How do I achieve my goals /jonboy/how-do-i-achieve-my-goals/
How do I achieve my goals is a question I often ask myself and it always comes back to the same simple formula. It’s so simple that for mos t it’s the last thing they would consider. Would you like to achieve your goals?
To achieve any goal you only need to focus on one thing. That’s it. Just one thing? Tell me what it is I can hear you thinking. How can I do just one thing and achieve any goal? Well, let me explain and things will become a little clearer. Let’s as an example assume you have started your own business and set yourself the goal of “earning $40,000 in the next 12 months” You’ve set yourself the goal but how do you actually achieve it? How do you go from where you are today to where you want to be? When you think of the end goal it can be quite overwhelming. Must of us would have experience this at some point when focusing only on the end result. There will be many challenges to overcome on the road to achieving your 12 month goal, but it’s the actions you take on a daily basis that will determine if you’re successful or not. So to answer the question “How do I achieve my goals” is simple. You do the “ONE” most important thing everyday.
What makes the difference is massive action on small things We need to break this 12 month goal down into actions we can take every single day. As yourself the following question. What is the one thing i can do today that will move me closer to my goal? You need to ask
yourself this question every single day without fail, no exceptions, and then you need to take action on the one thing you have identified. You need to totally hold yourself accountable for this action, no excuses, it’s not ok to finish your “ONE” thing tomorrow, that won’t work. It’s not going to get you the 12 month goal you want. NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR ONE THING Once you have identified your “ONE” thing you need to block time in your day to complete this. It doesn’t matter when you do your “ONE” thing, it matters that you get it done. Block time, gather everything you could possible need during this time period, remove all distractions and do not stop until your “one” thing has been completed.
Extraordinary results become possible when where you want to go is completely aligned with what you do today. Think of it like a long line of dominos. When you knock down the first one it sets the whole thing in motion. It starts slowly, building momentum until it becomes an unstoppable force before reaching the last domino. Your goal in this case. Achieving your goals is no different. You first identify daily your most important thing, you block time in your day and then follow through by taking action to complete your one thing. Don’t forget you must hold yourself accountable for this daily. These three steps will always answer the question of “How do I achieve my goals“ First identify, then block time and finally take action. By doing this on a daily basis you are pushing over your first dominos. Imagine the momentum you would create if you did this every single day for 30 days? That’s a lot of “ONE” things you’ve completed. By focusing daily on your “ONE” thing it’s simply inevitable that you will move closer to and achieve your goals. So the next time you ask yourself “How do I achieve my goals” you know the answer. It’s simply the “ONE” thing. If you would like to put the this into practice but have not yet set your goals then please check out “ Why goal setting is important” This will help you get ready to use the ‘ONE” thing. Have you found this post helpful? If you have please leave a comment below or connect with me via social media. I use the “ONE” thing daily so would love to know your thoughts.
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About Jonathan Petrou Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and currently living in Berlin. I'm originally from London and arrived in Berlin via Amsterdam where i spent four great years of my life. l moved to Berlin with my girlfriend for a new adventure. New city, new apartment & new jobs. After arriving in Berlin I had what you might say was a "Wake Up Call". Realising the career I was trying to create for myself was not what I wanted, not something i was passionate about. I was really not happy and finding my new life in Berlin very hard going. I decided to draw a line in the sand and made a commitment to myself that I was going to
make some changes. Find my purpose, my passion and make some changes, but most importantly not allow myself to return to the place that had made me so unhappy. So... I"m now trying to make some big changes in my life and as I do this I would like to motivate and inspire people to do the same. This is the reason for the my blog. Change is hard at the best of times, people need support, so as I grow, learn and make progress i want to share my experiences in the hope of helping others do the same.