Can I be an entrepreneur /jonboy/can-i-be-an-entrepreneur/
5 things you need to master if you want to become an Entrepreneur
If you’re asking yourself the question “Can I be an Entrepreneur” then I guess you’re giving this some serious thought. You like the idea of building something for yourself? Starting your own business and living a life on your own terms? If the answer is yes then congratulations. However before you begin building your empire I’d like to share with you the five biggest pitfalls for aspiring Entrepreneurs. This is not intended to put you off but to simply prepare you for some of the key skills and mindsets required for your business to be a success.
Focus on what matters
It’s all too common for aspiring Entrepreneurs to spend their time and money on everything else except what matters. Focusing only on external factors like business cards, a really cool new desk, building the best website the world has ever seen. Don’t get me wrong, all of these are important components of your business but none of these
are going to get you that first sale. It’s important that you focus on income producing activities as soon as possible. Making sure your product or service is ready and visible to your customer should be your number one priority. If you prioritize the things that really matter first you’ll give yourself the best chance of success in the early stages. There will always be time later on to pick out that new desk.
Take Action
Just thinking of an idea does not mean that you’re actually doing something constructive about it. Looking over your to-do-list, reading books or telling everyone who will listen about your business ideas won’t them a reality. Of course seeking inspiration through reading or learning new skills is important but you must take action. An entrepreneur realizes that making progress is a priority and that it only comes through taking consistent action. No matter how small the action they strive to take a step forward every single day. If you don’t take consistent action you will lose momentum and get struck in learning mode. Entrepreneurs realize that you don’t have to know everything before taking action. The real learning comes from the actions you take.
If achieving your goal is an absolute must then nothing else matters – Tony Robbins
Don’t live in fear
Fear of failing is one of the biggest reasons aspiring Entrepreneurs fail. In some cases fear stops them whilst the idea is still in there head. The thing you have to realize is that failure is going to happen at some point, it’s all part of the process. Accept that failing is inevitable and that every time you fail you will learn invaluable lessons that will be important on your road to success. If you want to be an Entrepreneur you must move in the direction of what you fear most. Don’t let fear influence your actions and behavior. Entrepreneurs will not make excuses like, it’s too difficult or they have no resources, they’ll figure out a way to push themselves forward. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking “if I don’t try I won’t fail” This is not the behavior of an Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur fear failure just like the rest of us but they are more afraid of not trying, not following through and thinking what life would be like if they don’t even try. Think about that for a minute, aren’t you more afraid of not trying at all? Commit to your business and go full steam ahead, the ultimate failure would be to do nothing.
Be resourceful
It’s always nice to have all your ducks in a row. Making sure every box is ticked before taking action and starting your business. It could be waiting until you have the perfect amount of capital, perfect timing or signing up for just one more training course. Entrepreneurs are resourceful, they face the same problems but choose to find a solution and have the mindset that no obstacle is too great for them to overcome. They will find what they need by any means available to them. Be creative, look high and low until you find the solution you’re looking for. You must see these perceived obstacles as opportunities for growth. You’re the boss, it’s your business, and it’s down to you to find the answer.
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is perseverance” – Steve Jobs
Perseverance is one thing every aspiring Entrepreneur must have. Building your business is going to be challenging and it’s not for the weak. There will be moments of doubt, hard won successes, countless failings and lessons learned the hard. If you don’t have Perseverance you’re not going to make it through all of the above. When the going gets tough most will quit, but it’s not for lack of skill. It’s much more to do with a lack of hunger and stomach for the fight. You need to have drive and dedication even when things are not going your way. Before you start your business you need to spend as much time as needed discovering your “WHY” get clear on why you’re doing this? Your business needs to be an extension of who you are, of your beliefs and values. This will give you the energy to overcome any challenges that may show up. Your perseverance will be relentless because you’re crystal clear on “WHY” you’re doing this and you’ll figure out a way to make it happen. So “Can I be an entrepreneur ” was the question. After reading the above do you think you have what it takes? Like I said at the top of this article this is not intended to put you off the idea, quite the opposite. It’s meant to make you realize what is needed but most of all spark you into action. After reading this are you ready to take action or call it quits? Does the thought of never trying frighten you more than the potential that you might fail? Do you still feel like you can’t wait to get going and build your business? I hope the answer is yes to all of the above, and the next time you ask yourself “Can I be an entrepreneur ” you know the answer. Commit yourself. Dedicate yourself to your dream and tell yourself that “a life without trying is a life not lived”.
I hope you have enjoyed this article? If you would like to know the online business I started myself you can check out the “Six Figure Mentors“. I too asked myself the question “Can I be an entrepreneur” and I decided the answer was yes. Please leave a comment below or connect with me via my social media links on this page. It’s always nice to receive feedback.
Best of luck on your journey.
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About Jonathan Petrou Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and currently living in Berlin. I'm originally from London and arrived in Berlin via Amsterdam where i spent four great years of my life. l moved to Berlin with my girlfriend for a new adventure. New city, new apartment & new jobs. After arriving in Berlin I had what you might say was a "Wake Up Call". Realising the career I was trying to create for myself was not what I wanted, not something i was passionate about. I was really not happy and finding my new life in Berlin very hard going. I decided to draw a line in the sand and made a commitment to myself that I was going to make some changes. Find my purpose, my passion and make some changes, but most importantly not allow myself to return to the place that had made me so unhappy. So... I"m now trying to make some big changes in my life and as I do this I would like to motivate and inspire people to do the same. This is the reason for the my blog. Change is hard at the best of times, people need support, so as I grow, learn and make progress i want to share my experiences in the hope of helping others do the same.