The notion of occupation was the essence of the St. Augustine Project. Particularly voyurism and facades. The idea of being watched and watching. Spaces of gathering, marketing, shopping, and learning were explored in the city with an intial site visit. Then end result consisted of a community garden, farmers market, rare-books library, and a reading room.
St. Augustine Architectural Design IV Spring 2009 Professor Watters
The Site highlighted in red. Nested in between the old town of St. Augustine and the ealry 20th century Flagler College.
The site is a juxtaposition of scales. The massive Flagler College is defined by the roads around it, while the Old Town defines the roads.
The main element investigated was the nature of the ground. particularly the tectonic nature. Only 30 percent of the project was able to be verical, therefore how the project met the street and interacted with the small depth provided by Florida’s sea-level were extremly important.
A Site Analysis designed toshowcase how the spaces making up the streets are defined by the surrounding buildings.
Spatial Hinge showing the intersection of the reading room and farmers market. The Space around is compressed to create a more intimate area in relation to the density surrounding the site. The concept of ‘Inlets’ is also exhibited with spaces passing through each other.