100 Black Men of Greater Cleveland Inc. Real Men Magazine

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real men

Ma g a z i ne


Ment eesEnj oy ACavsGame LaResePur nel l

Wi l lbef eat ur edatt he 36t hNat i onalConf er ence

TysonMi t chel l

New Di r ect oroft heOf f i ceofEqual Oppor t uni t yf ort heCi t yofCl evel and


Wal kAMi l eWi t hAChi l d FreeRegi st rat i onwhi chi ncl udes: Snacks,Dri nksandPPE

100Bl ackMenCl evel andi nvi t esparent sand guardi ansf orour2022Promi si ngYoungMen Ment ori ngProgramatForestHi l l sPark ( Cl evel andHei ght ssi de)at9: 45am

Formorei nf ormat i on Emai l :i nf o@100bl ackmencl e. org

T h eF o u n d a t i o n o f aL e g a c y Theover al l conc eptof“ The100”begani n1963i nNewYor kCi t ywhenagr oupof conc er nedAf r i canAmer i c anmenbegant omeett oex pl or eway sofi mpr ov i ng condi t i onsi nt hei rcommuni t y .Thes ev i s i onar i esi nc l udedbus i nes s menandi ndus t r y l eader ss uchasDavi dDi nk i ns ,Rober tMangum,Dr .Wi l l i am Hay l i ng,Nat hani el Gol dst onI I I ,Li v i ngs t onWi ngat e,Andr ewHat c her ,andJ ac k i eRobi ns on.OnOc t ober2, 1986,r epr esent at i vesf r om 100Bl ac kMenChapt er sc onv er gedi nWas hi ngt on,DC,f or af i nal meet i ngt oes t abl i shanat i onal or gani z at i on.Dur i ngpr ev i ousmeet i ngs ,t hey det er mi nedt hes t r uct ur e,gov er nanc eandmodel t hatwoul dpr ov i det hemos tef f ec t i v e phys i calandf i nanc i al r es our c est os uppor tt hecommuni t i esandChapt er s .Att hef i nal gat her i ng,t heor gani z at i on’ sname–100Bl ac kMenofAmer i c a,I nc .–wasunvei l ed andat t endeesel ec t edf ourac c ompl i s hed,pr of es s i onal menf r om wi t hi nt hei rr ank st o ser veasi t sf i r s tandf oundi ngof f i c er s . Eachoft hef ourwer es el ec t edbas edont hei rdemons t r at edc ommi t mentt ogi v ebac k i nahol i st i cwayt hataddr ess edt heeduc at i onal ,s oc i al ,emot i onal ,andc ul t ur al needs ofyout hi nt hei rownc ommuni t i es .Theyputt hei rhandst ot hepl owanddi dt hehar d wor knecess ar yt oes t abl i s haf oundat i onf oranet wor kofChapt er si nt hei ri nf ancy , whi cht odayi sani nt er nat i onalnonpr of i tor gani z at i ont hatpos i t i vel yi mpac t smor et han 125, 000y out hac r osst heUni t edSt at esandabr oad.Thr oughoutourhi s t or y ,t he l eader s hi pof100Bl ackMenofAmer i c a,I nc .hasbeeni mpec c abl e.Themenchos en asnat i onall eader sal l hav econt r i but edt ot hegr owt hands t r engt hoft heor gani zat i on. Thei runi quecont r i but i onshavehel pedThe100t obec omeoneoft hepr emi er e ment or i ngor gani z at i onsany wher e.Cons i dert hei mpac teac hl eaderhasmade.

OnMay27,1987,i nAt l ant a,Geor gi a,t hi snewl yf or medment or i ng or gani zat i onknownas100Bl ackMenofAmer i ca,I nc. ,hel di t sf i r st nat i onalconf er enceandi nt r oducedi t sel ft ot henat i on.Not ed speaker si ncl udedt hel at eAl exP.Hal eyandt hel at eHonor abl e Maynar dH.Jackson.

RealMen Magazi ne Me n t o r i n gT h e1 0 0Wa yA c r o s sAL i f e t i me

EDI TORI NCHI EF J a me sW .Wa de I I I__________________________ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___________________________ S TAFF


Ro zKe nno n Ma r ke t i ngCha i r

Le eV .Fe i l ds Cha i r ma n

Br a ndo nCur r y Ma r ke t i ngCo -Cha i r

Gr e g o r yLo c kha r t Vi c eCha i r ma n

e t tHo r t o nEs q CONTRI BUTERS Br Se c r e t a r y

Gr a dyBur r o ws Gr e g o r yCl i f f o r d Amyi sGl o ve r Da r i e nJ o hns o n Fr a nkl i nMa r t i n Dr .Er ne s tSmo o t

Te r r a nc eMc Who r t e r Di r e c t o ro fFi na nc e Ant ho nyPe e bl e s Di r e c t o ro fDe ve l o pme nt Ro be r tI vo r y Di r e c t o ro fPr o gr a ms Adr i a nneSi ms Of f i c eAdmi ni s t a r t o r

27801E uc l i dAv enue Omni Pa r kBui l di ng ( S ui t e410) E uc l i d, OH. 44132 www. 100bl a c k menc l e . or g

BOARDOFDI RECTORS Ro dne yL.Br o wn Gr a dyBur r o ws Br a ndo nCur r y Edwi nHubba r dJr . Da r i e nJ o hns o n Tys o nMi t c he l l ,Es q Dr .Er ne s tSmo o t J a me sW.Wa deI I I


he edt t ar nc.hasst and,I evel erCl eat ackMenofGr The100Bl on,andanew i ocat cel i f ude,anewof t i t ,newat ght i fr yearof candnow hePandemi vedt vi d.Wehavesur boar o2022. dt war or ng f ooki l vesof i hel nt encei er f f pmakeadi ohel hert Weneedeachot s eri sChapt be!Thi l l hey' swhatt heyseei h.Whatt ouryout ed ement mpl lbei l hatwi ant egypl at r 2022st ngona' ki wor ysoon. ver ng sandmaki ser ai undr ousf i ngonvar ki ywor l ent r ecur Wear o st ewmoment .Takeaf y t he communi nt onsi i at abor l col spast ' nc. he100BMOGCI ewoft ewaf evi r he ort ansf ,andpl es i t vi i dayact esent s,pr shment i accompl ! ! e! ur ut f edaZoom eesponsor t t sCommi nes l handWel t TheHeal can i canAmer i r heAf mpactont usI r onavi edCor l t i onent sessi s, or eDoct swhoar h100BMOGCmember t wi y( t Communi s )-Thi c. s,et st maci s,Phar st ogi alpsychol c ni i ans,Cl ci i r at Pedi eonYouTube. abl l savai oni sessi s,ages udent edover20st or ut eet t t onCommi i TheEducat ,and acy er t ng,Li nReadi eSchooli t chaelR.Whi heMi 8,att Koa hem t ngt aki enbyt dr l hechi dedt ewar h.Theyr Mat game.Annual ns' ai eCapt i sandLakeEr an' ndi andI evel Cl enat dr l er200chi oov st t f gavegi ve( i DecemberToyDr . ySchool ar ement MoundEl ha t ewi l kaMi edWal eesponsor t t ngCommi i or TheMent s deoi svi .Channel5' 2021) 2020and' ' am ( ogr dPr l Chi he ookt gandt or e. ackmencl e-100bl t hewebsi ont ar st l ngAl i lgamedur bal heHBCUbasket ot eest ment . y l ecent WeekendandaCavsgamer ! ! ! ! uned! ayt St . r ds,J el LeeV.Fi nc. andI evel erCl eat ackMenofGr man,100Bl r Chai

La Re s ePur ne l lWi l lBeFe a t ur e dAt The3 6 t hAnnua lCo nf e r e nc e 100Bl ac kMenofAmer i ca,I nc .i nvi t ey out o our36t hAnnual Conf er enc e,J une1618, 2022,wher et heywi l lf ocusonment or i ng acr ossal i f et i me.Thi soneof ak i ndev ent c onnect sAmer i c a' syout h,c onf er ence at t endees ,andt hesur r oundi ngc ommuni t y wi t hl eadi ngent r epr eneur s ,gov er nment of f i c i al s,educat or s ,cl er gy ,bus i ness exec ut i ves ,nonpr of i tex ec ut i v es ,and ent er t ai ner s.Pl eas emeetusatt he Di pl omatBeac hResor tl oc at edi n Hol l y wood,FL. LaResePur nel l f r om t heCl ev el andChapt erwi l l beoneoft hef eat ur eds peak er satt hi s y ear ' sconf er ence.Pur nel lhas18y ear sofex per i enc ei nbus i nes smanagement ,t ax ,and f i nance.Hei st hec ur r entoneoft heFounder sandManagi ngPar t nerofCLE Consul t i ngFi r m,anAc c ount i ng,Tax,andPay r ol l c ompanyl oc at edi ndownt own Cl evel and. Hei sani nnov at i v esol i df i nanc i al ,ands t r at egi cl eaderwi t hi ns t i nc t sandi nt el l ec t ,a f or mi dabl ecombi nat i oni nt hebus i nes swor l d.Hehass er v edi nex ec ut i v epos i t i ons l eadi ngbus i nessandf i nanc i aldepar t ment swi t hi nmul t i mi l l i ondol l arf or pr of i tand nonpr of i tcor por at i ons . LaReser ecei vedMBAi nFi nanc ef r om t heUni v er s i t yofT ol edo.Hei sc ur r ent l ypur sui ng hi sMast er ' si nAc c ount anc yi nCor por at eT ax at i onf r om J ohnCar r ol l Uni v er s i t y ,wi t han expect edc ompl et i ondat eofAugus t2022.Hei snowapar tofLeader s hi pCl ev el and' s c l assof2022. LaResei scommi t t edt ot hec ommuni t yandi t sr es i dent s ,s ohes er v esont hef ol l owi ng Boar dofDi r ec t or sast heBus i nes sVol unt eer sUnl i mi t ed( BVU) ,TheCl ev el andCl i ni c Sout hPoi nt eHospi t al ,Vi ceChai rofCl ev el andPubl i cLi br ar yFoundat i on,t heTr easur er oft heNAACPCl ev el andBr anch,USSCl ev el andLegac yFoundat i on,andt he Vi ceChai r per s onf orSt epFor war dT odayf or mer l y( CEOGC) .

La Re s ePur ne l lWi l lBeFe a t ur e dAt The3 6 t hAnnua lCo nf e r e nc e

He' st heaut horofFi nanci alFoundat i ons ,Bui l di ngFi nanc i alFr eedom OneToolataTi me, wher eheus esev er y dayl anguaget oaddr es st hemos tf undament al ques t i onspeopl e haveaboutmoney .Hehast r av el edt oov er3540c i t i esnat i onal l yt ot eachf i nanc i al l i t er ac yatvar i ousconv ent i ons ,semi nar s ,c ol l egesanduni v er s i t i es ,andot herevent s .He al socr eat edanor gani z at i oncal l ed,TheReal Bl ac kFr i day ,wher epur posehasbeent o br i ngawar enesst odevel opeduc at i onal andc ol l abor at i v eoppor t uni t i esf orhundr edsof t i nybl ac k ownedbus i nes s es .Hehasbeenf eat ur edi nv ar i ousl oc al andnat i onal publ i cat i onsandhasappear edonmul t i pl er adi oandt el ev i s i onpr ogr amsdi s c us si ng var i ousFi nanci almat t er s. Cur r ent l yapar toft heCl ev el andLeader s hi pCl as sof2022.Hehasr ec ei v edv ar i ous awar ds ,i ncl udi ngt heSmar t50Busi nes sawar d,Cr ai n' sBus i ness40under40,Cl ev el and Magazi ne' sMos tI nt er est i ngPeopl e,andv ar i ousot herr ec ogni t i ons .LaRes est ay sbusy spendi ngt i mewi t hhi sbeaut i f ul wi f eRas haunda,hi ss on( Gav en) ,anddaught er( Gabbi ) , pl ayi ngspor t sandt r avel i ngout s i deofwor k .


C h a p t e r

W al kA Mi l eW i t hA Chi l d W asA Success

The100Bl ackMenofGr eat erCl ev el andhadt hei rf i nal wal katFor es tHi l l sPar k wi t h t heyoungmenpar t i c i pat i ngi nt hesummerment or i ngpr ogr am.The100Bl ackMeni s knownf orment or i ng,gi v i nggui danc e,andenc our agementt oy oungboys . Thedays t ar t edwi t ht her out i nec i r c l ewher eev er y onei nt r oduc ed t hemsel vesandt al k edaboutwhyt heywer ehappyt oday .Af t er i nt r oduct i ons ,J amesW.WadeI I It al k edaboutf i nanc e,whi c hi nc l uded sav i ngmoney ,c r edi t ,c r edi tscor es ,andhowi mpor t anti ti st opayy our bi l l sont i met okeepagoodc r edi ts cor e. Next100Bl ackMenmemberDr .Er nes tSmootl edt hec i r c l ei nnumer ous exer c i s esbef or epai r i ngment eeswi t hment or sf ort hewal k .Thewal ki st he br ai nc hi l dofCl ev el andChi efMagi s t r at eGr egor yCl i f f or d,oneoft he f oundi ngmember soft heCl evel andChapt er ,whohasbeen ment or i ngy oungmenf oral ongt i me." Af r i c anAmer i c anmal e yout hhaveav i t al l yi mpor t antneedt os ee,k now,andbe ment or edbysuc c essf ul ,mat ur eAf r i c anAmer i c anment ohel p t hem opent hedoor sobt ai ni ngsuc ces si nt hei rl i v es .The100 Bl ackMeni sanor gani zat i ont hati sc ommi t t edt opr ov i di ng posi t i vement or i ngexper i enc esf oroury out h, "s ai dCl i f f or d.

Dur i ngal most18mont hsdeal i ngwi t h COVI D19,whi chcaus edt hecl os i ngof t hesc hool s,t he100conduc t edt hei r ment or i ngpr ogr ams." Iwant edt o desi gnanewout door sment or i ng pr ogr am t hatwoul dbes af eand heal t hywhi l emai nt ai ni ngment or i ng oppor t uni t i es.Ic r eat edav i si onofan al t er nat i vement or i ngc onc eptt hatI l abel ed" Wal kaMi l ewi t haChi l d, " sai dCl i f f or d. TheCl evel andChapt erof100Bl ac kMenhav ec ombi nedt heMent or i ng,Educat i on, andHeal t handWel l nes sCommi t t eest of or mt hi spr ogr am and c onnec tanat ur ewal k i nsomeofourl ocal publ i cpar kswi t haheal t handwel l nes s ,s c i enc e,and envi r onment al educat i oncomponentt ot hement or i ngex per i enc e. Wi t hCl i f f or d' si dea,100Bl ackMenc hai r sDar i anJ ohnsonandDr .Er nes tSmootl ed t hesummerpr ogr am.Eac hwal ki suni que."Al l ment eesar eenc our agedt ok nowand l i vebyt hepr i nc i pl esoft he100BMOGCMent or i ngPr ogr am Af f i r mat i on-bei nget hi c al , excel l ent ,pr oud,anduni t ed, "s ai dSmoot . The100Ment or sandMent eesdi s c us ses s ent i al l i f es k i l l st opi c ss uc hass el f car eand hygi ene,educ at i onalsuc c es s,f i nanc eandec onomi c s ,andpeerr el at i onsdur i ngt he wal k s.Yout hhav et i met odi s c ussasagr oupandi n1on1ment or / ment eepai r i ngs dur i ngt hewal k s.Thi spr ogr am i sc ompos edoft wocomponent s ,t hewal kandt he t al k/ ment or i ng.Wal k i ng,l i k ehi k i ng,r unni ng/ j oggi ng,et c . ,i sawei ght bear i ngex er c i se. Andl i keal l wei ght bar r i ngexer c i s es,t her ear enumer ousphy s i c al heal t hbenef i t sasa r esul t . r es ul t .Thes er es ul t si nc l udebodyf atr educ t i on, i nc r eas eds t r engt handendur anc e,andi mpr ov ed c ar di ov as c ul arandpul monar yf i t nes s , s i gni f i c ant l yr educ i ngheal t hi s s uess uc hashear t di s easeanddi abet es . " Theyr epr es entt hev al uesofourgr oupofsuc c es s f ul bl ac kmen.Wer ecogni z et hatl i f eand r el at i ons hi psi nvol v e' J oyandPai n' ( Fr ank i eBev er l yandMaz e) .Fai l ur ei snott he end.Qui t t i ngi s , "s ai dSmoot .Thes ewal ksal s o al l owment ees ,par ent s,andment or st oshar e newex per i enc es .

" Thati sabi gpl us .Ienj oywat c hi ngy out h( andmy s el f )ex pl or e,l ear nandunder s t and mor eaboutt hi sf asc i nat i ngwor l di nwhi c hwel i v e, "s ai dSmoot .I naddi t i on,dur i ng wal k s,yout hex pl or ednat ur e.Cur i osi t ywaspi quedbyt hev ar i et yofpl ant s ,ani mal s , i nsec t s ,andbodi esofwat er-ponds ,l ak es ,andc r eek s .Theywer epar t i cul ar l yex ci t ed t osee,ondi f f er entwal k s ,deer ,duc ks ,andLak eEr i eupc l os e.Theywer ei nf or med aboutt he5Gr eatLak es( mnemoni cHOMES)andbodi esoff r es hwat erver sus sal t wat er .Theyl ear nedaboutsy mbi os ess uc hasmi l k weed,monar c hbut t er f l i es ,and yel l owgol denr od. Al s odi scussedwast hepr oces sofphot os y nt hes i swi t hment eesdur i ngmul t i pl enat ur e wal k s.Fors ome,s k i ppi ngr oc k sf ort hef i r s tt i meonapondi nAc ac i aPar kwast he hi ghl i ghtoft heday!Ot her swer ef asc i nat edbywal nut sandbuc k ey esi nGar f i el dPar k. Theyl ear ned,howev er ,t hati nnat ur e,whatmaybeat r eas ur et os ome,c anbe danger oust oot her s .Nat ur et eac hesusi ti si mpor t antt ok nowboundar i esandt os t ay saf ebyr espec t i ngt hos eboundar i es .Par al l el swer emadet ot hei rper s onal l i vesas power f ult eachi ngmoment s . Ment eesl ear nedt hepoweroft eam bui l di ngwhi l er unni ngt oget herupanddownt he st eephi l l sofFor estHi l l ,Euc l i dCr eek ,Gar f i el d,andEdgewat erPar k s .Oneoft hemost r ewar di ngev ent shasbeenwat chi ngment eesas s umel eader s hi pandc onductt he t eambui l di ngdr i l l st hemsel ves .Hones t l y ,whatt heys eei swhatt heywi l lbe. Thement or i ngwal k satt hehi s t or i cFor es tHi l l Par kt hatex pandsf r om Eas tCl ev el and t oCl ev el andHt s.Bec aus eoft hehi k i ngt r ai l sar oundt her ec r eat i onal ar easand t hr ought henat ur al habi t at ,wec oul dex pos et hement or sandment eest os ome compel l i ngexampl esoff l or aandf aunaofnor t heas tOhi o.Wec hos eot herpar ks ar oundt hecount yt opr ovi dev ar i ousex per i enc esandeduc at i onal oppor t uni t i esdur i ng oursess i ons .I nv i t at i onst opar t i c i pat ei nt hepr ogr am hav ebeenof f er edt ot he ment eesi nourpr ogr ams ,member s ,pr os pec t i v emember s ,andv ol unt eer s ,al ongwi t h t hei rf ami l yandf r i ends .

Ot herpr ogr am par t i c i pant sl ear nedaboutouri ni t i at i v ebywor dofmout h.Al t hought hi s i sagr oupment or i ngpr ogr am,wedes i r et oes t abl i s honeononement or i ng r el at i ons hi pst hatwi l l l astl ongaf t ert hes ummers eas onends . " Wehav ebegunex pandi ngt hepr ogr am bydev el opi ngac ol l abor at i v er el at i ons hi pwi t h member soft hePr i nceHal l Mas oni cor gani z at i onandGr eekf r at er nal or gani zat i ons i nt er est edi ny out hment or i ng,Sai dCl i f f or d.

Af t ert hewal k,ev er y oner et ur nedt ot hes hel t ert o of f i c i al l yendt hepr ogr am f ort hes ummer . J ohns on,Smoot ,andCl i f f or dawar dedc er t i f i c at es t oal l t hement eesandt hank edal l oft hement or s. WhatIwoul dl i k et os eei nt hef ut ur ewi t ht hewal k i sf ort hepr ogr am t oc ont i nuet ogr ow,butmost i mpor t ant l y ,c ont i nuet ohav eal i f el ongpos i t i ve i mpac tonal l t hement eest hatpar t i c i pat ei nt he Wal k AMi l ewi t haChi l dpr ogr am, "s ai dJ ohnson.

E DUC A T I ON ByGr adyBur r ows Educ at i onChai r The100Bl ac kMenofGr eat erCl ev el and,I nc . hasbeeneducat i ngandempower i ngy out hf or y ear s.The100haseduc at edAf r i c anAmer i c an y out h,bel i ev i ngt hatal lchi l dr enmus tac c es s qual i t yeducat i onr egar dl essofr ac eand s oc i oec onomi cst at us. Ev er yWednes dayat9: 00am,t heEduc at i on Commi t t eehavebeenwor ki ngwi t hyout hat War kPar kSchool .Educ at i oni st hemos t power f ulweapony ouc anuset ochanget he wor l d.Ourgoali st owor kwi t hpar ent s , f ami l i es,communi t ypar t ner s,andsc hool st o t eachAf r i c anAmer i canyout ht het ool sneeded t omaket hewor l dbet t er . Begi nni ngwi t hear l yeducat i on,howt het eac hernur t ur esy ourc hi l d’ st al ent swi l l det er mi net hepat ht heywi l l wal ki nl i f e.T eac her sar ei nc ubat or st hatbr i ngoutt hebes t i nt hec hi l dbys t i mul at i ngt hei rmi nds andi ns pi r i ngt hem t odogr eatt hi ngs . Communi t yandhi ghereduc at i on par t ner s hi psopendoor sf oroury out h t ohav eabet t erc hanc et oenhance t hei rt al ent sandoppor t uni t i es. Theyar ewi ndi ngdownt heact i vi t i esat WadePar kt hi smont h.Theweekof May23r dwi l l beourl as tweekt hi s s c hool y ear .Thec ommi t t eei spl anni ng anendof y earc el ebr at i ont or ewar d t heboy swho hav epar t i ci pat edt hi s y ear .

“Ourment or i ngmodel mustcont i nuebecause wehavedemonst r at ed how t hecol l ect i vepower oft he100gi vesourpat h t or eacht hei rpot ent i al . ” ThomasW.Dor t ch,Jr . Chai r manoft heBoar d

IREMEMBER W HEN ItwasMay1997.IwasthepresidentoftheBlackProfessionalsAssociation

( BPA) ,andi twasdur i ngat i meofr ebui l di ngt heor gani z at i ont owher ei twasi n y ear spas t .Mygoodf r i endandVi c eDi r ec t oroft heGr eat erCl ev el andUr ban League,Gr egor yJohnson,cal l edmeand i nv i t edmet ol unc h.Het ol dmeabout ady nami cgr oupofment hats t ar t edac hapt erher ei nCl ev el andt hatf oc usedon t heempower mentofwor k i ngwi t hy oungboy sagesni net of i f t eeny ear sofage.I t wascal l edThe100Bl ackMenofGr eat erCl ev el and,I nc . ThenAt t or neyMi chaelNel s on,J r .headedupt heor gani z at i on,nowJ udge Nel son,al ongwi t hsomedynami cf r i endst hatIk newf r om BPA,l i keLar r yHi nes andRonal dAdr i anne.Imetot heror i gi nalpl anner soft hi sgr oup,l i k eDomi ni c Oz anne,Cur t i s( Gr i ggs) ,J ul i usSi ngl et on,At t or ney( J udge)Lar r yJ ones ,Lut her T ower s ,andMagi s t r at eGr egor yCl i f f or d,t onameaf ew. Iwasi nv i t edt obecomeamemberoft hi si l l us t r i ousor gani z at i on,s oIj oi ned.I r emembert hedeepcommi t mentoft hi sgr oup.Ir ememberwor ki ngwi t h CuyahogaCount y ,ourPor tAut hor i t y ,andt heCi t yofCl ev el and,hav i ngour member ss er v i ngonv ar i ousboar dst oens ur eBl ac kv oi c eswer e hear di nal l phasesofourc ommuni t y .

Many ,manyyoungs t udent sl ear nedt hev al ueoft hedol l ar ,bal anci ng chec kbooks,st ar t eds avi ngsac count s ,andl ear nedhowt ounder s t andt he st oc kmar k etwi t ht het eac hi ngofourEduc at or ,Lut herTower s ,andt aki ng st udent st ot he100Nat i onalConvent i ont oent ert heDol l arandCent s compet i t i onanddoi ngver ywel l ,undert hedi r ec t i onofGr egor ySt ephens,our st oc kbr oker .OurMay orofCl evel andandmemberoft he100,MayorMi c hael R.Whi t e,donat ed$5, 000f orbook sours t udent sneededf orf i nancet r ai ni ng. Ir ememberoneofourmos ts i gni f i c antev ent swher ewecol l abor at edwi t hal l gover nmentagenc i es ,i ncl udi ngRTA,ands ev er al cor por at epar t ner s.The100 wor k edwi t hourBl ac kc ommuni t yt os ear c hf orj oboppor t uni t i es,r esume wr i t i ng,andmanywer ehi r edont hes pot ,andmanyofourmember sand f r i endsoft hec or por at ec ommuni t yhel dwor k s hopst hr oughoutt hedayt o i mpr ov eandt eachway sofi mpr ovi ngpat r on' squal i t yofl i f e. Ir ememberourdaysofwor ki ngwi t hDani el E.Mor gansc hool ,hel pi ngt hi r d andf our t hgr adest udent swi t hr eadi ngandmat hc ompr ehens i onst udi esand seei ngt hos egr adel evel spassSt at ePr of i c i enc yt es t sf oral l st udent swe wor k edwi t hby95%.Appr ox i mat el y15t o20,100member sr ot at edweekl yat t hesc hool t ohel pouryout h.Wet r eat eds t udent st oy ear endl unchatT ower Ci t yandnumer ouss por t i ngev ent sasr ewar dsf ort hei rexc el l entef f or t sdur i ng t hosedays . Last l y ,ourmember swer er es pons i bl ef ort hes t ar t upoft heCi nci nnat i and Akr on100chapt er sdur i ngt hater a.We t r av el edt ot hos ec i t i es,i nvi t edt hem t o Cl ev el and,andshowedt hem t hewayof t he100.Andi twass ol ov el yt oat t end ourNat i onal Convent i ons.Wewentt oour conv ent i onss t r ong,wi t hasmanyas 15st udent sandmanymember si nt ow. Wewer eal way st ol d," Cl evel andI sI nThe Hous e! ! ! " Ij us twant edt ogi v eourc ur r entmember sa peeki nt oourear l i eryear st os howhow dedi cat edmember shav eal way sgi venour bestt omak eourc hapt ers hi ne. IRememberWhen... Fr ank l i nMar t i n PastVi ceChai r man PastCOO

100BlackMenofGreaterCleveland,Inc. VOLUNTEERSW ANTED 100Bl ackMenofGr eat erCl evel and,I nc.seekst o ser veasabeaconofl eader shi pbyut i l i zi ngourdi ver se t al ent st ocr eat eenvi r onment swher eourchi l dr enar e mot i vat edt oachi eveandempowerourpeopl et obecome sel f suf f i ci entshar ehol der si nt heeconomi candsoci al f abr i coft hecommuni t i esweser ve.

Tobecomeavol unt eerormember , emai lust obe consi der edat i nf o@100bl ackmencl e. or g vi si tourwebsi t eatwww. 100bl ackmencl e. or g

D E V E L O P ME N T SO NT H EH O R I Z O N ByAnt honyPeebl es Di r e c t o ro fDe ve l o pme nt Notal l y out har ebor nwi t hpr i vi l ege, oppor t uni t i es ,orapos i t i v enet wor k. Somear er ai s edt hr oughoutt hei r l i v es ,t hi nk i ngt hey ’ l l nev erbeabl et o l i v et hel i f et hey ’ l l want .Thi si s bec aus eoft heenv i r onmentandt he peopl et heysur r oundt hems el veswi t h ev er yday .Ev er yAf r i canAmer i c an per s ons houl dhav et heabi l i t yt o c r eat et hel i f et hey ’ v eal way swant ed, andt hat ’ swhatThe100Bl ackMenof Amer i ca,I nc .pr ov i de. Commi t t i ngour s el vest oper soni f yt het y peofpeopl eourc hi l dr enwi l ll ookupt oand emul at e,weembr aceouri mmens er es pons i bi l i t yt oourment eesandc ommuni t i es . Pr ov i di ngt hes ec hi l dr enanot herchoi c ei nl i f ebybei ngar oundl i k emi nded i ndi v i dual swi t hs i mi l araspi r at i onsandgoal s .TheDev el opmentCommi t t eeoft he100 Bl ackMenofGr eat erCl ev el andI nc .hasbeenwor k i ngt omak eadi f f er enc ei nt he communi t ysi nc eJ anuar y . Pr i or i t yFundi ngI ni t i at i ve $510kGr antAwar d Fundi ngf orpr ogr ams / pr oj ec t ss houl demphas i z eear l yc hi l dhooddev el opment pr ogr ams ,mi ddl eandhi ghsc hoolpr ogr ams,andc ol l egepr epar at i on/ ac ademi cment or pr ogr ams .Pr ogr amss houl dr ef l ec tas ol i dc ommi t mentt oeduc at i onandac c essf or l owi nc omeandunder ser vedpopul at i ons .Educ at i onal pr ogr amss houl denr i ch par t i c i pant s’ l i vesbyi ncl udi ngac t i v i t i est hatl eadt oac hangei nk nowl edge,sk i l l ,or l ev el ofappr ec i at i onr at hert hanonet i meev ent ss uc hasat t endi ngashoworvi s i t i nga cul t ur al i ns t i t ut i on.Ar t seduc at i onpr ogr ammi ngs houl dpr ov i depar t i c i pant swi t ht he exper t i s et hatf ur t her st hei rt r ai ni ngandenhanc est hei reduc at i onand sel f dev el opment .

GundFoundat i on Publ i ceducat i on.Wes uppor tpubl i ceduc at i onbec aus ei ti sf undament alt oAmer i can democ r ac y .I tpr omot est hec ommongood,br i ngst oget herc hi l dr enandf ami l i esac r os s di f f er entc ul t ur es,ands er vesal l s t udent s ,r egar dl es sofmeans ,abi l i t y ,or ci r cumst anc es.Webel i ev ei nt hepr emi s eandpowerofpubl i ceduc at i on,andwewor k t oensur eever ychi l di nCl ev el andat t endsahi ghqual i t ys c hool andev er y nei ghbor hoodhasamul t i t udeofgr eats c hool sf r om whi chf ami l i esc anchoose.We wor kpr i mar i l ywi t ht heCl ev el andMet r opol i t anSc hool Di s t r i c tandi t spar t ner s t osuppor ts chool st hati ns pi r ej oyandc r eat i v i t y ,bui l dr es i l i enc eandc har act er ,i mpar t andel i c i tknowl edge,andpr oduc ej ust ,k i ndandengaged c i t i z ensr eadyf orc ol l ege, car eerandci vi cl i f e.Wear ecommi t t edt ot hev al uesofr ac i al andec onomi cj ust i c eand t oov er c omi ngt hec ont i nui ngi ss ueofs egr egat eds c hool sandc ommuni t i es.We suppor tadvocac yf orsoundandc ons i s t ents t at ewi depol i c yt hatf ur t her sourwor kand mi t i gat est heef f ec t sofpover t yonl ear ni ng. St r ongPar t ner shi ps.Tr ansf or mat i veResul t s. Getmor ef r om 100Bl ac kMenofAmer i c a,I nc .wi t hourdi v er s epar t ner ecos ys t em,wher eyouwi l lf i ndapl ac et hats uppor t sy ourdr eamsand aspi r at i ons ,nomat t erwher eyouar ei nt hej our ney .Ourpar t ner s under s t andt heval uesandpot ent i alt hatbl ac kmenandwomenhav e andar eal waysf ocus edt ohel pyous uc c eedi ny ourt r ans f or mat i on. I fyouar el ook i ngf orapar t ner ,youar ei nt her i ghtpl ac e. Wi t hsuppor tf r om t heDev el opmentCommi t t ee,manyoft hemember s i nournet wor kof100Bl ac kMenChapt er sar el eader sofot her or gani zat i onsonl oc al ,r egi onalandnat i onal l ev el s .Thes emens er v eas t r ai l bl az er sandr ol emodel sf ort oday' sy out hwhowi l l as s umet hei r posi t i onst omor r ow.

Asar enownedk i dneyt r ans pl ants ur geonandoneofas mal l numberofAf r i c anAmer i c anst ohol ds uc hat i t l e,Dr .Char l es Modl i nhasov er c omeenor mousodds ,r oadbl oc k s ,andt r i al s .

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C o l l e g i a t e1 0 0Gr e a t e rC l e v e l a n dC h a p t e r Col l egi at e100Gr eat erCl ev el andChapt erwasf oundedi n2007atCuyahoga Communi t yCol l egeMet r opol i t anCampusf oundedbyPas tPr es i dentGar yE. Car r i ngt on,Ph. D. Pur pose:Topr ov i desaf espac e f orAf r i canAmer i c anmal ecol l ege st udent sandmal est udent sof col orwi t haf oc usonc ar eer devel opment ,s t udentr et ent i on, gr aduat i on,andl eader s hi p devel opment .I naddi t i on,t he pr i mar ypur pos eoft heCol l egi at e 100al i gnswi t ht henat i onal or gani z at i ont opr ov i deanav enue t ocont i nueonet ooneandgr oup ment or i ngi ns uppor tofcol l ege st udent sast heymat r i cul at et hr oughc ol l eget ogr aduat i on.

J o i nTh e1 0 0Bl a c kMe no fGr e a t e r Cl e v e l a n dFa c e b o o kPa g e Cl i c kHe r e

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