Tall Trees Prospectus

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Tall Trees Profiles All trees are Tall Trees

Profiles and workshops for functional individuals, marriages, families, schools, companies, task teams, churches and communities


• Tall Trees Head Office 290 Glenwood Road Lynnwood Park 0040 Office no: 012 361 1126 Fax no: 012 361 1973 • Profile Development Hettie Brittz parentguide@gmail. com 0832722379 • Training Annatjie van Zyl amvzyl@mweb.co.za 0824570673

Tall Trees

Content 1. Who are we?

p. 1

2. Our approach

p. 2

3. Our speciality

p. 2

4. What makes Tall Trees Profiles unique?

p. 3

5. Who can benefit from the profiles and workshops of Tall Trees Profiles?

p. 4

6. • • • • • •

Tall Trees and your family The growth of your teenager Growth of the parent-child relationship Growth in marriage Personal growth Conflict management Nurturing

p. 5

7. • • • • • •

Tall Trees and your School Equipping teachers Leadership development Cultural diversity Curriculum enrichment Advice on career choices Learner and parent counselling

p. 7

8. • • • • • • • • •

Tall Trees in the work place Teambuilding Leadership development Cultural diversity Human resources management Productivity Conflict management Communication Training of personnel Management

p. 10

9. Tall Trees and Leadership • Tall Trees’ Leadership philosophy • Outcomes of a Tall Trees Leadership programme

p. 14

10. Tall Trees, congregations and the broader • Community • Church camps • Youth ministry • Equipping pastors • Counselling • Mentorship and “life coaching”

p. 15

11. The Tall Trees modus operandi

p. 18

12. Tall Trees and Training

p. 19

www.talltreestraining.com All trees are Tall Trees

1. Who are we? The profile development, workshops and training of facilitators who present these materials are the brain child of Hettie Brittz and Annatjie van Zyl. Hettie Brittz started out as a speech therapist and is the author of two books on parenting and the Evergreen Parenting Course. She has travelled extensively in South Africa and overseas over the past decade, speaking on and presenting courses as well as team building sessions focused on temperament. Annatjie van Zyl has a Masters degree in Applied Mineralogy but she realised a few years ago that her calling was not in that area. She completed a diploma in Christian counselling, was introduced to the science of temperament profiling and realised that she had a passion for spiritual growth. Annatjie and Hettie met while they were training together to become DISC consultants. They share a passion for people and believe that they have a calling to equip individuals with self-knowledge and understanding of others, enabling them to grow in all their relationships. Under Hettie’s and Annatjie’s leadership, a growing number of trained facilitators present the Tall Trees workshops. With their specialist knowledge, this passionate team transforms relationships and leadership in every sphere.

Annatjie van Zyl


Tall Trees


Hettie Brittz

2. Our approach The reference to Tall Trees stems from the idiom that tall trees catch the most wind. Tall Trees equips each teenager and adult to become a tall tree that will remain standing even during the worst wind storm.

Tall Trees is built on the following beliefs:

• Everybody has been created as a unique individual according to an intelligent design. • Every person’s design is tied to a life purpose and life plan. • Relationships (with God and people) are everybody’s most important growth challenge. • The realisation of each individual’s potential starts with selfknowledge and understanding of others. • Everybody can be a leader by using their gifts in the right area, at the right time and in the right way. • Each individual’s unique combinations of temperaments supply us with a rich variety of information for personal growth. • Respect for every individual’s uniqueness and the acceptance of differences can bridge any gulf between people and cultures.

3. Our speciality At Evergreen Parenting, Tall Trees’ sister company, we have striven for years to teach families to know and appreciate one another’s temperament and to strengthen all the relationships between family members. Hettie’s book, Growing kids with character, became a bestseller due to the fact that it addresses the relationship challenges within the family, although it can be applied in other spheres, too. As a result of this publication, as well as Hettie’s and Annatjie’s counselling and training, Tall Trees undertook additional research and developed tested profiles for teenagers and adults in order to supply sophisticated answers to the difficult questions relevant to relationships in a variety of contexts.




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4. What makes Tall Trees Profiles unique? 1. Tall Trees ProfilesTM are truly South African, culturally relevant, affordable and available throughout the country and overseas in printed or on-line form, in both Afrikaans and English. 2. There are two separate profiles: the Tall Trees Leadership profile (TTLP) for teenagers from 12 to 18 and the Tall Trees Leadership Profile (TTLP) for adults to be used with everybody over 18. 3. Within less than half an hour, the profiles present a trustworthy description of the individual. Such a quick, accurate profile is the result of thorough research and a unique test design. 4. The Tall Trees Leadership profile results in a three-faceted perspective on individuals by taking into account how they function with regards to their social activities, employment and general life view. This threefold point of departure makes Tall Trees unique in its field. 5. Tall Trees ProfilesTM focus on every person’s responsibility to make optimal use of their strengths and not to hide behind so-called “weaknesses”. Every test and workshop result in a practical plan for growth. 6. Tall Trees ProfilesTM have a fresh perspective on leadership that excludes nobody. Our leadership philosophy allows for task-orientated and people-orientated leadership in and outside the spotlight. 7. Tall Trees ProfilesTM include practical growth solutions for each individual between the ages of 12 and 112, as well as for every relationship, be it personal or professional. 8. Tall Trees empowers every young person and adult with answers to six central questions: What are my Forces Within (my unique strengths)? Where are my Fields of Greatness (the situations where I belong and where I should take the lead)? What is my Fertilizer (what I need to flourish)? What is my Frostbite (things that tap my energy and prevent me from functioning optimally)? Why do Forest Fires suddenly rage through my relationships (what are my communication and conflict management styles)? What pushes me into Fast Forward (the mountain I have to climb in order to truly grow as an individual and team member)?


Tall Trees

5. Who can benefit from the profiles and workshops of Tall Trees Profiles? All individuals or groups who wish to do more effective introspection or gain knowledge of the people around them in order to grow, get well, make a difference and overcome differences can benefit from Tall Trees Profiles. Look at the following examples: • Families in crisis • Couples who intend to marry • Teams who wish to break out of a rut • Companies facing leadership challenges • Businesses that have to appoint new employees • Individuals who wish to be equipped for new challenges • Churches who want to help their leadership and members to grow • Teenagers who are uncertain of their identity or career choices • Teachers who wish to educate their learners more effectively • Schools or companies who wish to build unity across racial and cultural boundaries • Everybody who is a trainer, therapist, counsellor or teacher and can benefit from better insight into human nature

All trees are Tall Trees


6. Tall Trees and your family • The growth of your teenager

This delicate growth phase in the life of a child raises unique challenges. Teenagers are searching for their identity; with faltering feet they test the footholds of adulthood and are at a point in their lives where they need more understanding than ever. A teenager’s growth starts with self-knowledge. The Tall Trees Leadership Profile for Teenagers supplies these essential footholds, which protect the teenager from being swept along by the winds of peer pressure and group philosophy. It enables them to remain upright and firmly planted, while taking ownership of who they were created to be. The profile also equips the adults in the teenager’s life with a three-faceted presentation of who the child is so that they cannot be wounded by the well-known sword teenagers so often use as protection, namely “You do not understand me!” The TTLP for Teenagers even renders the most complex teenager surprisingly easy to understand!

• Growth of the parent-child relationship

The Tall Trees profiles for adults help parents understand their own motives, frustrations, needs and areas of growth. Putting their profile next to that of their child supplies answers to the following questions: Why does the way I speak irritate her so much? Why can we never address our conflict calmly? What can I do to cheer him up after his devastating disappointment? How can I prepare him for life’s knocks if I can’t even predict where or how it will hurt him? Which of her characteristics that differ so greatly from mine should I ignore, and which should I address?

• Growth in marriage

We believe that the insight gleaned from a Tall Trees profile can help engaged couples as well as couples who have been married for a long time to develop a stronger and lasting bond instead of opting for splitting up or divorce. Each partner can use the other’s report as a manual for it supplies practical, concrete ways of caring for one another, helping the other grow, understanding the other person and giving him or her space to feel safe in spite of differences. Judgment changes into respect and appreciation, and partners become one another’s biggest supporters on the road to personal and interpersonal growth.


Tall Trees

• Personal growth

Growth isn’t always change – sometimes is means becoming more of what you already are. An oak remains an oak even if it should grow very tall. We believe that people should continue growing while staying true to their given nature. Such a person grows in character, steadfastness, satisfaction and fulfilment. In order to know what type of tree you are so that you can become a deep-rooted YOU, you need self-knowledge, confirmation of where you belong and where you can make your greatest contribution. Because one also needs to look honestly at the areas in which one can grow, Tall Trees Profiles are the ideal first step in any teenager’s and adult’s personal growth plan.

• Conflict management

Conflict stems from clashing ideas, interests, views, styles of communication, expectations and task handling, to name but a few! Each of these hindrances is a result of our personality and experience. By comparing our own profile with that of the family member we are clashing with, we often discover that the conflict is caused by differences in style and misunderstandings rather that negative intentions. We are more prone to forgive, find solutions and accept that conflict is a part of our journey towards greater acceptance of a fundamental truth: We WILL differ because we ARE different.

• Nurturing

The family is the haven where parents and children are supposed to find shelter, but unfortunately it is often the scene where relationships run aground. Tall Trees maintain that family members should take responsibility for their mutual nurturing. Tall Trees make this very easy by literally supplying lists of every family member’s needs. Nurturing doesn’t need to be a guessing game. It entails the decision to love other family members in their way. The practical plan is already drawn up!

All trees are Tall Trees


7. Tall Trees and your School Schools, of all places, should create the environment in which individuals and groups can grow, where the youth can learn to rise above diversity and cultural differences and where everybody is fine-tuned to develop their gifts optimally in order to impact the community significantly, don’t you agree? Why then have schools become a place of crisis, misunderstanding, compulsory conformation, pressure to perform and conflict for thousands of teenagers? If everybody has good intentions, then the only plausible answer is that we lack equipment. We want to help but we do not know how. It is with this great need in mind that we at Tall Trees have developed the Tall Trees teenager leadership profile (TTLP for teenagers).

Equipping teachers Teachers cannot afford not to know their strengths, what gives them energy and what drains them! Teachers face some enormous challenges: • classes that are too big • an unrealistic workload • emotional teenagers and parents • pressures of academic performance This is asking too much. If the keys to teenagers’ temperaments could, however, be written on their foreheads, surely that would make a difference? • this is what will help me perform optimally • I learn best in the following way • these are the things that strengthen me spiritually • the following tire and discourage me • my design for greatness is as follows We believe these insights make an important difference. The TTLPs for teenagers present all the information in a practical way. In addition, if teachers can be equipped with the same insight into themselves by completing the TTLP for adults, they will just find it so much easier to manage their capacity!


Tall Trees

• Leadership development This buzz word is echoing from all sides: Children are the future leaders! In the 21st century everybody needs to be a leader! What does that mean in practice and what can schools do to develop leadership in addition to the traditional way of giving the so-called “outstanding learners” a tie and a lapel pin? Tall Trees Profiles approach leadership development from a fresh angle and can equip schools to make leadership development a part of their Life Skills curriculum. As a leader, every teenager can have an immense impact, but not while imitating somebody else – only when they become greater, more steadfast replicas of themselves.

• Cultural diversity Our children are the first generation of South Africans who have grown up with cultural diversity in every sphere of life since their kindergarten days. Tall Trees can help them look beyond race, language and religion, as our constitution commands us to do. Moreover, Tall Trees teach our children not to interact with other cultures in an antagonistic, threatened, inferior or superior way. Tall Trees help teenagers in a non-political way to understand that our fundamental differences actually sprout from a non-racial source. Teenagers gain a new vocabulary for referring honestly to differences without having to fall back on outdated labels.

• Curriculum enrichment Life orientation as a subject is only meaningful if it truly equips learners with life skills relating to every aspect of their personal and interpersonal life. Tall Trees supply the ideal framework for one or more modules in any year group from Grade 7 to 12. It shares the following mutual outcomes and content of the curriculum of each of these grades, and can serve as enrichment if included in any new text book: • self-image

• peer pressure

• team work

• planning for the future

• leadership • self-knowledge • life view • career choices • communication • conflict management

• entrepreneurial thought • healthy socialising • conflicting value systems

• relationships with authorities • productivity in the community • relationships with friends and the opposite sex

• coping with change

Teachers who are trained as Tall Trees facilitators will be able to develop a curriculum based on the Tall Trees work books without any trouble.

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• Advice on career choices Tall Trees Profiles have not been designed as career guidance, but they automatically give teenagers and adults insight into the reasons why certain subjects frustrate or inspire them. Understanding how situations and tasks, due dates, change, the size of groups, the physical working environment, and such impact them is worth much more than a list of suitable careers.

• Learner and parent counselling Tall Trees is passionate about equipping any counsellor, mentor, youth worker or psychologist with this profile information so that it may complement their existing arsenal of equipment in healing and strengthening the youth. The material is ideal for use in counselling during a single or up to 20 unique sessions.


Tall Trees

8. Tall Trees in the work place Tall Trees Profiles strive to be the answer to modern-day training challenges by being committed to • accessibility • affordability • multicultural relevance • academic accuracy • excellence in presentation and material • being suitable for small to mega-institutions • being applicable in both the private and public sector • practicality and suggestions for growth that can be implemented immediately The TTLP for the corporate sector helps every company determine exactly what constitutes its success and why it possibly eludes them. The testimonies of members of diverse professions confirm the relevance and practical applicability of the enrichment Tall Trees can offer the corporate world in general.

• Team building A team is a group of people who know their own place and contribution, who make a constant contribution, welcome other people’s contributions and achieve more than die sum of their individual outputs combined. Each member’s profile is unique and even if that entails complexity and diversity, the Tall Trees information is easily understandable and practical to implement. The team can work together at discovering how every member can be validated and conflict be solved constructively for the sake of the team’s success. This can be presented in a dynamic and interactive way rather than in a formal lecture format, and can easily form part of a team-building camp or break-away in the countryside.

• Leadership development Tall Trees’ leadership philosophy in a nutshell: All people can be leaders provided they make their unique contribution at the right time and in the right place, and allow others to do the same. Leadership is the art of knowing when to bow, when to stand tall and when to dance with others. It is a fact that leaders do not always lead from the front. In the workplace, therefore, leadership training is not meant only for top and mid-level managers but for every member of the team! Please read the section on Tall Trees and Leadership.

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• Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity is a potentially tough cookie that all companies have to crumble. In this country we are blessed with the opportunity of doing pioneer work in finding the solutions that, as we have discovered, do not lie in policy, quotas, BEE, affirmative action, discrimination, apartheid, denial, forgiveness or confession. We have been there, done those. The key is that we should tackle one relationship at a time, making the mind shift from prejudice to understanding, from understanding to acceptance, from acceptance to respect, and from respect to genuine appreciation. In the end we should be willing to acknowledge that people who are very different from us can enrich our lives because of their very otherness. Tall Trees supply people on both sides of the linguistic and racial divide with a new vocabulary for discussing their differences in a constructive manner.

• Human resources management

Nowadays the wellbeing of our workers depends on so much more than a good salary and a comfortable office. The pressures and expectations, economical uncertainty and the mere complexity of each employee’s life, force management to look after people’s wellbeing in a holistic and innovative way. Not only do Tall Trees add value to the individual as a worker, but also empowers the individual with valuable self-insight in personal growth and developing potential. Individuals who have space for personal growth are better employers and better employees. Tall Trees workshops lead to a positive transformation of the total workplace culture, thus creating a more productive environment for every person in the company. Tall Trees equip human resources managers with an instrument that supplies practical answers to the following questions: • Why does the employee underperform although his or her psychometric profile indicates he or she is made for the job? • How can the employee be deployed optimally? • Who will be the ideal departmental head for this section? • Why isn’t the employee keen to be promoted? • Why does the employee suddenly turn so negative while the colleagues are excited about the company’s future? • What is the cause of the power struggle between two mid-level managers and how can we resolve it? • Why is there one specific post that never has an incumbent for more than six weeks? • How can we improve the company’s morale? • Why aren’t the employees loyal towards the company?

11. Tall Trees

• Productivity

Tall Trees help put together a sound, productive team for every task by providing guidelines for the following elements of productivity: • correct matching of the team member and the task • deploying team members at the crucial place while the task is in progress • management of team members’ capacity • fulfilment of everybody’s needs regarding human dignity and meaning • understanding every team member’s motives • diminishing environmental stressors • diminishing interpersonal conflict • a balance between challenges and encouragement • the connecting of the individual’s ideals and those of the company • establishing a culture of excellence

• Conflict management

In the end, conflict is the result of people’s unfulfilled expectations, differences in style, clashes of values and temperament. Tall Trees profiles help each participant understand their communication and conflict management style and to make the adaptations necessary for better communication with the rest of the team. The reasons for the conflict emerge very clearly from the discovery of every team’s Tall Trees Leadership profile. In black and white, you have the list of everybody’s stressors and the needs that will stay unfulfilled, causing conflict. These differences can be discussed constructively and practically, based on the individual TTLPs. Tall Trees enable the company to write a conflict management protocol based on the combined conflict profile of the company. No single set of conflict solutions can do the job for all groups of people. We are simply too different. One institution will be confrontational and direct, while another will be more diplomatic and indirect in handling conflict. The Tall Trees Leadership Profiles (TTLPs) of the team members will reveal the suitable conflict handling style.

• Communication

Every participant receives feedback in six functional areas, one of which is “Forest Fires”. This relates to the employee’s style of communication and highlights areas in which the communication skills should be improved. Everybody has a favourite style, and all the colleagues are responsible to adapt their preferred style to that of their colleagues. Practical suggestions regarding adapting emerge from the feedback to each team member.

All trees are Tall Trees


• Training of personnel

Companies and teams who wish to include Tall Trees Leadership workshops in their personnel training will discover answers to the following questions: • Why does the setting of goals trip some leaders up? • What type of leaders should we appoint in the light of our vision, mission and values? • How can we improve our leaders’ budget management? • What type of manager is suited to what type of team and task? • How can we help leaders to handle change better? • Why do our leaders burn out? • Who should be involved in our strategic planning? • Who will excel at project management? • How can leaders negotiate, communicate and market better? • How can we build greater unity and goal orientation into the team? • What are the possible reasons underlying our worst failure and our greatest successes as a company or group?

• Management

Every facet of management can be tackled with more success and realism based on the insights gleaned from the team’s TTLP. The following managerial functions, among others, are going to become much easier • discipline • delegation • motivation • innovation • client management • measuring performance • diversity management • change management • strategic plans of action • employee development • putting together task teams • spreading the company’s image

13. Tall Trees

9. Tall Trees and Leadership • Tall Trees’ Leadership philosophy Leaders know where to stand There is an idiom about the highest trees catching the most wind. That is true! Leadership always entails challenges and resistance. When the tree is, however, planted in exactly the right spot, the wind makes it a strong, supple tree that offers other trees shelter and spreads its lifegiving seed on the wind. A tree that is placed in the wrong spot will be damaged, will cause damage and will have to be supported with great trouble. The task determines the leader In any company, the nurturing and development of a person who has been planted wrongly will demand long programmes at very high cost. The employee is developed and driven in a direction that goes against his grain. In schools, this causes frustration and damage to the (children’s) self-image. In a family, this means role conflict and the loss of mutual respect. All of these are the result of a leader appointed in the wrong position. At Tall Trees we do not, therefore, develop a set of “preferred leadership qualities”” because each task and context demand unique leadership traits. Tall Trees place the same emphasis on leadership with a task focus and leadership with a human focus. Our task is the discovery of every person’s unique, inborn leadership style. This highlights specific tasks and situations that suit the leader to a T (whether child, partner, employee or director). The minimum training and motivation is then needed because the leader is in exactly the spot where he or she belongs. The Tall Trees Leadership Profiles are therefore designed to help everybody in the workplace, school, sports team, home and in the broader community find their unique place in the sun (their “fields of greatness”), and allow others their space. True leaders understand themselves and others well enough to know that they are not always and in all circumstances the right person for the job.

• Outcomes of a Tall Trees Leadership programme • Self-knowledge and knowledge of every team member or family member • Better planning of task teams – how to deploy each leadership style in the right way and at the right moment in time • Better team dynamics – how to eliminate style conflicts, communication gaps, and flawed cooperation • Greater tolerance of mutual differences • Insight in the dynamics underlying cultural diversity • Adaptable communication skills • Better conflict management due to insight into the causes of conflict • Better handling of stress and the individual’s general well-being

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10. Tall Trees, congregations and the broader community Churches and community organisations have a culture of human development. They focus on personal values, gifts, helping one another, personal growth, interpersonal relationships and spiritual development. Unfortunately budgets are always limited. Tall Trees wish to be the answer here with our affordable aids because our hearts beat to the same rhythm. We see possibilities of applying our material in the following areas:

• Church camps

The length and content of the Tall Trees workshop are ideal for equipping the whole congregation. Camps for teenagers and families that focus on relationships will find the feedback resulting from each camper’s TTLP report exceptionally practical. Bible study sessions can be very meaningful because the material is founded on the Bible. We have already developed material for the Biblical applications of the Tall Trees information. The content is ideally suited to being experienced in an interactive, experimental way. A camp offers the optimal opportunity for transforming the theory into a hands-on experience.

• Youth ministry

The youth is not tomorrow’s church. They are today’s church. They need to be equipped in order to know how they are designed for special work in the Kingdom. Even as young people they can already practise their gifts. They are able to lead and serve. By means of a Tall Trees workshop based on Biblical characters who have the same profiles as they have, they will each learn to play a role in the body of Christ. Youth with an identity that is rooted in Christ along such lines, are assertive and full of vision. They respect themselves and others. Based on what Tall Trees can teach them about coping with differences, they can play an important role in ecumenical unity and reconciliation of generations and cultures.

15. Tall Trees

• Equipping pastors

Pastors attending the Tall Trees workshops can discover solutions to the following challenges: • Why the church leadership is often opposed to change, or why is there constant pressure to change? How can we facilitate this while making everybody feel secure and at home? • What is our congregation’s collective culture and how can we put it into practice? • What are the causes of discord and how can we eliminate these? • How should we communicate in order to have fewer misunderstandings? • Why do we burn out in our calling and how can we not only survive but flourish? • Who is the ideal pastor for every facet of church leadership? • What type of pastor should we appoint as the best-suited addition to the team of pastors? • What unique projects will our church leadership be able to tackle with the greatest success and the least stress? • What projects will drain our leadership and lead to tension? • How can we better motivate, improve the cooperation and better fulfil the needs of the members of our congregation?

• Counselling

Psychologists, therapists and counsellors will discover unique aids in the Tall Trees Profiles for every aspect of personal and relationship growth. We believe that people cannot change other people. All change begins with us. We have to take responsibility for who we are and what choices we have made. Then we have to discover which choices we can change, beginning with ourselves and putting a new plan into action. Tall Trees offer the individual a quick, honest and practical but empathetic look in the mirror. The individual, couple or family discovers the following that can bring important breakthroughs with the help of a counsellor: • What causes us tension and how can we handle it constructively? • What aspects of our communication style contribute to our conflict with one another? • Can our life view be reconciled with our present reality or should we make a mind shift? • Do our conceptions of things differ? On what matters do we agree? • How does each of us naturally approach challenges and problems? Will we be able to cope with our present challenges in these ways? • Who can be the ideal supporter for each of us in the present circumstances? • How can we replenish that part of ourselves that feels drained? • How can we relieve one another’s tension and discomfort? • What are our individual contributions to the relationship and how can we give one another space and appreciation for it?

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• Mentorship and “life coaching”

Mentors cannot help us become what we aren’t already. Their task is to help us see ourselves, others and our circumstances more clearly. Mentors and life coaches will find the Tall Trees Profiles exceptionally useful in this regard. The profiles will, among other things, highlight the following aspects of the individual so that the mentor can use them as a point of departure: • definition of success • fears and avoidances • hindrances to growth • conflict management style • attitude towards change • ideal circumstances versus a flawed situation • capacity management and balance: how not to burn out • unexploited potential • future possibilities of personal and career growth

17. Tall Trees

7. The Tall Trees modus operandi The profiles and workshops are available in Afrikaans and English and can be used with teenagers or adults independently or with a mixed group aged between 12 years and 100. Before or at the beginning of the workshop, each participant completes either an online or written profile that takes only half an hour. It supplies a clear and trustworthy work profile, social profile and life view profile of the participant. The sum total of the profiles makes up the all-encompassing style profile called the Tall Trees Leadership Profile (TTLP). Workshops take the form of dynamic, interactive sessions during which colourful PowerPoint slide shows sketch every type of leader practically and with humour. Team activities add to the practical experience of the workshop. Participants in a leadership course will not only discover their “Fields of greatness” (the tasks and situations in which they would be the appointed leaders), but also their unique strengths (Forces within), needs and ideal circumstances (Fertilizer), situations and tasks to be avoided (Frost Bite), communication and conflict styles (Forest Fires) and their suggested growth plan (Fast Forward). These six facets of their leadership profile are deducted from four profiles, namely their social-, work- and life- view profiles, as well as the sum total of those three that lead to the global TTLP (Tall Trees Leadership Profile). The six aspects that are deducted from the four profiles – each with a possible combination of four styles results in a unique profile for every participant. It is so unique that there can be 52 different profile combinations. It is rare to have two leaders at a particular workshop who have the same profile. It is therefore clear that participants are not forced willynilly into a few boxes that have been labelled in a generalising and irresponsible manner. Each participant also discovers these six facets of every other participant. This insight into themselves and others help potential leaders grow beyond prejudice and misunderstanding to acceptance, respect and appreciation. The basic workshop takes approximately three to four hours to complete, but we strongly advise follow-up workshops. The work sessions help participants to put the practical growth plan into action and to round off discussions that were started during the initial workshop. The material is suitable for several successive sessions with various objectives. These workshops can be organised per hour with the relevant facilitator. The costs of the workshops are negotiated individually with the Tall Trees facilitator of choice and will be less per person as the group grows.

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12. Tall Trees and Training Tall Trees equip facilitators during an intensive training session of two days more or less six times per year. On completion of the training, facilitators are required to pass an accreditation examination to make sure that they are fully prepared to transfer the knowledge with enthusiasm and insight. The training is available bilingually and every candidate can decide whether he or she will be applying the material in the corporate context, in schools or in personal counselling. Facilitators are not limited in any way – everyone decides on his or her level of involvement and activity. Facilitators become part of the Tall Trees team and are held responsible for high quality presentations implementing the prescribed material. They also have the exclusive privilege of having the newest and best Tall Trees content at their disposal. We are constantly developing new profiles that only accredited facilitators may access and use. Facilitators are respected as experts and are invited to contribute to the ongoing dynamic growth of the Tall Trees aids and the development of new material. They are supported administratively by the central Tall Trees office. Regular communication ensures that the Tall Trees team stays up to date with the newest material and opportunities. The Tall Trees website is a part of the collective platform where facilitators can advertise their activities, order their material and communicate with one another. The website is also a platform for trade. Interested parties can visit our website or contact Annatjie van Zyl directly to apply for training.

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