Cigar Humidors For Real Smoking Enjoyment

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Havana Controls

Think Broader Than Just A Cigar Case To Relish The Real Smoking Experience

Cigars and cigar lovers had been known for over a long period of time now. The exceptional and extravagant smoking experience that these cigars provide had already made them the favorite of people from all generations. But during certain times, these cigars fail to provide the expected quality which was a great concern for all the cigar lovers around the world. The quality deterioration of cigars occurs due to the lack of proper maintenance. Inefficient storing and improper conditioning of cigars leads to the loss in their quality which in turns restricts everyone from having that ‘perfect smoke’. Later, cigar humidors evolved as a remedy for this by serving as the catalyst for humidification, one important process that could retain the cigar quality by imparting moisture content. Click here to know more about cigar humidifiers

Cigar cases Vs cigar humidors – how to identify them correctly? The present day market has lots of products/mechanism for storing cigars. Though most of these products are called by the name cigar humidors, they are really not. These wooden boxes in the name of humidors are actually cigar cases, which are entirely different from branded humidors. Cigar cases are those pieces of boxes used for just storing the cigars and have nothing to do with the quality of cigars stored inside. Many dealers out there, sell these low quality cigar cases in the name of quality humidors which generates confusion among cigar lovers. A large group of people are becoming victims of this fraudulent practice due to their ignorance to determine the good and the bad. Some useful tips to identify a cigar humidor and a cigar case are:

 Check for the weight of the product. A cigar case will be made of low quality wood and mostly be light weight; while a genuine humidor is made up of Spanish cedar which makes them heavier.  Fixed shape boxes are cigar cases as they follow a regular pattern in the design. Cigar humidors are available in a wide variety of size, shape and designs.  Smell inside. A cigar humidor would undoubtedly give you some exquisite fragrance of a Spanish cedar wood while a duplicate cigar case will not ever.  Check the price. Humidors are affordable but not cheaper as cigar cases.  The brand name will be imprinted in every genuine cigar humidor. There are not reputed brands in cigar case manufacture and hence, they will not bear any brand name or logo. Havana Controls, one of the top brands in original quality cigar humidors is a recommended choice for purchasing good quality cigar humidors. They are renowned for their affordable rates and reliable services all over the world.


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