Success takes time /jonboy/success-takes-time/
Warning: Don’t seek instant gratification over long term success
We all know that success takes time. It’s no secret, so why do we expect instant success whenever we start something new?
I’m certainly no different it that respect. There have been many times when I have started something new, something exciting and then slowly impatience sets in, results are slow to materialize and then the excitement starts to fade and inevitably I stop and move onto something else. It’s OK if we decide that what we’ve started is not something we want to do anymore, but stopping because you’re not instantly successful is crazy and not logical. If we really think about it it’s not much of a surprise that people act in this way. Nearly all of us seek instant gratification and are unwilling to wait more than a few seconds at times. If we stand in line at the supermarket and there’s any delay we’re rolling our eyes in disbelief at how long it’s taking. Be honest we’ve all done this. We can sit on our sofas and have any type of food delivered to our door within 30 minutes. Call anyone when we want, search for any information using our smartphones and all of this is at the touch of our figure tips. Is it any wonder that we completely ignore the fact that “success takes time” I don’t think so.
People are reward in public for what they practice for years in private
It is simply not possible to achieve success without time to learn your craft, develop, make mistakes and then learn from those mistakes. To master something takes time and any instant success, if achieved, will be short lived without the right foundations. When you look at anyone successful it’s easy to think they’ve always been that way but it is simply not true. These people are reaping the benefits in public for what they’ve practiced in private and that takes time. Success takes time. In my opinion the only thing that separates anyone from successful people is time. Don’t get me wrong you need to work hard but how have we come to the point where we give up on our ambitions or dreams because we don’t see instant reward. Should instant reward stop us from achieving what we really want? If it’s something we really want then surely it doesn’t matter how long it takes to achieve. Maybe we need to question how important our goals are if we’re willing to stop so early in the process. I recently had a one week vacation to Greece where my parents now live. One day we visited a winery, it was beautiful and during our tour we came to a part that was used for experimentation, an area where new wine ideas
were conceived. The very nice lady on the tour told us that the winemaker has been trying to perfect her new idea for two years. If all went well they would start to look at the possibility of producing that wine. Two years!! Two years of testing just to get to the point of discussing if producing that wine was viable. This winemaker clearly knows that success takes time.
Success takes time because it’s the reward for taking the time to do anything well
Whenever I feel that I’m becoming short sighted or looking for instant gratification I try to remind myself that what I really should be doing is learning my craft, working hard and trying to exercise a level of patients. Patients to wait and see the results that will inevitable come my way if I keep doing the right things. It’s no different than planting a seed. You don’t plant a seed one day and wake up the next to a beautiful flower. It takes time, and requires a lot of care to get to that point. How is achieving our goals any different? We all know success takes time yet most of us are unwilling to stay the course and wait to see the results of our hard work. Listen I’m no different, this is something that I’m struggling with right now which is why I’ve chosen to write this post. It’s just seems so crazy how impatient we all can be at times. What’s the rush? If we have a goal and really want to achieve it then try to enjoy the process and the results will come. It’s not easy but we can only try. If you have found this post helpful or it has struck a chord with something you’re struggling with yourself right now then please leave a comment below or connect with me via my social media links on this page. It’s always nice to receive other perspectives and see how people cope with issues such as this in their own lives.
Best of luck on your journey
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About Jonathan Petrou Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and currently living in Berlin. I'm originally from London and arrived in Berlin via Amsterdam where i spent four great years of my life. l moved to Berlin with my girlfriend for a new adventure. New city, new apartment & new jobs. After arriving in Berlin I had what you might say was a "Wake Up Call". Realising the career I was trying to create for myself was not what I wanted, not something i was passionate about. I was really not happy and finding my new life in Berlin very hard going. I decided to draw a line in the sand and made a commitment to myself that I was going to make some changes. Find my purpose, my passion and make some changes, but most importantly not allow myself to return to the place that had made me so unhappy. So... I"m now trying to make some big changes in my life and as I do this I would like to motivate and inspire people to do the same. This is the reason for the my blog. Change is hard at the best of times, people need support, so as I grow, learn and make progress i want to share my experiences in the hope of helping others do the same.