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Septiembre 2018 – Febrero 2019>

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Septiembre 2018 – Febrero 2019>

Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato.................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación........................................................................ 4 Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Silabo…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Perfil de Egreso ........................................................................................................................... 6 Primer Parcial…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7


Trabajo Colaborativo.................................................................................................... 8 - 24


Trabajo Práctico ........................................................................................................ 25 - 27


Trabajo Autónomo ............................................................................................................ 28


Componente Teórico……………………………………………………………………………………………………...29 - 30

Segundo parcial……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31


Trabajo Colaborativo.................................................................................................. 32 - 64


Trabajo Práctico ........................................................................................................ 65 - 75


Trabajo Autónomo ............................................................................................................ 76


Componente Teórico…………………………


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................... 77


Prácticas Preprofesionales ................................................................................................ 78


Reflexión ........................................................................................................................... 79

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Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.



Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión “Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.”.

Visión “La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos.”.



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Guías PAE No Aplica



Perfil de Egreso El egresado de la Carrera de Turismo y Hotelería posee el siguiente perfil:

• Gerencia empresas turísticas y hoteleras en correspondencia con las necesidades del desarrollo sostenible • Desarrollar el turismo como escenario de recreación y generación de empleo • Conocer, elaborar y difundir la gastronomía ecuatoriana para fortalecer la identidad cultural. • Emplear el idioma Inglés como herramienta de trabajo. • Socializarla importancia de la práctica del Turismo Sostenible, en todos los ámbitos.






1. Trabajo Colaborativo OUTCOME 1 : TIPS TO TRAVELING WITH PACKAGES Date: 19/10/2018








TIPS FOR TRIP TO EQUATOR Different altitudes

Says Colvin, J. (1994) Beware of the Altitude ,the altitude sickness may develop in travelers who ascend rapidly to an altitude greater than 2500 m, including those flying directly to Quito. Consider packing medication to prevent altitude sickness and if you have asthma, make sure to be extra cautious when traveling to high altitudes. It is very important bear in mind that in equator different altitudes exist and to extract to you that you suffer from respiratory diseases they must take precautions Electricity Says Jones, S. (2005) The devices domestic appliances work in Ecuador with alternating current, the same one that in the United States: 110 Volts, 60 Hertz. This means that the travelers from Europe will have to bring with him adapters for his laptops, cameras, tumble dryers and other electrical equipment’s. There exists availability of adapters of plugs in all the hardware stores. In other countries the electrical networks, that are different that those of equator for it to the moment to travel is necessary that the tourist has his adapter

Discos with your doctor Discuss with your doctor ,while you are planning your trip, it’s a good idea to talk it over with your doctor. Schedule any vaccinations, refill your prescriptions and pick up health tips tailored to your needs. Says Cusack, D. (2006). In our country there exist different types of diseases that some foreigners do not support for it is necessary to consult with a doctor Precaution whit animal



Get ready for a war on insects, especially if you are traveling in the jungle, you’ll need to protect yourself from mosquitoes, flies and other, more sinister insects. Stock up on non-aerosol insect repellant and use DEET if you feel comfortable. According to Drumm, A. (1998). In equator there exists a variety of animals that can cause stings, but the principal ones are the mosquitos that bring with them diseases for it is necessary to have precaution The clothing according the region According to Fuller, D. (2005), it gets warm around the equator, meaning you’re going to need breathable clothes if you don’t want to sweat more than you need to. Consider investing in a few moisture-wicking pieces of clothing, such as shorts, tank tops and pullover shirts. In the equator the climate mas common is the heat and for it is necessary to take clothes adapted for the same one since the principal natural attractions are in warm places The best insurance of trip to travel to equator Says Gould, K. (1999) ,the insurances of trip are an important tool for the protection of the international traveler, since not only it protects it from the medical risks, but they offer to him an integral coverage with regard to baggage’s, legal assistance, sanitary and administrative repatriations, reimbursements for delayed flights, etc. The life insurance is important mas of a trip since it can help in case of any accident as for the monetary thing Oofficial currency According to Heuman, D. (2005), In March, 2000 the official currency of Ecuador was changed of the sucre to the North American dollar. Therefore all the accounts (bills) will have to be paid here in USD. It is necessary to communicate to the tourist the type of currency that one handles in the country and as to use correctly Local time GMT-5 (Equal at the standard central hour of North America, except during the summer schedule when the Ecuador is kept in the time of East). The Galapagos Islands are one more hour early that the continental Ecuador. Says Tsaur, S (2006).



It is necessary bear in mind the hourly change of the foreigner already his hours of food and of to sleeping they are different Frontier requirements Ecuador asks a valid passport from all the travelers who visit it, as a test of return or of continuity of trip, though in general they check it rarely. Nowadays it is not necessary to present a certificate of vaccination against the yell ow fever. According to Wearing, S.2002 In equator rules exist for his visit and it is necessary to fulfill them to take no problem neither as a health. Food Says World Tourism Organization 2006, the Ecuadoran gastronomy is extremely varied, and presents flavors and different specialties in each of his regions, besides the most exquisite of the international kitchen The food is something very representative of the equator but it is necessary to take in all the preferences of the tourist for in spite of it taking it to the site adapted to the moment to eat Bibliographic: Colvin, J. 1994 Capirona: A Model of Indigenous Ecotourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2 (3) Cusack, D. 2006 Community-based ecotourism and sustainability: Cases in Bocas del Toro province, Panama and Talamanca, Costa Rica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 22(1-2), 157-182. Drumm, A. 1998 New approaches to community-based ecotourism management: learning from Ecuador. In Ecotourism: Guide for planners and managers, vol. 2. North Bennington: The Ecotourism Society. Fuller, D. 2005 Ecotourism and indigenous microenterprise formation in northern Australia opportunities and constraints, Tourism Management 26, 891-904. Gould, K. 1999 Tactical tourism. A comparative analysis of rainforest development in Ecuador and Belize, Organization & Environment 12(3), 245-262. Heuman, D. 2005 Hospitality and reciprocity: Working tourists in Dominica, Annals of Tourism Research, 32(2), 407-418.



Jones, S. 2005 Community-based ecotourism. The significance of social capital. Annals of Tourism Research 32(2), 303-324. Tsaur, S 2006 Evaluating tourism sustainability from the integrated perspective of resource, community and tourism. Tourism Management 27(4), 640-53. Wearing, S.2002 The development of community-based tourism: Re-thinking the relationship between tour operators and development agents as intermediaries in rural and isolated area communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10(3), 191-206. World Tourism Organization 2006 Poverty alleviation through tourism. A compilation of good practices. Madrid:WTO.



"BE A GOOD TOURIST GUIDE, BE POLITE" MISION The mision of the "Be a good tourist guide, be polite" seminar is to promote the qualification of national and local guides in our country, through training and guidance to contribute to their personal, professional and work development. What would be reflected in the revitalization and growth of tourism in Ecuador and generating economic development as a source of tourism. VISION The vision of the "Be a good tourist guide, be polite" seminar is to be a leading organization in the tourism sector, referring to customer service training for national and local guides in our country and distinguished by the excellence in service quality. Seeking to achieve dynamism and improvement in the provision of service and customer service by tour guides. OBJECTIVE The objective of the "Be a good tourist guide, be polite” seminar is to train tour guides to have the knowledge of Ecuador in terms of customer service and service provision, by providing the subject and activities that will reinforce the professionalism of tour guides, resulting in an increase in the dynamization of tourism in Ecuador.

This seminar is aimed at 10 professionals who work in the different attractions that the historical center of Quito has. Professionals Lic. Jorge Zhumi Lic. Mg. Jorge Urdiales Lic. David Chacon Abg. Francisco Piña Arq. Pedro Brito Lic. Dayana Bermeo Abg. Paul Peláez Lic. Mg. José Reinoso Lic. Héctor Vázquez Lic. Mg. Jonatán Urgiles

work Palacio de Carondelet Iglesia San Francisco Museo Alberto Mena Centro Cultural Metropolitano Museo casa de Sucre Museo Camilo Egas Iglesias Santa Barbara Museo de arte colonial Iglesia compania de Jesus Museo Manuela Saenz

We chose this hotel because it is located in the historic center a few minutes from the tourist attractions. Date: Monday, October 22, 2018 Time: 09h00 Place: Auditorium of the Plaza Grande Hotel THE CONTENTS The first day



Good manners, good deals Not to omit the regards or farewells The elegance is constructed practically by subtleties The second day The tourism must be accessible for all kinds of person Assistance to the tourist

To orientate and to advise the tourist The third day In this day, we have a practice with a tourist for showed, about the themes working in the seminary. 3.9 The material that you are going to use.     

Laptop, In focus, Banners, Flyers, Loudspeaker

3.10 The Schedule with the contents distributed according to the days and time



08:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:00 08:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14: 00 08:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 12:00

TRAINING WORKSHOP First day Come in of participant Presentation of the participant Exposition of student Joel Carrillo with the topic:  Good manners, good deals.  Not to omit the regards or farewells. Exposition of student Evelyn Freire  The elegance is constructed practically by subtleties. Break Dynamics, play and test Training Workshop Second day Come in of participant Presentation of the participant Exposition of student Juan López with the topic:  The tourism must be accessible for all kinds of person  Assistance to the tourist Exposition of student Jorge López with the topic:  To orientate and to advise the tourist Break Dynamics play and test. Training Workshop Third day Dynamics play and test.  In this day, we have a practice with a tourist for showed, about the themes working in the seminary.


















RESEARCH DOMESTIC FLIGHTS Domestic flights in Ecuador are reasonably priced and a fast way to get around this small Andean nation. Domestic flights, except those to the Galapagos, rarely cost more than USD $120 round trip. Most travelers base their trips to Ecuador out of Quito. As of February 2013, Quito has a new International Airport, Mitad del Mundo Airport, which is nearly a one hour drive east of Quito near the town of Tababela. 35 buses per day will be running from Ave. Once you get to the new Quito airport, traveling from Quito to la costa (the coast) or to el oriente (Amazon), or most anywhere in Ecuador is a short 30-minute plane ride away. Expect incredible views, particularly if you are passing over Ecuador’s breathtaking “Avenue of the Volcanoes” on the Quito-Cuenca flight. Flight schedules change frequently, so check the websites of the domestic airlines below for the destinations and times of flights. Flying to the Galapagos Islands Flying within Ecuador, with the exception of the Galapagos, is quite easy and affordable. For Galapagos flights, there is a two-tiered system where foreigners can expect to pay more than double what nationals pay. As an independent traveler finding availability can be challenging as tour operators usually reserve seats months in advance, fully booking most flights. If you go on a Galapagos cruise or organize a Galapagos land based tour, your tour operator almost always reserves your flight for you. There are two airports on the Galapagos Islands one on Baltra, which is used to access the adjacent Santa Cruz Island and its main town, Puerto Ayora. The second airport is on San Cristobal, next to the main town Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Most tours and cruises define where you fly into and out of for you. Ecuador’s Domestic Airlines Tame has flights to almost all destinations in the country including: Guayaquil, Quito, the Galapagos, Esmeraldas, Manta, Portoviejo, Machala, Cuenca, Loja, Tulcán, Coca, Lago Agrio, and Macas. Their website almost never works for buying flights, so try booking with a travel agency instead. Tame, pronounced tah-may, is Ecuador’s national airline, and has pilots straight out of the air force. Their reputation for maverick maneuvers is anything but tame. Aerogal, a local airline recently bought out by a Colombian consortium, flies to/from Quito, Guayaquil, Coca, Manta, Cuenca, Lago Agrio, and both Baltra and San Cristobal Islands in the Galapagos. Aerogal’s website is about as reliable as Tame’s, which means it’s best to have a local travel agency book for you, unless you happen to get lucky. LAN Airlines is a Chilean based airline who started to offer domestic flights in Ecuador recently. The airline is very professionally run, and their website actually works to purchase flights. Beware though, if you select your country as being outside Ecuador on the website, you may get highly inflated prices, frequently several times the price of reserving the flight while in Ecuador. Domestic flights, except



those to the Galapagos, rarely cost more than USD $120 round trip, make sure you’re not getting gouged. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS There are two international airports in Ecuador: Quito, UIO and Guayaquil, GYE. Most travelers fly into Quito, which has a new international airport opening in February 2013. The new Mitad del Mundo Airport, is nearly a one hour drive east of Quito near the small town of Tababela. About 35 buses per day will be running from Ave. Los Granados in the North of Quito via Avenida Simón Bolívar to the terminal. The buses will leave every 20 to 30 minutes, and cost $8 to 12 per person. There is a new road and bridges being built, so possibly by 2014, the transportation time may shorten considerably. All flights to the Galapagos originate in Quito or Guayaquil, see the Ecuador domestic flights page for more info. From the United States and Canada Flights from the US are always routed through Miami, Houston, Atlanta or New York. There are no direct flights from Canada. From Europe Flights to Ecuador leave from London, Madrid, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt and almost all include at least one layover. From Latin America There are regular flights from Bogota, Caracas, Lima, and Santiago de Chile to both Quito and Guayaquil. From Central America there is a daily flight from San Jose, Costa Rica and from Panama. There are few deals to be had when flying between Latin American countries. Trans-border fares between Latin American cities can easily cost as much as flying from North America, despite the shorter distances. Many travelers prefer to fly to the border and cross the border by bus in order to save money. Flight Prices Ticket prices vary starting at USD 600 from New York or Miami during low season. The price of your ticket will usually depends on four factors: Season: The peak tourist seasons are from June 15 to September 1 and December 15 to Jan 2. Expect to pay a lot more for your ticket if you intend to fly during these periods. Arriving in Quito Both international and domestic flights to Quito will land at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport, located in the city and just a few minutes from most of Quito’s hotels. Most important to remember is that Quito is situated at almost 3,000 meters (9,900 feet) and that the airport offers no covered walkways between the terminal and the planes. Bring a jacket and/or raincoat, particularly if you are arriving at night.



Upon entering the airport, you will immediately get into the immigration line. Flights tend to all land at once making for huge lines in immigration. If you are going to be in Ecuador for 90 days, make sure to say so or the customs official may give you less. The airport features adequate services, but limited in comparison with what you would find in a US or European airport, especially since most flights arrive at night when most services are closed. Pay phones are located in the departure section of the terminal, which may or may not be open depending on the time of day. To use a pay phone you will need a phone card or tokens and there is usually someone selling them nearby. However, if you arrive at night, you may have problems changing money or using the phone. Ecuador uses the US dollar, so best to change some money in your home country if needed. Try to arrange to be picked up before arriving in Quito. Another option is to take a taxi; drivers are happy to accept US dollars at any time (don’t pay more than USD 5 for a taxi to most anywhere in Quito). Sources: Alex Bainbridge (2010), 55 Travel ecommerce tips for specialist tour operators, travel agents & activity companies, Washington, DC: Author. Annals of Tourism Research 23 (3), 599-616, 1996. Clarke, H., Sanders, D., Stewart, M., & Whiteley, P. (2014). 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice. Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identity and Individual Attitudes, 57, 88. David B,(2005), Tourist satisfaction: A view from a mixed international guided package tour. Davrath, L. R,(2008),Productc packaging. Fingerhut, A., & Lacaine, F. (2002). Tips for your Trip. (pp. 73-74). Springer, Paris.



2. Trabajo Prรกctico Topic: Culture Date: Thursday, September 27th 2018



Topic: Cultural Tourism Date: Thursday, October 11, 2018



Topic: Tourism book units 4-5 Date: Thursday, October 11, 2018



3. Trabajo Autรณnomo Topic: Units research Date: October 26th, 2018



4. Componente Teórico Topic: QUIZ – CURRICULAR UNIT ONE Date: Thursday, October 4th, 2018








1. Trabajo Colaborativo OUTCOME 3 : TIPS TO TRAVELING WITH PACKAGES Date: 14/12/2018









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Names: Alvares Adrian López Jorge López Juan Pineda Sebastian Semester: 7mo semester Date: Friday 14th December 2018 Topic: Security measures on a trip in the airport The measures security in the airport are very necessaries, because are rules that should in the airports of the world, because each airport have your rulers and in our country we have our rulers for example one ruler is don´t enter to the restricted area, respectful the symbols and more rulers that have in our airports and the measures security in the airport are very necessaries for the people that arrive and go out over of the country and they should comply one by one the rulers in our country and in our airport. According (Polski, A Paul , 1992) state that the airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in an attempt to protect passengers, staff and planes which use the airports from accidental/malicious harm, crime, and other threats. Aviation security is a combination of human and material resources to safeguard civil aviation against unlawful interference In my opinion I can say that the measures security are protect to all the tourist that arrive to our country and the security guard have the obligation of protect to the people in the airport and should comply with all the rulers and steps for comply the regulation. According (Molotch, Harvey , 2014) mention that the increasing sophistication of terrorists and their ability to exploit technological advancements makes effective detection of weapons and explosive devices critical to aviation security. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the leading federal agency responsible for the safety and security of civil aviation. Acts of terrorism against the aviation community have demonstrated an increasing level of knowledge in the design and deployment of explosive devices and weapons. The terrorism in the airport is very casual because arrive many people all the days and enter and go out, also nobody knows how, where and who did if some grave pass in an airport, so the measures security are for protect all the people that inside in the airport In agreement with (Kapustis, Emilius , 2017) add that each time when you are travelling by plane at first you have to go through a long and tedious maze of checkpoints and make sure your baggage does too    

Screening of passengers and their carry-on bags All luggage must be X-rayed No pointy object or knives Remove the shoes



 Keep the bottles small  Full body scan This are the rulers that follow for your security before of enter to the aircraft and resisted your baggage According (Shankar, 2017) sate that the new rules are expected to affect about 180 different airline companies — and the approximately 325,000 passengers that arrive in the US each day. Passengers can expect a short interview with an airline ticket agent or security agent at the airport. “The vast majority of people won't even really be aware of these questions — it’s going to be in the form of a casual conversation,” says Philip Baum. He’s the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Aviation Security International, and the director of Green Light, a security training and consulting company. In agreement with (Yoo Eui, Kwnag, 2006) add that many failures concerned with detecting prohibited items from air passenger or carry-on luggage have been reported from time to time even in advanced countries. The objective of this research is to study the relative importance of the means to improve passenger security checks at the airport. The authors recognize that there are three major factors affecting the effectiveness of passenger screening: human resources, equipment and facilities, and procedures and responsibility structures. Officials at Schiphol Airport have pledged to "take all possible measures to avoid additional time in the queue", but advised passengers to check with airlines when they should arrive at the airport. All electronic equipment can be subject to review, including laptops, cell phones, tablets and MP3 players. Passengers are being advised to make sure they are all loaded before the trip so that they can be turned on and show that they work (Neild, 2014). Irons, dryers, cameras and even battery-operated toys are the object of a specific inspection, it is a reinforcement of security measures in relation to hand luggage. In the execution of the procedure will be provided the maximum information that allows the rule through informative signs that will inform that the passenger may be selected for the inspection of your carry-on baggage," explained the network director (Navarrete, 2015). The Administration of Security and Transport of the United States, TSA by its abbreviations in English, informed that the change of rules consists of that the agents of security of the airports will request to the passengers who travel in regular airlines that take out of their suitcases or bags their large electronic devices and that they deposit them in a container so that they examine them with scanner, is a procedure similar to the one of the laptop. (Cruz, 2017) The objective of security measures for airports is to guarantee, precisely, the safety of all passengers during the flight. Safety on a trip begins at the airport. All airports in the world have high technology to detect any anomaly that may affect the safety of passengers. Within these new technologies you can find x-ray machines, nonpermitted liquid detection systems or non-metallic bodies, axial tomographs, biometric fingerprint detection readers, closed television circuits that allow tracking a person, drug detectors , among others. To accelerate the passage through the controls, a series of recommendations has been established that include: passing through the scanner metallic objects, electronic devices and containers of liquids, aerosols



and gels allowed. This will prevent the alarm from sounding and passengers will not lose more time than necessary to go through these mandatory controls (Matinez, 2014). Taking into account these recommendations and having all the necessary documents to cross international borders, the passage through the controls should be simple and fast. New measures:    

Improvement in the monitoring and general detection of passengers. Carry out a more advanced control and inspection of personal electronic devices. Increase security protocols around aircraft and in passenger areas. Implement advanced technology, expand canine screening and establish additional pre-authorization locations.

Some airline officials have expressed concern that the controls could cause delays or even cause flights to have higher prices. The new measures could include brief security interviews with passengers at check-in or boarding gate, airlines say. (Noriega, 2017)




Cruz, C. (2017). Establishes new security measures at airports. caravana de migrantes. Kapustis, Emilius . (2017, July 21). 6 airport safety measures and why we have them. Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherland . Matinez, L. (2014). International airports: new security measures. Argentina. Molotch, Harvey . (2014, August 24). Againts security . Florida, Miami , Estados Unidos . Navarrete, A. (2015, Febrero 2). This will be the new controls on hand luggage at airports. ABC viajar. Neild, B. (2014, Julio 7). New security measures at airport. CNN. Noriega, J. (2017, 9 27). Improved passenger detection. BBC Mundo. Polski, A Paul . (1992, Dicember 28). Aviaion security . San Diego , California , Estados Unidos . Shankar, A. (2017, October 30). new airport security measures add the human element . New Zeland , ET, New Zeland . Yoo Eui, Kwnag. (2006, May 03). Analytic importance the pasanger security . Pekin, Pekin , Japan .





Can be subject to review, including laptops, cell phones, tablets and MP3 players.

All airports in the world have high technology to detect any anomaly that may affect the safety of passengers.

Passengers are being advised to make sure they are all loaded before the trip so that they can be turned on and show that they work (Neild, 2014). Irons, dryers, cameras and even batteryoperated toys are the object of a specific inspection, it is a reinforcement of security measures in relation to hand luggage.

    

x-ray machines, non-permitted liquid detection systems or non-metallic bodies, axial tomographs, biometric fingerprint detection readers, closed television circuits that allow tracking a person, drug detectors , Among others.


Recommendations has been established that include: 

Within these new technologies you can find  


 

passing through the scanner metallic objects, electronic devices and containers of liquids, aerosols and gels allowed.

This will prevent the alarm from sounding and passengers will not lose more time than necessary to go through these mandatory controls (Matinez, 2014). Taking into account these recommendations and having all the necessary documents to cross international borders, the passage through the controls should be simple and fast. Some airline officials have expressed concern that the controls could cause delays or even cause flights to have higher prices. The new measures could include brief security interviews with passengers at check-in or boarding gate, airlines say. (Noriega, 2017)






Advanced English

The measures security in the airport are very necessaries, because are rules that should in the airports of the world, because each airport have your rulers and in our country. According (Polski, A Paul , 1992) state that the airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in an attempt to protect passengers, staff and planes which use the airports from accidental/malicious harm, crime, and other threats. Aviation security is a combination of human and material resources to safeguard civil aviation against unlawful interference. The objective of security measures for airports is to guarantee, precisely, the safety of all passengers during the flight.

Lcda. Mg. Alba Hernández Outcome 3

 Improvement in the monitoring and general detection of passengers.

Names: 

Alvares Adrian

López Jorge

López Juan

Pineda Sebastian

 Carry out a more advanced control and inspection of personal electronic devices.  Increase security protocols aircraft and in passenger areas.

Semester: 7mo semester


 Implement advanced technology, expand canine screening and establish additional pre-authorization locations.

Date: Friday 14th December 2018 Topic: Security measures on a trip in the airport



Report Names Adrián Alvares Jorge López Juan López Sebastián Pineda

Adrián.... Good morning. we are the news CNN and we are with the friends in the Mariscal Sucre airport with the new news in this place Sebastian…. good morning Adrian here we have good news with some problems that can pass in the airport Jorge…. good morning in the studios and to my friend in this moment we have one problem in this airport Adrian…… tell us Jorge what happen in thus moment Jorge…… the all the flights we are delayed we don’t know the problem, after we count the possible problem Sebastian…. Hey Adrián in thus moment I have to person that can us count the problem Juan…… Yes, the principal problem is the weather and the scales that pass many time for aboard other aircraft Adrian…… Jorge you can go where is the Sebastian, and question mare information of the problem Jorge……. Yes, of course. Tell us sir you have other problem in the moment of the scale and where was the same Juan…… I come Spain and my scale was in Amsterdam, but never pass this problem Sebastian……. But sir you lost something of your luggage Juan…… I don’t know, but I don’t found my luggage’s



Sebastian - Good morning, Christmas comes and many travels in plane, but before you need to know the new security measures. for this Juan is already with us. Juan good morning how many people expect to travel today? Juan - Sebastian good morning is expected that this Christmas ten thousand people

travel but first you

need to know that: Sebastian - Faced with the threat of terrorism, the airports have deployed an authentic arsenal of security measures, which is reinforced with each attack since September 11, 2001. During Identity Control and tickets, passengers are heavily analyzed in the departure lounge, video surveillance cameras allow the police to analyze faces and any suspicious behavior, in some airports biometric data analyzers are used, as well as recognition technology. Thank you for that interesting information Juan we come back after these commercials. Commercial Sebastian - And we return Adrian tell us that other security measure in the airports you know? Adrian - Yes, Sebastian it is necessary to be at the airport 3 hours before on international flights and 2 hours on domestic flights.

After registering and receiving their tickets, travelers are examined to make sure they do not carry any sharp or flammable object or more than 100 ml of any liquid, the carry-on luggage is checked using x-rays and sometimes manually to check whether there are traces of explosives or other dangerous objects after passing through the metal detector the passengers are checked again












Names: Alvares Adrian López Jorge López Juan Date: 20, Diciembre 2018 Outcome IV Topic: The good service in the restaurant Introduction The good service in the restaurant or the Hotel or in some paces is very indispensable, because all things depending of the good service in this place. Also other things very necessary is the place, because the esthetic of the place is more important for the client, but all the thing go the hand, because the service, the esthetic and the waiter or waitress are the most necessary in the restaurant o some places. According (Miranda, Morley , 2018) state that no matter how tasty your menu, customers won't come back if they have bad experiences with your customer service. For this reason, training employees to offer good customer service can help you drive sales. According to the National Restaurant Association, the first step to opening a restaurant that offers great customer service is hiring people who love to serve. After that, you train them how to serve by showing them examples of great customer service and explaining how they can mimic those examples. Opinion Is true I am according with the author, because much people return when the service is very good and although the food don´t is good the people returned for the good service or the good attention. According (Hall, J. Elaine , 1993) mention that power and Associates discovered that good customer service is one of the leading factors consumers take into consideration when choosing a place to dine out. Investing the time and money into training your wait staff on the many facets of good customer service might be one of the best investments you can make for your business. Opinion The customer have many option for can eat where he correct believe and can choose of many places only one, but this person know the place that have the best service and one extra is the food good. According (Mueller, R.D., 2003 ) add that customer service is equal parts communication and genuine attention to your diners. When guests visit your restaurant, you want them to feel welcome. When you treat them with care and respect while providing an excellent meal, they’ll come back to your restaurant again and again. Opinion I totally agree with this author, because is true the communication with the customer is very necessary because this way is the principal for know if the client it´s ok and how feel. Here we present some tips for win customers:



    

Here we present some tips of win customers Greet your diners the minute they walk in the door. Use respectful titles – sir, ma’am and miss work well. Don’t interrupt. Listen intently and pay attention to what they want.

(Ryu, Kisang , 2012) Opinion No opinion this parts I totally correctly. According (Gronroos, Christian , 1988 (Winter) ) add that while food quality is incredibly important, it is the experience diners have from the minute they walk in the door to the minute they exit that counts. Restaurants should remember to keep the customer’s needs at the forefront of every dining experience. Opinion For him client each dinner is a new experience, because each minute that pass in this place you it´s ok and form forefront you feel good (Mueller, R.D., 2003 ) state that lastly, we’ll discuss an out-of-the-box way to deliver excellent customer service at your restaurant. Incorporating technology will, of course, depend on your restaurant type, but some form of technology can be worked into many restaurant business models. Opinion Part and part the technology is good implement new ways of good service, but this innate of each person the good service to the machine can program for the service, but go to be very different According (Mealey, Lorri, 2017) mention that an integral part of any restaurant is its customer service. It doesn’t matter how fabulous your restaurant décor is or how delicious your food is, if the service doesn’t meet or exceed customers’ expectations, there is a good chance they won’t come back.

Opinion In general the customer is our priority doesn´t matter if we believe that give a good service is give the food in lest time we are bad, because the good service is greeting, give the welcome, select the table for the people number and always is attend to the customer



REFERENCES Gronroos, Christian . (1988 (Winter) ). The Best Service . En G. Christian, Service Quality (påg. 120). New York : Review of Bussiness . Hall, J. Elaine . (01 de November de 1993). Good Service . England, London , Gran Britain . Mealey, Lorri. (18 de December de 2017). Thing to Know About Customer Service . san Andre´s , California , United States . Miranda, Morley . (29 de June de 2018). the good service in the restaurant industry . Sevilla, Sevilla , Spain . Mueller, R.D. (04 de December de 2003 ). Service in the Restaurant Industry . Toronto , Toronto , Canada . Ryu, Kisang . (23 de October de 2012). The famouse tips in the restaurant . Sejong , Seoul , South Korea .



OUTCOME 5: How to prevention measures during air travel or land- Types of common diseases symptoms of infections- Food and beverages in the different types of restaurants. Date: 16, January 2019

How to prevention measures during air travel or land- Types of common diseases symptoms of infectionsFood and beverages in the different types of restaurants Leonardo López, Jorge López, Sebastián Pineda, Ana Velastegui Tourism and Hospitality Career – Seventh “A” Technical University of Ambato

Ambato - Ecuador Hernández Alba, M.A. Lcda.



Prevention measures during air travel or land Traveling with friends, family, or even alone can be very funny, but there are also different security related things to keep in mind. Women, children, and pets also have different travel safety needs. By following a little bit of common sense and a few simple tips, you can be assured that your trip with not only be one you will always remember, but it will be a safe one as well. While traveling is sure to be a great experience, staying safe should never stray far from your priorities. Thinking about these things in advance will help to ensure that you have a fun, safe, and enjoyable trip that you'll never forget. According to academy of America (2018) Staying safe while traveling is imperative and there are a few things you can do to help ensure that you're free from harm. It is a good idea to make copies of all documents including your passport and other ID before you leave and give it to someone you trust in case you lose yours or it gets stolen. Always carry your identification with you when you're traveling, whether it is within the US or overseas. Try to enjoy your trip early in the mornings and retire to your hotel early. Most criminals are out and about at night so this can help to minimize the risk. Travel with a group or a buddy so you always have a companion with you in case you need help. Make sure your hotel stays locked both when you leave and when you are in the room. Something everyone should keep in mind is how to make sure your home stays safe while you are away. Leave the front porch light and any back lights on the entire time so it gives the illusion that there is always someone home. Lock all doors and windows and if someone is watching your home for you have them bring the newspaper inside each day. This will make it appear to potential criminals that you are there. If you have a home security system, be sure to arm it and give the code to your house sitter so that they can re-arm it when you leave. If you have security cameras, make sure that your DVR is set to record while you are away. If possible, have someone stay in your home for you while you're gone. According to Lippold (2017)Traveling abroad often carries more risks than traveling within the US. Try to learn the language of the country you're visiting, at least a few basic sentences. This way you can easily communicate with hotel staff, shopkeepers, bartenders, and the police if need be. Learn about the customs and clothing of the country you are visiting so you will blend in and not stand out as much. Try not to look too much like an American, as many criminals in other countries know what to look for and may try to pick you out of the crowd as their next victim. Be aware of pickpockets and never carry a bag with thin straps across your shoulder, as many criminals tend to cut the straps and run off with your belongings. Use guided tours if possible so that you do not get lost and remain with a group.



Women should be especially aware of certain travel safety rules. Never go anywhere alone, and always bring someone with you when you venture out, particularly at night. Bring some mace or pepper spray in the event you have to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. Do not wear flashy jewelry, as this will only tempt a robber to try and steal from you. Walk briskly and with your head up and eyes moving around, so that you look confident and aware of your surroundings. Do not drink too much while you're out unless you can stay close to your trusted travel companion. The author Ward (2018) mention important factors 

Safe Travel

Road Trip Safety Tips List

Great Travel Safety Tips

Keeping Your Home Safe From Burglars While Traveling

A Woman's Safe Travel Guide

Stay Safe When Traveling

Staying Safe While Studying Abroad

Keeping Your Valuables Safe When Traveling

Travel Advice by Country

More on Safety Abroad

Allergy Safe Travel

Tips for Safe Travel

Baby Safe Travel

Survival Guide to Safe and Healthy Travel

Traveling Safely with Kids

Pet Travel Tips

About Traveler's Checks

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Staying Safe When Traveling Abroad

Best Travel Tips of All Time

Keep Traveling and Stay Safe



Types of common diseases symptoms of infections Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment. According to Gordon (2017) Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites, and prions are different types of pathogen. They vary in their size, shape, function, genetic content, and how they act on the body. For example, viruses are smaller than bacteria, and they can enter a host and take over cells. However, bacteria can survive without a host. Treatment will depend on the type of pathogen. This article will focus on the most common and deadly types of infection: Bacterial, viral, fungal, and prion. The organism uses that person's body to sustain itself, reproduce, and colonize. These infectious organisms are known as pathogens. Examples of pathogens include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and prions. Pathogens can multiply and adapt quickly. Viral infections are caused by a virus. Millions of types of virus are thought to exist, but only 5,000 types have been identified. Viruses contain a small piece of genetic code. They are protected by a coat of protein and fat. Not all viruses destroy their host cell. Some of them change the function of the cell. In this way, viruses such as human papillomavirus (HPV) or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can lead to cancer by forcing cells to replicate in an uncontrolled way. Symptoms Each infectious disease has its own specific signs and symptoms. General signs and symptoms common to a number of infectious diseases include:  

Fever Diarrhea



  

Fatigue Muscle aches Coughing

According to Charles (2017) Bacterial infections Bacteria can live in almost any kind of environment, from extreme heat to intense cold, and some can even survive in radioactive waste. There are trillions of strains of bacteria, and few of these cause diseases in humans. Some of them live inside the human body without causing harm, for example in the gut or airways. Some "good" bacteria attack "bad" bacteria and prevent them from causing sickness. Food and beverages in the different types of restaurants There are many differ types of restaurant concepts to choose from, when planning a new restaurant. It can be hard to decide which concept will be right for you. Before you settle on one particular concept, first consider the following: who’s your audience? What is your price range? Are you thinking formal or casual. The author Mealy (2018) mentions restaurant types:



Fast Casual: One of the hottest trends at the moment is fast casual, which is a slightly more upscale (and therefore more expensive) than fast food. Fast casual restaurants offer disposable dishes and flatware, but their food tends to be presented as more upscale, such as gourmet breads and organic ingredients. Open kitchens are popular with fast-casual chains, where customers can see their food being prepared. Panera Bread is a good example of fast casual. Family Style: Family style dining, also known as casual style dining in the United States, offers moderately priced entrees from menus featuring a mix of classics cuisines, individualized with signature sauces, dips or other toppings. Causal style dining can be any number of themes, from barbecue (Long Horns) to Americana (Ruby Tuesday’s) to Mexican (On the Border). Casual style restaurants offer table side service, non-disposable dishes, while still keeping the menu moderately priced.Inexpensive, low-key setting. Fine Dining: The term Fine Dining brings to mind all kinds of images, from crisp white tablecloths to waiters in tuxedos. Fine dining, just as the name suggests, offers patrons the finest in food, service, and atmosphere. It is also the highest priced type of restaurant you can operate. Fine dining restaurants are usually are unique, even if they are owned by the same person or company. Fast Food: Fast food is the most familiar restaurant to most people. Chains like McDonald's and Burger King became popular in the 1950s and helped spawn countless other concepts like Taco Bell, KFC, and In-n-Out Burger. Fast food service attracted customers for its speed, convenience, and cheap prices. Fast food restaurants are typically chains. If you are thinking of opening a fast food franchise, keep in mind that the initial costs of franchising are more expensive than opening an independent restaurant. Buffet: Buffets allow guests to customize their dining experience by providing an array of options to choose from. Some are referred to as "All You Can Eat" restaurants, and most feature a theme, such as buffets that specialize in Chinese or Indian food. Below are common characteristics of a buffet. According to Thorn (2015) Local and artisan products, riffs on classic menu items, and displays of culinary craftsmanship would be on any list of restaurant food trends. The same factors are also at play on drink menus. From cocktails to house made sodas to nitro cold brewed coffee, get an in-depth look at beverages trending in foodservice.



Café: Whether you need a quick cup of coffee on your way to work or are catching up with an old friend, cafes provide a versatile space for different purposes. Most cafes have the following attributes: 

Usually serve coffee, tea, pastries, and small items for breakfast and lunch

Casual, relaxed atmosphere

Many people might work or socialize for periods of time at a café

Cafeteria : This can be either a restaurant in its own right or an eating facility within an institution (school,

hospital, workplace). In a cafeteria, there is little to no staff, so people have to serve themselves from the selection of ready-cooked food available. Tapas bar/Tasca: A staple of Spanish culture, tapas bars are lively establishments where the drinks come accompanied by small plates of food called tapas. Ranging from humble tascas (traditional Spanish taverns) to gourmet venues, they are less formal than restaurants, yet much more than just simple bars, providing not just drinks and small bites to eat, but also a convivial place for friends to relax, socialize, or watch a football game. One of the greatest joys of visiting Spain is Ir de tapas, or tapear – going from bar to bar to have a drink and sample delicious tapas.

Fig. 1 By (Bill, 2015)



It has a type of food and a drink can be different from another type of restaurant currently offers a wide variety of cuisine, which is complemented by a modern hotel infrastructure and services such as restaurants, cafes and markets where you can taste their typical dishes, the Country for its unique and traditional flavor. References:

Academy, A. (2018, August 30). healthychildren.org -safety-prevention. Retrieved from https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Travel-Safety-Tips.aspx Bill, M. (2015, june 18). phoca.cz/restaurantmenudemo/en/beverage. Retrieved from https://www.phoca.cz/restaurantmenudemo/en/beverage-list Gordon, C. (2017). Infectious diseases. Foundation for Medical Education and Research . Lippold, S. A. (2017, june 12). travel/yellowbook. Retrieved from https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2018/conveyance-transportation-issues/air-travel Mealy, L. (2018). Different Types of Restaurant Concepts. RESTAURANTING. Michael Charles, M. (2017). Everything you need to know about infections. Medical News Today. Thorn, B. (2015). BEVERAGE TRENDS. Nations Restaurant News. Ward, S. (2018, September 28). Travel+Insurance. Retrieved from https://global.ihi.com/Travel+Insurance/Travel+advice/Air+travel.aspx





2. Trabajo Prรกctico Topic: Airport Security



Topic: Unit 7-TB1-How to Speed Through Airport Security



Topic: Graphic Organization Date: 20, December 2018

















3. Trabajo Autónomo Topic: Baños Video Date: 21/12/2018



4. Componente Teรณrico Topic: Curricular Unit 5 Date: 10, January 2019



5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) No Aplica



6. Prรกcticas Pre profesionales



7. Reflexión La asignatura de inglés avanzado es útil para la comunicación con personas de otros países que busquen los servicios de turismo así como de hospedaje, alimentación y esencialmente en la parte turística. El dominio y el enfoque en el ámbito laboral están en el conocimiento del idioma ingles y de otro idioma para una mayor apreciación y desenvolvimiento eficaz en el sector turístico.


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