Environmental Courses and practices Compilation
Software: HEED, IES-VE, Design Builder Advanced Topics in Environmental Controls – Building Energy Performance Simulation
The Tower House
This small vacation house is designed as a stairway to the treetops. Keeping the footprint to a minimum so as not to disturb the wooded site, each of the first three floors has only one small bedroom and bath, each a tiny private suite. The top floor, which contains the living spaces, spreads out from the tower like the surrounding forest canopy, providing views of the lake and mountains in the distance, virtually the entire Catskill mountain range. The glass-enclosed stair highlights the procession from forest floor to treetop aerie, while the dark green enameled back-painted glass exterior camouflages the house by reflecting the surrounding woods and dematerializing its form.
Syracuse, NY USA 2,545 sq ft
This project helps students learn how to develop a building simulation model using four different simulation tools, which are IES-VE, eQuest, DesignBuilder, and HEED. Further, students can calibrate a simulation model, based on the use of existing utility data, evaluate energy efficiency modules, and conduct parametric analysis to identify an optimal environmental design solution.
For this assignment, the fundamental scientific principles governing light and sound in the chosen built environment are examined in the context of human physiological, psychological and biological needs. Within the considerations of technologies, materials and strategies for control of light and sound in buildings, students examine project performance and continue to develop the themes of resource efficiency and end-user comfort, as well as the daylight sufficiency, visual and acoustic comfort.
Project Site: Ronald Tutor Campus Center: Food Court
Location: 3607 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089 1st oor Program: Food court Area: 9500 sq ft
Tool: Rhino, Enscape
AcouStic Proposals
Lighting Proposals
Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, Diva
This studio approaches to architecture where intangible and unseen objects or topics are addressed, which is so-called Energy. This studio starts to explore them as design materials and finds ways to manipulate so that they can actually be part of the project features, Tokyo 2020 Olympic. Wind, temperature, sound, and shadow, but not limited to, are considered as the main materials of Energy and each student chooses their own Olympic activity to corporate with their Energy design. Also the students have opportunities to find project site within the boundary of Tsukiji fish market. Because most of energies do not have visibilities, digital energy simulation tools, such as Grasshopper, Hodini, Process, are utilized to change the energies to certain forms and colors.
The Olympic activity I selected is Badminton. Badminton is an indoor sport mostly because wind and light give huge influences to the game. Shuttlecock, the game ball, is so light that small amount of wind can easily change its speed and direction. Also if the lights are too bright, players will have difficulty to keep their eyes on the shuttlecock. Badminton itself already has challenges against wind and light sources. By manipulating the main affections of badminton, I manage to bring badminton from indoor to outdoor. First of all, badminton only has high density of popularity for certain countries and only few number of audience attend preliminary rounds. The exposure to the public will make people easily enjoy watching badminton. Tsukiji has compact building arrangement so that game court is placed above a building roof. By raising the ground level, the place is partially separate from public noise. Surrounding buildings have their own circulation so that audience can have easy access. The built structures are composed of big shields , play court, and light reflectors existing above the court. The shields can block public noise, especially traffic noise, wind, and provide dark environment. The light reflectors block direct sunlight and provide small amount of light by dispersing lights.
SET 1 :Default View
SET 2 : Thermal map added
SET 3 : reflected light added
The thermal map keeps its well-known graphic style. The reflected light is shown in black and white. Whited parts are where light is hitting. It shows that most part of the court is covered so that players can have visions to all possible area. Sound is shown in sphere shape particles. when the bigger and redder particles gets, the sound is getting stronger. They are mostly happened from the noise made when players hit the shuttlecock or audience talk. (Assume there are some amount of audience) However, sound does not really distract the match. Natural wind has range from yellow to red and daylight has range from green to blue. Red and blue mean stronger effect. It is hard to recognize yellow and red, which means there are weak wind influence, and mostly green is demonstrated in the image.
SET 4 : Sound particles added
SET 5 : Wind+daylight added
Final Report
Bird Eye view
View 1
View 2
View 3
Software: Ecotect, Rhino, Grasshopper, Diva
Environmental Systems DESCRIPTION
This project investigates a precedent and proposes envrionmental friendly design, which optimizes the performance of the precedent according to the initial surrounding condition. Furthermore, for the computational design and visualization intention, the collage images of energy elements are established for the both initial and alterned design of Esherick House.
Esheric H ou s e
Energy Simulations Composite Drawings
Software: Rhino, Vray Environmental Systems II DESCRIPTION
This project investigates design that optimize the performance of a spinning class. The main components of this design are the chrome hook pieces on the ceiling, the fir wood thick ribbons on the sides, and also the LED strip light embeded in the platforms for the bicycles. First, the chrome hook pieces perfomboth acoustically and optically, they reduce the leaking of audio and also slightly decrease the natural light for optimal temperature, the fir wood is the same type of wood that is used to build violins so it optimise the audio perception for occupants, there are also gaps in between the ribbons to absorb sound, and lastly the LED strip lights allow to control the intensity and also the color of the light.