New LCC Library Items, December 2016 - January 2017

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New LCC Library Items, December '16 - January '17

Subject Author


Call number

Designing for interaction Rocket surgery made easy

004.019 SAF 2010 006.7 KRU 2010

Camus, Albert. Treviño, Linda Klebe.

The descriptive phenomenological method in psychology Close encounters Smarter faster better Evolution and ethics The rebel Managing business ethics

150.192 GIO 2009 153.6 GUE 2014 158 DUH 2016 171.7 EVO 2004 172.1 CAM 2000 174.4 TRE 2014

Kugel, James L. Fretheim, Terence E. Balentine, Samuel E. Olson, Dennis T. Miller, Patrick D.

The Bible as it was Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

222.10609 KUG 1997 222.1207 FRE 1991 222.13 BAL 2012 222.1407 OLS 1996 222.1507 MIL 2012

Metzger, Bruce Manning. Willimon, William H. McGrath, Alister E. Boyd, Gregory A. Grenz, Stanley J. Dutcher, Greg. Wolters, Albert M.

The canon of the New Testament Acts Christian theology Across the spectrum Theology for the community of God Killing Calvinism Creation regained Darwin and Catholicism Selfish genes and Christian ethics Envy How now shall we live? Daily praise Jesus - opening our hearts Don't waste your life Famines and face packs Washed and waiting A little handbook for preachers Reading the clouds Faithful imagination in the academy Faith in a global economy Troubled minds God of the empty-handed Empowering the poor

225.12 MET 1997 226.607 WIL 2010 230 MCG 2001 230.04624 BOY 2009 230.04624 GRE 2000 230.42 DUT 2012 230.57 WOL 2005 231.7652 DAR 2009 241 MES 2007 241.4 SOR 2003 242.2 COL 2004 242.2 DAI 2002 242.2 JES 2003 248.4 PIP 2003 248.4 STR 2003 248.8 HIL 2010 251 HUL 2016 253 GIT 1991 261.5 FAI 2009 261.8 VAN 1998 261.8322 SIM 2013 261.8325 CHR 1999 261.8325 LIN 1991

General Saffer, Dan. Krug, Steve. Philosophy & Psychology Giorgi, Amedeo. Guerrero, Laura K. Duhigg, Charles.


Messer, Neil. Sorge, Bob. Colson, Charles W.

Piper, John. Stratton, Emma. Hill, Wesley. Hulst, Mary S. Gittins, Anthony J. Van Drimmelen, Rob. Simpson, Amy. Christian, Jayakumar. Linthicum, Robert C. Lingenfelter, Sherwood G. Wurmbrand, Richard.

Lukšaitė, Ingė. Pociūtė-Abukevičienė, Dainora. LCC Library; 2017-02-02

Transforming culture 266 LIN 1998 Tortured for Christ 272.9 WUR 1998 Reformacija Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje ir Mažojoje Lietuvoje, XVI a. trečias dešimtmetis - XVII a. pirmas dešimtmetis 274.7506 LUK 1999 Maištininkų katedros

274.7506 POC 2008 1

New LCC Library Items, December '16 - January '17

Subject Author

Wierenga, Dirk. Gandhi, M.K. Social sciences Morrison, Ken. Abercrombie, Nicholas. Keyton, Joann. Prior, Markus. Jowett, Garth.


Call number

Christianity in Lithuania Krikščionybės Lietuvoje istorija Presbyterians Hindu Dharma

274.793 BAR 2002 274.793 KRI 2006 285.1 WIE 2000 294.548 GAN 1997

Marx, Durkheim, Weber The Penguin dictionary of sociology Communication research Post-broadcast democracy Propaganda & persuasion Global Europe, social Europe Lanier, Sarah A. Foreign to familiar Neuliep, James William. Intercultural communication Sorrells, Kathryn. Intercultural communication Powers, Shawn M. The real cyber war Jasper, James M. The art of moral protest Popovic, Srdja. Blueprint for revolution Camus, Albert. The rebel McCorkle, Suzanne. Mediation theory and practice Ther, Philipp. The dark side of nation-states Crying out for change An introduction to theories of popular Strinati, Dominic. culture Kretzmann, John P. Building communities from the inside out Voegelin, Eric. The new science of politics Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. Imagined communities Korten, David C. When corporations rule the world The Power of the powerless Groeling, Tim J. When politicians attack Ingebritsen, Christine. Scandinavia in world politics Becker, Gary Stanley, The economic approach to human 1930behavior Gwartney, James D. Common sense economics Black, John. A dictionary of economics Murphy, Robert P. Choice Russian and Soviet economic Gregory, Paul R. performance and structure Transition report 2012 Transition report 2015-2016 China's great economic transformation Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America: historical studies of Chile and Frank, Andre Gunder. Brazil Cahuc, Pierre. Labor economics Human capital and America's future Schein, Edgar H. Career anchors Armendariz de Aghion, Beatriz. The economics of microfinance Rickards, James. Currency wars

LCC Library; 2017-02-02

301 MOR 1995 301.03 ABE 1994 302.2072 KEY 2015 302.23 PRI 2010 303.375 JOW 2015 303.48 GLO 2006 303.482 LAN 2000 303.482 NEU 2015 303.482 SOR 2013 303.4833 POW 2015 303.484 JAS 1997 303.61 POP 2015 303.64 CAM 1991 303.69 MCC 2015 304.6 THE 2014 305.569 CRY 2000 306 STR 2004 307 KRE 1993 320 VOE 1987 320.54 AND 2006 322.3 KOR 1996 323.40947 POW 1985 324.73 GRO 2010 327.48 ING 2006 330 BEC 1990 330 GWA 2016 330.03 BLA 2002 330.122 MUR 2015 330.947 GRE 1998 330.947 TRA 2012 330.947 TRA 2015 330.951 CHI 2008

330.98106 FRA 1971 331 CAH 2004 331.11 HUM 1991 331.702 SCH 2013 332 ARM 2005 332.4 RIC 2012


New LCC Library Items, December '16 - January '17

Subject Author Buffett, Mary. Friedman, Thomas L.

Smith, Roy H. Lewis, William W. Bardhan, Pranab K. Martinussen, John. Yergin, Daniel. Roland, Gerard. Djankov, Simeon. Gärtner, Manfred. Einhorn, Eric S. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. Fullan, Michael. Palmer, Parker J. Palmer, Parker J. Gronlund, Norman Edward. Irwin, Douglas A. Language Mackey, Alison. Mihai, Florin M. Technology (management, etc.) Skloot, Rebecca. Doidge, Norman. Norman, Jill. Crocker, Betty. Williams, Mark Alexander. Rath, Tom. Charan, Ram. Christensen, Lars Thoger. Cornelissen, Joep. Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela S. Ulmer, Robert R. Hanna, Mark D. Wisner, Joel D. LCC Library; 2017-02-02

Title Warren Buffett and the interpretation of financial statements The Lexus and the olive tree Globalization, growth, and poverty International political economy in the 21st century The power of productivity Development microeconomics Price theory in action Society, state, and market The commanding heights Introduction to international development Transition and economics The determinants of enterprise restructuring in transition Macroeconomics The European Union Modern welfare states Educational psychology The new meaning of educational change Educational management The courage to teach The courage to teach guide for reflection and renewal

Call number 332.63 BUF 2008 337 FRI 2000 337 GLO 2002 337 SMI 2013 338.06 LEW 2004 338.5 BAR 1999 338.52 PRI 1981 338.9 MAR 1999 338.9 YER 2002 338.91 INT 2012 338.9171 ROL 2000 338.94705 DJA 2000 339 GAR 2003 341.2422 EUR 2014 361.948 EIN 2003 370.15 ORM 2017 370.971 FUL 2001 371 EDU 1997 371.1 PAL 2007 371.1 PAL 2007

Measurement and evaluation in teaching Scholarship and Christian faith Free trade under fire

371.26 GRO 1990 378.071 SCH 2004 382 IRW 2015

Second language research Course design for TESOL Anglų kalbos pokalbiai ir žodynėlis.

418.0072 MAC 2016 428.24 MIH 2016 491.92 ANG 2009

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks Smegenų gebėjimas gyti Salad herbs Betty Crocker's cooky book A dictionary of business.

616 SKL 2011 616.8 DOI 2016 641.357 NOR 1992 641.8654 CRO 1977 650.03 DIC 2002

The 10 lenses Strengths finder 2.0 The leadership pipeline

658.3008 WIL 2001 658.409 RAT 2007 658.4092 CHA 2011

Corporate communications Corporate communication Fundamentals of organizational communication Effective crisis communication Operations management Principles of supply chain management

658.45 CHR 2008 658.45 COR 2014 658.45 SHO 2015 658.477 ULM 2015 658.5 HAN 2003 658.7 WIS 2016 3

New LCC Library Items, December '16 - January '17

Subject Author


Call number

Witches' hill in Juodkrantė The inventor and the tycoon A state of Arrested development Theater of the oppressed Games for actors and non-actors Legislative theatre

736.4 WIT 2004 777 BAL 2013 791.4572 STA 2015 792.01 BOA 1979 792.028 BOA 2002 792.0981 BOA 1998

The philosophy of literary form Rhetorical criticism Counter-statement The history and theory of rhetoric

801 BUR 1973 801.95 BLA 1978 804 BUR 1968 808.009 HER 2013

Arts & Recreation Ball, Edward. Boal, Augusto. Boal, Augusto. Boal, Augusto. Literature Burke, Kenneth. Black, Edwin. Burke, Kenneth. Herrick, James A.

Baker, Sheridan Warner. The Longman practical stylist Findings Lewis, Sinclair. Main street Clark, Mary Higgins. The Cinderella murder Furst, Alan. Kingdom of shadows King, Stephen. Under the dome Kraus, Jim. The cat that God sent Steel, Danielle. Big girl Krasikov, Sana. One more year Litman, Ellen. The last chicken in America Litman, Ellen. Mannequin girl Ulinich, Anya. Petropolis Kiely, Benedict. Yeats' Ireland Heaney, Seamus. Selected poems 1966-1987 Mann, Thomas. Joseph and his brothers Rankin, Ian. Set in darkness Mann, Thomas. The magic mountain Costa Rica Shrayer, Maxim. Leaving Russia Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. The short stories of Anton Chekhov Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich. Fathers and sons Shrayer-Petrov, David. Dinner with Stalin and other stories Šaltenis, Saulius. Basas ir laimingas Rubin, Jay. Haruki Murakami and the music of words Amiredžibi, Čabua. Mėnulio sūnus History & Geography Harari, Yuval Noah. Sapiens Kennedy, Paul M. The rise and fall of the great powers Gardner, Frank. Far horizons Senn, Alfred Erich. Lithuania awakening Donskis, Leonidas. Loyalty, dissent, and betrayal Shengelia, Kakha. History of Georgia Mullan, Bob. Voices of pain Nehru, Jawaharlal. The discovery of India Lapierre, Dominique. The City of Joy LCC Library; 2017-02-02

808.042 BAK 2006 808.8 FIN 1996 813.52 LEW 1964 813.54 CLA 2015 813.54 FUR 2001 813.54 KIN 2009 813.54 KRA 2013 813.54 STE 2011 813.6 KRA 2010 813.6 LIT 2007 813.6 LIT 2014 813.6 ULI 2008 821.8 KIE 1994 821.914 HEA 1991 823.912 MAN 2005 823.914 RAN 2005 833.912 MAN 1996 863 COS 1994 891.7144 SHR 2013 891.733 CHE 1959 891.733 TUR 1965 891.7344 SHA 2014 891.924 SAL 2016 895.635 RUB 2012 899.969 AMI 2016 909 HAR 2016 909.08 KEN 1989 910.4092 GAR 2010 947.5 SEN 2002 947.5084 DON 2005 947.58 SHE 2011 947.93 MUL 1998 954.03 NEH 1989 954.14 LAP 1992 4

New LCC Library Items, December '16 - January '17

Subject Author


Call number

Sullivan, Leon Howard. Reference

Moving mountains

973 SUL 1998

Novum Testamentum Graece New Bible dictionary The Greek New Testament

REF 220 NOV 2016 REF 220.3 NEW 1996 REF 225.48 GRE 2015

Heart of darkness & The secret sharer Straight The summons At home in Mitford The Russian fairy book

FIC CON 1994 FIC FRA 1990 FIC GRI 2002 FIC KAR 1994 JUV RUS 2000 review


Fiction & Juvenille literature Conrad, Joseph. Francis, Dick. Grisham, John. Karon, Jan. Periodicals

LCC Library; 2017-02-02


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