105 母親節企劃 Mon,I Know You Well.
活動理念 每位媽媽都了解孩子的興趣、喜好,但孩子 了解媽媽嗎? 『翻翻書』,設計六個問題選項,包含媽媽 喜歡的顏色?媽媽喜歡吃的東西? ..等等,讓孩子 想一想,寫下來,畫下來,再去訪問媽媽,把媽 媽的答案寫下來,對照一下,了解媽媽多少,增 加互動及認識媽媽的機會。 『大手牽小手』,寫上對媽媽的話語, 利用附件圖樣裝飾屬於自己的獨有祝福。
招生推廣 家長互動
網路社群 行銷
活動設計(搭配文宣) 招生活動: 母親節『愛要大聲說Mom,I know you well』 教學活動: 全科班~大手牽小手 美語班~Mother’s Day Origami Book~Mom, I know you well 孩子們用英文說出對媽媽的認識 (搭配翻翻書內容),錄下後放FB, 讓媽媽(聽)(猜)。
活動說明及運用 美語
Mother’s Day Origami
Guessing Game 猜一猜
Guessing Game 猜一猜 1.學生先完成翻翻書作品。 2.由老師用手機協助學生拍攝短片。 3.以遮住臉部的方式(用翻翻書遮臉、戴面具、 帶帽子或不要拍到臉),學生一面翻作品,一面 說出心目中認識了解的媽媽喜好。 4.每位學生大約拍攝1分鐘長度,寫上編號。 5.老師使用臉書、LINE、微信等工具,將影片上傳 、張貼。 6.全部作品上傳後,邀請家長觀看影片作品,找 出哪個作品是由自己的孩子所錄製。 也讓媽媽了解自己在孩子心中/眼中的模樣。
Make a short film with a cell phone: After the lesson a. Ask the student tell the answers with each page of the book, and the teacher can make a short film. Use the APP of line/WeChat send the film to the mothers. b. Ask the student tell the answers with each page of the book,and the teacher can make a short film (but only the hands with this book). Post the film on the FB, ask their mothers to check all the films. It can be a “Guessing Game�, the mother has to find which one from her own kid.
歷年活動和企劃案參考 教學網/路徑『分校專區/活動企劃資源/母親節』 104「搶救媽咪大作戰」 103「幸福旅程藍圖」 102「喬登媽咪 大聲說愛」 101「抱 ㄅㄠˋ母親花現喬登」
100「幸福媽咪在喬登」 99「我的Q媽咪」 98「讚頌媽咪~我愛您」 96「健康有勁Young媽咪」 95「與媽咪共午」 94「愛呀!我的媽」
MOTHER’S DAY Origami Book
Mom, I know you well. Lesson Plan 201605
Steps 1. Each student gets a piece of Mother’s day flyer. Follow the introductions to make the origami book. www.facebook.com/jordansfamily 2. Ask students to find out 6 Question-Answer sentences on the flyer. 3. Have them read and tell the teacher what they are. The teacher can write the sentences on the bored. (The teacher can use p.4 to p.7 of this PPT. to teach.) 4. Teach these sentences, and practice with Substitution drill. 5. After drills and games, the students write the answers. 6. Let the student draw the books. The books are the gifts to their mothers.
The more you can do 1. Assign homework: Before the lesson Make the students to ask the answers before doing the book. Or it can be a quiz that the mothers check the answers after the students finish the books. 2. Make a short film with a smart phone: After the lesson a. Ask the student tell the answers with each page of the book, and the teacher can make a short film. Use the APP of LINE/WeChat/FB send the film to the mothers. b. Ask the student tell the answers with each page of the book, and the teacher can make a short film (but only the hands with this book). Post the film on the FB, ask their mothers to check all the films. It can be a “Guessing Game�, the mother has to find which one from her own kid.
1. BirthdayWhen is Mom’s birthday? Mom’s birthday is on ___________. Steps: 1. Practice saying the months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2. Teach the Ordinal numbers. http://www.wordsgo.com/numbers/ordinal-numbers/english-ordinal-numbers.html 3. Practice how to write and speak the date. Writing: August 19 Speaking: August nineteenth 4. Game: a. The students write their birthday date to the teacher. (on a small piece of paper) b. One of the student speaks a month, the one’s birthday date is in it has to stand up. c. The one stands up has to tell his birthday date. The others have to sing “Happy birthday” to the one says the date correctly. The incorrect one has to sit down, can’t get the blessing.
2. FoodWhat does Mom like to eat? Mom likes to eat ____________. Steps: 1. Ask the students to tell the foods names, and the teacher writes them on the board. Write these words on A4 papers one by one. They are the flashcards. 2. Practice the words, and do substitution drill “I like ________.” with the flashcards. 3. Game: a. Each student say “I like ______.” All the students should “remember” what they are. b. Put all the cards on the floor, table or stick on the wall. c. Teacher ask “What does (name of one student) like to eat?” The first one gets a flashcard and says “_______ likes to eat _______.” d. The student says the right answer can keep the card. The one has the most cards is the winner.
3. ColorWhat color does Mom like? Mom likes _________. Steps: 1. Prepare a pack of color papers. Stick the color paper on the board, chair, table, … anything in the classroom. 2. Ask students to look around the classroom, and say “I see a yellow chair.” 3. The students draw a thing that their mother like on the book. Color the picture and show it to the classmates. Say the sentence “My mom likes yellow flowers.”
4. PlaceWhere does Mom like to go? Mom likes to go to____________. Steps: 1. Teach the words of places: department store, book store, market, supermarket, movie theater, museum, park and gym. 2. Ask students to think and tell why their mothers like to go to the place. 3. The students take turns to say “My mother likes to go to the park because she goes to see the flowers.� 4. The students vote to the best or the most interesting speech.
5. Favorite movie/song/sport/animal/ TV program…What is Mom favorite __________? Mom’s favorite __________ is __________. Steps: 1. Explain the word “favorite” to the students in English. It means “liked more than others of the same kind” or “the best one I like”. 2. Ask students to write down what they think that the mothers like. It will be easy to write sports or animals. Help them check the names of a movie or song on the internet. 3. The students draw that their mother like on the book. 4. Guessing game: Divide the students into 2 teams. One of the teams to act the sentence, the other has to guess what the mother’s favorite movie/song/sport/animal/ TV program is. 5. Each acting and guessing has to be finished in 2 minutes.
6. To tell the truthWhat do you want to say to Mom? Mom, _________________________________.
Steps: 1. Write these sentences on the board. ◆ I love you. ◆ I’m happy to be with you. ◆ I’m so glad you are my mother. ◆ I will clean my room everyday. ◆ I will study hard. ◆ You’re the best Mom. ◆ You’re my angel. 2. Have the students to tell the meaning of each sentence. 3. The students can write their own words or follow the sentences. Please check before they write on the book. 4. Finish the book and take home to Mom. It will be an interesting gift.
2016 國小全科班 大手牽小手
愛的製造機- 媽媽的手
媽媽的手看起來? 白皙
黝黑 纖細
粗壯 其他
媽媽的手摸起來感覺是? 細緻
粗糙 柔軟
溫暖 冰涼
媽媽的手像?為什麼? 魔術師
裁縫師 醫師
你會在什麼時候牽媽媽的手? 過馬路
撒嬌 散步
想買東西 隨時都會
愛的行動派 大膽新鮮事
我可以怎麼感謝媽媽? 說我愛你
自己整 理房間
寫封 感謝信 幫媽媽 按摩
動手做 禮物
你幫忙做過什麼家事? 倒垃圾
大聲說愛- 說出心裡話
會在什麼地點說貼心的話? 家裡
電話裡 其他
會在什麼時間對媽媽說? 起床時
母親節 做錯事
我想對媽說的話是? 我愛你
謝謝你 我會乖乖 聽話
我會好 好讀書 其他
大手小手- 寫上祝福
母親節卡片 完成品
大手牽小手 活動方式: 一、依指示剪下方形紙張, 二、寫下感謝或祝福媽媽的話。 三、貼上圖案裝飾。 四、設計孩子的手並著上顏色。 五、將角落的小花打洞,繫上繩子,可懸掛 或是送給媽媽。
大手牽小手 正面-設計媽媽的手: 1.依指示剪下方形卡片。 2.設計卡片及寫下送給媽媽的話。 3.貼上剪下的圖案裝飾。 4. 作品完成後上方打洞。 5.可以懸掛裝飾或是綁上 漂亮的蝴蝶結送給媽媽喔!
大手牽小手 反面-設計孩子的手: 1.將剪下的花朵黏貼在小手的中間 , 剩下圖案裝飾卡片。 2.設計卡片及寫下送給媽媽的話。 4.作品完成後上方打洞。 5.可以懸掛起來裝飾或是 綁上漂亮的蝴蝶結送給 媽媽喔!
材料:剪刀(美工刀)、雙面膠 、彩色筆、亮亮筆、打洞器
5. 沿虛線剪下方形紙張
6. 剪下後
10. 貼上圖案裝飾