New LCC Library Items, September 2015
Call Number
Race in cyberspace
025.06 RAC 2000
Way to wisdom The mind's I The measure of mind Voluntary action How to be an existentialist, or, How to get real, get a grip and stop making excuses The existentialist's guide to death, the universe, and nothingness Blink The road to character Personality psychology Emerging minds A toddler's life Happiness and virtue ethics in business Justice for hedgehogs Doing good better Ethics, prevention, and public health Ethics and research with children Bioethics and the brain Morality's progress
100 JAS 2003 126 HOF 2000 128.2 MAT 2010 128.4 VOL 2003
Living religions Women and religious traditions A future and a hope An awareness of what is missing Kerygma Kerygma, the Bible in depth : resource book The Bible after Babel Models for scripture Reading the Bible intertextually God's word in human words What did the biblical writers know, and when did they Theological diversity and the authority of the Old Old Testament essentials Three philosophies of life What's in the Word The IVP Bible background commentary Fortress introduction to the Gospels Jesus and scripture The Definition of Christianity Jesus through Middle Eastern eyes The joy of being wrong Christianity The mighty and the almighty Laudato si' The world's Christians
200 FIS 2011 200.82 WOM 2004 207 SEA 2014 210 HAB 2010 220.07 KER 1992 220.07 WAL 1992 220.072 COL 2005 220.1 GOL 2004 220.6 REA 2009 220.601 SPA 2008 220.95 DEV 2001 221.6 GOL 1987 221.61 LON 2014 223.06 KRE 1989 225.6 WIT 2009 225.7 KEE 2014 226.061 POW 1998 227.06 MOY 2010 230 GOO 2014 232 BAI 2008 233.14 ALI 1998 239 GOO 2014 261.7 WOL 2012 261.88 FRA 2015 270.09 JAC 2011
Generalities Philisophy & Psychology Jaspers, Karl. Hofstadter, Douglas R. Matthews, Robert J.
Cox, Gary. Cox, Gary. Gladwell, Malcolm. Brooks, David, Larsen, Randy J. Siegler, Robert S. Shatz, Marilyn. Sison, Alejo G. Dworkin, Ronald. MacAskill, William.
Glannon, Walter. Jamieson, Dale.
142.78 COX 2009 142.78 COX 2012 153.44 GLA 2006 155.2 BRO 2015 155.2 LAR 2014 155.413 SIE 1998 155.423 SHA 1995 158.7 SIS 2015 170.44 DWO 2011 171.8 MAC 2015 174.2 ETH 2007 174.28 KOD 2005 174.2968 GLA 2007 179.3 JAM 2008
Religions Fisher, Mary Pat. Searle, Joshua T. Habermas, J端rgen. Walther, James Arthur. Collins, John J. Goldingay, John. Sparks, Kenton L. Dever, William G. Goldingay, John. Longman, Tremper. Kreeft, Peter. Witherington, Ben. Keener, Craig S. Powell, Mark Allan. Moyise, Steve. Gooding, D.W. Bailey, Kenneth E. Alison, James. Gooding, D. W. Wolterstorff, Nicholas. Jacobsen, Douglas G. Social sciences LCC Library; 05-10-15
New LCC Library Items, September 2015
The collective memory reader Arrow, Kenneth Joseph. Social choice and individual values Media & politics Errington, Wayne. Critical ideas in television studies Corner, John. The theory of industrial organization Tirole, Jean. Understanding deviance Downes, David M. The 48 laws of power Greene, Robert. The human potential for peace Fry, Douglas P. Human geography Norton, William. Single by chance, mothers by choice Hertz, Rosanna. Practices of looking Sturken, Marita. On collective memory Halbwachs, Maurice. Lend me your ears Communism and nationalism Szporluk, Roman. Environmental protest in western Europe What is a just peace? Misbehaving Thaler, Richard H. Experimental economics Irrational exuberance Shiller, Robert J. Traders, guns & money Das, Satyajit. Environmental change and challenge Dearden, Philip. Ecology, engineering, and management Eeten, Michel van. Rethinking housing bubbles Gjerstad, Steven D. Perspectives on international law in an era of change The laws of war Anti-corruption policy An Introduction to property theory Alexander, Gregory S. Managing for accountability Kearns, Kevin P. Maritime logistics
Call Number 302.01 COL 2011 302.13 ARR 2012 302.23 ERR 2007 302.2345 COR 1999 302.35 TIR 1988 302.542 DOW 2009 303.3 GRE 2002 303.6 FRY 2006 304.2 NOR 2007 306 HER 2006 306 STU 2005 306.42 HAL 1992 320.03 LEN 2010 320.532 SZP 1988 320.584 ENV 2007 327.172 WHA 2008 330.019 THA 2015 330.0724 EXP 2010 332 SHI 2015 332.6457 DAS 2010 333.70971 DEA 2009 333.95 EET 2002 338 GJE 2014 341 PER 341.6 LAW 1994 345.02323 ANT 2013 346.04 ALE 2012 350 KEA 1996 387.0687 MAR 2012
Language Ludden, David Blake, Barry J. Ur, Penny.
Natural sciences & Mathematics Dickey, Terry. Regis, Edward. Ruxton, Graeme D. Technology (Applied sciences) Richardson, Ruth. Zautra, Alex. Van der Kolk, Bessel A. Klein, Donald F. Cooke, Robert A., Hornsby, Jeffrey S. Weitzel, Sloan R. LCC Library; 05-10-15
How languages work The psychology of language Secret language A course in English language teaching Passwort Deutsch 4 Passwort Deutsch 5
400 HOW 2014 401.9 LUD 2016 417.7 BLA 2010 428.0071 UR 2012 430.7 PAS 2013 430.7 PAS 2014
Using business statistics What is life? Experimental design for the life sciences
519 DIC 1994 570.1 REG 2009 570.724 RUX 2006
The making of Mr. Gray's anatomy Sex, size, and gender roles Emotions, stress, and health The body keeps the score Understanding depression The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course in finance for nonfinancial managers Frontline HR Feedback that works
611.0092 RIC 2008 612.6 SEX 2007 616.0019 ZAU 2003 616.85 KOL 2014 616.8527 KLE 2005 658.15 COO 2004 658.3 HOR 2005 658.3 WEI 2000 2
New LCC Library Items, September 2015
Call Number
Buron, Raoul J. Falcone, Paul. Bacal, Robert.
Giving feedback to subordinates 96 great interview questions to ask before you hire Performance management Maximizing the value of 360-degree feedback A carrot a day Discipline without punishment The art of constructive confrontation The strategy-focused organization Balanced scorecard step by step Representing organization The Feiner points of leadership The leadership challenge Corporate communication Sustainable logistics and supply chain management Global logistics Global logistics strategies The handbook of logistics & distribution management Green logistics Essentials of marketing research
658.302 BUR 1999 658.31124 FAL 1997 658.3125 BAC 1999 658.3125 MAX 1998 658.314 GOS 2004 658.314 GRO 1995 658.3145 HOO 2005 658.4012 KAP 2001 658.4013 NIV 2002 658.4038 LIL 2004 658.409 FEI 2005 658.4092 KOU 1987 658.45 POD 2015 658.5 GRA 2013 658.7 GLO 2010 658.7 MAN 2014 658.7 RUS 2014 658.70286 GRE 2012 658.83 CLO 2014
Desert flower
746.92092 DIR 2001
The reader's brain Revising and editing for translators Engaging writing Writing in the academic disciplines On writing well Making sense Young adult literature and adolescent identity across cultures and classrooms A new anthology of Canadian literature in English Angles of ascent The Better Angel William Faulkner The corrections Selected poems T.S. Eliot The gospel according to Shakespeare
808.0019 DOU 2015 808.027 MOS 2014 808.042 FIT 2011 808.042 RUS 2002 808.042 ZIN 2006 808.0663 NOR 2009
Writing history Jesus and the ossuaries Between giants Fading echoes from the Baltic shores
907.2 STO 2004 933.05 EVA 2003 940.54 BUT 2013 947.93084 JAN 2012
The Meursault investigation Between shades of gray
FIC DAO 2015 FIC SEP 2012
Holocaust The inn of the sixth happiness A streetcar named Desire
Gostick, Adrian. Grote, Richard C. Hoover, John. Kaplan, Robert S. Niven, Paul R. Lilley, Simon. Feiner, Michael. Kouzes, James M. Podnar, Klement. Grant, David B. Manners-Bell, John. Rushton, Alan. Clow, Kenneth E. Arts Dirie, Waris. Literature & Rethoric Douglas, J. Yellowlees. Mossop, Brian. Fitzpatrick, Mary. Russell, David R. Zinsser, William Northey, Margot.
Morris, Roy. Porter, Carolyn. Franzen, Jonathan. Eliot, T. S. Raine, Craig. Boitani, Piero. Geography & History Storey, William Kelleher. Evans, Craig A. Buttar, Prit. Janusz, Edward R. Fiction Daoud, Kamel. Sepetys, Ruta. Media
LCC Library; 05-10-15
809 YOU 2010 810.8 NEW 2002 811 ANG 2013 811.3 MOR 2000 813.52 POR 2007 813.54 FRA 2010 821.912 ELI 2015 821.912 RAI 2006 822.33 BOI 2013