Daily Thoughts JZ - UTSOA Studio Mexico CDMX 2020

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Daily Thoughts

Studio Mexico 2020 Jorge Zapata March 7-13 UTSOA

Itinerary Day 1 Sa 3/7

- Arrival in Mexico City - Check in at Hotel Gillow 11:30 to 12:00 - Cathedral, Palacio Nacional - Alameda, Museo Mural Diego Rivera - Walk calle Madero to Monumento a la Revolución - Dinner at Casa Azulejos

p. 4

Day 2 Su 3/8

- Paseo Reforma, Torre Reforma 27, by Alberto Kalach - Chapultepec Park - Museo Antropología, Museo Rufino Tamayo - Hotel Camino Real, by Ricardo Legorreta - Polyforum by David Alfaro Siqueiros - Dinner at the home of architect Jorge Alessio in San Angel

p. 8

Day 3 M 3/9

- Visit to Jorge Yazpik’s home and studio - Espacio Escultórico - Ciudad Universitaria - San Angel Inn, Casa Rivera-Khalo - Centro Cultural Elena Garro, by Fernanda Canales - Dinner at Los Danzantes in Coyoacan

p. 12

Day 4 T 3/10

- Field work: visit Azcapotzalco area - Parque Bicentenario - Presentation by Mario Schjetnan’s in his office - Dinner at Condesa

p. 16

Day 5 W 3/11

- Tlateloloco, Plaza de las Tres Culturas - Biblioteca Vasconcelos by Alberto Kalach - Meet architect Fernanda Canales - Museums Soumaya by Fernando Romero - Museum Jumex by David Chipperfield - Presentation and tour of her office by Tatiana Bilbao. - Dinner at the home of architect Uriel Muller in Las Lomas

p. 22

Day 6 Th 3/12

- Visit Torre Bancomer by Legorreta and Rogers at 11:00 - 2:00 Lunch and discussion in Santa Fe with developers Jose Luis and Miguel Angel Moratinos. - Santa Fe, Parque La Mexicana by Mario Schjetnan. - Tour of Alberto Kalach’s office

p. 26

Day 7 F 3/13

- Casa Barragan at 10:00 - Tour and lecture at Torre Reforma by architect Benjamín Romano - Dinner Café Tacuba -End of Program

p. 30

Day 1 Sa 3/7

1) Hotel Gillow 2) Plaza de la Constitucion 3) Cathedral - Templo Mayor 4) Palacio Nacional 5) Torre Latinoamericana 6) Alameda 7) Museo Mural Diego Rivera 8) Monumento a la Revoluciรณn 9) Casa de los Azulejos

Our first stop w Zocalo, althoug visited this plac it is impossible the amazement immense scale not only that, b that so many p culture coexist space, so many is the case of th Mayor. Imagina not enough to a the drought tha presents to us i few hundred ye a system of lak

Templo Mayor Mexico- Tenochtitlan


Urban Strategy: Pedestrian Axis + Historical Landmarks + Plazas + Ownership of PS




9 5


Av. Francisco Madero (pedestrian street)

3 2


was at the gh I had ce before, e to contain t at the it has. And but the fact periods and in the same y layers, as he Templo ation is assimilate at reality in what a ears ago was kes. Plaza and Avenida de la Republica

The Monument of Revolution recalls the overthrow of the dictatorship of 1910 and reuses the space and structure of what was to be an ostentatious building to make way for a plaza and a viewpoint dome that makes use of not only the ground floor but also different levels giving continuity to Madero street axis. Calle Ponciano de Arriaga, view of Pico el Fraile at the Valley



Torre Reforma 27 - Alberto Kalach (2010)


Day 2 Su 3/8

1) Torre Reforma 27, by Kalach 2) Chapultepec Park 3) Museo AntropologĂ­a 4) Museo Rufino Tamayo 5) Hotel Camino Real, by Ricardo Legorreta 6) Polyforum by David A. Siqueiros

I woke becaus take a s to Zoca breakfa looked from m Once I the hot that it of the W Marath March. said: “T someth in Mexi Nezahualcoyotl Fountain - Chapultepec Park

We spent the day at Bosques de Chapultepec. As an urbanism student these types of parks give me hope and motivation. One would think that the scale is giant and most of it will be unused. The real case is totally different, people here really take ownership of public spaces, one can see everything from soccer to ancient rituals going on.


Av. Paseo de la Reforma segment by Chapultepec Park

e up early se I wanted to second look alo before ast, the street d very crowded my window. got out from tel I realized was because Women’s hon for the 8 of . As Prof. Juan There’s always hing going on ico City”.

1 5 3 4



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Calle Isabel la Catolica (Historic Center) - UN’s Women Marathon March 8 , 2020

Museo Nacional de Antropologia de Mexico - Inner Courtyard

Urban Strategy: Public Amenities + Green Space + Water + Active culture + Leisure



The edge of Chapultepec Park from Torre BBVA Bancomer


Day 3 M 3/9

1) Visit to Jorge Yazpik’s home and studio 2) Espacio Escultórico 3) Ciudad Universitaria 4) San Angel Inn, Casa Rivera-Khalo 5) Centro Cultural Elena Garro, by Fernanda Canales 6) Coyoacan

Places like UNA reflect on how u concentrate not ical changes on site but also mi litical view of a speak about the of society. In th is possible to o power dynamic the governmen students fightin education. The reflect the princ lished by CIAM “buildings in th the use of pilot the structures.

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - University City





Av. In su

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AM make me urbanism t only physn a particular ix the poa period and e challenges his case it observe the cs between nt and the ng for free campus also ciples estabin terms of he park� and tis in most of Central Library Skylight UNAM

It was really interesting to witness the working space of Jorge Yazpik surrounded by his sculptures and spatial experiments with different materials. The layout of the house with the art pieces expresses a search of morphologies that can be use in several scales. It reminded me the beuty of uncertainty embeded in the design profession. Jorge Yazpik’s work exploring substractive techniques and materiality



Espacio Escultorico Ciudad Universitaria UNAM


Day 4 T 3/10

1) Field work: visit Azcapotzalco area 2) Parque Bicentenario 3) Presentation by Mario Schjetnan’s in his office 4) Dinner at Condesa

Our vis Bicente me und potent diatioin applied industr to the s project that its entry a and co author expose bigges which to take this sp Water collection facilities Parque Bicentenario

While I was walking through the different ecosystems of this park I realized how much the actions taken here could inform our studio project in the refinery. There’s an immediate need to define more connectivity with the neighborhoods around and provide a framework to integrate the strategy with the urban life that characterizes Mexico City.


The park uses topography to create intimate space


Circu ito B icen t

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Estado de Mexico

sit to Parque enario made derstand the tial of remen techniques d to former rial areas. Due scale of this t and the fact s points of are very limited ontrolled by the rities of the city ed one of the st challenges is bring people e advantage of pace.



Ex-Refineria 18 de Marzo

4 3

Miguel Hidalgo

View of Pemex tanks and vertical development from the park

System of chinampas at one of the waterways of the park

Urban Strategy: Topography + Ecosystems + Use of water + Recreational programs



Lake Parque Bicentenario - Potential for recreation

Parque Bicentenario’s surroundings - Accesibility constraints



Biblioteca Vasconcelos by Alberto Kalach (2003)


Day 5

W 3/11

1) Tlateloloco, Plaza de las Tres Culturas 2) Biblioteca Vasconcelos by Alberto Kalach 3) Museums Soumaya by F.R. 4) Museum Jumex by David Chipperfield 5) Tatiana Bilbao Studio

Tlatelolco and m cifically Plaza d Culturas is a rea example on how periods compos tial aspects of a informing deve without focusin forts in generat but preserving The pyramids w different layers us to recognize of the project a what can be a b reflection abou the ‘new city’ ta in top of them.

Pyramids at Plaza de las Tres Culturas




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more spede las Tres ally good w different se essena culture, elopment ng all the efting revenue character. were built in s that allow e the stages and establish beutiful ut time, with aking place Av. F.C. de Cuernavaca - Granada

The development near Polanco (Amp. Granada) represents to me a warning on how the creation of new districts can operate in only a performatic way and encapsulate exclusivity. We can see a variety of towers that are designed as gated communities and contrasting to the other places that we visited the ground floor is neglected. Despite being designed and planned this distric doesn’t offer a pleasant place to stay and feels too artificial. (Granada).



Plaza de las Tres Culturas - Tlatelolco


Day 6

1) Visit Torre Bancomer by Legorreta and Rogers 2) Santa Fe district visit 3) Parque La Mexicana by Mario Schjetnan. 4)Tour of Alberto Kalach’s office

Th 3/12

Parque La Mexicana - Green space surrounded by towers in Santa Fe

Despite the horizontal perception that Mexico City can give at a glace from the terraces in Torre BBVA Bancomer it is possible to observe how different vertical clusters emerged in several sectors of the valley, following development pressures of avenues such as Paseo de la Reforma. There’s potential to re-think the concept of verticality.


Urban furnishing at Parque la Mexicana - Buffer of plants as remediation

Santa F a proje scale to we are It’s lay a park develo centrat edge. I ing how the spa the sid and in towers is inter of givin to the c vocatin luxury




La Condesa

2 Lomas de Sante Fe


Fe constitute ect of similar o the one that e studying. yout provides with vertical opment conted on its north It was surprisw different ace feels from de of the park between the s. This scheme resting in terms ng open space city while adng for high-end towers.

Torre Reforma from Torre BBVA Baancomer- LBR + A Arquitectos (2016)

Urban Strategy: Vertical development + Green space (relief density) + Commercial



Avenida Paseo de la Reforma from Torre BBVA Bancomer


Day 7 F 3/13

1) Casa Barragan at 10:00 2) Tour and lecture at Torre Reforma by architect Benjamín Romano 3) Dinner Café Tacuba

In our visit to C gan and to Torr was possible to interesting con vernacular and mexican archite responding to t different ways. embedded in th Barragan’s inte the use of color the structural c innovative syst Torre Reforma c trip with the en tion to design i

View from Torre Reforma - LBR + A Arquitectos



Casa Barrare Reforma it o observe an ntrast between contemporary ecture, both the city in very . The mistery he simplicity of erpretation of r and space and challenges and tems used in concluded this nough inspirain this big city.


La Condesa


Casa Luis Barragan - Mexico City



UTSOA Studio Mexico 2020


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