LAND 6225
puhinui: a nuanced transition
a vision which encompasses perception and perspective through a sociological structure to influence the ecological predominance and design on the northern puhunui precinct.
by jonathan cristal
Located on Aucklands south eastern fringe the site chosen for this studio project is the Puhinui area, a rural character based on the edge of Auckland cities boundary. Puhinui is bordered by the northern crater above, Auckland airport to its west, State Highway 20 through the eastern fringe and a compelling lip to its southern end. Puhinui stretch is valued to be an attractive site development, hindered only by the noisy movement of airplane, jets and fuel pollution above. Following the previous project assignment (see publication Project Puhinui), we as a group agreed to develop on a 64ha section on Puhinuis northern precinct individually for project two and continue with the previous project mitigation theme with a desired individual progression that would help influence and differentiate our design aspects, goals and urban layout for this assignment. My mitigation and use of mitigation theme would help influence the use of zoning for the northern precinct, in more detail public space and public transport. - “A city is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims.� Leon Krier.
Contents preface
project two assignment
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
site analysis
site contour
landcover database
existing infrastructure airport decibels slopes aspects
flow direction viewsheds
ecological values
building footprints residential
building footprints economical masterplan
development analysis stormwater drainage public space
public network
a nuanced transition poster layout
26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
SITE ANALYSIScontext Puhinuis northern precinct is a chosen 64ha block which has a direct connection to the Auckland airport sector on its western edge and southern Auckland region through its eastern front. State Highway 20B runs through the southern face of the site to provide a prompt access and circulative connection within its wider context. We thought to choose this as our site location as it provided a variety of mix zone usage on our previous group project and interesting site development along its intriguing and direct connection to the airport and State Highway 20B. This connection provided influence to Puhinuis subtle but distinct shift:
a nuanced transition.
all maps scaled @ A3
Legend Legend site bound proj2site_bound
VALUE Not V isible
com m ercial
v i s_com m 1 5 !
< all other v alues>
road_h i gh w
proj2_nz roads 0
N am e_20 0 8
H ig h P roducing Ex otic G rassla
< all other v alues>
V isible
proj2_arche_m arculher
proj2_building site
KM 0
Short-rotation C ropland
proj2_l cdb
proj2_airportlig ht
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
proj2_ai rportD B
1 KM
site contour
The chosen 64ha square for design development shows a gradual incline towards the seabeds but is consistently a flat looking site. The rise in contours level from sea level up to approximately 17m high. Analysis from this contour plan shows that there maybe quite a sufficient amount of land to be developed on.
landcover database
The landcover of the 64ha precinct shows that there is a substantial level of rich land within the project 1 based residential zones. it also shows short rotational cropland suitable for commercial and agricultural zoning as laid out on the project 1 concept masterplan.
Legend proj2site_bound
proj2_ai rportD B
Not V isible
com m ercial
v i s_com m 1 5 !
< all other v alues>
D B 0
< all other v alues>
V isible
proj2_arche_m arculher
high producing cropland
H ig h
short-rotation cropland 20B
proj2_building site
proj2_l cdb
proj2_airportlig ht
KM 0
Legend N am e_20
road_h i gh w
proj2_nz roads
1 KM
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
road_h Legendi gh w
N am e_20 0 8
main roads
H ig h P roducing Ex otic G rassland
20B state highway 20b
Short-rotation C ropland
proj2_building existing buildingssite
proj2_l cdb
1 KM
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
existing infrastructure
Existing infrastructural buildings will be removed as to the original precinct concept of project 1 masterplan. A proposed State Highway 20B upgrade with extra lanes is shown on the yellow and will be used as the artery connection between Manukau and Auckland Airport as well as to connect to this chosen site development. The current road that runs through the site precinct (Campana Road) will remain as a main route connection to State Highway 20B as a transport link to and from this artery.
airport decibels
Airport constraints was a major influence to our project 1 concept masterplan. This defined each personal zone and density for our chosen area, a few modifications will maybe be taken into consideration, although a majority of the site zoning will be left as is in influence to our original masterplan analysis.
proj2_ai rportD B
v i s_com m 1 5
0-60 DB
60-65 DB
V isible proj2_arche_m arculher !
< all other v alues> Legend 0
Not V isible
com m ercial
proj2_airportlig ht
KM 0
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
0-8 Legend deg - 15 8 0-15 .000000001
15-50 deg - 50.571064 15.00000001
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
5.000000001 - 6
10.00000001 - 11
15.00000001 - 16
1.2058 69794 - 2
6.000000001 - 7
11.00000001 - 12
16.00000001 - 17
2.000000001 - 3
7.000000001 - 8
12.00000001 - 13
3.000000001 - 4
8 .000000001 - 9
13.00000001 - 14
4.000000001 - 5
9.000000001 - 10
14.00000001 - 15
1 KM
It is explored through this analysis map that the majority level of the chosen precinct is developed on flat land. Considered as a constraint this map dictates that any hills with a slope over 15 degrees is considered too impractical to develop on and thus will be constrained.
A strong influence to our original concept masterplan the site area of this precinct, contour level and slope analysis consideration dictate that this analysis is too detailed to take into account or consideration. Although a few designed aspects will still be analyzed, it is important to keep an allure to the original masterplan concept.
non-alluring aspects
alluring aspects
combined aspects
Legend proj2site_bound
<VALUE> Flat (-1)
East (67.5-112.5)
Southeast (112.5-157.5) non-alluring aspects
North (0-22.5)
Legend <VALUE>
proj_f l ow a
Legend proj2_sitecontour
proj_f l ow a
<VALUE> Flat
Southwest (202.5-247.5) north facing L owaspects
northeast facing H ig haspects
South (157.5-202.5) alluring aspects
proj_f l ow a
Northeast (22.5-67.5)
east facing aspects <VALUE>proj2_aspect
southeast Flat (-1) facing aspects
L ow
facing aspects Northsouth (0-22.5)
H ig h
Northeast (22.5-67.5) southwest facing aspects
East (67.5-112.5) west facing aspects
Flat (-1)
northwest facing aspects Southeast (112.5-157.5)
L ow
North (0-22.5)
South (157.5-202.5)
H ig h
Northeast (22.5-67.5) KM 0
0.125 0.25 Southwest (202.5-247.5) proj2_sl
1:5,000 proj2_aspect
1:5,000 1:5,000 KM 0
KM 0
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
Legend L low ow flow H high ig h flow
East (67.5-112.5)
West (247.5-292.5)
Flat (-1)
Southeast (112.5-157.5)
Northwest (292.5-337.5)
North (0-22.5)
South (157.5-202.5)
North (337.5-360)
Northeast (22.5-67.5)
Southwest (202.5-247.5)
proj2_sl ope
all maps 1:5000 @ A3
5.000000001 - 6
10.00000001 - 11
1.2058 69794 - 2
6.000000001 - 7
11.00000001 - 12
8 .000000001 - 15
2.000000001 - 3
7.000000001 - 8
12.00000001 - 13
15.00000001 - 50.571064
3.000000001 - 4
8 .000000001 - 9
13.00000001 - 14
4.000000001 - 5
9.000000001 - 10
14.00000001 - 15
KM 0
1 KM
flow direction
Water flow analysis show that there is not too much or very little water flow coming from a majority of the area of the chosen precinct. Where there is shown to be any water flow has a vastly characterized carving of flat land onto the water flow. Considered to be ecological these areas will most likely be constrained and re-vegetated, a sort of connection would be ideal to considered to celebrate these characterized carvings.
Viewsheds are an important influence for this current project analysis theme. If zoning is a vital influence to the design layout of this project it is therefore, an important aspect to analyze the current landforms and viewable sight paths of considered zoned density areas. Perception is an important aspect to analyze for the presentation of an urban format, it is with important caution to analyze which and what zones could see each other and as well what each specific zone and areas could see.
Legend proj2site_bound Legend VALUE
comnon-visible m ercialland
Legend Not V
v i s_com m visible 1 5 land
proj2 V isib
point of visibility
com proj2m
proj2 v i s_com !
1:5,000 1:5 commercial
low residential
existing roads
medium residential
ÂŻÂŻ all maps 1:5000 @ A3
How could the influence of sociology create design implementations on an urban scale
DEVELOPMENT vision An ideal layout to consider zoning connectivity would be practical for the format of my chosen theme. Public space and public connectivity are my main design themes, it would seem ideal to develop a precinct where connection too and from a space would not seem impractical to walk. Thus said, it should be designed to a rational and logical format the design does not seem too superficial and cosmetic from any current landform data and theoretical urban design based planning.
re-vegetated land
park estates
stormwater services
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
ecological values
Ecological values were the most important design aspect to consider in the format of this design. As place that is not sustainable with itself would ideally be impractical to live in. The re-buffering of areas and using viewsheds as a connectivity tool to influence the growth of vegetation was considered for placing constrained re-vegetated land. Next, using the aspects land map and consistent aggregation of flat land influenced the design layout of park estates, this also brought connectivity and linear parkways that would help influence and celebrate vegetated land by public users as accessibility would seem ideally not too far from space to space. Storm water services was a factor to be considered either before or after influence of built infrastructure, ideally with park estates so close to one another, stormwater connectivity through built infrastructure would seem a practical layout for controlling stormwater drainage. These stormwater drains would run in conjunction with road networks to drain away impervious surfaces before hitting onto parkland and cleaned through stormwater retentions found on the park estates.
building footprints
Residential housing and density was in influence through our original mapping density layout of project 1 masterplan. The plan consisted that low residential housing would be placed on the lowest of ideal contour levels for residential housing, medium density housing on medium leveled contours and high mixed use density placed on the highest ideal contour levels. This was all in influence to subtract sound pollution as low as possible within the entire Puhinui site precinct to make for a more attractable land valuation to residential housing. In consideration to project 2 the influenced layout of my residential housing was through the use of public spaces and intimate communal spaces, ideally each density housing would be in relative visual connection to and from another type of its own leveled density. This theory brings a connective and communal influence with its surroundings and would encourage a more public friendly space within the chosen northern precinct of Puhinui.
mediumlow residential
mediumhigh residential
highmixeduse residential
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
all residential
public transport
all infrastructure
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
building footprints economical
The considered layout for public and private infrastructure was in an opposite influence from the opposite direct two values previously mentioned. Commercial planning was situated in ideal locations that would be in relative or near connection to public transport, this would enhance and encourage the use of public transport for communal traveler. A relocated commercial zone is placed to the northern part of the north precinct of Puhinui this would ideally encourage close by residential housings to use and activate the commercial space as it is not a too far accessibility for northern residential zones. Impervious surfaces were laid out in distinct format to discourage residential users to use private vehicles if accessing a nearby area. Impervious surfaces are detailed to be long and narrow away from main routes to support this theory. Layout of infrastructure was to be limited and ideally for public transport use 3 main strips run through the precinct in a gridded format to provide a easy to use and sufficient public transport route connectivity. A major rail line is also proposed in the Auckland plan that would bring this precinct in connection to its wider connections.
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
The overall layout shows how all values stated above would work together withing the chosen 64ha precinct area. An approximate 3,000-4,000 inhabitants would occupy this space and use it as their homes. With the sufficient amount of connectivity public space and commercial activity near the area and its wider extent (Auckland Airport and Manukau) the relative amount would deem approximately sufficient for the south eastern precinct of Auckland city. Stormwater retention would be able to hold and accumulate an approximate 7,000 cubic meters of water, approximately double is sufficed size. Less roads with sufficient accessible walkable paths would ideally encourage locals to celebrate and move about the local vicinity with out the need of private transport. Sufficient connectivity to transport hubs and a major rail line in too entice an encouragement connection through the Puhinui precinct would to connect locals to their wider extent without the reliance of private transport.
stormwater drainage
Stormwater mitigation was a major criteria for this brief assignment. Without the suffice of a working and sufficient stormwater drainage system within the vicinity precinct, a sustained conclusion would be coherently elusive for this project assignment. A major marking criteria was imposed to help encourage a sustained developing solution for urban development. My site is able to mitigate and sustain approximately double of the water accumulation pollution impervious surfaces create on its surface area. This mitigation would be processed and cleaned through on park estate stormwater retention ponds before being encouraged to be released onto re-vegetated and existing ecological lands. Also ideally regulation would be encouraged and levied on commercial zoned buildings to mitigate as much of their own stormwater before projecting and releasing onto local retention systems. This ideal will in-turn produce a sufficient sustainable and ecological system through the northern precinct, it would also accumulate sufficient water to be able to be reused for the local vicinity if necessary.
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
public space
Public space and connectivity was an important design influence for the encouragement and connection of the relative zone placements in my design. Linear parks that would run across streets and connect through to constrained revegetated land would encourage the public and locals to informal public bush walks as activity events. Important relative connection for parks and commercial spaces deemed vital to help influence and encourage a more lively and vibrant community within the northern precinct to suffice away from hindered land design constraints as such the airport noise pollution. Open space park estates with constrained re-vegetated land usage would help control a sociological burdened hindrance to potential home buyers if they find the northern Puhinui precinct as an unsuitable noisy area to live. Ideally the encouragement of activities to do within the vicinity of the precinct would help home buyers find this location to be an attractive suitable location despite the placement of their situated home.
public network
Connectivity within the northern Puhinui precinct and its wider extent is a vital importance as this area is only a small array of the larger Auckland extent. To isolate this location from emerging and developing neighborhoods would simply deem illadvised. A simple gridded network would help encourage and influence the placement of bus routes and transport connectivity. Transport links within the precinct would too seem ideal through an accessible and walkable route as transport hub placements are situated and located no further than 10minutes of walkable accessibility from any are of the 64ha precinct. A connective rail link would be placed on the transport hub nearest the State Highway to connect the Puhinui precinct to its wider neighborhoods. An intermittent transport hub situated at the center of the site is to connect a public transport network to and from a proposed ferry link that is situated north of the precinct not in the developed design to the State Highway hub connection on the southern face of the precinct. Although not in the proposed map development, the transport ferry hub would connect this precinct area to other wider extensive neighborhoods with accessible ferry routes. In ideal a circulative transport network link within the chosen precinct and its wider extent would in-turn encourage a less private vehicular reliant community.
all maps 1:3000 @ A3
commercial district medhigh residential district re-vegetation area lowmed residential district re-vegetation area lowmed residential district
a nuanced transition In ideal my design vision ultimately provided a nuanced transition, a theme which is encouraged through the proposition of subtle changes and influences that would ultimately affect the placement and position of each site element through out the northern Puhinui precinct. An influence that would in-turn poetically connect a private community with a large community with the larger community with its wider extents. This positive affluence would provide a theoretical structure that would encourage locals and visitors with friendly community amenity despite location, position and constraint developments found locally and originally on landform analysis and site development. An embracing psychological and sociological connection that would influence the structural formation of any architectural development and community within the northern Puhinui precinct .
puhinui : nuanced tra
link sitecontext
a vision which encompasses perception and perspective through a sociological structure to influence the ecological predominance and design on the northern puhunui precinct.
visibility drew influence and placement for ecological edges. the combining of landscape and visual analysis provided poor and inefficient visual connections through the site that discouraged formational architectural growth; these areas deemed unsafe, uncertain and insecure for construction to occur in a structural and sociological direction. re-vegetation areas and buffered coastal edges. encouraged the rest of the growth and layout of the northern puhinui precinct.
circulate puhinuis northern precinct has a direct connection to aucklands airport sector on its western edge and southern auckland region through its eastern front. state highway 20B runs through the southern face of the site to provide a prompt access and circulative connection within its wider context. this connection provided influence to puhinuis subtle but distinct shift:
park estates was influenced by the encompassing of levelled field that provided direct visual access and connection anywhere through the site. land that had no distinct aspect provided their positioning, these lands were then aggregated to provide a linear linkage through and towards the constrained re-vegetation areas of the site. along with public spaces, the importance of public transport provided a sustained and transitional linkage with the sites wider extent. grided road formations help create faster linked and sustained transportation networks through the site and its wider context helping to provide a sufficient and reliable habitable ecosystem. walkable paths create desirable active zones and also have a 10min accessibility to attractive zoning locations. all these factors and elements help support and emphasize the northern puhinui precincts envisioned; a nuanced transition
a nuanced transition.
re-veg lowmed residential district
a. d.
commercial district medhigh residential distrcit
getation area
re-vegetation area lowmed residential district
re-vegetation areas enforce a separation between more dense districts and less dense districts. these re-vegetation areas resolve as informal barriers and act to provide a more private communal space for the less dense districts.
d n
masterplan 1:1500@A3
longsection NTS jonathan cristal | landscape architecture | studio 6225