New LCC Library Items, November 2015 Subject
Call number
Fundamentals of networking and data communications Microsoft visual C# 2010
004 WHI 2011 005.133 FAR 2011
Įpročio galia Communities of practice Moral blindness
152.33 DUH 2012 153.15 WEN 2008 170 BAU 2013
Twelve steps to a compassionate life Big questions, worthy dreams
205.699 ARM 2011 207.50842 PAR 2000
We will not hang our harps on the willows The story A beginner's guide to reading the Bible The Old Testament documents Psalms 1-72 Exodus The Psalms God's prayer book Isaiah 40-66 Abundant life Acts Back to the well God's Word The servant king The theology of the Acts of the Apostles Epistles now The message of Galatians Christian faith According to plan The Reformed imperative Simple & profound The trivialization of God
208.8042 WAR 1987 220.5 STO 2008 220.61 KOE 1991 221.1 KAI 2001 221.77 WIL 1986 222.12077 NOT 1962 223 CHA 1985 223.2077 PAT 2008 224.1 WES 1969 225 ABU 2004 225.77 OGI 1983 226.06 GEN 2004 226.07 MAR 1998 226.3 BAR 1991 226.606 JER 2004 227.052 BRA 1976 227.4077 STO 1986 230 BER 1979 230.041 GOL 2002 230.5 LEI 1988 230.99 DUP 1986 231 MCC 1995
Reimagining God The father's heart Jesus revealed Teach us to want Christianity Dare to be true What your money means Disciplines for the inner life Bread of tomorrow Lietuvos geležiniai kryžiai The wisdom way of knowing Reformed spirituality Soul feast Finding God in the world
231.4 VAN 1995 231.6 CAR 2013 232 ROB 2002 233.5 MIC 2014 239 MCC 1997 241.673 ROB 2003 241.68 HAN 2008 242.2 BEN 1989 242.3 BRE 1992 246.558 KON 1991 248 BOU 2003 248 RIC 1991 248 THO 1995 248.2 BRO 1989
Generalities White, Curt M. Farrell, Joyce. Philosophy & Psychology Duhigg, Charles. Wenger, Etienne. Bauman, Zygmunt. Religions Armstrong, Karen. Parks, Sharon Daloz. Wartenberg-Potter, Bärbel von. Koester, Craig R. Kaiser, Walter C. Williams, Donald M. Noth, Martin. Chamberlain, Gary. Patterson, Ben. Westermann, Claus. Ogilvie, Lloyd John. Gench, Frances Taylor. Martin, George Barnett, Paul. Jervell, Jacob. Brandt, Leslie F. Stott, John R. W. Berkhof, H. Goldsworthy, Graeme. Leith, John H. Du Plessis, David. McCullough, Donald W. Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H. Carroll, Dave. Roberts, Mark D. Michel, Jen Pollock. McCallum, Dennis. Roberts, Mark D. Hanna, Frank J. Benson, Bob. Kontrimas, Česlovas. Bourgeault, Cynthia. Rice, Howard L. Thompson, Marjorie J. Brooke, Avery. LCC Library, 09-12-15
New LCC Library Items, November 2015 Subject
Author Simsic, Wayne. Barnes, M. Craig. Mollenkott, Virginia R. Payne, David S. Sittser, Gerald Lawson. Williams, Clifford. Caussade, Jean Pierre de. Craddock, Fred B. Roembke, Lianne. Donnelly, Mary Rose. Romanowski, Michael H. Webb, Pauline. Regele, Mike. Lewis, C. S.
Jacques, André. Bender, Sue. Social Sciences Charmaz, Kathy. Huczynski, Andrzej. Storti, Craig.
Brown, Lyn Mikel. Nanda, Serena.
Bárcenas, Alejandro.
Daujotas, Rimantas. Szombatfalvy, Laszlo. Williams, Glyn. Prahalad, C. K.
Mukhopadhyay, Maitrayee.
LCC Library, 09-12-15
Title Praying with Thomas Merton Yearning Godding Hitting the wall The will of God as a way of life Singleness of heart Sacrament of the present moment Overhearing the gospel Building credible multicultural teams Through the eyes of a woman On your way Teaching in a distant classroom She flies beyond Death of the church Letters There were also women looking on from afar Madeleine Barot Everyday sacred
Call number 248.3 SIM 2002 248.4 BAR 1992 248.4 MOL 1987 248.4 PAY 2012 248.4 SIT 2000 248.4 WIL 1994 248.482 CAU 1989 251 CRA 1988 261 ROE 1998 261.8344 THR 1986 266 DON 2007 266.023 ROM 2009 270.082 WEB 1993 277.30829 REG 1995 283.0924 LEW 1988 284.2092 THE 1998 284.24 JAC 1991 291.4092 BEN 1995
Constructing grounded theory Organizational behaviour The art of crossing cultures European innovation The dynamics of demographic decline Meeting at the crossroads Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology Development and social diversity Eurostat regional yearbook 2011 Machiavelli's art of politics Democracy in Europe Direct democracy The Anna Lindh report 2014 Amnesty International report 2011 Seimas of the republic of Lithuania The handbook of experimental economics Tarptautinė investicijų teisė ir arbitražas The greatest challenges of our time Geographies of developing areas The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid JTVP ir Lietuvos partnerystės apžvalga (19922005 m.) Glausta teminė informacija apie Europos Sąjungą
300.72 CHA 2014 302.35 HUC 2007 303.482 STO 2001 303.483 EUR 2011 304.6094 DYN 2011 305.235 BRO 1993 306 CUL 2011 306 NAN 2011 307.14 DEV 1999 314.05 EUR 2011 320.101 BAR 2015 321.8 DEM 2010 321.8 DIR 2008 323 ANN 2014 323.4905 AMN 2011 328 SEI 2010 330.0724 HAN 1995 332.673 DAU 2015 333.714 SZO 2010 337.09172 WIL 2014 338.8 PRA 2010
Legally dispossessed An introduction to social policy Global corruption report 2004 Korupcijos mįslės Tracking corruption in Lithuania
346 MUK 1998 361.61 INT 2013 364.1323 GLO 2004 364.1323 KOR 2009 364.1323 TRA 2009
338.9 JTV 2015 341.2422 GLA 2009
New LCC Library Items, November 2015 Subject
Author Bolman, Lee G. Levinson, Marc.
Title Reframing academic leadership The box
McNamara, T. F.
Language testing 418.0076 MCN 2000 The Evelyn Wood seven day speed reading and learning program 418.4 FRA 1994 Longman dictionary of common errors 423.1 TUR 1996
Call number 378.101 BOL 2011 387.5442 LEV 2008
Frank, Stanley D. Turton, Nigel D. Natural sciences & Mathematics Huettenmueller, Rhonda. Business calculus demystified Technology (Applied sciences) Manners-Bell, John. Logistics and supply chains in emerging markets Essentials of management and organisational Mullins, Laurie J. behaviour Berk, Jonathan. Corporate finance Introducing organizational behaviour and Knights, David. management Kasahara, Eiichi. Practical strategic management Sutton, Robert I. Scaling up excellence Larréché, Jean-Claude. Impulso efektas Sinek, Simon. Start with why Sinek, Simon. Leaders eat last Arts Sleevi, Mary Lou. Women of the word Buračas, Balys. Balys Buračas Nornes, Markus. Cinema babel Literature & Rethoric Culler, Jonathan D. Literary theory Religion and literature Gallagher, Susan V. Literature through the eyes of faith Religion and modern literature Twain, Mark. Mark Twain Donskis, Leonidas. 99 Baltijos istorijos = 99 Baltic stories Geography & History The Western experience Western society Worlds together, worlds apart World history Steves, Rick. Rick Steves' London 2015 Tūrienė, Vilija. Lithuania = Litauen = Litva Molnar, Imre. The life and martyrdom of Janos Esterhazy Milosz, Czeslaw. The captive mind Nollendorfs, Valters. Latvijas okupācijas muzejs Azerbaijan Genys, Jonas. Fotoalbumas "Klaipėda" Millennium of Lithuania Stanevičius, Antanas. Rătselraten um Ănnchen von Tharau Lietuva prie jūros = Lithuania on the Sea = Litauen am Meer = Litva na beregu moria = Stubra, Albinas. Litauen vid Havet Cheng, Nien. Life and death in Shanghai LCC Library, 09-12-15
515 HUE 2006 658 MAN 2014 658 MUL 2006 658.1505 BER 2007 658.3 KNI 2007 658.4012 KAS 2015 658.4013 SUT 2014 658.406 LAR 2011 658.4092 SIN 2009 658.4092 SIN 2014 759.13 SLE 1989 770.2 BUR 1998 778.52344 NOR 2007 801.95 CUL 2000 808.80382 REL 2000 809 GAL 1989 809.9331 REL 1975 813.4 TWA 1982 891.92 DON 2009 909 WES 1995 909 WES 2010 909 WOR 2011 909 WOR 2012 914 STE 2015 914.79304 TUR 2002 943.703 MOL 2011 943.8 MIL 1990 947.08 NOL 2002 947.54 AZE 2008 947.93 GEN 2000 947.93 MIL 2009 947.93 STA 1992
947.93 STU 2001 951.056 CHE 1987 3
New LCC Library Items, November 2015 Author Subject Reference
Fiction & Juvenille Literature Barber, Shirley. Levine, Gail Carson.
Call number
Oxford treasury of sayings and quotations The Yale book of quotations
REF 082 OXF 2011 REF 082 YAL 2006
Martha B. Rabbit and the unexpected guests The Inner courtyard Fairy dust and the quest for the egg
EAS BAR 1988 FIC INN 1991 JUV LEV 2005
Lithuanian foreign policy review.
Periodical Room
LCC Library, 09-12-15