Business Outlook Newsletter February 2018

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JACC MORNING BREW FEBRUARY 9 …more awards, announcements and opportunities inside!



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BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2017-2018 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Clive Veri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman of the Board Brandon Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Elect of the Board Karen Plott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Past Chairman of the Board Jerrod Hogan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Louise Secker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman Membership/ Community Development Services Brent Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Vice Chairman Membership/ Community Development Services Lori Scott Dreiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman Economic/Workforce Development Services Betsy Kissel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Vice Chairman Economic/ Workforce Development Services


Gina Atteberry Michael Beatty Todd Chenault Jeremy Drinkwitz Donovan Edwards

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS David Glenn Jacqueline Hackett Holly Hukill Dr. Alan Marble Kelli Perigo

Sam Anselm John Bartosh Mike Gray Dr. Brad Hodson Ryan Melton



Dr. Jennifer Methvin Dr. Melinda Moss Sergio Rizo Marilyn Ruestman Michael Seibert

CHAMBER STAFF EXECUTIVE Rob O’Brian, CEcD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Tonya Sprenkle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President Mark Turnbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Operating Officer Lisa Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Assistant

FINANCE Samantha Doubledee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Manager

MEMBER SERVICES Ginger LaMar, IOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Member Services & Development Stephanie McGrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Events Producer Jim Kesler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership Sales Strategist

PLATINUM LEVEL City of Joplin Crossland Construction Company Downstream Casino Resort Empire - Liberty Utilities Central KOAM-TV/FOX 14 - KFJX Stronghold Data LLC

CHAIRMAN LEVEL Commerce Bank EaglePicher Technologies, LLC Freeman Health System General Mills H.E. Williams, Inc. Joplin Floor Designs Joplin Globe Publishing Company Joplin Supply Company KODE-TV/KSNF-TV Lamar Outdoor Advertising Lancaster Signs Mercy Hospital Joplin Missouri Southern State University Results Radio, AMI Radio Group SNC Squared Southwest Missouri Bank US Bank, N.A.

PRESIDENT LEVEL Arvest Bank BKD, LLP Community Bank & Trust (CBT) Lakeland Office Systems, Inc. Roper Honda Show Me The Ozarks Magazine Weed Whackers, Inc.

ECONOMIC & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Kevin Welch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Business Attraction Brian Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Workforce Manager Loni Smith . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Strategies

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Lea Schroer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Assistant


Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce 320 E. 4th Street, Joplin, MO 64801 (P) 417.624.4150 (F) 417.624.4303 /joplinchamber /joplinchamber

DIRECTOR LEVEL Choice Marketing Connell Insurance, Inc. Joplin ProPrint Motive Matters Storm Stanley

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Recruiting Talent and Training for the Long-run Where is your next employee coming from? Where do you find people with good basic skills, commitment to the job, willingness to learn and understanding of being part of a team? It’s a question you, as a member, ask us and one we have been asking our peers in other communities for some time. In a time when nearly every place in the U.S. is at full employment plus, there is no easy answer and certainly no one who has found a magic bullet. However we have one piece, we believe, of a solution and it begins next month. ROB O’BRIAN For several months we have had a committee of Chamber members, representatives of veteran PRESIDENT support organizations and the state Career Center and Workforce Investment Board looking at the feasibility of actively recruiting personnel leaving military service. Why this group? First, the transition out of service is a several month process during which the service member and his or her family are discussing where to go on separation. Many communities that have military bases try to encourage those service members to stay and be part of those places. However, many service members consider moving back to their or their spouse’s hometown, or at least nearby, in order to have time with parents and family. By the numbers, our four-state area has a large number of people who serve in the military, making Joplin a good central location to which to return. In addition, many service members are from smaller towns with limited job and continuing education prospects. The Joplin area has numerous job and continuing education opportunities. Finally, a good number of service members are married. They have a spouse who may also be looking for a job, typically not in the same field, and children. So an array of jobs options and good K-12 education is also a consideration. So, as our veterans on our committee have pointed out, the Joplin area has a strong case to make. How are we approaching reaching out to these potential new residents and employees for your company? We have developed a brochure on the area highlighting the key benefits. It is only four pages, so it is easy for the transition staff at military bases to keep handy to hand out and, if your company directly recruits at bases, easy to take along. The brochure refers to our website focused on military personnel. This site is on the Chamber website, so people looking can move on to seeing more about the community and Chamber member firms. We will have social media, primarily Facebook, aimed at targeted demographics in the communities around the bases selected for the first outreach. And we are looking at social media specifically directed to service members and veterans to extend the reach. Now, if you have advertised for new employees in this area, and if you have used social media in a “broad net” approach and you still need good employees, give this campaign a try. We are doing something that is really focused on people with the work ethic, basic skills, and can-do attitude you want for your company. And it is FREE to you as a Chamber member. All you need to do is use your member account and post your jobs on the Chamber’s jobs board. It is fast, easy and that will be the place we direct our targeted audience to look for jobs in the area. Now, if you want to get more promotion on the website, there are spaces for advertising for your company and Jim Kesler can help you with those. But our goal is to have as many jobs on the jobs module by mid-March as possible because the more jobs we show here, the more interest we get in people moving here, because they know they have opportunities and that their family members also have opportunity as well. If you can’t recall your password into your membership account, contact Lea at the Chamber. She will help you out. She will also email you the step by step instructions to post your jobs. Whether you have one or one hundred, they all need to be on there if you want to see the results. And if you want more information in general, just give me a call or shoot me an email (rob@ How about apprenticeships? With the new Advanced Training & Technology Center underway, Crowder College is offering great certification training in a variety of areas including industrial maintenance, basic and advanced welding, electronics, CAD and IT networking. This is a great opportunity to discuss both standard and customized training with the Crowder team. Learn by contacting Melissa Smith at the ATTC: Also, there are new opportunities (and funding) for apprenticeship programs. Crowder already has apprenticeship programs underway in construction and electrical. Now Crowder and the Chamber are looking for companies in training for the longterm with apprenticeships in manufacturing. Your Chamber is enhancing the effort starting next month with Brian Kelly taking on a role in working with Crowder and the Workforce Investment Board to help companies develop apprenticeship programs. The ATTC is an ideal location for apprenticeship focus, with WIB and Crowder resources, as well as classroom and other training space for companies. Learn more about apprenticeships by contacting Brian Kelly at the Chamber. Your Chamber is lining up the support to help your company attract new talent in the short term and train your employees for the long-run. All you need to do to participate is give us a call.





TOMORROW’S LEADERS TODAY – Business & Industry Session The class toured Cardinal Scale, Modine Manufacturing, General Mills, Component Packaging and American Ramp

Thank you to our session sponsor…


And our program sponsors…

Business EXPO 2018 A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the Business EXPO Committee led by Reggie Powers and Stormi Nordstrom. Thank you True North & Compass Quest Veteran Services for taking care of the registration and let’s not forget all our vendors who had a booth, volunteers who worked tirelessly, our AMAZING SPONSORS and of course everyone who came to the JACC Business EXPO from business day to public day!



Congratulations to the Award Winners…


Joplin Metro Credit Union Your team WOWED the crowd!


Missouri Southern State University Thank you for rolling out the RED CARPET at Business EXPO!


Corner Greer & Associates, Inc. Your team built the winning booth for THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOOTH!


Show Me the Ozarks Magazine Voted by the Business EXPO Committee BEST GIVE-AWAY!


Teena Maitland, Ozark Center (not pictured)



8 Reasons Why Business Plans Help Increase Profits by KAREN BRADSHAW, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Missouri Southern State University

As Winston Churchill once said, “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. Whether you are starting a business, trying to obtain financing, or expanding your company, you should consider writing a business plan. You probably think that only business people desiring financing need to write business plans. Writing a business plan is really about the mental process you go through in organizing your thoughts to see which idea will be the most feasible and profitable. This process allows you to obtain input from other successful business owners. If you want your business to improve and grow, effective planning is imperative. Following are a few reasons you should consider writing a business plan.



1. INSPIRES FUTURE GROWTH –­ Palo Alto Software conducted a survey of almost 3,000 business people. The survey discovered that individuals who completed business plans were about twice as likely to successfully grow their companies, get financial investments, or obtain loans, as those who did not write business plans. 2. ENCOURAGES THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES – Cooper & Edgett’s study, “Benchmarking Best Practices Performance Results and the Role of Senior Management,” found that the top performing businesses that were surveyed achieved on average 38 percent of revenues during the last three years from new products, while the rest of the companies surveyed on average achieved 27 percent. Of these firms, new products accounted for 42 percent of profits for the top performing firms, versus 28 percent for the rest of the companies. 3. MOTIVATES YOU TO SET GOALS – Defining goals enables you to look back and see if you have accomplished your annual or three-year goals for profitability and growth. The process of writing down your goals and strategies will help you be committed to achieving, measuring, and monitoring your goals. 4. ENABLES YOU TO CREATE, BENCHMARK, AND REVIEW YOUR IDEAS – The process of putting your ideas in writing helps you to better formulate successful future actions. This will provide you with something tangible to revise, improve, and discuss with others. Writing a business plan is an ongoing process, so you need to review your plan several times a year. This process forces you to take an objective and critical look at your strategies. 5. HELPS YOU TRAIN YOUR EMPLOYEES – An operational business plan that contains your vision, goals, strategies, and policies, will enable you to train your employees. You will be able to convey how you want your business operations to function. 6. ALLOWS YOU TO RESEARCH YOUR TARGET MARKET – Remember, it is all about the customer’s perspective. You will need to survey your customers and prospective customers to discover their opinions regarding the types of services and products they want to purchase. Consider how, when and why they want to purchase from your company. 7. MAKES YOU ANALYZE YOUR COMPETITION – You will need to analyze your competitors’ marketing, operational, and distribution strategies in order to write your business plan. This process will allow you to be aware of the competitive forces that affect your company. 8. REQUIRES YOU TO BE REALISTIC ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION (present and future) – Your plan will require you to prepare realistic and accurate financial statements (i.e., income statement and balance sheet); pro forma income statements for the next three years; monthly cash flow projections for the next year; a narrative describing your financial projections; and a break-even analysis. This process will assist you in examining the financial viability of your company currently and in the future. In summary, remember to revise your plan as new information becomes available and your business grows. Review the plan with your business associates. Use your business plan as a guide to operating a successful business. A business plan is a living document, not a book residing on a shelf. Remember the old adage, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” You may want to consider attending a business plan workshop.

LivePlan: Building a Business Plan Whether you are starting a business, trying to obtain financing from lenders or investors, or expanding your company, you should consider writing a business plan. LivePlan is an online business planning software that works on any type of computer with an Internet connection. You can construct a business plan and financial statements, which can be accessed by multiple users. This workshop will introduce you to the LivePlan software and provide tips on writing a successful business plan. Each participant will receive 90-day access to LivePlan.

Date: February 21 (Wednesday), 1:30 - 3:00 pm n Location: MSSU, Plaster Hall, Room 108 n Cost: $39



FEBRUARY TRAININGS Business Financials: The Basics

The first in a series of three, this training is designed for business owners, managers, and those who want to learn how to turn financial statements into useful management tools. Participants will review the accounts listed on the Profit & Loss statement and Balance Sheet and will learn how to calculate several useful ratios from these financial statements. Participants will then learn how to make business decisions from this information. Date: February 6 (Tuesday), 1:30pm- 3:30pm Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU Cost: $49

QuickBooks Desktop: Utilization, Tips, and Tricks

This training will be a demonstration of QuickBooks and how to best utilize the program and its features. Date: February 7 (Wednesday), 1:30pm- 4:30pm Location: Plaster Hall, MSSU. (Yellow signs at Entrance will list room information). Cost: $79

Starting a Small Business: The First Steps

Before you start a business, be certain to attend this seminar. Participants will have an opportunity to assess their business idea, learn about the importance of planning, discuss legal and regulatory requirements, learn about marketing strategies, and identify sources of financing. Each participant will receive a Start-up Manual. Date: February 8 (Thursday), 1:30pm- 4:30pm Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU. Cost: $29 per business (up to 2 attendees)

Increasing Profitability Through Data Analysis using BizMiner

BizMiner is an analytical database that provides industry financial reports for over 30,000 banking professionals; hundreds of accounting, valuation, CRE and consulting firms; and universities. The database provides industry financial ratios, balance sheet data, and detailed profit and loss statements, and industry market statistics. Participants will learn key elements of comparing their current financial data or their proposed start-up business financial projections with industry standard financial data of firms in similar industries. Individual reports are available for each state. Date: February 15 (Thursday), 3:00- 4:00pm Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU. Cost: No cost

LivePlan: Building a Business Plan

Whether you are starting a business, trying to obtain financing from lenders or investors, or expanding your company, you should consider writing a business plan. LivePlan is an online business planning software that works on any type of computer with an Internet connection. You can construct a business plan and financial statements, which can be accessed by multiple users. This workshop will introduce you to the LivePlan software and provide tips on writing a successful business plan. Each participant will receive 90-day access to LivePlan. Date: February 21 (Wednesday), 1:30 – 3:00pm Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU Cost: $39

Microsoft Excel Level 1


Learn the practical uses of Microsoft Excel. Participants will be given an overview of Excel and will learn how to build, format, save, and print Excel workbooks. During this training event, participants will learn how to create basic worksheets with text, numbers, formulas, and functions. Learn to utilize ribbons, the help system and other Excel features. Find out how to insert, delete, move, and copy data. Learn how to create and modify charts. Each participant will receive a manual and completion certificate. Date: February 27 (Tuesday) and March 1 (Thursday), 1:30pm- 4:30pm both days Location: Plaster Hall, MSSU. (Yellow signs at Entrance will list room information) Cost: $124



417 Cabinets 2203 East 32nd Street, Suite B Dustin Lane, Sales Manager Grand opening

H&R Block 1901 East 32nd Street, Suite 19 Chris Tucker, Supervisor Remodel and kick off to tax season

Ribbon provided by COUNTRYSIDE IN THE CITY

KELSEY MILHOLLAND Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity RAYMOND MOORE TownePlace Suites by Marriott Joplin

WELCOME CLASS OF 2018 ZACHARY BRAUCHER Crossland Construction Company, Inc. CODY CHAFFIN EaglePicher Technologies SHANNON CHEW Keller Williams Realty of SWMO


ISAAC NORMAN Arvest Bank DENISE OVERSTREET Empire District – Liberty Utilities Central SHARON PERKINS Mercy Hospital Joplin KELSEY RAMSEY Adelmo Family Care

GINGER COOPER Mercy Clinics – Joplin

JAKE HEISTEN Congressman Billy Long – US House of Representatives


DREW HUNTER Southwest Missouri Bank

RIKKI SMITH Freeman Health System

JASON DICKINSON Southwest Missouri Bank

ALLISON MARDIS US Bank Wealth Management

ROBERT (BOB) VEACH Joplin Building Material Company

DUANE DREILING United Way of Southwest Missouri & Southeast Kansas

GEORGIANA McGRIFF Joplin Area Catholic Schools

MIKE WAKEFIELD Binky Guy Textiles

RACHEL MERRIMAN Mercy Hospital Joplin

MICHAEL WISCHMEYIER Corner Greer & Associates, Inc.

JON SCHWARTEN Modine Manufacturing



With record low unemployment, employers need help filling those open positions and JOB FEST 2018, presented by the Workforce Investment Board of SW Missouri, is here to help! Employers can still register for JOB FEST 2018 at; there is limited availability. Job Fest is back at Joplin’s Memorial Hall, Tuesday, February 6th from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and job seekers will even have a chance to win a BRAND NEW KIA NERO thanks to Roper Kia! Any employers with questions please contact Bubba at 417.540.2765. As the new year begins, the Joplin Fire Department (JFD) has compiled their final statistics for 2017. Highlights include: n 8,431 Responses made (An increase of 162 calls in comparison of 2016); n JFD averaged 23 responses per day; n JFD responded to 83 reported structure fires: l 25 building fires were mutual aid responses to neighboring cities; l 58 building fires were in the City of Joplin; l 44 of the 58 were working structure fires; n Average response times to structure fires in the City of Joplin is 4 minutes and 30 seconds; n Total value of involved property of structure fire responses was $25,512,500. l JFD saved 89% or $20,560,100. (These are estimates, and included several high value buildings that had fire suppression systems in place per our codes and ordinances that prevented much larger losses.) n Busiest station is Station 1 with 33% of the call volume. n Rescue 3 was the busiest apparatus and responded to 2,134 incidents. “The men and women of the Joplin Fire Department continue to provide professional fire protection and EMS services within the City and this department wouldn’t be what it is today without them,” said Jim Furgerson, Fire Chief. For more information, contact the Joplin Fire Department at 623.0403 or 624.0820, ext. 1300. To help area employers take care of everyday or acute healthcare needs, Freeman Health System announces Freeman First Care. Located at 3333 McIntosh Circle, Suite 4 in Joplin, Freeman First Care helps employees – whether new to the area or those without a healthcare provider – get established with a primary care provider and can assist with referrals to specialists as needed. This service is also for employees who are having difficulties getting a timely appointment with their current provider. Staffed by boardcertified physicians and nurse practitioners, Freeman First Care also offers treatment for colds and non-work related injuries, basic health tests and annual wellness exams. Freeman First Care is open 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. No referrals are needed. To schedule an appointment, call 417.347.8200.

Freeman Bariatric Center has been accredited as a 12 Comprehensive Center under the Metabolic and Bariatric


Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP®), a joint program of the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. The first and only bariatric program in the area to be accredited, Freeman Bariatric Center meets the highest standards for patient safety and quality of care. Freeman Bariatric Center offers free seminars on bariatric weight-loss surgery the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The seminars take place at the Freeman Business Center Conference Rooms, 3220 McClelland Blvd., Joplin, Mo. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. To RSVP, call Janice at 417.347.1266. Freeman NeuroSpine offers Spinal Care services for patients with chronic back or neck pain, especially those who have not found relief through other treatments. This first and only service to the area utilizes a collaborative approach to address a patient’s total needs – from physical to emotional. This new service draws upon the expertise of an interdisciplinary team of specialists in neck and back problems – physicians, neurosurgical nurse practitioners, physical therapists, counselors and other highly trained spine care professionals. Together, the team develops a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan for each patient. Services include pain management options, physical therapy, x-ray and computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), surgical assessment and counseling. Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays, Spinal Care services are available at Freeman NeuroSpine, 1905 W. 32nd St., in Joplin. No referrals are needed. Appointments can be made by calling 417.347.7200. Your Sleep Number Store at Northpark Mall, 101 North Range Line Road, will have a Chamber Member Appreciation March 12th through March 18th with special savings for Chamber Members. Call 417-623-3233 for more details. Unnecessary personal papers often clutter homes due to residents’ fear of identity theft and fraud if these sensitive documents are put into trash or recycling bins. The Joplin Recycling Center has recently improved their process to help people with these disposal challenges by replacing their shredding machine with a locked 96-gallon container that will be switched out on a weekly basis. CRC Shredding, the City’s secure service provider, will remove the locked container of documents to be shredded with an empty container each week. The process remains self-serve, but now patrons can drop up to 200 pages at a time through the restricted opening on the container instead of feeding 16 pages at a

time into a shredding mechanism. This new service will be much quicker and easier, and remains at no cost to patrons. Mary Ann Phillips, Joplin Recycling Coordinator, said that the service is geared toward residential, but the Center welcomes businesses with small quantities. If a commercial entity needs help contracting with a document or electronic destruction service, they may contact Mary Anne Phillips at 417-624-0820 extension 501. The Joplin Recycling Center, 1319 West A Street, is open Tuesday and Thursday from Noon to 6 p.m. and Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and is open to everyone regardless of residency. The Mercy Wellness Speaker Series will present the following in February: Bariatrics Seminar, Thursday, February 1 from 6-7 p.m. and The Brunch with Heart, Thursday, February 22 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. For a complete listing of events and to register online, visit The Southwest Missouri NAIFA chapter invites all area insurance and financial advisor professionals to our February meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Mythos Euro Greek Kuzina, 1306 South Range Line Road. The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a complimentary lunch followed by a presentation by Chris Tucker from H&R Block dealing with taxes. Connect2Culture presents Annie Moses Band’s The Art of the Love Song on February 10 at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) at Joplin High School Performing Arts Center. The songwriters, singers, and siblings of the Annie Moses Band have been inspiring and entertaining audiences for more than a decade with a captivating blend of folk, roots, and classical music. The Band’s award-winning composers weave diverse musical styles into cinematic arrangements that beautifully showcase their Juilliard-honed chops and soaring vocals. Young and old, classical connoisseurs and roots enthusiasts, jazz aficionados and bluegrass buffs all hear refreshing renditions of their own genres in the Annie Moses Band’s music. The group has brought technical virtuosity and exhilarating showmanship to stages as diverse as Carnegie Hall and the Grand Ole Opry! Tickets: $20-$30. Group discount available! Groups of 15-40 receive a 20% discount. Buy tickets at or 1-800-514-3849 (etix is the exclusive ticketing provider). On behalf of Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO), the Joplin Convention & Visitors Bureau is requesting your help! Volunteers are needed for the Special Olympics Missouri Regional Basketball Tournament in Joplin February 10. This basketball tournament will bring more than 600 athletes and coaches from across west and mid-Missouri to Joplin to try and qualify to attend the state competition in March. Basketball competition events include individual skills, team skills, 3-on-3 and traditional 5-on-5. The tournament runs from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at the following gyms: East Middle

School, North Middle School, Soaring Heights Elementary, Eastmorland Elementary School, McKinley Elementary School and West Central Elementary School. Volunteers play an enormously important role in the success of this event. We are looking for volunteers at all locations, mostly to keep score and assist the teams during play. Morning and afternoon shifts are available for all locations. No previous volunteer or basketball experience is required. To view the schedule and sign up online, visit www.somo.volunteerhub. com/lp/southwest/. For general information about volunteering, visit Most volunteer shifts include a minimum four-hour commitment, and each volunteer receives a complimentary T-shirt along with a very rewarding experience. For questions regarding volunteer opportunities at the regional basketball tournament, please contact Harrison McLean at 573-635-1660.



Connect2Culture Arts Roundtables are a series of professional development programs that aim to educate, empower, and connect the Joplin Arts community. Join us for Speed Networking with Joplin’s Arts & Cultural Community on February 20 from 6:00–8:00 p.m. at the 200 Block Commons Building (212 South Joplin Avenue). Are you a member of Joplin’s arts and cultural community? Do you desire to put names to new faces and make meaningful connections? Come prepared to tell your story and brainstorm potential collaborations! Light appetizers and beverages will be served. Public parking can be found at the old Joplin Public Library building lot or along the street. Let us know you are coming by emailing Include your name and affiliation (organization name, local artist, etc.). All leaders, supporters, and advocates of the Joplin Arts are welcome to attend these roundtables. Feel free to invite interested staff and board members. These Roundtables are a great time to learn, share, network, and establish connections. Children’s Haven is celebrating 15 years of providing safe, nurturing emergency shelter to children of the Four States! Our new Playground Project is a great way to help us celebrate! Find out how your donation can help create a joyful, interactive outdoor space for kids to be energetic and carefree during times of family crisis! State tax credits may be available for gifts of $100 or more. Visit us at or call 417.782.4453 today! The Missouri Southern State University Master of Management program will sponsor the February Downtown Joplin Wineshare event this Friday, Feb. 2. The event will be held from 6-8 p.m. at the newly renovated 200 Block Commons building at 212 Joplin Ave. Please join us for appetizers from Red Onion, information about the Master of Management program, and an update on MSSU’s downtown plans. Don’t forget to bring a bottle of wine to share!

Please submit your “Our Members Announce” items by the tenth of the month to





FEBRUARY 1-2 7:30 am Leadership Joplin Overnight Retreat Sky Ranch Cave Springs Retreat Center

FEBRUARY 12 12:00 pm Business EXPO Committee JACC Office

FEBRUARY 6 9:00 am Leads Group One TownePlace Suites by Marriott Joplin 11:30 am Tax Reform Lunch & Learn JACC Office

FEBRUARY 13 8:15 am YPN Building Future Leaders Workgroup Panera Bread 12:00 pm YPN Professional Development JACC Office

FEBRUARY 7 8:00 am Tomorrow’s Leaders Today Joplin Schools Administration Building 9:00 am Leads Group Three JACC Office 10:30 am Opening Celebration Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. 12:00 pm YPN HYPE Lunch Ye Olde King Pizza

FEBRUARY 14 9:00 am Leads Group Two JACC Office 12:00 pm YPN HYPE Lunch Ye Olde King Pizza FEBRUARY 15 8:00 am Leadership Joplin Communications and Media Session Zimmer Radio Inc. FEBRUARY 16 1:00 pm YPN/SLA Marketing, Media & Advertising

FEBRUARY 9 7:30 am Morning Brew Lakeland Office Systems FEBRUARY 10 9:00 am YPN Gives Back to Special Olympics 10:00 am YPN/SLA Leadership Development, part 2 MSSU

FEBRUARY 20 9:00 am Leads Group One Consolidated Electrical Distributors 5:30 pm Business After Hours Indigo Sky Casino

FEBRUARY 21 9:00 am Leads Group Three JACC Office 12:00 pm YPN HYPE Lunch Ye Olde King Pizza FEBRUARY 22 4:00 pm YPN New Member Orientation JACC Office FEBRUARY 23 8:00 am YPN Executive Committee JACC Office FEBRUARY 26 11:30 am Chamber Board of Directors JACC Office FEBRUARY 27 6:00 pm Golden Apple Nominee Reception MSSU FEBRUARY 28 9:00 am Leads Group Two JACC Office 12:00 pm YPN HYPE Lunch Ye Olde King Pizza


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knowing our members. Quality in everything we do. Unite to influence through public policy. Progress through partnerships. Leading by example. Results through consensus. Strategize for innovation and skilled workforce. Commitment to discussion and debate of community challenges. Respect and appreciation for our members and employees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s time to connect with your JOPLIN CHAMBER and get engaged Call Ginger 417.624.4150 or 14



Nominations are due by February 2, 2018. Nominee Reception is February 27, 2018, 6:00 pm at MSSU Connor Ballroom.




Planet Fitness FEBRUARY 2018

Fitness Center 2113 Geneva Avenue Joplin, MO 64801 888.237.9005 Chris Epper, Director of Marketing Sponsor: Jim Kesler, JACC

Pentecostal Life Center Churches 5505 Gateway Drive Joplin, MO 64804 417.499.3523 Jarrod Jones, President Sponsor: Jim Kesler, JACC The Chamber’s Board of Directors and staff are pleased to welcome our newest Chamber Members. Please keep these and all Members in mind when looking for goods and services.

Integrated Business Solutions

Joplin Ear, Nose & Throat

Computer-Services/Software/Products 2355 14000 Road Oswego, KS 67356 620.795.2971 Russell Swisher, Business Systems Specialist Sponsor: James Richards, Stronghold Data, LLC; Jim Kesler, JACC

Physicians & Surgeons 1920 East 32nd Street Joplin, MO 64804 417.781.4613 Tracy Carpenter, Practice Administrator Sponsor: Jim Kesler, JACC

Schuber Mitchell Homes, LLC

Insurance 420 North Range Line Road, Suite 11 Joplin, MO 64801 417.627.0505 Matthew Mantle, Owner Sponsor: Jim Kesler, JACC

Construction Co-Home Builders, General Contractors/Developers 1621 Anderson Drive Webb City, MO 64870 417.626.7000 Courtney McNally, Marketing Manager Sponsor: Jim Kesler, JACC

State Farm InsuranceMatthew Mantle Agency

Invite your clients or vendors to join the Chamber. Contact Jim Kesler at 417.624.4150 or



Air Service Plus Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2013

Irby Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016

Donny Allen - Keller Williams Realty of SWMO . . . . . . . . 2011

Jasper County University of Missouri Extension . . . . . . . 2011

American Red Cross - Southern Missouri Region . . . . . . 2000

Joplin Area Catholic Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2007

Jeff Asbell Excavating & Trucking, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2015

Lancaster Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000

Bank of Little Rock Mortgage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2012

LegalShield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2013

Benefit Management, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2008

Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009

Braeckel’s Development Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2001

Optic Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016

CB Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2013

Owens Corning Mineral Wool LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016

Cott Beverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1994

Ozark Camp & Retreat Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2008

Fresenius Medical Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2008

Sam’s Club #6415 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1993

Golden Corral Buffet & Grill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003

T.R. Smith Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017

H&R Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016

2018 Small Business of the Year NOMINATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED. This is your opportunity to nominate a small business or a not-for-profit for the 2018 Small Business of the Year Awards presented by BKD, LLP and the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce. The awards recognize the contributions of small business to the local economy and to the overall progress of the Joplin area:

Awards will be presented to three (3) deserving businesses serving our community: one business employing 1-10 employees, one business employing 11-50 employees and one not-for-profit business at the 101st JACC Annual Banquet on April 26th. Visit to post your nomination.



n Contributions to the community n Business or management philosophy n Response to challenges n Innovative products or services n Employee involvement/recognition


Who’s Your Favorite Manufacturer or Trucking Firm? TIME AGAIN FOR THE SMALL AND LARGE INDUSTRY OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS. The Chamber recognizes companies in manufacturing, distribution, trucking and utilities that have grown or overcome significant obstacles in the past few years. In addition, we have great firms that are engaged in supporting the community in many ways. Small firms (less than 100 employees) and Large firms (100+ employees) all have a story to tell. Give those firms a chance for recognition by nominating them for the Industry of the Year award. Nominate your company or someone else. Email your nomination and why you think the company deserves the award to We’ll follow up from there. Nominations due no later than February 28th. 17




On Tuesday January 30th, our President gave the annual State of the Union Address. This event is something that I have watched regularly throughout my life. As a kid I didn’t really have a choice but to watch it because my parents refused to pay for cable or satellite so we only had 4 Channels: NBC, ABC, CBS and PBS, and the State of the Union Address was broadcast on each of them. As I got older I began to recognize the importance of paying attention to things happening in the political realm because they were increasingly having a greater impact on my life and as of this writing, I fully intend to watch the State of the Union Address on Tuesday. Regardless of your political views I think we can all agree that today’s political climate is unlike anything we have seen in our lifetime and even the notion of discussing our country’s politics brings a fair amount of reservation due to the vitriol that is being spewed from all sides of the aisle. The good news is that this article isn’t about politics, but rather how do we as Young Professionals rise above the dysfunction we see in our legislators and build a community that we can all be proud to live, work and play in. In the end, the YPN exists to Connect, Develop and Empower Young Professionals but for what purpose? In my opinion we should be doing the connecting, developing and empowering with the goal of building a better community where current and future generations can thrive. We have arrived at a place where we have met our quota of critics, and now we need solutions. That’s where you and I come in and flip the script. While people all over this community and communities around the country are happy to point out what they think is broken, you and I can step in and step up to offer solutions. So as we finish the last quarter of this YPN year I want to encourage you to lean in to our mission and work alongside us and other community leaders as we put solutions in place that we can all be proud of instead of just being unproductive critics.

Thank you,

Ryan Melton YPN Chairman Freeman Health System




jacc MORNING BREW presented by

sponsored by and located at 417 South Schifferdecker Avenue

Friday, February 9, 2018 7:30 – 8:30 am RSVP online at –OR– by calling 417.624.4150

BUSINESS afterHOURS presented by

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:30-7:00 pm


sponsored by and located at 70220 East Highway 60 Wyandotte RSVP online at –OR– by calling 417.624.4150

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