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COVID-19 keeps shuffling the deck
from June 2020
by Johnston Now
By Randy Capps
Like everyone else, your friendly neighborhood magazine is dealing with the effects of COVID-19.
You’ll notice that there’s no calendar again this month. If I had a Magic 8-Ball, I’d shake it and ask when it might return.
“Reply hazy. Try again,” would be the likely reply.
Johnston Now Honors, originally slated for late June, is now tentatively scheduled for Aug. 27 at the Clayton Center.
Based on the fun house mirror world we’re living in right now, it seems like a good idea to write things in pencil.
What is written in ink this month is our Class of 2020 profiles. We were happy to do a small thing to help raise the spirits of this year’s graduates, and as always, our readers responded in fine style to our request for profiles.
There are so many, in fact, that there wasn’t room for much else in this month’s edition. I always hate it when I have to cut things, but in this case, I think we can say it was for the greater good.
Thank you so much to the people who have reached out during this uncertain time. We’re doing fine as we figure out strange new ways to run a magazine during a pandemic.
We’re all facing unique challenges these days. All we can do is stay strong and as safe as possible while we wait for brighter days.
It’s hard to see it now, but things will get better. As the Magic 8-Ball might say, “it is certain.”