New LCC Library Items, 2014 August

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New LCC Library Items Supject Author Philosphy & psychology Ryan, Bartholomew Religions Browning, W. R. F.


Call Number

Kierkegaard's indirect politics :

198.9 RYA 2014

A dictionary of the Bible / The Westminster theological wordbook of the Duvall, J. Scott. Workbook, Grasping God's word : McGee, J. Vernon Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee / Stuart, Douglas K. Old Testament exegesis : Wenham, Gordon J. Exploring the Old Testament : Schnittjer, Gary Edward, The Torah story : Ska, Jean Louis, Introduction to reading the Pentateuch / Hartley, John E. Genesis / Bruckner, James K. Exodus / Stubbs, David L. Numbers / Work, Telford. Deuteronomy / Brueggemann, Walter. David's truth in Israel's imagination & memory / Brueggemann, Walter. Ichabod toward home : Levering, Matthew, Ezra & Nehemiah / Wilson, Gerald Henry. Job / Brueggemann, Walter. Like fire in the bones : Longman, Tremper. Jeremiah, Lamentations / Tuell, Steven Shawn. Ezekiel / Fee, Gordon D. New Testament exegesis : Croy, N. Clayton. Prima Scriptura : Johnson, Luke Timothy. The writings of the New Testament : Parsons, Mikeal Carl, Luke : Wright, N. T. Paul : Cole, R. Alan. Mark : Keener, Craig S., The Gospel of John : Brant, Jo-Ann A., John / Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James / Moo, Douglas J. James : Harink, Douglas Karel, 1 & 2 Peter / Pasquale, Michael. Every tribe and tongue : Goldingay, John. Key questions about Christian faith : Walls, Jerry L. Why I am not a Calvinist / Peterson, Robert A., Why I am not an Arminian / Anatolios, Khaled, Retrieving Nicaea : Coppedge, Allan. The God who is Triune : Cole, Graham A. He who gives life : Fee, Gordon D. Pauline christology : Noll, Mark A., Jesus Christ and the life of the mind / Jesus, Paul and the people of God : Are miraculous gifts for today? : Bridges, Jerry. The pursuit of holiness / Hauerwas, Stanley, The peaceable kingdom : Bridges, Jerry. Respectable sins : Christenson, Evelyn. What God does when women pray / Lutz, Stephen. King of the campus / Achtemeier, Elizabeth Preaching hard texts of the Old Testament / Brueggemann, Walter. The word militant : August 2014

220.3 BRO 1996 220.3 WES 2003 220.601 DUV 2012 220.77 MCG v.1 1981 221.601 STU 2009 222.1 WEN 2003 222.1061 SCH 2006 222.1061 SKA 2006 222.11077 HAR 2000 222.1207 BRU 2008 222.1407 STU 2009 222.15077 WOR 2009 222.4092 BRU 2002 222.4306 BRU 2002 222.707 LEV 2007 223.1077 WIL 2007 224.206 BRU 2006 224.207 LON 2008 224.407 TUE 2009 225.601 FEE 2002 225.61 CRO 2011 225.61 JOH 2010 225.92 PAR 2007 225.92 WRI 2005 226.307 COL 2008 226.5 KEE v.1-2 2010 226.507 BRA 2011 227.91 ADA 1976 227.9107 MOO 2007 227.9207 HAR 2009 230.014 PAS 2011 230.3 GOL 2010 230.42 WAL 2004 230.49 PET 2004 231 ANA 2011 231.044 COP 2007 231.3 COL 2007 232.092 FEE 2007 232.8 NOL 2011 232.908 JES 2011 234.13 ARE 1996 234.8 BRI 2006 241 HAU 2011 241.3 BRI 2007 248.32082 CHR 2000 248.834 LUT 2013 251 ACH 1998 251 BRU 2007 1

New LCC Library Items Supject Author

Cavanaugh, William T., Allison, Gregg R. Schnabel, Eckhard J. Henrichsen, Walter A. Aune, David Edward.

Stahl, Lisa Marie. Laurinkienė, Nijolė. Sproul, R. C. Social sciences Yin, Robert K. Sparke, Matthew. Kavaliauskas, Tomas.

Title Krikšč ioniškosios kultūros trajektorijos / Psychology & Christianity integration : Migrations of the holy : Sojourners and strangers : Dictionary of mission theology : Early Christian mission / Disciples are made, not born : The Westminster dictionary of New Testament A Reformation reader : Witness of the body : My Hutterite Life / Žemyna ir jos mitinis pasaulis / Chosen by God /

Case study research : Introducing globalization : Conversations about transcultural European Civil society and social capital in post-communist Wooldridge, Jeffrey M., Introductory econometrics : Chang, Leslie T. Factory girls : Balaam, David N. Introduction to international political economy / Languages Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Complex systems and applied linguistics / Johnson, Karen E. Understanding communication in second language Kramsch, Claire J. Context and culture in language teaching / Sociocultural theory and second language learning Ellis, Rod, Exploring language pedagogy through second Kern, Richard Literacy and language teaching / Zimmerman, Cheryl Word knowledge : Grellet, Franoise. Developing reading skills : Russian now! : Džežulskienė, Judita. Lietuvių kalba kitakalbiams : Ramonene, Meilute. Praktitseskaia gramatika litovskovo iazika / Applied sciences Verslininko vaidmuo Robbins, Stephen P., Essentials of organizational behavior / Arts Scherer, Barrymore Bravo! : Literatures Turabian, Kate L. A manual for writers of research papers, theses, Čiočytė, Dalia. Literatūros teologija : Jurgutienė, Aušra. Literatūros suvokimo menas : Donelaitis, Kristijonas. Metai / Marčėnas, Aidas. Tuščia jo : History & Geography Praitis, Irena, One woman's life / Hanser, Richard. A noble treason : Yancey, Diane. The reunification of Germany / Media Iš gyvenimo žvėrių bei žmonių : About Schmidt August 2014

Call Number 261 KRI 2013 261.515 PSY 2007 261.7 CAV 2011 262 ALL 2012 266.003 DIC 2007 266.009 SCH v.1-2 2004 269.2 HEN 2002 270.103 AUN 2003 270.6 REF 1999 272 WIT 2011 289.73 STA 2003 291.13 LAU 2013 291.2 SPR 1986 300.722 YIN 2014 303.482 SPA 2013 305.8 KAV 2014 320.943 CIV 2014 330.0182 WOO 2009 331.40951 CHA 2010 337 BAL 2014 410.151 LAR 2008 418.007 JOH 2002 418.007 KRA 1993 418.007 SOC 2000 418.0071 ELL 2014 428.0071 KER 2000 428.24 ZIM 2009 428.64 GRE 2010 491 RUS 1996 491.92 DZE 2005 491.92 RAM 2014 658.022 VER 2014 658.3 ROB 2005 782.1 SCH 1996 808 TUR 2010 891.92 CIO 2013 891.92 JUR 2013 891.921 DON 2013 891.921 MAR 2013 909.04 PRA 2010 943.086 HAN 2012 943.0879 YAN 1994 CD 398.0947 ISG 2013 DVD ABO 2

New LCC Library Items Supject Author

Title Anvil! Law & order: Criminal intent. Long day's journey into night

Call Number DVD ANV DVD LAW v.2 disc 1-6 DVD LON

The quilt /

FIC BUN 1993

The Westminster theological wordbook of the The expositor's Bible commentary : The Westminster dictionary of New Testament

REF 220.3 WES 2003 REF 220.7 EXP 1994 REF 270.103 AUN 2003

Fiction Bunn, T. Davis, Reference

Aune, David Edward.

August 2014


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