Ellie Buddhism Summary

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The Nature and Purpose of Human Life: Buddhism

Human Nature


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ir\c e There is no the emphasis on individual value con • No permanent 'I' or 'self' / anatta Co1/4.Nive-S c_k.):Ar■ <",444 L-0 yykoJe% l.0003enn Q..3■64::k1'N 04. 64„N—I suc.eizxQe\43 as‘ct1/4 If we become too attached to the self Ites ‘ We seek gratification / satisfaction w...%t./ IseSvc Nr. Lr■.POLV\CIL. Qcxy\r•COV We push away others ➢

Selfish action towards others is rooted in self-centeredness

This does not meant that our personal histories or characters do not mean anything • Linked by universal factors Cesv -‘02.-4:-A: %c)-NeLk 1 ear e s%.39-eizi • We are formed by factors which are universal or common to all W. cAury, fok. • The suffering we share is in the suffering that all share in (The four Noble 5 .ste..04,c0,03 truths)

The Dalai Lama I am convinced that human nature is basically ---Ty.erx.)c affectionate and good. If our behaviour follows Jackb*\,our kind and loving nature, immense benefits O --- -f will result, not only for ourselves, but also for out= Lov.e • the society to which we belong. I generally refer to this sort of love and affection as a universal religion. Everyone needs it, believers .e)jc ' " 1*- cksk-14 as much as non-believers. This attitude rr\oroattl . constitutes the very basis of morality." Man may be clever enough to land on the moon but according to Buddhism we have yet to delve into the inner workings of the mind • Mind must be developed to its truest potential so its true nature can be realised • Wrapped in ignorance • Must make an effort to overcome that and reach enlightenment CLS a



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Human existence, in the Buddha's view is nothing more than a composite of five aggregates (Ichandas)

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Physical forms (rupa) 0.w e covvixr.cky‘t,s Feelings or sensations (vedana) s 1 15 %izyNczczs Ideations (sanna) ‘...kaxj0 vozessi„1/J 41 Mental formations or dispositions (sankhara) \)44. 7 O'Nt..6S‘C cLik• Consciousness (vinnana) • %;L--0■03.4:Z_A J 11 k13‘t t\e\a-Atc'S k.19 c1/4. \,,,wesf\a" Final destination: nirvana "blown out" (candle) -‘ se-A-0-co Profound peace of mind acquired with moksha r‘A-0,-CA OP ,Leyvvs\vis • • • •

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Release from a state of suffering after a long period of committed spiritual practice Pe.)---SS -c) 04Not.\--Qx


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For a lay-Buddhist C Follow the five precepts




st precept cep apiilies p tO allll All sentient beings are in the cycle of birth and rebirth so 1

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The Noble Noble Eightfold Path



By following it you can become a noble person • A noble person is one who has been changed permanently by spiritual insights May be have a better rebirth and ultimately achieve nirvana •



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All sentient beings are in the cycle of birth and rebirth so 1 5t precept applies to all living things Each step is progress towards final goal of enlightenment

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So what is human nature? The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioural traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans. Oka-02 • •

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So for Buddhists our human nature is one of kindness and selflessness. 1:,cLAck.:1 The self does not exist so we are encouraged not to be selfish and dwell on L. our own desires



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These feelings and characteristics extend to all living things

Value of Human Life Differs from Christianity 1342,t. • Lrry ..-A Lucid_ vt-\ ISzkiek.son We do not have value merely by being made in the image of God ,t— . . • Our value is more instrumental (or extrinsic) An object x is instrumentally valuable if and only if, it is valuable as a means • For example: to a hedonist musicician may have instrumental value as he/ she generates pleasure • Money also has instrumental value coLyN, • This means that our value lies in our ability to achieve something else • We have the ability to reach enlightenment • This possibility lends value to human nature %,s-,-14-scur-N%ic_ wp,\Q.c . • However human life also has value as it is more precious than anything else in the world N.-Wry NoLyN, kx 4-k coy 2 etkr,cv o%)ca_ VNO.A.) f2_

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Master Hsing Yun "Whenever we break any of the Five Precepts erp_ct iciAeq of Buddhism, we have violated some other ,,(1_ sentient being. Whenever we kill Pk,e.c.Q.,t31-13 anything, we violate that being at the Cou-x---NreA deepest level possible. Killing, thus, is an"442-Q1'" action that must be avoided by all 1 e.,41/4. tezutv\ci Buddhists" N/\_wre_._ %..z

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Killing a sentient being defiles your inner moral nature In not killing a Buddhist becomes more sensitive to the needs and feelings of all sentient beings Expressing an understanding that all is one e, CkZ Or\ L'.CC Kill and you look with anxiety to rebirth Moral rules and principles are not approached in the same way as in Western religious traditions ... ."-r1e■2 . fr∎VeX

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CoArviP o H.--4/ NZAkt6 ∎5t poY\-svt k3ou, sup-42)(

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Peter Harvey: An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics "Buddhism ... Is generally gradualist in approach, so while it has ethical norms which all should follow from a sense of sympathy with fellow beings, others only apply to those who are ready for them ..."


Harvey, Buddhist Ethics

Ckr ■6. PrZkC)t li_C •ce_

Ur.ckeo" Y■r\s),

An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics

. Pr45

Purpose of Human Life • • • • • •


Varies from one individual to another 1--e_cLefrA.C•fVjaS Achievements give you a purpose and make you ha PPY UN or c344../r Primary purpose is to end suffering kirVelir*■Ck. We suffer because we crave things %fir■cKarteLrCi1/4kr°■.CLX14aThe Four Noble Truths 0•"%9 . Moral rules and principle are not approached in the same way as in Western 460 religious traditions ... or—



Neeyv to Vvraw ok■-■Q/IS The Four Noble Truths 1. All life involves suffering 2. Suffering is caused by craving / attachment 3. We can stop suffering by stopping craving 4. The way to do that is to follow the Noble Eightfold path • Yes, some things give us joy but we should not get attached to this joy Anicca — everything changes (impermanence) • Achieving enlightenment / reaching nirvana • The ultimate goal or purpose • Achieved through good karma


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C6C5 o d le.0-kyvNck. ( `PAcu-)ct•e\ • Theravada Buddhism la It is generally only monks that can achieve enlightenment Purpose for laity is support the monks and gain good karma in the hope of a better rebirth • Mahayana Buddhism Enlightenment can be achieved by anyone ■--6 ■30 Purpose is not therefore to be a monk or nun in the next life

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