Pharmacy Edge

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PHARMACY EDGE INAGURAL ISSUE We hope you will find this online magazine useful and informative! Read our Presidents message inside.



Table of Contents Issue 1 / February, 2016

Marketing to Different Generations

3 4 6

What you need to know about DSCSA


Presidents Message History of Ketamine

Top 5 Reasons to Join a Pharmacy Association


pharmacy edge


LifeMD Tele-Pharmacy The Key To Growing And Achieving Sustainable Success

14 18

Book And Video Stores, Don’t Let Your Pharmacy Be Next!


Safe Chain Healthcare Solutions: Secure, Reliable, Pharmaceutical Supply Chain


Spread The Word And Win!



Welcome to the inaugural edition of “The Pharmacy Edge” online magazine.


e are excited to add this additional resource to our trade association. We hope you will find this online magazine useful and informative with content relevant to your business. The Pharmacy Edge online magazine will be published monthly on the 25th.

While collaborating with a group of pharmacy buyers, members of the group discovered that they had many other issues in common—issues that the other pharmacy trade associations were not addressing. They realized that there was truly strength in numbers and that they could accomplish much more as a united front, than as individuals. Thus, the American Pharmacy Purchasing Alliance was born.

This road has not been an easy one; there has been trial and error, failure and success... but most importantly, knowledge gained along the way. Knowledge in how this association best services members of the pharmaceutical community. As such, we have made the change to allow all pharmacy buyers, pharmacy techs and non-pharmacy owner pharmacists to join the APPA for free. This will enhance the value of membership to our paid members, the vendors. Allowing a wide net to be cast and reaching pharmacy professionals throughout the United States. We regretfully had to postpone “PharmaCon” due to scheduling conflicts in the venue. This setback, though disappointing, will allow us to bring you a bigger and better show. Additionally, later in the year APPA will bring educational workshops, both online and at physical locations. We are adding an independent pharmacy owner online directory. We are currently developing a resource directory for our members to connect with other vendor members. Our advisory member group has been instrumental in helping APPA grow. We thank them for being a resource of knowledge to the association. We will be making a few changes to the member structure and we will provide details as they become available. There are currently 10 volunteer advisory board members, and there will be 2 additional spots open soon. Please visit our website for more information on how to become an advisory board member. We look forward to a challenging and rewarding 2016. This is your association and we always welcome feedback on changes or additions to help make this the best association in the pharmaceutical industry! Thank you, Joshua Pirestani President

pharmacy edge


HISTORY OF KETAMINE Ketamine was first developed in 1962 as a fast-acting anesthetic that is still used widely in operating rooms and for pain management. Beginning in the 1970s ketamine became popular as a recreational drug, known for putting users in a “K-hole,” likened to an out-of-body, near-death experience.


ue to abuses, in 1999 the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration banned nonmedical uses for ketamine and designated it a Schedule III controlled substance.

According to an article in Bloomberg Business, around the same time, researchers at Yale, including Dennis Charney, who’s now dean of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, stumbled upon the drug’s promise as a mood stabilizer. “We were not thinking at the time that ketamine would be an antidepressant,” Charney says. When patients started reporting that they suddenly felt better, the scientists were surprised. The group’s findings, published in Biological Psychiatry in 2000, were largely ignored. The study was tiny, and because of ketamine’s reputation as a party drug, scientists were reluctant to follow up. “They didn’t believe you could get better from depression in a few hours,” Charney adds. “They’d never seen that before.” Standard antidepressants such as Prozac and Wellbutrin take weeks or months to kick in. As many as 30 percent of depressed patients don’t respond to conventional antidepressants, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Ketamine as Treatment

Six years later, Charney, who’d gone on to work for the National Institutes of Health, initiated a replica study with 17 patients. Within a day of getting one ketamine infusion, 70 percent of the subjects went into remission. Since then, scientists at institutions including Yale, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Baylor College of Medicine have performed dozens more studies that corroborate the findings. Additional studies show that ketamine works by producing longlasting changes in the brain, reversing neural damage caused by stress and depression and potentially decreasing inflammation and cortisol levels. Ketamine has continued to gain widespread attention in scientific literature and the media based on the increasing popularity of off-label administration to treat acute depression. Dr. Keith Ablow has sung its praises in his blog for FoxNews, “I have now treated approximately one hundred patients with intravenous ketamine. The results mirror those of research trials on the treatment; more than two thirds of my patients have experienced dramatic recoveries. Their profoundly low mood, lack of energy, decreased self-esteem and even suicidal thinking very frequently yields entirely to the ketamine infusions. And while the results from ketamine may last weeks or months, that is often more than enough time to allow other medications and psychotherapy to permanently rid patients of their suffering. The ketamine success stories I have witnessed include patients once hobbled by depression and out of work for years who returned to their jobs within weeks of treatment, patients whose anxiety made it nearly impossible to leave the house who can now go on vacations that require travel, and young people who were driven to cutting themselves by underlying stress and self-loathing, but have now stopped cutting and started creating their futures.”

Future Outlook

The FDA’s approval of ketamine for depression hinges on multiphase clinical studies, which are unlikely to happen. Pharmaceutical companies usually pay for clinical trials and can’t make money off a decades-old generic drug. “You can get a few years of exclusivity for a new use, but generally you need more than a few years to recoup the re4

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search and development costs of bringing a drug to market,” says Michael Thase, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania who’s consulted for various drug companies developing ketamine-like products. Instead, companies are spending millions to develop similar, patentable drugs. According to Bloomberg Business, Janssen is seeking approval for a nasal spray made from esketamine, a variation of the ketamine molecule that’s about 20 percent more potent, says Manji. The spray could come on the market in a few years. Cerecor, based in Baltimore, is developing a pill that replicates ketamine’s effects. In June, the startup filed to go public and raise as much as $31.6 million. Pharmaceutical giant Allergan spent $560 million in July to acquire Naurex, an Illinois-based biopharmaceutical company whose main products are two clinical-stage ketamine-like drugs called rapastinel and NRX-1074. Both are designed to modulate the same receptor as ketamine, alleviating depression without inducing hallucination. Instead of replacing it NeuroRx is trying to work with it. They claim Cyclurad is able to extend the effect of Ketamine in the treatment of acute depression. Writing in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Prof. Dan V. Iosifescu of the Icahn School of Medicine stated, “In this context, the study [of Cyclurad] represents an important addition to the emerging literature on maintaining clinical response after an initial Ketamine treatment…D-cycloserine has several advantages. It can be administered orally and has demonstrated safety and tolerability for long term use.” Bipolar depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States. Currently, more than three million Americans have Bipolar Depression. 500 people with this condition tragically end their lives each day. Those with bipolar depression are far more likely to commit suicide compared with patients who have other forms of depression. Between 25% and 50% will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. Overall, patients with treatment resistant depression from all causes cost the healthcare system more than $120 billion annually.

MedCareerNews provides information about the medical field that will affect your career options, advice about moving your career forward, quizzes and more! Subscribe on the website today or follow Med Career News on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or Google Plus. You can also get medical career targeted help with your cover letter, resume and sales plans at 306090 Medical Sales. For more leading healthcare news and career advice subscribe to our blog for free. Lindsey McCoy MPA, is an Executive Medical Recruiter and former CEO in the not for profit sector.

pharmacy edge


MARKETING TO DIFFERENT GENERATIONS: By: Kelly Bailey, Marketing Specialist at GRX Marketing Millennials:

Also known as Generation Y, were born between 1977 and 2000. In the post-recession era, millennials are the most financially strapped generation. With higher unemployment and more debt, most millennials have near-empty piggy banks compared to previous generations. The millennials have embraced technology as a way of life and are fluent and utterly comfortable with it. They are the first generation to grow up in a world with computers and social networks. Because of this, they tend to expect one-on-one interaction with brands and embrace the ability to share reviews with friends and strangers. When interacting with millennials, be authentic. Don’t try to be what you think they want you to be, just be who you are normally and it will be appreciated. Authenticity and honesty matter. Additionally, know that you will be fact-checked. With information so readily available, everything you say can and will be reviewed, so make sure you are honest and if you don’t know, don’t make something up. Lastly, get to the point, quickly, and then wait. Don’t add a bunch of extra information or fluff because you will lose their attention. Millennials are used to getting information quickly and if they don’t get it within a few minutes, they move on. Once they get all the facts, they will make their decision and not before. When looking at how to market your business to millennials, consider adding technology to your marketing mix. Whether that be with a mobile app, online refills or simply upping your social media usage, your marketing rep will be able to help you target this growing group.

Generation X:

Unlike the Baby Boomer generation, Gen X is not usually defined by specific dates, but, rather is a combination of people born from the mid 1960’s through 1979 - 81 and there are approximately 60 million of them. Generation X’ers are more diverse in regards to race, class, ethnicity, religion, etc. They are more likely to have less money individually, but higher household incomes because of more women in the workforce. Generation X has embraced mobile technology even though it hasn’t necessarily always been a part of their lives. They enjoy their flexibility and independence and are very wary of taking financial risks after seeing their families lose money in the stock market. The best way to market to Gen X is to be very clear about what you are offering. Provide ample details and don’t try to hide anything. Focus more on making suggestions and giving them options for them to pick what they think would work best for them, and be sure to avoid any references to heritage and tradition. It is important to remember that everyone is different in their purchasing process, even within the same generation. These guidelines are simple tools to help you talk with your patients and give you an idea on how best to approach them.


pharmacy edge

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DSCSA The FDA issued a guidance, “DSCSA Implementation: Product Tracing Requirements for Dispensers–Compliance Policy (Revised),” announcing that it is extending a previously issued Compliance Policy from November 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016.


itle II of the Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013 or the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) was signed into law on November 27, 2013 by President Obama and passed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It outlines steps critical to a secure drug distribution supply chain across the United States. January 2015 is the set date with which parties within the pharmaceutical supply chain must exchange product-tracing information with trading partners.

FAQs on the DSCSA What is the scope of the regulation? It focuses on the tracing, verification and serialization of drugs distributed in the United States, making it easy to track and trace where a particular prescription drug or pharmaceutical product belongs in the supply chain. It will also establish national standards for licensing of third party logistics (3PLs) providers and wholesale distributors of prescription drugs. Who will be affected by the DSCSA? All parties involved in most pharmaceutical activities, such as manufacturers, dispensers, repackagers, and wholesale distributors. What will the systems facilitate? It will help verify the legitimacy of a drug based on its product identifier and 
packaging. It will enhance how illegitimate products in the drug supply chain are detected and noted as unacceptable. It will enable drug product recalls more efficiently. 
 How will DSCSA be implemented? Implementation of the Drug Supply chain Security Act will be done over the next 10 years in different stages. The first stage was rolled out November 2014, which is the release of the guidance document. Drug manufacturers, repackagers, dispensers and wholesale distributors will be called on to help FDA develop the system.


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What are required provisions for the implementation of the DSCSA? This will require manufacturers and repackagers to use a unique product identifier on packages of prescription drugs that can be read electronically, similar to a bar code. Easy tracking of products All parties that played a role in the drug supply chain must provide information about the product being shipped and who handles it every time it is sold in the United States. These include dispensers, manufactures, repackagers and wholesale drug distributors. The real challenge for affected entities is the infrastructure that must be established to communicate with partners according to regulatory requirements. Verification of products 
 This requires manufacturers, repackagers, and wholesale distributors to establish systems and processes that enable easy verification of product IDs placed on packages of prescription drugs. Standards for detection and response 
 In the event that a prescription drug is identified as suspect, unapproved, potentially dangerous or a counterfeit, involved parties in the drug supply chain, from manufacturers to dispensers, must quarantine the product and promptly investigate. Prompt notification
 If an illegitimate drug is found, there must be an established system and process for 
notifying FDA and other stakeholders. Licensing of wholesale drug distributors
 Based on the DSCSA, wholesalers must inform FDA on their licensing status and 
contact information, which will then be made available through a public database.

ness transactions, license information for each state, state license number, and address of facility. 
In addition, FDA is also required to develop standards, pilot programs and guidance documents to help ensure efficient, effective and timely implementation. FDA is also required to conduct public meetings. By law, dispensers must comply and provide the 
while the deadline for manufacturers to comply is 
by November 2017. 
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is issuing a revised guidance document that extends the compliance policy described in the guidance for industry entitled “DSCSA Implementation: Product Tracing Requirements for Dispensers—Compliance necessary requirements by July 2015, Policy.” This revised guidance announces FDA’s intention with regard to enforcement of certain product tracing requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) added by the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). FDA does not intend to take action against dispensers who, prior to March 1, 2016, accept ownership of product without receiving transaction information, transaction history, and transaction statements (product tracing information), prior to or at the time of a transaction, or do not capture and maintain the product tracing information, as required by the FD&C Act. _____________

Licensing of 3PLs 
 Providers of storage and logistics operations related to distribution of prescription drugs must obtain a federal license. They are required to submit a report by March 31, 2015 that contains vital information related to each of their location. These include company name as it appears on the license, all trade names used for busipharmacy edge


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Unfortunately, you may be too busy doing what you need to do that adding one more activity to your list could be stressful. If you think this way, you seriously need to reconsider. This is because there are plenty of advantages in joining a pharmacy association.

Benefits of A Pharmacy Association Membership


Expanded network and contact list

TOP 5 REASONS TO JOIN A PHARMACY ASSOCIATION Whether you work as a pharmacy buyer or run a pharmacy, you should invest time and energy into learning more about the trade and staying updated on the latest news and events. And the perfect solution is to join a pharmacy association, where you will have plenty of opportunities to meet and network with key members in the industry, other pharmacy buyers or vendors, and people who matter to the trade.

Meeting people who know people in the industry is one of the biggest advantages of joining a pharmacy association. By simply being a member, you will have plenty of opportunities to shake hands with the who’s who in the pharmacy business and other key personnel that are relevant to the trade. If you consistently join events, meetings and other gatherings, you will be able to expand your list of personal contacts, starting from the rank-and-file to VIPs. This will then give you access to a wide sphere of knowledge and expertise. Should you need advice in expanding your business or in acquiring more clients, you can also use your contacts to your advantage. Networking during trade association gatherings will also lead to positive and beneficial outcomes, such as exchanging of ideas in best practices in business operation and trading, building a reputation, and establishing friendship and or business relationships.


Access to education and training

For success in your career and business, learning should be a lifelong endeavor. If you are a member of a pharmacy association, you will have access to materials and opportunities to expand your knowledge and upgrade your skills. Remember that nothing remains the same, including the pharmacy industry, which is why it is vital that you have easy access to education and training, something that a pharmacy association can provide. Add to the expertise that you can acquire from other members, and you will get excellent educational value as a member.

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Foresight into industry related regulations

For business and professional activities to be considered legal and abiding, they must be done based on regulations. Knowing the existing ones are important, but being aware of the upcoming regulations are even more crucial as the smallest of changes can have a lasting impact on your business or career. As a pharmacy association member, you will have access to such information because of the privilege afforded to you as part of the organization. You will have a say before any law will be passed and you will know first-hand if any law has been amended or passed. With such knowledge, you can protect your interests.


Business and career opportunities

Knowing the who’s who in the pharmacy industry is sure to help boost your chances of opening a business or being hired, provided that you network constantly. But you can also use the same connections to help you get approved for a business venture or land a better position in a particular company that you have been eyeing for. Remember that recommendations are very powerful when it comes to business and career, so having a VIP recommend you, for instance, is sure to increase your chances of success.


Lobbying for better laws in trading

Do you feel like changes have to be made with existing regulations? As a member of a pharmacy association you have the right and freedom to voice out your opinion and say what is on your mind. You can refer your ideas to executive members or other members with a higher position to help you lobby for better laws in pharmacy buying trading or business. As you can see, there are many benefits that you will gain from being a member of a pharmacy association. So don’t pass up the opportunity to sign up today.



►► Access to member-only publications useful as educational and training materials

►► Access to publications that are exclusive to the vendors and business owners

►► Discounted member registration fee to conferences and other events

►► Discounts on advertising and advertorial-type ads

►► Opportunities for enhance leadership and clinical skills career growth continuing education and networking ►► Opportunities to participate in advocacy planning and policy


pharmacy edge

►► Submission of company press release

The Pharmacy Choice online network is collectively the most popular destination on the internet for pharmacy professionals.

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Written By Aneel Irfan. Telehealth Coordinator and Contributor to Telemedicine Magazine

The present & impending future access points for healthcare are in retail settings, the modern pharmacy conglomerates, most with retail at the heart of their business models are in the best position to leverage telehealth technologies, to not only tie overall population health with their brands, that the communities know & trust, but create substantial retail “traffic� to drive additional revenues to the pharmacy’s retail space bottom line. Telemedicine benefits to pharmacies will drive new growth in the future and create tremendous opportunities for growth.


pharmacy edge


merica’s quintessential Pharmacy leaders CVS & Walgreens have already signed deals with telemedicine companies to provide virtual medical consultations to their customer base, this is all based on the projected accelerated need for access to healthcare in the coming years. Physician shortages, our aging population, expanded insurance coverage through the affordable care act, along with an epidemic of chronic diseases, all will be factors in increasing patient demand for quality healthcare that is cheaper, faster & vastly more convenient. Our current healthcare delivery & payment ecosystem is in an age of outright disruption because of the emergence of telehealth, in an effect to this, the pharmacy sector, especially with retail components, are poised to reap the bulk of the ongoing telemedicine market share that is currently being carved. Being strategic & partnering with telehealth technology partners with growing networks focused on the experience of end users in the retail environment is vital. There exists a tremendous opportunity with companies such as LifeMD Tele-Pharmacy to create your pharmacy’s telemed network with a menu of telehealth options you can integrate. Opening possibilities to create a loyalty with your consumer base by becoming truly vested in their health by offering live video consultations with their caregivers via white labeled kiosks in your establishment. The development of these programs to create new business is proof that the market is ready and that the revenue potential that telemed creates is there. Consumer demand is driving the telemedicine revolution. The benefits of telemedicine to pharmacies to drive this new growth is creating huge opportunities for forward thinking business owners and pharmacists that want to modernize and expand their operations. This is the essence of telehealth & the LifeMD Tele-pharmacy kiosks can provide a customized integrated solution to a pharmacy interested in deploying the benefits of telehealth. The kiosks are totally microbial & come stocked with integrated medical devices such as an Otoscope, stethoscope & even diagnostic equipment such as blood glucose monitors or ultrasound systems. This gives a pharmacy a convenient & unique option to their customers to access healthcare while in their locations.

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As the trend of telehealth continues to grow, right now is the best time for pharmacies to be proactive in their approach to telehealth, since the market is ripe, the organizations that implement telehealth strategies now will be considered as the innovators & the first to market. Down the road, telehealth will be common practice & the saturation of the industry will be greater. The numbers don’t lie. The rise of patients wanting to access care online is continuing to grow. With the rise of this technology and internet-based services, people are beginning to take advantage of the benefits that telehealth provides. In fact, new study statistics show that the number of telehealth visits is projected to grow from 350,000 in 2013 to 7 million in 2018. Moreover, the worldwide revenue for these services is also expected to reach $4.5 billion. The new business that telemedicine will create to drive revenue for pharmacies, makes this an exciting time to get started with a telemed program. So what are some other strategies in deploying telemedicine? Besides the retail aspect there is also the clinical concept of extending the reach of your pharmacists to provide pharmacy services to underserved areas. Using telecommunications & HD cameras, your pharmacists can work with remote pharmacy techs to help facilitate & approve medications in areas or locations where a true qualified pharmacist may not be available. This type of “pharmacy support” could be lucrative to a urban pharmacy with the staff available to contract with the underserved pharmacies or community hospitals. This is possible via telehealth & with LifeMD’s Tele-pharmacy solutions, LifeMD Tele-pharmacy platform allows for secure video conferencing with pharmacy techs, secure exchange of patient information & conducting

medication order verification from a remote setting. A single one of your “telepharmacists” can monitor 4-5 hospitals at a time providing a safety net for the physicians at those hospitals that their scripts are being reviewed in a timely fashion. The benefits are great for these hospitals as they save not only on labors costs associated with employing a on-site pharmacists but studies also show the turnaround on the medications are tremendously quicker as well. These practices are continuing to be a valuable option, urban pharmacies with the technology & staff can take accommodate the demand of their pharmacist’s services at these settings with LifeMD Tele-pharmacy technology. In closing, telehealth is here to stay & the time for pharmacies to take a look at these technologies as additional value for their customers is now. Also to streamline operations & extend the reach of your pharmacy services is making tele-pharmacy not just a novelty item but a must have technology component for any modern pharmacy organization.

New study statistics show that the number of telehealth visits is projected to grow from 350,000 in 2013 to 7 million in 2018.


pharmacy edge





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THE KEY TO GROWING AND ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS CSI Specialty Group Helps Clients Build and Expand Specialty Pharmacies Through Unique Approach to Consulting and Workforce Planning


he world of specialty pharmacy is growing faster than ever. Spending on specialty drugs in 2012 in the United States was about $87 billion; and estimates suggest that it could quadruple by 2020, reaching about $400 billion, or 9.1 percent of national health spending according to a 2014 issue brief from UnitedHealth Group.

As one would expect, accelerated growth brings additional opportunities and unique challenges as the landscape continues to evolve. For manufacturers, payors and specialty pharmacy owners, competition increases in sync with demand; so, how can they stand out from the competition? What can set them apart if services and operations are equal? The simple answer, according to award-winning consulting and talent acquisition firm CSI Specialty Group, PEOPLE!

Talent as a Key Differentiator

At CSI Specialty Group, their philosophy for helping clients drive sustainable growth and success starts and ends with people. The tenured team helps specialty pharmacy, home infusion, hospitals, compounding, retail chain and manufacturing clients through a variety of core services including consulting, strategic workforce planning / compensation benchmarking and talent acquisition. “We’re dedicated to providing a comprehensive, holistic view of what an organization needs to accomplish in order to compete in this changing healthcare space, so our services are customized to fit the needs of every client,” says CSI Specialty Group President and CEO Suzette DiMascio, CHE, CMCE, CPC. “We also believe talent has been, and always will be, the one true component of any great company,” she adds. “This belief is what allows us to channel our collective experience and make a significant impact on business strategy and organizational growth through all of our services.”

Award-Winning Consulting Services

Identifying the right talent is critical, but you must also have a winning formula when it comes to planning and execution of the strategy. Whether leveraging CSI’s industry leading consulting team to build a client’s specialty pharmacy, or expanding an existing specialty pharmacy into new


pharmacy edge

therapeutics arenas, CSI possesses the skill, knowledge and know-how to get your company to where it needs to be in order to provide a competitive offering in the marketplace.

“We offer a complete program to help our clients attract and maintain the business they desire through our customized consulting and workforce planning initiatives,” says DiMascio. “And because our foundation is rooted in talent, something no other consulting firm can boast, we help clients get to where they want to go with the very best possible team around them.” CSI’s Award Winning leadership team possesses experience spanning 100 years and representing expertise from organizations like Accredo, Pfizer, Express Scripts, Prime Therapeutics and more. CSI Specialty Group is able to leverage their extensive executive networks and knowledge to cultivate excellence when consulting to link a company’s

business strategy to their people strategy. The group was named one of the Top 50 Growing Companies in Florida in 2014 by GrowFL for their initiatives. Customized Strategies Unlock Potential “Ultimately, linking a client’s business strategy to their people strategy is what unlocks a true competitive advantage and differentiator for clients,” says DiMascio. “That is our strength, it’s built into every aspect of our consulting and talent acquisition services and it’s why we continue to be a trendsetter in the industry.” Working with clients occupying all sides of the specialty pharmacy industry including payors, compounding pharmacies, hospital and healthcare systems, 340B programs, ACOs, mail order / PBM, and more,

the group is accustomed to the various needs and challenges of organizations both large and small. Consulting Services include, but are not limited to: specialty pharmacy readiness assessments; launch planning and implementation; operational strategy; clinical and adherence programs; sales and marketing preparedness; training and development platforms; management mentorship programs; URAC/ ACHC/ CPPA accreditation assistance; and private equity introductions and liquidity evaluations. “Our award-winning success with solving our clients’ challenges has placed us among the very top leadership and talent consulting firms in specialty pharmacy,” says DiMascio. “We know the industry, we listen to a client’s needs and we deliver results that exceed expectations. That’s our roadmap and it hasn’t let us down yet.”

At CSI Specialty Group, their philosophy for helping clients drive sustainable growth and success starts and ends with people.

Suzette DiMascio CHE, CMCE, CPC CSI Specialty Group President and CEO

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by Larry Twersky

mazon killed book stores and then extinguished Blockbuster and countless other video stores with the help of Netflix. Let’s see if we can learn from history before it happens in Pharmacy? Pharmacy is changing and you can decide to ignore it and do something more lucrative instead of becoming like a typewriter repair person and make the necessary changes to grow your business and thrive.

The way book and video stores got caught on the wrong side of the technology shift is a story we can learn from. They were both businesses with physical products being distributed at a physical store and it was easy to know who their customers and competitors were as they draw from a customer base determined by location. Digital ordering changes the status quo and now it becomes difficult to know who is a competitor or how to market to the customer base. This also changes customer behavior and loyalty with a more convenient ways to order, track and deliver service and product. Once digital history and ease of ordering exist, the shift starts to happen and now the world is your competitor. Mail order pharmacies like Pill Pack and others are making inroads with digital ordering and services like pouches presorted with patient’s medication, free delivery and better pricing. This makes reordering and loyalty just a click away. This is where the shift occurs. It’s fast and creates a change in distribution that is geometrically harder to win back any lost customer. In the past, patients went to the pharmacy that was conveniently located, accepted their insurance plan, and did so with ease. Customers could be wooed for a $25 gift card or some other enticement. Today the way to keep customers and acquire new ones relies less on where you are and more on your digital footprint and technology efforts. I fought taking an über and staying at an Airbnb, but now I am hooked and loyal to both services. When did the hotels and taxicab companies realize that every car on the road and every home or apartment are now their new competitors? So I ask, do you really know who are your competitors? It is not only down the street, its everywhere. The good news is your reading this article and it’s not too late to do something about it. You now have a much bigger area for doing business than ever before.

Here are some points to think about:

Do you have a patient portal? Can the patients reorder with your app? Can patients see their families’ (if given permission) history of medication? Will you mail or deliver medication? Can they ask a question by text or other digital means? Can they order on line, be notified when the order is ready and pick up in the store (Click to Brick) or have it delivered? If the answer is no, it is time to take control and upgrade your systems and process to have a digital customer facing system. There is an app for everything, right? How about your business? There is a quiet race for who will maintain the data of an individual’s medication history in a secure and convenient manner. This is right around the corner and it will be impossible to compete if you are too far behind. Let’s make 2016 the year to join the race and to dramatically grow and see the area of service for what it is, vast and abundant. Ask how would Amazon or Netflix do this? Good Luck, It is a great time to be in the pharmacy business! Larry Twersky Timer Cap | CEO | Direct 818-435-8245 | Office 800-557-4072 Ext. 106 | 484 E. Los Angeles Ave., Suite 101 | Moorpark, CA 93021| Finalist - Bluetooth Breakthrough Award - CES 2016. 20

pharmacy edge

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Safe Chain Healthcare Solutions: Your Full-Service Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Partner.


afe Chain Healthcare Solutions, a Benchworks Company, is a rapidly growing, full-service pharmaceutical supply chain partner. Its mission is to help customers reduce costs while increasing patient safety through a more secure supply chain.

Headquartered in Maryland, Safe Chain Healthcare Solutions specializes in the sourcing, fulfillment and distribution of pharmaceutical products, devices and nutraceuticals for manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies. Safe Chain also has another division, Logistics Solutions, which helps both public and private sector companies in all industries manage their supply chains. Safe Chain Solutions was co-founded by brothers Charles and Patrick Boyd. They leveraged their combined three decades of experience in third-party logistics and pharmaceutical distribution to create a better supply chain partner. “This company is successful because we have extensive experience in this field, and we had a vision for what it could be,” Pat said. “Charlie and I work hard to deliver on our promises every day.” Today, Charlie leads the daily business operations, business development, and customer acquisitions, while Pat handles business planning, market strategy, and contract negotiations. Rounding out the leadership team are Paul Rossell, who leads the wholesale pharma sales team, and General Manager Jesse Hammett. The company has 34 employees including logistics coordinators, IT specialists and account managers. In addition to the headquarters in Cambridge, Maryland, the company maintains sales offices in Annapolis, Maryland, and Miami, as well as a digital development office in Nagpur, India. Safe Chain Healthcare Solutions was founded on the belief that each order is more than just a package; it’s a patient. Keeping that in mind, the company and its employees work diligently to deliver the best possible supply chain by ensuring the physical facility is well protected and effective protocols are in place. In addition, Safe Chain Solutions is licensed with the Maryland Board of Pharmacy and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and it is both cGMP and cGDP compliant. It is currently a licensed wholesaler in 47 states plus the District of Columbia for Schedules II-V. (Licensing is pending in IN, WY and ND.)

Secure Facility

Safe Chain Solutions’ award-winning facility features the following safeguards: ►► Secure DEA vault for the safe storage of controlled substance Schedules II-V ►► Walk-in refrigerated unit for all temperature-sensitive items ►► High-security storage area that includes a security partition with limited key entry ►► 24/7 security monitoring with strategically placed high-definition cameras, motion detectors and door/window sensors As part of a planned expansion, Safe Chain Solutions recently purchased the building where it presently operates. The purchase gives the company the opportunity to expand its 17,000 square feet of office, distribution and warehouse space to more than 100,000 square feet. Purchasing our headquarters in Cambridge, Maryland, gives us a core foundation where we can continue to expand the business. It allows us to plant our roots in this growing community while also increasing and enhancing the services that we provide to our clients” Charlie said. pharmacy edge 23

Quality Control

Safe Chain Solutions is dedicated to order accuracy, attention to detail and most importantly, patient safety. As a result, the company leveraged its expertise to develop two innovative systems of control: Safe Chain QC Pro RxTM and Safe Chain Track & TraceTM. Safe Chain QC Pro RxTM QC Pro RxTM is Safe Chain’s proven quality control process, which was designed to increase the accuracy, reliability and safety of its supply chain. It provides six inspection and verification points throughout the supply chain. “Our goal was to develop the most accurate, reliable and safe service possible for patients, and QC Pro RxTM meets all of those requirements,” Charlie said. With QC Pro RxTM, Safe Chain achieves and maintains a 99.9% order accuracy rate while upholding required delivery times. Safe Chain Track & TraceTM Safe Chain Track & TraceTM is an all-in-one, comprehensive T3 Management System that provides tight control over inventory. The Safe Chain Track & TraceTM system automates traceability, providing and maintaining interoperable electronic tracing of drugs at the lot number level. This ensures compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). Via a secure, separate login, the Safe Chain Track & TraceTM Client Portal allows customers to access their transaction records, from product details and transaction information to pedigree and shipment tracking. Other features include search filters and sort functions, all designed to ensure compliance and provide customers with access to the information they need about their transactions. Fulfillment Safe Chain Solutions is strategically located on the Eastern Seaboard. This gives the company the ability to reach 70% of the US population within 3 days using the most cost-effective shipping methods. For even faster service, Safe Chain Solutions offers discounts on next-day, 2-day, and even same-day shipping. Safe Chain Solutions, a Benchworks Company Healthcare Solutions Division Headquarters: Cambridge, Maryland Serving: Manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacies in the life science and pharma industries Contact: 855.437.5727 or Website: 24

pharmacy edge

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