一宅竹造a bamboo house

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������Live with Nature

��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������Live with Nature

��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������Live with Nature �������������� ��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]


�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

华科优建(武汉)工程信息发展有限公司和华中科技 大学先进建筑实验室[AaL]长期致力于胶合竹预制 建造体系的研究,尝试将竹资源转化成工业化和标准 化预制建造体系;同时,先进建筑实验室[AaL]还 努力通过数字技术和预制优化将建筑体系简化成“宜 家”式的“便携装配”模式,建筑设计和建造技术被 消解成“客户定制-数控加工”和“集体参与性”的建 造模式。 “胶合竹预制建造体系”由先进建筑实验室[AaL] 和中国林业科学院竹木研究所共同研发,尝试将中国 丰富的竹材资源转化成工业化建筑结构材。胶合竹预 制建造体系主张材料的社会化生产和建造体系的高度 预制化。

The gluebam investigation is a long-term research project in Huazhong University of Science and Technology Advanced Architecture Lab, to establish a standard and application of this new material through design of housing product. Meanwhile AAL integrate the latest computational design application to achieve DIY housing through parametric computational aid designing, bringing designers closer to its client. “Glued bamboo prefabricated construction system” ,developed by the Advanced Architecture Lab(AAL) together with the Bamboo Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, is trying to transform the rich bamboo resource in China into the industrialized building structure material. “Glued bamboo prefabricated construction system” advocates of social production and a construction system building upon the high-level prefabrication.

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

过去三十年,伴随着中国经济的飞速发展,中国进行 了前所未有的造城运动。中国的城市化进程一定程度 上是维持GDP快速增长的工具。在特有的政体和以其 为表征的经济发展模式下,中国城市化主要有两种主 要模式: 1 以政府为主体的新城营造 2 以开发商为主的城市开发 这些大刀阔斧的造城运动大部分是以商业模式经营, 作为昂贵的消费品并无法服务于大众,并且带来大量 的社会问题和城市病,在“城市镜像”和“城市拉 伸”之外,城市许多旧有片区并没有机会获益于专业 的建筑学知识, 于是,城市的许多片区浮现了自发式 生长的状态;而城市之外的村镇,更是充斥着五花八 门的低质量农民自建住宅。 In the past three decades, along with the rapid development of China’s economy, urbanization process has never been faster in China. To some extent, this rapid urbanization process has become a tool for the growth of GDP. Under the unique political and economical system, China’s urbanization has two major modes: 1, Urban expansion driven by the government. 2, Urban re-development driven by developers. Most of this kind of drastic activities are based on commercial operation thus the products has become luxury merchandise than benefits to the public. Meanwhile, besides “urban mirror” and “urban stretch”, most of old areas did not get the opportunity to benefit from professional architecture knowledge. Instead, many areas emerged a “spontaneous growth” activity represented by low quality self-built residential buildings at countryside.

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

我们希望基于这些片区进行建筑的社会学修复。 全球范围内统计,85%的建筑是没有建筑师介入的, 而建筑教育的主要服务主体是城市中的宏大建筑和 商业建筑,于是,在中国,我们看到农村中千篇一律 的脆弱的砖混建造体系和城市中五花八门的自加建建 筑。 如果我们把整个社会公民作为建筑的主体来观察,首 先浮现的是社会中的建筑学诉求,既伴随着日常生活 需求复杂化而来的空间需求;其次浮现的是社会中的 建筑学问题,大量民宅的建造方式是否存在着建筑学 科学性和精确度的缺失?再次就是社会中的建筑师行 为,在城市化进程中所谓的市场建筑之外,是否存在 着更广泛的自主实践可能性。 We aim to “repair” these areas by apply architecture knowledge sociologically. According to global statistics, 85% of all buildings have no architects’ activity involved. Architecture education and practice mainly aim to serve large scale commercial projects in big cities instead of small residential at countryside. Therefore, we can easily see that there is a variety of fragile brick concrete construction system and self-built residential in those countryside coherent to cities. If we see citizens as the main part of architecture, the first thing comes to our vision is the demand of architecture in our society-- demand for new space to satisfy our diversity of daily needs; the another one is architecture problem in today’s society-- does the construction of most dwellings have the architectural rationality? Does the loss of accuracy exist in such building procedure? Moreover, is there any possibility for a broader independent practice besides commercial real estate market?

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

冰冷的钢铁建筑|Coldness in steel construction 19世纪末,“水晶宫”在英国伦敦世博会中诞生,轰动了整个世界,钢铁建筑开始 风靡全球。在今天的21世纪,钢铁建筑已经成为了整个建筑界的主流。钢铁建筑 的结构造型表现给我们带来新的设计理念的同时,也产生了相应的不安和疑惑。建 筑文化的承续、建筑中人性的体现等等,似乎都与钢铁冰冷生硬的形象格格不入。

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

胶合竹印象|GlueBam Pattern 胶合竹除了具有竹材的速生、环保、节能等特点外,还因其特殊的生产工 艺,使得该材料的力学性能远远超过其他竹材,因而可以作为结构材料来 使用。胶合竹轻质高强,建造速度快,抗震性能好。胶合竹可以形成标准 化的板材和构件,以不同的方式灵活地组合,可以应用于建筑的结构、围 护、隔断和家具等多个部位,且构件易于更换,使得维护成本大大降低。

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

竹文化|Bamboo Culture 竹子是东方文化精神的载体,自古以来形成了源远流长的竹文化。中华文化和 受其影响的民族,不仅将竹子视作一种精神的象征,还作为一种文化审美的 标准。苏轼云,”宁可一日食无肉,不可一日居无竹”,谈的就是文人与竹 子密不可分的关系。竹在中国古代园林和建筑中的运用,几乎达到了极致。

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

中国木造传统|Bamboo Culture 中国有丰富的木材资源和悠久的木构建筑史,木构建筑形成了中国建构文 化的主体。中国建筑历史的研究,已经向我们展示了木构建筑在中国文明 史中的广泛运用和高水平的技术成就。以今天可持续发展的观念来看木 构建造活动,它的重要意义在于生态性,以及与自然界之间的可再生性。

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闹市中的居住|Live with Cities 中国的城市化进程不断加速,钢筋混凝土的高楼大厦如雨后春笋,在 城市里蔓延。冰冷的建筑物让人感觉焦躁,阳光、空气和绿地都被 阻隔,人与人之间的交流变得困难,城市生活如何变得更加美好?

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

自然的栖居|Live with Nature “人,诗意地栖居”,是19世纪德国伟大诗人荷尔德林的著名诗 句,它呼唤在诗意中实现自我而回归到人类的本真。诗意的栖居 首先要尊重自然,最终达到精神上的回归。自然的栖居,它倡导 人们亲近大自然,亲近城市的自然资源,选择自然的生存方式。

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

钢筋混凝土的建造方式|Conscrtuction in concrete&steel 中国城市急行军式的发展和建设,每个城市都是一个巨大的工地。而钢筋混凝土的建造方式对自然造 成极大的破坏,产生大量的建筑垃圾,对环境产生极大的污染,也对社会和资源产生不利的影响。

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轻型预制建造方式| Lightweight Prefabrication 轻型预制建造方式强调建筑的构件在工厂预制,在现场进行组装或者整 体吊装。它减少了现场作业,对环境的破坏降到最低,亦不会产生大 量的建筑垃圾,符合环保和可持续发展的理念。轻型预制建造方式是 可逆的过程,建筑可以拆装移至别处,其环境可恢复到原先的状态。

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������Live with Nature

��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

胶合竹预制建造体系|Gluebam Prefabrication System 1 胶合竹:新型环保结构材|Glue laminated bamboo: A new green structural material 2 设计定制服务|Customized Design 3 可作为临时建筑的永久建筑|Permanent “temporary” architecture 4 宜家装配式预制建造|IKEA-able Prefabrication System 5 欧洲标准,数字化加工 |EU standard, digital manufacturing 6 自然的栖居|Live with nature

1 胶合竹:新型环保结构材|Glue laminated bamboo: A new green structural material

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

2 设计定制服务|Customized Design

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3 可作为临时建筑的永久建筑|Permanent “temporary” architecture

线性系统研究 Linear System


This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law

30-50 This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school application forms. Often, business and graduate

This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

This allows you m

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

线性系统研究 Linear System Study




29.779 m2



This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write

and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical

or law school application forms. Often, business and graduate

statement often prepared for standard medical or law school

uestions, and your statement should respond specifically to the

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

This allows you maximum freedom in terms of what you write and is the type of statement often prepared for standard medical or law school application

4 宜家装配式预制建造|IKEA-able Prefabrication System

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

5 欧洲标准,数字化加工 |EU standard, digital manufacturing

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

6 自然的栖居|Live with nature

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

一宅竹造|A GlueBam House

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

“石榴居”是胶合竹预制建造体系的原型产品之一,坐落 于华中科技大学的校园内,并与建筑系馆连接成为一个有 机的整体。 “石榴居”的所有构件都在工厂预制,现场装 配而成,整个建造活动由工人和志愿者团队在25天内共同 完成。 “N4+”is a housing typology based on gluebam, located in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the house is positioned in proximity with the architectural department. “N4+” house completed in 25 days, is a prototype based on the concept of mass production and fabrication, delivery to site for fast construction.

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

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�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������ Live with Nature �����Pre-Fab GlueBam


LiveArchitecture with Nature ��������Advanced Lab[AaL]

��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]

�����Pre-Fab GlueBam


�����Pre-Fab GlueBam

������Live with Nature

��������Advanced Architecture Lab[AaL]


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