Ricardo Cinalli in Pakistan

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RICARDO CINALLI “Les Fleurs du Mal - Transgression and deviation”

Ricardo Cinalli “Les Fleurs du Mal - Transgression and deviation” Embajada de la República Argentina en Pakistan Islamabad Organización y curaduría : Rodolfo Martín Saravia - Roxana Punta Alvarez Este catálogo ha sido editado con motivo de la exposición “Les Fleurs du Mal - Transgression and deviation” en La Embajada de la República Argentina en Islamabad, Pakistan. Producción y edición: Roxana Punta Alvarez, Jorge Barnes, Alejandra Díaz, Kouka. Diseño: Jorge Barnes - Pixelia Fotografía: Particio Pueyrredón y Gavin Fernandes Textos: Su exc. Embajador Sr. Rodolfo Martín-Saravia. Dr. Carlos Bulgheroni Extractos de los poemas de Charles Baudelaire Imágenes y reproducciones: © 2011 Ricardo Cinalli Agradecimientos : Dr. Carlos Bulgheroni Enrique Chardon Santokh Kaulder Claudio Crismani Suresh Singh Kouka Alejandra Díaz Consejero Eduardo Bustamante Secretario Cecilia Los Arcos Impreso en . nombre de editora.... Islamabad, Pakistan

Tercera Exposición de Pintura Argentina en Pakistán Hace siete años que tengo la alegría, el privilegio y el honor de ser el Embajador Argentino en Pakistán. Hace siete años que comencé mi gestión introduciendo en este gran país a artistas traídos desde las lejanos tierras argentinas. Hace siete años que soñaba con hacer una exposición exclusiva de Ricardo Cinalli en Pakistán. Lo hemos logrado gracias al apoyo incondicional de Carlos Bulgheroni, también un soñador y emprendedor -pero en el campo de la energía- que tiene a Pakistán siempre entre los objetivos estratégicos de su compania EDIC-BRIDAS. Lo hemos logrado gracias a la iniciativa de Roxana Punta Alvarez, una gran amiga que siempre ha apoyado los proyectos culturales de nuestra Embajada y que una vez más es la curadora de la exhibición que les presentamos. Lo hemos logrado gracias al excelente equipo de colaboradores que tengo en la Embajada Argentina en Islamabad. Lo hemos logrado gracias a la osadía de Ricardo Cinalli, que decidió empujar las fronteras convencionales del mundo del arte para traer sus obras hasta Islamabad, Lahore y Karachi. Obras que quedaran en Pakistán, como testigos de la comunicación que el arte es capaz de extender entre los hombres mas allá de las distancias geográficas. A quienes recorran las páginas de este catalogo y disfruten de la obras de Ricardo Cinalli los invito a redoblar la apuesta y encontrar nuevas formas de vincular a Pakistán con Argentina, ya que –a pesar de encontrarnos en lados opuestos del globo- todos compartimos un mismo amor por la belleza. ¡Bienvenidos, entonces a la Tercera Exposición de Arte Argentino en Pakistán!

Third Exposition of Argentinean’s Pictures in Pakistan For the past seven years I have had the joy, the privilege and the honor of being the Argentine Ambassador to Pakistan. It was seven years ago that I started my tenure by introducing in this great country artists brought from distant lands of Argentina. And I have dreamt for seven long years, of bringing to you an exclusive exhibition of Ricardo Cinalli in Pakistan. We have succeeded thanks to the unconditional support of Carlos Bulgheroni, also a dreamer and entrepreneur, but in the field of energy, who always has Pakistan amongst the strategic objectives of his company EDIC-BRIDAS Energy Development Investment Corporation. We have succeeded thanks to the initiative of Roxana Punta Alvarez, a friend who has always supported the cultural projects of our Embassy and once more time is the curator of the exhibition that we bring to you. We have succeeded thanks to the excelent team of colaborators that I have at the Argentina Embassy in Islamabad. We have succeeded thanks to the boldness of Ricardo Cinalli, who decided to push conventional boundaries of the art world by bringing his art to Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. This art will remain in Pakistan, as testimony of the communication that art is capable of spreading between communities beyond any geographical distance. To those who tour the pages of this catalog and enjoy the works of Ricardo Cinalli, I invite you to double the bet and find new ways to link Pakistan and Argentina, because, although on opposite sides of the globe, we all share the same love for beauty. Welcome then to the Third Exhibition of Argentine Art in Pakistan!

Rodolfo J. Martin Saravia Embajador | Ambassador



Palabras del Sponsor de la Exposición en Pakistán Quisiera comenzar agradeciendo y demostrando mi aprecio al Sr. Embajador de la República Argentina en Pakistán, Rodolfo Martín Saravia, por su esfuerzo y dedicación en la organización de esta muestra. Me da un placer enorme ser el patrocinador de esta exhibición, ya que creo profundamente en el talento de Ricardo Cinalli y tengo un gran respeto por su obra. Ricardo se expresa a través de su trabajo y representa la vanguardia del arte argentino. Nos conocimos allá por los años 80, y desde entonces hemos mantenido una muy buena amistad. Ricardo es un artista que entiende las exigencias de su profesión y de sus coleccionistas, y estoy orgulloso de tener muchas de sus obras en mi colección privada. Creo en Ricardo y le deseo todo el éxito que se merece.

Speech by Main Sponsor of Pakistan Exposition I would like to begin by expressing my special thanks and appreciation to the Argentine Ambassador to Pakistan, Mr. Rodolfo Martin Saravia, for his effort, dedication and commitment in organising this exhibition. It gives me great pleasure to be the sponsor of this exhibition since I deeply believe in Ricardo Cinalli’s talent and have a high regard for his work. Ricardo expresses himself through his work and represents the avant-guard of Argentine art. I first met him back in the 1980´s, and we have developed a very good friendship throughout the years. Ricardo is an artist who understands the needs of his profession and his collectors, and I am very proud to say that I have many of his works in my own private art collection. I believe in Ricardo and wish him all the success that he deserves.

Dr. Carlos Bulgheroni BRIDAS Corporation




La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles; L’homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles Qui l’observent avec des regards familiers.



Qui me rafraîchissaient le front avec des palmes, Et dont l’unique soin était d’ap≠profondir Le secret douloureux qui me faisait languir.






Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rêve de pierre, Et mon sein, où chacun s’est meurtri tour à tour, Est fait pour inspirer au poète un amour Eternel et muet ainsi que la matière.



Les poètes, devant mes grandes attitudes, Que j’ai l’air d’emprunter aux plus fiers monuments, Consumeront leurs jours en d’austères études;



Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité, Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté, Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent.






Léonard de Vinci, miroir profond et sombre, Où des anges charmants, avec un doux souris Tout chargé de mystère, apparaissent à l’ombre Des glaciers et des pins qui ferment leur pays; 27

Une île paresseuse où la nature donne Des arbres singuliers et des fruits savoureux; Des hommes dont le corps est mince et vigoureux, Et des femmes dont l’oeil par sa franchise étonne..



Michel-Ange, lieu vague où l’on voit des Hercules Se mêler à des Christs, et se lever tout droits Des fantômes puissants qui dans les crépuscules Déchirent leur suaire en étirant leurs doigts;



Quand, les deux yeux fermés, en un soir chaud d’automne, Je respire l’odeur de ton sein chaleureux, Je vois se dérouler des rivages heureux Qu’éblouissent les feux d’un soleil monotone;





Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire, Que diras-tu, mon coeur, coeur autrefois flétri, À la très belle, à la très bonne, à la très chère, Dont le regard divin t’a soudain refleuri?



Là, tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté, Luxe, calme et volupté.



On dirait ton regard d’une vapeur couvert; Ton oeil mystérieux (est-il bleu, gris ou vert?) Alternativement tendre, rêveur, cruel, Réfléchit l’indolence et la pâleur du ciel.



— Désormais tu n’es plus, ô matière vivante! Qu’un granit entouré d’une vague épouvante, Assoupi dans le fond d’un Sahara brumeux; Un vieux sphinx ignoré du monde insoucieux, Oublié sur la carte, et dont l’humeur farouche Ne chante qu’aux rayons du soleil qui se couche.





Lorsque tout me ravit, j’ignore Si quelque chose me séduit. Elle éblouit comme l’Aurore Et console comme la Nuit;



Tout droit dans son armure, un grand homme de pierre Se tenait à la barre et coupait le flot noir; Mais le calme héros, courbé sur sa rapière, Regardait le sillage et ne daignait rien voir.





Bizarre déité, brune comme les nuits, Au parfum mélangé de musc et de havane, Oeuvre de quelque obi, le Faust de la savane, Sorcière au flanc d’ébène, enfant des noirs minuits, Je préfère au constance, à l’opium, au nuits, L’élixir de ta bouche où l’amour se pavane; Quand vers toi mes désirs partent en caravane, Tes yeux sont la citerne où boivent mes ennuis. Par ces deux grands yeux noirs, soupiraux de ton âme, Ô démon sans pitié! verse-moi moins de flamme; Je ne suis pas le Styx pour t’embrasser neuf fois, Hélas! et je ne puis, Mégère libertine, Pour briser ton courage et te mettre aux abois, Dans l’enfer de ton lit devenir Proserpine! — Charles Baudelaire



1966-1972 Universidad de Rosario, Argentina with degree in psychology. Further studies in philosophy. Lives in Spitalfields, London and Buenos Aires. 1977 Harrow School of Art, London. – 1978-80 Hornsey College of Art, London. Some Public Commissions – 2008 Executions of frescoes in the new Capella e Chiessa di Santa Maria della Misericordia, Terni, Umbria, Italia (commissioned by the committee of the Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia). – 2007 Execution of the monumental fresco La Resurrección de Ricardo Cinalli in il Duomo di Terni (contrafachada), Terni Cathedral, Umbria, Italia. – 1992 Leda and the Swan (fresco ceiling, 12 metres diameter), Vintners Place, London. – 1990 Société Générale Strauss Turnbull, Exchange House, London. – 1989 British Petroleum Head Office, Hemel Hempstead, UK. – 1988 Flintham Hall (frescoes) Newark, Nottinghamshire, UK. – 1987 Allegory of the Two Giants (afresco) Londesborough Room, Alexandra Palace, London. Conflicto de Las Malivinas Octagonal allegorical fresco on the Argentine-British war, residence of the Argentine Ambassador, London. The Temple, Henley Festival, Henley on the Thames, UK. – 1986 Four Large Drawings, Henley Festival, Henley on the Thames, UK. – 1984 Andromeda and Perseus, King’s Observatory, Kew Gardens, London. Born in Argentina. Lives and works in London and Buenos Aires.



one man shows 2012 Desde el Antes al Después. Fue y Será. Fui y Seré Ca’Pesaro, Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna, Venice, Italy. Curated by Bárbara Fornasir. 2011 Derivaciones y deformaciones de Les Fleurs du Mal Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Islamabad, Pakistan. Curated by Roxana Punta Alvarez. 2010 Fables de la Fontaine and Les fleurs du mal (Drawings in a circular room), Av. Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Private collection. Landscape (Fresco): Las Liebres, Cardales, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Private collection. 2009 Endemoniados Galería MITO, Barcelona, Spain. 2007 Les Fleurs du Mal jaggedart, London, UK. Curated by Andrea Harari. 2006 L’Invitacion au Voyage Galeria MITO, Barcelona. Curated by Alfredo Mannelli and Joaquim Tugas. Ricardo Cinalli en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Obras 1985-2006, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. Curated by Patricia Rizzo. 2004 Accade…il flusso disordinato degli esseri, nel vértice discontinuo dell’essere cose…Accade Curated by Livio Radin, Galleria Planetario, Trieste, Italia. 2003 Transmutations Atlas Space Southbank, London. Curated by Enzo D’Agostino. Transactions Long & Ryle Gallery, London. 2001 Blue Travellers Blaffer-Phillips Fine Art, New York. Curated by Alexandra Phillips. 1998 Sueños, Carne, Sombras, Memoria Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires. Curated by Alexandra Phillips. Sueños, Carne, Sombras, Memoria Fundación Casa França-Brazil, Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Artisti Oggi Galleria, Verona. Homage to the millenium (Frescos, 1500 sq.mt.) Proyecto Cultural Cinalli-Peruchena, La Cruz del Sur, San Carlos, Uruguay (in progress). 1996 Gouaches and Drawings Carling-Darlenson Gallery, Stockholm. High Altar Chapelle des Jesuites, Nîmes, France. Premonitions II Espace Bazacle, Foundation E.D.F., Toulouse, France. Birth Beaux Arts Gallery, London. Drawings Arteclub Galleria, Catania, Italy. 1995 Mythological Penalties Beaux Arts Gallery, London. Curated by Reg Singh. 1994 Ricardo Cinalli, Premonitions, Works 1985-1992 The Russian


Museum, Museum of Ethnography, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Ricardo Cinalli, Premonitions Works 1985-1992 Örebro, Läns Konstmuseum, Örebro, Sweden. 1993 Blue Dreams Long & Ryle Gallery, London, traveling to Galería Alberto Elía, Buenos Aires. Latin American Ya Installation, Espacios A.C.A.V.A., London. Ricardo Cinalli, Premonitions, Works 1985-1992 Accademia Italiana delle Arti, London. Curated by Dott. Rosa Maria Letts, traveling to Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires and to the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, Argentina and to the Museum of Örebro, Sweden. 1992 Encuentros James Hockey Gallery, W.S.C.A.O, Farnham, UK. Curated by Andrew Cross. ArteBa’92 Galería Alberto Elía, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires. 1991 Installation The Royal Academy of Arts, Queen’s House Greenwich, London. The Temple Installation, Henley Arts Festival, Henley-on-Thames, UK. Curated by Mark Eynon. 1990 Premonitions Adelaide Festival, Adelaide, Australia. Curated by S. Howard. 1989 Affreschi Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Blue Boxes Galería Alberto Elía, Buenos Aires. Recent Works Jill George Gallery, London. High Altar, The Four Elements Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, UK. Curated by Mark Eynon. 1986 Ricardo Cinalli Galería Alberto Elía, Buenos Aires. Premonitions Vanderwoude Tananbaum Gallery, New York. Premonitions and Human Parts Ystad Konstmuseum, Ystad, Sweden. The Four Elements Installation, 4 drawings, Henley Arts Festival, Henley-on-Thames, UK. Curated by Mark Eynon. 1985 Premonitions Royal Festival Hall, South Bank, London. Drawings Irréguliers, París, France. 1984 Ricardo Cinalli M.A.M. (Museum of Modern Art) Río de Janeiro, Brazil. Curated by Irma Arestizábal. 1983 Ricardo Cinalli Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, Washington DC. Curated by José Gómez Sicre. 1982 Drawings: Body Parts Örebro Läns Museum, Örebro, Sweden. 1979 Mythological Drawings Galerie de l’Universitè, Montreal, Canada.


selected gro u p e x h i b itions 2010 St. Paul and the Future Crypt of St. Paul’s Cathedral. London. Argentine Painting in Pakistan Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Karachi, Pakistan. 2009 Argentine Painting in Pakistan Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Islamabad, Pakistan. Argentine Painting in Pakistan Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Lahore, Pakistan. Arte Santander Galería MITO, Santander, Spain. Without my journey and without the spring I would have missed this dawn jaggedart, London. Arte Santander Galería MITO, Santander. The London Art Fair jaggedart, London. Arte e Bellezza a Terni Museo Diocesano, Terni, Umbria, Italy. Curated by Giuseppe Cassio. IV Bienal de Jafre Jafre, Catalunia, Spain. Curated by Mario Flecha. Llophatatlan/Unstealable Present Project and Space Gallery, Budapest, Hungary. Curated by David Gemes. 2008 Shades of Spring jaggedart, London SWAD, Galería MITO, Barcelona, Spain. Scope London Galería MITO, London. Art Madrid Galería MITO, Madrid, Spain. 2007 Argentine Painting in Pakistan Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Islamabad, Pakistan. Argentine Painting in Pakistan Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Lahore, Pakistan. Papers Galería MITO, Barcelona. Coleçao de Arte Contemporaneo Argentino Museo Niemeyer, Curitiba, Brazil. Summer Show jaggedart, London. Arte Lisboa Galería MITO, Lisboa, Portugal. Art Madrid Galería MITO, Madrid, Spain. The London Art Fair jaggedart, London. Meditazione sulla Realta Palazzo della Ragione, Mantova, Italy. Curated by Edward Lucie-Smith. 2006 Cantico dei Cantici Museo Diocesano, Terni, Italy. 2005 Cruz y Ficción MITO Galería de Arte Contemporánea, Barcelona, Spain. What is Realism? Albemarle Gallery, London. Curated by Edward Lucie-Smith. 2004 Bologna Contemporary Art Fair Galleria Planetario, Bologna, Italy. Troubled Times, Natura Naturans 9 Museo Cívico de la Guerra por la Paz Diego de Henriquez, Trieste, Italy. Curated by María Campitelli. Imágenes de los Ochenta Colección Alberto Elía-Mario Robirosa y Patrimonio del MBNA, Museo Nacional de Bellas Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Arte Fiera Galleria Planetario, Bologna, Italy. 2003 Bologna Contemporary Art Fair Galleria Planetario, Bologna. London Contemporary Art Fair Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Scenes in Perspective Artower Agora, Athens, Greece. Curated by Megakles Rogakoes. The Rape of Europe Luke & A. Gallery of Modern Art, London. Curated by Megakles Rogakoes. osicraNNarciso Galleria Planetario, Trieste. 2002 Bologna Contemporary Art Fair Galleria Planetario, Bologna. Artists of the Ideal, New Classicism Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Palazzo Forti, Verona, Italy. Curated by Edward Lucie-Smith. Shock and Show, Realtà & Alternative, Natura Naturans 7 Galleria Planetario, Trieste. Curated by María Campitelli. Montreal Art Fair Galleria Planetario, Montreal, Canada. Arte Fiera Galleria Planetario, Bologna. Toronto Art Fair Galleria Planetario, Toronto, Canada. 2001 Amsterdam Contemporary Art


Fair Gallerie Jörg Hasenbach, Amsterdam. 2000 Between Earth and Heaven, New Classical Movements in the Art of Today Museum of Modern Art, Ostende, Belgium. Curated by Edward Lucie Smith y Willy van den Bussche. 1999 34 ARC (Artistas Contemporáneos de Rosario), Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario, Argentina. Siglo XX Argentino: Arte y Cultura Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires. 1998 Sacred in Art Long & Ryle Gallery, London. 1997 Artists of Fame and Promise Beaux Arts Gallery, London. 1996 Oleum Accademia Italiana delle Arti, London. The London Contemporary Art Fair Beaux Arts, Gallery, London. Per le Antiche Stanze, Poggibonsi Arte 1996 XXIV edizione, Siena, Italia. 1995 The Drawing Show Jill George Gallery, London. Atoxia Slaughterhouse, London. Curated by Neil Brown. L’Occhio Dell ‘Artista Su Leonardo Maskinhallen, Göteborg, Sweden. 1994 L’Occhio Dell ‘Artista Su Leonardo Galleria Giallocromo, Catania, Sicily. Traveling to: Sala Della Ragione, Anagni; Kutturhuset, Stockholm; Galleria Giallogromo, Catana Arsenali Navali, Amalfi, Italy. International Art Fair Exposition Galleria La Bezuga, Miami. 1993 L’Occhio Dell ‘Artista Su Leonardo The Armand Hammer Museum of Art, Rooseum, Malmö, Sweden. 1992 The New Patrons National Art Collections Fund, Christie’s, London. Chia, Cinalli, Harbutt Galleria La Bezuga, Florence, Italy. Salone Italiano Arte Contemporanea Florence. ARCO ‘92 Jill George Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 1991 International Art Fair Jill George Gallery, Olympia, London. Cinalli, Maia, Harbutt, Art London ‘91 Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Art for Equality Institute of Contemporary Arts, London ¡Viva Picasso! Mario Flecha Gallery, London. 1990 International Art Fair Jill George Gallery, Olympia, London. New British Painting Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Architecturally Inspired Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Curated by Sarah Long. Four Artists from Britain Nerlino Gallery, New York. Curated by P. Nerlino. 1989 Homage to the Square Flaxman Gallery, London. Curated by Francesca Piovano. New Drawings Jill George Gallery, London. Sex and Sexuality Diorama Gallery, London. 1988 The Sacred In Art Long & Ryle Gallery, London. Curated by Sarah Long. Paperworks Salama Caro Gallery, London. International Art Fair Jill George Gallery, Los Angeles, USA. 1987 Bledowsky-Cinalli-Allen Mario Flecha Gallery, London. The Icon Show Mario Flecha Gallery, London. 1986 The Latin American Drawing Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, USA. 1985 Events ‘85 City Art Gallery, Sheffield, UK. 1984 Deira, Seguí, Presas, Cinalli, Bergero, Trotti Casa de la Defensa, Buenos Aires. 1983 Summer Changes Mario Flecha Gallery, London. 1982 Pace-Setter 1 The City Museum and Art Gallery, Peterborough, UK.



Pag. 8 Rise I – 2011. Oil on Canvas. 1 84 cm x 190 cm

Pag. 9 Rise II – 2011. Oil on Canvas. 184 cm x 190 cm

Pag. 11 Separation – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 13 Melancolia – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 14 Enclosed – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 15 Magnolias en vaso y escultura cubista – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 16 Cabeza Picasiana y Les Fleurs du Mal – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 17 Guitarra Picasiana y Les Fleurs du Mal – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 19 Olga – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 21 Siesta – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 23 Profound Unity – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 24 Joakim – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 25 Dante – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 26 Mateo – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 29 Profound Nature – 2011. Pencil and Tempera on Paper with Diamonds. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 31 Paul – 2011. Pencil and Tempera on Paper with Diamonds. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 33 Nocturno – 2011. Pencil and Tempera on Paper with Diamonds. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 34 Julian – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 35 Juana – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 37 Siesta II – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm


Pag. 39 Julian – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 43 Pablo – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 44/45 Sunset – 2007. Oil on Wood. 130 cm x 300 cm Colección Privada C. Bulgheroni

Pag. 47 Magnolias – 2011. Pencil on Paper with Diamonds. 55 cm x 75 cm

Pag. 49 Grand Homme – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 50 Abel – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 51 Youth – 2011. Pencil and Gold on Perforated Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

Pag. 53 Sueño – 2011. Pencil and Tempera on Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm


Pag. 41 Yesterday – 2011. Pencil, Tempera and Gold on Paper. 50 cm x 70 cm

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