photoD, February 2015

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photoD less gear, more fun







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blog note Niall Benvie’s eBook is probably the most important thing to happen to me recently, so I decided to share it with those that adventure through these blognotes shaped like a magazine, simply because it makes sense. But do not be mistaken, this is not a magazine and does not intend to be. It’s just a way to put some photographs together with thoughts, aims and dreams. That’s what photography is all about. And to better understand it, nothing better than to buy the book from Niall Benvie, which will teach you to not be a photocopier. Jose Antunes

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from February 10th to 28th, buy Topaz ReStyle for $20 off its original price of $59.99 (re

ReStyle is a plugin designed to alter the colors in your image with its unique array of toning effects. The technology behind ReStyle uses a

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educing the price to $39.99). The coupon code for this promotion is: febrestyle

a cutting-edge process to map the color and tone statistics from a source image.

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Jose Antunes - The beauty of light is all around us, and where we less expect it. You just have to SEE...

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iall Benvie is back at it

Taking the time to read it will widen

again. With his eBook

horizons for your photography, and it

“You are not a photocopi-

does not necessarily mean you’ll have

er! from snapper to artist

to go out or even far away to find new

in six lessons” he will

horizons. Nial Benvie’s photographs

make you smile and probably rethink

reveal that many of the elements we

your photography. Give it a try!

find around us can be integrated with photos that go beyond the snap and will

This month I had the chance to read

not only make people stop, but also look

two eBooks – this one and A Lesser

at the world differently.

Photographer - that deal with photography from a perspective somehow

I know Niall’s writing from other places,

different from what readers expect to

mainly his previous eBook, The Field

find in a photography eBook. I must say

Studio, about the Meet Your Neighbours

I appreciate that, as I am tired of books

process – yes, Niall Benvie is, with

and eBooks that keep going on about

Clay Bolt, founder of the project. But

the same, over and over, like those sea-

I also know his views from Outdoor

scapes photographs, all done through

Photography Masterclass, a book that

long exposures, that seem as infinite

presents readers some “out of the box”

postcard essays leading nowhere. Or

views regarding the use of photography

those nightsky photographs that now

in Nature. Here Niall Benvie takes the

EVERYBODY seems to be taking...

concept a step further, so this e-book breaks the mould of what is considered

This eBook screams at the very start that

“nature photography” and offers read-

“You are not a photocopier!” and tells

ers an exciting vision of where it could

you, in 74 pages, how to go from snap-


per to artist in six lessons. That’s a bold promise, but believe me, you’ll become,

Believe me, there is no way to describe

if not the artist everyone admires, a pho-

this eBook, because somehow its con-

tographer happier with yourself if you

tents points in different directions, try-

take the time to go through the tens

ing to show you multiple paths for your

of pages. You see, this book does not

photography, wisely trying to take you

promise you things, it just shows you

away from doing the same as everybody

that “art need be no more complex than

else. And that’s what I like about this

the successful communication of ideas

eBook. It reveals that we all have a style,

and feelings”. And that’s something that

which is nothing else a reflection of the

photographer Niall Benvie seems to be

way we see the world (and that’s proba-

good at.

bly why I always tell people they should SEE...), but that we tend to hide that

Being a snapper is not bad, states

style under the need to follow trends,

Benvie. It has its time and place. But

copy the work we admire, and generally

photography is more than that, and

try to please others.

You are not a Photocopier by Niall Benvie costs £ 8. Buy it now using the link on this page.

that’s what this eBook deals about.

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This eBook will teach you to do photography to please yourself, and then the world. That’s the lesson I get from going through these pages, which, somehow, compel me to stop, here and there, and go photograph something. I feel the urge to try something I just read about. It may or may not work – or probably it needs some refining that time will bring – but these momentary sketches are what fuels my photography. And books like this keep the fire burning! There’s something special about Niall Benvie’s style: he creates photographs, simply juxtaposing elements he brings with him to the scenes photographed. His nature photography work is more than beautiful landscapes, it gives us messages that will make us think. It’s not always pretty, but that’s life as it is, and the photographer is also a communicator using the means he can to make us stop and look at images. And probably understand and act.

You are not a Photocopier by Niall Benvie costs £ 8. Buy it now using the link on this page.

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Romans and the Atlantic Realm - Landscape photography on the coast of the

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Temple of the Sun, Moon and the Ocean

14th March 2015

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Lesser Photographer -

that want to worry less about f-stops

Escaping the Gear Trap to

and want to concentrate on doing more

Focus on What Matters,

with less.

collects in one eBook

some of the author’s preferred texts

You may not agree with all the ideas

from his blog... A Lesser Photographer.

the author presents, but you’ll laugh

Discover the mind of CJ Chilvers.

here, agree there, and in the end come out of these 86 pages with a better

Some photography eBooks do not

understanding of what you want to do

have photographs, and still they’re

with your photography. I hope.

intensely about photography. No, not about technique, which is important,

I enjoyed reading through, although I

but less than some will make you

already knew some of the posts from A

believe. It’s about you, about feeling

Lesser Photographer. But having them

the world. About being in love with

here, re-edited, remixed, condensed and,

your photography, about being an

in some cases, with new chapters added

eternal amateur instead of a wannabe

to better express an idea, makes this

professional. This eBook is about all

a great format to share ideas. A book


that is completely about photography and the importance of having creative

“The best photographers of the last

freedom, something only achieved when

century—the ones who have made the

you jump away from the gear trap and,

most enduring and iconic photographs—

as I use to say, have Less Gear, More Fun.

all tell us the same thing: it’s not about the camera. A Lesser Photographer by CJ Chilvers is about escaping the gear trap and focusing on what matters: the things that actually make better photographs, like creativity and authenticity.” The lines above are a good introduction to the eBook by CJ Chilvers. It’s a voyage through 86 pages of text with some images that although not photography

A Lesser Photographer by CJ Chilvers, C&V edition, costs $5. Get it now using the link on this page.

will print in your mind like a visual advice to follow. This eBook is for those

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“Amorphic Aether” by ntgreen This is a mix of luck and knowing how to frame. This sky is so gorgeous no words are needed to describe it. In fact, no words can. The framing just makes everything fall in place, and shows us the power of an imaginery creature that could be hidden between the clouds. I almost can see a dragon flying there. It’s my choice as the winner, both because I love to photograph clouds and because I wish I could have taken this. Or at least be there to see it. Great moment with nature and a sign that bad weather can be your friend.




he previous edition of the ViewBug contest has found its winners, while the new contest has been

launched. The new project for 2015, photoD will carry on the concept, as long as people feel there is interest in being published in this blog shaped like a digital mag. As before, I had to choose the final winners and explain why each of the photographs appealed to me. While this should not be looked as exact science, and simply as my opinion regarding the photographs chosen, I hope my notes give the users some idea of how people look at their image. Knowing that no two persons share the exact same view or opinion. I guess that’s the most important think to remember from this. This said, it is time to announce that the 3rd volume of the contest is on, still with under a name, FOTOdigital, that is now buried for good, because 2015 is a new year. If you want to participate on Viewbug’s contest follow the link. under: VIEWBUG CONTEST

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“Hastings” by MikeW I am tired of all those photographs by the sea, with silky waters due to long exposure, but this one is different. I like the pier – and in that sense this is a document, go and read more on the author’s ViewBug page – and the fact that there is a human figure close by, framed so as to create an imbalance to the whole image. The fisherman looking opposite to the direction the leading lines of the pier makes you return back inside the image, and then it all starts again. Nice colours, nice clouds (I like them and the way they seem to create another direction of movement within the frame, look at their shape), nice framing and an human element. Good picture.



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Photographer at Moraine Lake” by tiffanywuest

““charming Riomaggiore” by marrieladurandegui I like the framing, the colours, the clouds (clouds, again!). And I like the fact that this image made me visit the author’s website, where there are more examples of this kind of work, amongst other stuff. I liked these landscapes. I am torn when I look at the plant on the right side of the frame. On one hand I would probably like to not have it there, but I understand that photographers are not painters and we’ve to live with what is there, and sometimes there is no way around. On the other hand, I kind of like the obstacle the plant creates, with its odd shape that breaks the continuity between the rock and the buildings.

A photographer shooting Moraine Lake at sunrise. I could not resist this one, simply because it talks much about the loneliness of photographing. You may be with others, but being able to be alone with your own thoughts when photographing is the best way – from my point of view – to get YOUR photographs. This picture represents that. Although it shows that there were at least two persons present, it shows us how lonely a photographer can be when faced with such a magnificent landscape. This is one image that not only talks about technique in terms of framing, it works as a memory of a moment in time. And that’s, for me, the best thing a photograph can give to people, both those depicted and those that see it and wish they were at the same spot.

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Revisit the Past in Broas - Photographing a ghost town as a means to better

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r understand the past

11th April 2015

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ssue 11 of PHOTOGRAPH

creative flow (and getting unstuck), the

magazine celebrates

art and science of photography, depth

the power of movement,

of field, telling the story of your subject

from the strength and

through lighting, and how to create a

elegance of African beasts, to heading

photo panel.

across town via public transportation, to the muscular physicality of dancers,

PHOTOGRAPH magazine was created

to traveling across the country and

to highlight the artistic endeavors of

documenting it all in black and white.

photography, beyond all the technical talk about this craft. The goal is to

Portfolios and interviews feature the

showcase beautiful portfolios and

work of Ken and Michelle Dyball,

provide the best value in photographic

who open up about how they find

education in this 224-page, ad-free

life—and wildlife—on the savannahs


of the Maasai Mara; impressionistic photographer Valda Bailey (interviewed

Interviews, articles and photographs

in Episode 2 of the C&V iTunes Podcast),

make for a month long reading

who found unexpected grace and beauty

experience that will probably give you

while riding the No. 8 bus; Thomas

ideas for some projects. This is not

David, who took a concept of dust and

a “tricks and tips” magazine, more a

dance and created a powerful series;

compendium of creative suggestions

and Russell Grace, who—in trying to

that will keep your juices flowing when

impress a girl—inadvertently switched

it comes to photography. Give it a try,

to infrared photography, with beautiful

buying one issue, and you’ll probably


subscribe to get a new issue each two months. That will give you enough

Regular contributors John Paul

photographing reading, besides the

Caponigro, Bruce Percy, Guy Tal, Chris

time to try by yourself some of the

Orwig, Martin Bailey, Piet Van den Eynde,

photographic paths suggested in each

Adam Blasberg and David duChemin

new edition.

PHOTOGRAPH, No.11 cost $8. You can also subscribe. Buy it now using the link on this page.

discuss seizing time, the strength of numbers, the starkness of nature,

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nderstanding Post-

there is no reason to show a photograph

Processing: The Video

and state “it’s like it came out of the

Series is as the name

camera” as if that’s the right way to do

suggests a different way

it. Editing is always part of the process

to learn how to finish your images so

for a creative mind, and even more so

they look better.

in modern digital days, when we’ve fantastic tools accessible to give us the

Understanding Post-Processing: The

chance to share with others the visions

Video Series - Making the Most of Your

we had.

Images in Adobe Lightroom 5 by travel and documentary photographer Mitchell

With 10 videos that go through the

Kanashkevich is a guide through the

editing process of ten different images

processes used by the author, travel and

(also available in RAW format so you can

documentary photographer to edit his

try to edit them yourself), this collection


offers you a fast way to understand how to use the essential tools of Lightroom.

No matter how strong the composition,

Taking you from the raw product (pun

how dramatic the moment or how

intended!) to the final work, this is a

interesting the subject in the viewfinder,

hands-on lesson that will make you

a potentially great photo never

achieve a new level of understanding

shines until it is post-processed with

of Lightroom and the editing process.

knowledge. Good post-processing won’t

It’s not a “bunch of tricks” to learn, but

save a poor image, but it will make a

a normal photographer’s workflow that

strong image stand out.

will become second nature to you if you start following Mitchell Kanashkevich

Through these videos, one gets not only to understand how Lightroom can be used to its best, but also how much editing is needed to get the best out of photographs. The different examples


Understanding PostProcessing: The Video Series by Mitchell Kanashkevich costs $89.90 Buy it now using the link on this page.

used by the photographer will be sufficient for you to understand that

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Photographing the old, learning to create your own.

Sundials in the region of Sintra and Mafra offer unique opportunities to photographers wanting to create collections of stone work elements. Both regions are rich in this kind of work, and having a group of photographers on a day visit to some of the sundials is the best way to get them started not only in creating collections but also to explore the stories about each of these examples of an art that not only gave the hour but decorated the walls and roofs of many houses and temples in a region rich in quarries which produced different types mof stone, mainly the marble which for centuries has embellished the area and various regions. Besides photographing, participantes were invited to create their own sundial and explore software that emulates sundials.

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Maria Emília Pires

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Maria Emília Pires

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Maria Emília Pires

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new eBook by photogra-

birds, the techniques covered can be

pher Glenn Bartley, author

apllied to many other subjects. But for

of Post Processing: A Guide

bird photographers, this eBook may be

for Nature Photographers,

an essential guide, as the experience

looks at one weapon many nature pho-

of the author is an always present ele-

tographers forget: flash.

ment here. In fact, Glenn Bartley, who is a professional nature photographer from

Flash is, as Glen Bartley says, “your ‘secret

British Columbia, Canada, focuses his

weapon’ as a photographer, and its use

efforts on capturing intimate images of

opens up many opportunities to nature

birds in their natural habitat and is espe-

photographers that would otherwise be

cially known for his portraits of rare and

off-limits”. This eBooks guides readers

difficult to photograph birds from the

through the use of flash in nature pho-

Neotropical Region and for his portfolio

tography, essentially in the photography

of hummingbird images.

of birds, and area the author is familiar with.

In this eBook you learn how flash allows you to extend the shooting day, freeze

Through this 65 page eBook, Glen Barley

action or simply introduce a catch-light,

provides a solid foundation of how and

fill-light or punch to images taken in

when to use flash as a tool to create

late afternoon light. Through reading it

better nature photographs. Chapter 2

and practicing the techniques explained,

provides a clear understanding of the

you’ll achieve a better understanding

basic flash controls and their most com-

of flash and its potential to work with

mon scenarios. Chapter 3 looks more

natural light.

practically at how to use flash in the field. Chapter 4 of the ebookexplores more unconventional ways to use off-camera flash and multiple flashes. Also included are appendices of useful flash accesso-

Flash Simplified: A Guide for Nature Photographers by Glen Bartley costs $19.95. Buy it now using the link on this page.

ries, FAQs, and troubleshooting tips. Although the illustrations are based on

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João Dionísio

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João Dionísio

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João Dionísio

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Tips for Natural Looking

urge all of you to be respectful in all of



your actions. None of our photographic

Mitchell Kanashkevich is


subjects are there for the sake of our

a FREE eBook but also the

amusement; they are all human beings

start of a series of free eBooks, under the

with emotions, feelings and needs. Please

title 7Tips.

keep this in mind. No matter how much you want to photograph your subjects,

7 Tips is a free eBook series. Each pub-

don’t overstep certain boundaries.”

lication will include a set of seven tips, one for each day of the week, to hone

Whatever you do, keep in mind this

your skills on a specific topic related to

aspect of the eBook and... respect those

travel photography. The first edition in

you photograph. That’s probably one of

this series focuses on natural-looking

the lessons to learn from this FREE

travel portraits.


In this eBook, about travel portraits, Mitchell Kanashkevich that takes you beyond ordinary postcard shots and teaches you how to create honest portraits without a forced feel. Mitchell’s practical advice comes from years of

7 Tips for Natural Looking Travel Portraits by Mitchell Kanashkevich is a FREE eBook Get it it now using the link on this page.

experience in the field. He will help you understand how to photograph people in different cultures and unfamiliar situations. Through 12 pages the author explains not only the technical aspects, but also something that many forget: the ethical aspects of photographing people. Mitchell Kanashkevich states that “photographing people is a sensitive area. I

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Maria Duarte Ferreira

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Maria Duarte Ferreira

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hat is Powerful Imagery?

seamlessly so that the viewer can con-


nect and react.



have different answers, but this eBook offers

In this ebook, Mitchell Kanashkevich

readers the opinions from Mitchell

included a collection of 15 of his favou-

Kanashkevich a travel and documentary

rite images made over the past decade of

photographer. He constantly travels the

his travels. Images, says the author, “that

world in search of images of unique cul-

I feel embody the essential attributes of

tures and stunning places.

powerful imagery.”

His work has appeared in some of the

Powerful Imagery is all about demystify-

world’s top travel and photography mag-

ing how great travel photographs are

azines (National Geographic Traveler,

created. The sole aim of the eBook is

Vanity Fair, Lonely Planet Traveler,

to help you take your own photogra-

Geographical UK) on book covers, in ad

phy beyond your previous limitations.

campaigns and has made its way into pri-

If you’ve ever wondered just how those

vate photo collections around the world.

amazing photographs you see in maga-

The question above may seem straight-

zines and online are taken, this is the

forward enough, but the answer isn’t

eBook for you.

always as simple. As you’ll see browsing through the pages of this eBook, each

Four pages dedicated to each image,

situation has its own set of opportunities

explaining everything from the first

to bring forth its own entirely unique

impressions to the final work, guide


readers through the thinking process the author uses to create these examples. If

Generally speaking, it is safe to say that

the images published here ressonate with

they all share the act of moving the

you, maybe it is time to pay EyeVoyage a

viewer on some level. It can be a sense

visit and buy this eBook for you.

Powerful Imagery by Mitchell Kanashkevich costs $16.90. Get it it now using the link on this page.

of story or of a particular place, an emotion or mood. The most powerful images blend all of these qualities together

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Paula Correia

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Paula Correia

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hat is Powerful Imagery?

seamlessly so that the viewer can con-


nect and react.



have different answers, but this eBook offers

In this ebook, Mitchell Kanashkevich

readers the opinions from Mitchell

included a collection of 15 of his favou-

Kanashkevich a travel and documentary

rite images made over the past decade of

photographer. He constantly travels the

his travels. Images, says the author, “that

world in search of images of unique cul-

I feel embody the essential attributes of

tures and stunning places.

powerful imagery.”

His work has appeared in some of the

Powerful Imagery is all about demystify-

world’s top travel and photography mag-

ing how great travel photographs are

azines (National Geographic Traveler,

created. The sole aim of the eBook is

Vanity Fair, Lonely Planet Traveler,

to help you take your own photogra-

Geographical UK) on book covers, in ad

phy beyond your previous limitations.

campaigns and has made its way into pri-

If you’ve ever wondered just how those

vate photo collections around the world.

amazing photographs you see in maga-

The question above may seem straight-

zines and online are taken, this is the

forward enough, but the answer isn’t

eBook for you.

always as simple. As you’ll see browsing through the pages of this eBook, each

Four pages dedicated to each image,

situation has its own set of opportunities

explaining everything from the first

to bring forth its own entirely unique

impressions to the final work, guide


readers through the thinking process the

The Complete Guide to Gear for the Landscape Photographer by Justin Reznick costs $12.95. Get it it now using the link on this page.

author uses to create these examples. If Generally speaking, it is safe to say that

the images published here ressonate with

they all share the act of moving the

you, maybe it is time to pay EyeVoyage a

viewer on some level. It can be a sense

visit and buy this eBook for you.

of story or of a particular place, an emotion or mood. The most powerful images blend all of these qualities together

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