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Sections I, II, and VII and sub-section A of section V are alphabetically organized according to author or publication. Sources cited in the remaining sections appear in chronological order. Sources listed in section IV and in sub-sections B and C in section III appear under the government holding in which they were located at the time of research.

IBooks, chapters, articles and unpublished texts


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Mondlane, “Relatório anual,” 28 de Março de 1993. RM, MOJ, PN, DN, Posto Administrativo de Namirôa, Tribunal Comunitário de

Napala, “Relatório,” 1 de Julho de 1993. RM, MOJ, PN, DN, Tribunal Comunitário da Localidade de Muanona, “Assunto: informação no. 1/tclm/94,” 25 de Agosto de 1994, letter from the Magistrate of

Muanona to the District Magistrate of Namapa. RM, MOJ, PN, DN, Tribunal Comunitário da Localidade de Muanona, “Relatório de (2) mêses Junho Julho/94,” 25 de Agosto de 1994.

VColonial sources APublished

Bibliography 371

Almeida, E.F. de (1957a) Governo do Distrito de Moçambique, Relatório, 1953–1956.

Vol. I. Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisboa. —— (1957b) Governo do Distrito de Moçambique, Relatório, 1953–1956. Vol. II.

Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisboa. Coissoró, N. (1964) “O regime de terras em Moçambique,” Moçambique: curso de extensão universitária, ano lectivo de 1964–1965. Instituto Superior de Ciências

Sociais e Política Ultramarina, Lisboa. Faria Lobo, J.B. de (1962) Distrito de Moçambique: Circunscrição de Erati. Agência-

Geral do Ultramar, MCMLXII, Lisboa. Gerard, P. (1941) “‘Mahimo’ Macuas,” Moçambique (Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, Lourenço Marques), 26: 5–22. Pegado e Silva, J.R. (1961) “Agrupamentos étnicos e religiões do Erati (Distrito de

Moçambique),” (Separata do Boletim do Instituto de Investigação Científica de

Moçambique, Vol. 1. No. 2, pp. 174–82), Lourenço Marques, AHM, SE, 93.


A.E. Pinto Correia, Colónia de Moçambique, Província do Niassa, Inspecção dos

Serviços Administrativos e dos Negócios Indígenas, Relatório da Inspecção ordinária às circunscrições do Distrito de Moçambique, 1936–1937. Vol. 1,

AHM, ISANI, Cx. 76. J. de Figueiredo, Relatório – 1938. II Parte, Governo da Província do Niassa, 1938,

AHM, FGG, Cx. 86. A.E. Pinto Correia, Província do Niassa, Inspecção dos Serviços Administrativos e do Negócios Indígenas, Relatório e documentos referentes à Inspecção ordinária feita na Província do Niassa, 1938–1940, Vol. 1, AHM, ISANI, Cx. 94. H.E. de Sousa, Relatório de Inspecção Ordinária ao Distrito de Nampula, da Província do Niassa, 1946–1948, Vol. III, AHM, ISANI, Cx. 77. A. Cotta Mesquita, Relatório das Inspecções ao Concelho e Comissão Municipal do Eráti,

Feitas em 1965, n.d. [1966], AHM, ISANI, Inventário dos Relatórios das Inspecções

Administração Civil, Fundo de Administração Civil de Lourenço Marques, 27. M. Gouveia, “O algodão na economia do Distrito de Moçambique,” Centro de Documentação Económica, C.T.P.I.E., 1968, CEA Documentation Center. J.A.G.M. Branquinho, “Prospecção das forças tradicionais. Distrito de Moçambique,” Governo-Geral de Moçambique, Serviços de Centralização e Coordenação de Informações, Lourenço Marques, 1969, AHM, SE, 20.

VIJosé Bernardo de Faria Lobo’s private archive (JBFL)

J.B. de Faria Lobo, “Extractos de ‘Monografia da Província de Nampula,’” n.d., ms. J.B. de Faria Lobo, “Breve resumo histórico,” in J.B. Faria Lobo, “Monografia do

Cajueiro,” n.d., ms. RPM, IAM, Delegação do Norte, “Relatório suscinto do Instituto do Algodão de

Moçambique, em Nampula, para a reunião Provincial, para estudo e resoluções a

372 Bibliography tomar, na produção individual e colectiva, a prazos imediato e curto,” Nampula, 2 de Novembro de 1975. MOA, DPA de Nampula, Departamento de Arvenses, “Assunto: Recuperação das areas assoladas pela Depressão ANGEL. Proposta para plano de actuação,”

Nampula, 1 de Janeiro de 1979 and related documentation, pp. 59–68, in J.B. de

Faria Lobo, “Contributo para a recuperação de areas afectadas por deficiência alimentar,” in Faria Lobo, Contributos, 1989, unpublished volume. Grupo de Empresas João Ferreira dos Santos, Direcção Geral de Produção, Nampula,

No. 1/DGP/Conf., Ao Estado Maior da Economia, Província de Nampula, 4 de

Setembro (de 1985), “Assunto: Campanhas agrícolas. Contributo para a sua reestruturação” (signed José Bernardo de Faria Lobo) in J.B. de Faria Lobo, Contributos, 1989, unpublished volume. J.B. de Faria Lobo, “Apresentação e oferecimento,” in Faria Lobo, Monografia:

Nampula I, Nampula, 17 de Agosto de 1986, unpublished volume. J.B. de Faria Lobo, “Contributo para a prevenção contra a fome em Moçambique.

Alguns temas, Província de Nampula,” 1989, unpublished pamphlet. Curriculum vitae, José Bernardo de Faria Lobo, Nampula, 12 de Maio de 1993. DPA, Departamento de Estatística, “Produção comercializada de castanha de caju na

Província de Nampula,” Nampula,1993, DPA.

VIIMagazines and other news sources

Agência de Informação de Moçambique (AIM), publishes Mozambiquefile and various news supplements. Domingo, weekly newspaper, Maputo. Expresso, weekly newspaper, Lisbon. mediaFAX, daily facsimile, Maputo. Mozambiquefile (Mf), monthly publication, Maputo. Mozambique Peace Process Bulletin (MPPB), see entry for Mozambique Political Process

Bulletin. Mozambique Political Process Bulletin (MPoPB), formerly Mozambique Peace Process Bulletin; news bulletin published irregularly by AWEPA, European Parliamentarians for Africa (formerly Association of West European Parliamentarians against

Apartheid), Amsterdam and Maputo. News Review, fortnightly news bulletin, Mozambique Information Office (MIO),

London. Notícias, daily newspaper, Maputo. Savana, weekly newspaper, Maputo. Tempo, weekly news magazine, Maputo. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), quarterly and annual reports, The Economist

Publications, London. The New York Times, daily newspaper, New York. Weekly Mail, weekly newspaper, Johannesburg (now the Weekly Mail and Guardian). Weekly Mail and Guardian, weekly newspaper, Johannesburg. Vida Nova, monthly (sometimes bi-monthly) magazine, Centro Catequético Paulo

VI, Anchilo, Nampula.

Bibliography 373

VIIIPersonal correspondence

From José Bernardo de Faria Lobo, Galizes, Portugal, 15 May 1997. From José Bernardo de Faria Lobo, Galizes, Portugal, 15 August 1995.

IXInterviews and meetings

“Zagaia” (“Azagaia”) refers to Renamo’s name for the site of its headquarters in the zone under its control in Namapa District in 1994. In official parlance, the area is known as

Metage. Provincial Coordinator for German Agro Action, Nampula City, 21/4/94. Chief Taibo (Carlos Máquina), Namapa Center, Namapa District, 5/5/94. Cassimo, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 6/5/94. Parishioner/smallholder, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 6/5/94. Missionary, Mirrote, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 7/5/94. Chief Vaquina (Vakina), two counselors and heir apparent, Nahopa, Namapa

Administrative Post, Namapa District, 7/5/94. Chief Namiquela (Namikela, Namequela), Mirrote, Namirôa Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 8/5/94. SODAN field agent, Mirrote, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 11/5/94. Frelimo party secretary, Nahopa, Namapa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 12/5/94. Chief Namiquela, Nahopa, Namapa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 12/5/94. First meeting of the District Director of the STAE and traditional authorities (four chiefs and fifteen cabos), Namapa Center, Namapa District, 14/5/94. President of the Locality, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 1/6/94. Male smallholders, settlement, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 2/6/94. Twelve cotton growers, including a chief. Frelimo party secretaries, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 3/6/94. Six men present, including the President of the Locality. Female smallholders, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 3/6/94.

Eight women present, including three who were elderly. Traditional authorities, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 4/6/94. Nine men present, including Chief Mepera, two substitute chiefs, two cabos, three mahumu and Frelimo party secretary. Female smallholders, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 4/6/94.

Three women present, including one who was elderly. Chief Mepera, Nakapa (Nakhapa), Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 5/6/94. Male elders, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 6/6/94. Six men present, including a Frelimo party secretary. Chief Taibo (former colonial régulo and colonial capataz), Namapa Center, Namapa

District, 9/6/94. Chief Muhula, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 11/6/94. Frelimo party secretaries, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa

District, 11/6/94. Thirteen men present, including the First Party Secretary of

374 Bibliography

Namirôa, a nephew of Chief Muhula, a first cousin of Cabo Mwehiyo, a brother of

Chief Mucarara (Mukarara, Mukharara) and a first cousin of Chief Uantera. Traditional authorities, Nahachari, Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 12/6/94.

Ten people present, including Chief Mucarara, his substitute, Frelimo party secretary, six mahumu and one shéhé. Chief Tubruto, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 13/6/94. Chiefs Alua, Comala (Komala, Khomala), Saíde and Nametemula, Alua Center,

Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 14/6/94. Frelimo party secretaries, Alua Center, Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 15/6/94. Fifteen men present, including the First Party Secretary of Alua and the

Secretary for Party Organization. UNAMO members and representatives, Alua Center, Alua Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 15/6/94. Nine people present, including two women, two elderly men, the First Party Secretary of the District and the Secretary for Mobilization and Propaganda. Renamo members, Alua Center, Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 16/6/94.

Four men present, including the Secretary of the Youth League and a local trader. Animadores (“animators” or local leaders of the Catholic Church), Alua Center, Alua

Administrative Post, Namapa District, 16/6/94. Twenty-one men present from

Renamo- and government-held zones in Alua Administrative Post. Former EEAN and SODAN capataz, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 17/6/94. Ernesto Mabonhane, former administrator of Ribáuè District, Nampula City, 2/8/94. Functionary of the DA, DPAC, Nampula City, 4/8/94. Shop-owner, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 19/8/94. Naparamas, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 20/8/94. Seven men present, including the commander, the deputy commander, the political commissar, a sergeant and an adviser to the commander. Male and female elders, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa

District, 20/8/94. Eight people present including Chief Muhula, an apuiamuene, a cabo and five other men. Cotton growers, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 21/8/94. Sixteen men and two women present, including Chief Muhula and an apuiamuene. Traditional authorities and Frelimo party secretaries, Muanona Center, Muanona

Locality, Namapa District, 22/8/94. Sixteen men present, including the President of the Locality, Chief Intalia, Chief Uantera, Uantera’s deputy, Cabo Mejua, cabo of Muanona, one capitão, two deputies of capitães, a member of the local secretariat, the Secretary of the Muanona Circle, the Secretary of Napala Circle and four other party secretaries. President of the Locality, Odinepa Center, Odinepa Locality, Namapa District, 22/8/94. Male cotton growers, Muanona Center, Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 22/8/94. Seven men present. Male elders, Muanona Center, Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 23/8/94. Four people present, including Chief Uantera and a humu. Naparamas, Muanona Center, Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 23/8/94. Nine young men (all between fifteen and twenty years old), including the commander.

Bibliography 375 Male elders, traditional authorities and Frelimo party secretaries, Nantoge (Nanthoge, Nantoje, Nantodge, Nantoxe), Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 24/8/94. Thirteen men present, including Chief Muipita, three cabos and two

Frelimo party secretaries. Chief Intalia, Napala, Muanona Locality, Namapa District, 25/8/94. Three female elders and one apuiamuene, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative

Post, Namapa District, 26/8/94. Former residents of 25 de Junho Communal Village, 25 de Junho Communal

Village, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 27/8/94. Fourteen men present, including Chief Tubruto, seven mahumu, one capitão, one deputy of the community court, three smallholders and one mechanic. Naparamas, Machicane (Massicane, Mashikane), Namirôa Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 28/8/94. Nineteen men present, including the commander, the deputy commander and the political commissar. District Magistrate and Registrar, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 29/8/94. Naparama major, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 29/8/94. Interview conducted by Pedro Cavala. SODAN engineer, Namialo, Meconta District, 30/8/94. Former administrator of Namapa, Ilha de Moçambique, 31/8/94. Fernando Maela, Renamo Deputy Political Delegate, Nampula Province, Nampula

City, 9/9/94. Administrator of Nacarôa District, Nampula City, 10/9/94. Magistrate of Nampula Province, Nampula City, 15/9/94. Local manager of Casa Salvador, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 21/9/94. Renamo officials, “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 22/9/94.

Six men present, including the President (the local administrator), the Chief

Justice, the District Director of Education, the Renamo Political Delegate and two mahumu. Male elders and traditional authorities, “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 23/9/94. Thirteen men present, including Chief Meliva, Chief

Mepacala (Mepakala, M’pakala), nine mahumu, two cabos and one elder. Male elders and traditional authorities, “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 24/9/94. Six men present, including Chief Meliva, two mahumu, one cabo, one elder and a primary school teacher visiting from Alua. Two apuiamuene and one heir apparent, “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 24/9/94. Demobilized soldiers, “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 25/9/94. Eighteen men present: fourteen former Renamo fighters and four former

FAM soldiers. Former Frelimo party secretary (“Vasco”), “Zagaia,” Alua Administrative Post,

Namapa District, 25/9/94. Community court judges, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 27/9/94. Ten men present: eight judges (two of whom were also mahumu), the District Court Magistrate and the Registrar. Frelimo First Party Secretary of Namapa District, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 27/9/94. José de Almeida (former Frelimo First Party Secretary of Muanona Circle and

President of the Locality; also the nephew of “the real” [o próprio] Chief Uantera),

Namapa Center, Namapa District, 28/9/94.

376 Bibliography Former residents of Samora Machel Communal Village, Samora Machel Center,

Samora Machel Locality, Namapa District, 30/9/94. Twenty-eight people present (twenty-four men and four women), including five Frelimo party secretaries, four zone committee members, one OMM secretary, one OMM member, three mahumu (one of whom doubled as a cabo), one shéhé, one capitão, seven Frelimo party members, the coordinator for the local school and the substitute for the President of the Locality. António Gabriel Comala (first cousin of Chief Comala and Frelimo party cell member), Alua Center, Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 30/9/94. Chief Comala, Napai, Samora Machel Locality, Namapa District, 1/10/94. STAE Director of Namapa District, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 1/10/94. Chief Taibo (former colonial régulo and capataz), Namapa Center, Namapa District, 2/10/94. Three apuiamuene, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 3/10/94. Frelimo First Party Secretary of Namapa District, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 4/10/94. Missionary, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 4/10/94. Former administrator of Eráti/Namapa District (“Bahia,” 1984–1987), Nampula

City, 9/10/94. Cabo Cumar, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 15/10/94. SODAN engineer, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 15/10/94. Chefe do posto, Namirôa Center, Namirôa Administrative Post, Namapa District, 16/10/94. Chief Khanatepa Ali, Alua Center, Alua Administrative Post, Namapa District, 17/10/94. District Director of Agriculture, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 17/10/94. Frelimo First Party Secretary of Namapa District, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 18/10/94. Frelimo First Party Secretary of Namapa District and former cipaio, Namapa Center,

Namapa District, 18/10/94. Former colonial interpreter, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 19/10/94. Provincial Coordinator of World Vision’s Agricultural Recovery Program, Nampula

City, 22/10/94. Administrator and Deputy Administrator of Murrupula District, Murrupula Center,

Murrupula District, 10/11/94. Chief Adviser, Namapa District Secretariat, Namapa Center, Namapa District, 17/11/94. Bernardo Mussa (former Frelimo party secretary, former cabo and nephew of the late

Chief Nametaramo [Nametarramo]), Namapa Center, Namapa District, 17/11/94. José Luís Cabaço (former Minister of Information), Maputo, 22/12/94. José Bernardo de Faria Lobo, Galizes, Portugal, 9/7/95.

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