Urban Grassland project - Non Fiction Cities module

Page 30


Animation Link: https://vimeo.com/442301589

The animation frame depicting the urban grassland landscape, with swaying movements, motions and activity timelapses of the use of newly implemented amenities within the Urban Grassland scheme. However with this community garden comes with risk, and that is why only specific Indigenous plant species will be accounted for. The risk with standard community gardens regards direct food security and also can influence for decrease in farmer’s crop yielding and market sales. To avoid this issue, the scheme will have major prioritisation especially toward the Kangaroo Grass, which contributed to the flour and ‘bread’ dough making within the included bakeries.

Regarding the bakery, this was installed to allow for convenient access to bread-making facilities, to which the oven’s heat could potentially be used to heat the baths. Situated closely to the grassland, the bakery would make use of the grassland harvests, and within walking distance, reduce the amount of vehicle traffic within the area. This especially combats the ‘ruined by design’ trigger, as it directly causes the area to rely solely on natural growths to facilitate the energy source and also figuratively empower the area. Citizens can engage with this area regularly, increasing the productivity and responding to the Urban Planning Scheme to insert active amenities to drive economic value to the area. The community may also work to propagate the agricultural produce through nearby gardening amenities. This can generate community pride and empowerment, encourage social interactions, education, recreation and providing equal opportunity for employment thus building the community and improving from its current state. Additionally, existing vacant lots can be used as the bakery or recreational spaces, in which also directly addresses the planning scheme’s need to occupy empty buildings and generate value to the surrounding area.


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