Improvisation and Multimedia Ensemble performs. $15 general admission, $10 for senior citizens and $5 for students with ID. East Hall. Peabody

Tues., Oct. 19, 6 p.m.

Tues., Oct. 19, 6:30 p.m. “ ‘Auton-

omous Education’ from Chiapas to Mexico City,” a Program in Latin American Studies lecture by sociologist Patricia Hernandez. Cosponsored by UMBC, Towson University, Loyola University and the Mexico Solidarity Network. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg. HW No Second Troy: Symbols and Persons From Homer Till Now—The 2010 Turnbull Lecture by Edward Mendelson, Columbia University. Sponsored by the Writing Seminars. Part 1: “Why Agamemnon Was Wrong About Women.” (Part 2 takes place on Oct. 27.) Mudd Auditorium. HW Wed., Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m.

“Shoah Literature: The Universal Aspect,” a Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Jewish Studies Program lecture by Geoffrey Hartman, Yale University. 6 p.m. Pre-lecture reception. Co-sponsored by German and Romance Languages and Literatures. Smokler Center for Jewish Life (Hillel). HW Wed., Oct. 20, 7 p.m.

Thurs., Oct. 21, 8 a.m. The 10th William Wallace Scott Research Lecture—“Regenerative Medicine: New Approaches to Health Care” by Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University. Owens Auditorium, CRB2. EB Thurs.,





“The Cinematography of Virgil’s Aeneid,” a Classics lecture by Kirk Freudenburg, Yale University. 108 Gilman. HW Thurs., Oct. 21, 5:15 p.m.

“Im Innern ist alles alles abgeschrieben,” a German and Romance Languages and Literatures lecture by Anne-Kathrin Reulecke, Technische Universitat Berlin. 479 Gilman. HW Kempf Lecture—“Classifying Spaces of Degenerating Hodge Structures” by Kazuya Kato, University of Chicago. Sponsored by Mathematics. 304 Krieger. HW Mon., Oct. 25, 4:30 p.m.

“ Libraries and Reading Culture in the High Empire,” a Philological Society lecture by William Johnson, Duke University. Co-sponsored by Classics. 108 Gilman. HW Mon., Oct. 25, 5 p.m.

Mon., Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m. The Provost’s Fall Lecture Series— “The Marriage Go-Round: How and Why Family Life Is Different in the United States Than in Other Wealthy Nations” by Andrew Cherlin, KSAS. A Year of Demography event, sponsored by the Provost’s Office and the Office of the Dean (SAIS). Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS

The Peabody Symphony Orchestra performs music by Mozart, Mahler and Shostakovich. $15 general admission, $10 for senior citizens and $5 for students with ID. Friedberg Hall. Peabody

Sat., Oct. 23, 8 p.m.

S E M I N AR S Mon., Oct. 18, noon. “Catching a Motor in the Act: Structural Basis for Hexameric Helicase Polarity,” a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with James Berger, UC Berkeley. W1020 SPH. EB Mon., Oct. 18, noon. “The Business Side of Engineering,” a Civil Engineering seminar with Mikhail Lozovatsky, AECOM. B17 Hackerman. HW Mon.,





“Molecular Regulation of Muscle Stem Cell Function,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Michael Rudnicki, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute/Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW Mon.,


“The Mixed Messages of Personal Genomics,” an Institute of Genetic Medicine seminar with Wylie Burke, University of Washington. Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB.

Tues., Oct. 19, 2 p.m.

Continued from page 16




“ALLPATHS: Assembling Large Genomes With Short Reads,” a Center for Computational Genomics seminar with Sante Gnerre, Broad Institute. 517 PCTB. EB Mon., Oct. 18, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar—“Memory Retrieval Mechanisms” with Matthew Shapiro, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York. Sponsored by the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW

“A Brave New World and Yet the Same: The Blessings of Exchange in the Making of the Early English Atlantic,” a History seminar with David Sacks, Reed College. 308 Gilman. HW

Mon., Oct. 18, 4 p.m.

“Global Existence for Coupled KleinGordon Equations With Different Velocities,” an Analysis/PDE seminar with Pierre Germain, NYU. Sponsored by Mathematics. 304 Krieger. HW

Mon., Oct. 18, 4 p.m.

“A Functional Evaluation of Notch3 in the Context of Melanoma-Endothelial Cell Communication and Tumor Progression,” a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences thesis defense seminar with Jason Howard. 303 WBSB. EB

Mon., Oct. 18, 4 p.m.

“Cytokinesis Through BiochemicalMechanical Feedback Loops,” a Biological Chemistry seminar with Douglas Robinson, SoM. 612 Physiology. EB Tues., Oct. 19, noon.

EB Tues.,





“Domain Adaptation in NLP,” a Center for Language and Speech Processing seminar with Hal Daume, University of Maryland. B17 Hackerman. HW Wed., Oct. 20, 4 p.m. “Enhancing Research and Translation Using Small Molecules—The Dundee Model,” a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with Julie Frearson, University of Dundee, Scotland. West Lecture Hall (ground floor), WBSB. EB

“False Discovery Rates and Copy Number Variation,” a Biostatistics seminar with Bradley Efron, Stanford University. W2030 SPH. EB Wed., Oct. 20, 4 p.m.

“How Toxins and Viruses Hijack Common Cellular Machineries to Cause Disease,” a Cell Biology seminar with Billy Tsai, University of Michigan Medical School. Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB

Thurs., Oct. 21, noon.

Thurs., Oct. 21, 1 p.m. “Cellular Mechanisms of Linear Gain Control in Eye Movements,” a Neuroscience research seminar with Sascha du Lac, Salk Institute. West Lecture Hall (ground floor), WBSB. EB Thurs.,






“Shape Inference by Intrinsic Data Descriptors,” an Applied Mathematics and Statistics seminar with Stephan Huckeman, Institut fur Mathematische Stochastik, Gottingen, Germany. 304 Whitehead. HW

“Tiny Leaps for Robot-kind: Mobility, Mechanisms and Motors for Microrobots,” a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Sarah Bergbreiter, University of Maryland, College Park. 210 Hodson. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 3 p.m.

The Bromery Seminar—“Mountain Hydrology, the Fourth Paradigm and the Color of Snow” with Jeff Dozier, the Bren School, UC Irvine. Co-sponsored by Earth and Planetary Sciences and Physics and Astronomy. 305 Olin. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 3 p.m.

“Wittgenstein and/as Philosophy,” a Humanities Center seminar with Chantal Bax, University of Amsterdam. 208 Gilman. HW Thurs., Oct. 21, 4 p.m.

“EXC Proteins Regulate Early Endosome Trafficking to Maintain Apical Surface in Narrow Tubules of C. elegans,” a Biology seminar with Matthew Buechner, University of Kansas. 100 Mudd. HW

Veronica White, New York City Center for Economic Opportunity. Sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies. 526 Wyman Park Bldg. HW “Counting the Phosphates of a Phosphorylation Site Cluster by the FHA Domain,” a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with Ming-Daw Tsai, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 490 Rangos Research Bldg. EB Fri., Oct. 22, noon.

Mon., Oct. 25, 10 a.m. “Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Biochemical Reaction Systems,” an Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar with Hongxuan Zhang, WSE. 210 Clark. HW 25, noon. “How Cofilin Severs an Actin Filament,” a Biophysics seminar with Enrique De La Cruz, Yale University. 111 Mergenthaler. HW

Mon., Oct.

Mon., Oct. 25, 12:15 p.m. “Maintaining Skeletal Muscle Mass: Lessons Learned From Hibernation,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Ronald Cohn, SoM. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW

“Engineering Human Tissues,” a Biomedical Engineering seminar with Gordona Vunjak-Novakovic, Columbia University. 709 Traylor. EB (Videoconferenced to 110 Clark. HW ) Mon., Oct. 25, 1:30 p.m.

“The Role of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Comparative Effectiveness Research,” a Center on Aging and Health seminar with Richard Hodes, National Institute on Aging. Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB

Mon., Oct. 25, 3:30 p.m.

“The HNF6 Transcription Factor Regulates Pancreas Differentiation and Homeostasis,” a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with Maureen Gannon, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. W1020 SPH. EB

Mon., Oct. 25, 4 p.m.

“The Book-of-the-Month Club: A Reconsideration,” a History seminar with Daniel Raff, University of Pennsylvania. 308 Gilman. HW

Mon., Oct. 25, 4 p.m.

S P ECIA L E V E N T S Baltimore’s Great Architecture Lecture Series —The Porch in

America. A three-part series on the history and cultural significance of the porch in America. $20 general admission, $15 Homewood and AIA Baltimore members and students. Advance registration required; call 410-516-5589 or go to producer/22987. 111 Mergenthaler. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 4 p.m.

“The Evaluation of New York City’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program,” a Social Policy seminar with James Riccio, MDRC, and

Thurs., Oct. 21, 4 p.m.






“Painted Furniture for Garden Rooms, Porches and Lawns, 1790–1825” by Wendy Cooper, senior curator of furniture, Winterthur Museum and Country Estate. 5 p.m. Prelecture reception at Homewood Museum. Mon.,





“Porches, Porticoes and the Architecture of Democracy” by architect Allan Greenberg. Last in the series. 5 p.m. Pre-lecture reception at Homewood Museum.

Wed., Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m.


Suitcase Full of Pop-Up Books,” an illustrated talk by Paul Johnson. Sponsored by the Friends of the Johns Hopkins University Libraries. 5:30 p.m. Reception. Bakst Theater, Evergreen Museum & Library. 2010 Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium—The Global Network: America’s Changing Role in an Interconnected World, with Jon Landau, producer of the movies Titanic and Avatar. Talk followed by question-and-answer session and reception. Shriver Hall Auditorium. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 8 p.m.






“Brunelleschi’s Magic Bullet: On Painting the City With Perfect Projection,” a slide show and talk by urban landscape painter Nicholas Evans-Cato. (See story, p. 16.) Co-sponsored by Homewood Art Workshops and Homewood Arts Programs. 101 Ross Jones Building, Mattin Center. HW S Y M P O S IA Thurs., Oct. 21, 3:30 p.m. “The

Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates,” an Urban Health Institute symposium with author Wes Moore. E2014 SPH. EB


“Bike Commuting,” a Center for a Livable Future workshop and panel discussion with members of the JHU Bike Commuting Group. An optional group bike ride to Patterson Park will take place from 1 to 2 p.m. W2030 SPH. EB

Mon., Oct. 18, noon.

The Center for Educational Resources presents a series of

workshops on the Blackboard 9.1 interface. The training is open to all faculty, staff and students in full-time KSAS or WSE programs who will serve as administrators to a Blackboard course. To register, go to Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW •

Mon., Oct. 18, 2:30 p.m.

Tues., Oct. 19, 9:30 a.m.

Wed., Oct. 20, 2:30 p.m.

“Assessing Student Knowledge and Managing Grades in Blackboard.” “Getting Started Blackboard.”


“Blackboard Communication and Collaboration.”






“Eyes on Teaching: Enhancing Students’ Motivation and Learning,” a Center for Educational Resources workshop for faculty, postdocs and graduate students only. Registration required; go to Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW “Introduction to Tests and Surveys,” a Center for Educational Resources “Bits & Bytes” workshop. Register at Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 1 p.m.

Fri., Oct. 22, 9 a.m. to noon , and 2 to 6 p.m. “Shadows,

Mirrors, ‘White Spaces’: Thinking Algeria With and Beyond the Limits of Francophone Scholarship in North America,” a Women, Gender and Sexuality workshop. 479 Gilman (9 a.m. ) and 308 Gilman (2 p.m. ) HW

14 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010 P O S T I N G S


Job Opportunities The Johns Hopkins University does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or other legally protected characteristic in any student program or activity administered by the university or with regard to admission or employment.


Office of Human Resources: Suite W600, Wyman Bldg., 410-516-8048 JOB#


43097 43101 43218 43251 43294 43298 43336 43397 43405 43406 43411 43442 42958

Sr. Programmer Analyst Accounting Aide Alumni Relations Coordinator Network Analyst Research Service Analyst Employee Assistance Clinician Programmer Analyst Data Assistant Accountant Sr. OD Specialist Accounting Manager Instructional Facilitator Sr. Employer Outreach Coordinator

Schools of Public H e a l t h a n d N u r s i n g Office of Human Resources: 2021 East Monument St., 410-955-3006 JOB#

43084 43833 44899 44976 44290 44672 41388 44067 44737 44939 44555 44848 44648 44488 43425 43361 44554


Academic Program Coordinator Grant Writer Maintenance Worker Food Service Worker LAN Administrator III Administrative Secretary Program Officer Research Program Assistant II Sr. Administrative Coordinator Student Affairs Officer Instructional Technologist Sr. Financial Analyst Assay Technician Research Technologist Research Nurse Research Scientist Administrative Specialist

School of Medicine

Office of Human Resources: 98 N. Broadway, 3rd floor, 410-955-2990 JOB#

38035 35677 30501 22150 38064

43015 43041 43060 43087 43115 43152 43244 43245 43250 43403 42291 42755 42771 42861 42942 43341 43395

LAN Administrator II Software Engineer DE Instructor, Center for Talented Youth Assistant Program Manager, Center for Talented Youth Residential Life Administrator Tutor Building Operations Supervisor Building Maintenance Technician Program Manager, Center for Talented Youth Admissions Officer Project Manager LDP Stationary Engineer Programmer Analyst Financial Manager Multimedia Technician Sr. Technical Support Analyst Research Service Analyst

44684 42973 43847 45106 45024 42939 43754 42669 44802 44242 44661 45002 44008 44005 41877 44583 44715 44065 44112 44989 44740 39063 44603

Biostatistician Clinical Outcomes Coordinator Sr. Programmer Analyst Employment Assistant/Receptionist Payroll and HR Services Coordinator Research Data Coordinator Malaria Adviser Data Assistant Budget Specialist Academic Program Administrator Sr. Research Program Coordinator Research Observer Manuscript Editor, American Journal of Epidemiology Research Service Analyst Health Educator Multimedia Production Supervisor Research Program Coordinator Research Data Manager Sr. Laboratory Coordinator Sr. Research Assistant Sr. Administrative Coordinator Research Assistant Budget Analyst

37442 37260 38008 36886 37890

Sr. Administrative Coordinator Sr. Administrative Coordinator Sponsored Project Specialist Program Administrator Sr. Research Program Coordinator


Assistant Administrator Sr. Financial Analyst Nurse Midwife Physician Assistant Administrative Specialist

This is a partial listing of jobs currently available. A complete list with descriptions can be found on the Web at

Woodcliffe Manor Apartments




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is scheduled to meet at noon on Tues., Oct. 19, in E9519 SPH. Food will be served. To sign up, e-mail

Composting Focus Group — In the

Funding for Prostate Cancer Research — Funding is available to support mul-

coming weeks, the School of Public Health will be launching the first phase of a composting program at the Wolfe Street and Hampton House locations. Initially this program will collect only materials from the kitchen and animal cage wash areas; eventually the program will be expanded to include dining areas and departmental pantries. A focus group on composting is being formed to assist in developing a successful outreach and communication campaign for the second phase of the program. The group

tidisciplinary research in prostate cancer through the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund as well as the NCIfunded Prostate Cancer SPORE grant. Awards of a maximum of $75,000 per year for up to two years are available to fund career development and developmental research programs (pilot projects). New ideas are encouraged. The deadline for applications for funding is Tuesday, Jan. 11. For more information, go to

United Way

Employees will be able to designate all or part of their donation to the Johns Hopkins Neighborhood Fund, which supports agencies that serve communities in close proximity to Johns Hopkins campuses and have a strong relationship with Johns Hopkins and its employees. It was created to assist community-oriented organizations and agencies that may not currently receive United Way funding. “There’s great need right here in our midst, people who have fallen on hard times and need our assistance to pull them back up,” Schnydman said. “That is why the The overall Neighborhood Fund is so important. It was goal for developed to assist community-oriented this year’s organizations that serve campaign is people who we might walk or drive by each $2.2 million day. We must not forget our responsibility.” Last year, the Neighborhood Fund raised more than $240,000. To be considered, nonprofit organizations must be associated with Johns Hopkins through employee and/ or institutional involvement and deliver services within the Live Near Your Work program boundaries and/or a 3/4-mile radius of a Johns Hopkins campus that participates in the annual United Way of Central Maryland campaign. A committee representing a cross section of employees oversees the allocation of the fund. The overall campaign, whose theme is “Give Help Today and Hope for Tomorrow,” will focus on funding 16,000 nonprofit organizations in Central Maryland that provide assistance in the “Live United” areas of education, income and health services. Among the events highlighting this year’s university campaign will be a Chili CookOff/Bake-Off, scheduled for Friday, Nov. 12. The Johns Hopkins Medicine campaign will feature two hot dog lunches, on Oct. 21 and Oct. 29 in the Turner Plaza. The Oct. 29 event will feature Baltimore Orioles legend Brooks Robinson. Admission to the events is a completed campaign pledge form or a coupon signed by the employee’s United Way coordinator. The campaigns will feature departmentand office-level events that seek to educate Johns Hopkins employees on the work of the Neighborhood Fund as well as of United Way of Central Maryland, which supports human service agencies in Baltimore City and its five surrounding counties. Employees may contribute through a secure and confidential electronic system, which can be found at To access the system, employees will use their JHED ID and password. Those who would rather pledge by paper can download a form from the United Way site or contact their department coordinator. G For more information on the Johns Hopkins campaigns, go to or contact or 410-516-6060.

Continued from page 1 he said. “Last year, Hopkins employees gave roughly $2.6 million to United Way. That represents a huge impact on the community.” Johns Hopkins has also taken on a leadership role in this year’s drive as Edward Miller, CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Ron Peterson, president of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, will serve as co-chairs of the United Way of Central Maryland campaign. “Johns Hopkins Medicine touches so many people in this state, so to have its leaders support United Way in this way, I can think of no higher compliment,” Furst said. Due to economic conditions, the United Way of Central Maryland last year cut operating costs and significantly reduced its designation fee to 5 percent, with a cap of $500 no matter the size of the gift. It previously charged 17.5 percent for paper-pledged designations and 12.5 percent for electronic designations to specific health and human services organizations. Designations made to United Way or its impact partners do not have fees associated. Jerry Schnydman, executive assistant to the president and secretary of the board of trustees, will serve as chair of the university’s campaign, which runs through Dec. 17. Stephanie Reel, chief information officer and vice provost for information technology, will serve as chair of the Johns Hopkins Medicine campaign, which will run from Wednesday to Nov. 10. Ted DeWeese, professor and chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences for the School of Medicine, is vice chair. Reel said that the United Way of Central Maryland needs Johns Hopkins to step up to serve our community. “United Way is a critical resource to many people who never expected to need a safety net,” Reel said. “We can make a big difference. Just think about it: $1 a week would provide 12 homeless veterans three meals for one full day. A donation of $2.50 a week would help 25 inner city youth attend a program that teaches life skills that help them learn and become independent. Every little bit helps.” The combined university/Johns Hopkins Medicine financial goal for the 2010 campaign is $2.2 million, a total for contributions from all divisions except SAIS, whose donations are reported to the National Capital Area campaign in Washington, D.C., and the Applied Physics Laboratory, which no longer reports its financial goals and results. T h e university’s campaign will be rolled out by its “ambassadors”—selected employees who will educate others about United Way and can answer questions.

Read The Gazette online

October 18, 2010 • THE GAZETTE




$1,500/mo + utils (incl wireless Internet). 443-386-8260.

Baltimore City, updated 1BR condo in secure gated community, assigned prkng, swimming, tennis, nr hospital and university; option to own ($135,000). $1,200/mo incl utils. 410-951-4750.

Roland Park, spacious, furn’d 2BR, 2BA condo in secure area, W/D, walk-in closet, swimming pool, cardio equipment, .5 mi to Homewood. $1,600/mo. 410-218-3547 or

Bayview, 2-3BR apt on 1st flr. $700/mo + sec dep. 443-243-1651.

Severna Park, sm 2BR, 1BA house, nonsmoking, credit report/references req’d. $1,075/mo. 410-518-6427.

Bologna, Italy, visit between Oct 22-30, stay in a flat under the Due Torri. www.airbnb .com/rooms/9262. Bolton Hill, big, beautiful 1BR apt w/office and den, 28' living rm, formal dining rm, butler’s pantry, shared yd. $1,600/mo. gbaranoski@ Butchers Hill, 3-story house w/2BR suites, 2.5BAs, kitchen, W/D, dw, sec sys, huge backyd, walk to school. $1,350/mo. Sharon, 443-695-9073. Canton, 2BR, 2.5BA rehabbed TH, great location, close to JHH, avail Jan 1. $1,700/ mo. Courtney, Canton, furn’d 3BR, 2.5BA waterfront TH, 2-car garage. $2,850/mo. Sandeep, 443-9552040. Charles Village apts: studio ($625/mo) and newly renov’d 1BR apt ($825/mo); utils incl’d for both. murilo_silvia@hotmail .com. East Baltimore, 2 newly renov’d apts w/ freshly painted walls. $675/mo (1BR, 1BA) or $875/mo (3BR, 1BA). Darlene, 410-2257330 or Evergreen/Roland Park, sunny, furn’d 3BR house, avail January-June 2011, 15-min walk to Homewood campus/shuttle. $1,800/ mo. Federal Hill, 2BR, 1BA house in historic neighborhood, nr Inner Harbor, 2 prkng spaces, move-in cond. $1,525/mo. 443-2532113. Hampden, 3BR, 2BA TH, dw, W/D, fenced yd, nr light rail. $1,100/mo + utils. 410378-2393. Hampden/Medfield, 3BR single-family house w/office, furn’d or unfurn’d, laundry, priv prkng, walk to campus/shopping/public transit. $1,300/mo + utils. adecker001@ Kensington, MD, 2BR house nr NIH/Suburban Hospital/DC mass transit, fp, hot tub, patio, fenced backyd, animals negotiable. $1,900/mo + utils + sec dep. 301-807-3570. Mays Chapel/Timonium, 3-4BR EOG TH, 3.5BAs, family rm, deck, patio, fenced yd, nr good schools, pleasant green area great for walking/jogging, 5 mins to 695 via I-83, close to Lutherville light rail park & ride. $1,600/mo + utils. 410-321-8889. Mt Vernon, spacious, loft-style 1BR, easy prkng. $1,200/mo incl all utils, Internet. ron. or 22w/inside1.html. Rehoboth Beach, dog-friendly 3BR TH, 15-min walk to boardwalk, JHU discounts for beautiful fall wknds. galeeena@yahoo .com.

Union Square, upscale 1BR boutique apt in Victorian TH, furn’d, flexible terms, in historic district. $750/wk. 410-988-3137, or www.airbnb .com/rooms/51803. Newly renov’d rental nr JHMI, 2BRs each w/own priv BA, W/D, AC, alarm. $1,300/ mo. 516-680-6703. Spacious 1BR apt (Parkside Drive and Bel Air Rd), 2 flrs, W/D, priv prkng pad, 10-min drive to JHH/JHU, pref nonsmoker. $600/ mo. Paula, 410-868-2815 or paulakowale@


Arcadia/Beverly Hills (3019 Iona Terrace), spacious, renov’d 4BR, 2.5BA detached house in beautiful neighborhood, CAC, open kitchen/dining area, deck, landscaped, mins to all JH campuses. $229,900. 410294-9220. Gardenville, 3BR, 1.5BA RH in quiet neighborhood, new kitchen and BA, CAC, hdwd flrs, club bsmt, fenced, maintenance-free yd w/carport, 15 mins to JHH. $139,500. 443610-0236 or Guilford/Tuscany-Canterbury, lg, newly renov’d 2BR, 2BA condo, easy walk to Homewood campus. 410-366-1066. Roland Park, 6BR, 3.5BA house w/new kitchen, new bsmt w/half-BA, external entrance, landscaped lot, separate 1.5 car garage, enclos’d 1st and 2nd flr porches, lg deck. $690,000. Lg 1BR in luxury high-rise condo, secure bldg, doorman, W/D, CAC/heat, swimming pool, exercise rm, nr Guilford/JHU. $180,000. 757-773-7830 or norva04@gmail .com. Own a home while mortgage rates are low, a craftsman’s delight, walk in and live, nr all JHU campuses; $5,000 seller’s concession. 302981-6947 or www.3402mountpleasantavenue Charming 3BR, 2BA condo, separate garage, walking distance to the university, great buy, low $200s. 443-848-6392 or sue.rzep2@


Nonsmoker wanted for furn’d, bright and spacious BR (700 sq ft) in 3BR house in Cedonia owned by young F prof’l, modern kitchen, lg deck, landscaped yd, free prkng, 5 mi to JHH/Bayview/Homewood/YMCA, public transportation to Hopkins/Penn Station. $550/mo + utils. 410-493-2435 or

Rodgers Forge, 2BR, 1.5BA single-family house, furn’d, fin’d bsmt, fenced backyd, nr bus to JHU, avail January-June 2011.

Share new, refurbished TH w/other medical students, 4BRs, 2 full BAs, CAC, W/D, dw, w/w crpt, 1-min walk to JHMI (924 N Broadway).


F wanted to share lovely 3BR, 1.5BA RH in Charles Village (W 27th and Maryland), 2 blks to JHU shuttle, walking distance to JHU. $400/mo + utils. Shaina, 908-7635938 or

Beech Ave. adj. to JHU!

Studio from $570 1 BD Apt. from $675 2 BD from $785

Hickory Ave. in Hampden, lovely Hilltop setting!

2 BD units from $750, or, with Balcony - $785!

Shown by appointment - 410-764-7776


Share 3BR house w/2 grad students, priv

BR on 2nd flr, shared access to common areas, free W/D, dw, hdwd flrs, CAC/heat, backyd, quiet, safe street, avail Nov 7. $640/ mo + utils. Brian, 443-478-8745 or brian@


’05 Jeep Liberty Renegade, 4x4, tan w/beige interior, new tires, great vehicle, 56K mi. $10,500/best offer. 240-401-6602. ’03 Ford Taurus SEL sedan, dk red, leather interior, sun/moon roof, orig owner, perfect cond, clean title, 57K mi. Lsab1960@yahoo .com. ’96 VW Jetta, Trek edition, black, manual transmission, 1 owner, in great cond, free bike rack, 73K mi. $2,900/best offer. 414350-5472.


Conn alto saxophone, best offer; exercise rowing machine, $50; both in excel cond. 410-488-1886. 2 sand beach chairs, 3-step ladders (2), dresser w/shelves, reciprocating saw, printer, digital piano. 410-455-5858 or iricse.its@ Full-size bedroom set: headboard, bed frame, dresser w/mirror, chest; mattress not incl’d. Best offers. balt.furniture4sale@hotmail .com. 1918 Knabe upright reproducing piano w/ bench, orig Ampico rolls and roll cabinet, immaculately maintained, sounds glorious. Estelle, 301-718-8898. Gently used sleeper chair and matching storage ottoman. $300. 443-604-2797 or Moving sale: mattress/boxspring, black metal futon, sofa, dressers, dining table, chairs, shelves; all in great cond. 410-6274510. 6-pc bedroom set, $550; sofa, $150; chair, $50; chifforobes (2), $75/ea. 410-6657030. Guitar, Ibanez Artcore AF75 w/hardshell case, like new. Dell Inspiron 531 desktop: Vista, AMD Athlon 64x2 5000+, 2GB memory, 320GB HD, Nvidia Geforce 8600GT video card, wireless, 13-in-1 card reader, bluetooth, dual LCD monitor (24 and 19), laser printer w/new toner. Single bed mattress w/frame, $65; computer case, new, $20; sports equipment, $20/ea; Dell computer, no monitor, $50; kitchen items, $5 and up.


Responsible house sitter available for your sabbatical, 14-yr JHU employee. 410-9631785 or Experienced gardener wanted to help w/fall clean-up and planting. $12.50/hr. Jim, 410366-7191 or Halloween costumes for rent, Theatre Hopkins stock avail, contact by Oct 26. $25-$35

for a complete outfit. 410-516-7159 or Experienced, reliable babysitter avail, excel references, JHU faculty. Lisbeth, 443-8570072. Friday Night Swing Dance Club, open to public, no partners needed, great bands. 410663-0010 or Absolutely flawless detailing, centrally located on Ritchie Hwy in Pasadena. Jason, 410-630-3311. Affordable landscaper/certified horticulturist available to maintain existing gardens, also designing, planting or masonry; free consultations. David, 410-683-7373 or Tutor avail for all subjects/levels; remedial and gifted; also help w/college counseling, speech and essay writing, editing, proofreading, database design and programming. 410337-9877 or Need a photographer or videographer for weddings, other events? Edward S Davis photography/videography. 443-695-9988 or Licensed landscaper avail for scheduled lawn maintenance, yd cleanup, other landscaping services, trash hauling, fall/winter leaf and snow removal. Taylor Landscaping LLC. 410-812-6090 or romilacapers@ Piano lessons w/Peabody alum w/doctorate, patient instruction, all levels/ages welcome. 410-662-7951. Piano tuner located in Mt Vernon, competitive and flexible rates, starting at $50. Justin, 410-209-0326. Looking for a licensed home improvement contractor. 443-956-4325. Very experienced, loving and gentle nanny available, outstanding references, do not have car but am extremely reliable. Annette, 443-813-5028. Violin/viola teacher w/10 yrs’ experience, student-centered curriculum adaptable to all levels, can teach at my residence, will also travel within city limits for travel expenses only. $25 for half hr, $40 for hr. Annabel, 410-209-0326 or Piano lessons for all, reasonable rates. 425890-1327 (for free placement interview). Community health fair in Hampden, 10am1pm on Sunday, Oct 24, at 37th and Roland Ave, health info, screening, flu shots, more. 410-366-4488 or Free ballroom dancing and lessons (waltz, rumba, tango), Fridays at 8pm at JHU ROTC bldg, everyone welcome. 410-599-3725. Experienced housekeeper needed for wkly housework in Baltimore City, must have JHU references. $20/hr. Loving, trustworthy dog walker avail day and evening, overnight sitting w/complimentary housesitting services, impeccable references. 443-801-7487 or alwayshomepc@ Research analyst/project management asst needed for sm consulting firm, ideal for someone interested in social science/neuroscience research, flexible hrs, great pay.

PLACING ADS Classified listings are a free service for current, full-time Hopkins faculty, staff and students only. Ads should adhere to these general guidelines: • One ad per person per week. A new request must be submitted for each issue. • Ads are limited to 20 words, including phone, fax and e-mail.

• We cannot use Johns Hopkins business phone numbers or e-mail addresses. • Submissions will be condensed at the editor’s discretion. • Deadline is at noon Monday, one week prior to the edition in which the ad is to be run. • Real estate listings may be offered only by a Hopkins-affiliated seller not by Realtors or Agents.

(Boxed ads in this section are paid advertisements.) Classified ads may be faxed to 443-287-9920; e-mailed in the body of a message (no attachments) to; or mailed to Gazette Classifieds, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231. To purchase a boxed display ad, contact the Gazelle Group at 410-343-3362.

16 THE GAZETTE • October 18, 2010 O C T .

1 8

2 5

Calendar CO L L O Q UIA Mon., Oct. 18, noon. “Molecular Mechanism of Activation and Inhibition of Bax in Cell Death Regulation,” a joint Biophysics/ Physics and Astronomy colloquium with Nico Tjandra, NIH. 111 Mergenthaler. HW Tu e s . ,








“Understanding and Modeling Noncovalent Interactions,” a Chemistry colloquium with C. David Sherrill, Georgia Institute of Technology. 233 Remsen. HW Wed.,





“X-rays and Planet Formation,” an STSci colloquium with Eric Feigelson, Pennsylvania State University. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg. HW “America’s Energy Challenges,” a Physics and Astronomy colloquium with Steven Koonin, undersecretary for science, U.S. Department of Energy. Schafler Auditorium, Bloomberg Center. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 3 p.m.

“ ‘Mistress of Her Own Intentions’: Will and Magical Potential in Agrippa von Nettesheim’s De occulta philosophia libri tres,” a History of Science and Technology colloquium with Allison Kavey, John Jay College, CUNY. 300 Gilman. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 3 p.m.

CO N FERE N CE S Wed., Oct. 20. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. “A Return to Civilian

Rule? The Prospects for Democracy and Rights in Burma After the Election,” a SAIS Southeast Asia Studies Program conference with Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, Harvard University. (See In Brief, p. 2.) To RSVP, go to http:// Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS


“New Challenges in Women’s Health and HIV,” a Johns Hopkins Women’s Health Research Group networking session with Elizabeth Golub, SPH. Learn more about women’s health research at Johns Hopkins, share research interests and form collaborations. Light refreshments and beverages will be provided. To RSVP, go to whrg/session_101810.html. E9519 SPH. EB Mon., Oct. 18, 2 p.m.





“The Future of Electric Vehicles: A Perspective From the Tokyo Electric Power Company,” a SAIS Energy, Resources and Environment Program discussion with Takafumi Anegawa, Tokyo Electric Power Company. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-6635786. 500 Bernstein-Offit Bldg.

Fri., Oct. 22, 12:30 p.m.

Tues., Oct. 19, 4 p.m.



“The Global Outlook for Nuclear Power,” a SAIS Energy, Resources and Environment Program discussion with Daniel Lipman, Westinghouse. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-6635786. 500 Bernstein-Offit Bldg.

“When Custom Is a Crime: Law, Life and the Goddess in Rural South India” with Hester Betlem, KSAS; and “Some Notes on Learning Poetry in Kurdistan” with Andrew Bush, KSAS. Sponsored by Anthropology. 404 Macaulay. HW


The Africana Studies Critical Thought Collective presents Johnny Hill of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminar who will discuss his book, The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics and the American Dream. Sponsored by the Center for Africana Studies. 113 Greenhouse. HW

Thurs., Oct. 21, 4:30 p.m.



“Animal Defects and Natural Norms in Hegel,” a Philosophy colloquium with Sebastian Rand, Georgia State University. 288 Gilman.

Eacho III, U.S. ambassador to Austria. Sponsored by the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations. To RSVP, e-mail transatlanticrsvp@ or call 202-663-5880. 806 Rome Bldg. SAIS

Evans-Cato’s ‘Transit,’ oil on linen, 9 x 9 inches, 2010

Urban landscape painter Nicholas Evans-Cato to give slide show talk


rban landscape painter Nicholas Evans-Cato will present a slide show and talk on Monday, Oct. 25, on the Homewood campus. Evans-Cato’s talk, “Brunelleschi’s Magic Bullet: On Painting the City with Perfect Projection,” will begin at 5:30 p.m. in Room 101 of the Mattin Center’s F. Ross Jones Building. It is said that Filippo Brunelleschi’s now-lost 15th-century painting of the Florence Baptistery was so realistic that viewers confused seeing it with seeing the actual building. In the context of this anecdote, which is the foundational myth of Renaissance linear perspective, Brooklynbased artist Evans-Cato will discuss his own paintings. Citing in his lecture both historical sources and his own plein-air paintings as research, Evans-Cato will expose the extent to which the legend of Brunelleschi’s invention of systematic perspective appears as surprisingly problematic, tacitly relying on both the misappraisal of fundamental geometric axioms and a literal reading of early nonscientific accounts of his technique. Evans-Cato, 38, has been an instructor of drawing and painting at the Rhode Island School of Design since 2005. He has taught at the Maryland Institute College of Art, Princeton University and the Pratt Institute. He is represented by the George Billis Gallery in New York, and his paintings are in numerous permanent collections, including those of the Museum of the City of New York, the New York Historical Society and Time Warner Inc. His work has been featured and reviewed in many publications, including The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine and Art & Antiques. Evans-Cato’s talk is co-sponsored by Homewood Art Workshops and Homewood Arts Programs. “The Feasibility of European Monetary and Fiscal Policies,” a SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations discussion with featured speaker Robert Solow, president, Cournot Centre for Economic Studies, and others. To RSVP, go to http://transatlantic cournot.htm. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS Tues., Oct. 19, 9:45 a.m.

“Busy on Various Fronts: Angela Merkel, Her Coalition of the Unwilling and the Fight for the German Economic Model,” a SAIS European Studies Program discussion with Markus Ziener, Handelsblatt. For information, e-mail ntobin@jhu .edu or call 202-663-5796. 812 Rome Bldg. SAIS

Tues., Oct. 19, 5 p.m.

Wed., Oct. 20, noon. “Caring for the Aging and Their Caretakers,” a Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center panel discussion with Jennifer Wolff, SoM; Marc Blowe and Sandra Brownell, Md.

Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene. To view live webcast, go to training_events/events_calendar .html. W1214 SPH. EB Wed., Oct. 20, 12:45 p.m.

“Latin America: Poverty, In­­ equality and the New Human Opportunity Agenda,” a SAIS Latin American Studies Program discussion with Marcelo Giugale, World Bank. To RSVP, e-mail or call 202-6635734. 517 Nitze Bldg. SAIS Thurs., Oct. 21, 12:30 p.m.

“The End of America’s Global Hegemony: Implications for the Global System,” a Bernard Schwartz Forum on Constructive Capitalism discussion with Daniel Drezner, Tufts University. To RSVP, e-mail rbwashington@jhu .edu or call 202-663-5650. Rome Auditorium. SAIS Thurs., Oct. 21, 1:45 p.m.

Conversation with William C.

SAIS Fri.,





“Malaria, Health Systems and Development: New Insights From Field Experiments in Africa,” a SAIS International Development Program discussion with Jessica Cohen, Harvard University and the Brookings Institution. TO RSVP, e-mail developmentroundtable@ or call 201-7397425. Rome Auditorium. SAIS E X HI B IT S

You Owe It to Yourself, an interactive exhibit allowing users to calculate environmental and cost savings associated with energy-efficient behaviors. On display until Oct. 22. 3rd flr, BRB (nr the Daily Grind). EB

Mon., Oct. 18.


Screening of the documentary In the Matter of Cha Jung Hee, with Deann Borshay Liem, writer, producer and director of the film. The showing will be followed by discussion and a question-and-answer session. For information, e-mail or call 202-663-5830. To RSVP, go to events/?event_id=76. Sponsored by the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS and the SAIS Korea Studies Program. Kenney Auditorium, Nitze Bldg. SAIS

Mon., Oct. 18, 6 p.m.

Screening of Mah Nakorn (Citizen Dog). Sponsored by the Thai Club. 417 Nitze Bldg. SAIS Thurs., Oct. 21, 6 p.m.

Fri., Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m. Women, Gender and Sexuality presents Gaspar Noe’s Irreversible, part of the film series “Violence and Vengeance.” 113 Greenhouse. HW Mon., Oct. 25, 7 p.m. Baltimore premiere of the film No Woman, No Cry, with supermodel/filmmaker Christy Turlington who will take questions after the screening. Sponsored by Jhpiego. $200 for

special reception with Christy Turlington before the event. Limited to 40 people; includes parking, the screening and a dessert reception after the film. $100 for individuals, includes the film and dessert reception after the film; $75 each for 2 tickets or more. $10 for students includes film and dessert reception. For tickets, go to www tickets.htm or call 410-537-1813. Brown Center, Maryland Institute College of Art. GRA N D ROU N D S

“Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design at Johns Hopkins,” Health Sciences Informatics grand rounds with Youseph Yazdi, SoM. W1214 SPH. EB

Fri., Oct. 22, 12:15 p.m.

I N FOR M ATIO N S E S S IO N S Thurs., Oct. 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Sustainable and Healthy

Harvest Table,” a chance to learn about the health-promoting and eco-friendly properties of food and take home recipes for keeping yourself and the planet healthy. JHH Farmers Market (Jefferson St pathway, nr CRB buildings). EB L ECTURE S

“Open Access: The Current Landscape and Future Direction of Scholarly Communication,” a Sheridan Libraries lecture by Heather Joseph, SPARC. Mason Hall Auditorium. HW

Mon., Oct. 18, 3 p.m.

The Charles and Mary O’Melia Lecture in Environmental Science— “Transport of Nanomaterials in the Subsurface: Environmental Threat or Innovative Tool” by Linda Abriola, Tufts University. Sponsored by Geography and Environmental Engineering. 234 Ames. HW

Tues., Oct. 19, 3 p.m.

Tues., Oct. 19, 3 p.m. The Provost’s Fall Lecture Series— “What Would ‘Failure’ in China Mean for the World” by David Lampton, SAIS. Sponsored by the Provost’s Office and the Office of the Dean (SAIS). W1214 SPH. EB

The 2010 George S. Benton Lecture— “Climate, Oceans, Environment and Human Health: Biocomplexity in Action” by Rita Colwell, University of Maryland. Sponsored by Earth and Planetary Sciences. 305 Olin. HW

Tues., Oct. 19, 5 p.m.

Continued on page 13


(Events are free and open to the public except where indicated.)

Applied Physics Laboratory Broadway Research Building Cancer Research Building East Baltimore Homewood Krieger School of Arts and Sciences PCTB Preclinical Teaching Building SAIS School of Advanced International Studies SoM School of Medicine SoN School of Nursing SPH School of Public Health WBSB Wood Basic Science Building WSE Whiting School of Engineering

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