Portfolio Architecture

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four works

architectural portfolio

jonas urbasik

CV Jonas Urbasik jonas.urbasik@gmx.de +49 176 32 67 32 50

personal data


born on 27th of june 1992 in Fürth resident in Nuremberg

German native language English advanced French basics



Hardenberg Gymnasium Fürth Abitur 2011 internship at joinery Keppner, Fürth since 2011 Handball HC Erlangen, second german league until 2012 internship at Fischer Z Architekten, Munich Sept 2014 internship at Blocher Blocher Partners, Stuttgart Oct 2014 to Mar 2015 tutor at TH Nuremberg department Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch Mar 2015 to July 2015 Bachelor studies in architecture, Technische Hochschule, Nuremberg Oct 2011 to July 2015 Internship at Tochtermann-Wuendrich Architekten, Munich Oct 2015 to Mar 2016

Vektorworks Nemetschek Allplan Archicad Rhinoceros 3D Vray Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Google Sketchup Microsoft Office awards nominated for the 1st price of the BDA, young acadamics 2016 „Die Unterölsbacher-Wunde“


Unterรถlsbacher Wunde Bachelor Thesis 7th semester Schwieriges Erbe The buildings of National Socialism then and now exhibition 7th semester Art- and Culturebunker Desing and Planing in an existing context 6th semester Living in the City Urban Design 5th semester

„Die Unterölsbacher Wunde“ Bachelor Thesis 7th semester Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch Prof. Dr. Roland Krippner

The „Ludwig Kanal“, now seen as a classic biotope and old industrial monument with its towpath and the many here intersecting trails. It is both for cyclists and for hikers, walkers and joggers an atractive place to enjoy. Nature and culture together, form landscape. The ideal location for a hotel in the countryside. The topography of the landscape determines the shape of the building. The hotel is located on the hillside, forms a unity with the landscape and

is part of its direct natural environmental. The structure is characterized by an elongated shape which continues with the natural height profile. The outdoor spaces of the terraces connect to the interiors. The terraces rhythm the construction as well as the landscape. The interior is in the security of the building, the exterior space offers the opportunity to relax and to look into the green enviroment. The rooms are entered from a corridor which is located along the slope. By entering

the room after the dark corridor, it opens a great panorama towards the „Ludwig Kanal“.

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5 13 5 23 5

Schwieriges Erbe The buildings of National Socialism then and now exhibition 7th semester Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch

How should we deal with the architectural relics, which remind us of Germany‘s worst past today ? What purpose do they fulfill today? especially in Nuremberg, as the „City of the Party Rallies“ and place of the International war crimes trials, grows a special responsibility for the city and its citizens. A final confrontation with the buildings of National Socialism does not exist, but every generation has to re-explain them. Through our own research, documentation and models, 76 students of

the 5th semester Bachelor approach to study of architecture at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg these issues and develop a critical analysis of construction and use its own position within this discourse. The comparative analysis of Nazi buildings in Nuremberg, Munich, Dachau and Weimar shows monumental legacies next profane, warehouse and residential buildings of this time and this exposes the contradiction of representation raised urge and a „pro- german“ local ties.

My task was to make an exhibition concept for the models and the posters of the buildings. Also i did the communication design like layouting the panels and designing the poster for the exhibition.

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Fakultät Architektur Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch

SCHWIERIGES ERBE Die Bauten des Nationalsozialismus damals und heute

Eine Kooperation des Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände Nürnberg und der Studierenden der Fakultät Architektur Vernissage am 30. Juni 2015, 18.30 Uhr Gastvorträge DI Dr. techn. Inge Manka, Institut für Kunst und Gestaltung, TU Wien Daniel F. Ulrich, Planungs- und Baureferent der Stadt Nürnberg Prof. Dr. Phil. Susanne Weissman, Vizepräsidentin TH Nürnberg

Ausstellung 01. - 12. Juli 2015 Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände, Kleine Säulenhalle - Eintritt frei Bayernstraße 110, 90478 Nürnberg

Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen

Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Fakultät Architektur Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch BA 5. Semester WiSem 2014/2015

Theorie der Architektur und Entwerfen

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Fakultät Architektur Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch BA 5. Semester WiSem 2014/2015

Schnitt vor 1945 M 1-1000

Schnitt vor 1945 M 1-1000


Atelier Thorak

Die Kongresshalle am ehemaligen Reichsparteitagsgelände

Depot der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung

besteht aus einem hufeisenförmigen Rundbau, der mit zwei

Ansicht Süd vor 1945 M 1-250

Das in Baldham bei München gelegene Staatsatelier für den

Kopfbauten im Osten abschließt. Vorbild war das Kolosseum in

Bildhauer Josef Thorak entstand auf ausdrücklichen Befehl

Rom. Der Monumentalbau ist 70 Meter hoch, 270 Meter lang

Adolf Hitlers. Thorak gilt neben Arno Breker als wichtigster

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und 226 Meter breit. Als Materialien für die Fassade wurden

Bildhauer des “Dritten Reiches”. Das Atelier-Gebäude liegt in ei-

Granitplatten gewählt. Baubeginn war 1935, bei Kriegsbeginn

nem groß angelegten Naturpark. Ein zentral platzierter, monu-

Schnitt vor 1945 M 1-1000

wurden die Arbeiten jedoch abgebrochen. Lediglich der Er-

mentaler Mittelteil mit einer Höhe von 20 m und einer Grund-

schließungskern wurde fertig gestellt. Der komplette Innenaus-

fläche von 700 qm bildet die eigentliche Werkstatt. Diese wird

bau, die oberste Etage, sowie das frei spannende Dach und die

von dreiseitig umlaufenden niedrigen Flügelbauten eingefasst.

Eingangshalle wurden nie realisiert. Der unvollendete Bau ist

Die einzigen Wandöffnungen bilden die fast 12 Meter hohen

eines der größten erhaltenen NS-Bauwerke.

Tore an der Frontseite. Die Fassaden sind schlicht und erinnern

Seit Kriegsende wurde immer wieder über verschiedene Um-

Ansicht West vor 1945 M 1-250

an einen antiken Bau. Die Symmetrie und der goldene Schnitt

nutzungen diskutiert, auch der Abriss des Bauwerks ist in Er-

unterstützen die Monumentalität. Das massive Mauerwerk ist

wägung gezogen worden. Im südlichen Kopfbau der ehemaligen

verputzt und mit Travertin verblendet. Das Gesims und die Fen-

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Kongresshalle befinden sich heute der “Serenadenhof ” sowie

sterrahmen sind aus gebeiztem Holz.

Räumlichkeiten für die Proben und Aufführungen der Nürn-

Bis 1945 diente das Gebäude als Atelier, Werkstatt und Wohn-

Ansicht vor 1945 M 1-1000

berger Symphoniker. Im Nordflügel wurde 2001 das Dokumen-

halle. Danach wurde es zunächst für militärische Zwecke ge-

tationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände nach dem Entwurf von

nutzt, später waren eine Waldschule und ein Kulissenlager der

Günther Domenig errichtet, das sich wie ein stählerner Pfahl

Bayerischen Staatsoper untergebracht. 1989 übernahm das

durch den Kopfbau bohrt. Es symbolisiert eine offensive Aus-

Bayerische Landesamt für Denkmalpflege das Gebäude als

einandersetzung mit der nationalsozialistischen Bausubstanz.

Depot. Heute dient es der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung als

Ansicht Nord vor 1945 M 1-250

Lager. Der Atelierbau steht unter Denkmalschutz und ist nicht öffentlich zugänglich.

Architekt Franz und Ludwig Ruff

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Albert Speer

Nürnberg, Bayernstraße 110





München, Fichtenstraße 14

1935 - 1940




Nutzung vor 1945


geplant für Parteitage



Nutzung vor 1945

Nutzung nach 1945

Atelier, Werkstätte und Wohnhalle


Ansicht Ost vor 1945 M 1-250

________________________________________________ Nutzung von 1945 bis 1989

Serenadenhof Dokumentationszentrum

militärische Zwecke, Waldschule, Kulissenlager Grundriss vor 1945 M 1-1000


Längsschnitt vor 1945 M 1-250



Nutzung heute

170.000 m2

Depot der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung München





1.719.548 m3

1990 m2





49.600 m2

24 825 m3




Atelier Thorak | Depot der Prähistorischen Staatssammlung München


Grundriss heute M 1-1000


38 000 m3




Baumaterial Ziegelstein, Travertin, Glas, Stahl

Grundriss vor 1945 M 1-250

Schnitt heute M 1-1000



Grundriss EG M 1:500

Foto Kongresshalle am Dutzendteich vor 1945

150624_LayoutPlakateAusstellung_ju.indd 1

Foto Eingang Dokuzentrum heute

Foto Atelier Thorak vor 1945

24.06.15 14:37

150624_LayoutPlakateAusstellung_ju.indd 7

Foto Atelier Thorak heute

24.06.15 14:37

Art- and Culturebunker Desing and Planing in an existing context 6th semester Teamwork with Patrick Kurzendorfer Prof. Nadja Letzel

The bunker in Munich Hotterstrasse has no use since the end of the Second World War. As the light of the rising prominence of the quarter of its surroundings, this legacy should get a suitable new use. The inventory is, to be preserved and thereby be extended by a structure. The intention of The Art and Culturebunker is to create a meeting point and workplace for artists and art lovers to connect the community living, working and exhibiting on three levels. As in a hostel , creatives

can rent a bed and/or a studio in the bunker. On top of the inventory, a gallery extends over four floors, with an exhibition area, a cafe and a shop. The spacious atrium, which also leads to the entrance area in the basement, offers space for concerts and other events and is like the „Langhausplatz“ in Innsbruck, seen as a part of public space. A narrow staircase leads to the entrance of the living and working quarters.

Living in the City Urban Design 5th semester Prof. Ingrid Burgstaller

The metropolitan area of ​​St. Leonhard in Nuremberg is characterized by an industrial appearance. Car Dealers, social housing and less green surfaces prevent an upsurge of this territory. The primary concern in the design was to create a new situation that is appealing to all social classes. The urban character was created by pressing and moving the original figure. The main aspect was to connect the public and private space in a sensitive wa. By terracing each building towards

the southern direction there will be a better exposure for the individual units. By lifting up the row development, it allows a direct passage between the main road and the urban passage. The „urban cores“, on which social services, shops and restaurants got their place, is in contrast to the semi-private neighborhood square and the playground. The courtyard will serve as the balancing part of each apartment block. The maisonette apartments are accessed through a portico,

which is accessed directly from the passage through a massive concrete stairs.

Munich, 25th of january, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

I will do the TOEFL test in march 2016. How can I deliver the results? Yours faithfully,

Jonas Urbasik

Munich, 25th of january, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

In the end of summer 2015 I have made a Scandinavia trip together with a friend. We did almost 4 weeks backpacking in the most diverse regions in Denmark and southern Sweden, and could get an idea of the diversity of these countries. One stop of our trip was Aarhus. A friend who is currently studying at the master‘s program at the Aarhus School of Architecture, showed us the city and her new university. This is where the inspiration started to study in Aarhus. The aspect that really fascinated myself and which is also the reason for applying at the school, is the variety of ways that are given by the different studios. I think it is very exciting to have a pure architectural school as the location of future creation. I was very inspired by the workshops of the school. As you offer so many opportunities to edit nearly any material like metal, wood, concrete or gypsum it shows myself that the schools educational concept is exactly what I had imagined. The fact to use a variety of innovative devices, from 3D printer on CNC milling machine to the well equipped working spaces makes me very curious. I am sure that all these characteristics of the schools master program are unique and matchless and also the reason for the good reputation of the school. The possibilities how to study in Aarhus really match my expectations. Not least the well-stocked library and the cafeteria with delicious food, completed my idea of a perfect place to study. The studio that interested me most, was the studio MAD. Thinking and working in small scales puts me on one hand in front of a new situation, but on the other hand it is a rather exciting task i would like to challenge. I could already gain experience in a joinery, where i discovered my passion for wood. Therefore I see studio MAD as a perfect combination of thinking and practice-oriented development of projects which are not typical expected for architecture. Studio Digital Transformation provides for me the ability to appropriate new design methodes to myself. I am convinced that a bride range of design opportunities are important to get a full image of how to design a project. Also for learning new design options, this studio would offer pretty good. I would describe myself as a very positive person who always tries to question his own acting and thinking. Through various experiences in architectural offices, or while traveling, I learned to open myself up for new situations. Changes have been challenging but also have always had a positive impact on my life. For this reason im looking forward to get new challenges where i can meet interesting people and to use the possibility to have an exciting time in a foreign country. Therefore, I burn for a master study in Aarhus Yours faithfully,

Jonas Urbasik

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