BFS Jolijnvs Report DG690

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Basic Formgiving Skills

Report DG690 Jolijn van Sleeuwen B.1.2. student s142577 Date

13. 06. 2015


Bart Hengeveld Miguel Bruns


This report is the final deliverable of the assignment Basic formgiving Skills. Reflections, pictures and insights are giving insight in the made progress. The report is divided in 4 different chapters, starting with the question why and the first sketches. Followed by the chapters I copied, I made and I designed. The report ends with an overall reflection.

Authors Keywords

Basic Formgiving Skills, form integration, form family, formlanguage, form and senses, dissecting, objects, sketching, portfolio, report.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

Start why


I see form as one of the main communication parts of a design. Every product we perceive is defined by its form and presentation. Form is the language of a designer. The last model I made was probably about seven years ago during my third year of VWO. Later on I kept using my eye for detail, but sketching, making and building went never beyond making a postcard. Altough I liked the ‘doing’ part in my artclasses during secondary school, I think that I did not developed the right amount of confidence to keep on creating.

My B.1.1. assessor gave me the advise to pay more attention to my form and senses competency and she also mentioned that it is important to create a style in this. I am aware of the impact of form in design and in order to get some creative formgiving confidence and improve my skills I challenged myself to follow the assignment Basic Formgiving Skills. I expected the assignment to be intensive and instructive. I was hungry for some critical feedback in order to learn, improve and apply my formgiving skills.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

I sketched 3 objects After an introduction on the basics of sketching, the first assignment was about sketching three objects that you use in your daily life. This assignment learned me to dissect objects into to forms. What is it that I actually see? The images show the drawings I made during a sketch session. I was happy with the result although I experienced drawing in perspective as difficult. Aspects I took into consideration after the feedback session were about the presentation (referring to the disturbing blue tape lines), the composition of the sketch, the use of construction and symmetry lines and the use of your arm during sketching. After this sketching experience I realized that I should take my sketching skills more serious.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

I copied duplicate a socket

Now I got the essentials of sketching, I was ready to do so modelling. The second assignment was about remaking the exact same socket as showed during the lesson.


The first physical model assignment went quite well. Although I made a mistake by gluing the single parts together to soon, and therefore had difficulties with sanding, I was proud of the end result. During the peer grade session, my socket ended up in the second place. The feedback that I received was positive. In terms of clarity, definition and finish, my socket scored well and the assignors mentioned the good putty- and paint job, the attention for the orientation of the screws, the color of the paint and the label on the side. “Do something different to stand out in the row� In terms of exactness, the switch was too round, the alignment of the ground holes was not correct and the base plate had not an exact round curve. I learned the best impression of a model has strong relations with the best finish. Therefor the paint job and the little details are very important. For example, the use and orientations of the screws are very easy to apply and can make a big difference.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e


Bart Hengeveld gave a short introduction on the easiest steps to follow. To finish it in time and properly I made a plan and a technical sketch, with all the measurements. This helped me to work in an accurate way.

make and paint

During the process I realized that optimizing the small details takes time and effort. I also did my first paint job ever. Due to the advice I used putty, spray putty, primer and spray paint.


During the peer grade session, my socket ended up in the second place.


I made integrated form

This assignment was about integrated form giving with use of combining primitive shapes.


I was inspired by the drop sign on the streets. During the sketch process I experienced difficulties with drawing my imaginations in a 3d form. Therefor I decided to work with a foam model and highlight all the interesting parts.

DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e


The challenge during this make process was to make the round edges (blue part). In the beginning I thought to make the round form with putty, but when I started to test this with clay I realized that it was difficult to make it in a precise way.


What stood out during the assignment of integrating forms, was the process. I realized afterwards that the decision of the from was all determined by myself. Instead of examples, I used my own inspiration, the ability to understand and dissect forms and my look and feels senses to criticise the form. For this criteria I used the imagination of ‘sitting on the edge of model’ and the rule that every view should be interesting to look at. These skills had impact in my daily life as well, and I got obsessed with looking and trying to understand forms of objects. With regard to the result of the model, I was very surprised. Although I thought I made an easy and simple form, the feedback was mainly positive. The simpleness was actually a strong characteristic, especially in combination with the use of contrast. Matt versus shiny, round versus sharp edges and the overall contrast of light which appears on the object. The polish of the paint could be an improvement.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

I designed form family powerblock

The last and most advanced assignment was about form families. Design a power block and use a form family of objects including two sockets, a plug, an on/off switch and a cable.


I envision to design for a functional purpose and therefor I decided to integrate approach in the last assignment. I took the context of a kids playroom and got inspired by the form family of My First Sony. Because I wanted to improve my sketching skills, I tried to develop the form trough sketching. This ended up in a model with two interactive sides, one for the parents for plugging in electricity, and one for children to switch power on and off. I tried to make a balanced use of forms and color and pay attention to precise color and details such as the integration of the wire.

“A balanced design and fancy form which is not per se childish.” - Bart Hengeveld “I wonder how practical the use of a lid is” - Jelle Stienstra “I highly appreciate the context, the design could be even more playful” - Patrizia Marti “Finish almost perfect, extraordinary design” - Miguel Bruns Regarding to the make process of this design, I tried to make and optimize every part of the model separately in order to finish it nice. I learned to see the relation between forms, to design an integrated, balanced and clear form.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

general reflection

Looking back on the assignment I see definitely growth in me as a designer. The process of inspiration, imagination, modelling, sketching and working on a model I would like to see. Full focussing, making decisions, finding the right tools and materials, all in order to get the best possible prototype. A process that satisfies me. Reflecting on the decisions and prototypes I made, I am content with the result. I realize that this assignment was my first own design project and that gave me a lot of freedom and energy. Reflecting on the whole process, the models and the feedback, I grew the most on a emotional level. Confidence. I learned that I can make right choices of form, color and presentation and that I am capable of designing and producing high quality realistic models in a short time. The assignment Basics Formgiving Skills also learned me to look different to the world. Trying to understand and dissect objects into forms and apply those insights into new designs. Being aware of everything in a design is there for a reason gave me new permanent glasses. Other then these insights I grew on a practical level as well. Translating thoughts into nice and organized sketches and models. Using and adapting different materials as wood, putty, aluminium and paint. Overall I realize that this learningprocess made me grow as a designer, and inspired me to look, feel, make and design even better.


DG690 Basic Formgiving Skills, TU/e

Jolijn van Sleeuwen

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