Victorious Living - September/October 2007

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in an impure world











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VICTORIOUS LIVING September/October 2007 Volume 9 issue 6


Address 1250 Aversboro Rd. Garner, NC 27529 Email Website Phone 919.779.5180 Fax 919.779.4180

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dianne Boyette Nikki Dentrone Julie Ford Pastor Mitch Horton Tony Jones

STAFF Mitch Horton Senior Pastor

Pam Hawkins Receptionist pam@vfgarner

Joe Barbacci Associate Pastor

Renee Horton Creative Assistant

Anne Houston Administrative Secretary

Robert Williams Finance Director

Dianne Boyette Youth Pastor

Sarah Horton Weekly Cleaning

Frann Sarpolus Personal Ministry Jon Horton Creative Director

Shawn Tracy College & Career Pastor Steven Hoyle Music Minister

Nikki Dentrone Children’s Ministry Director

6 Purity

i n a n i m p u re worl d


Victorious Living is a bimonthly publication of Victory Fellowship Church. Comments, questions, or suggestions can be mailed or emailed to us at the addresses located above. To view previous newsletters, visit







WE ALL KNOW THE STORY. Your four-year-old repeatedly whines that he is not tired, even as you see him repeatedly yawning. It is a fight to get him to lie down and go to sleep, but you know that as soon as his head hits the pillow, he will be down for the count. You tell him that his body needs rest in order to grow and be healthy, but he argues that he just can’t sleep. “Why can’t you sleep?” you ask. “I don’t want to miss something,” he answers. “What do you mean, miss something?” He is completely serious when he replies, “Something might happen while I’m sleeping, and I would miss it.” At this point, you smile to yourself. Your child has convinced himself that being overtired is worth waiting for something to happen. You give him a lecture on sleep and its values to the body, hoping that he will grasp the awesomeness of how God created his body to function and why sleep is so vital to his health. The sheer boredom of listening to you causes his eyes to close into peaceful oblivion. Hhmm. Sounds silly when a child thinks that way, but adults are also guilty of staying up waiting for the elusive something. Most adults could say that their day consists of getting up, getting the kids ready and out the door, working, coming home, doing homework, fixing dinner, going to ball practice, going through the kids’ bedtime routines, doing dishes and a load of laundry, watching the news, and then sliding into bed wondering if tomorrow will be any different. Wow! Doesn’t that sound like fun? So, we cut corners trying to get to the something fun in life. We stay up longer night after night, attempting to get more done, so that the next day will be easier and we will have time to do the things that we always want to do but never have time for. We rationalize our lack of sleep as a way to end the cycle of monotony in our daily schedules. Missing a couple hours of sleep a night may not seem like a big deal, but when added together over time, a noticeable sleep deficit is created. Just think, one missed hour of sleep per night is equivalent to missing a full night of sleep by the end of the week! It is a lack of sleep that drives you to hit the snooze button on the alarm, drink too much coffee, and crave a catnap every day. But this is not the life that we are intended to live.

God created our bodies to function correctly with a period of work and a period of rest. Genesis 2:2 says, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” God created us in His image. God worked for six days, and then God rested. Our bodies are created to both work and rest. Proper sleep helps our bodies recover from the daily wear and tear of work and stress. Sleep allows our muscles to relax, rejuvenates our skin, allows our hearts and lungs to enter “rested” states, and helps to boost our immune system. Yet we disregard the Word in Genesis, “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work…” When we do that, we miss the blessing of living in abundance.

We sacrifice living in abundance and the blessings of God. Our sacrifice is the health of our kids and of ourselves. Our bodies cannot maintain good health without proper care. The world’s route to good health has been focused on the aspects of diet and exercise, so much so that we have missed a fundamental part of our health. Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to read your Bible when you are tired? Isn’t it also harder to pray? This is a tactic of the enemy to keep us worn down and spiritually numb. When not properly rested, it takes so much energy simply to get things done, that when the Lord calls us to serve, we are too tired to obey.

When we neglect to get enough sleep, our body faces a number of challenges that adversely affect our health. Neglecting sleep diminishes productivity, leads to a tendency to make mistakes, and causes irritability, headaches, fatigue, memory loss, inability to focus, drowsiness, and moodiness. With sleep neglect, we no longer operate to the best of our God-given abilities.

God commanded us to rest. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, or your son, or your daughter, or your male servant, or your female servant, or your cattle, or your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” (Exodus 20:8-11)

We must realize that the world will continue to push us to work-work-work. We live in a 24 hour-a-day busy lifestyle. Stores are now open on Sundays, and some are open all night long. Society tells us to climb the corporate ladder and to keep up with the Joneses. But what do we sacrifice for the world’s way?

You may not be able to have Sundays off due to your work schedule, but you need to take the time for a “Sabbath rest,” a period when you focus on the Lord and your own wellbeing. Let’s not throw out the good diet and exercise routines, but also remember to get a healthy dose of sleep on a nightly basis.

Sources for Sleep Information:

Recommended Daily Sleep Amounts: AGE 2 – 3 years 4 - 5 years 6 - 8 years 9 -11 years 12 -15 years 16 -18 years Adults

NIGHTIME SLEEP 10.5 to 12.5 hours 10 to 12 hours 9.5 to 11.5 hours 9.5 to 10 hours 8.5 to 9.5 hours 8.0 to 9.0 hours 7.5 to 8.5 hours

DAYTIME SLEEP 1 to 3 hours 0- 2.5 hours None None None None None

SUGGESTED TOTAL 11 to 15.5 hours 10 to 13 hours 9.5 to 11.5 hours 9.5 to 10 hours 8.5 to 9.5 hours 8.0 to 9.0 hours 7.5 to 8.5 hours


 I WALKED THROUGH MY LIFE DESIRING SUCCESS, But with the choices I made, I only hoped for the best. The weight of the world increased the weight of my stress. I dreamed for the most yet settled for less. I lived how I lived just to pass through the time. When thoughts of wickedness passed through my mind, I stepped to the wrong side one inch at a time. And the light that was there could no longer shine. I made my own rules so that I could survive. No cares, no regrets . . . then the pain arrived. The pain, starting so small, became too large to hide, So, in order to mask it, I started living a lie. I smoked and I drank and the curses did grow. My burdens grew heavy, and my hurts didn’t slow. I moaned and I cried but continued to show That the man I could be was a man I didn’t know. I went on that way through the pain and the tears, Lost respect for my family and replaced it with fear. I couldn’t give love without my hate going near To the ones that I cared for but mistreated for years. I began to have thoughts of ending it all, And with all my burdens, I continued to fall. I could see no light; I felt surrounded by walls; But when I finally gave up, I heard His voice call:


“I know how you’re feeling. I’ve watched as you tried To live your own way and get swept by the tide. The tears in your eyes I felt as you cried. You were never alone–it was Me by your side.

“I was there when you fell. I was there when you lied. I could see all, But you continued to hide.

“I saw how you drank. I saw how you smoked. I heard all your cursing, knew inside you were broke. I called and I called, but your ears wouldn’t hear. You had to give up before you could come near.

“You are my child. I gave you free will. I watched you the first time you started to steal. I heard all the things you said in the dark. The pain you felt was the pain from My heart.

“My arms are open, there’s a smile on my face. My love will not fade no matter what you face. I want to forgive you and help you replace The pain that you feel and all your mistakes.

“I wanted to save you and lift you up high And give you My joy to replace all your cries. I wanted to bless you and destroy all the stress, Let you see your potential and forget all the rest.

“I know where you’ve been, and I know where you are. I’ve seen all the hurt, and I see all your scars. You see what you’ve done, but I can see far. Just trust in the One that made you and the stars.

“I wanted to tell you how much you do mean, Cast away all your fears and replace them with dreams. But the one thing that stopped me is the lesson you’ve learned: You must ASK for salvation. It cannot be earned.”



in an impure world by pastor mitch horton

ONE OF THE LESSONS WE LEARN AS WE NAVIGATE THROUGH LIFE in a fallen world is that many good things can in excess harm you. Fire is useful in a controlled environment, like the burner in my gas hot water heater, or the gas furnace in the crawlspace of my home. I like hot water in my shower, and I enjoy warmth on a cold December day. But I’ll never forget the day I looked out my window as a three-year-old to see my neighbor’s house burning to the ground! Their gas heater had exploded, and the fire was no longer in the controlled, confined environment. Sex is a wonderful gift of God for men and women. Used properly in the confines of marriage, it’s a beautiful expression of the love a husband and wife have for one another. And it results in the human race continuing to populate the planet. But used in the wrong way, sex can ruin a healthy life, bring destruction to an individual, divide a home, and bring a curse on a nation. So let’s examine the right and wrong uses of sexuality in our lives, and bring some much-needed balance to a subject that is demoralized in just about every way conceivable in our day.


With the fall of man, basic human desires have beThese standards are being challenged in every way come tools that are exploited by the world, the flesh and in our day, but scripture gives us the ultimate best that the devil. Sex was originally created by God for the propaGod has for us! Understand that fornication8 (any act of 1 gation of the race and for the enhancement of marriage. sex outside of marriage), adultery9 (sexual relations with anyone other than one’s spouse), lesbianism,10 homosexuAfter the fall of man, basic human desires and drives ality,11 bestiality,12 and pederasty13 (sex with children), are became selfish and need-centered instead of God-cenall forbidden by God.14 History provides detailed clues for tered. Sexuality was meant by God to propagate life and the curious as to what happens when a culture loses its to enhance the love relationship in marriage. Now, sex is morals. Rome once ruled the world but fell into ruins beused to bring sin, shame, and hurt to millions. And Satan cause of the lack of self control among its citizen. Reading uses it as a tool to destroy human life and to banish human the literature of that day will show that sexual promiscuity beings from the presence of a Holy God. So let’s bring the was engaged in without conscience, and was one of the subject of sexuality into the twenty-first century, and bring factors that led to the demise of that civilization.15 into it the balance of scripture. God told the Israelites not to associate with the CanaanPsychologists tell us that the two strongest drives in ites in the Promised Land because of their gross immoral the human are preservation of life and sexual expression. idolatry. If fact, Joshua was commanded to kill the inhabitInnately within us comes the desire to preserve our lives: ants of the land, including fathers, mothers, children, and to eat, to clothe ourselves, and to shelter ourselves from even animals, as they conquered city after city.16 harm. And the second strongest desire in a human is the sexual desire.2 According to Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible,17 the This desire is not sinful in itself, for God is the one heathen nations surrounding Israel were involved in idolawho gave us the sexual desire try that involved Baal worin the first place.3 Used acwith depraved forms “Now let’s get real. Any sex outside of ship cording to His plan, sexual of sexual immorality.18 I the confi nes of marriage is forbidden expression is a normal part mention this to show that of the way God created us to by a Holy God. His will is that a person demonic forces are involved live. remains a virgin until marriage, and then in immoral sexual behavior. And Satan has increased the Notice that men and women are unique in cre- once married, God’s best is that a couple sexual emphasis worldwide in our day because he knows remains married for life!” ation. All of the male and the damage it will do to civifemale animal species were 19 lizations worldwide. created individually from the dust of the ground. But the woman was formed from the body of the man.4 I believe God’s standards of holiness for believers are clear, this was because of the unique sexual relationship that and are for our protection and wellbeing. Notice 1 ThessaGod ordained in marriage. Animals copulate with any lonians 4:3-8 (Phillips Translation): God’s plan is to make other animal within their species. But God created maryou holy, and that means a clean cut with sexual immorality. riage for the human race and intended that a man and Every one of you should learn to control his body, keeping it woman enjoy a lifelong relationship in marriage. God pure and treating it with respect, and never allowing it to fall wanted one man and one woman to stay together for life. victim to lust, as do pagans with no knowledge of God. You That’s the reason the woman was taken out of man. And cannot break this rule without cheating your fellow men. Inthis unique creation was to indicate a monogamous sexual deed God will punish all who do offend in this matter, as we relationship in marriage for life.5 have plainly told you and warned you. The calling of God is not to impurity but to the most thorough purity, and anyone God created sex as an experience only to be engaged who makes light of the matter is not making light of man’s in within the confines of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 states ruling but of God’s command. It is not for nothing that the God’s intentions clearly: Marriage is honorable among all, 6 Spirit that God gives us is called the Holy Spirit.20 and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. The Message Paraphrase states it well: Honor Paul wrote a letter to the believers in Corinth and told marriage and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy bethem not to incite a flame of sexual passion in the opposite tween wife and husband. God draws a firm line against casex.21 He encouraged self-control and marriage as a way 7 sual and illicit sex. to deal with God-given sexual desires.22 Now let’s get real. Any sex outside of the confines of The bottom line is that if we compromise in the area marriage is forbidden by a Holy God. His will is that a perof sexuality, we break fellowship with our Father, open son remains a virgin until marriage, and then once marourselves up to demonic attack,23 and plant the seeds for ried, God’s best is that a couple remains married for life! the destruction of our nation! I want to give some simple VICTORIOUS LIVING | SEPTEMBER/O C T O B E R 2 0 0 7 | 7

your marriage affair-proof “orMake adultery-proof by observing the

following simple guidelines: Never engage in friendship with the opposite sex alone without your spouse.

guidelines here that will aid the believer in remaining pure and sexually moral before God. First of all, make a decision to control the sexual appetite until marriage. To begin with, make a choice daily to stay away from lust-filled media, from sitcoms with all their innuendos to the internet with its loads of lustful fare for the flesh. Make a covenant with your eyes,24 and refuse to look upon impurity. Remember that what occupies the eyes and ears fills the heart and controls the person.25 If you sow to the flesh, you reap fleshly desires. If you sow to the spirit, you reap desires for the things of God.26 And remember that you sow with your eyes, your ears, and your thoughts.27 We are to avoid all appearance of evil.28 That means it’s important to make a decision to never be alone with the opposite sex if you’re single. Plan activities with a group, and refuse to go alone to each other’s homes. Christians sin more at night and when they are tired than at any other time, so go home at a decent time. Remember that we are witnesses with our lifestyles, and people are watching us when we least suspect it. You may think going into the home of a person of the opposite sex is innocent, and you may be innocent in your intent, but others around you think carnally. You plant the wrong impression by going into the home of a person of the opposite sex alone! And you are asking for temptations of the flesh to resist! Be wise and don’t be alone! Another wise choice for the single believer

is to make a vow of purity before God until you’re married. When I was young, I asked the Lord to keep me sexually pure so that I would have a gift for my wife. I was 13 or 14 years old when I made this consecration to God, and He helped me honor Him in my teen years with abstinence before my marriage. It’s also wise to hold yourself accountable to a friend who is a strong believer. An accountability partner can provide a strong incentive for purity if you’ll meet with that person weekly. The second guideline for remaining sexually pure before God is that once you’re married, commit for life. Never allow the “d” word, divorce, to come out of your mouth as a way to solve problems that arise. Keep the lines of communication open, and be aware that you’re bought with a price, and you’re not your own. You now belong to Jesus and your spouse. You are responsible before God to meet the needs of your spouse in natural ways, mentally, emotionally, and physically.29 Make your marriage affair-proof or adultery-proof by observing the following simple guidelines: Never engage in friendship with the opposite sex alone without your spouse. At work or church, keep your conversations with the opposite sex away from personal issues. These should be discussed with your spouse. Refuse to eat out alone with a person of the opposite sex. As a married person, refuse even to ride in a vehicle alone with the opposite sex.


It’s just too intimate. Refuse to correspond over the internet with the opposite sex, except with strictly business information. Keep clear of personal relationships carried on in cyber space with the opposite sex. These precautions can save a life from ruin. Read Proverbs 5, 6, and 7 as an incentive for purity in your life. The results of immorality are too clear to overlook in these passages. The third thing that you can do to remain pure and moral before God is to daily commit to Jesus’ Lordship over your life. Commit your mind and emotions to Him. Commit every part of your being to Him, and ask Him to help you with the human desires He gave you. Refuse to be an idolater.30 Someone said that idolatry is meeting a legitimate need in an illegitimate way. Don’t use satisfying your appetites, whether physical hunger or sexual, as a release from the pressures and stresses of life. Submit every part of your person to Jesus, and talk to Him in exact detail about your life and lifestyle. Honor God with your body and with your spiritual life. Therefore, since these great promises are ours, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit, and bring our consecration to completeness in the reverential fear of God. (2 Corinthians 7:1, Amplified) Remember, whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.31 {




4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.



16. 17.


See Genesis 1:26-28; Proverbs 5:15-19. In creation, everything that God made was very good. God placed the sexual appetite innately within the human psyche. Every bodily function in original creation was both perfect and necessary. Before the fall, Adam and Eve were tuned to the pitch of God’s desires and harmonized with God’s plan for them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially. Chaos and disorder resulted from the fall. I recommend Tim Lahaye’s book The Act of Marriage to couples I counsel prior to marriage. It provides a much needed balanced view of sexuality and helps couples become comfortable with how God created them to respond to one another. Throughout the history of the church, many Christians have believed that the sex drive is evil. St. Augustine, one of the theologians of the early church, believed that sex was sinful, and that the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden referred to the act of sexual intercourse. But if that were true, then why did God command Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth? And why did God make sexuality an enjoyable part of humanity and physiology if in fact He forbade it? On the contrary, He made sexuality a beautiful thing in the context of marriage. And He intended that it be a gift enjoyed only by those in a relationship called marriage. Genesis 2:19-22 Genesis 2:24 – Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they two shall become one flesh. This word joined indicates a close relationship that includes sexual expression. Verse 25 indicates that Adam and Eve observed each other’s nakedness and were not ashamed, further indicating a sexual relationship. The Greek word for bed is Koite, from which we get the word coitus, a term referring to sexual intercourse. (Quoted from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.) See 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Corinthians 6:9. See Exodus 20:13; Hebrews 13:5; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Revelation 21:8; Leviticus 20:10. Romans 1:26; Leviticus 18:22-30 Romans 1:27; Leviticus 20:13; Leviticus 18:22-30; 1 Corinthians 6:9 Leviticus 20:15-16; Exodus 22:19; Exodus 18:23 1 Corinthians 6:9 – The King James translates the latter part of the verse abusers of themselves with mankind, referring to sodomites (homosexuals), pederasts (child sex abusers), and lesbians. Any and all acts of sex outside of the marriage covenant are forbidden in scripture. According to Leviticus 18:24-25, these sins defile a nation and cause the land to vomit out its inhabitants. Our nation would be wise to heed the clear warning of scripture, or we could face a judgment similar to Sodom and Gomorrah! In Kenneth Wuest’s Studies in the Greek New Testament is a very interesting quote: The moral life of the Greco-Roman world had sunk so low that, while protests against the prevailing corruption were never entirely wanting, fornication had long come to be regarded as a matter of moral indifference, and was indulged in without scruple, not only by the mass, but by philosophers and men of distinction who in other respects led exemplary lives. (Kenneth S. Wuest, Studies in the Greek New Testament, Volume 1 Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1953), The Books of Ephesians and Colossians, p.120) See Deuteronomy 2:34, 3:6, 13:11-18. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible (Lawrenceville, Ga: Dake’s Bible

Sales, 1961) 106, col. 4, “Asherah” 18. Ibid. 106. Here’s a quote from Dake’s article on page 106, column 4, “Asherah”: Asherah, a pillar or image of wood. It was set up with the image of Baal, and worshipped by libidinous rites and lascivious practices… The word comes from the root ashar, to be straight, upright, erect. The pillar was set upright or erect in the ground like a totem pole. It was either a living tree with the top cut off and the trunk fashioned into a certain shape (Deut. 16:21), or a log fashioned into an idol and set erect in the ground…Originally the idol was worshipped as a symbol of the tree of life, but later perverted to mean the origin of life and pictured with the male organs of procreation (Ezekiel 16:17). Such symbols became the objects of worship carried on with all forms of impurity, perversion, and licentiousness by crowds of devotees involved in demonized and obscene orgies. 19. See Revelation 12:12. 20. J.B. Phillips, The New Testament in Modern English (New York: Macmillan, 1972), 428-429. Used with permission. 21. See 1 Corinthians 7:1-9. The phrase in verse one: it is good for a man not to touch a woman is correctly translated it is good for a man not to incite a flame of passion in a woman. He then addresses sexual fulfillment in marriage as a way to avoid sexual sin. 22. Three principles of sexuality reign in marriage: 1) The principle of need found in verse 2: Nevertheless because of sexuality, let each man have his own wife, and each woman have her own husband; 2) The principle of authority found in verse 4: The wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does; and 3) The principle of habit found in verse 5: Do not cheat each other of normal sexual intercourse unless of course you both decide to abstain temporarily to make special opportunity for prayer. But afterwards you should resume relations as before or you will expose yourself to the obvious temptation of Satan. (1 Corinthians 7:2-5) 23. Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Corinthians 6:13) Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) 24. Job 31:1; Psalm 101:3 25. Make a decision not to look at anything that will cost you spiritually. 26. See Romans 8:5-8. 27. Practice Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 3:2. In this verse in Colossians, to set your mind means to direct your attention to a thing. We are to remain moment by moment focused on Jesus through the Word! 28. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 29. See Endnote 22 above. 30. See 1 John 5:21. 31. Colossians 3:17


“Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

God talks to us about there being “a time to be born and a time to die……a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance……a time to start looking and a time to stop looking……a time to keep quiet and a time to speak out……” and so forth. Ecclesiastes 3:4-8 His word expresses that there are various seasons of time. “It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 Don’t we wish we could say we have done everything at the right time in our lives! Over the years, both as a parent and as a youth pastor, I have received two very important revelations about timing….through experience! First, for everything there is a right time. Second, it is critical to every outcome that certain events take place in that right time. God speaks about timing throughout His word. He has put a sense of eternity in our minds; yet mortals still can’t grasp what God is doing “from beginning to end” (of time). Eccl 3:11 While we may not be able to grasp everything about what God is doing in the big picture of eternity, I believe that through the Spirit of God in us, we believers can know the right timing to do those things God tells us to do. This holds true in our personal lives as believers, in our families as parents and spouses, and in our professions and ministries as well. It’s interesting how God gave us different personalities and how we respond to God through those personalities. Yet, with all our differences, we each have within us the same Holy Spirit, Who will help us understand God. We can learn to trust that inner voice in us ……Holy Spirit. When I need help, I ask for it and I get it. When I need wisdom, I ask for it and I get it. I have learned to be dependent on God to tell me when, where, and how to live my life. To reach this place, I had to start with the small things of life and go through the process of building my trust in God. 1 0 | V I C T O RY F E L L O WSHIP CHURCH | WWW.VFGARNER.COM

There are those who may think that we shouldn’t bother God with the small, unimportant things of life, the things that we can do for ourselves. But God believes you are special. He cares about the little things in your life as much as the big things. God is a very personable Father, Who likes us as well as loves us. He wants to be involved in every part of our lives. In the past, I have asked for help when I should have been gone ten minutes ago but couldn’t find my car keys. And God through Holy Spirit gently spoke to me with an impression to go look soand-so…………and I did, and there they were…….it was so cool!!! The impression was gentle, one you would miss unless you were listening. I learned from those times that if He loves me enough to help me in the little things, He will help me in the bigger things also. So often we ask God a question, and then don’t wait for His answer. How many good things have we missed because of that? Learning to wait for the right time can be as challenging as learning what is the right thing! Both require us to trust, to be patient, and not to be in control of what is going on. That is really scary for many people, because control is a comfortable place. Both fear from the past and the unknown of the future can hinder our trust in God. However, IF you can be courageous enough to allow God to take the controls and direct your footsteps, you will open yourself up to the unlimited opportunities of life that He has waiting for you. God will instruct you what to do and when to do it through developing the ability to listen to that small, inner voice inside of you. God knows everything, from the beginning to the end, and He sees all eternity. In comparison, our lives are mere moments. But as we trust God and yield our lives to Him, we will REST, knowing that………… “everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven…….it is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time.”


We Are His

by Julie Ford

His light shines and warms the earth Seeds of hope awaiting new birth Conquering power planted deep within Protected from harm, prey and sin Darkness and death attempt to abide Until the blood and sacrifice are applied Life springs forth, dancing in the sun A new creation growing has begun Weeds of sorrow and doubt Deceitfully enticed to sprout Until the Master Gardener takes hold All evil invasion is pulled and controlled Now, mature and bearing many fruits A blessed harvest found in His statutes Supported by God’s rich soil of love A faithful Provider from above




Victory Fellowship has joined with Beacon Institute of Ministry in Columbus, Georgia, to provide a school to prepare believers for obeying the call of God upon their lives as ambassadors for Christ.

“Survery of the Old Testament II” October 18th - 20th / Dr. Charles H. Gaulden

Beacon Institute of Ministry is accredited by Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) to award degrees through the Master of Divinity and has been granted authorization to begin offering courses leading to the Doctor of Ministry Degree. In-depth studies are provided in Bible, Counseling, Christian Development, Church Growth and other related topics. These studies are designed to prepare Christian Workers for pastoral, counseling, evangelistic, teaching, music, youth, children’s, and other ministries. They are also designed to enrich one’s spiritual life, along with strengthening the ministry of the local church. If you are not a member of Victory Fellowship, you must be grounded in a local church in order to participate in the courses offered at our campus.


This course is a study of the second half of the Old Testament. In this course we will discuss the major archaelogical discoveries of the Old Testament setting and its impact on the Scriptures; the introduction to Hebrew Poetic and Wisdom Literature; the formation to the Old Testament Survey; and the introduction the the Prophetic Literature.

SIGN UP TODAY AND RECEIVE YOUR BOOK AND SYLLABUS! For more information on Beacon Institute of Ministry, please contact Shawn Tracy at 550.0618.



January 18th - 20th

“How to Study the Bible”

Dr. Dwayne Lusk

February 15th - 17th

“The Theology of Relationships”

Dr. Gary Stewart

“Introduction to Biblical Counseling”

Dr. Mike Chapman

April 19th - 21st

“The Book of Acts: The Spirit and the Mission of the Church”

Dr. Jerry W. Horner

May 10th - 12th

“A Theology of Worship”

Dr. Fuschia Pickett

June 14th - 16th

“World Religions in Christian Perspective”

Dr. Stephen Mansfield

July 19th - 21st

“Biblical Languages: Hebrew I”

Dr. Charles H. Gaulden

March 15th - 17th

August 16th - 18th

“God’s Manifest Presence”

September 13th - 15th

“Biblical Building Blocks for Marriage and Family”

October 18th - 20th

“Survey of the Old Testament II”

November 15th - 17th

“Biblical Discipleship”

December 2007

No Course This Month!


Dr. Philip E. Goodson Rev. Scott & Cheryl Scheer Dr. Charles H. Gaulden Rev. Greg Hinnant


FRIDAY, AUGUST 10TH 2007 He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak. Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:29-31-The Living Bible). Here’s an interesting way to look at a familiar passage. In my Companion Study Bible there is a note by this verse that calls this a Katabasis, which is a going or marching down, a retreat, or a gradual descent. Here in Isaiah, notice that as the believer waits on the Lord he moves from flying to running to walking. In our walk with God, at first we are doing what seems natural, which is relying on our own wits and strength. But as we grow in God, and learn what it means to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, we learn to relinquish the control of life and its circumstances into His hands. We learn to seek God and roll the care of every circumstance onto Him. Instead of flying in our own strength, we learn to slow down and move into a strength that surpasses our own, and we begin to run. Little by little as we learn that Father knows best, we lesson our striving and begin to enter into the rest of God, the rest of faith. We then begin to walk. The fast pace become an easy stroll with respect to energy expended. As we wait on the Lord and in prayer and faith place every circumstance of life in His hands, we begin to live in the power of His might! We don’t become as weary as we did before. We go farther with greater energy reserves. And it becomes with us as it did with John the Baptist, He must increase, but I must decrease. Take time to build God’s strength in you today by waiting on the Lord. You’ll accomplish more, and you’ll walk in a state called rest as the Father works through you with His power. This is the way He created you to live!

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