Jose Zea Portfolio, 2017

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José Zea is an architect at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016. His main goal is to use the knowledge acquired in architecture to explore new design approaches, integrating multiple types of knowledge that will lead to an era of splendor for Latin America by adopting innovation as a weapon of change.

José Zea es un arquitecto de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016. Su principal objetivo es usar sus conocimientos adquiridos en arquitectura para explorar nuevas campos del diseño, integrando aproximaciones múltiples tipos de conocimiento que busquen promover una era de esplendor en Latino América adoptando la innovación como arma de cambio.

A1 DARWIN CITY Winter 14’ - Summer 14’ Place: Residential zone Kennedy, Bogotá, Colombia

Urban proposal, Bogotá 2050 Professor: Juan Jacobo Molina Team: José Zea Santiago Zuñiga Leonardo Velasquez Sara Striedinger.

This sector has a high demand on public space and buildings. Most of Its population has low and middle income, a typical Latin American Urban genetic code. The project Darwin City is determinated to use the street as a “multiplying urban device”; this is done by a number of mutable public buildings that move up and down depending on the time and day. The devices are located in the main core of each group of blocks. Since the proposal uses the street as a multiple public space, we are allowed to maintain the little existing and multiply it, in order to solve the existing demand. Este sector tiene una gran demanda de espacios y edificios públicos. La mayor parte de su población tiene ingresos bajos y medios, un típico código genético urbano latinoamericano. La ciudad de Darwin está determinada a usar la calle como un “dispositivo urbano multiplicador”; Esto se hace por un número de mutable edificios públicos que se mueven hacia arriba y hacia abajo dependiendo de la hora y día. Los dispositivos están situados en el núcleo principal de cada grupo de bloques. Dado que la propuesta utiliza la calle como un espacio público múltiple, se nos permite mantener lo poco existente y multiplicarlo para resolver la demanda existente.

Mutable Device - Public Building Dispositivo mutable

Conceptual proposal Propuesta conceptual

Mutable urbanism Urbanismo mutable

The mutable device was designed with the ability to be interchangeable and adaptable to as many social conditions. It is built out of a steel structure containing an industrial elevators system, which distributes the containers as the anthropological need is demanded at each time of the day. The device can mutated from school, workshop, laboratory, commercial area, exhibition area, sports center among others.

El dispositivo mutable fue concebido con la capacidad de ser intercambiable y adaptable a muchas condiciones sociales. Se usa como materia básica una superestructura metálica que contiene un sistema de elevadores que distribuyen los módulos de containers de acuerdo a las necesidad antropológicas del momento. El dispositivo puede mutar de colegio, taller, laboratorio, área comercial, área de exposiciones, centro deportivos entre otros.

Elevation Elevación

Mutable device in its location Dispositivo mutable en su locacion


Bogotรก Chamber of commerce, Proposal Publication. 2014 Cรกmara de comercio de Bogotรก, Publicaciรณn de propuesta. 2014

Nolli plan

Transforming nolli plan

A2 Rooftop City 72st Thesis Work

Autumn 15’ - Winter 16’ Place: La Porciúncula, 72st Bogotá, Colombia

Urban proposal and Rooftop Design

Professor Advisor: M.A. Ximena Cantor A. Thesis Laurate

Team: José Zea

Bogotá, as many cities around the world, have registered a high level of population growth. In fact, it was predicted that during the current decade Bogotá will grow by a million new inhabitants, which would generate d a total deficit of 3,030ha that the city needs by 2022. The project seeks to define an alternative development model in one of Bogotá’s main centers. This is done in order to motivate the growth and restoration of the existing city, rather than expanding the urban mass to the periphery.

Bogotá al igual que muchas ciudades en el mundo registran un alto nivel de crecimiento poblacional. De hecho, se pronosticó que durante la década actual esta crecería en millón de habitantes nuevos, lo que generara un déficit total de 3,030ha que la ciudad necesita para el 2020. El proyecto busca definir un modelo de desarrollo alternativo en uno de los centros principales de Bogotá. Esto se hace con el fin de motivar el crecimiento y restauración de la ciudad existente, en vez de expandir la masa urbana a la periferia.

Site Model

The main strategy is the use of “Terrain Vagues” in the roofs of buildings that have not completed their maximum construction FSI. Using lightweight and prefabricated systems, the thesis projects a series of attics that will occupy the remaining construction FSI.

La estrategia principal es el uso de los urbanos en las cubiertas de los edificios que no han completado su índice de construcción máximo. Utilizando sistemas livianos y prefabricados se proyecta una serie de áticos que ocuparán el indice de construcción restante.

Construction system proposed

First floor extension

Second floor extension

Mezzanine floor

Cross section

The final part of the project is the architectural and constructive design of a strategically located attic. The attic will include the research among 3 main vectors: 1. Economic. 2. Constructive, legal and technological. 3. Public space and city. These will be responsible for estimating the viability of the project under current conditions.

El resultado final del proyecto es el diseño arquitectónico y constructivo de un ático localizado estratégicamente en el cual abarca los mismos 3 vectores principales de la investigación: 1. Económico y gestión. 2. Constructivo, jurídico y tecnológico. 3. Espacio público y ciudad. Estos se encargarán de estimar la viabilidad del proyecto en las condiciones actuales.

A3 Central Falls + Plaza Summer 14’. Place: Central Falls, RI, USA.

Collaborative desing and construction. Professor: Martin Anzellini Award: Honored mention by Scany, NYC, USA. 2014 Team: José Zea +50 international students

The project was structured under a previous research conducted by students from Rhode Island School of Design. The research wanted to raised the economic and social structure of the city through urban acupuncture. The least will be built across the city through small projects that involved locals in the construction and design process. During the project I had the opportunity to lead the team responsible for modeling and drawing the idea to be sent to the Pad awards in New York, not to mention the construction work done in the foundations of the pavillion.

Proyecto estructurado con base en una investigación realizada con estudiantes de Rhode Island School of Design, que plantean la reestructuración económica y social de la ciudad por medio de acupuntura urbana, encargada de tejer la ciudad transversalmente mediante pequeños proyectos que involucran a los ciudadanos en la construcción y el diseño. En esta oportunidad tuve la posibilidad de liderar el equipo encargado de modelar y graficar la idea para ser enviada a los premios Pad en Nueva York

Honorable mention by the Pad awards Mención de honor por los premios Pad

Picture by: Ivan QuiĂąonez

Night before the inaguration ceremony Noche antes de la ceremonia de inaguraciĂłn

The project was designed and built interdisciplinary way among college students from RISD, Brown University and Javeriana University among the local people from Central Falls. This project was a very different and unique experience combining new ways of designing and building projects.

El proyecto fue diseñado y construido interdisciplinarmente entre estudiantes de la universidad de RISD, Brown y Javeriana junto a ciudadanos de Central Falls. El proyecto fue una experiencia diferente y única que combina nuevas formas de proyectar y construir un diseño


Site + demolition


Ground leveling


Brick pattern + public space & circulations


Space activation Welcome Open Semi closed Closed Conections


Flows + density


Exploted axo of the project Axonometria explotada del proyecto

Pictures by: Lucas Vasilko

Pictures by: Lucas Vasilko

Site plan

Axis that we tryied to wave

P1 ro

Cultural Machine Solar Decathlon

January 2014 - December 2015 Place: Cali, Colombia.

Urban proposal, House design and construction. Professor: Martín Anzellini and Daniel Nadal International Competition. Team: José Zea. PEI students. LineLab. Engineering faculty

The Solar Decathlon is one of the most prestigious competitions among universities around the world, this is the first time that they came to Latin America, this time with a different the proposal to address. The competition requested to research about the future low cost housing infrastructure, making it a design and construction.We had to built a social housing prototype of no more than 81mt2 that could house a family of 5 and it had to be sustainable economicaly and environmentally in time. My participation in the competition consisted in being responsible for the architecture team made up of 12 people.

El Solar Decathlon es una de las competencias más prestigiosas entre universidades de todo el mundo, en esta ocasión llegaron a Latinoamérica con la necesidad de solventar las necesidades existente en infraestructura de vivienda haciendo del concurso el diseño, construcción y presentación del prototipo de vivienda de interés social más sostenible de la historia de la humanidad. Mi participación en la competencia consistío en ser el responsable por el equipo de arquitectura conformado por 12 personas.

Exterior view of the prototype built Vista exterior del prototipo construido

The project consisted in the realization of a principal steel structure that acommodates an unfinished housing unit. The proposal runs a unique unit of 81mt2 with 3mt of height ceilings, that motivates the use mt3 over mt2 The services and housing modules are in the first strip of squares of 3x3mt which correspond to all the needs of the family through the use of a superfurniture Which is transformed and houses everything necessary for the family.

Our university was selected within the 40 registered around the world, entering as one of the 17 prestigious preselected that had a place at the solar village an a 80,000 dollars budget to research on the topic expressed.

The rest of the house that corresponds to 54mt2, is dedicated to each family as flexible and adaptable space, which with the help of 4 modules that move in a single axis, can be configured within different types of spaces, such as commerce, education or leisure that each required. The main structure and location of service areas function as an element to solved the essential conditions of living, leaving 84% of the prototype to the progressive construction that adapts and changes over time.

The Cultural machine was built for Cabello Morales Family - Picture above

Reconfigurable features.

The slinding units move depinding on the sun and function during the day


Plan 2 14

AR-021 2

Plan 1

Floor afternoon 10/09/2015 This plant explains the floor configuration afternoon configuration depending

Plan 3 Floor morning configuration

AR-021 3

Floor night configuration

AR-021 1




of the solar position. The furniture is moveable and all the configurations are in the same plan.

This plant explains the floor night 10/09/2015 configuration depending of the solar position (without it). The furniture is moveable and all the configurations are in the same plan. 1:75

10/09/2015 This plant explains the floor morning configuration depending of the solar position. The furniture is moveable and all the configurations are in the same plan. 1:75

The material selected was Guadua Angustifolia (a type of bamboo that has excellent proportions for construction), which works as a renewable material that is harvested every 2 years and structurally resistant, not to mention that its being traditionally used in Colombia for many years. The aesthetics of the prototype worked as a demonstration model, this is because the team was in charge of manufacturing all the elements exposed using only local materials, and low cost and simple manufacturing techniques that demonstrates the viability of the proposal.

P2 ro

LAB1 Spring 14’ - On going project. Place: Parkway, Bogotá, Colombia

Design and build }Co - funders: José Zea.

Lorenzo Sánchez. Ricardo Gaitan. Leonardo Velasquez. Santiago Zuñiga.

LAB1 is a non-profit organization that seeks to promoted an era of splendor for Latin America using innovation as a strategy for change. The physical mechanism is the restoration of abandoned buildings in cities, turning areas of deterioration into innovation labs. We take people or organizations from multiple fields of knowledge to motivate the interaction of intelligences and therefore innovation. We believe in the idea that, “There is always a need, and behind it something to create”.

LAB1 es una organización sin animo de lucro que busca impulsar una era de esplendor para Latino América usando la innovación como estratégia de cambio. El mecanismo físico es la restauración de edificios abandonados en las ciudades, convirtiendo zonas de deterioro en laboratorios de innovación donde albergamos múltiples campos del conocimiento motivando la interacción de inteligencias y por tanto a la innovación. Creemos en la idea de que “Siempre hay una necesidad, y detrás hay algo que crear”.

LAB1 Jan 15’ / LAB1 Jul 16’

3D printed prothesis built for low-income childrens. They are designed according to each children ergonomics.

First Floor

Ground Floor

This project was born after a visit to MASS DESIGN GROUP in the summer of 2014. Together with Leonardo Velásquez we found how good design could be re-directed to the people who really needed it. We understood how the same problems could be seen as an opportunity to generated innovation in developing countries.

Este proyecto nació después de una visita a MASS DESIGN GROUP en 2014. Junto con Leonardo Velásquez descubrimos cómo el buen diseño podía ser redirigido a las personas que realmente lo necesitaban. Entendimos cómo los mismos problemas pueden verse como una oportunidad para generar innovación en los países en desarrollo.

Exoskeleton 3d printed, LAB1

Thermoforming machine (above) Bio-3dprinter research, done to 3d print human tissue for people injured in combat. Investigation conducted by Phd.Cristian Silva and M3D. (under) - LAB1

teatro hora dĂ­a

100k $ 500k $

Open conference about LAB1 at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Lecturer : JosĂŠ Zea and Leo Velasquez

LAB1 has been growing ever since its fundation in September 2014, demonstrating the lack of spaces that promote innovation and development in Colombia. Currently LAB1 is trying to move to 2 more cities in Colombia in order to open its network and consolidated its impact in the country.

LAB1 ha estado creciendo desde su fundación en septiembre de 2014, lo que demuestra la falta de espacios que promuevan la innovación y el desarrollo en Colombia. Actualmente LAB1 está intentando trasladarse a otras 2 ciudades de Colombia para abrir su red y consolidar su impacto en el país

P3 ro

Kasauli Resort Spring 16’ - Summer 16’. Place: Darwa, Himalayas in India

Design - Construction supervision Studio Mumbai Architects Architect in Charge: Project Team:

Bijoy Jain Vrinda Seksaria Rashi Jain José Zea

The Project aims to recuperate an existing agricultural land cultivated over generations by the local inhabitants of the region. The terrain consists of a complex network of walking paths, water channels and terraces that connect this ancient paddy fields. The project intent is to integrate and optimize this inherent cultivatd structure to be used as a foundation to re-colonize and develop twenty homes. The homes nestle and occupy the terraced platforms, allowing for a more passive and gentle integration to the land.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo recuperar una tierra agrícola existente cultivada durante generaciones por los habitantes locales de la región. El terreno consiste en una compleja red de caminos, canales de agua y terrazas que conectan los ancestrales arrozales. La intención del proyecto es integrar y optimizar esta estructura cultivada inherente para ser usada como una base para colonizar y desarrollar veinte casas. Las casas se anidan y ocupan las plataformas en cada terraza, lo que permite una integración más pasiva y suave en el territorio.

Site model of Kasauli Resort

My part in the project consisted in helping as a support team in the drawing of detail and architectural plans, besides the models and mock ups built along with the Carpenters. In addition, I participated in the research of traditional materials and construction processes.

Mi parte en el proyecto consistió en ayudar como equipo de apoyo en el dibujo de planos detalle y arquitectónicos, ademas de los modelos y prototipos construidos junto a los Carpinteros de Studio Mumbai Architecs. Además, participé en la investigación de materiales y procesos constructivos tradicionales.

Rice paddies, site

Design options

3D renders

The materials selection is fundamental in its built form. These are selected as materials that will not affect the natural ecosystem.Therefore, materials such as local stone, lime, brick and timber from the region are use instead of cement and steel. Each home of 250m2 is carefully placed in a way to optimize views from the house, while maintaining privacy from neighbouring properties. A majority of existing forest on each plot of 850-1000m2 will be preserved in its pristine condition.

La selección de materiales es fundamental en su forma construida. Estos son seleccionados como materiales que no afectarán el ecosistema natural. Por lo tanto, materiales como la piedra local, cal, ladrillo y madera de la región se utilizan en lugar de cemento y acero. Cada casa de 250m2 está cuidadosamente colocada en una forma que optimiza las vistas desde la casa, mientras mantiene la privacidad de las propiedades vecinas. La mayoría de los bosques existentes en cada parcela de 850-1000m2 se conservarán en su condición original.

Tape drawing (Above) Brick research from the “Demolition Series”. Testing traditional materials and techniques

Avancefacade de Pabellรณn Front of en theKasauli pavillion, underconstruction (above)

Wood beam mock up, using traditional japanese joints. (right)

P1 er

Photography Winter 10’ - On going

The Lost City - Colombia

Mud structures - Colombia

King’s Water Collector - India More than a Building - Nepal

Lake temple - India

Tree temple, Nepal

P2 er

Hand drawings Winter 11’ - Unfinished.




LA SALLE SCHOOL Address: 39 No. 34-56, VILLAVICENCIO, META, COLOMBIA 1999-2005 LA SALLE SCHOOL Address: 39 No. 34-56, VILLAVICENCIO, META, COLOMBIA 2005-2010 RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN Address: 2 College St, PROVIDENCE, RI 02903, USA Faculty: ARCHITECTURE Summer International Program, acredited by PUJ 2014-I PALERMO UNIVERSITY Address: Mario Bravo 1050, C1175ABT BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Faculty: ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Winter International Program acredited by PUJ 2014-II

PONTIFICAL XAVERIAN UNIVERSITY Address: Carrera 7 # 40 – 62 BOGOTÁ D.C, COLOMBIA Bachelor in Architecture Thesis Advisor: M.A. Ximena Cantor Apolinar Nominated to Thesis Laurate with the research project: “Rooftop City, 72st: A new alternative to the revitalize the 72st node in Bogotá” 2012-2016 MCGILL UNIVERSITY Address: 815 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC H3A 0C2, CANADA M.Arch 2 in Urban Design and Housing 2017-2018



Spoken Proficiency: High Written proficiency: High Accredited by: Global village english centres, Vancouver 888 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2P6 Canada (1)2011- (2) 2011

Spoken Proficiency: Medium Written proficiency: Medium Accredited by: Geos, Montreal 1350 Sherbrooke St. W, H3G 1J1, Montreal, Canada +1 514-847-0841 (2) 2011-2012


SKILLS Software Autodesk Autocad 2014 Level: High

Software. Google sketch up 2014 Level: Very High

Software Photoshop cs6 Level: Very High

Software Dreamweaver Level: Medium

Software Illustrator Cs6 Level: Medium-High

Software Premiere pro cs6 Level: High

Software Excell Level: High

Software. In design cs6 Level: Very High

Software Autodesk 3d max Level: Medium

Software. Autodesk Rhinoceros Level: High

Analoge photography Level: Medium- High Digital photography Level: Very high Hand drawing Level: Very high

AWARDS: Ashram Aurovalley, International competition

2nd prize award. International design contest created to design a supramental center in the north of India. Laboratorio de Líneas October 2014

Scany - Colombian Architects Society of New York, International competition

Honorable mention. The Pad Awards recognize Colombian architects who do exceptional work outside Colombia, New york, USA Academic advisors: Professor Martín Anzellini (AA Mendrisio), professor Daniel Feldman (Harvard) and professor Elizabeth Dean Hermann (MIT) November 2014

City Hall of Huescar, International competition

Honorable mention for the best enviromental analysis along with the Politecnico di Milano. International competition of universities created to develop the possibility of creating housing in ancient caves of huescar, Spain. Academic advisors: Professor Cecilia López and professor Alfonso Gómez March 2015

Altagracia, Private competition

2nd prize award. Private competition created to design a Clubhouse of 500 mt ² in Altagracia an exclusive condominium of Villavicencio. Laboratorio de Líneas July 2015

US Department of Energy, Solar Decatlhon LAC, International competition 1st prize award in Architecture 3rd prize award in Energy efficiency Academic advisors: Professor Martín Anzellini and professor Carlos Hernández December 2015

Revista ProyectoDiseño, The Steel Pencil award

Nominated in the concept category, with the project “Cultural Machine, SDLAC”. The Steel Pencil award (Lapíz de acero) is one of the most recognized awards in Colombia that annually awards the best Colombian designers in 24 categories. Academic advisors: Professor Martin Anzellini and professor Carlos Hernández August 2016

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, PANDA award

Honorable mention in the students category with the project LAB1. The PANDA award was established in 2016 as a contest that annualy awards the best project from the architecture and design faculty of the PUJ, Bogotá, Colombia. LAB1 September 2016

Ashoka, Generation of Change Award

Selected as one of the 20 young entrepreneurs (founders with less than 21 years old) from Colombia with start-ups to be accelerated by Ashoka because of its social impact. This competition was sponsored by The Walt Disney Company, Bogotá, Colombia. LAB1 September 2016

Movistar - Telefoníca, My first ally award

Selected as one of the 100 companies which will be given national positioning by Telefoníca because of its positive impact towards entrepreneurship, Bogotá, Colombia. LAB1 September 2016

BID - Interamerican Development Bank, International competition

2nd prize award, UrbanLab - Pescadito, Washington, USA. Academic Advisor: Professor David Burbano Laboratorio de Líneas December 2016

University of Toronto - MUD award

Award recipient for the Master of Urban Design program due to outstanding academic performance. Toronto, Canada. Award worth CAD $10,000 March 2017

University of British Columbia - Grant

Fee waiver for the Master of Urban Design program. Vancouver, Canada. Award worth CAD $5,000 March 2017

Colfuturo - USD $50,000 award

Selected as one of the 12 students from my home state that will pursue meaningful postgraduate studies outside Colombia. This competition was sponsored by a venture from the government and private companies of Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. Award worth USD $50,000 (loan - bursarie) June 2017

Mcgill University - Louis B. Magil Fellowship

Awarded anually by the School of Architecture to outstanding students in the Master or PhD programs with Housing related concentration. Montreal, Canada. Award worth 75% tuition cost August 2017

WORK EXPERIENCE: Studio Mumbai Architects:

Intern Co-participation in 4 different projects with raging tasks such as model making, hand drawings in several techniques, plans and detail drawings, furniture making, materials research, among others. Most of the time I worked in Kasauli Resort (Kasauli / India) but I also took part in shorter projects which involved a lot research in local construction techniques, such as La Biennale di Venizia (Venice / Italy), Maniera 05 06 (Burssels / Belgium) and Arlbers house (Zúrich / Switzerland), January 2016 - June 2016 Mumbai, India.


Co - Funder One of the first incubators with social-design focus in Bogotá. LAB1 is a non-profit project that seeks to promote an era of splendor for Latin America by adopting innovation as a weapon of change. Our physical mechanism is the restoration of abandoned buildings in major cities of emerging countries, such as Colombia. We have had over 20 companies that had grown around LAB1 ecosystem. Along with Leonardo Velasquez, Santiago Zuñiga, Ricardo Gaitan and Lorenzo Sanchez. September 2014 - On going, Bogotá, Colombia

Laboratorio de Líneas

Co - Funder Laboratorio de Líneas is an innovative, award-winning think tank, dedicated to design on various scales with a major interest in projects that have a social impact in Latin America. Moving from industrial design to architecture and urbanism. Along with Leonardo Velasquez, Santiago Zuñiga, Ricardo Gaitan and Lorenzo Sanchez. June 2014 - On going Bogotá, Colombia

Provento S.A.S.

Project Manager at CSQ house Restoration design and building supervision of an old spanish villa in the foothills of the Andes. 500 m² total project September 2015 - Underconstruction Villavicencio, Colombia

Government National Plan “Prosperidad Para Todos”

Architect Design proposal along with the Laboratorio de Líneas for the turistic piers from Neiva, Aipe and Villavieja in the State of Huila Colombia. Our client was the Mayor’s office from Neiva and the goverment national plan “Prosperidad para todos” built by the presidency of Colombia. The project was leaded by the architect and professor Juan Jacobo Molina September 2014 - November 2014 La Neiva, Colombia

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Graphic Designer Development of the project drawings and competition panels for the International competition “Cave Houses” in the city of Huescar, Spain. Professor Cecilia López and professor Alfonso Gómez as directors of the project. April 2015 - June 2015 Bogotá, Colombia

Bernal Arquitectos

Model Maker Co participation along with the Laboratorio de líneas, for the design and built of a scale model of the multibank building in Panama, International competition. September 2014 - October 2014 Bogotá, Colombia

PUBLICATIONS: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Publication in the Catalog of Architecture, Project I category 2011 Publication in the Catalog of Architecture, Project III category Publication in the Catalog of Architecture, Project IV category 2012 *The Catalog of Architecture is the main publication system that the faculty uses to showcase the best work of each studio during their first 2 years of study

MTA New York

Exhibition, Design ideas of the MTA with the project “86th subway station NY”. September 2014

Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá

Exhibition, “New ideas for the metro, Bogotá 2017” with the project “Darwin City”. October 2014

Maniera 05 & 06, Brussels (BE)

Exhibition, “Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu & Studio Mumbai / Bijoy Jain.” I worked building the furniture exposed in the exhibition by SMA April 2016

Design Miami / Basel

Exhibition, “Design Miami / Basel” I worked building the furniture exposed in the exhibition by SMA June 2016

La Biennale di Venezia

Exhibition, “Reporting from the front” I worked as part of Studio Mumbai building mockups of the pavillion exposed in the exhibition and experimenting with local materials to find the techniques used in the Biennale by SMA. June 2016

JOSE ZEA 23 Years, 03091994 Villavicencio, Colombia Carrera 45 # 41-94, Bogotá LAB 1 (+57) 310-779-1950 For this projects and more please visit: jose.zea

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