New LCC Library Items, 2015 October

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New LCC Library Items, October 2015



Philosophy & Psychology Atkins, P. W. Prickett, Stephen. Nagel, Thomas. Sabbagh, Karl. Lukas, Susan Ries. Raphael, D. D.


Call Number

On being Modernity and the reinvention of tradition The last word Remembering our childhood Bridges not walls Where to start and what to ask The Cambridge companion to Spinoza's Ethics The impartial spectator Psychiatric ethics Business ethics in action The death of Socrates Socrates & the fat rabbis Platonic questions The dialogues of Plato A pluralistic universe

113.8 ATK 2011 148 PRI 2009 149.2 NAG 1997 153.12 SAB 2009 158.2 BRI 2012 158.39 LUK 1993 170 CAM 2009 170 RAP 2009 174.29689 PSY 2009 174.4 MEL 2009 183.2 WIL 2007 184 BOY 2009 184 CLA 2000 184 PLA 1991 191 JAM 1996

MelÊ, Domènec. Wilson, Emily R. Boyarin, Daniel. Clay, Diskin. Plato. James, William. Eldridge, Richard Thomas. Leading a human life Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Beyond good and evil

192 ELD 1997 193 NIE 2005

Religions Kristeva, Julia. Johnston, Mark. Kearney, Richard. Nicolson, Adam. Brueggemann, Walter. Boyer, Steven D. Haarsma, Deborah B. Thornton, Martin. Weber, Carolyn. Francis, Pope. McKenna, Kevin E. Skreslet, Stanley H. Moynahan, Brian. McGrath, Alister E. Kallistos. Social Sciences Searle, John R. Singleton, Royce. Macionis, John J. Hutchison, Elizabeth D. Miller, Katherine.

LCC Library; 2015-11-05

This incredible need to believe Saving God Anatheism God's secretaries

200 KRI 2009 210 JOH 2009 211 KEA 2011 220.52038 NIC 2005

Chosen? The mystery of God

221.6 BRU 2015 230 BOY 2012

Origins Jesus beyond Christianity English spirituality Surprised by Oxford Pope Francis and the family Readings in Catholic social teaching A concise guide to Catholic social teaching Comprehending mission God's bestseller Christianity's dangerous idea The Orthodox Church

231.7652 HAA 2011 232 JES 2010 248.0942 THO 1986 248.2 WEB 2011 248.4 FRA 2014 261 REA 2015 261.8088 MCK 2013 266.001 SKR 2012 270.6092 MOY 2003 280.409 MCG 2007 281.9 KAL 1997

Making the social world Approaches to social research Society

300.1 SEA 2010 300.72 SIN 2005 301 MAC 2011

Dimensions of human behaviour Diversity in human interactions Communication theories

302 HUT 2008 302.0973 DIV 2003 302.201 MIL 2005


New LCC Library Items, October 2015


Author Caldwell, Christopher. Witt, Charlotte. Gee, James Paul. Wallach, John R. Strayer, Joseph R. Lee, Martin A. Burke, Edmund.


Call Number

Reflections on the revolution in Europe The metaphysics of gender Consequences of contact Social linguistics and literacies The platonic political art On the medieval origins of the modern state The beast reawakens Select works of Edmund Burke Trade Integration in the CIS Introduction to international development

304.8088 CAL 2009 305.301 WIT 2011 306 CON 2007 306.44 GEE 2015 320.01 WAL 2001 320.11094 STR 2005 320.533 LEE 2000 320.9033 BUR v.1-3 1999 330.947 AST 2012 338.91 INT 2012

Meador, Daniel John. Impressions of law in East Germany D'Amato, Anthony A. International law today The United Nations and the development of Sarooshi, Dan. collective security Guth, Jessica. European Union law Folsom, Ralph Haughwout. European Union law in a nutshell Steiner, Henry J. International human rights in context The Kosovo conflict and international law Sovereignty, the WTO and changing fundamentals Jackson, John H. of international law The common law and the environment Schreiber, Aaron M. Jewish law and decision-making Makinwa, A. Private remedies for corruption International public goods and transfer of technology under a globalized intellectual property regime Access to knowledge in the age of intellectual property Ammons, David N. Administrative analysis for local government Rubin, Allen. Essential research methods for social work Direct social work practice Walsh, Joseph. Theories for direct social work practice World mental health Metz, Bert. Controlling climate change Wrong, Michela, It's our turn to eat Rubin, Harvey W. Dictionary of insurance terms

340.07 MEA 1986 341 DAM 2006 341.2323 SAR 2000 341.242 GUT 2012 341.2422 FOR 2004 341.48 STE 2008 341.68 KOS 2001 343.087 JAC 2006 344.73046 COM 2000 345.002 SCH 1979 345.02323 MAK 2012

346.04 INT 2005 346.048 ACC 2010 352.00047 AMM 1991 361 RUB 2007 361.32 HEP 2006 361.3201 WAL 2006 362 WOR 1996 363.738 MET 2010 364.1 WRO 2009 368.003 RUB 2008

Language Introducing language and linguistics Kostka, Ilka. Teaching English for academic purposes Natural sciences & Mathematics Vilkonis, Kęstutis Kazimieras. Lietuvos žaliasis rūbas Shettleworth, Sara J. Cognition, evolution, and behavior

LCC Library; 2015-11-05

400 EXP 2015 428.24 KOS 2014

580.9 VIL 2008 591.5 SHE 1998


New LCC Library Items, October 2015

Title Subject Author Technology (Applied sciences) Ashton, Kevin. How to fly a horse Cognitive processes in eye guidance Broca's region Oxford handbook of genetics Caselli, Richard J. Alzheimer's disease and its variants A casebook in abnormal psychology The psychology of bipolar disorder Shute, Nevil. Slide rule Ausden, Malcolm. Habitat management for conservation Tracy, Brian. Eat that frog! Mason-Draffen, Carrie. 151 quick ideas to deal with difficult people Drake, Susan M. The practical guide to finance and accounting Eisen, Peter J. Accounting Stickney, Clyde P. Financial accounting T-account supplement to accompany Financial Stickney, Clyde P. accounting Luecke, Richard. Finance for managers. Accounting and budgeting in public and nonprofit Garner, C. William. organizations Scott, Gini Graham. Adler, Lou. Mornell, Pierre. Bacal, Robert. Grote, Richard C. Lombardo, Michael M. Reeves, Martin. Higgins, James M. Rath, Tom. Albert, Burt. Kotler, Philip.

Call Number 609 ASH 2015 612.8233 COG 2005 612.82336 BRO 2006 616.042 OXF 2010 616.831 CAS 2010 616.89 CAS 1998 616.895 PSY 2006 629.109 SHU 2000 639.92 AUS 2007 640.43 TRA 2007 650.13 MAS 2007 657 DRA 2007 657 EIS 1990 657 STI 2006 657 STI 2006 658.15 LUE 2002 658.1511 GAR 1991

A survival guide to managing employees from hell Hire with your head 45 effective ways for hiring smart! Managers guide to performance reviews The performance appraisal question and answer book

658.3045 SCO 2007 658.311 ADL 2007 658.311 MOR 2003 658.3125 BAC 2004

Eighty-eight assignments for development in place Your strategy needs a strategy 101 creative problem solving techniques Strengths finder 2.0 Fat free meetings Marketing management

658.4 LOM 1989 658.4012 REE 2015 658.403 HIG 1994 658.409 RAT 2007 658.456 ALB 1996 658.8 KOT 2009

Blessed and beautiful Music Living opera

755 KIE 2010 780 KAM 2008 782.10922 JAM 2012

Literary theory The Norton field guide to writing, with readings The New Oxford book of American verse The Oxford book of American short stories

801.95 CUL 2000 808.042 BUL 2010 811.008 NEW 1976 813.0108 OXF 1994

Wild unrest A book of love poetry William Shakespeare's Macbeth

813.4 HOR 2010 821.008 BOO 1986 822.33 WIL 2010

658.3125 GRO 2002

Arts Kiely, Robert. Kamien, Roger. Jampol, Joshua. Literature & Rethoric Culler, Jonathan D. Bullock, Richard H.

Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz.

LCC Library; 2015-11-05


New LCC Library Items, October 2015

Author Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. Geography & History Huntington, Samuel P. Dawisha, Karen. Brown, Felicia Prekeris. Subject


Call Number

Eugene Onegin

891.713 PUS v.1 1990

The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order 909.829 HUN 1997 Putin's kleptocracy 947.0862 DAW 2015 God, give us wings

947.93 BRO 2013

A brief history of Chinese and Japanese civilizations 951 BRI 2006 Fiction & Juvenille Literature Barber, Shirley. The enchanted woods Hersey, John. The wall Johnson, Adam. The orphan master's son Media Lietuviškas kalendorius = Lithuanian calendar Gintaro kelias = Amber road Kuršių Nerija. Thomas Mannas. Mano vasarnamis Pavergtųjų sukilimas = The rising of the enslaved Pay it forward 12 angry men

LCC Library; 2015-11-05

EAS BAR 1993 FIC HER 1988 FIC JOH 2012 DVD 394.26947 LIE DVD 553.879 GIN DVD 947.5 KUR DVD 947.93085 PAV DVD PAY DVD TWE


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