Project 2.2 (Federal Unicorn)

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SEx,DRUGS& ROCKNROLL IS The biggest cliche in the world?

Surprisingly not, however this seems the only recipe of the success for the rock bands in the world, since the first "Beatle" strummed his string first. Rock stars do not give a crap to the life, because what they call "life" is incomparable to ours. Theirs is only the MUSIC, especially the ROCK. And that is why we love them so much. They are dedicated, untouchable aliens from the Earth, who are allowed to break the standards, because they serve us with the music, we love. The Federal Unicorn does not do it differently. Bohemian youngsters are giving crazy shows even with nudity, whatever if it is necessary. And they can do this, because they are on the stage and all insanity they do is a pray to god of the Rock n Roll, who is the fan itself. The recipe is as old as it supposed to have become "The Cliche", but it is as strong truth as it has been the most reliable eternity while the Earth is round. Question only is: Are they good enough to get back the respect what would raise them up above the world?





Introduction ( Eliise, Jolita Tamas) Interaction ( Stepan) Introduction 6 Problem statement 6 Problem delimitations 6 Methods 7

Business ( Eliise, Jolita Tamas, Stepan)

Sender Description 8 Innovation 9 SWOT AnaLysis 10 TOWS ANALYSIS 10 Strategy (Vision, Mission, Values) 11 The Business model canvas 12 Edgar Schein's Organizational Culture Model 15 Scrum Description 16 Conclusion 17

Communication ( Eliise, Jolita Tamas, Stepan) Introduction 18 Meaning of the company (brand meaning) 18 Marketing Campaign Plan 20 Social media strategy (opportunities) 23 The core story 25 User testing 27 Research 28 Research of people concert-going habits 30 Website Concept 31 Conclusion 31


Introduction 32 Website development strategy 32 Parallax Scrolling 33 Parallax Scrolling -Stellar.js 34 The HTML Markup 34 The css 34 Javascript 35 Structure of the website 36 Conclusion 38

Design (tamas)

Introduction 40 Idea Development 40 Structure 40 Idea concept 41 Logo 42 Design concept 43 Design Style 44 Typography 44 Color 44 Visualization of message 45 Navigation Considerations 45 The gestalt laws 45 Usability design 45 Responsive webdesign mock-ups 46 Design concept placement, visual id. 48 Conclusion 49

References 50 Appendix 52



u d o r t

Introduction Usually when people start to think about rock music the first thing which comes to their mind is – group of crazy students or teenagers screaming and dancing insanely. We chose a rock band, called Federal Unicorn in order to show people a new colors of rock music and what it can give to all of us. This band is different from the others because during their concerts they are sharing their experience, good quality music and lifestyle. A lot of bands have competitors and to stay known in the market takes a lot of time and efforts. To be unknown is one of the biggest problems for all the bands. The main solution for this is to create awareness.

Problem statement If a rock band wants to be known in the world, it needs to have fans or at least people who know them. We want to help to Federal Unicorn achieve a bigger audience by means of an enhanced visual identity. It means that Federal Unicorn has not that much people who know them and visual identity could create awareness among people, even if they do not really like it. Of course, competition in music field nowadays is really strong but this group is unique and the visual identity could help to show its uniqueness. In Aarhus this group has fans that are coming to their concerts but the biggest issue is people who cannot really partic-


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ipate in their concerts because of distance. So, with suitable identity we will attract those people to participate in Federal Unicorn concerts even if they are from another city or we will stimulate them to listen and watch live shows. What we can do, is giving them an as big audience as it is possible. But how to reach them? We can highlight the band’s strongest side or we can create a loveable image for them to attract more people and make the memorable, but we can’t write music. Our problem statement is the way of taking the maximum out form the band and develop their strongest part well, what needs to be focused on when we consider about them as a product and it’s potential in this saturated market. Therefore our problem statement becomes: We want to create visual identity by using marketing campaign and other communication and business tools.

Problem delimitations We are aware that there is a difference between what we would have liked to achieve and what we actually obtained. It means that we cannot count on for the perfect outcome and results. We can never fully predict how the users will react to what we have produced. We wanted to upload the website to band’s actual domain link www. but we did not have time for that before hand-in. Hopefully the website is going to be launched before the project exam. So, that is why our website is on other domain. When

the project started we were expecting to make our website responsive but because of lack of time we could not do it. This is also the problem, we want to exceed before the exam.

Methods We are using Scrum method and we are having daily Scrum meetings to better understand what has been already accomplished and what are following tasks for that day. We also made separate product backlog to be more effective with our work and have better idea what we must accomplish on that particular day or week. We split our tasks but at the same time we are helping each other out and every member is equal and could suggest ideas. Also we are doing sprint backlog with Scrum to understand what tasks are already completed or successfully achieved. Firstly, for communicating inside the group we created and we are using Facebook group. For sharing files we created Dropbox folder. Secondly, we were having brainstorming in order to have better understanding of sender. We discussed how to create website which would match the needs of sender and what would create value for the sender as well. Also we set our aims, goals and visions for this project.

We analyzed our sender: band Federal

Unicorn, from the business side, using Edgar Schein’s model and thereupon we have made SWOT and TOWS analysis to get a better apprehension of the project strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to manage our project in a more productive way. Also we created Business Model Canvas for visual chart with elements describing a band’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. For the communication analysis we have created a concept of our website and made a marketing campaign plan mainly consisting of marketing mix, target audience analysis and core strategy. Also we are creating social media strategy to raise the awareness of the band in social media websites. In order to get more relevant information about the Federal Unicorn and its’ importance, we created research plan and conducted two quantitative researches among our target group. We have analyzed collected data and worked with this information which helped us to create three user personas. At the end we conducted user usability testing to evaluate our product outcome. We have used Microsoft Word to create our report. At the interaction part we are using Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, NetBeans IDE 7.2.1 and XAMPP software. Simultaneously, we are using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CS6 for the whole website design and graphics. For illustrating the report are we going to use Adobe InDesign CS6.


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Business analysis is necessary for understanding the core values of Federal Unicorn and produces for them a relevant website. We are using SWOT analysis, Schein’s organizational culture model to find information about the company and Business model canvas as strategic management template, so we can fully understand their principles and values.

Sender Description Federal Unicorn is a rock-pop indie band what was formed in the summer of 2010 in Aarhus. When three students: Robert Jancewicz – originally from Lithuania, Jakub Sypniewski (Kuba) – originally from Poland and Kristian Kå – from Denmark became friends. At first it was just supposed to be one-time-thing only, but the band had so much fun doing it, that they decided to keep going. Like so many other starting local bands, band started their career at now famous „Rockstjernen“, where they borrowed their amps and gear, since all they owned, where their own instruments. As time went by, the band grew bigger and more popular, and since then they have performed more around the country and won a ton of band battle competitions. The band is widely known in Jutland area, mainly because of their up-beat tunes, rock star attitude and onstage persona.


But like most of the up-coming bands, also Federal Unicorn wants to distribute their music in international market to get their music played on international radio stations and at the same time expand their fan base at abroad. The countries they are interested to focus on are Germany and Austria, because they have bigger audience and music market. Federal Unicorn states that they to do not want to play or be labeled in a specific music genre, because they play music what they like and have fun while doing it. So if they have to specify more what music they are playing, then it would be mixture of a bunch of different kind of genres, for example rock, pop and indie music. Federal Unicorn released their debut album “Blame It On My Libido” in October 2012, through Enough Said Music. In 2013, Federal Unicorn will release a follow up on the debut. Also they have planned to play at lots of live shows and festivals around the country.

r Innovation The assertion which we have stated in the problem statement is waiting to be solved. In this segment, the chance to enter to the market in the common way has one of the lowest possibilities. Thousands of bands are trying to smash themselves through the “door” with smaller and bigger success. We do not want to join the queue, because that is almost impossible to get in from there. We have to find a “key” to another “door”, and the way to do this is called innovation. We have to serve something different, something what people do not know, that they need it yet, but from the moment, when they get it first, it becomes a necessity. To find what can be served in this way from our band had needed a research first. We found out, first of all, people need quality but it has price. A ganged up band from students cannot afford professional studio to record their tracks in a world-class quality, or pay for a broadcast able music video. If they only try to pretend their professionalism with a bad quality, they will probably fail. So how can the band reach attention without money? From the SWOT analysis it has revealed, one of their biggest strength of them is their live shows. They are very confident on the stage because they do not afraid of doing shockingly crazy performances in the good way, because it makes the audience laugh and enter-

tains. It does not cost money, but always fills the bar fully even if none of the people knows the band, because it is entertaining. And the key, we will use is the entertaining itself. They have a very small audience yet, and it is kind of pointless to promote their low quality music videos for a few people, while they perform professional shows on the stage for people also, who do not know them yet. Their shows are already good promotion but only for a few people who are just randomly staying at the same bar as they are. If they would promote their shows on purpose primarily instead of their product, they could reach wider audience for the concerts, what will definitely remember of it, and let them research for the band, and talk about the concert for friends, or post pictures of the live experience on the social media. So our innovational idea is to increase their reputation with a live show orientated campaign, until they will get enough attention, and in case prefer their track-based promotion just afterwards. To achieve this plan, we will make their webpage focused on the life show experience, with promoting the performance above everything else, and using the tools of storytelling to make it interesting. In addition, our social media and other marketing strategies are based on this highlighting.


SWOT ANALYSIS In order to be aware of project‘s credibility and make sure that it will succeed it is very important to identify SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). This analysis helps to plan steps for future development of the website as well. We created SWOT analysis chart (see appendix nr….). It has revealed us the beneficial parts of Federal Unicorn which we will take in account while designing and creating the website. In this case, a SWOT analysis can uncover unexplored product and marketing options in the music industry and also opportunities to create a more attractive website for Federal Unicorn band.

TOWS ANALYSIS A TOWS analysis is a strategic analysis which helps to analyze environment of organization in this case bands’ environment. 11

Strengths and opportunities (SO)

Considering plans and possibilities band’s interesting music genre opened them opportunity to enter a new market – European countries (Germany and Austria). Just because of this music style band can try to enter other markets like Holland, Norway and Sweden.


These countries have a lot of common things and the markets are similar. So, it would be a good chance to show to these countries strong side of Federal Unicorn – interesting music genre. Also, giving a quality concerts would create an opportunity to become better than their competitors which are ending their careers. Fewer competitors – easier to the band become famous.

Strengths and Threats (ST)

The one of the main strength is having a management because they will help with band’s obligations and in the same time band members will avoid big communication problems. Harmony in the band is really important because if the band starts to function poorly then the band will split up and they will lose fans. But Federal Unicorn has a good management and they are solving their problems by talking and finding a solution which fits to all members of the band.

Weaknesses and Opportunities (WO)

There are opportunities to overcome the weaknesses which are expected. One of the biggest weaknesses of Federal Unicorn is low quality production like videos. A lot of videos which are uploaded on YouTube are low quality and this gives a bad impression for the people who listens and watch their video because of lack of professionalism. There is an opportunity to go abroad and they could find professional video makers who could improve their production and provide quality.

Weaknesses and Threats (WT)

To minimize the poorly marketing Federal Unicorn needs to have a website which could help to the band to create a better image. Because a lot of processional artists and bands have a website from which people can get information about the band and follow it. To avoid threats like other bands with same kind of music genre Federal Unicorn has to stick with their own music and pay a lot of attention to their performances and image. Good qualities products, different stage image and loyalty to their fans would help to the band to avoid such threats like competitors.

Strategy (Vision, Mission, Values) Mission, Vision and Core values are important to define Federal Unicorn by reflecting on and setting goals regarding purpose and direction.


Federal Unicorn’s mission is to create, provide and expand positively life-changing experiences through raw and real music for all. Their mission is to provide for itself the means for personal and collective growth in musicianship, to create good quality products and give unforgettable experience at their live shows by getting closer to audience. Band wants to get rid of bad quality production because it is their main weaknesses. Federal Unicorn is a fresh band which is prepared to grow more professional and with a help from professional video makers band will succeed.


Constantly developing their musical skills and improving the lives of audience members through performing musical excellence with professionalism and dignity. Their goal is to gain more knowledge at their target audience and popularity in Denmark and to record top selling albums for the fans, also for the radio stations and music journalists. One of their biggest opportunities is to enter international music market and gain fan base also there. For example, getting into Germany and Austria markets would grow their fan base larger than before, because audience is there bigger and more open-minded to new bands.

Core Values

Only creating the music and songs they can be proud of and using their own ideas only. All members have committed to the band to achieve better results and future goals to accomplish success in the music market. Being loyal to their fans therefore record and release constantly new music, videos and giving memorable concerts. Because one of their main strength is giving quality entertaining concerts, with that they secure their fan base in Aarhus and even in Denmark.


The Business model canvas Business model canvas considers from 9 building blocks. All blocks are important if you want to create successful business model. We used this model in order to analyze the company and to get a better understanding of it. After analysis we found a solution how to make company stand out. First of all, we wrote what company already have, what concept and after that we implemented our ideas to its’ existing model. (Business model canvas is in appendix.) “Customers comprise the heart of any business model. Without (profitable) customers, no company can survive for long. In order to be better satisfying customers, a company may group them into distinct segments with common needs, common behaviors or other attributes.”3 So, customers of Federal Unicorn are users with smartphones, tablets, computers and mp3 players. People can always check news and information about this band on social network sites. Also, people can listen to their favorite bands songs on their mp3 player. In order to make wider customer segments we added people who like to go to the concerts. These people are paying more attention to performance than to music itself. This is really useful to the band because if it leaves a good impression about the performance then fans will definitely share good experience with the others. Customer relationships are important in this business model. The band was using just social media and people were sharing their experiences with the other fans of the band. We added concerts as customer relationship because we think that during the concerts people also can share experience, feel real quality of music and the lifestyle. After the concert fans can even talk to the band’s member, share their opinion and give them feedback. The mostly used channel of the band was Internet in order to get more fans. Because people are using a lot social network and it is way easier to attract new people to like their social media pages.


After analyses we decided to add street ads in the channels part. Street ads like posters, flyers and stickers could increase awareness of the band. Because people will always notice a big colorful poster in the city center and after that they can use Internet to find out more information about the band. Revenue streams show that people are not paying anything for the concerts or music. This band is not popular enough to ask money for tickets of concerts. Also, band have released just one album but people can download its’ music illegal too. Of course, fans are buying new album but the income is not that high. Federal Unicorn delivers to the customers’ quality music as the main value. This is music created by them. Every concert band is performing live and band members are trying to make people happy about their created music. We are helping to this band to solve few problems like: there is no website, performances are lacking of professionalism and the band is not offering some special offers which could attract more fans. First of all, band needs design in this case it is website. We want to create a website which could help to the band to share information with their fans about upcoming events and new music. In order to attract more fans, Federal Unicorn should start to consider what offers can be offered on their website or social networks. Other bands usually offer to their fans opportunity to win free alcohol, new albums with band’s members’ signatures or free tickets to newest concerts. This could attract people to participate in Federal Unicorn activities and create new value. Also, band need to have unique performances because after every concert people are sharing their opinion about the concert with their friends by talking or on social networking. If the band starts to pay much more attention to its’ performances then people will share good experience with others. This will create awareness and the band will be known as the band with totally different performances. Value propositions require key activities like newest production. Nowadays well-known bands


have a YouTube channel because people are searching for new songs and new videos in there. Even though Federal Unicorn does not have its music channel on YouTube but band members are always uploading new songs and videos on YouTube and SoundCloud. As we mentioned before, Federal Unicorn creates own music and key resources in business model are intellectual data and copyrights. These two things creates value for the people who listens Federal Unicorn music because this shows that band do not use other bands music and do not infringe the copyrights of other bands data. In order to work, business model needs to have Key Partners. Federal Unicorn is not well-known band but you can hear its’ music on radio stations. After band released their album “Blame it on my libido” radio stations started to play few songs of Federal Unicorn. Also, the band wants to enter different markets like Germany and Austria and in order to enter those markets band members signed a contract with record label and this will help to create awareness in those countries. Online music management is also one of the partners. Such websites like,, http://www.gogoyoko. com/ and has an account just for Federal Unicorn and fans can add its’ songs to their playlists. Music distribution firms like YouTube are one of the most important partners because it is easier to become popular on the most known music sites than on simple sites with some playlists. More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month8. So it means that when people are looking for some kind of songs and typing curtain words there is a chance that your video will be seen and this is how the band can increase its’ popularity. After brainstorming about bands’ Key Partners we decided to offer new potential partners who could help in creating new image. Creative students who are looking for challenges and wants to experience something new could be useful partners. Student groups like BBG film production are shooting videos and it would be cheap and in the same time professional to have video shooting crew which is just starting their activities.


Also, bars, clubs and festivals are the other possible partners for Federal Unicorn. There are a lot of festivals in Denmark where people are coming to see new bands and to spend their time with friends by enjoying music. It could be a good possibility for the band to start perform its’ music in such events because people are coming from different cities all around Denmark. Also, bars and clubs are one of the most visited places on the weekends. Students and middle income people usually have free evenings on weekend and they are searching for places where they could spend their evenings and have fun. So, band should pay more attention to the places where it can be heard. The most important costs in our business model are copyrights. Also, if the band will use services like video shooting crew it will cost a lot but if they will stick with our idea to hire students who are just the beginners in video making field then they will definitely pay less money and will get quality production as well. Everything else should be done by them because this would help to save money. Also, band is investing in their future because they are trying to get more fans and after when the band will become famous the tickets to the concerts will be with a price. So, basically now it is a low cost structure. In conclusion, our business model is more focused on value creation. It means that the most important parts are value propositions and key activities. The main value which we are offering to Federal Unicorn is the website with unique design. If we want to create awareness then band’s website should be totally different from the other bands websites, with unique content and innovative idea. This value requires key activity – new production and different performances. On the website people will see new videos, songs and information about upcoming events and these parts will be refreshed daily. Unique performances will be filmed and uploaded to band’s website so people will have an opportunity to leave a feedback.

Edgar Schein's Organizational Culture Model Schein’s culture model defines strongest aspects of organization.

Artifacts Federal unicorn has a different dress code from the other Rock Pop bands. They usually wear military jackets with simple jeans. This gives them authentic image which associates with word “Federal�. Band used this word in order to show the strength and union of them. Also, band members like to wear simple shirt and this shows simplicity of the band because they are trying to show what they really are and not to copy the other rock bands or rock artists.

Work climate is an environment where the band is rehearsing and spending their free time related with music. It is really important how this environment looks like and how it helps to the band members to concentrate on what they are doing. In the concerts you easily can see that this band is strong motivated and the environment which they are creating during they performances is friendly and inviting you to enjoy music. During repetitions band members are trying to help each other and to work as hard as they can. Work process is really important artifact because it shows how much effort every member puts in the performance preparation. During the concert every fan can notice how band prepared to the concert and if they prepared well


then it gives the quality for the music and performance.

Espoused values

One of the main band values is their created music. This is a huge advantage of the band if it has own songs. The record companies assess alternative bands. Other value is loyalty to band fans. In order to leave good impression of band’s performances Federal Unicorn needs to think how to involve their fans in the concert. So, during their repetitions they are not only playing their songs but also thinking about extraordinary ideas how to perform their music that people would come again and again to their concerts. Also, they are new in the market. Group started

activity in 2010 summer. So, basically the band is quite young and this helps them to create a better image to their fans and people who knows this group. To be new in the market means that you are open-minded and full of energy while you are performing.

Assumptions We can assume that Federal Unicorn has not that strong brand but a lot of opportunities. Their production is not really known but after they signed a contract with Germany and Austria producers they have an opportunity to succeed not only in Denmark but in other European countries. Openness to new ideas, energy, loyalty to their fans and their own music can lead Federal Unicorn to success.

Scrum Description In the interest of creating our product (website) successfully, we used Scrum Method to make workflow more transparent and structured. This strategy helped our team to work as unit to reach a common goal and made us more approach to innovative ideas. Product backlog is a list of “requirements” – for the product, sorted in relative order in which it should be built and if once completed form the final product. It also involves continuous adaption and improvement in each part of the product developing process. We used Scrum as our main framework. This tool helped us to organize, systemize and optimize our workload, by using detailed Scrum board (Scrum Board is at Appendix). Our Scrum daily standups (meeting) was excellent way for team to disseminate information – by focusing on what team or each person accomplished yesterday and what we would want accomplish today. This way our team gained good understanding of what work has been done and what work remains.

We followed the Scrum theory, which consists of:


- Transparency – (process visible to every mem-

ber, in that way every team member would get knowledge what is done and what is remaining) - Inspection (updating the Scrum board) - Adaptation (daily Scrum meeting, sprint review and sprint retrospective). At our first Scrum meeting, we chose a Scrum master among the other team members. We split the work into 32 tasks. Everything has been presented on the Burndown chart. Burndown chart displays how much work was done in one day and how many tasks were completed. We used the sprint Burndown chart to track the product development effort remaining in a sprint. Our goal was to get to the point in which we will have finished all the work in estimated time. We used Scrum Method successfully to create innovative ideas for our product. Every Scrum meeting was successful because we got perfect understanding what was accomplished and what is still remains.

Conclusion After we had established business analysis – Schein’s organizational culture model, SWOT analysis, Business model canvas and mission, vision and values we learned that Federal Unicorn strengths are good quality concerts and having a management, which gives for them bigger opportunity to expand their target audience. We can help Federal Unicorn to bring forward band’s strongest sides and attract more people who are interested in having memorable concert experience.




Communication is basically the interaction between people or organizations. Meanwhile, you are sharing information, knowledge and you are trying to improve your skills how to do it. So, in this communication chapter we will try to show you why communication is important and how it works for every company and even for the music band.

Meaning of the company (brand meaning)

Brand meaning • Functional – giving valuable listening experience • Psychological – people can relate with their rockstar/bohemian lifestyle, their songs and lyrics Marketing communication objectives

Target Audience Our target audience is people who listens mainly Rock-Pop Indie music and like visiting live shows, looking to have a good time and enjoy the music. We are specifically targeted to audience who has never heard of Federal Unicorn and we want to raise awareness among them in Denmark. It is especially new music listeners in Denmark, who want to discover more information about the band, music releases and gain knowledge of their upcoming live shows. To establish better target audience for the rock band we used some materials from the references 12, 18 and 19.


p a ch

Our target group is between the ages of

17-33 both male and female. They reside mostly in Denmark and mainly in Aarhus municipality. Also, they have potential fans all over the Denmark because they want to gain more popularity in Denmark overall. Their occupation is mostly university students’ cause the music is targeted to youngsters but also same time young people with middle income. As mentioned above the target audience is acknowledged mostly as university students and young people, which means they have time after school or work to visit Federal Unicorn concerts. They are individualists who lead independent lifestyles who do not particularly follow the trend and like to be their own person. People in this age group will also be more open to new genres – Rock-Pop Indie - as this is the point in their life where they are discovering who they are and what they like. This target group members are most likely go see music played live or listen to their music using either CDs or digital download, though they will both legally and illegally download their music. Because some of the concerts are free and some of them have low ticket price, it is not troublesome that target group cannot afford to visit their concerts. Our target group is using a lot social

r e pt networking sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on, because they are searching constantly for new and exciting experiences. We also created personas for the project. Personas bring the team together to create one shared vision of exactly whom you are designing for and what they want6. Personas help us define for whom we are creating the site6. For every decision we made in the progress we kept in mind our created personas for efficiency - that way we ensured that we are making key decisions earlier in the process. For this work process we used also the book “The User is Always Right” (see reference 6). Combination of gaining new experiences in music world and having fun is our target group expectations when visiting concerts. The Federal Unicorn website is all about introducing their image and identity to their fans and gain more awareness among the people who like this kind of music genre.

Marketing objectives: - Specific – We want to attract 30 visitors per day including our target group and people who work at music industry. - Measurable – We will measure the amount of the visitors every end of the month. - Achievable – We will create awareness among our target audience. We believe that there are lots of students and young people who are searching constantly for new experiences, new music artists and also same kind of people to connect with. - Realistic – Our marketing goals are achievable, because band is really concentrated to raise awareness and get really well-known in Denmark. Our marketing plans are adding value for them at music market. - Time scaled – By 29th of December 2014.

Marketing mix: For better understanding the marketing mix we also applied some things from reference 13. • Promotion – Internet, print media and printed media as channels. We chose Internet because it is great way to interact with customers (fans) and

intimacy with fans is brand-building gold. We will also release news and articles about Federal Unicorn at online music magazines. We also chose printed media. We will design and use posters, flyer and self-adhesive stickers. We will put the URL link to everywhere: CD covers, CDs, videos leaflets at gigs, posters, flyers, business cards, press releases and stationary. The message is to send out announcement of Federal Unicorn and how great they are. • Price – 5000 DKK. We have limited budget agreed with management. • Place – Denmark • Product – Federal Unicorn. It is a rock band from Aarhus who plays raw and real music. Giving audience best concert experience of their lifetime.

Budget We have agreement with the management for limited budget. This is going to be used only for the printed media. Assuming that also band earns some kind of earnings from the album sale, we will use 5% of the total income of the sales and other remaining amount is going to be invested by music management. Therefore our budget for our campaign will approximately be 5000.000DKK.

Message design Our message design is pathos. With our campaign we would want to place emphasis on emotions and experience. We also concentrated on the AIDA and kept them in the mind. Mostly we used Attention and Interest. We are trying to raise interest with our campaign. Potential fans would want to know, what is this name ‘’Federal Unicorn’’ and what are they doing. Also raising attention to old fan base and let them know, that Federal Unicorn has something new and you have to explore more the campaign if you would want to know.

Goal evaluation We will make analyses of the sales after the campaign.


Marketing Campaign Plan Advertising is mass media paid communications used to convey information, develop positive attitudes and encourage customers in the target audience to respond in a desired way5. We want to reach audience through social media and print media. We are using Guerilla marketing which embraces 360 degrees of communication, reaching target audiences in as many ways as are affordable and possible. Guerilla marketing task is to experiment with many different marketing ways and then to identify the best ones that provides the highest profit to us4. For marketing plan we are using the Optimal Marketing Campaign: nine step planning model. This helps us to understand bands position in the marketplace at and ends with establishing the product and launching the promotion.

The Optimal Marketing Campaign: Nine step planning model Step 1: Rationale, needs and priorities: the rationale is written, including the evidence base to identify the main reasons for the campaign. Needs and priorities are also decided. Introducing the Rock-Pop Indie music band in Denmark and expanding their target audience. The main reason is to raise awareness for the band and gain popularity. Our priority is to provide a high quality showcase that aimed at promoting performances and sales of CDs which will excite and motivate visitors and encourage them to return to the site many times. Promoting the product in media spaces - internet and social media, music magazines and so on, with lowest budget as possible. Step 2: Aims and objectives: this is where aims and objectives are set. Bring attention for the product (website) by attracting 10 % of the target group. Follow the website’s attendance and establish whether we are moving forward and if we have reached the targeted awareness of our audience. Establishing


website as soon as possible, to reach more to the target audience and that they could get notice more from the people from music industry. Step 3: Theoretical model for the basis of the campaign Optimal nine step marketing campaign model. Step 4: Method and design of method: the method and how the method will be designed are formulated here. The method is what will be done, and the design is how this will be done. We are using pull-marketing: it effectively pulls fans to our website or band fan pages (Facebook, etc.) that may already been looking for new music and hoping to “discover” Federal Unicorn20. Pull takes advantage of pre-existing market demand20. To promote our project we are going to use tools such as: Social media: We are creating only the website for Federal Unicorn. Website can be maintained for as long as necessary. We have established Social media strategy separately also and it is applied at subheading – “Social media strategy”. Posters and flyers, stickers: We are going to include domain name to all of the band promotional materials. If the band is going to have poster or flyer for their next live show or concert, you can find written domain link or QR-barcode (for mobile phones) from there. Also we are putting URL link to CD covers, CDs, videos, leaflets at gigs, posters, business cards, flyers and stickers. We are going to use Guerrilla marketing, by handing out flyers, sticker and leaflets to independent record shops, coffee shops, hip clothing stores and concert venues. Posters placed in the right areas will get more traffic to website. We would want to place them where we know people interested in product frequently visit. Promotional materials (posters, stickers, flyers and so on) are a good way of advertising, raising awareness of the movement and promoting our bands image. Creating flyers and stickers to ad-

vertise band is simple, inexpensive and it is a great way to generate buzz about the band. Part of the reason using this method is to save money – online marketing campaign and advertisements per click can get really expensive. (See posters, leaflets and stickers in appendix)

scene of Denmark and they do it on a non-profit basis4. The target audience who is mainly reading this blog is Danish people. We would ask them to have interview and promotional publication for the Federal Unicorn. At the end of promotional article would be referring to domain link.

Press media: When the band is going to have free press or publicity release in music magazine, online magazine, newspaper we are going to include domain link also there at the promotional material. Trying to get other websites include a link to website (link building – music magazines sites, newsletters and other media referring to Federal Unicorn website). We would contact with online music blog and send demos to . They support any kind of initiative and primarily promote the increasingly talented neglected underground

Also we would send demos to the website:,, www. and contact with the blog writers to have free promotional publication about the band including URL link to their website. These music blogs audiences are located in Denmark and all music on these blogs seeks to promote the artists. These all blogs have almost same kind of target audience as ours – 17-33 old youngsters who live at Denmark and they all support their own homeland music market, so it is apparent for us to contact with them and to ask publication.


Step 5: Resources and budget: this is a list of resources, and a matching list of how many these resources will cost, including manpower, practical resources and other factors that might involve financial or resource issues. The music management will invest 10% from their current revenues from the band for creating the promotion campaign for the new market (they have chosen the percentage of income method because it is fixed budget that will give them a maximum spending limit). By using mostly Social media promotion, we are keeping our costs low by that, because this does not need any spending or outgo. Most of the resources are going to be used in the printed media for printing promotion materials. (Write about press media) Step 6: Evaluation: this indicates the evaluation method and how this will be conducted. Conducting surveys among 100 people from the target audience in order to find out whether we have established awareness of the website or not. Follow both local and international media to find out if there is any feedback about Federal Unicorn what includes essential information – domain link. Step 7: Action plan: this is a full action plan detailing what will happen and when. First of all, we are making advertising materials during the time of making website (creating the promotional video for the website, designing posters, flyers, stickers and so on) and at the same time we are going to create social media advertisements. One week before launching the website, we are going to establish already social media strategy, because then our campaign would match with website launching. One week after opening the website we are going to form voluntary street team, who will spread the stickers and flyers to record shops and concert venues and so on. They would also set up the posters to the strategic places - people who are our target audience frequently visit. We would contact with press media and ask if they would want to have interviews with Federal Unicorn. We would also tell to band to put into practice campaign itself with live performances for promoting


the product. We will expect that when the website is already launched that all the campaign is already in the work and would contribute the opening. Step 8: Implementation: how/Who? This stage is devoted to the full implementation of the campaign. Our website is focused on live show experience and it will reflect the one-line message we have created – “Music, lifestyle & experience”. Since we are using storytelling as a communication tool rather than business tool we have different kind of implementation – our team designer and programmer created visual story for the user that visitors would return in the future to see it again. We are using 3D and moving images at the website what are creating 3D effect and interesting moving of the website. It is going to be exciting to look around at the website and see what is going to be happen next, when they scroll down little bit more. Also we are including video for the website at the front page for campaign. The video is also created by one of our team member - Tamas Ladi and his film production firm BBG for especially the band promotion. It was filmed in one of the Federal Unicorn concerts. This is going to give impression and feeling for the visitor, what you can experience at Federal Unicorn concert. The video is going to be short: showing people partying and screaming song lyrics. Band is playing music wildly and making crazy stunts as usually in their concerts. Our website design has also really important part in marketing campaign plan. Every background picture tells its own story and we have written more about this in Design chapter. Step 9: Feedback: This is the feedback of evaluation results and campaign developments. This also includes recommendations that can be used for future evidence-based practice. In order to get a feedback we first must launch the campaign. We are going to follow the advertisement campaign and see what impact it does on the target audience and if some changes must be done. We are expecting to call meeting every 2 weeks in the beginning of campaign and every month later on to discuss and give comments about our work.

Social media strategy (opportunities) Nowadays social media is all around us. We can see and use it at home, at work, at school and basically everywhere. It looks like we could not live without it. If we received some good news we want to share it with our friends or colleagues on Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms. The most important thing is that we want to be heard and social media is exactly what we need in this situation. In order to create social media strategy we used 7 steps which will lead us to our goal – successful social media strategy.7 1. Goals and objectives When you start your social media strategy, first you have to have clear goals and objectives. Then you will see how these fits in your business. The main our goal is to increase Federal Unicorn popularity including their target audience and people who works in music industry. Also, we want to make a strong impression about the band on social media platforms. We want to raise views of Federal Unicorn videos on YouTube – 210 views every week. Every month we will measure results and we will see how our strategy works. Until the end of 2013 increase the number of fans by 10%. There are lot students who are open-minded about different kind of events in Aarhus and they are ready to try something new like Federal Unicorn concert. Band is creating new songs and trying to enter new markets, so it is realistic to increase awareness. We have enough time for this strategy because we want to reach our goals by 29th of December. Our branding objective in social media is to create and send the message about Federal Unicorn (Music& Lifestyle& Experience). The other objective is to make a site which is interesting and gives a lot of information about Federal Unicorn. We will create posts on Facebook and Twitter. In order to keep our goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time scaled we used SMART model.

2. Research If we want to create unique social media strategy we need to make a research about the other bands sites and the most popular social media platforms which are used by our target audience. By making research about websites of the bands we found a lot of websites for the bands. After analyzing those sites we decided to create a site which is more interactive than other bands websites. With different style of the website we want to show uniqueness of the band. Also, we did a research our target audience like what do they think about certain social media platforms, what are their opinion about Federal Unicorn competitors and about the band as well. Basically Federal Unicorn stakeholders are all people in Aarhus which like, know or heard about Federal Unicorn. For example, Artificial Brothers, Den Fjerde Væg, Eggs Laid By Tigers and just random people like students or teenagers. After this research we gain knowledge about band’s target group and competitors. 3. Contacts and content This part explains influencers who are relevant in our business. The band is already using social media tools as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, SoundCloud and YouTube. We developed our social media plan by using 5 steps which help us to find and formulate content that will be easily noticed8: A. Target audience Our target audience is people who like Rock-Pop music, to experience live shows and meet same interest people. The age of our target group is 17 to 33 years old. Basically it is students and middle income workers who know how to use Internet. More information about target audience we wrote on subpage meaning of the company. B. Most important problems on the website: When you start create content in the website you


have to start to think what problems people has to face up on your website. The right sources and relevant information will help to editors to connect the dots. • • •

Upcoming events New released songs Identity of the band

These are the problems on our website which people want to know.

C. Who will full fill content? We will not hire a staff and we will do everything by ourselves six hours in a week and after a while band’s vocalist Robert will do everything instead of us: • Uploading videos, music and pictures • New information about the band • Information about upcoming events • Implementing marketing events like free gifts D. Plan describes what need to be done every day:

Sunday Day off

Day off

Day off

Day off

Monday Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website

Tuesday Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website

Wednesday Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website

Thursday Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website

Friday Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website Maintain: Facebook Twitter MySpace Website

Saturday Facebook Twitter

Facebook Twitter

Facebook Twitter

Facebook Twitter

Day off

E. Scheduled content In order to schedule our social activities we will use HootSuite platform.

4. Join the Conversation to Develop Relationship After making research this is an action what we are going to do and how we are going to participate in conversations with people on social media


networks. We will create a character named Rocky Rock n Roll who will share our message: Music &Lifestyle &Experience. Message: Rock with us, be the world. We will create a website which will introduce people with a band and will help to create proper image. Character uses AIDA model creating and sending its messages. Our character will join Twitter chats and Facebook groups about Rock bands, same music style, Aarhus and Denmark.

5. Strengthen Relationship It is really important to make strong relationships with people who are interested in your website. To have permanent fans is one step to your success by creating a website. We will create events on Facebook and people will have an opportunity to join those events and to see who is going to participate as well. We will invite people to participate in Tweetups in order to create strong fans community. We will share pictures and information after held event. Christen Brogan wrote in his book: “Tagging and sharing and all the other activities common on the social Web mean that information gets passed around much faster”1. Also, we will hide behind our avatar “Rocky Rock n Roll” in order to make our avatar popular.

measurements. We need to analyze, adapt and improve what we have done. After a year since campaign will be launched we will gather information and progression of the website. We will adapt new findings in current processes and improve those processes. Design Considerations After we created social media strategy we need to think about design which could fit for our target audience and identify band. Websites design will be unique with unseen elements. Facebook also has unique pictures from concerts and the main picture is band’s album cover. Twitter design will be simple and solid. MySpace, SoundCloud.

6. Measure Results

The core story

There is just one way to check how successful you have been: measure your results. To measure our goals we will use: • We will try to increase the number of followers on Twitter, number of fans on Facebook, number of comments, number of times Federal Unicorn is mentioned in blogs and forums, and so on. • We will increase positive sentiments of the band by showing more attention for bad feedbacks. People will always have an opportunity to write private messages on social media networks. Also, in book “Social media 101” was written that: “Do not delete comments that criticize you, provided the people stay civil. This is just begging for a brawl. It is considered in poor taste. Besides, that is one part of blogging: understanding what people think of you. If you cannot learn from your critics, where are you getting all your advice? Only from fans who race about you? ”1 • We will develop relationships for future partnership opportunities like cooperating with bars, clubs, other bands and famous artists. • We will increase traffic on band’s website by using Twitter hash tags and we will lead people to bands’ Facebook page.

Core story is a strategic communication tool which communicates with company’s brand. Basically it shows the reasons why company should exist. We are defining it because company’s values become the story which makes our concept stronger. On purpose to create Federal Unicorn core story we used Laboratory model from book “Storytelling. Branding in practice”2.

7. Analyze, Adapt and Improve

Our strategy does not end with results

The Obituary test It identifies and formalizes band’s reason for being. Basically to get a clear idea we need to answer to question: What would be missed if the band does not exist? First of all, people would miss unique songs because all songs are created by band members. Second thing what people should miss is energetic performances. A lot of people are going to Federal Unicorn concerts just because of their unique performances. We received this information from friends and Facebook group. It is a great experience to be a part of something unique. Also, people would miss new band in old music field. It means that this band is quite new and they are prepared to work as much as they can in order to make their fans satisfied with music and performances.


Also, there are a lot of old rock bands which are known around Denmark but there will come time then those bands will have to go to retirement and there should be bands like Federal Unicorn in order to take their place in the music field, because Federal Unicorn brings new genre mixed of Rock Pop and Indie. Other thing what would be missed is that band members are open-minded and they are not afraid to take challenges. Just because of this, Federal Unicorn can become successful in the market.

Screening of Basic Data Internally (This shows what characterizes band’s identity?) Basically band identity is three rock music lovers who are enjoying their music and who are trying to make other people to start enjoy rock as well. In order to be always fresh, band members are putting a lot of efforts on their performances even though band’s budget is low. All songs are related to something, what happened or will happen. So, people always can find something similar while reading or listening lyrics. Externally (This shows what characterizes band’s image?) Federal Unicorn is a rock band of three different persons. They all are from different countries and their attitudes are as well different. But they are together because they have the same passion – rock music. People who just heard something about the band can say that this is simple young guys’ rock band but fans knows that this is much more than a simple band. During their concert we asked some people who were there their opinion about the band and performances. So, the fans confirmed that it is more than just random band. It has strong connection with the fans and the performances are attractive.

Distilling the Basic Data Message It is worthless to live without passion for some


kind of hobby. If something makes you feel like you are not wasting your time then it means that you are creating proper life story because life is too short to be spent without that special fire in your eyes.

Conflict (“Conflict is the driving force of a good story. No conflict, no story.”2)

Music market is huge and Federal Unicorn is just a small band in a big music ocean. Real music is created by the band not by fancy producers who wants just to earn money by creating same point songs like commercials.


In order to create proper characters we used Fairytale model.

Benefactor – music industry in Denmark. Goal – raise popularity and stay in music field. Beneficiary – the band. Supporter- fans who understands the band. Hero – Robert, band’s vocalist Adversary – people who thinks that new rock bands are not needed in music market.

Acid test (Is our band core story unique?) Our band core story is unique. In every step of this project we are trying to show main value about the band – uniqueness. Even if there are a lot of bands which are performing same genre music, Federal Unicorn stands out because of its’ performing and their created music. Of course, the band is not the most popular in Aarhus but band needs time to show people what they really are and how they will change music field in a better place to all new bands. Slogan of the band is: “Come see the shows”

User testing Usability tests are useful for all companies because after tests you will get results which will help the company to improve its’ products and services. In order to see how our product works we did a user testing. In user testing participated 10 people who fits in our and band’s target audience. Participants were asked to express their feelings, opinion about design and to find required information on the website. After user testing we summarized results which will help us to improve our product.

Results were like this: All participants were impressed about the website’s design. Colors and contrasts on their minds fit perfectly together. Basically design caught attention and participants were excited to see other pages on the website. Also, just from their emotions it was easy to understand that the website has something totally new and unique. As we mention before, after analysis of competitors websites we found out that we need product with totally new design and user testing showed that we succeed by making the website unique. Website is easy to use. When participants were asked to find some information or for example how to buy some Federal Unicorn songs online they found it by not putting so much effort. So, we can make conclusion, that website is really easy to use.

When you open the website music starts to play and we hoped that this would help to the users to feel a part of a website because music is played for them in order to create friendly environment. Almost all participants liked it but it was one who said that it is way better without music. But in this case there is a button which will stop the music and you just need to press that button. So, basically we solved this small problem. Strong company’s image is really important if the company wants to stay in the market for long. So, professional website is like an image of the company as well. During user testing when people were asked to share first impression of the website more than a half people said that the website looks professional and stylish. So, the website gives a value to the band. While participants were checking new website we noticed that people did not use the arrow which is in the bottom of the website. After testing we asked participants did they not used the arrow on purpose or they did not notice it and people admitted that they did not notice the arrow. So, this is the biggest issue which needs to be fixed. In order to be visible we will change the color or the place of the arrow. In conclusion, feedback from potential users was positive and we are hoping that the product will help to reach our main goal – increase band’s popularity and raise awareness.


Research Quantitative survey about music and Federal Unicorn We created quantitative survey in order to ask large group of respondents. Survey is our chosen type of quantitative data. This survey will be useful for creating personas because you can quickly cover a large number of users and cover user goals, behaviors and attitudes into a numbers. We did a survey about music and our chosen band Federal Unicorn. After this survey we have a better understanding about the band and what our target audience thinks about Rock Pop video which we showed to them. So, we asked 35 different age and gender people, mainly students and middle income workers. First of all, we wanted to know how old our respondents are. The age was from 17 to 33 years old and this is exact age of our target audience. After that we asked them what kinds of music do they like in order to see are we on the right way by trying to improve Rock Pop band’s image. Results were favorable for us because Rock and Pop genres were in the first places. Also, we asked in the survey how often people check their favorite bands’ website. This question is relevant for us because our product which we are creating for the band is a website. Bigger part of respondents said that they are checking those websites infrequently or just once in a month. So, after this we decided to make a website which could be like bands’ business card. Nowadays people use more social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others but not official websites. So, the best offer for the fans could be a website with main information and links to social media. Also, we asked our respondents about website design. Is it important and do they pay attention to it. So, we found


out that website’s design is really important for the users and just because of these answers we started to pay even more attention to design. The other questions in the survey were relative to Federal Unicorn. In order to get more information about the band we asked people do they know this band. 76% of respondents said that they do not know this band and it is good for us because our product (website) will raise awareness among people. The website will be in English because there are a lot of foreign people who live in Aarhus and the band wants to enter other markets so website in English is suitable for all markets. Second question about Federal Unicorn was: If you know Federal Unicorn then from where? As we thought, majority of people said that they know this band just because of friends. So, then the band will start to use their website and post it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Sound Cloud an YouTube) people will see it and share it to their friends. The last question was their opinion about Federal Unicorn video which is uploaded on YouTube. We received a lot of different opinions about video “Let’s go out”. A lot of people wrote that the quality of video is low and they need to hire professionals which could help them with it. Others said that song is catching, live and they like it. Also, this band needs to find something totally different from the other Rock Pop bands because if they want to stay in people minds they need to have strong image. In conclusion, this is just the beginning of Federal Unicorn activities and in order to be known they should try to show their strongest parts of the band. Also, there are some issues which they need to fix. Basically, we are satisfied with results and we will use it for creating personas. (You will find personas in appendix)


Do you go to concerts?

Research of people concert-going habits We made also a research to have better knowledge of people concert going habits to ensure our innovation concept adequacy. We conducted quantitative research, because we knew clearly in advance what we were looking for and quantitative data is better for us to analyze. We surveyed people, who are in our target audience (see our target group segment) and live in Denmark. We got 41 answers for our questionnaire. Firstly we wanted to know, how old they are. 73% respondents were 17-22 years old and this fits perfectly with our target audience. Hereinafter you can see the summaries charts. When we asked if they visit concerts, 35 people answered that they do. This proves once again, that people are visiting concerts in their free time to see their favorite bands. We asked how many times they visit concerts and here are answers really mixed. 17 people visited concerts once or twice in the year (45% of respondents). 10 people said that they visit once every 3 month (26%) and once in a month – 7 people (18%). The last question was, why did they visit concerts and this was with multiplied answers. Surprisingly we got the answers what we expected. 30 people of 41 answered that they visit concerts to see their favorite bands or friends. 28 persons of 41 answered that they are visiting concerts for the atmosphere. 15 people out of 41 answered that they visit concerts to find out new bands and also because they like any kind of live music. Survey was conducted successfully and we got the answers what we wanted. Now we can prove with the product (website) that visiting more concerts is good idea and they should do it more often to see new brilliant bands and memorable performances.


How often do you visit concerts?

Why do you go to a concert? a, b, c, d, e,

a, To check out my favourite bands/friends



b, To find out new bands



c, Because I like any kind of live music



d, Because of the atmosphere



e, Other



Website Concept Our website concept is built up by principle communicating visually with user. The main aim of the website is to pass on for the user visually the image of the band and concert experience. We put live show video to the website, which represents Federal Unicorn concert experience and invites you to visit their concerts. We did not want to include lots of text in the content because it is irrelevant for the band website and we wanted to visitors to get an idea how Federal Unicorn live shows looks like. All the background images are chosen carefully to create visual message and associated with our message – ’’music, lifestyle and experience’’. We are writing and explaining more about visual message at design chapter. For website we created followed links – home, gigs, about, music, contact and also social network/media buttons. When you open the home page, automatically starts playing their song at the music player to give idea for the visitor what kind of music is Federal Unicorn making. With the pictures we are introducing band and showing when are the next performances. Also we put there band’s logo and promotion for the newest album. These are the most important features what band wants to promote. At the “gigs” link you can find promotion of upcoming events and live shows. “About” link is all information about

the band. We included there introductory text of the band and also pictures of the band which is for the press. “Music” site is all about band’s production – their album songs and music videos. Their every production is included to this site that visitors could make acquaintance themselves with the band. “Contact” link is for giving option for the people to get in touch with the band and their management. Also, we included there “write to us” feature that fans could contact with the band and give feedback and criticism. Facebook social plugin is also for commentary. We have hidden special additional pages, what you cannot find at the navigation bar, but can run into if you scroll more and explore around at the website. These are for entertaining and making the website experience more exciting. First one is between the “home” page and “gigs”. At the beginning it is outtake picture of the concert, but if you click on it is going to open the concert experience video. This is passing on the message of the website, that Federal Unicorn is extraordinary live show band. This video purpose is necessitate the reason that people have to visit their concerts to see their super high performance. The other hidden additional page is between the “gigs” and “about” site. It is 3D image about the band what is passing on the message how band acts in reality at the backstage.

Conclusion If you want to succeed with your company you have to be prepared to communicate with your clients, coworkers, competitors, supporters and partners. When you know how communication works it is way easier to reach company’s goals. In this case, we tried to show you how communication could help to improve Federal Unicorn marketing and how it could help them to become popular and well - known.


t n I

t c a r e

In order to make the website distinct from other common websites as well as promote the band in a new way of approaching information, we made a website based on a new technique in web design called parallax scrolling which gives the website more advanced, eye-catching and remarkable effects. We will now go over the website development strategy, then the parallax scrolling technique describing this brand new way how to make a unique website and last but not least how the product is structured, including the way how of some the elements have been programmed. We also had to combine some parts of the Design with Interaction analysis because we could not explain one without the other since they have a strong connection.

Website development strategy The first step in designing and development a good successful web site is to collect information. There were many things that needed to be taken into consideration before the look of our site was developed. We had to have a clear understanding of the client that the site was created for. What is the purpose of the website, our goals, and content that our target audience will be looking for on our site. We started off by asking a lot of questions to each other to help us understand our business and needs that we want to achieve. Once we gathered all relevant information, we could start planning the website by making a design strategy that will fit to our client’s vision. In this phase, we also decided what technologies should be implemented and subsequently started sketching out how our website could look like. Our designer allowed us to see what he has made in the process of sketching and mockuping so we could express our likes and dislikes on the overall look of the site in order to match our needs for the


c n o i

e t p a h

site. Once we had the final design, we had to turn it into a real, functional website. We took all of the individual graphic elements from mock-ups, and use them to create the website. We started by creating a shell for the site using generic templates for HTML and CSS files such as resets or normalize containing some basic starter codes, JavaScript libraries – jQuery and our own files for html, CSS and JavaScript. Our developer was in a close collaboration with our designer during creating of the website in order to make the process smoother. Developer got inputs from designer during development process. They decided together if the functionality is needed or made a compromise if things could not been achieved by the developer. Last but not least, we had to test our site, starting with the complete functionality of forms or scripts, checking for issues such as cross-browser compatibility, making sure that it is well optimized to be viewed properly in the most recent browsers, validating it by using the validation tool and finally uploading the web site files to our server.


Parallax Scrolling One of the newest trends hitting the web design world is use of parallax scrolling effects. It has been around since 1980’s in 2D video games where background images moved slower by the camera than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth, however it has become increasingly popular lately as a web design technique. The word Parallax comes from the Greek parallaxis which means alternation. Objects which are closer to our eyes have a larger parallax so they move faster than objects which are in the distance in the background. Creating multiple backgrounds and objects such as images or text containers and then setting different speeds to them creates a 3D dimension. Nowadays, we are seeing the rise of modern web design. Designers and developers has to be more and more creative in order to attract and keep user‘s attention. Web users of today get bored with standard web techniques. They are looking for something new and unique. They want to get entertained and involved. With parallax scrolling you can invite your users to engage with your site which can

have a strong positive impact on presenting your product. It also makes the website more visually interesting and unique and with a considerable improvement in user’s experience on the site leading to more sales and more profit then. Parallax scrolling is a great way how to present your product but it can be also used as a storytelling leading users to scroll through your website in a interactive way. They can take control and go through it in their own pace. Parallax technique is definitely the right way how to create a website that draws people’s attentions and gives them a direct engaging feedback on your website. We decided to use it in our project and to show what this technique can actually do. Our site is built on using vertical parallax scrolling where users can scroll up and down through our website in their own pace leading the layers respond differently to the scrolling behaviour of our visitors. Since parallax scrolling is quite hard to develop from scratch, we were using a very useful and straightforward to implement plugin called Stellar.js where we set scrolling effects to any scrolling element we wanted.


Parallax Scrolling -Stellar.js Is a JQuery plugin providing parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element on our site. Firstly, it must be initialized by writing $(window).stellar(); This will search for any parallax backgrounds or elements within the specified file and change their position when the element scrolls. In order to make elements scroll different speed, we had to add the following attributes to our selected elements in our html file telling the plugin at what the speed of the element should scroll.

The ratio is relative to the natural scroll speed, therefore a ratio of 0.5 causes the element to scroll at half-speed, whereas a ratio of 1 has no effect, and a ratio of 2 causes the element to scroll at twice the speed.

The HTML Markup The beauty of parallax scrolling website consists also in the number of html files you need for that. Since our website is a one long site, we did not have to create links to other subpages, therefore we could use only one index file. Our site consists of 7 pages/slides where each page is divided into many divs containing other important elements for the website. We were using a class called ‘slide’ that will be used as a general style for all the slides. Each slide is given an id of slide followed by the slide number to style it separately. We used the HTML5 data attribute and name it ‘data-slide’. This allowed us to target it using jQuery libraries.

All slides except the last one, have a button as a arrow image allowing us to scroll to the next slide. We added the ‘data-slide’ attribute with the number of the next slide so the button knows what slide is next and it can pass this value to jQuery.


We used two starters for our website. Reset.css removing all built-in browser styling such standard elements like H1-6, p, a, etc. So we could style them from scratch. We were also using normalize.css to make built-in browser styling consistent across browsers. Another stylesheet is for our image slider on the home page and finally one stylesheet for the whole website called style.css.


Javascript This website contains many JavaScript files making it more dynamic, functional and attractive for users. Jquery - A multi-browser JavaScript library that made it much easier for us to use JavaScript by “writing less and do more”. Waiponts - One of the jQuery plugins which executes a function any time, you scroll to an element. It makes our navigation to highlight which slide we are just on according to the position of the scrollbar. Easing – Another jQuery plugin that makes animation look better. We used it to add a smooth easing movement when it is transitioning from one slide to another. Modernizr – A great JavaScript library telling us whether or not the browser supports the feature we want to use so we do not have to worry about breaking our site in nonsupporting browsers. It also has a script called Html5Shiv that enables HTML5 tags on Internet Explorer. Coin-slider - jQuery slider plugin for an image slideshow with different transitions effects. Very easy to use and highly customizable. Scrolling_div – A simple function for making our div scrollable on image click with animation.

Example 1 - creating scrollable text area We created a variable named scrolled and because scroll bar is at the very top now (hidden), this number will be 0. Everything inside the function”$(document).ready (function () {“ will be loaded as soon as the DOM is loaded. Another function that executes each time the event is triggered, in our case the click event. It is sent to an element (a tag) using ID downClick (the down arrow) when the mouse button is pressed. Once the button is released, the scroll bar will move by 50px up. Then, it stops the currently-running animation in our div called text_about and set the position of scrolltop to the position of current vertical position of the scroll bar named scrolled. Play_pause – Functions making change images on click as well as play and pause music on our website.


Structure of our website

At the top of our parallax website is a “home” slide where users get the most important information by showing them what the site is about. We used an image slideshow with an animation effect to tell people the latest news about Federal Unicorn and what they can find on the site. There are many ways how people can listen to their music already on our home page. We found reasonable to have some of their songs playing in the background when they open the website. People have the option to turn it off or lower the volume. If they want to see some

of their videos, they can go to YouTube by either clicking the image of their last single called Let’s go out or simply clicking on the YouTube icon. The main navigation, social icons and audio player are given a ‘fixed’ position to keep them in the same place throughout the whole website. To make them visible, we had to set z-index higher than other elements’ on the website. Waiponts jQuery enabled us to style the relevant slide which is in view. Besides that we used the same effect where font size, color and border-bottom are changing on mouseover. Transition CSS effect ease-in-out is also applied there so it animates from its standard state to its hover state. To navigate through the website, users can either use navigation (Pic 1.) or the arrow (Pic 2.) at bottom of the website which disappears on the last slide so they have to use only navigation bar to get back.

Another slide containing our own video of the band on a concert does not follow the navigation bar and is placed between “home” and “gigs” site so people can reach it only by using the down arrow. We used Flowplayer which has a simple and minimalistic design fitting for our website.

“Gigs” site consists of their upcoming concerts. The nearest concert is shown separately from others and it has got the biggest font, picture and brief description about the event. Additionally, there is a link to Facebook where users can get further information. Other concerts are within a scrollable area where people can see what event will follow next. The following slide, the same as video slide, is not seen in navigation. The


meaning of this slide is especially to show what parallax can do and how it can be used in order to make from a regular image a window with an illusion of depth to a washing room. Furthermore, it also separates two main parts of our website, the “crazy” part about the band and their sensational concerts from the part where people can read about the band, buy their music or just write them a message.

“About” page explains who the band is. If someone is new to the website, they will most likely know who is standing behind this music. It contains a scrollable text about the band and three images for press in a high quality.

People can find here all the songs that have been released by Federal Unicorn. We also implemented a short samples playing on click event so they can listen to their songs before they would buy their album. It is made by 2 functions where the first one changes pause button instead of play button and other way round on click, while the second function enables to play and pause a song.

Example 2 – playing samples of songs 1) First function allows us to change image on click. We used a div with id #toggle on event handler bind () with event type on click and a function that executes each time the event is triggered. Once on click play class is triggered, it changes class to pause and new image shows instead, in our case, pause button.

2) Second function is made for pausing songs on click and is related to our first function. We declared a new variable called myAudio taking a value from ID player. Then, if statement where songs are stopped/paused at the beginning and played again on click.


For contact page we added a “write to us” form where visitors can send us an e-mail by filling in the contact form. It is made by using php Form2Mail. Besides that, we put Facebook social plugin Comments Box that enables user commenting on our site. Comments are easily shared with people who like Federal Unicorn page on Facebook.

Due to the short time we were unable to make this website responsive. Since the layout of this website is made a bit differently, we ran into many issues by trying to use media queries. However, we have made mockups for other viewports and we intend to make it responsive in the future. Parallax scrolling websites tend to be image heavy. We compressed our images as much as we could but it still takes some time to load, especially on low performance PC’s or laptops. This problem leads us to add a loader to our page which will communicate with our visitors providing a small distraction while the page will be loading. We spent a lot of time to accomplish cross-browser compatibility. Our website seems to be now compatible in multiple browsers regardless of browser version. Some problems with positioning still might occur.

Conclusion Our website has everything what users of today will be looking for. It is clear and easy to navigate and its unique design, concept and story created only for the band Federal Unicorn makes the website memorable. Furthermore, Parallax scrolling gives the website an appealing look and feel as well as a pleasure to browse through our content. Nowadays, visual appearance of websites becomes more and more important as users expectations towards the website rise. We wanted to make the difference and get to our users on an emotional level in order to help us stand out from our competitors and that is exactly what this website is doing.


<a class=”button” data-slide=”3” title=””></a> </div> <!--End Slide 2--> <div class=”slide” id=”slide3” data-slide=”3” data-stellar-background-ratio=”0.5”> <img id=”logofu” src=”images/slide3/logo.png” height=”493” width=”56”> <a data-stellar-ratio=”2.5” id=”moreonfb” href=” events/446583108764995/” target=”new”><p>more info on facebook</p></a> <div data-stellar-ratio=”2.5” class=”blackbox1”> <img id=”bigpic” src=”images/slide3/bigpic3.png” width=”240” height=”240”> </div> <div data-stellar-ratio=”2.5” class=”textbox1”> <p>7 june 2013<br>21:30<br>AARHUS<br><span id=”headq”>Headquarters </span></p> </div> <div data-stellar-ratio=”2.5” class=”blackbox2”> </div> <div data-stellar-ratio=”2.5” id=”textbox2”> <p>Been awhile since we jammed that venue! Well, lets fix that shall we. Pure rock’n’roll for y’all - you know the drill.<br>Everybody getting laid is guaranteed. </p></div> <div id=”clickhover4”> <a id=”UpClick3” href=”#” onclick=”click(); return false;”></a></div> <div id=”clickhover5”> <a id=’DownClick3’ href=”#” onclick=”click(); return false;”></a></div> <div data-stellar-ratio=”3.5” id=”scrollbox”> <img id=”pic01” src=”images/slide3/smallpic12.png” width=”190” height=”170”> <img id=”pic02” src=”images/slide3/smallpic2.png” width=”190” height=”170” <div class=”scrolltext”> <p>Backstage<br><span id=”place”>Aarhus<br> 10 june 2013</span></p> <div id=”box02”><p>Fatter Eskil<br><span id=”place”>Aarhus<br> 22 june 2013</span></p></div> </div> </div> <div data-stellar-ratio=”4” id=”goodgirls”><p>when the good girls don’t g school next day</p> </div> <a class=”button” data-slide=”4” title=””></a> </div> div class=”slide” id=”slide4” data-slide=”4” data-stellar-background-ratio=”0.5”> <div class=”centered”> <img src=”images/washroom/cigi.png” width=”25” height=”10” data-stellar-ratio=”0.7” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-55” alt=”cigi”> <img src=”images/washroom/cigi4.png” width=”45” height=”39” data-stellar-ratio=”0.7” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-102” alt=”cigi3”> <img src=”images/washroom/condom3.png” width=”120” height=”103” da ta-stellar-ratio=”0.8” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-53” alt=”condom”> <img src=”images/washroom/kkris2.png” width=”241” height=”517” data-stellar-ratio=”0.6” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-102” alt=”kriss”> <img src=”images/washroom/kuba.png” width=”330” height=”445” data-stellar-ratio=”0.6” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-53” alt=”kuba”> <img src=”images/washroom/robert.png” width=”208” height=”449” data-stellar-ratio=”0.6” data-stellar-vertical-offset=”-25” alt=”robert”> <img src=”images/washroom/bra.png” width=”193”

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At the problem statement we stated that we want to enhance visual identity for the Federal Unicorn. According to this we created website concept which has everything what is needed for strong identity. At website the main attention goes to Parallax Scrolling. Just because of parallax method, we had to design lots of background layers to achieve this spectacular effect.

Idea Development All of the design ideas’ and their development’s precondition is a clear message of our campaign, what reveals from our business strategy and marketing plans. The main point of our campaign is the live entertaining, especially show concerts as service. This has to get the main focus, so the website has to base on this idea, and must be developed according to this.

Structure In order to for consideration, firstly we should build the structure of the website. To get the maximum possible attention of our service, we should place it on the main page as a promotion. After that the obvious next step is to show where the users can reach the service, so it is the events page. We also know the band has tiny reputation up until now, so their introduction has to get big focus as well, but that’s only secondary important, because the users are rather interested in the actual product as it is usually the music but in our innovative case it’s the concert service. We must have a contact page, because the band wants to get invited to music bars and festivals, so approaching to them have to be shown, and also they want to get inputs and feedbacks from the fans. The contact page is always the last after all information. So our priority order of the pages is: -Home page as service promotion -Events -Band introduction -More music -Contact +fixed audio player of the best songs


r Idea concept Our content of the website is built by two big segments. The show promotion and the band introduction. To separate these two parts, we put a backstage picture between them, because it gives the opportunity to show their image, but also makes sense because between the crazy shows and the serious artists the connection is the backstage where they take off their craziness and come back to the real world. In order to reach our main goal, to make the Federal Unicorn as a wellknown band, their website must be spectacular, special and professional. To make it professional, we have to keep in mind the design rules and use good-quality pictures, to make it spectacular we have to choose the colors properly and design the details accurately, and to make it special, we have to make something different, than other bands’ websites. To get the professionally and the spectacularly we can work step by step, but reaching the specialty in the good way is a creative challenge, and we all have delimitations, because our skills are elementary. We found for the best way to use the ‘Parallax scrolling’ style, what means there are no subpages, only one long site, with moving elements by scrolling. That is not a pioneering idea, but with playing with the speeds align can effect an impressive looking.

Mock-ups from the beginning


The structure

Logo Federal Unicorn already has logo for the band previously designed. The band does not want to disclaim it and so we did not designed new logo for them. We took into account their logo when we designed website concept and it adapts with it really well.


Design concept According to the ‘Parallax Scrolling’ style our design requires to use layer based web design. Those layers are moving on top of each other on different speeds and it makes 3d-ish flying effect on the website. To reach this we used containers for different contents. Our two separated segments, the concert promotion and the band introduction has the same layer based design, but contrast-wise they are different. The first part is about concerts, what are usually at night, so for that we are using a dark and bit messy design with giving the feeling of nightlife. For the band introduction part, we are using a more clear and bright design to show their dedication of the music. Between them, the backstage picture is the most creative page, because it shows their image. Because of the different speed of the splitted image and the added pictures, it looks like when the user scrolls, it changes its angle of viewing so it gives surround effect.


Design Style Our webpage’s design style couldn’t be defined as a basic style. In our opinion there is no reason why we need to stick to one particular style. Multiple different styles can merge together perfectly fine, and the parallax technique induces this because with the moving elements we can define our design as a static style. We picked up elements from simplicity, retroism and glossism as well, to get the perfect combination for a punchy Rock n Roll parallax modern style.

Typography Our website content is mainly graphic orientated, for that reason we could easily choose a nice graphic font to use, and in that way the text are part of the graphic elements as well. We chose a free font, called ‘BEBAS’ because this fits with the band’s logo. It is a thick and capital font, so the font colors have the opportunity to contribute to the contrast theory.


FEDERAL UNICORN Color For the color we have a strong concept. We used 3 colors, red, black and yellow. The black and red combination is practically the official colors of rock music, but nowadays in our opinion it is already old-fashioned. So we changed the red to a bit pink-ish red. It’s not that powerful anymore, but it does not have to be, because the Federal Unicorn style is defined as pop-rock indie music, and it perfectly fits with it. We also changed the black to a very dark grey, with losing its power and giving a dirty effect what fits better with the characterism of the band, and also represents the nightlife’s darkness. The yellow color is our ‘light of the darkness’ what makes our nightlife concept stronger. We only used it on the dark pages.





Visualization of message Our campaign slogan ‘Come see the shows’ is the first thing what the user sees on the website. It takes place at the golden rate, it has the size and color contrast as well to get bigger attention and above that there is an energetic picture of the show itself. If the visitor moves forward, the next page is a big video alone about the show.

Navigation Considerations The parallax scrolling technique is all about navigation, when you stay only on one page, and the other pages are below each of them. We have 4 subpages and 2 ‘extra’ pages, what do not show up in the menu bar, because they are just entertaining additions, in which users can run into. The menu bar is fixed in its position, because then the user is not annoyed to scroll somewhere else for navigation.

The gestalt laws From the gestalt laws, we used rule of third on every pages.

Usability design:


Responsive design mock-ups Our website consists of big elements, so it does not require to make several designs for different desktop sizes, even for the tablets horizontal view neither. We only had to deal about the tablet portrait size and the mobile browser design.



Design Concept placement, Visual Identity


Conclusion We achieved the result with the website as we wanted and every design element worked out more successfully as we expected. The design gives for the website professional and spectacular look and we achieved a design that is both usable and visually pleasing.


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Books: 1. Brogan,Ch.2010. Social media 101: tactics and tips to develop your business online. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons 2. Fog, K. and Budtz,Ch. and Munch,P. and Blanchette,S. 2010. Storytelling Branding in practice 2nd edition. Copenhagen : Narayana Press. 3. Osterwalder,A. and Pigneur,Y. 2010. Business model generation. New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons 4. Levinson, J.C. and Levinson J., 2011. Guerilla Marketing remix: the best of guerilla marketing. Irvine: Entrepreuner Press 5. Bradley, F., 2003. Strategic Marketing: in the Customer Driven Organization. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd 6. Mulder, S. and Yaar, Z., 2007. The User is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web. Berkeley: New Riders Pdf: 7. Marketwire, 2012. 7 Steps to a Successful Social Media Strategy . [pdf]Canada. Available at: http:// Social_Media_Strategy/Website_WhitePaper_7StepsToSuccessfulSMStrategy.pdf: [2013 May 8th]. Websites: 8. Social Media Examiner. 2010. 5 Easy Steps to a Winning Social Media Plan[Online] Available at: [Assessed 11th of May 2013] 9. YouTube. Statistics [online] available at: [Assessed 10th of May 2013] 10. Mark Dalgleish. Parallax has never been easier. [Online] Available at: projects/stellar.js/ 11. Mind Tools Ltd. 1996-2013. The TOWS Matrix. Developing Strategic Options From an External-Internal Analysis. [Online] Available at: [Assessed 4th of May 2013] 12. The Website Design Studio, 2013. Target audience for a musician’s website. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 May 2013] 13. Mind Tools, 2013. The Marketing Mix and 4P’s. Understanding How to Position Your Market offering.[online] Available at:<> [Accessed 13 May 2013] 14. Alt Om Herning, 2012. Federal Unicorn. [online] Availabe at:<> [Accessed 29 April 2013]


Images: 15. Italian guy[electronic print] Available at: [Accessed 12th of May 2013] 16. Danish Girl.[electronic print] Available at: < php?51755-Tronder-Examples/page3> [Accessed 1 May 2013] 17. Blonde smiling guy with black shirt.[electronic print] Available at:< wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Blonde-Smiling-Guy-blackshirt.jpg> [Accessed 1 May] Blogs: 18. Chris Evans, 2012. Target Audience Research. As Media – Chris Evans, [blog]. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 May 2013] 19. Millie Martin, 2013. Target Audience Profile. Millie Martin | AS Media Coursework, [blog]. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 May 2013] 20. Mitelberg, Julien., 2013. Push, Don’t Shove – Music Marketing That actually works. Huffingtonpost. com The Blog, [blog] 25 January. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 May 2013]


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Personas Alberto – always up to date

Personal profile: Alberto is ambitious guy. He came to Denmark because he wanted to start his studies, to meet new people, to see new places and to find his life passion. He found lots of friends from different countries in here because on his free time he is always participating in all kind of events. This weekend he is also going to bar called “Train” because there will be a live show concert and he cannot wait to see new band’s performance. Personal information: Occupation: student in Aarhus TECH, studying auto technology Location: Aarhus, Denmark, but was born in Spain, Malaga Age: 20 Home life: He lives with two roommates in three rooms’ apartment in city center. Alberto has older sister who works in restaurant in Aarhus as a waitress. Other family members are in Spain.

Hobbies: He loves football. Every weekend he is playing football with his friends from school and during work days he is trying to keep fit by taking some exercises. Also, he likes to be up-to-date so he is always reading news website and checking his accounts like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. He likes different kind of music and always appreciates music which is created by musicians. Good performance is the main priority for him. Personality: Alberto is outgoing, ambitious, energetic and open-minded person. He is always surrounded by good friends and new people whom he meets in public places. Internet Usage: Internet experience: more than 10 years. Primary usage: Social media, news websites and music channels. Hours online per week: 35 hours Users goal: To find information about events in Aarhus for students To find new releases music because he wants to be up-to-date To share his opinion about new websites in social media User scenario: One Thursday evening Alberto was looking for new music because he wanted to relax after hard day. First of all, he started to look new songs on YouTube and he found a new song called “Eline”. He started to listen to new song and he really liked it after that he did not noticed how he started to look other songs from the same band repertoire. He found much more songs and he enjoyed his evening by listening Federal Unicorn songs.


Kasper – Hipster guy

Most of the time he spends at watching TV or hanging out with friends at City Center. He likes Indie music really much, so he formed band with his mates. Personality: Kasper is friendly, out-going, wise and cheery guy. Internet Usage: Internet experience: more than 8 years Primary uses: social networking, email, news and articles Hours online per week: 28 Users goal: To be entertained and informed To learn about new cool places, events and bands To connect with new people Recommend the site to the others

Personal profile: Kasper is out-going, clever guy who is always curious and wants to go out to new hip places. He likes videogames, movies, books and hanging out with friends. He likes to visit music festival and concerts. He is also playing in new up-coming band. Personal information: Occupation: student at Business Academy Aarhus at 2nd semester Location: Viby, Aarhus Age: 19 Home life: he lives alone in student housing at Viby district. He visists regularly his parents and younger brother, who lives in Odder. Hobbies: He likes playing computer games especially online interactive games - Counter Strike is his favourite.


Kasper was just strolling around at the Facebook, when he saw that one of his friends shared Federal Unicorn event. He opened the event link, and saw that they are going to have free concert soon at Aarhus. Kasper did not know the band at all but he liked the idea that he can visit their concert free, cause they are upcoming band. He wanted to know more information about the band, if it is worth to seeing it, so he started looking for more information. Firstly, of course he found the Facebook fanpage, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to find their website. When he found it, he realized how cool and professional is their website and he got more interested in the band and going to their concert. He was so impressed by it, that he had changed his mind from upcoming-band to must-see band. He liked the first impression, seeing that the band of their concert video there, and he thought that it looked cool and he would really like to visit their concerts more.

Signe - Explorer

photography and taking pictures at the events/liveshows. She likes to go out every weekend to discover new places and new bands. Personality: Signe is wise, friendly, curious and open to every opportunity. Internet Usage: Internet experience: more than 10 years Primary uses: social networking, email, searching information, shopping Hours online per week: 21 Users goal: To be entertained and informed To learn about new hip places, events and bands Subscribe to interesting services Register to email alerts and newsletters Recommend the site to the others

Personal profile: Signe is a smart and open-minded girl, who takes new challenges every day and does not hesitate to do nothing. She likes photography a lot, fashion and rock music. She likes travelling and discovering new places for her. She has lots of friends to go out with. Personal information: Occupation: student at Aarhus University 5th semester Location: Risskov, Aarhus Age: 23 Home life: she is sharing a small apartment with her best friend at Risskov. She likes to live there because the sea is close to her.. Hobbies: she started studying how to play guitar and she is rehearsing it everyday. Also she likes

Signe had whole weekend off and she was searching something fun to do at Friday night. She had heard from her friends that they are going to Federal Unicorn concert. She wanted to join with them also but first of all she wanted to make sure, that she likes the band and would like also the music they play. First her friend gave her Federal Unicorn Facebook website. She was scrolling around and she could find pictures of the band and just some information. But she was still curious, what kind of music they play and what kind of band they are. So she wrote to google search engine: Federal Unicorn. She found that band has soundcloud webpage and she listened their music from there. Signe really liked their sound and she thought it could be fun to go this rock concert and party with her friends. She scrolled more and found at the soundcloud that the band has their own website. When she opened the site the first thing she saw was video. It was crazy wild rock band party with youngsters screaming and partying and band members doing crazy things






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