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“We Make Value, Not Money.” -Sam









WEST KOWLOON TERMINLUS Project Name : West Kowloon Terminus


s a strong indicator in recent years, be-

Kong Special Administrative Region maintains eco-

as to China. The site’s prominence immediately

tween Hong Kong and mainland China,

nomic and political incentives from P.R.C. Conse-

adjacent to the future West Kowloon Cultural Dis-

Use : Transport, infrastructure, offices

the West Kowloon Terminus is both a symbol and

quently, the facility needs to have both custom and

trict and next to Victoria Harbor required a design

Cost: HKD 23 Billion

a functional representation of how improved rela-

immigration controls for departing and arriving

which was completely motivated by civic demand.

Gross Floor Area : 732,800 sq m

tions have become. The high-speed rail terminus

passengers. What is highly unusual in this facility

Enriching the challenge was the reality that there

Architects : Andrew Bromberg of Aedas

station will connect Hong Kong to Beijing with

is that West Kowloon Terminus will have immigra-

would be 400,000 square meters of commercial

Project Team : Andrew Bromberg Team, Aedas

the largest rail network in our history. Located

tion domain for both Hong Kong and China in the

development on top of the station which would be

Client: MTR Corporation Ltd.

centrally in Hong Kong within the city’s existing

same facility as opposed to how immigration works

auctioned off to a developer in a later date.

Complete Year : 2015

urban realm, the 430,000 square meters facil-

in a typical international airport, which is solely the

Photo by : Crystal LTD

ity with fifteen tracks will be the largest below

domain of the host country.

Location : Kowloon, Hong Kong

ground terminus station in the world.


KT will function more like an international airport than a rail station as Hong



t the time of the competition, a one-year feasibility study was conducted with the cli-

t became apparent that the WKT facility needed

ent by another architect. This scheme became the

to function as a built ambassador for the city of

“baseline” which all other schemes were evaluated

Hong Kong as the gateway into Hong Kong, as well

and if proven to be the most viable, would have

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maintained itself as the chosen scheme moving forward. Our first concern with the scheme was that it had allocated future, commercial facilities in both front corners of the site with the above ground, entrance building of the station being sandwiched between. With no control over the commercial facilities and the limitation of station frontage, we were concerned that the project would be perceived as a commercial development which had a station below it as opposed to being a civic “gateway” into Hong Kong which had supporting commercial activity.


or the competition, two main options were explored in locating the above ground station

component in either front corner of the site. It was felt to be a fundamental move which gave the station an address and a presence appropriate to its role in the city. From an urban design point of view, having the station entrance building in the southwest corner gave more frontage to the commercial activities which was beneficial to both views to the harbor and access.


ithin the station itself, there was one underlying goal to the scheme. As the

“gateway” to Hong Kong, it was considered vital to connect the station with the surrounding urban context and make one aware that whether arriving or departing – “You are in Hong Kong”. In order to do this, the design compacted all of the supportAREIAL VIEW ON WKT

ing spaces more efficiently to allow for a very large void down into the departure hall below as well as apertures down to the track platforms. The outside ground plane bent down to the hall and the roof

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INTERIAL VIOD VIEW structure above gestures toward the harbor. The

seemed to make sense from a territorial point of

result is a 45 meter high volume which focuses all

view, however caused great inefficiencies within the

attention through the south façade toward views of the Hong Kong Central skyline and Victoria Peak beyond.


t was not until after winning the competition

across Hong Kong territory to Shenzhen, a boom-

and beginning a more rigorous two month exer-

ing China border city, and further to the north to

planning diagram. Our scheme actually stacked

cise of bringing the scheme up to a similar develop-

Guangzhou, the capital of Canton. At the time of

territories so that all immigration facilities for ar-

ment as the “baseline” scheme – that from a station

being awarded the project, years of research has al-

rivals are on one floor and all departure facilities are

function position, having the entrance building in

ready been performed on the civil engineering side

on another. By relating jurisdictions on top of each

the southeast corner was far superior. The analyti-

with a conclusion, based on urban make-up and in-

n order to achieve this volume, attention to the

other, so that each others arrivals and departure fa-

cal data supporting this conclusion is derived di-

ternal site restrictions – the short haul tracks need-

inner workings of both Hong Kong and China

cilities are stacked and connected, it actually made

rectly from track layout and disposition.

ed to be placed on the western side of the site with

immigration facilities were explored. The “base-

the inner workings easier and consequently more

line” scheme had segregated immigration by op-



eration. All of HK immigration was on one floor and PRC immigration was on another one. Which


the long-haul being located to the eastern side. The

he terminus station has two target destina-

locations of these tracks were / are fixed. In addi-

tions: regional commuter trains and long-

tion, is the realization that 80% of the station users

haul high speed trains. The commuter trains go

are short-haul commuters. Consequently, reducing

Pg. 7

travel times for these passengers is a priority.


ocating the immigration facilities over the short-haul tracks significantly reduced sta-

tion travel times for short-haul passengers. The immigration facilities are quite dense formalized spaces with both front-of-house and back-of-house uses. They can function quite well within a column grid environment. Their location functioning well beneath the density of the future commercial spaces also optimizes the openness of the void and entrance building on the opposite side of the site. So due to this rational, with the short-haul tracks being located on the west side of the site, the immigration facilities are also located on the west which means the commercial facilities also would be located to the west. This leaves the entrance building of the station located on the eastern edge of the site.


he scheme was then analytically compared to the “baseline” scheme in over 60 major

items of criteria. On a scale of 1000, voted on by more than 200 political and technical leaders in Hong Kong, this scheme strongly outperformed the “baseline” scheme with 875 points compared to 540 points and was adopted as the chosen scheme moving forward into implementation.


he organization of the design was inspired by converging forces all oriented toward Hong

Kong - likened to the converging tracks coming VIEW FROM AUSTON STATION

into the terminus station itself. The project maximizes civic gestures both internally and externally. The station is sculpted out of the energy of these moves and strongly defines its motive to open up

Pg. 8

View towards Eastern Arch and focus toward Victoria Harbor and the Hong

in the master plan. The green space provides links

ent on this integration. The image of the station will

Hong Kong - into and beyond the West Kowloon

Kong skyline. The culturally district of WKCD is

flowing through the site to a Public Transport Inter-

be preserved in the southeast corner of the site. The

Cultural District; into and beyond Victoria Har-

invited into the site. A large “Civic Square” opens

change to the North, The Austin Station subway sta-

Civic Square will be defined by station entrances

bor and into and beyond the tower filled alleyways

up toward the cultural district and is defined on the

tion to the East, The Kowloon Station Development

and station facilities on the east and west sides as

of Hong Kong. The station may be visible below

other side with its own outdoor performance am-

and Elements Mall to the West as well as internal

well as adjacent, accessible paths moving up on top

as a reminder of where one came - but the future


connections into the WKT station itself and its fu-

of the station into the green “roofscape”.

paths of discovery present themselves invitingly


he pedestrian flow into this amphitheatre continues up, accessing almost the entire

roof top of the station itself in a highly vegetated

ture commercial development.


he hope is that this commercial development



he culminations of these moves find themselves at an observation deck on top of the


will eventually be knitted into the overall flow

crest of the entrance building - twenty five meters

aintained itself as the chosen scheme mov-

sculpture garden and landscaped extension of the

of the project seamlessly and was developed to a

above the Civic Square and forty five meters above

green below. The resultant open space is almost five

point of demonstrating viability. Fortunately how-

the Departure Hall below. At the top there is the

scheme was that it had allocated future, commercial

times more area than an already ambitious mandate

ever, the success of the development is not depend-

perfect overlook as an extension of the journey into

facilities in both front corners of the site with the

ing forward. Our first concern with the

Pg. 9

immigration facilities were explored. The “baseline” scheme had segregated immigration by operation. All of HK immigration was on one floor and PRC immigration was on another one. Which seemed to make sense from a territorial point of view, however caused great inefficiencies within the planning diagram. Our scheme actually stacked territories so that all immigration facilities for arrivals are on one floor and all departure facilities are on another. By relating jurisdictions on top of each other, so that each others arrivals and departure facilities are stacked and connected, it actually made the inner workings easier and consequently more efficient.


t was not until after winning the competition and beginning a more rigorous two month exer-

cise of bringing the scheme up to a similar development as the “baseline” scheme – that from a station STRUCTURAL MODEL FROM BURO

function position, having the entrance building in the southeast corner was far superior. The analytical data supporting this conclusion is derived directly from track layout and disposition.

above ground, entrance building of the station be-

tion an address and a presence appropriate to its

to do this, the design compacted all of the support-

ing sandwiched between. With no control over the

role in the city. From an urban design point of view,

ing spaces more efficiently to allow for a very large

commercial facilities and the limitation of station

having the station entrance building in the south-

void down into the departure hall below as well as

frontage, we were concerned that the project would

west corner gave more frontage to the commercial

apertures down to the track platforms. The outside

be perceived as a commercial development which

activities which was beneficial to both views to the

ground plane bent down to the hall and the roof

haul high speed trains. The commuter trains go

had a station below it as opposed to being a civic

harbor and access.

structure above gestures toward the harbor. The

across Hong Kong territory to Shenzhen, a boom-

result is a 45 meter high volume which focuses all

ing China border city, and further to the north to

ithin the station itself, there was one

attention through the south façade toward views of

Guangzhou, the capital of Canton. At the time of

underlying goal to the scheme. As the

the Hong Kong Central skyline and Victoria Peak

being awarded the project, years of research has al-


ready been performed on the civil engineering side

“gateway” into Hong Kong which had supporting commercial activity.



or the competition, two main options were

“gateway” to Hong Kong, it was considered vital

explored in locating the above ground station

to connect the station with the surrounding urban

component in either front corner of the site. It was

context and make one aware that whether arriving

felt to be a fundamental move which gave the sta-

or departing – “You are in Hong Kong”. In order



he terminus station has two target destinations: regional commuter trains and long-

with a conclusion, based on urban make-up and in-

n order to achieve this volume, attention to the

ternal site restrictions – the short haul tracks need-

inner workings of both Hong Kong and China

ed to be placed on the western side of the site with

Pg. 10

GRASSHOPPER STRUCTURE GENERATION the long-haul being located to the eastern side. The

trance building on the opposite side of the site. So

locations of these tracks were / are fixed. In addi-

due to this rational, with the short-haul tracks being

tion, is the realization that 80% of the station users

located on the west side of the site, the immigration

are short-haul commuters. Consequently, reducing

facilities are also located on the west which means

travel times for these passengers is a priority.

ing forward into implementation.


he organization of the design was inspired by


he pedestrian flow into this amphitheatre continues up, accessing almost the entire

converging forces all oriented toward Hong

roof top of the station itself in a highly vegetated

the commercial facilities also would be located to

Kong - likened to the converging tracks coming

sculpture garden and landscaped extension of the

the west. This leaves the entrance building of the

into the terminus station itself. The project maxi-

green below. The resultant open space is almost five

station located on the eastern edge of the site.

mizes civic gestures both internally and externally.

times more area than an already ambitious mandate

The station is sculpted out of the energy of these

in the master plan. The green space provides links

he scheme was then analytically compared

moves and strongly defines its motive to open up

flowing through the site to a Public Transport Inter-

to the “baseline” scheme in over 60 major

and focus toward Victoria Harbor and the Hong

change to the North, The Austin Station subway sta-

with both front-of-house and back-of-house uses.

items of criteria. On a scale of 1000, voted on by

Kong skyline. The culturally district of WKCD is

tion to the East, The Kowloon Station Development

They can function quite well within a column grid

more than 200 political and technical leaders in

invited into the site. A large “Civic Square” opens

and Elements Mall to the West as well as internal

environment. Their location functioning well be-

Hong Kong, this scheme strongly outperformed the

up toward the cultural district and is defined on the

connections into the WKT station itself and its fu-

neath the density of the future commercial spaces

“baseline” scheme with 875 points compared to 540

other side with its own outdoor performance am-

ture commercial development.

also optimizes the openness of the void and en-

points and was adopted as the chosen scheme mov-



ocating the immigration facilities over the short-haul tracks significantly reduced station

travel times for short-haul passengers. The immigration facilities are quite dense formalized spaces


Pg. 11

VIEW TOWARDS VICTORIA HABOUR View of landscape plaza

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he hope is that this commercial development will eventually be knitted into the overall

flow of the project seamlessly and was developed to a point of demonstrating viability. Fortunately however, the success of the development is not dependent on this integration. The image of the station will be preserved in the southeast corner of the site. The Civic Square will be defined by station entrances and station facilities on the east and west sides as well as adjacent, accessible paths moving up on top of the station into the green “roofscape�.


he culminations of these moves find themselves at an observation deck on top of the

crest of the entrance building - twenty five meters above the Civic Square and forty five meters above the Departure Hall below. At the top there is the perfect overlook as an extension of the journey into Hong Kong - into and beyond the West Kowloon Cultural District; into and beyond Victoria Harbor and into and beyond the tower filled alleyways of Hong Kong. The station may be visible below as a reminder of where one came - but the future paths of discovery present themselves invitingly beyond‌


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Center Cultural Recreation Center Project Name : Generative Bamboo House Location : HUST, Wuhan Use : Recreation Gross Floor Area : 50m2 Structure : Glue Bamboo Max. Height : 6m Exterior Finish : Aluminum Panel Architects : Advance Architectural Lab Project Team : Muwei, Sam Cho, Zhou Chow Client : AAL, HUST Complete Year : 2012 Photo by : Canon Li REAR VIEW TOWARDS CCRC


he design for the Civic, Cultural & Retail

The south elevation is completely opened up

ramps, escalators, terraces and public gardens. All

sequence and transition is linked visually and

Development does not present one singu-

presenting the inner workings of the facility as a

circulation, movement and internal forms are soft

spatially to the “Grand Foyer” connecting the

lar expression to describe the project. Instead it

section visible from and to the “Green”. The mass

and sinuos as if the civic activities have polished

sunken retail below up through the glass floor of

celebrates the rich and varying activities inside

of the theatre floating above is faceted, cut with

the inside of the urbanly presented strong faceted

the theatre’s main lobby exposing its volume float-

with a multi-faceted ephemeral and dynamic

glass fissures, and utilizes titanium cladding. All of


ing above.

design, blurring the boundaries between the public

this helps dissolve and break down the mass above,

and private realms and between the retail and

playing with a composition of positive and nega-

cultural components. These transitions are soft

tive readings, in balance with the lower portions

and flowing, encouraging discovery and result-

use of solid and void.



nents have on each other is celebrated by blurring

the pre-function of the banqueting and meet-

he civic building is intended to be an organic

the divisions between them while maintaining

ing room facilities are all open air along with the

object which is open to public discovery. One

functionality. This soft transition occurs verti-

“Grand Foyer”.

ing in a highly public, energetic civic node within One-North and beyond.


he civic and public components of the project where paramount and outwardly expressed.


he cultural and retail components are bound together with the volume of the 40m high,

“Grand Foyer”. The importance these two compo-

can crawl under, move through, transverse around

cally from the most public of the open retail into

and climb onto the complex through a series of

the perceptual privacy of the theatre. This entire

he design is highly sustainable through its approach to minimize air conditioned spaces.

The retail, civic square, outdoor theatre as well as

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he design has opened up all four elevations to encourage air movement through the

volume. The design of these openings will explore how the heated surfaces on the southern elevation and roof can induce wind flow from the shaded, Northern face through these covered outdoor spaces. This air movement can be mechanically assisted at times if necessary. The result will be an enjoyable year round shaded environment with a cooling breeze allowing one to pass through or dwell within. Glazing on the southern face is minimized and protected by sunshading. The majority of the glass of the theatre’s main lobby is facing East but also protected from the late morning sun with an external bridge acting as a large sun shade. On top of the facility is a large roof top garden shaded with trees and looking over a reflecting pool. Gardens are deliberately placed throughout the facility softening the distinction of inside and outside spaces and promoting the CCRD as an eco-friendly environment.

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water cooled chillers, cooled with recycled condensate, grey and rain water, are used for air conditioning the Midfield Concourse.


xtensive use of over 20,000 LED lights has been incorporated to reduce power consump-

tion. One of Hong Kong’s largest arrays of over 1,200 sq m of solar panels is incorporated onto the roof of the Midfield Concourse to harness renewable energy. The design has been carried out as architectural sub-consultant to the Mott MacDonald - Arup JV.


MIDFIELD CONCOURSE Project Name : West Kowloon Terminus


he Midfield Concourse is located to the west

have been fully considered and adopted in the de-

of Terminal 1 and between the two existing

sign. These include an optimised glazed facade,

Use : Transport, infrastructure, offices

runways at Hong Kong International Airport.

with reduced height glazing on the west and in-

Cost: HKD 23 Billion

The project is a five-level concourse with a total

creased height glazing on the east, and north facing

Gross Floor Area : 732,800 sq m

floor area of 120,000 sq m and with ceiling heights

skylights at regular intervals throughout the Con-

Architects : Andrew Bromberg of Aedas

comparable to those in Terminal 1. There are 20

course, to maximise natural day lighting and reduce

Project Team : Andrew Bromberg Team, Aedas

aircraft parking stands, 19 of which are bridge-

solar gain.

Client: MTR Corporation Ltd.

served, including two Code F (A380) stands.

Location : Kowloon, Hong Kong

Complete Year : 2015 Photo by : Crystal LTD


he Midfield Concourse is connected to


he facade and north lights also make use of very high performance glazing which allows

Terminal 1 by an extension of the existing

a good level of natural light into the building whilst

Automated People Mover system. Green features

reflecting over 40% of solar heat. High efficiency

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PAZHOU HOTEL Project Fact Sheet Project Name : Pazhou Hotel Location : Guangzhou, PRC Use : Hotel, Mix Use Gross Floor Area : 159,142 sq.m. Architects : Andrew Bromberg, Aedas Project Team : Andrew Bromberg Team Client : Nan Fung China Development ltd. Complete Year : 2012 Photo by :


ontaining four distinct programmatic uses which are split between two differ-

ent sites, the Pazhou Exhibition Complex would have already been considered a challenge. This complexity becomes even more exacerbated by the realization that the project’s sites are separated 160


meters by another building.


ocated outside of Guangzhou in China, Pazhou is an island within the Pearl River,

which is dedicated to exhibition related activities.

create a mixed-use vibrancy which allows the busi-

building on top. The other site “1401” is a tradi-

pedestrian flow, traffic flow, vehicular drop-offs,

ness model a stronger likelihood of success.

tional, multi-floor exhibition center in the podium

and appropriate areas for load / unload zones. This

with a 500 room, 5-star hotel located above. In

was formalized into a simple functional diagram

ne site is wholly owned by a Hong Kong

total, these four uses add up to around 180,000 sm

which allows very efficient area requirements to be

based developer while the other site is a

of GFA.




ranks as the second largest in the world. The


Pazhou Exhibition Complex is located right across

International Fund House. The JV site, or referred

The center piece of the development is a government funded exhibition center which currently

the street from this facility, and needs to be competitive to insure its success. The introduction of four primary uses helps to diversify the center and

joint-venture between this developer and a large to as site “1301” contains a large retail exhibition area in the podium and a large office showroom

he project design balanced the importance of “frontage” for the visibility of the center along

with basic functional constraints, which include

he primary formal drivers for the design, however, are its contextual responses to the

surrounding area as well as the separation of the

Pg. 23

projects two individual sites. Contextually, the project, which initially seems large, actually is

restrictions placed strong emphasis on the podi-


um, by requiring a simple and consistent presence

the relationships between all three. This may have

fragmented in comparison to its surrounding dominant neighbors. Consequently, urban design

on the major street wall toward the north. The major entrances for the two sites were on the west side for “1301” and the east side for “1401”. These faces are where more articulation and playfulness in the podium face was allowed and explored.


he 40 meters high, multi-level podium was broken down vertically toward the east and

ow “1301”, the “middle neighbor” and “1401” related to each other was explored

in three manners. The first was to just “Ignore” been the simplest approach and did provide some continuity of the master plan. However, it does not have benefit to how the two sites are perceived in significance next to its more substantial neighbors. It also places the “middle neighbor” with equal standing to the other sites, which was not supporting the client’s business model.

as break the mass of the volume down without


diluting the monumentality of the podium height,

this could have allowed the project’s two sites to

west in some very simple and bold moves. This helped emphasize the primary entrances as well

which is equivalent to a ten story building. This is also the beginning of the dialog between the two different sites, which although separated by a 160 meters, will be visible and apparent; they are from the same family.


he office showroom building on top of “1301” was shifted out as far to the north as possible

to be the western terminus of an above podium “urban room” with neighboring projects. The hotel of “1301” was initially positioned to be aligned with the building tower between “1301” and “1401” – or also known as the “middle neighbor”. This was deemed important to help emphasize the dialogue between the office showroom building on

he second approach was to explore positioning the towers in a manner which would

conceal or “Hide” the middle neighbor. Although relate to each other better, this option was quickly rejected due to the insensitive impression which would have been communicated by being unneighborly.


he final approach was to “Utilize” the middle neighbor giving benefit to all parties by

promoting enough critical mass to compete against the larger surrounding facilities. However, with the middle neighbor already in construction, and the realization that its formal qualities were somewhat neutral in impression, efforts to create an even stronger dialogue between “1301” and “1401” was considered important.

was shifted further to the south due to fire fighting


access regulations but has since become apparent

ship still seemed static and a stronger dialogue was

the west and the hotel on the east, as well as to deemphasize the middle-neighbor. Later the hotel REAR VIEW PAZHOU HOTEL

ings are still evident.

the desired relationships between the three build-

he vertical slices of the podium were initially taken through the towers which definitely

helped unify the two sites. However, the relation-

Pg. 24

PAZHOU PERSPECTIVE sought. This was immediately improved when the

strongly unified is critical to the “perceived” stature

moves became horizontal. The middle neighbor

of this project in Pazhou – which has a direct link

receded appropriately into a backdrop and the

to how it is marketed and ultimately – its viability

moves were considered more in harmony to the

and success.


“horizontality” of the surrounding context.


hese horizontal elements were then accentuated through shifts; both small ones in the

north /south direction, and larger ones in the east / west direction which helped animate the buildings even within construction and budget limitations.


hese moves maximize a dialogue between the two sites likened to “static electricity”

leaping over the middle neighbor and providing a dynamic, unified and powerful expression of this exhibition complex. This overall reading of being


Pg. 25

WUHAN TOWER Project Name : Wuhan Research Tower Location : Wuhan, China Use : Office Building Bldg. Area: 1200m2 Gross Floor Area : 14800m2 Bldg. Scale : Stories above Ground, Stories below Ground Structure : Steel hollow section skeleton Max. Height : 100m Exterior Finish : Prefab Aluminum Panels Architects : Advance Architecture Lab, Meta-. Advance Construction Information Development Project Team : Muwei, Sam Cho, Meta Client : Wuhan Shopping International Marine and Research Center Complete Year : June 2012, Tender Documents


esigned for a marine based company, the design by ACID (Advanced Construction

Information Development Co., Ltd) + AaL (Advance Architecture Lab) + Studio mĂŠta- creates an iconic architectural representation of their day to day business. The architects were interested in a frozen expression of twisting water and the idea of this movement with relation to the core business of their client.


ocated in the central region of china, Wu-


han, the 461 tower is a 15 storey office build-

Pg. 26


ing functions as the company’s new Research and Development building. Through Research of office

modification to arrive at the final geometry. This

towers typologies, we found that it is possible to the

geometry also allows for a balcony zone for each of-

perimeter of a quadrat fan profile as the plan of the

fice level. The structure is being considered early in

tower; this would take advantage of the view, light-

the design process and its relationship is modeled

ing, ventilation and layout of internal functions.

concurrently with the generation of the geometry,


hence eliminated human error and speeded the en-

s the floor moves up vertically, the floors un-

tire coordination process.

dergoes two simple transformations namely


scaling and rotation on the centroid of the building. Using criteria base programming, the building

eta Design (Hong Kong) is invited as a façade design consultant; the design inten-

is ensured of its minimum requirement for office

sion for the façade is taken to be a high priority for

width and optimum structural layout. The opera-

the expression of the building. Using prefabricated

tions on the geometry are parametrically controlled

aluminum panel the designers take into considera-

and the design went through vigorous rounds of

tion of various way of using density and location of


Pg. 27

holes to express a certain faรงade image. Ultimately the designer settled on using waves as an expression after several rounds of design to visualization tests.


hrough rationalization and optimization in an early design process, the designers are

able to ensure the construction only results in a 20-30% increase in cost estimation from a typical tower office. Also the optimization of the skin faรงade has result with 80% of similar components prefabricated with typical panels processing.


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udianJian Stadium is a project initialed by

Jian, famous for its production of fish is a growing

our partners to put together design pack-

city on the north of China. The brief asked for an

ages for 5 options for stadium complex in a third

iconic expression to reflect the city and we used ice

Complete Year : July, 2012

tied city in the northern part of China. The project

and fishes as a metaphor for the design of the sta-

include the design of a full size stadium, swimming

diums complex. Given an extremely tight timeline,

Architect: Sam, Qin Song, Muwei

complex and recreation center. The city, Mudian-

parametric tools and scripting are used to quickly

Project Name : Mudianjian Stadium

Nan Yuan

Location : MDJ, China

Client : Chinese Regional Government

Use : Recreation, Sport Project Team : Advance Architecture Lab, Zhong-

Pg. 30


generate quick options to test and evaluate the stadiums outlook.

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HK-SZ Boundary Crossing Facility


he Principle strategy of this proposal is to inscribe an explicit, fluid connection between


Green network extends the podium to organize staff circulation, vehicular flows, and

two disjoined territories while maintaining the

strands of dramatic landscaping along the border

discrete identities of both. The spatial and tempo-

crossing. Temporal patterns of the subject’s move-

ral concepts driving this proposal are informed

ment articulate the material substance of this pro-

by the graphic qualities of traditional Chinese cal-

posal and augment the perception of spatial tran-

ligraphy, which exemplify the practice of dualism

sitions. The changing speeds of movement during

of space and time when articulated onto a two di-

the sequence of the border crossing experience are

mensional canvas. The proposal expresses the con-

translated into a series of associated tectonic com-

nection between these two cities, two geographies,

ponent asssmbles. Gradient fields of computation-

two systems, as a fluid transitional space, in which

ally porous and ephemeral in the fast zones. Space

the identifiable characteristics of each side are con-

in this proposal is not longer fixed and static, be-

currently associated yet distinguished. The Deep

coming as fluid as time.

space of the BCF building is illuminated through the peeling away of a series of tectonic roof bands, flanked by two strokes of office volumes which hover above on either side of the passenger crossing. Given the two parallel yet divergent ecological, planning and political histories, the Hong Kong side is characterized primarily with wild protected landscapes and topographies, while the Shenzhen side is overwhelmingly artificial and urban. This proposal aims to synthesis the categories of the artificial and natural, through an emergent ecological paradigm, in which man made, ‘mineral’ urbanism is no longer conceived as in opposition with the natural, ‘biological’ environment, but rather fused as a symbiotic association of mobile dynamic forces HK-SZ BCF ARIEAL VIEW

and interactions.

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HK-SZ Boundary Crossing Facility 2 The idea of linking and bridging two discrete entity is

India, Cherrapunji, which use as a bridge as it possible

use to tackle the linkage of two different characteristic

to grow horizontally instead of vertically. The nature

of locations namely Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The

element form is used and conceives both as structure

connection of urban fabric and pace of movement is

and space, allowing light, people, energy to flow

considered to be a possible expression for the crossing

through, creating a frozen moment of movement.

facility. Using morphing technic of time and space, the form of the building is inspired by a type of tree in

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arts center off Pushkin Square in Moscow, Russia,

derstood with one’s first glance at the dynamic pink

mances inside and the steady stream of pedestrian

it has evidently been conceived with a great deal of

structure, formed of a complex tectonic envelope

circulation throughout.

he dream of any architect might be to build a heart.

and defined by an elaborate texture of weblike arte-

structure to become the cultural core of a city --

rial lines. Designed by Sam Cho, Jonathan Alotto

a goal which ‘The Veins’ Pushkinsky Cinema strives to attain through the infusion of great strength in


uite literally, the monumental public edifice

and Jaenes Bong, ‘The Veins’ Pushkinsky Cinema

is meant to visually and functionally mimic

proposal is alive and pumping with the perfor-

symbolism. As a competition submission for a new the human heart. This comparison can be easily un-

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aiwan Tower in Taizhong is a competition held by the government. The brief required a viewing

tower that represents the spirit of TaiZhong. In the basement is a museum for the local art and crafts, lights penetrates the ground and give the museum a ‘cave’ like feeling. The landscape is crafted and morphed with the form of the tower, creating a viewing café. The section of the tower shows the ‘X’ profile which forms the main expression of the tower. The world longest escalator would take you up the landscape of the viewing platform.


he tower use Chinese calligraphy to digitally apply to the tectonic of the skin. This allows for

as expression for Taizhong. Be spoken script is wrote to enhance the design and model of the structure in 3D.

Pg. 39

GENERATIVE BAMBOO HOUSE Project Name : Generative Bamboo House Location : HUST, Wuhan Use : Recreation Gross Floor Area : 50m2 Structure : Glue Bamboo Max. Height : 6m Exterior Finish : Aluminum Panel Architects : Advance Architectural Lab Project Team : Muwei, Sam Cho, Zhou Chow Client : AAL, HUST Complete Year : 2012 Photo by : Canon Li


hina, one of the fastest growing countries, faces fierce demand for mass public housing

research with digital research in generative

and emergency relieve housing. The energy waste,

approaches in the design of bamboo-housing ty-

deforestation and material wastage in the construc-

pologies. To facilitate a “design-it-yourself ” design

tion industry place a big challenge in the future

to construction process that is fully automated,

development of China cities. This unprecedented

providing a sustainable, versatile, and rapid instant

growth in demand call for the search for a fast, sus-

housing typology for the general masses.

tainable, reliable and mass customizable housing made readily available to the access of the masses.




his research combines a bamboo material

Glued bamboo prefabricated construction sys-

tem”, developed by the Advanced Architecture

ith variations of contexts, climates and

Lab (AAL) together with the bamboo institute of

locations, the generative bamboo house

the Chinese Academy of Forestry. The Glue-bam

need to reach a set of solutions (fabrication data)

investigation is a three years long research project

that is task-specific and geological specific reacting

in Huazhong University of Science and Technology

to the users’ primary inputs and needs.

Advanced Architecture Lab. Integrating computational design application with material to achieve

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DIY housing through parametric computational aid designing, bringing designers closer to its client.


implicity and convenience is given a high priority


he Project aims to transform the rich bam-

for the programming of the generative bamboo

boo resource in China into the industrialized

house. The app (on i-pad) is perceived to be a simple

building structure material. “Glued bamboo pre-

drawing program that can be generated into fabrica-

fabricated construction system” advocates a social

tion data which can be ordered through online plat-

design, social produce solution and a customizable


construction system upon prefabrication.


or our first prototype, the single housing typol-


s one of the fastest-growing plant on Earth,

ogy, the user input is two basic polyline, one is

Bamboo is a vernacular material commonly

the profile section of the house and the other is a plan

used by the Chinese. Notable for its economic and

curve of the fringe of the building. The programming

cultural significance, bamboo could be groomed

background would optimize structural requirement,

in various climatic conditions, providing a versa-

number and location of screws, distance and location

tile, reliable, sustainable raw material as a building

of frame members, component and mass-fabrication

product. Our research partners, the bamboo insti-

of similar components.

tute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, specialize in glued bamboo board concluded that the material embedded energy is 2300MJ lower and carbon di-


uild mainly by student volunteers, the First Prototype of the generative bamboo house is com-

oxide is 370kg lower per meter square than typical

pleted in 25 days with simple tools like screws, ham-

reinforced concrete system. Through a systematic

mer and drills. The material cost is significantly lower

treatment of airing, hot/cold pressing, heating and

at approximately 100,000 RMB (not including labor

high pressure gluing, the bamboo board is structur-

cost). Some lessons we learn from this construction is

ally stable, passing the JAS (日本农林标准).

the optimization in detailing, a more logical construc-


tion sequencing, linking parametric model with BIM

nderstanding the different needs and con-

to control on site construction, and possibility of pre-

siderations of the context, constrains and

fabrication with laser cutting would fasten the process

functions guides us to create specific typology for the generative bamboo housing. The Bamboo Single House for the rich, Incremental Bamboo House


pologies AAL identify and aims to tackle.

and lessen mistakes.


he First Prototype is a beta version of the single family houses; we plan to add more complexity

for the extension of row houses, Emergency Bam-

like toilet, double flooring to push the typology more

boo House for emergency needs, High Density

attractive for the general public.

Bamboo House for alternative addition for high density cities like Hong Kong are four housing ty-

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Pg. 43

S- CHAIR Project Name : S-Chair Interior Clinic Location : WanChai, Hong Kong Use : Clinic, Interior Gross Floor Area : Approx. 80m2 Bldg. Scale : Completed Architects : Project Team : David Fung, Sam Cho Chung Man Client : Mr Lee Clinic, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Complete Year : April, 2012 Photo by : David Fung


he project S-Chair is a project collaboration with David Fung, the current vice president


he highlight of the interior design lies mainly in the design, fabrication and construction

of HKIBIM. The client is interested in creating

of the S-Chair. The decision to make slices through

a special entrance to his new clinic in Wan Chai.

the employment of CNC machine is made early in

The project including the Chair has a total area of

the design stage as other options like GRG seems to

80Meter square. The Entrance, a relatively narrow

be too expansive. The chair has a very sexy outlook

and long space has to fulfill basic requirement for

as the complex geometry seems to be morphing out

patients waiting.

and into the wall, welcoming patients and visitors to sit. The basic of ergonomic is use when designing the chair so that different posture is allow on the chair. Each section is cut at 45 degree to the wall to


Pg. 44


prevent overhang and excessive material wastage.



arametric computational tools are used to test and visualize the design to optimized and

box is constructed for the 340+ sections to

investigate constructability of the chair. The Chair,

be sits on and each section is being cut at

compromise of 340+ pieces of wood are assembled

the box height to simulate as a movement joint as

without a single pieces of printed paper and within

well as for optimization of material. Double layer

the client budget.

skin is use to create a zigzag effect for the geometry. The total material saving for this decision is about 40% and this does not affect the outlook of the chair. Each section is filed and liquored to finish.

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机器材料性国际工作营 Digital Materiality, HUST




he International Conference on Machinery

University of Technology and science and co-or-

and Materials, initialize a wave of movement

ganized by various universities, is a pioneer event


in linking architecture to computation in central

in this region of China. The workshop was a five


part of China. The workshop, hosted in Hauzhong

days intensive training and production follow by



international conference by top practitioners, professors, architects and researchers to share and deliver the message of a new era of digital architecture to this region of China.

条件下,建筑的内在逻辑和新的形式美学。本 次活动提供了探讨建筑学和数字设计技术关系 的平台,材料的数字性新表达成为研究重点。

次活动由国际会议和国际学生工作营 两部分组成:“机器材料性”国际会

议邀请国内外知名学者、建筑师进行主题讲 座;国际学生工作营将来自四校的80名学生分 为5个主题教学团队,每个主题团队以“数字 建构材料实验”为研究方向,独立设置训练营 题目,在6天内完成从概念设计到大尺度装置 的建造。

机器材料性”国际会议于2011年5月5 日举行,会议由刘小虎、穆威主持,讲

座题目分别为:材料多维性的建构实践(袁 烽)、参数化思维方法(王振飞)、Parametric Ecologies(徐丰)、From Virtual to Actual(Raymond Lau)、Computational Urbanism: Confronting the Paradox of Endurance, Change& Obsolescence(Tom Verebes) 、三种建构:传统建构—算法生成—数控加工 (徐卫国)。


Pg. 47


he 1:1 scaled model, named the Face, is an architecture surface that constructed at the end


uring the workshop participants learned the importance of stepping back from the

of the five days workshop. The Function of the sur-

computer and understand the constrains of the ma-

face is flexible, for example it could be a table, chair,

terials and real world , this helps to have a better

wall, ceiling, etc. Building a 1:1 scale model push

knowledge of how you need to use digital tools and

the limit of integration of digital tools and physical

take this consideration into early faces of design to

model, as several uncalculated focuses like gravity,

have much better results.

tension, wind, etc added stress to the connection detail of the basic paper unit.


he explorations of digital tools to mimic, analyze, visualize, and predict the constructabil-

ity of the model was an important lesson learned during the workshop. A wide range of programs were used during the workshop like grasshopper, rhino, maya, processing,rhinoscript, freeform origami, realflow, tess, Xfrog, paracloud, kangaroo, etc.


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his pavilion should be an icon of the parametric movement in SZU, located at the

prime location of the department. It represents an atypical and unusual construction techniques that exhibit the superior technical knowledge through a research and exploration methodology. The pavilion should consider in a holistic manner from conceptual idea to digital modeling until on-site construction. The pavilion should be planned in such a manner that is feasible, site-specific and possible with the available resources and timeline. Students are expected to lead and propose the actual function of the pavilion so to benefit the general public.


he SZU pavilion is the result of a semester long module collaborated between HKPDA

and Shenzhen University. Bending gracefully in the atrium space of SZU, the pavilion lasted a weeklong deal to typhoon,


he geometry is generated through kangaroo, a force simulation software, to investigate on

a force effective geometry balancing tension and compression. The surface is then textured with parametric component using triangular forces.


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HKPDA Wuhan Workshop

汉大学“2012参数化设计建造”工作 营探讨了如何在数字化条件下利用数

字技术进行建构研究的可能性,通过工作营中 两个具有代表性的设计案例,分析了利用自上 而下与自下而上两种不同设计模式下的设计成 果所带来的区别,分析了数字化建构教学中的 特点和可能存在的问题。利用数字化技术进行 建构教学实验,可以将结构创新、材料创新、 建造创新三者融为一体,为同类教学提出一些 思考。


012 Parametric Design-Build Workshop in Wuhan University is held to discuss how to

conduct research of digital tectonics under a digital condition. Through two major works in this workshop, it analyzes the basic differences between top-down model and bottom-up model. It also presents the teaching characters in digital tectonics while some problems are found as well. It’s aimed to combine creativities in structure, material, and construction as a whole, and come up with some advises in the similar activities of digital tectonics.


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Naked Garden/赤裸花园 项目概况 项目名称:Naked Garden/赤裸花园 建设地点:意大利博尔扎诺 业 主:Manifesta08 设计团队:穆威,Mercedes, Berta 设计时间:2008年4月~2008年7月 建成时间:2008年7月 工 具:水刀机器人


期的废弃兵工厂,策展方希望邀请艺术家和建 筑师参与其中,将其改造成新的艺术中心。

废了60年,兵工厂已被蓝藻一类的微 生物和真菌等以寄生的方式占领,改

造将让它作为特殊栖息地和宿主建筑的临时状 态不复存在。原本菌类生物栖息的花园从漫长 的过渡状态中呈现出来。

个时间性的生物过程成为设计的原 点,我们尝试探讨东西方文化语境中

对“时间痕迹(the trace of time)”差异性 态度的思辨。与其他所有欧洲设计师第一时间 选择清理地面和墙面作为工作的开始不同,我 认为在过去的半个世纪里,这个废弃建筑的使 用者已经不是人类而是这些寄居的菌类生物, 它们在墙面上经营出了自己的生活空间,按照 NAKED GARDEN

生命法则规划了自己的微型城市。出于对场地 和历史的尊重,我们的工作重点不再是设计

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新的装置,而是以这个微生物的城市为设计对 象,为其提供菌类生物最需要的生命通道—— 更好的通风、水和更大的附着面。

们提取显微镜下菌类生物的繁殖轨迹 作为图案,将图纸输送给水刀机器

人,在墙面上进行精度为1mm的切割,切割厚 度为墙体的一半,在局部结合参观者的观察视 点利用水刀将墙体打穿。这个机器过程包含了 两个含义:一是让设计越过图纸,借助数字语 言直接传达给机器人,完成一次性同步建造; 二是水刀的操作对象为斑驳的墙体,深凹的刻 痕、水分的补充和局部打穿的通道重新刺激了 菌类生物的生长。

大的菌类微生物繁殖轨迹图案暗示了 设计的目的性,而对于斑驳墙体的保

留和水刀机器人的使用类似国画艺术中的“洗 炼”,是一种东方设计观念的传达。


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Weaving Wave/风竹

装置的动机非常清晰——作为建筑系 馆的入口屏风。因为系馆为20世纪80

年代的建筑,略显硬朗的空间缺乏亲和力,所 以我们选择胶合竹板作为材料,加之系馆内部 空间均为规整矩形,缺乏弧线元素,我们选择 风吹起丝绸的动作作为屏风的形态生成逻辑。

设计过程中,我们结合胶合竹板的力 学性能,采用切片法来获得最终的构

造形态,同时精心设计切片的旋转角度,让形 体在视线的运动中获得动态的视觉效果。

置的物理呈现有两个机器过程:一是 将原竹切片编织,热压形成工业化模

数的板材;二是通过数控切割机将胶合竹板切 割成设计需要的形状。


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“Stay hungry Stay foolish” -Job

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