Women's league

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The Women’s League

Advocacy, Rights, Women

The Women’s League: Sisters Supporting Sisters The goal of the Women’s League is to support women in all aspects of our everyday lives. During this upbuilding process, there will be many resources allocated to assist women in transitioning into our new roles in the Kingdom. We are here to nuture and support each other as we define and uphold the standards of Womanhood, as outlined by Torah. We are currently recruiting women to establish a support network, which will advise the Leadership concerning the social, professional, and personal issues that women in the ministry face, to better understand how to advocate for women of our community.

It is written in 1 Chronicles 28:9 that we should “know YAH,” and the study of Torah is necessary to achieve this knowledge of YAH. A woman’s obligations and responsibilities are different from men, but never less important.

The Torah is the Truth. Therefore, there can be no other truth which is in conflict with it. It follows that anything which is in conflict with the Torah is not Truth. I hear a lot of people quote Paul and say that Women should be silent and not teach. Torah, however, says and shows differently. Torah requires a woman to study all of the laws and concepts necessary to observe the commandments which she is obligated to fulfill.

Seven of the 55 notable prophets were women: Sarah (Gen 11:29-23:20); Miriam (Ex. 15:20-21; Num. 12:1-12:15, 20:1); Deborah (Judges 4:1-5:31); Hannah (I Sam 1:1-2:21); Abigail (I Sam 25:1-25:42); Huldah (II Kings 22:1420); and Esther.

6 Houston’s Big Moves

Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, Miriam, Deborah, and Ruth are prime examples of the roles of women within the household and community. Women who follow Torah should hold a position of respect among men. Miriam helped her brothers when it came to the Exodus. Deborah was one of the judges of Yisra’el, and delivered them from their enemies.

Women today are exposed to outside influences far more than ever before. Therefore, knowing Torah is very important. Knowing Torah helps women who

follow Torah prepare for what the world throws their way. Women need to think of themselves as being on an advanced level within the guidelines of Torah today. This will set our behavior in the world apart as well as set us apart from non-Torah keepers. Another major area of concern for us, where we as women, wives, mothers, sisters, and nurturers should and must exercise discipline and obeisance, is the home. The nature of what happens in the environment of the home is dependent on the encouragement and motivation the woman gives her husband, her sisters, and all household children. All too often, though, we as women pay too much attention to the things in the world. We want to be in the street, with the men, or in addition to what the brothers are doing. We sometimes feel that we can do a better job than they are, or we have our own views, or we feel that the brothers turn a blind eye to what we think and feel. Nonetheless, we should support the work our brothers are doing, and remind them--with

The Women’s League

love--that our voices are equally as important as theirs. Yes, of course, there is a natural order, and men are the head of the house and women are to fall in line with the order of things. We should always give our husbands the rights that have been ordained by YAH, as head of the house and community of YAH, and he too, will give us all the rights and honor of a righteous woman of YAH. If the main focus of the household is YAH and Torah, the household will run smoothly and accordingly. First, we must deal with the family, and then the community. With the Women’s League, we have been given the wonderful opportunity to take the lead role in reaching our people with messages of Love, Peace, Unity, and Charity. »» LOVE By Love, we mean loving our husbands and ourselves. The world has done a number on the relationship between the Hebrew man and his woman. Our men have animosity towards us, and we towards them. This cycle can only be broken if we as nurturers garner a change in our attitudes. Being a “strong and independent black woman” is relationship suicide, taught to us by a world that has longed to see

us destoyed. But, when we love ourselves, and love our husbands and brothers, we empower them in a way that can only be of YAH. We must endeavor to love our husbands and brothers. From the way we treat them, and how we talk to them, to the way we train up our male and female children. »» PEACE By Peace, we mean being the calm and soothing voice of tranquility in the home. Women have been the pulse of the home since the beginning of time. It was women that held down the family while the men were away. But we have caused our houses to be in an uproar, without order, without fathers, without gender roles, without YAH, without the guidance or protection of our men. We can bring our men and ourselves peace, if we practice and work on being like Sarah, our mother. »» UNITY By Unity, we mean together with the members of our community. Unfortunately we have been taught to compete with each other, and to fight over men that are of the poorest quality. We have been taught to reveal our bodies and devalue ourselves and our daughters, and our roles as wives. Rather than care for the needs of women in our

own neighborhoods, who have fatherless homes and children, who are destitute or in need of loving, caring, nurturing support, we squander our resources, vie for men’s affections, wreck homes, and pollute our own paths with fornication, rebelliousness, and prostitution. We must relinguish our selfish ways, and stop thinking to ourselves that men are “ours” to possess. Learn the intrinsic value of sisterhood in the home and the marriage. See how Covenant Families bring quality to the lives of our men, our children, and ourselves. »» CHARITY By Charity, we mean benevolence in the community. Wherever we can, we should strive to address the needs of the less fortunate members of our communities. Donate to Hebrew Yisra’elite food banks, clothing drives, and support centers. Our commitment to each other should extend beyond our immediate families,our relatives, and our sisters and their children. We should put aside a meaningful portion of what YAH has blessed us with so that we can be a blessing to others. We should never underestimate the value of being virtuous women of YAH. When we remove from our minds and hearts our own carnal selfish ambitions, we will begin to realize that life and fulfillment is not about only us. We have a greater calling before us, to serve our husbands in the marriage, to serve our sisters and our collective children in the home, to serve our relatives and neighbors in the nation; and, most importantly, to serve the Creator. Join the Women’s League. Help us create an engine of change, for healing, for every woman, and every family. A Jonathan Martin Design 7

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