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Bilaga 9 Seminarium ”Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate” 30 november–1 december 2011 Författare: Roland Sigvald Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF)

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Bilaga 9 till rapport 2012:10


t 2012:1

Bilder omslag Gulrost (Puccinia striiformis) p책 r책gvete. Foto: Rebecka Svensson, Jordbruksverket Anoplophora glabripennis. Foto: Sofie Persson, Jordbruksverket

Jordbruksverkets rapport ”Vässa växtskyddet för framtidens klimat – Hur vi förebygger och hanterar ökade problem i ett förändrat klimat” (2012:10) har följande bilagor: Bilaga 1

Ahrné, Karin, Institutionen för ekologi, SLU a. Jämförelse av utbredningsmodellerna CLIMEX och MaxEnt. b. Litteraturgenomgång för beskrivning av program som används för att modellera arters utbredning. c. Klimatmatchningar i CLIMEX.

Bilaga 2

Andersson, Lars m.fl., Institutionen för växtproduktionsekologi, SLU a. Metodutveckling för fortlöpande inventering av ogräsflorans samman­ sättning. b. Direkta och indirekta effekter av ett förändrat klimat på förekomsten av ogräs. c. Metod för detektering och uppföljning av förekomst av arter som är poten­ tiellt framtida ogräs och expanderande ogräs.

Bilaga 3

Berlin, Anna, Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi, SLU Rapport om användning av sporfällor för detektion och prognos av växt­ patogener.

Bilaga 4 Eckersten, Henrik & Alois Kornher, Institutionen för växtproduktionsekologi, SLU Klimatförändringars effekter på jordbrukets växtproduktion i Sverige – scenarier och beräkningssystem. Bilaga 5

Jönsson, Anna Maria m.fl., Institutionen för Naturgeografi och Ekosystem­- vetenskap, Lunds universitet Kunskapssammanställning – Växtskydd och Klimat. Modellering av klimatets påverkan på produktion och risk för skadegörare inom jordbruket.

Bilaga 6

Lindelöw, Åke och Karin Ahrné, Institutionen för ekologi, SLU & Elna Stenström och Johanna Boberg, Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi, SLU Kunskapssammanställning av forskningsläget och metoder när det gäller nya allvarliga skogsskadegörare (svampar och insekter) som kan komma att över­ leva och etablera sig i Sverige. a. Registrering av insekts- och svampskador på skog i Sverige (Lindelöw & Stenström). b. Simuleringar av potentiell etablering av skadesvampar i svensk skog (Johanna Boberg). c. Simulering I CLIMEX av Anoplophora glabripennis möjliga utbredning I Sverige med nuvarande klimat och under olika klimatförändringsscenarior (Karin Ahrné).

Bilaga 7

Nilsson, Christer, Agonum konsult. Växtskydd och Klimat – en kunskapsinventering.

Bilaga 8

Samuelsson, Hans m.fl., Skogsstyrelsen Ökade risker för nya skadegörare på skog och åtgärder för att minska riskerna.

Bilaga 9

Sigvald, Roland, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) Seminarium ”Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate”, 30 november–1 december 2011.

Bilaga 10 Thierfelder, Tomas, Institutionen för energi och teknik, SLU Statistisk genomlysning av Jordbruksverkets växtskyddscentralers prognosoch varningsverksamhet. Bilaga 11 Volk, Thomas m.fl., proPlant GmbH, Tyskland Simulation of infestation of plant pests of five agricultural crops in a changed climate 2011–2100 for Lund, Kalmar, Skara, Uppsala and Umeå.

Jordbruksverkets förord Jordbruksverket har av regeringen fått i uppdrag att utarbeta ett praktiskt inriktat och fördjupat kunskapsunderlag för att förebygga och hantera ökade problem med ogräs, växtsjukdomar och skadegörare till följd av ett förändrat klimat. Jordbruksverkets uppdrag redovisas i rapporten 2012:10. Inom ramen för uppdraget har Jordbruksverket låtit genomföra ett antal delprojekt vilkas resultat redovisas som bilagor till huvudrapporten. De är endast tillgängliga på Jordbruksverkets webbplats. Resultat från delprojekten har till viss del sammanfattats i Jordbruksverkets huvudrapport i relevanta kapitel. Delrapporterna är mer omfattande. Denna bilaga sammanfattar i korthet ett seminarium anordnat av Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) med finansiering från Jordbruksverket. Författaren ansvarar för innehållet i denna rapport.

Gunilla Berg, växt- och miljöavdelningen

Redovisning av konferens ”Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate – Control strategies for pests, diseases and weeds” Roland Sigvald, generalsekreterare Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) c/o KSLA, Box 6806, 113 86 Stockholm

Konferensen ägde rum 30 november - 1 december 2011 vid Bäckaskogs slott i Skåne. Den planerades i samarbete med en organisationskommitté med deltagare från de nordiska och baltiska länderna samt från Jordbruksverket. I konferensen deltog ca 50 deltagare från 10 länder. Inbjudan till konferens, information och anmälan om deltagande var tillgängligt via NJF:s webbplats www.njf.nu. Proceedings delades ut till deltagarna vid registrering. Efter konferensen har rapporten “NJF Report Vol. 7, No 9 2011 (Sem 446), Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate” liksom presentationerna från konferensen gjorts tillgänglig via NJF:s webbplats (direktlänk http://www.njf.nu/site/redirect.asp?p=1342). Inbjudan till konferensen finns på sidan 2. En kort sammanfattning av konferensen finns också på NJF:s webbplats men bifogas även denna redovisning, på sidan 3-4.


Inbjudan till konferensen sommaren 2011 Background The economic importance of pests and diseases of agricultural crops, the availability of new, highly effective pesticides, and the negative effects of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides have focused attention on forecasting pest outbreaks. Forecasting and warning systems for pests and diseases become more and more important in the near future when implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) within EU. Minimising the use of pesticides will require better knowledge of insect population dynamics and the epidemiology of virus and fungal diseases, as well as economic threshold values. Such information is essential when developing pest management strategies and in decision-making related to pesticide treatments. It has also become increasingly obvious during the past decades that it is not possible to minimise the use of chemicals in agriculture without an effective warning system based on the ability to forecast damage by pests and diseases. Such information is necessary in order to evaluate the costs and benefits associated with a particular chemical treatment. A combination of control techniques in a particular cropping system includes cultural practices, crop rotation, use of resistant varieties and chemical treatment only when there is a real need. However, pesticides have to have a minimal impact on non-target organisms and be accepted by society. At the seminar presentations and posters will include pests, diseases and weeds of field crops in a changing climate. The seminar will also include a number of presentations concerning risk management besides risk assessment/models/forecasting methods. Many pests and diseases will become more prevalent in different crops in Baltic Sea Region. Hence, there is a need to develop strategies to cope with this new situation and to mitigate the negative effects of climate change while taking advantage of the warmer climate in our region. The Baltic and Nordic countries share many similarities regarding climate and growing conditions. This conference serves to share our experiences and views regarding crop protection and possibilities to improve warning and forecasting system in a changing climate, to explore and discuss options to deal with these challenges and to stimulate related cooperative research of our countries. Topics The scientific program of the conference is open to all fields dealing with forecasting and warning systems for pests and diseases including weeds: - Pest risk assessment, new pests and diseases - Decision making in integrated pest and disease management - Warning systems for pests and diseases - Forecasting insect pests and diseases of different crops - Viruses of different crops, forecasting and control methods - Modeling in development of sustainable weed control strategies - Economy and policy, research and research cooperation Target group - Advisers and extension workers - Researchers in crop production and crop protection - Representatives from growers associations - Policy makers - Stakeholders of the food sector - All other interested parties 2

Seminar summary - Seminar 446 - Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate [hämtad från http://www.njf.nu/site/redirect.asp?p=3890] The seminar on “Risk assessment/risk management, forecasting pests and diseases of field crops in a changing climate” with focus on control strategies for pests, diseases and weeds was held at Bäckaskog about 15 km north – east Kristianstad in southern Sweden. There were more than 50 participants from 10 countries in Northern Europe. The seminar focused mainly on the economic importance of pests and diseases of agricultural crops, risk assessment, forecasting and warning systems. Secretary General Roland Sigvald welcomed participants to the seminar and to Bäckaskog castle. He especially welcomed invited speakers from most countries in Baltic Sea region, Deputy Director-General Christina Nordin, Ministry for Rural Affairs and the moderator Annika Åhnberg, former minister of Agriculture in Sweden. Deputy Director-General Christina Nordin, Ministry for Rural Affairs, Sweden opened the seminar with a presentation on “Needs and possibilities for IPM”. She pointed out that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) will be of greater importance in future crop production to minimize the negative impact from pesticides but at the same time it is important to increase the production and the profitability for farmers. After this presentation, professor Henrik Eckersten, Department of Ecology at SLU gave an overview of “Climate change scenarios, crop production, and length of growing period”. He stated that the production will probably increase in Northern Europe in the future warmer climate, but at the same time pests, diseases and weeds will make more damage. As a consequence it is very important to develop environmentally friendly methods to minimize use of chemicals when implementing IPM. Project leader Jørgen Axelsen, Denmark gave an interesting presentation on “Investigation on forecasting and warning systems, experience from a project in Denmark”. This project have provided a good background for making priorities for future work within IPM and especially concerning forecasting and warning systems. Senior advisor Ghita Cordsen Nielsen, Denmark gave a presentation on “Integrated Pest Management in Denmark-current activities and future Challenges”. Experiences from Sweden were presented by Associate professor Roland Sigvald and professor Jonathan Yuen, SLU. Dr Elin Thingnæs Lid, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, Norway gave an interesting presentation on “Pest risk assessments by the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety”. It was obvious that such assessments will become more and more important in the future warmer climate, in order to be prepared for new pest and disease problems. The general presentations the first day were followed by a debate moderated by Annika Åhnberg, former Minister of Agriculture in Sweden. Projects related to weed control in the future climate were also presented at the seminar. Professor Lars Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences gave a presentation on “Weeds in a changing Scandinavian climate – hypotheses, trends and surveys”. This was followed by interesting presentations from Denmark, Norway, Lithuania and Sweden on control strategies against weeds. During the two days of presentations we got a very good overview of IPM in Baltic Sea Region. The possibilities to improve forecasting and warning systems for pests and diseases as an important tool when implementing IPM and the effects of the changing climate of weeds were addressed. Dr Andrzej Wojtowicz from Poland gave a presentation on Colorado beetle. 3

Participants were very satisfied with the program, and the conference venue. Some comments were” Thank you for the very nice and rewarding seminar! The place was perfect and meals were superb!”; “NJF Seminar 446 was well organized stimulates our work and collaboration in many ways”; Thank you again for a really excellent and most enjoyable and worthwhile meeting. I hope it may not be my last time at NJF or at Bäckaskog”; Thank you for risk seminar! It was one of the best seminars in my experience. We have new knowledge and new idea”. We hope that the seminar will increase networking and collaboration not only between researchers from participating countries, but also between policy makers, advisors, representatives from companies and farmers associations. Increased collaboration between our countries in northern Europe is very important when implementing IPM in near future. More information on the seminar on NJF: s website “Publications and presentations”. Mayor Sten Hermansson informed about municipality of Kristianstad. We are very grateful to Swedish Board of Agriculture for financial support! Organizing committee


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ISSN 1102-3007 • ISRN SJV-R-12/10-SE • RA12:10

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