New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August

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New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author


Call Number

NIV exhaustive Bible concordance

REF 220.5 NIV 2015

Mind and cosmos : why the materialist neoDarwinian conception of nature is almost certainly false Truth and method The tacit dimension The proper study of mankind : an anthology of essays Humankind Imaginal machines : autonomy & selforganization in the revolutions of everyday life The interpretation of dreams Crafting phenomenological research Phenomenology of practice : meaning-giving methods in phenomenological research and writing

113 NAG 2012

Relational being : beyond self and community Phenomenological research methods Cultures of the death drive : Melanie Klein and modernist melancholia Applied qualitative research in psychology Psychology of emotion : interpersonal, experiential, and cognitive approaches The meaning of anxiety Speaking (La parole) Pre-suasion : a revolutionary way to influence and persuade Play, dreams and imitation in childhood The mentality of apes Games people play : the psychology of human relationships Principles and applications of assessment in counseling Ethics in human communication A practical guide to ethics : living and leading with integrity Doing good better : how effective altruism can help you make a difference Good work : when excellence and ethics meet Communication ethics literacy : dialogue and difference

150.1 GER 2011 150.192 MOU 1994 150.195 SAN 2003

Way of the peaceful warrior : a book that changes lives Only believe! : a spy story, a love story, and a story of God's great miracles in atheistic Russia South Asia Bible commentary

204.4 MIL 2006

Reference Reources 100 Philosophy & Psychology Nagel, Thomas.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Polanyi, Michael. Berlin, Isaiah. Morton, Timothy. Shukaitis, Stevphen. Freud, Sigmund. Vagle, Mark D. Van Manen, Max.

Psychology Gergen, Kenneth J. Moustakas, Clark E. Sanchez-Pardo, Esther.

Niedenthal, Paula M. May, Rollo. Gusdorf, Georges. Cialdini, Robert B. Piaget, Jean. Kรถhler, Wolfgang. Berne, Eric. Whiston, Susan C. Johannesen, Richard L. Manning, Rita C. MacAskill, William. Gardner, Howard. Arnett, Ronald C. 200 Religion Millman, Dan. Haukka, Hannu.

LCC Library; 2017-09-14

121 GAD 2013 121 POL 2009 128 BER 2000 128 MOR 2017 128.3 SHU 2009 135 FRE 1965 142.7 VAG 2014 142.7 VAN 2016

150.721 APP 2017 152.4 NIE 2017 152.434 MAY 1977 153.65 GUS 1965 153.852 CIA 2016 155.412 PIA 1962 156.3 KOH 1976 158.2 BER 1973 158.30287 WHI 2017 170 JOH 2008 170 MAN 2008 171.8 MAC 2015 174.4 GAR 2011 175 ARN 2009

207 HAU 1996 220.7 SOU 2015


New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author Walton, John H.

Evans, Craig A. Hays, Richard B. Gooding, David. Keener, Craig S. McKnight, Scot. Wright, N. T. Miller, Paul E. Tozer, A.W.

Koyzis, David Theodore. Puronas, Vilius. Yohannan, K. P. Padilla, C. René. Shaw, Ian J.

Vaišvilaitė, Irena. Moffett, Samuel H. Leonavičiūtė, Inga. Petkūnas, Darius. Balsys, Rimantas. 300 Social Science Branscombe, Nyla R.

Peters, John Durham. Radford, Gary P. Christians, Clifford G. Yang, Song. Herbst, Jeffrey Ira. Ellul, Jacques. LCC Library; 2017-09-14


Call Number

Ancient near Eastern thought and the Old Testament : introducing the conceptual world of the Hebrew Bible To see and not perceive : Isaiah 6.9-10 in early Jewish and Christian interpretation Echoes of Scripture in the gospels Windows on paradise : scenes of hope and salvation in the Gospel of Luke Miracles : the credibility of the New Testament accounts Kingdom conspiracy : returning to the radical mission of the local church Surprised by hope A praying life : connecting with God in a distracting world The pursuit of God Congregations : their power to form and transform

221.67 WAL 2007

Political visions & illusions : a survey and Christian critique of contemporary ideologies Holly forest of crosses : about the hill of crosses, Lithuania Revolution in world missions : one man's journey to change a generation Mission between the times Jewish believers in Jesus : the early centuries Christianity - the biography : two thousand years of the global church Jewish Christianity reconsidered : rethinking ancient groups and texts Pasivaikščiojimai po krikščioniškąjį Vilnių A history of Christianity in Asia Tūkstantmečio detektyvas : šv. Brunonas ir 1009-ieji

261.7 KOY 2003

224.106 EVA 1989 226.066 HAY 2016 226.406 GOD 2015 226.706 KEE 2011 v.1-2 231.72 MCK 2014 236 WRI 2007 248.32 MIL 2009 248.4 TOZ 2015 250 CON 1988

263.042 PUR 2016 266 YOH 2004 266.001 PAD 2010 270 JEW 2007 270 SHA 2016 270.1 JEW 2007 274.793 VAI 2017 275 MOF 2004 282.475 LEO 2016

Lithuanian Lutheran Church during World War Two : 284.109 PET 2014 monograph Lietuvių ir prūsų religinė elgsena : aukojimai, 299.192 BAL 2017 draudimai, teofanijos : monografija Social psychology Capitalism and infancy : essays on psychoanalysis and politics Perspectives on philosophy of communication Speaking into the air : a history of the idea of communication On the philosophy of communication Ethics for public communication : defining moments in media history Social network analysis : methods and examples States and power in Africa : comparative lessons in authority and control Propaganda : the formation of men's attitudes

302 BRA 2017 302 CAP 1984 302.201 PER 2007 302.201 PET 2000 302.201 RAD 2005 302.23 CHR 2012 302.3 YAN 2017 303.3096 HER 2014 303.375 ELL 1973 2

New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author


Call Number

Networks of rebellion : explaining insurgent cohesion and collapse Dark ecology : for a logic of future coexistence Norms in international relations : the struggle against apartheid Cultural theory and popular culture : a reader Moterys ir vyrai lietuvių kultūroje The invisible heart : economics and family values

303.64 STA 2014

Stinnett, Nick. Browning, Martin. Covey, Stephen R.

Intimate relationships, marriages, and families Economics of the family The 7 habits of highly effective families : building a beautiful family culture in a turbulent world

306.8 STI 2017 306.85 BRO 2014 306.85 COV 1998

Ermisch, John.

An Economic analysis of the family The family issues reader Love & economics : why the laissez-faire family doesn't work Klaipėdos diskursai 1990-2010 m. : sociologinė miesto tapatybių rekonstrukcija : monografija

306.85 ERM 2003 306.85 FAM 2017 306.85 MOR 2001

Staniland, Paul. Morton, Timothy. Klotz, Audie.

Kavolis, Vytautas. Folbre, Nancy.

Morse, Jennifer Roback.

304.2 MOR 2016 305.8 KLO 1999 306 CUL 2000 306 KAV 2016 306.30973 FOL 2001

307.76 KLA 2012

Political science Political communication in real time : theoretical and applied research approaches Laitin, David D. Nations, states, and violence Bates, Robert H. When things fell apart : state failure in late-century Africa The insider's guide to political internships : what to do once you're in the door Ishiyama, John T. Comparative politics : principles of democracy and democratization Tilly, Charles. Democracy Bratton, Michael. Democratic experiments in Africa : regime transitions in comparative perspective Gandhi, Jennifer. Political institutions under dictatorship Weeks, Jessica L. P. Dictators at war and peace Lees-Marshment, Jennifer.Political marketing : principles and applications Neorealism and its critics Johnson, Loch K. America's secret power : the CIA in a democratic society Pancerovas, Dovydas. Kiborgų žemė Economics Backhouse, Roger. The ordinary business of life : a history of economics from the ancient world to the twenty-first century Buchholz, Todd G. Soto, Hernando de. Huerta de Soto, Jesús.

LCC Library; 2017-09-14

New ideas from dead economists : an introduction to modern economic thought The mystery of capital : why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else Austrų ekonomikos mokykla : rinkos tvarka ir verslus kūrybingumas Transition report 2016-2017 : transition for all : equal opportunities in an unequal world

320.014 POL 2017 320.54 LAI 2007 320.9609 BAT 2015 320.973 INS 2002 321.8 ISH 2012 321.8 TIL 2007 321.80967 BRA 1997 321.9 GAN 2008 321.90922 WEE 2014 324.73 LEE 2014 327.101 NEO 1986 327.12 JOH 1989 327.477 PAN 2017 330.09 BAC 2002

330.092 BUC 2007 330.122 SOT 2000 330.157 HUE 2013 330.947 TRA 2016 3

New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author Baker, H. Kent. Kinlaw, William. Pignataro, Paul. Paige, Jeffery M. Easterly, William. Ake, Claude. Ayittey, George B. N.

Gedde, Maïa. Russell, Donovan.

Jo, Soojung.

Lang, James M. Greif, Avner.

400 Language Nation, I. S. P. Harmer, Jeremy. Kniūkšta, Pranas. Vladarskienė, Rasuolė. 500 Science Talbot, Michael. Morton, Timothy.


Call Number

Investment traps exposed : navigating investor 332.6 BAK 2017 mistakes and behavioral biases A practitioner's guide to asset allocation 332.6 KIN 2017 The technical interview guide to investment banking 332.66 PIG 2017 Coffee and power : revolution and the rise of democracy in Central America The elusive quest for growth : economists' adventures and misadventures in the tropics Democracy and development in Africa Africa unchained : the blueprint for Africa's future

338.17373 PAI 1998

Inside a U.S. embassy : diplomacy at work Working in international development and humanitarian assistance : a career guide Choosing a career in international development : a practical guide to working in the professions of international development Ghost of Sangju : a memoir of reconciliation A Grundtvig anthology : selections from the writings of N. F. S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) On course : a week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching Institutions and the path to the modern economy : lessons from medieval trade Lietuvių mitologija : iš Norberto Vėliaus palikimo

353.13263 INS 2011 361.25023 GED 2015

Learning vocabulary in another language Essential teacher knowledge : core concepts in English language teaching Tarp meninės kalbos ir gramatikos Dokumentų tekstai ir formuluotės

418.0071 NAT 2013 428.0071 HAR 2012

The holographic universe The ecological thought

530 TAL 1992 577.01 MOR 2012

338.9 EAS 2002 338.96 AKE 1996 338.96 AYI 2005

361.25023 RUS 2013

362.8298 JO 2015 370.1 GRU 1984 378.12 LAN 2008 381.0902 GRE 2006 398.2 LIE v.3 2015

491.92 KNI 2017 491.92 VLA 2017

600 Technology (Applied sciences - Medicine, Psychotheraphy, Business, Accounting, etc.) Treigienė, Dalia. Lietuviškų augalų galios : 22 didžiai stebuklingi 615.321 TRE 2016 Wright, Jesse H. Breaking free from depression : pathways to 616.8527 WRI 2012 wellness Needle, David. Business in context : an introduction to business and 658 NEE 2015 its environment Warner, Stuart. The finance book 658.15 WAR 2017 Berk, Jonathan. Corporate finance 658.1505 BER 2007 Berman, Karen. Financial intelligence : a manager's guide to knowing 658.1511 BER 2013 what the numbers really mean Cokins, Gary. Activity-based cost management : an executive's 658.1552 COK 2001 guide Hersey, Paul. Management of organizational behavior : leading 658.3 HER 2001 human resources LCC Library; 2017-09-14


New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author Bolman, Lee G. Diehl, Gregory V.

Kazokienė, Lina.


Call Number

Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership Brand identity breakthrough : how to craft your company's unique story to make your products irresistible Ryšiai su visuomene : vadovėlis

658.4063 BOL 1997

Worship together. A Field of voices : hymns for worship James E. Clemens, David Wright. Kūryba ir edukacija : režisierius universiteto teatre

782.27 WOR 1995 783.9 CLE 2007

658.827 DIE 2016

659.2 KAZ 2014

700 Arts & Recreation Clemens, James E. Venckus, Rimantas. 800 Literature Daujotytė, Viktorija. Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs.

Asmeniniai kursai : įvadai, laisvi seminarai, paskaitos 801.95 DAU 2017

Presidents creating the presidency : deeds done in words Goodson, Patricia. Becoming an academic writer : 50 exercises for paced, productive, and powerful writing Humes, James C. Speak like Churchill, stand like Lincoln : 21 powerful secrets of history's greatest speakers Noonan, Peggy. On speaking well : how to give a speech with style, substance, and clarity Azijos ir Europos tautų epai Gundy, Jeffrey Gene. Songs from an empty cage : poetry, mystery, Anabaptism, and peace Kristeva, Julia. Strangers to ourselves Kalfus, Ken. Pu-239 and other Russian fantasies Sileika, Antanas. The barefoot bingo caller : a memoir Philip K. Dick and philosophy : do androids have kindred spirits? Zaleski, Philip. The fellowship : the literary lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams Morton, Timothy. Ecology without nature : rethinking environmental aesthetics Ben Jonson Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare : contemporary critical quarrels A Routledge literary sourcebook on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Makine, Andreï. Dreams of my Russian summers Ališanka, Eugenijus. Empedoklio batas : tolimųjų reisų esė Kaltenis, Vytautas. Ak, gražus dangau! : Klaipėdietiški pasakojimai Kvietkauskas, Mindaugas. Uosto fuga : esė Lietuvos literatūros antologija, 1795-1831 : šviečiamasis klasicizmas, preromantizmas Marčėnas, Aidas. Kasdienynas : sakiniai 2012-2014 Palčinskaitė, Violeta. Atminties babilonai, arba Aš vejuos vasarą : [atsiminimai] Rastauskas, Rolandas. Trečias tomas : esė ir kiti tekstai LCC Library; 2017-09-14

792.028 VEN 2013

808 CAM 2008 808.042 GOO 2017 808.51 HUM 2002 808.51 NOO 1999 809.132 AZI 2015 809.19382 GUN 2013 809.93353 KRI 1991 813.54 KAL 1999 813.54 SIL 2017 813.54 WIT 2011 820.9 ZAL 2015

820.936 MOR 2007 822.3 BEN 2000 822.33 VIC 1993 823.7 ROU 2002 843.914 MAK 2011 891.92 ALI 2016 891.92 KAL 2008 891.92 KVI 2016 891.92 LIE v.1 2016 891.92 MAR 2016 891.92 PAL 2015 891.92 RAS 2015 5

New LCC Library Items, 2017 June - August Subject Author Kalinauskaitė, Danutė. Zālīte, Māra. 900 History & Geography Roberts, J. M. Moorhouse, Roger. Havel, Vaclav.

Jucas, Mecislovas.

Skirius, Juozas.

Anušauskas, Arvydas. Nordstrom, Byron J. Said, Edward W. Mamdani, Mahmood. Erikson, Erik H. Fiction & Juvenille literature Camus, Albert. Coetzee, J. M. Grossman, David. Idov, Michael. Kmita, Rimantas. Miłosz, Czesław. Navakas, Kęstutis. Niven, Jennifer. Papievis, Valdas. Perkins, Emily. Radzevičiūtė, Undinė. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Zingeris, Markas. Fleischman, Sid. Paterson, Katherine.


Call Number

Skersvėjų namai : novelės Five fingers

891.924 KAL 2015 891.9333 ZAL 2017

The Penguin history of the twentieth century : the history of the world, 1901 to the present Velniška sąjunga : Molotovo-Ribbentropo paktas, 1939-1941 Summer meditations : on politics, morality and civility in a time of transition Lietuva, Latvija ir Estija 1987-1993 metais : išsilaisvinimo kronika Krikscionybes kelias i Lietuva : etapai ir problemos

909.82 ROB 2000

Lithuania in 1940-1991 : the history of occupied Lithuania Nematoma sovietmečio visuomenė Pasaulio lietuviai : šlovė ir gėda : didvyriai, politikai, linksmintojai, šarlatanai, išradėjai, nusikaltėliai, pornožvaigždės Lietuvos valdžios ryšiai su JAV lietuviais 1926-1940 metais : suartėjimo kelių paieškos : monografija

947.93 LIT 2015

KGB : visiškai slaptai Scandinavia since 1500 Orientalism Citizen and subject : contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism Dimensions of a new identity

947.9308 ANU 2015 948 NOR 2000 950 SAI 2003 960 MAM 1996

The outsider Disgrace A horse walks into a bar Ground up Pietinia kronikas : popromanas The Issa Valley Vyno kopija : romanas Holding up the universe Vienos vasaros emigrantai The Forrests Kraujas mėlynas : romanas Frankenstein

FIC CAM 2013 FIC COE 2000 FIC GRO 2016 FIC IDO 2009 FIC KMI 2016 FIC MIL 1982 FIC NAV 2016 FIC NIV 2016 FIC PAP 2017 FIC PER 2013 FIC RAD 2017 FIC SHE 2012

Aš sėdėjau Stalinui ant kelių : romanas By the great horn spoon! Bridge to Terabithia

FIC ZIN 2017 JUV FLE 2013 JUV PAT 2003

Peaceful warrior A room with a view

DVD PEA 2008 DVD ROO 2004 Disc 1-2

940.5324 MOO 2015 943.7043 HAV 1992 947.4 LIE 2016 947.5 JUC 2000

947.93 NEM 2015 947.93 PAS 2016

947.93 SKI 2016

973.46 ERI 1974


LCC Library; 2017-09-14


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