Is Mobile Marketing Right for Your Small Business?

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Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Interview by Tasha Cunningham of the Miami Herald and author extraordinaire of BizBytes on how can mobile marketing help small business owners.

Tasha: How can a small business owner benefit from adding mobile to their marketing mix?

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Marcos: Mobile text message marketing offers small business owners the ability to deliver exclusive offers, coupons and invites directly to their customers’ mobile phone in seconds. Once a customer subscribes to your text message program, practically 100 percent of your messages are delivered straight to their mobile phone.

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Tasha: What are the best mobile marketing tools available today for small business owners? Marcos: There are two tools we recommend small business owners to use. First, create a mobile browser-enabled version of a website, because only 20 percent of mobile phone users have that can access your website. Second, start a text message marketing program immediately.

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Tasha: Is mobile Marketing Expensive?

Marcos: Mobile text message marketing should not be expensive at all for a small business owner. There are text message marketing plans that start at $10 per month, which is a price point any small business owner can afford.

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Tasha: What are the pros and cons of mobile marketing? Are there any downsides for small business owners who decide to use it?

Marcos: Text message marketing provides small business owners with unfiltered direct access to the one device we can’t ignore – our mobile phone, one of the most powerful marketing tools we’ve got.

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

But as a small business owner, you’ve got the responsibility of respecting the customer’s privacy.

Tasha: What is the future of the industry?

Mobile Marketing

What trends are you seeing in

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

Marcos: There is no doubt that text message marketing is the future of small business marketing. There are 173 billion texts sent per month in the U.S. It is the most cost-effective and simple to use tool since e-mail. If you can type, you can be a mobile marketer today. The time to start texting your customers the offers they want is now! If you need any help regarding Text Sweepstakes. Contact us at or Call us at 305-505-5393.

Is Mobile Marketing Right for your Small Business? by

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