Birchbox magazine september 2013

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september 2013 JuLY 2013

THE THEmag mag

september | 2013


Backstage to real life Hi there, The dreamy days of summer are behind us and now we’re gearing up for busy times and a brand new season. There’s not much I love more than trying and finding fab new products, so I’m a huge fan of Fashion Week, where inspiration abounds. Break it down to the details – a covetable mani, an unexpected lip colour, a new skirt style – and it’s fun to find a few key looks that will actually work for you over the coming months.

02 EDITOR’S LETTER 04 THE agenda 06 BIRCHBOX CRUSH I PR Guru Julietta Dexter 08 bioderma I From Backstage At fashion week To YOU 10 Put To The Test I 3 Lipsticks, 4 Skin Tones

Inspired by LFW, this month’s mag includes a few standout beauty elements that YOU can utilise, a backstage hero that will transition as easily into your daily routine as it has into ours, a selection of musthaves for busy whirlwind weeks and some gorgeous lip colours suitable for all skin tones – we know, we tried them in the office...

12 how to I survive a Whirlwind Week 14 match your mood I rÉvÉrence’s reds 16 Geraldine Howard I Founder Of Aromatherapy Associates 18 the hydrating habit to get into


19 join the conversation I #BBxBackstage


PS: Tell us the products you turn to during your busiest times using the hashtag #BBxBackstage



Senior Editorial Manager


beth squires I @bethsquires


Writer & Coordinator


Grace garginI | @gracegarginI




victoria strauss


pauline thomet Photographer: Georgia Devey Smith

To discuss having your brand featured in a future Birchbox campaign, please contact

3 Birchbox | the Mag

Birchbox | the Mag


september | 2013



september | 2013


september 2013

New Releases & Fashion Docs

Birchbox | the Mag


Alexa Chung’s It – out now – offers fans a one-off collection of Alexa’s writing, doodles and photographs. She’ll share her thoughts on everything from heartbreak and style icons to how to take a good selfie and the Spice Girls. We know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but this is a particularly gorgeous cover...

it girl

Carine Roitfeld Carine Roitfeld is the focus of what’s set to be another fabulous fashion documentary, Mademoiselle C. – out on DVD on Sept 30th. It follows Roitfeld as she leaves Vogue Paris and sets up her very own magazine, CR Fashion Book. Offering a rare chance to see behind the scenes with Birchbox Crush Carine, we’ll be watching avidly.


news to know london fashion week

Another Fashion Week is upon us and Somerset House will again be taken over by designers, press, models and more cameras than you could possibly imagine. Stay tuned to for our unique take on what’s going on, plus our highlights from our favourite SS14 shows.


Finally, we get a full-length offering from BBx office favourite Haim – Days Are Gone is out on Sept 30th. The Strypes’ Snapshot is another album we can’t stop listening to – it’s out now and currently dominating our office stereo.


5 Birchbox | the Mag

Inspired by LFW and our It Girl, we’ll be revisiting some of our favourite fashion documentaries this month, like Lagerfeld Confidentiel, The September Issue and Bill Cunningham New York. Looking for new releases? James McAvoy is front and centre of Irvine Welsh adaptation, Filth (out on Oct 4th) while Tom Hanks already has Oscar buzz for his role in the true life tale of a cargo ship captain taken hostage by Somali pirates, Captain Phillips (out Oct 11th).


september | 2013


september | 2013

juliet ta dexter

Birchbox | the Mag

J uli e t ta De x te r knows how to s urvive a wh i r lwi n d s ch e d ule – s h e fo un de d top fas h ion , b e aut y an d li f est yle P R age ncy Th e C ommun ication s Stor e . We chat te d to h e r ab o ut h e r Lon d on Fas h ion We e k me mor i es , h e r must - have p rod uc ts for a h ec tic we e k an d a s ur p r i s i ng r ece n t di s c ove ry.

day for stress, blood circulation and peacefulness.

What makes up a typical day for you? A three minute cleansing and moisturising routine and two minutes of make-up – usually in the car. Once I’m in the office, it’s meetings, lunch, plus constant chatting with my business partners. I try and walk between at least two meetings a day to focus, think and create plans for the future for our brands and for our company. Then, at the end of the day, it’s time for a glass of wine.

What advice would you give your younger self? Have more fun and don’t worry so much. What’s next for you and TCS? We’ve got a really exciting three to five year plan which we’re all totally aligned to and motivated by. Our senior team is 12 strong and I love working with them. TCS is now the third largest independently owned consumer agency – who knows what’s next! I’m working on it.

What’s your favourite recent discovery? That I can do a good headstand and that it is very helpful every day for stress, blood circulation


Tell us your favourite London Fashion Week memories? One of my greatest memories is starting my career and seeing a Philip Treacy show at Harvey Nichols on the top floor. Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell were on the runway in black knickers, nothing else, their hands over their breasts and incredible creations from Philip on their heads. I think it made me want to be part of the industry. I met Isabella Blow at Fashion Week once and she was so open, vulnerable and adorable. We chatted for an hour or so…. I will never forget it. I’ve also been so lucky to see so many of Roland Mouret’s shows. I think of my job as a huge privilege. BY beth squires

What are your must-have products when you’re super busy? I love WEI products and their masks are excellent. I am a big fan of Dr. Hauschka skincare and This Works too. There’s nothing quite like a good soak in a bath with a Molton Brown product – trusted, delicious and therapeutic. I always stay hydrated with water and take Evening Primrose Oil or Starflower Oil every day. If I want a treat; Propercorn – if you’re going to indulge, do it with quality!

shop all products at

7 Birchbox | the Mag

What are your top 3 tips for dealing with a hectic week? Wherever you are and however stressful it is try and take five very deep breaths. Realise that nothing really matters, sleep, sleep and sleep.


september | 2013

birchbox crush

september | 2013

fashion week


to you

Birchbox | the Mag

Birchbox | the Mag

september | 2013


from backstage at

LF W make- up arti sts ne e d h igh p e rforming p rodu cts that won’ t ir r i tate or aggravate th e sk i n – the model s they ’ re work i ng on go through multi p l e lo oks and shows each day. Biode rma’ s ge n tl e b ut sup er e ffective S e nsibio H2O has be e n re l i e d on backstage for ye ars. He re ’ s why you shoul d be usi ng i t to o :

How to use?

Soak two cotton pads in solution and hold them over your eyes for around 30 seconds to a minute. Wipe over your eyes and then swipe over your face to remove your make-up. No need to wash off and no tugging at the eyes required, it comes off so easily! When my three housemates aren’t leaving the bathroom in the morning or I need an instant refresh, I grab this.

My holy grail product list will always include Bioderma’s Sensibio H2O micelle solution. Every night, it calls for duty to get rid of my make-up and cleanse away any grime. I first discovered this magic potion through beauty experts including Lisa Eldridge, then went to Paris and picked some up. I’ve been hooked ever since.

From Pharmacie To Backstage

I used Bioderma religiously for about a year, presuming the fact it impossible to get your hands on in England was the factor that made it top secret in the beauty world. I resorted to bribing friends and family members to buy bumper packs at French pharmacies on holiday for me to stock up on.

So what is a Micellar Water?

The solution contains microscopic oil molecules in a water base that lift dirt, makeup and oil from the skin. Bioderma created the first micellar water solution and have been partly responsible for their explosion onto the beauty scene.

‘Later, I began to spot their now iconic pink bottles backstage at my first London Fashion Week, as well as in independent pharmacies in the UK. I still haven’t seen a make-up artist’s kit without one. The solution causes the least possible irritation to a model’s overworked skin. Hey, if it’s good enough for Fashion Week…

It’s the most effective make-up remover you’ll find in such a gentle formula. It won’t irritate the skin or interfere with its natural PH balance, but it will remove waterproof mascara easily. I struggled to find a make-up remover that didn’t irritate my eyes for years, testing all the ones that promised a gentle formula, so I was thrilled to discover this.


The micellar water comes in two versions: Sensibio H2O is for normal to dry and sensitive skin. Sebium H2O is designed for combination or oily skin and those prone to breakouts.


find me at

These fantastic Micellar Solutions are available on our e-shop for a limited time only! We’ll only be selling them in our special ”dermo-cosmetic” section – with the green cross – for the next month. Remember, you’ll earn Birchbox points with every purchase!





GRACE Matte lipsticks are my favourite formulation, but I don’t like how they dry my lips out. This semi-matte formula’s different – it contains nourishing ingredients like glyceryl and bees wax to keep my lips comfortable and looking good. This one doesn’t compromise on colour, a couple swipes offers a gorgeous vivid shade. My favourite is Disco Fever, natch.



joyce I’m queen of the red lipsticks! You name it, I’ve tried it. Red Velvet is my latest obsession, it’s a spot on sultry red.




september | 2013


Birchbox | THE Mag

Lipsticks usually wear off too quickly on me, but these are pretty impressive. They lasted a whole day – with one sneaky application after a working lunch!

Birchbox | THE Mag

We love a go od e x p e ri m e nt here at BB x HQ. Our l atest s ub ject ? Mode lC o’ s Bi rch b ox e xclusive Part y P ro of L i p stick Trio. The t wo se ts hol d th re e li p sticks; Cl assics has P i nk , Orange- C oral and Re d whi l e N eutral s d oes what i t says on the tin . We put the m thro u gh their paces by testi ng th e i r staying p ower and tryi ng the m on four staffers wi th a range of skin ton es, so we c o ul d s ee how they fare d. He re ’ s th e r esults:

september | 2013


put to the test 3 Lipsticks, 4 Skin Tones



olivia I never thought bold reds like this would work on my skintone, but I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I like it. The fact that I get to trial different shades that I wouldn’t have ordinarily picked otherwise is my favourite thing about this set. I love the nude Get Naked for daytime.


We want to know YOUR favourite shade! Take a picture and Instagram/Tweet us at @BirchboxUK using the hashtag #BBxBackstage

Inner Me’s Energise Me supplement is packed with vitamins and minerals including magnesium, which helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, B vitamins to support energy metabolism and overall good health. When you’re rushed off your feet, sometimes you just need a little extra help, inside and out.

We’ve al l b een thro u gh tho se we e ks whe n i t f e e ls li ke we ’r e rushing from task to task wi th no ti m e for a r est. S o how d o yo u c op e? Here are just a fe w p rodu cts that h e lp us f e e l p r e par e d an d to gether d uri ng o ur busi est ti m es – Fas h ion We e k i s j ust on e of them:

Some beauty regime steps seem so simple, but when you miss them out, you really pay for it later in the day. Smoothing a hair serum or oil over your strands while they’re still damp – like the gorgeous Mystic Diamond, which contains argan oil and diamond dust (for shine!) – can iron out a mountain of flyaways and frizz once you take your mane outside.

midnight recovery concentrate kiehl’s I can’t count the amount of times Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate has let me get away with a late night or early start. Waking up with radiant skin is one less thing to worry about in the morning – the serum contains evening primrose oil, omega 6 fatty acids and essential oils to give you that wellrested look, even when you’re up before the sun!


13 Birchbox | the Mag

september | 2013 Birchbox | the Mag


mystic diamond eva cosmetics

september | 2013


energise me inner me

how to:

white chocolate green & black’s When you know you’ve got a lot to get through before you next stop for a snack, a little square (or four) of sweetness can give you a delicious boost. Even better when it’s an organic Green & Black’s bar – we’re seriously salivating at just the thought! My number one choice? Their creamy white chocolate. The deliciously smooth texture comes from cocoa butter – pressed from crushed cocoa beans – and organic whole milk. Delicious Madagascan vanilla is blended in, which adds a deeper flavour than your average white chocolate. Yum...

aromatic spray carole franck If you’re feel tired, your skin’s probably reflecting that fatigue. Carole Franck Aromatic Spray is a huge help – you can refresh your make-up and revitalising your skin with a quick spray whenever you need it. A BBx office favourite! BY beth squires

september | 2013 Birchbox | the Mag


Yo ur nai l p oli s h i s as much of an ac ces s ory as a pai r of s hoes or a clutch – th e r igh t s hade can ti e an e n ti r e lo ok to ge th e r or add a t wi st ! I n s p i r e d by th e fas h ion des ign e rs at LF W, we ’ve put to ge th e r s ome mo od b oar d s i n s p i r e d by th r e e stan d o ut r e d s f rom RÉv Ér e nce de Basti e n ’s g orgeo us p oli s h c ollec tion .


Révérence de Bastien Nail Lacquer No.4

15 Birchbox | the Mag

Weekend style at its best. Think graphic grey sweaters, comfy jeans and stylish hightops. No.4 is a bright coral red that adds a bold splash of colour – we love it with casual grey, navy and black.

match your mood RÉvÉrence’s Reds

september | 2013

urban red

classic red Channel style icons Jackie O and Victoria Beckham with this classic look. Pair a timeless trenchcoat and red polish with your favourite dress for an instant smart glam look. Révérence de Bastien The One and Only Red

Gothic meets grunge with spikes, leather and tartan. Style inspiration: punk Vivienne Westwood. RDB’s deep burgundy nods to the gothic trend, while staying sophisticated.


check out our full rÉvÉrence de bastien collection at

The One and Only Red

Révérence de Bastien Nail Lacquer No.14



All clothes and accessories available at

grunge red

Aromatherapy Asso ciates are re nowne d for b e i ng at th e top of their fiel d. Fo unde rs Ge ral di ne and Sue have b e e n te ach i ng , p racticing an d bl e ndi ng th e rap eu tic oi l s for ove r 3 0 ye ars , s haring al l thei r l e arni ngs thro u gh th e b r an d’s car e f ully curated p roducts. We ask e d Ge ral di ne ab o ut th e i r all- i mp ortan t oil s, her favouri tes from the range and mor e . . .

How did Aromatherapy Associates come about?

I trained with aromatherapy guru Micheline Arcier, who inspired my passion for essential oils, then met Sue Beechey – who also trained with Micheline. Together we set up a small treatment centre, providing massage and blending oils for our clients. Demand was soon so great, that we had to give ourselves a name! That was in 1985 and we’re now in over 45 countries within some of the world’s top spas and retail outlets.

How do you go about blending/creating a new oil?

The final oil will always have a specific purpose, so we’ll pick out a selection of essential oils that work well together to achieve the desired result and blend until we have the perfect mix. Sometimes it’s a straightforward process and comes together seamlessly, but other times it takes months to get it just right. We keep going until it’s perfect.

My own personal needs have been the motivation behind so many of the products, so I have many favourites! My top few are the Overnight Repair Mask, which works wonders at making you look well rested, even if you’re not! De-Stress Frankincense Pure Essential Oil calms and focuses the mind in the midst of a busy day, Renewing Rose Massage & Body Oil’s fragrance, nourishment and the joy I have using it makes it a favourite and the Revitalising Face Oil is incredible at delivering vital nourishment deep into the skin, as only a good quality facial oil can. Finally, once you try our Revive Body Gel you’ll be hooked!

august | 2013

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t get stressed over small things, just take a deep breath and move on!

Finally, what are your hopes for in the future?

My biggest passion is for more and more people to truly understand the benefits of essential oils and use them in a way that really helps support their day-to-day life. And staying well and being happy.

What’s your favourite recent discovery?

The Nobel Prize-winning science of telomere technology to keep skin youthful! Fantastic when used in anti-ageing skin care products. We’ve included this technology in our new skincare range Rose Infinity, launching in September.

What’s your biggest indulgence?

Probably holidays. I find them a great time to switch off, give my brain some time to be creative and think about new ideas.

visit their luxury boutique find us at by grace gargini

For the ultimate Aromatherapy experience, visit their luxury boutique in Knightsbridge, London. Stay tuned to the blog for more on our in-depth visit.


17 Birchbox | the Mag

Birchbox | the Mag

co-Founder of Aromatherapy Associates

What are your personal favourites from the range?

september | 2013


Geraldine Howard

september | 2013


to get into



19 July | 2013

Right now, the fash ion worl d i s fo cusi ng on th e lo oks yo u’ll be wearing n e x t ye ar. Bu t whi l e we ’ re i nte r este d i n ch ecki ng o ut the l atest tre nds, we we ar our sk i n all day e ve ry day, s o we n eed to lo ok af te r i t. In August, you received a gorgeous Molton Brown Ylang-Ylang Body Wash in your Birchbox. This month, it’s time for part two of your body care regime, using the Ylang-Ylang Nourishing Body Lotion. We all know the benefits of moisturising the skin, but we have to confess that sometimes we skip a step. Here’s why you shouldn’t (and won’t want to!): Take Action Now! The obvious benefits of smoother skin are a given. But, as the summer begins to fade into a distant memory, take action now. Start hydrating and you’ll fend off the possibility of scaly limbs come winter. Taking that simple step now can prevent frantic scrubbing and stressing later down the line.

When To Apply Don’t wait until you’re dry smooth the nourishing lotion over skin while it’s still slightly damp from your shower or bath (it will lock water into the skin and act as a barrier). Skin-Happy As well as smelling great, Molton Brown’s nourishing body lotions have skincare benefits too. Pink pepperpod extract is a natural antioxidant that helps keep the skin balanced, while Gingerlily has enriching tamanu nut oil and white lily extract that smell divine and keep skin nourished. Multitasking at its best. by grace gargini

Scent-sational Layer a Molton Brown body wash with a body lotion of the same fragrance for a more noticeable scent with longer staying power. Our specially curated range is now available on the Birchbox e-shop. When we’re feeling spicy and adventurous we reach for Black Peppercorn –a mix of Madagascan black pepper with coriander and basil – or its slightly softer sister scent, Pink Pepperpod. You’ll smell good enough to eat!

check out our entire molton brown collection at


S how an d tel l us your must-have p rod u c ts for h ec tic we eks by tag gi ng your p ic s an d t weets wi th @B i rch b oxUK an d #BBxbackstage . We’ l l c om p i l e th e b est on l i n e at b lo g . b i rch b ox.c !

Thanks to @MelDerome for her Twitter excitement over her InStyle Edit August box.


Birchbox | the Mag

Birchbox | the Mag

the hydrating habit @BirchboxUK

Maddie Fine shared her gorgeous Birchbox tutorial-inspired ‘do on Facebook.

Winner of our Color Club Wanderlust competition was @_KenzieHarvey – she sent this pic of her 100 nail polishes!

See you soon!

The Birchbox UK Tea


september | 2013 Birchbox | the Mag





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