February 2015 Business Outlook

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FEB 2015

Business outlook

February Feb rrua uary 201 2015

Business B usiness Outlook Outtlook

Growth new businessES haVE ribbon cuttingS See more new businesses on page 11

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE our members announce

Back in the Mud?

p. 3


business expo A look back at the area’s largest business-to-business show

• • • •

EXPO After Hours Silent Auction Booth Winners Trip Giveaway



Business B i Outlook O tl k February 2015

Board of Directors


2014-2015 Executive Committee Randy Moore


David Glenn


Larry Warren


Doug Doll


Louise Secker


Karen Plott James Richards Clive Veri

Directors Gina Atteberry Michael Beatty Brad Beecher Lori Scott Dreiling Donovan Edwards Charles Keeter Shelly Kraft Kelli Perigo Gary Pulsipher Kim Woodard

Ex-Officio Directors Sam Anselm John Bartosh Dr. Jennifer Methvin Mike Gray Dr. C.J. Huff Dr. Alan Marble Matt Proctor Marilyn Ruestman Michael Seibert Angie Thomure



City of Joplin Downstream Casino Resort The Empire District Electric Company KOAM-TV/FOX-14 Stronghold Data LLC

Chairman Level

Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Staff Executive Rob O’Brian, CEcD PRESIDENT Tonya Sprenkle VICE PRESIDENT Lisa Kelly EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Member Services Ginger LaMar, IOM Stephanie McGrew Martha Getz Cynthia Marlow

Platinum Level

AMI Radio Group Commerce Bank EaglePicher Technologies, LLC Freeman Health System General Mills Joplin Floor Designs Joplin Globe Publishing Company Joplin Regional Business Journal Joplin Supply Company KODE-TV/KSNF-TV Lamar Outdoor Advertising Lancaster Signs Mercy Hospital Joplin Missouri Southern State University Pinnacle Bank Southwest Missouri Bank US Bank, N.A.

President Level

BKD, LLP Community Bank & Trust (CBT) Roper Honda Show Me The Ozarks Magazine

Director Level

Choice Marketing Lakeland Office Systems, Inc. Motive Matters Weed Whackers, Inc.

Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce 320 East 4th Street, Joplin, MO 64801 Phone: 417.624.4150 Fax: 417.624.4303 www.joplincc.com /joplinchamber /joplinchamber /


February 2015

Business Outlook

Back in the Mud?

Rob O’Brian, President

Ninety-five years ago, the newly minted Missouri Highway Department passed a bond to pay for a number of significant highway projects to raise the state “out of the mud,” as then Superintendent John Malang said. Malang, who came from Joplin, was a believer that good highways connec ng Missouri communi es to each other and to the larger U.S. markets were cri cal for economic success. The Highway Commission agreed with the importance of having paved roads serving each county so cars and trucks could get out of the mud and people could travel more easily from place to place. Regre ably, a er years of well-maintained exis ng roads and bridges and significant new projects to make transporta on more efficient and safer, it appears we are facing returning, if not to mud, then at least to a bare-bones transporta on system.

In August, Missourians did not pass a general sales tax to con nue support of the transporta on system. This came a er several years of study and community input sessions by MoDOT and the Missouri Transporta on Alliance that indicated the sales tax was more preferable to ci zens than an increase in fuel tax or tolling. This month, the Missouri Transporta on Commission met to look at what the now rapidly declining revenues for transporta on will mean. I could recite those, but instead I want to share this update from Transporta on Commission Chairman Stephen Miller. “At our (January) Commission mee ng MoDOT’s Chief Financial Officer Roberta Broeker opened the discussion by presen ng the financial projec ons for coming years. Our state revenues will be so low by 2017 we will no longer be able to match federal funds. As a result, Missouri will be unable to collect $167 million in federal funds. Those unclaimed funds could be redistributed to other states that have sufficient state revenue. By 2018 the federal dollars lost will grow to almost $400 million …. Par cularly sad is the fact that each dollar in state funds spent on transporta on improvements is matched by $4 in federal funds. “Roberta also dispelled two popular myths. First myth: the funding problem can be solved by further cuts to MoDOT. March 1 will mark the five-year anniversary of MoDOT’s downsizing, known as the Bolder Five-Year Direc on. Those cuts were deep and historic. Not only had it never occurred in the history of our state, MoDOT Director Dave Nichols confirmed that no other state DOT has made these kinds of cuts. Those cuts to employees, buildings and equipment funded more than $600 million in contractor awards over the five-year me period – funds that built roads, employed contractors and s mulated economic development. “What about more cuts to the organiza on? “Cut to the bone” is how MoDOT’s CFO described our current organiza on. There is nothing else to cut without jeopardizing MoDOT’s ability to provide the most basic of services like patching potholes, plowing snow, striping roads, inspec ng bridges and administering the few contractor projects. Further, given the $160 million annual shor all to simply maintain what we have in its current condi on, more cuts to MoDOT, even if they were made, would only nibble around the edges while seriously harming essen al func ons. “Second myth: the insufficient funding was caused by or could be solved by bonding. Bonding is just another name for debt. It does not represent new money and it must be paid with interest from future revenues. Debt has its place, but it must be used wisely and at the right me on the right projects. In the past decade, MoDOT made very effec ve use of bonding to address large, high-priority projects that required a large cash outlay in a short period of me. These projects could not have been funded effec vely out of opera ng revenues. MoDOT’s Smooth Roads Ini a ve, Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program and major river bridges in St. Louis and Kansas City are all good examples of sound use of debt. The debt MoDOT took on to make those improvements has given Missouri the highway system it has today. But you don’t use debt to fund basic opera ons any more than a family should mortgage its home to pay for basic necessi es. “The only solu on is new funding, and new funding is achieved in only one way: taxes. Whether one calls it tolls, license fees or various kinds of taxes, they all require us to pay for what we use. There is no free lunch. “If you would like to communicate with the Commission, you can always reach us at MHTC@modot.mo.gov.” In my opinion, a well-maintained, safe and efficient transporta on system is cri cal for businesses of all size and to every resident of our state. The legislature is in session right now, and transporta on funding is on the agenda. It’s me to find a solu on to fund our transporta on system before we wind up back in the mud. 3

Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015


The Magic of Business EXPO 2015

February 2015

Business Outlook

People’s Choice Winner: Missouri Southern State University’s booths: MSSU Athletics MSSU Plaster School of Business MSSU Marketing & University Relations Winner of the Early Set-up: Mid-Land Awning Winner of the “WOW” Award: Legacy Events (pictured on cover) Winner of the “Best Use of Theme” Award: Kraft Insurance Services Winner of the trip to Universal Studios: Ron Lawson

for u o y nk Tha fantastic er anoth XPO! E


Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015

EʩȼʑʢȲʑnȪɏ ʃȱɏ Muʣiɋ ʋnɍ Mysɀʑʢɨ Է ʃȱɏ Niɳhɢ! Saturday, February 28, 2015 | Downstream Casino Resort—Pavilion 6-7 p.m. Social Hour | 7-8 p.m. Dinner | 8-10 p.m. Program $50 per person and includes a plated dinner $2 per vote to choose your favorite dancer Joplin Celebrity Dancers & Their Partners Brian Atnip, Keller Williams Realty, with Melody Morgan

LoreƩa Bailey, LoreƩa Bailey Insurance Agency, with Michael Bowen Cheryle Finley, Liberty Bank, with Gary Stubblefield Drew Hartley, Freeman Health System, and Carah McCullough Ryan Jackson, Railroad Salvage and RestoraƟon, and Latausha Reed Shelly and Randy KraŌ, KraŌ Insurance Services Rob O’Brian, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, and Judy Schneider Mike Olmstead, FOX-14, and Kaye Lewis Travis Renfro, Temple Training, and Jennifer Jameson Logan Stanley, Edward Jones Investments, and Catherine Ramoly

Purchase your Ɵckets and votes early! Cash bar and votes will be available at the event. Purchase Ɵckets and votes online at joplincc.com or by calling 417.624.4150. SeaƟng is limited! Proceeds from this event support the Chamber Cultural Affairs Commi ee Art in Public Places Project.


Presented by:

AddiƟonal Sponsors Online/Media Sponsor: Joplin Globe Media Company Makeup and Hair Sponsor: Styles Hair Salon Event Camera ProducƟon Sponsor: MSSU/KGCS-TV Print Sponsors: DataGraphics PrinƟng & PromoƟons and Fast Copy PrinƟng

February 2015

Business Outlook

Message to the Network from Chairman Lindsey Hayes Presented by

2014-2015 Executive Committee Lindsey Hayes, Chairman Nicole Brown, Co-Chairman Angie Thomure, Past Chairman Brent Baker Kyle Birkinsha Shawn Daniel Jake Heisten Ryan Melton Greg Sutton Megan Tyler Christina Williams

YPN New Members Emma Ball, The Hip Handmade Market Tyler J. Overstreet, City of Joplin Brittany Rhoades, SNC Squared Anthony Monteleone, KODE-TV

The new year is upon us and it’s at this time every year that we reflect on years past and set goals for the coming year. Sometimes these goals are repeats of years past, but that’s ok! Failure to complete such goals just helps us figure out what techniques may not be right for us. I have a short list of things I’d like to accomplish this year and they are mostly things I’ve attempted in the past and failed. What makes this year different? Motivation and support. I’ve confided in friends and family so they can help hold me accountable and offer support along the way. I Googled the top resolutions for 2015, and I was not surprised by what I found. I think it’s pretty obvious most people want the same things out of life: a stressfree, financially independent, healthy life. How can you argue with that? Even if you don’t make “resolutions,” you probably have some sort of goals in mind. How do yours stack up against the general population? The following is courtesy of 123newyear.com: 1. Quit an Addiction – It will not take you anywhere good, trust us. If it does you no good, why stick to it? If needed, seek help of support groups or professionals. If you have the will, you shall find the way. 2. Back to School – Learning has no age. Pick up where you left off. 3. Fit in Fitness – Secure a future with fewer trips to the doctor with exercise. Select a regime you can stick to. A group activity may add the element of fun to the routine. Lose some flab. But don’t set any strict target, for then the chances are you may get de-motivated and quit. 4. Soak up New Skills – Learning something new and interesting is always fun and a value addition, too. 5. Healthy Hogging – Think before you put any morsel in your mouth. Occasional indulgence should be there. 6. Lose the Loan – Pay off any debt you may have and feel light at heart. 7. Sack Stress – This sounds easier than it actually is, and there is no magic tip. You have to find your own haven. 8. Contribute for a Cause – Giving back to society is the least we can do to make the world a better place to live. 9. Liven up Your Lifestyle – Professional growth is okay, but your personal life requires attention. Strike a balance. 10. Organized – This is the key to make life easy, manage time and live stress free. Make a proper to-do list, and you are halfway there already. Here’s to a healthy, organized, addiction-free 2015!


Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015

Our Members Announce by Mercy Hospital Joplin recently announced a 20-year sponsorship of Webb City R-VII School District. Mercy will provide $250,000 to the Webb City Schools Founda on to support its endowments for general educa on, fine arts and athle cs. Under the agreement, Mercy will be the exclusive health sponsor for Webb City Schools. For more informa on, go to www.mercy.net. Mercy Hospital Joplin received the American College of Cardiology’s NCDR ACTION Registry–GWTG Pla num Performance Achievement Award for 2014. Mercy Joplin is one of only 256 hospitals na onwide to receive the honor. For more informa on, go to www.mercy.net. Missouri consumers are planning to save more, and have adopted a “show me” a tude toward future economic growth. Those are among the more no ceable findings from the third phase of the Fall 2014 Arvest Consumer Sen ment Survey released in December. This phase is the final piece of the survey, conducted in October, and focuses on consumers’ a tudes concerning spending, saving and debt. For more informa on, go to www.arvestconsumersurvey.com. It’s a brand new year and along with that, SNC Squared has a brand new service: custom websites at an affordable monthly fee! They want to focus on the big picture—your business. What’s a be er way to do that than to have a fantas c-looking presence online? For more informa on, email Sales@sncsquared.com or call 417.622.0933 for special pricing for Chamber members!


a free consulta on and be lake ready when summer rolls around. Also offering skin rejuvena on, microneedling, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, dermablading and Botox. Success by Six, a United Way of SW Missouri & SE Kansas ini a ve, has distributed 5,373 books in the past six months that went home with young children, thanks to the Li le Blue Bookshelf project. The Li le Blue Bookshelf project places bookshelves stocked with gently-used or new books for children, ages birth-3rd grade, in the community where families are experiencing a stressful situa on or crisis. Children are encouraged to visit the shelf and choose a book to keep and share. For more informa on, please call 417.624.0153. The City of Joplin Recycling Department, Post Art Library inside the Joplin Public Library and Connect2Culture are sponsoring a Trash-To-Art contest to celebrate the Joplin Recycling Center’s 15th anniversary. Entries must be made of materials that would otherwise be discarded (though paints, adhesives, embellishments and such are acceptable, so long as the majority of the piece is created with trash). 2D and 3D entries shall not exceed 3x3x3 feet and may not weigh more than 15 pounds. Categories include adults (18 and older), teens (grades 6-12) and kids (grades PreK-5). Pick up an entry form at the Post Art Library, 300 South Main Street or Joplin City Hall, First Floor Recep on Counter, 602 South Main Street or at www.joplinmo.org/DocumentCenter/view/3614. Submissions must be dropped off March 26-28. For more informa on, call 417.782.7678 or 417.624.0820, ext. 501.

Don’t forget about these avenues of giving to Rapha House Interna onal: Dona ng appreciated stock or property; making a one- me gi in honor of a loved one; or giving through a charitable IRA rollover. To learn more, call 417.621.0373 or visit www.raphahouse.org. Rapha House exists to love, rescue and heal children who have been rescued from trafficking and sexual exploita on.

Higdon Florist is ready for Valen ne’s Day! Roses, spring bouquets and awesome classy flowers to say “Happy Valen ne’s Day!” Order early to ensure mely delivery. Valen ne’s Day is Saturday, Feb. 14, so surprise her and have it sent to work on Friday the 13th! Higdon Florist is open Monday through Friday 8 am-5:30 pm and 9 am-3 pm on Saturday. You can reach Marcia when the store is closed. Remember, when you want to send the best, call Higdon Florist and they will do the rest! Call 417.624.7171 or go to www.higdonflorist.com.

Pro Musica presents the Brasil Guitar Duo on February 12 at 7 p.m., St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 812 South Pearl. A 2006 winner of the Concert Ar sts Guild Interna onal Compe on, and hailed by “Classical Guitar” magazine for its “maturity of musicianship and technical virtuosity,” the Duo’s innova ve programming features a seamless blend of tradi onal and Brazilian works. The concert is open to the public at no charge, but dona ons are appreciated. For more informa on, go to www.promusicajoplin.org or call 417.625.1822.

Kaylin Schatzer has joined Joplin Regional Business Journal as a staff writer. She will be responsible for editorial content, focusing specifically on JRBJ’s Open for Business, From the Ground Up, Business Spotlight and Regional Profile features. Joplin Regional Business Journal announces an exclusive partnership with Kum & Go convenience stores. Stop by your local Kum & Go and pick up a copy today! For more informa on, call 417.625.6699.

This is the perfect me of year to get rid of that unwanted hair. Southwest Medical Spa, 2216 East 32nd Street, Suite #102, has laser hair removal specials and package deals for those treatment areas. Call 417.782.7230 for

Young Family and Cosme c Den stry is offering a limitedme special: Any new pa ent will receive a $150 in-office credit on their account! If you are looking for a unique dental experience, call today to make an appointment at 417.781.3440. Young Family and Cosme c Den stry, 2640 East

32nd Street. “Keeping Your Smile Healthy and Young!” Are you up to the 20/60 Challenge? Complete 20 group fitness classes in 60 days at the Joplin Family YMCA and you’ll get more energy, more strength and more endurance while building rela onships and forming healthy habits. You’ll also get a free t-shirt so you can tell the world you conquered the challenge! The 20/60 Challenge runs through March 2, and there’s no registra on fee. For more informa on, call 417.623.4597. Give a li le love this February by sponsoring a night ($10) for a family staying at Ronald McDonald House of the Four States. As we celebrate Valen ne’s Day, Ronald McDonald House thanks you for suppor ng the “House that Love Built.” They have helped more than 2,571 families heal together for 16 years thanks to generous people like you. Send your tax deduc ble dona on to P.O. Box 2688, Joplin, MO 64803. Contact Ronald McDonald House today at 417.624.2273 or visit www.rmhjoplin.org to learn more about ways you can give a li le love to families and help children heal faster. The art of landscapes from a range of perspec ves will run through February 22 at Spiva Center for the Arts, 222 West Third Street. The Main Gallery exhibit, The Landscape Revisited: Jonathan Beer, Sandra GoƩlieb and MarƟn Weinstein, features landscape work from three radically different approaches. The Regional Focus Gallery exhibit, Billyo O’Donnell: PainƟng Missouri, will feature selec ons from a project in which the ar st traveled to all 114 coun es in the state to capture representa ons through plein air pain ng. For more informa on, call 417.623.0183. The Joplin Blasters have tabbed former Major League player and veteran manager Carlos Lezcano as field manager to lead the Blasters in their inaugural 2015 season. The Blasters are the newest member of the South Division in the American Associa on of Independent Baseball. They will play a 50-home game schedule beginning in May at the renovated Joe Becker Stadium. Ticket informa on and general informa on on the Blasters can be found at www.joplinblasters.com or by calling 417.437.6105. The Joplin Blasters have agreed to a mul -year partnership designa ng Mercy Hospital as its official sports medicine provider. As part of the agreement, Mercy will handle all sports medicine needs for the Blasters and have a major presence at Joe Becker Stadium. Dr. Russell Kennedy is the lead sports medicine physician of the Joplin Blasters. For more informa on, go to www.mercy.net. Children’s Haven of Southwest Missouri, Inc., celebrates their 12th birthday in 2015! Since 2003, children have found safe, nurturing care in their home while parents are connected with

the resources to help solve their crisis. Stop by to see the home you helped build and learn more about Children’s Haven. For more informa on, email childrenshaven@a .net or call 417.782.4453.

February 2015

Business Outlook

Let KAB Electric “take a bite” out of your restaurant’s electrical to-do list. KAB Electric is offering a free electrical inspec on and consulta on to all restaurants un l March 31, 2015. They will make certain your restaurant is in safe working order electrically, before something goes wrong to interrupt your business. They will also offer discounts to restaurants on surge protec on, GFCI protec on, ligh ng upgrades, electrical signage repair and other needs you may have. For more informa on, call 417.649.6057. A er working as a hospitalist for Freeman Health System in Joplin for nine years, Dr. Harold Blankenship has joined Freeman Neosho Physician Group. Dr. Blankenship completed medical school at Oklahoma State University in S llwater and his residency at Tulsa Regional Medical Center. For more informa on, go to www.freemanhealth. com. The Sco sh Rite-Valley of Joplin will host its first ever Trivia Night Saturday, February 21, at the Sco sh Rite Cathedral, 505 Byers. The entry fee is $100 per team, which includes snacks and goodie bags. Addi onal food will be available for purchase and a cash bar will be available. For details or to register a team, call 417.623.3219 or valleyo oplin@gmail. com. Dr. Frank W. Shagets is pleased to announce accredita on of the Facial Aesthe c and Laser Centre’ by the Accredita on Associa on for Ambulatory Health Care. This is the only AAAHC accredited office-based opera ng room in the area. The facility is located at 620 West 32nd Street. For more informa on, call 417.623.5111.

The Chamber is interested in your business. If you won an award, opened another office or are planning an event, let us know. We want to share your accomplishments and events with your fellow members! For our next issue, submit your announcement to wendy@joplincc.com by February 10. Please include “Our Members Announce” in the email subject line. Find all our members in our online Membership Directory. 9

Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015

Welcome New Members BSL Ozarks, LLC dba U.S. Lawns of the Ozarks Lawn Care/Groundskeeping 1010 North Robin Street, Nixa, MO 65714 417.353.1601 www.uslawns.com Clarke Drummond, Regional Sales Manager Matt Kindell, General Manager – Ozarks Sponsor: Cynthia Marlow, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Free Market Physician Physicians & Surgeons/Family Practice 317 South Wood Street, Neosho, MO 64850 417.283.4953 www.freemarketphysician.com Joseph Sheppard, D.O., Owner Sponsor: Becky Franklin, Free Market Physician AFLAC Insurance/Employee Benefits P.O. Box 397, Carthage, MO 64836-0397 417.447.5412 www.aflac.com C.J. Blomenkamp, Associate Sponsor: Lea Schroer, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Jeff Asbell Excavating & Trucking, Inc. Excavation/Trucking 9400 State Highway 171, Carl Junction, MO 64834 417.649.1269 Brad Ezell, Project Manager Sponsor: Amy Earp, SNC Squared The Chamber’s Board of Directors and staff are pleased to welcome our newest Chamber Members. Keep these and all Members in mind when looking for goods and services. Invite your clients or vendors to join the Chamber. Contact Cynthia Marlow at 417.624.4150 or cynthia@joplincc.com.

THANK YOU FOR RENEWING 417 Business Resource Center ...........................2013 Air Service Plus, Inc................................................2013 Audio Input, LLC .....................................................2011 The Binding Company..........................................2011 Braeckel’s Development Corporation..............2001 Cocos ..........................................................................2012 Fresenius Medical Care .........................................2008 Jordan Mechanical & Technical Corp. ............2006 The Juno Group ......................................................2011 The Lettershop ........................................................2009 Mallory Canvas Products .....................................1998 Sunrise Inn ................................................................2013 10

WKW Enterprises, LLC ...........................................2004


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Member SIPC

Ribbon Cuttings

Presented by

Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity Scott Clayton, Executive Director 2314 South Connor and 2117 South Pearl Ground Breaking for Salvation Army Partnership

Jefferson Elementary School

Comeau Jewelry Company

Jarrett Cook, Principal 130 McKinley Avenue Community Safe Room

Chad & Jill Comeau, Owners; Chris Keller, General Manager 1936 South Range Line Road, Suite E; New Location

Ribbon provided by Countryside in the City

Facial Aesthetic and Laser Centre’ Frank W. Shagets, MD and Bradley R. Burnett, DDS 620 West 32nd Street AAAHC Accredited

February 2015

Business Outlook

Calendar of Events for February 2015 February 3 9 am Leads Group One Chamber Office

February 11 9 am Leads Group Two Location TBD

February 25 9 am Leads Group Two Chamber Office

February 4 8 am Tomorrow’s Leaders Today Leadership Development/ Community Service Lafayette House 9 am Leads Group Three Forged Waterjet

February 12 8:30 am Leadership Joplin Community Service and Healthcare Session Location TBD

February 26 8:30 am Leadership Joplin Economic Development Session Chamber Office 6 pm Golden Apple Nominee Reception Missouri Southern State University, Connor Ballroom

February 6 7:30 am First Friday Coffee Comeau Jewelry February 11 7:15 am Good Morning Joplin Holiday Inn of Joplin

February 17 9 am Leads Group One Chamber Office 5:30 pm Business After Hours Silver Creek Assisted Living February 18 9 am Leads Group Three Chamber Office

February 28 6 pm Dancing with the Joplin All-Stars Downstream Casino Resort


Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015

Small Business of the Year Awards This is your opportunity to nominate a small business or a not-for-profit for the 2015 Small Business of the Year Awards presented by BKD, LLP and the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce. The awards recognize the contributions of small business to the local economy and to the overall progress of the Joplin area. Awards will be presented to three (3) deserving businesses serving our community: one business employing 1-10 employees, one business employing 11-50 employees and one not-for-profit business. Requirements for nomination: •

Must be in good standing with the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce

Must have been a member of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce for two years

Finalists will be chosen based on the following criteria: •

Contributors to the community

Business or management philosophy

Responses to challenges

Innovative products or services

Employee involvement/recognition

I wish to nominate the following business for the BKD, LLP 2015 Small Business of the Year Award: Company Name___________________________________________________ Owner/CEO______________________________________________________ Please explain why your nominee is outstanding in this community. You may submit additional support material such as news articles or testimonials with your nomination. PLEASE NOTE: The application must be completed fully for nomination to be accepted. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


Submitted by __________________________________________

Date ____________________________

Address ______________________________________________

City/State/Zip _______________

E-mail_________________________________________ _______ Mail or email your nomination by Tuesday, February 20, to: Small Business of the Year Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce 320 East 4th Street Joplin, MO 64801 Email: glamar@joplincc.com Or contact Ginger LaMar at 417.624.4150

Phone __________________________

February 2015

Business Outlook


Business Outlook B FFebruary 2015

Small Business & Technology Development Center Missouri Southern State University The Robert W. Plaster School of Business 3950 Newman Road, Joplin, MO 64801-1512 Phone: 417.625.3128 Fax: 417.625.9782

MICROSOFT WORD LEVEL 1 February 10 (Tuesday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. and February 12 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 320, MSSU Cost: $119

WHERE WILL YOUR BUSINESS BE IN 2018? February 19 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 107, MSSU Cost: $59 (Limited seating)

MICROSOFT EXCEL LEVEL 1 February 24 (Tuesday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. and February 26 (Thursday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 320, MSSU Cost: $119

STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS: THE FIRST STEPS February 13 (Friday), 1:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU Cost: $29

IS QUICKBOOKS RIGHT FOR MY BUSINESS? February 17 (Tuesday), 2:30-4:30 p.m. Location: Plaster Hall, Room 108, MSSU Cost: $49

The full schedule of workshops can be seen at www.mssutraining.com.

E H Dancing with the T E V Joplin All-Stars A S E February 28, 6 p.m. T A D


98th Annual Chamber Banquet April 23, 5:30 p.m.

First Friday Coffee

February 2015

Business Outlook

Good Morning Joplin Wednesday, February 11 7:15-9 a.m.

Friday, February 6 7:30-8:30 a.m. Presented by Presented by

Sponsored by and located at Comeau Jewelry 1936 South Range Line Road, Suite E

Sponsored by

7:15 a.m. - Breakfast | $12 at the door or if invoiced 7:30 a.m. - Program | $10 if prepaid online only Located at Holiday Inn of Joplin 3615 South Range Line Road

RSVP by February 4 at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996.

Business After Hours

RSVP by February 5 at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996


Presenting Sponsor

Tuesday, February 17 5:30-7 pm

US Bank, N.A., Chairman Sponsor, for helping us communicate with our members!

Sponsored by and located at Silver Creek Assisted Living 3325 South Texas Avenue

Teeter Insurance Agency Since 1979 Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas "REST ASSURED WHEN YOU INSURE WITH TIA, YOU GET PLENTY OF TLC" Linda S. Teeter, LUTCF

RSVP by February 13 at www.joplincc.com or 417.624.1996.

www.lindateeter.com 1321 S. Illinois Avenue, Joplin, MO 64801 wk. (417) 781 4820 • fax: (417) 781 7187


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