Google's settlement with the publishing industry

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Google’s Settlement with Google’ the Publishing Industry: Opportunities and Strategies for Publishers Bill Rosenblatt GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies i tt t 212 956 1045 © 2009

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Google Book Search ! Introduced (as Google Print) in October 2004 ! Scanning and indexing millions of books for search andd discovery di online li – About 20 libraries, mostly university, scanning from their collections

! Google Google’’s use of content – Display snippets in search results – Link to places to purchase – Public domain books: download PDF © 2009

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The Lawsuit ! Suits filed by Authors Guild and AAP in SeptSept-Oct 2005 ! Allegations of copyright infringement – Scanning S i andd copying i without ith t authorization th i ti – “Free riding” riding” on content by monetizing traffic

! Claims Cl i off FFair i U Use – Key principles: nature of use, effect of use on market value for work

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The Settlement ! Agreement reached in October 2008 – 141 page main document – Plus 13 Attachments

! Trial judge gave preliminary approval ! Final Fi l approvall sett for f June J 2009 or later l t

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The Settlement ! Google pays ~$30 Million to establish Book Rights Registry ! Google G l andd publishers bli h participate ti i t in i initial i iti l sett off business models ! List of potential future business models

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Book Rights Registry ! Online database of books and information about their ownership – Like a rights collecting society for book content

! Ability to process royalty payments from online content sales and send them to proper party ! Independent – Not N t just j t for f Google G l – Any service provider can use the service

! Google G l pays >$30 $30 Million Milli to t establish t bli h BRR © 2009

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Settlement Architecture Content Publishers Publishers


Metadata, Rights, Payments

Metadata & Rights g Payments

Book Rights Registry

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Content Libraries Libraries


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Settlement Architecture Content

Publishers Publishers


Metadata M t d t & Rights Payments


Metadata, Rights, Payments

Book Rights g Registry

Payments Metadata & Rights

Service Providers Š 2009

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Libraries Libraries


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Settlement Business Models ! Sales of online books – Like Amazon Pages, online viewer – Restrictions on copy & paste, paste print – Free previews depending on type of book – Google gets 30% revenue

! Contextual ad sales – Publishers gget 30% of revenue

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Future Business Models ! Print on demand ! PDF downloads ! Custom Publishing ! Consumer subscriptions p ! Summaries, abstracts, and compilations

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Future Business Models P Page Image I ! Print on demand ! PDF downloads ! Custom Publishing ! Consumer subscriptions p ! Summaries, abstracts, and compilations

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Future Business Models N -Page NonNon P Image I ! Print on demand ! PDF downloads ! Custom Publishing ! Consumer subscriptions p ! Summaries, abstracts, and compilations

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Custom Publishing ! Combining chapters/modules of content into single volumes ! Markets: M k t – Higher education e.g. McGrawMcGraw-Hill Primis – Professional e.g. eg O O’’Reilly/Pearson Safari

! Next challenge: combine content from multiple publishersh bli h h

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Subscription Services ! Analogous to music services like Rhapsody and Napster, cable TV SVOD ! Existing E i ti subscription b i ti services i charge h per document, d t search, etc. – Factiva, LexisLexis-Nexis, Dialog ! Rightsholder compensation gets tricky for book content

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Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) ! Huge legacy of A&I services in many fields ! Customized A&I services can save effort with uniform online li access tto content t t andd rights i ht info i f

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Publishers Must Be Ready C Common Themes Th ! Logical Structure ! Metadata ! Rights ! XML Content Architecture

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Logical Structure ! Repurposability of content at desired level of detail ! Sequencing information ! Conversion of legacy layoutlayout-driven content to XML ! Conversion of editorial pprocesses to XMLXML-first

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Metadata ! Adoption of basic metadata in BRR – Dublin Core – bibliographic – ONIX – supply chain

! Other service providers – specialized metadata

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Rights ! Initial business models: implied rights – E.g. copy/paste up to 4 pages – Print up to 20 pages at a time – Free previews according to content type

! Future business models: track rights explicitly – Opt in vs. opt out – E.g. g right g to use content in compilations p – Simple now, extensibility later

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Unlock Content™

John Kreisa Director of Industry Solutions See us at booth #13

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Preparing for The Google Settlement Create a digital strategy for metadata, rights and content XML can be used to store, search and deliver each Establish a long term content architecture Create an XML based centralized digital g content repository p y Adopt and leverage XML in production and delivery processes Prepare to go below the page for new business models Organize for experimentation with new products Small flexible teams Tolerance for (fast) failure Prepare to interface with Google and other service providers Decide on strategy for exposing content to Google Consider options p with other p providers

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Digital Asset Distribution in Practice

Admin interface (search, load, etc.)

IP Mgmt Search, Get Catalog, Get TOC, Look Inside Book, etc.

Loader Web services DAM

Other partners

Digital Asset Delivery/Syndication

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Search Across Transcribed Video and Metadata Search through transcripts, analyze and understand word usage

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Elsevier: ImagingCONSULT A role and task aware application li ti using i XQ XQuery Utilize structure to provide granular access to i f information ti Provides an integrated content environment Results – physicians work more quickly and with greater assurance App pp facilitates ac tates a and d gu guides des diagnostic d ag ost c process p ocess Greater satisfaction with diagnosis due to improved ability to compare procedures Spend less time looking and more time understanding and healing Copyright Š 2009 Mark Logic Corporation Confidential and Proprietary, Internal Use Only

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Role Aware Application: ImagingCONSULT Rich navigation and task oriented display leverage tagged information

Detailed diagnostics

Guided navigation Summary info Copyright Š 2009 Mark Logic Corporation Confidential and Proprietary, Internal Use Only

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McGraw-Hill Education – DAL Key component of a broader enterprise content management program; tightly integrated with ECM solution Strategic, open, and scalable environment for managing, managing sharing, sharing and processing digital assets and content archivists editors Designed to help archivists, editors, and authors find previously published content in full electronic workflow Reduces content acquisition and creation costs. Helps bring new products to market faster.

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Digital Assets – Search & Reuse


ECM system

New Products

McGraw-Hill Education Digital Asset Library Designed to help archivists, editors, and authors find previously published content, the MGH Digital Asset Library is a powerful search and content discovery tool. This lib library will ill reduce d content t t acquisition i iti and d creation ti costs t and d help h l bring b i new products d t to market faster. Copyright Š 2009 Mark Logic Corporation Confidential and Proprietary, Internal Use Only

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Actionable Insight and Collaboration Business Exchange g Monitor favorite topics and contributors, see related items

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MarkLogic Server: Cornerstone of an All XML Architecture Print on Demand

Editorial Staff Content delivery

Content creation CMS

C Custom Publishing Customers DAD


Syndication Partners Vertical Content Delivery


Content Assembly

Web delivery Content applications

Content assembly and enrichment

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Architecture for Exploiting the Google Book Settlement Content

Publisher (You)


Metadata & Rights Metadata & Rights & Payments Payments

Libraries Libraries Books Rights Registry

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Selected Mark Logic Customers B2B Magazine

B2C Magazine


Fi Financial/CCF i l/CCF

Legal Tax Regulatory



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Unlock Content™

Thank You Stop p byy booth #13 for a chance to win a Nintendo Wii!

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