DILG R7 CY 2009 Annual Report

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This Annual Report highlights the significant accomplishments of DILG Region 7 for CY 2009. As a whole, DILG7 has attained the targets set for the year and sustained its level of performance to meet the expectations of Top Management, our clientele and program stakeholders as well, in terms of capability building for LGUs and enhancing organizational effectiveness.

the Community-Based Management System (CBMS) by concerned LGUs (see page 13).

In line with the call for transparency, we were able to conduct with strong commitment the roll-out of Project C.U.R.E. Red Tape in Central Visayas as a centerpiece of our operations being the Department’s response to the Anti-Red Tape Law; enlist the support of the local leagues and LCEs to the project; and, facilitate the crafting of the Citizens’ Charter by the LGUs (see page 5). We also implemented the Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) as a means to assist LGUs in curbing red tape (see page 12).

We carried out a number of field-initiated trainings and seminars on gender and development (see page 20) and codification projects (see page 25) as well as scholarship programs for local functionaries, processed death benefit claims (see page 25) and acted on various travel applications and referral on league issues affecting local governance.

DILG7 embarked on another innovative program, the Search for Best LGUs in Planning and Budgeting, which aims to recognize the performance of LGUs in these areas of local governance (see page 6), hosted the Harmonization of Local Planning and Budgeting Workshop (see page 11), facilitated the proper administration of the CY 2008 Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) in Central Visayas (see page 7) and subsequently conducted capability building interventions such as the State of Local Governance Report (SLGR) - Responsive Capacity Building Project (see page 8) and the Barangay Human Rights Program (see page 10). Likewise, we sustained our other innovative programs, such as the DILG7 Call Center on Local Governance, which continues to enhance the Local Governance Resource Center (LGRC) (see pages 17 and 18); the 5S Program, which aims to achieve total organizational standard and cleanliness in the workplace (see page 24); and, the Team Approach on Coordinated Tasks (TACT) Strategy, which improves office and field operations and at the same time provides staff development. Furthermore, DILG-7 accommodated several visits from other regions to observe our TACT, 5S and Call Center operations (see page 26). DILG7 took the lead role in the strengthening of Peace and Order Councils (POCs) and Management and Coordination Committees (MCCs) at the regional, provincial, city and municipality levels (see pages 14 and 15). DILG7 provided technical assistance in the implementation of the Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED) in the Bohol pilot LGUs (see page 9). In addressing the worldwide concern on poverty towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), DILG7 assisted in the completion of the program cycle of

DILG7 continued to feature LGU Best Practices to promote adaptation and replication of best observed practices by the LGUs in the region (see page 19). Performing local leaders were likewise featured in the DILG7’s tri-annual publication (see page 24).

The implementation of various foreign projects in the region was monitored (see page 22) as well as the organization/strengthening of local councils, barangay assemblies and LGU compliance on the Department’s issuance (see page 23). We also kept track of the functionality of the One Cluster, One Vision (OCOV) projects for local development (see page 19). In partnership with our development partners, DILG7 recognized the top performing officials in the region under the yearly search for the Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the year (TOBOY) and awarded the best lupons in line with the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Award (LTIA) (see page 21). Effective inter-agency networking/tie-up programs to integrate the delivery of services were also extended through our leadership in the Association of Regional Executives of National Agencies in Region 7 (ARENA-7) (see page 31) where various mandatory celebrations were conducted such as the National Crime Prevention Week (NCPW), the Philippine Civil Service Month and the Maritime Week (see page 16). With this, we were able to sustain a dynamic and fruitful coordination among offices within the DILG Family. Values enhancement activities (see page 25), cultural development programs (see page 29), planning conferences and dialogues with the regional staff and field officers were conducted (see page 27). Despite limited resources, DILG-7 ably managed its financial resources and supported the smooth operations of the regional and sub-regional offices (see page 32). The DILG-7 capped its operations for CY 2009 with the Year-End Evaluation and Planning Conference and Awarding Ceremony (see page 28). In recognition of the efforts of best performing sub-regional units and to pay tribute to the long years of service of the retirees, incentives and awards were distributed to them at yearend activity (see page 32).

Message of the Regional Director


DILG7 Senior Officials, CY 2010


Flagship Programs 5

Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS)


PDMU/Foreign Projects


Barangay Assembly




SLGR-Responsive Capacity Building Project


Harmonization of Local Planning and Budgeting

of the Peace and Order Councils (POCs)

Management and Coordination Committees (MCCs)


2009 National Crime Prevention Week


Capability Building and Technical Assistance


Association of Regional Executives of National Agenies in Region 7 (ARENA-7)


Organizational Effectiveness

Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED)

Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS)



Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)


Local Governance Resource Center


Good Practices in Local Governance: Facility


for Adaptation and Replication (GO-FAR) One Cluster, One Vision (OCOV) for Local Development Project


Gender and Development


Death Benefits of Barangay Officials


46th Batch Induction Training for LGOOs


Public Information


Integrity Circle (IC) Development


Personnel Development, Incentives and Awards


Planning Conferences and ManCom Meetings


Year-End Evaluation, Planning Conference and Awarding Ceremonies

DILG-7 Launches Search for Best LGUs in Planning and Budgeting DILG-7 Call Center on Local Governance



5S Program Implementation



Observation Visit on DILG-7’s Team Approach on Coordinated



Cultural Development Program


Showcase of Local Culture, Festivals, and Dances


Personnel Complement


Financial Management


Newly-Hired Personnel, Promotions and Retirement

Innovations and Strategies

Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the Year (TOBOY)



Supporting the Capacity Development

Tasks (TACT) Strategy

Lupong Tagapamayapa, Incentives and Awards (LTIA) Monitoring & Supervision

Project C.U.R.E. Red Tape

Barangay Human Rights Program

Awards and Recognition


message of the regional director CY 2009 marked a great leap for DILG7 in its pursuit of excellence in local governance. Amidst the challenges that we faced and being an integral part of the bureaucracy, we never wavered despite pressures in our resolve to do what we have to do to realize the Department’s vision. Our collective efforts, as exemplified in our innovations and strategies, have taken us to a greater height. Aligned with the Department’s thrust, DILG7 set its focus in propagating the understanding on the imperatives of good governance. We have demonstrated our commitment in fully implementing Project C.U.R.E. or the Comprehensive and Unified Response to Eliminate Red Tape in LGUs in support of averting graft and corruption in the local government units. We have also embarked on the Search for the Best LGUs in Planning and Budgeting in pursuit of the DILG’s mission to empower LGUs to fully develop themselves as self-reliant communities and as effective partners of the national government in the attainment of national goals. We have launched the Search which aims to recognize the performing LGUs in local governance, one that brings change in the mindset of local officials and functionaries from dependency to self-reliance, from conformity with tradition to creativity in dealing with current and emerging challenges, and from accepting routines to embracing innovations. We are scaling a new height to empower LGUs to exercise their corporate powers. Helping them build up their institutional capacities to plan and manage the local development process within the context of autonomy as well as rights-based governance puts meaning to the DILG’s existence. Assessing our performance in CY 2009, we, in DILG Region 7 once again believe that we have met the expectations of Top Management, our clientele, and program stakeholders as well. Modesty aside, we have become a show window in terms of implementing innovations, an accolade which is meant to be shared by the men and women of DILG7. We owe this to the support of the DILG Top Management and to our strong partnership with the LGUs, NGAs, NGOs as well as the donor agencies, i.e. the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and Canadian International Development Authority (CIDA), in the region. As we enter year 2010, we look forward to a more fruitful year ahead.

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DR. PEDRO A. NOVAL, JR., CESO III Regional Director

Project CURE is the DILG’s response to the Anti-Red Tape Law of 2007 or Republic Act No. 9485 that seeks to avert graft and corruption in the local government units. Its significant feature is the formulation of the Citizens’ Charter by the LGUs, a document that outlines the LGU Vision and Mission, contains relevant information on their frontline services provided to the citizens, and serves as the standard of service delivery to the public.

Project C.U.R.E. Red Tape As part of its continuing efforts to ensure quality public service by the local governments, DILG-7 fully implemented the Project C.U.R.E. Red Tape or Comprehensive and Unified Response to Eliminate Red Tape in LGUs. Project CURE was launched in Central Visayas in February 2009 through an advocacy workshop jointly spearheaded by DILG-7 and CSC-7. A regionwide roll-out followed with 100% of provinces, cities and municipalities oriented on the Anti-Red Tape Law. At end of June 2009, 100% of the 136 LGUs in Central

Visayas have crafted their respective Citizens’ Charters (CCs). All LGU Department Heads were involved in the formulation process, with the DILG-7 field officers providing the orientation and necessary technical assistance.

The League of Municipalities - Cebu Chapter, headed by its President, Honorable Mayor Cesar A. Baricuatro of Dumanjug, Cebu, passed a Resolution expressing its strong support to the program.

The Local Chief Executives popularized their respective Citizens’ Charter to the public by conducting appropriate activities. The Municipality of Loon, Bohol launched its CC with no less than SILG Ronaldo V. Puno as its guest of honor. Bohol Province, the Cities of Mandaue, Danao, Lapulapu, Toledo, and the Municipalities of Bogo and Carcar had their respective launching activities covered by the tri-media. Other LGUs popularized their respective CCs through caravan and during flag raising ceremonies.

As manifestation of the DILG’s commitment in implementing the program, RD Pedro A. Noval, Jr. graced the launching activities and personally witnessed the unveiling of the Citizens’ Charters. DILG7 has its own Citizens’ Charter in tarpaulin posted at the office’s entrance gate. Meanwhile, 2,992 (99.63%) of the 3,003 barangays in Central Visayas also have their Citizens’ Charters as a result of the ARTA orientation facilitated by the DILG7 Field Officers.

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Search for Best LGUs in Planning and Budgeting In view of the call for a Rationalized Planning System, DILG-7, in partnership with the German Technical Cooperation-Decentralization Program (GTZ-DP) and other lead agencies, embarked on another innovative Program, the Search for Best LGUs in Planning and Budgeting.

with NGAs, Government Owned and Controlled Corporations, Government Financial Institutions shall adhere to the provisions of law and principle of complementation and participation between and among LGUs and private sector/non-government organizations in the preparation of their plans and budgets.

The Search aims to give recognition to the LGUs in Central Visayas that show exemplary performance in local governance, specifically, in the areas of planning and budgeting, and to guide them as they embark on a new paradigm of leadership and governance. It endeavors to align with the objectives of the Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1 Series of 2007 or the Harmonization of Local Planning, Investment Programming, Revenue Administration, Budgeting and Expenditure Management which envisions to wield a positive influence on the local development process.

0 Sec. 5 (e) of RA 6975 also provides that DILG shall vigorously pursue its mandate to establish and formulate plans, policies and programs to strengthen the technical, fiscal and administrative capabilities of local governments and shall continue its advocacy towards a rationalized planning system for adoption by all cities and municipalities.

Representatives from the DILG, DBM, COA, BLGF, NEDA, HLURB, DENR, RAFI and Cebu Capitol Lions Club collaborated together to formulate the guidelines for the Search. These agencies initially composed the Regional Search Committee. It is hoped that those awarded shall become exponents of furthering excellence in local governance in other LGUs. The following are the Search Guidelines: Legal Bases: 0 Pursuant to the following relevant provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991, all LGUs shall prepare their Comprehensive Development Plans, Local Development Investment Programs, Annual Investment Programs, and Annual and Supplemental Budgets in the context of and in harmony with national and regional policies, goals and strategies. u Sections 106, 109 (a) (1-3), & 114, Title VI, Book 1 u Section 2 (c), Chapter I, Title I, Book I u Section 3 (e), (f ), (g), Chapter I, Title I, Book I u Section 305 (h), (i), (j), (k), Chapter I, Title V, Book II u Article 410, IRR of the 1991 LGC 0 Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1, entitled, “Guidelines on the Harmonization of Local Planning, Investment Programming, Revenue Administration, Budgeting and Expenditure Management,” says all LGUs in coordination

06 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Objectives: 0 To give due recognition to LGUs that have shown exemplary performance in planning and budgeting; 0 To help LGUs improve governance & service delivery; 0 To strengthen partnership between and among partner agencies in pursuit of improved local planning and budgeting. Award Categories: 0 Category A – all Cities 0 Category B – 1st to 3rd class Municipalities 0 Category C – 4th to 6th class Municipalities Timelines: 0 Launching: December 2009 0 Rating Period: January 2010 to May 2013 0 Assessment Period: u June 2013 to August 2013 – Provincial Level u September 2013 to October 2013 – Regional Level 0 Awarding Ceremony: December 2013 Requirements: 0 Entry Document 0 Executive Order organizing Local Development Council (LDC) 0 Non-Government Organization (NGO) Composition 0 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 0 Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) 0 Annual Investment Program (AIP) for CYs 2010, 2011 & 2012 0 CLUP 0 Annual Budget for the past for CYs 2010, 2011 and 2012 0 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) & Zoning Ordinances 0 State of Local Governance Report (SLGR) for CYs 2010, 2011 and 2012 0 Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) 0 Capacity Development Plan for CYs 2010, 2011 and 2012

Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) Pursuing its advocacy for good governance through performance management in the LGUs, the DILG-7 facilitated the proper administration of the CY 2008 Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) in Central Visayas. This enabled the LGUs to assess their capabilities and limitations in the delivery of essential public services in five (5) performance areas, namely, Social Services, Economic Development, Environmental Management, Administration and Governance. The LGPMS Committees at all levels were mobilized for data gathering as well as for data utilization in the preparation of the mandated CY 2008 LGU annual reports. As a result, all 136 LGUs have completed their respective CY 2008 State of Local Governance Reports (SLGRs) at the end of the 1st semester. To address the gaps and needs identified in the SLGRs, most of the LGUs conducted DemandDriven Capacity Building Activities wherein DILG-7 thru its TACT Cluster Teams, provided technical assistance. In the 4th quarter, the newly-enhanced LGPMS Version 2 web facility was introduced. The system highlights new user-friendly features which offer effective data aggregation and report formulation. Data entry updates for CY 2009 of all 136 LGUs regionwide were completed and uploaded online using the new version. Updated data of LGUs based on the new LGPMS parameters can now be accessed through the facility at www.blgs.gov.ph/ lgpms. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 07

SLGR-Responsive Capacity Building Project

In line with the Department’s thrust and continuing commitment to improve the performance of local government units, particularly in the areas of administration, social services, economic development, and environmental management, DILG-7 conducted capability building interventions in each province as result of the focus areas for Technical Assistance identified in the LGPMS results. DILG-Bohol advocated for the Formulation of Environment Code by the LGUs. As a result, 18 LGUs have passed or drafted the Environment Code, namely, the municipalities of Alburquerque, Balilihan, Batuan, Bilar, Clarin, Corella, CP Garcia, Danao, Duero, Garcia-Hernandez, Jagna, Mabini, San Isidro, Sierra-Bullones, Tagbilaran City, Trinidad, Tubigon and Valencia. To continue its efforts towards the completion of the CDP formulation process, DILG-Cebu Province spearheaded the conduct of a Training Workshop on Ecological Profiling, in 2 batches, last September 22-23 (1st batch) and September 24-25, 2009 (2nd batch) at the Golden Valley Hotel, Cebu City. A total of 223 participants composed of Mayors, Plan08 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

ning and Development Officers, Budget Officers, Engineers and DILG field officers from 51 LGUs of the province were trained on the process of LGU data gathering and analysis. Lapulapu City, now a Highly Urbanized City, had a separate workshop. The activity was conducted in partnership with the Provincial Government of Cebu, the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation (RAFI), and the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP)-Cebu Chapter.

lation and approval of the Environment Code of the Province of Siquijor in CY 2009. A series of public hearings were conducted thereafter, to generate support and adoption of the E-Code by its six (6) component municipalities.

Following the training on Resource Mobilization and Revenue Generation which was conducted by DILG-Negros Oriental in CY 2008, on-site technical assistance was provided this year which resulted in the formulation/updating of local Revenue Generation Plans in all 25 LGUs of the province. Quarterly monitoring of the implementation of these plans was conducted by the office in coordination with the Provincial Planning & Development and Provincial Treasurer’s Offices.

The Cebu City Government, in partnership with DILGCebu City and the University of Southern Philippines Foundation, espoused a project of codifying its ordinances beginning from year 1946 to the present. The project is already at its final stage with some detailed revisions. To bring the project down to the barangay level in order to fully capacitate barangay officials on codification and proper legislative tracking, DILG-Cebu City conducted a two-day Orientation Seminar on Codification of Ordinances for all 80 barangays on October 27 and 28, 2009 at the DILG-Cebu City Office. The activity resulted to majority of the participants pledging to start codification projects in their respective barangays.

The training on the Formulation of the Environment Code, which was conducted by DILG-Siquijor and the Provincial Government last CY 2008, paved way for the formu-

DILG-Mandaue participated and contributed in the series of Modules I-IV Workshops on the Formulation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of Mandaue City.

Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED)

The Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED) was launched in Bohol Province on June 19, 2009 with no less than SILG Puno as Guest of Honor. LGSP-LED is an eightyear collaborative project of the Governments of Canada and Philippines that will support the DILG in developing and improving policies, laws, programs and operations that will enhance local governance and development. It aims to foster efficient, responsive, transparent and accountable governance, seeking to reduce poverty in every local government unit. Bohol is one of the four (4) LGUs in the country selected as pilot beneficiaries of the program. The LGSP-LED program in Bohol involves the municipalities of Batuan, Bilar, Carmen, Dagohoy, Danao, Pilar, Sagbayan and Sierra Bullones, now named as Chocolands. These LGUs are clustered under the Bo-

hol Integrated Area Development 5 or BIAD Cluster V, which is home to small and medium enterprises in the areas of eco-tourism and agri-business – the two priority development thrusts of the Province of Bohol. The project will pursue local economic development through MSMEs for agribusiness and ecotourism. In order to establish LGSP-LED in Bohol, capacity development activities were conducted as follows: 0 KNOW-LED: Promoting Knowledge Management for Local Economic Development on July 27-29, 2009 at Bayview Manila; 0 Workshop on Deepening the Understanding on Local Economic Development on September 1618, 2008 at Cebu City; 0 Harnessing Ideas and Actions on LGU Corporate Management for Local Economic Development

on November 4-6, 2009 at Bohol Tropics Hotel, Tagbilaran City, Bohol; and, 0 KM4LED: Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate on December 10-11, 2009 in Manila. After a series of orientation and consultation activities with project partner LGUs along with their local chief executives and Local Development Councils, the project brief dubbed as PROMOTE Rice was finalized and presented to LGSP-LED Manila last December 4, 2009. The Executive Committee of BIAD 5 was also constituted consisting of the mayors of the member LGUs. DILG-Bohol provided technical assistance in the conceptualization and implementation of the project and successfully conducted a Workshop on LGU Resource Generation for BIAD 5 municipalities last December 2-3, 2009.

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Barangay Human Rights Program Barangay Human Rights Program: Accessing Justice through a Gender Responsive Barangay Justice System is a capability building intervention of the DILG through the Local Government Academy (LGA) in its continuing effort to enhance the proficiency of barangay officials as well as Lupon Members in performing their mandated tasks and responsibilities in good governance. The program aims to strengthen the Katarungang Pambarangay by making its Lupon Tagapamayapa members more knowledgeable on the Katarungang Pambarangay Law and the different laws on women and children, increasing their skills on mediation and information dissemination, and by making them more gender and child-sensitive, pro-poor and more tolerant of cultural differences. It utilizes training as an approach to capacitate the barangay officials and lupon members. Pilot-testing on the mainstreaming of human rights in the local development plans took off through the “SeminarWorkshop on Barangay Human Rights Program: Accessing Justice Through a Gender-Responsive Barangay Justice System”. The activity was conducted for the punong barangays, secretaries and lupon members of the Program’s pilot barangays in Siquijor, Siquijor (10 brgys.), Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental (30 brgys.), Tagbilaran City, Bohol (15 brgys.) and Cebu City (10 brgys). Topics discussed were on RA 9344 or the Katarungang Pambarangay Law Procedures, Juvenile Justice Act, laws on women and children such as RA 9262 otherwise known as the Anti-VAWC Act of 2004, RA 9208 or Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, PD 603 or the Child and Youth Welfare Code, and RA 7610 or the Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act of 1992. Meanwhile, the DILG Office and the Municipal Government of Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental conducted an orientation/seminar on establishing Barangay Human Rights Action Centers (BHRAC). Topics discussed were on Foundation of Human Rights, Powers and Functions of the Barangay Human Rights Action Officer (BHRAO), Human Rights Violations, Barangay Justice System, and Investigation Process relative to BHRAO functions. Right after the orientation/ seminar, the BHRAOs elected their set of officers for the municipality.

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Harmonization of Local Planning and Budgeting DILG-7 hosted the two-week Introductory Course on Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Preparation on January 19-29, 2009 at the Cebu Grand Hotel, Cebu City. The two-week training was attended by participants from regions VI, VII and VIII composed of DILG regional and provincial CDP coordinators, selected LGOOs and LPDOs in Central Visayas. Re-echo was conducted to all field officers as they in turn rendered technical assistance in coming up with their LGU Ecological Profile and updating or formulation of the CDP. The DILG-7 continues to advocate the Rationalized Planning System. It also monitors the implementation of the JMC 001 series of 2007 and the formulation of the CDP and CLUP. All LGUs in region 7 are currently formulating/updating their databases for the formulation of the Ecological Profile in preparation for the coming up with their CDPs in CY 2010 Since an Orientation-Training on the Formulation of the CDP has already been conducted in CY 2008 in all cities and municipalities regionwide, efforts for this year were focused on the conduct of CDP reorientation with emphasis on Ecological Profiling and monitoring of LGU accomplishments in relation to activities stipulated in the Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar (SLPBC) of JMC No. 001, s. 2007, and provision of on-site technical assistance on CDP formulation. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 11

Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) With the onset of Project CURE, DILG-7 intensified its efforts to assist LGUs in curbing red tape. One of the strategies implemented is the Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS), a collaborative project of the German Technical Cooperation-Decentralization Program (GTZ-DP), DILG-7, and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-7. Its objective is to upgrade the business permit issuance system and to make efficient the release of licenses and permits at the local level. Twelve (12) LGUs in Cebu Province were chosen in CY 2008 as pilot areas for the operation of the project, namely, Barili, Carcar City, Compostela, Consolacion, Cordova, Danao City, Liloan, Minglanilla, Moalboal,

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Naga City, San Fernando and Talisay City. A year after the project’s inception, positive feedback were reported particularly on significant increases in revenue collection of LGUs as a result of project implementation. A case in point is the Municipality of Moalboal, which reported a 200% increase in revenue collection. Renewing a business permit to date at said municipality takes only 20 minutes from 480 minutes before the implementation of BPLS. The Municipalities of Cordova, Barili and Danao likewise reported more than 100% increase in revenue generation since the project’s inception in CY 2008. With the success of the program, initial activities are underway on the nationwide roll-out of the BPLS project.

The BPLS experience in Cebu was shared during advocacy workshops conducted for the identified pilot LGUs for nationwide BPLS streamlining. Preparatory activities were also conducted for the additional thirteen (13) LGUs in Cebu Province which are set to undergo BPLS streamlining in CY 2010. With the BPLS initiatives, streamlined business registration procedures at the local level can help local governments and business establishments save time, money and resources.

Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Bogo City and the Municipality of Cordova in Cebu Province have completed the conduct of CBMS Module I: Training on Data Collection for LPRATs and Enumerators, and Module II: Training on Data Encoding and Map Digitizing. Both LGUs have completed the data collection and are ready for encoding and map digitizing. Key functionaries of Bohol Province’s pilot LGUs for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), namely, Carmen, Talibon and Ubay, underwent the training workshop on tools and techniques for preparing a Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) on June 1 to 5, 2009 at the Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City. The learning event constituted Module IV of the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) training program, which is on Linking CBMS to the CDP. Said LGUs have already completed the CBMS cycle having undertaken the actual household surveys/ data collection, data encoding and map digitizing, and the data processing, poverty mapping and building of CBMS database, which comprise the CBMS Modules 1 to 3,

respectively. Moreover, an orientation on the CBMS Rider Questionnaire was conducted to the UNFPA pilot LGUs on September 7-11, 2009. The Province of Bohol has institutionalized the Poverty Database Monitoring System (PDMS) which is its own version of the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS). While they differ in the number of indicators, both provide database on poverty and serve as guide for LGUs’ program implementation. Siquijor, being the CBMS pilot province in the region, already has the poverty maps and data of all six (6) municipalities completed since November 2008. These are available, accessible and ready data and maps that the LGUs have been utilizing this year for planning, policy formulation, and decision-making. These will also serve as inputs in the formulation of their respective Comprehensive Development Plans.

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Supporting the Capacity Development of the Peace and Order Councils (POCs) The Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) Region 7, chaired by Cebu Provincial Governor Gwendolyn F. Garcia, conducted regular meetings and implemented programs on peace and order and campaign against illegal drugs. One of the most significant accomplishments of the Council is the approval and passing of a resolution declaring Total All-Out War against Illegal Drugs.

Security and Economic Convergence Plan for CYs 2009-2010. All local POCs of insurgency-threatened areas were likewise directed to formulate said plan.

In support of the declaration, four batches of Deputation Trainings for PNP Personnel as PDEA Agents were conducted on June 18-19, and on June 25-26. Deputation Trainings for all Barangay Tanods in Cebu Province as PDEA Agents also started last August 2009.

The Council conducted special meetings with the different law enforcement agencies like PDEA-7, PRO-7, NBI-7, CENTCOM, Philippine Coast Guard, PNP-Maritime, along with DILG-7, Regional State Prosecutors, judges, governors, and DepEd-7, and was able to come up with concrete plans and programs for an effective anti-illegal drugs campaign. Additionally, the peace-keeping agencies were urged to synchronize their movements and to complement each other instead of competing.

Moreover, the RPOC-7 formulated its

The DILG-Regional Office 7 provides

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secretariat services to RPOC-7 as mandated by Executive Order No. 773 dated January 5, 2009. The DILG sub-regional and field offices also head the Secretariat of the Peace and Order Councils at their respective LGUs.

formulation of the plan both at the provincial and municipal levels.

In compliance with Memorandum Circular No. 2008-101, the functionality of Barangay POCs were monitored and assessed. To date, 100% of provinces, DILG-Bohol initiated a series of Inte- cities, and barangays in region 7 have grated Area - Community Public Safety functional/reactivated Peace and Order Plan Workshops designed to facilitate the Councils (POCs).

Management and Coordination Committees (MCCs) The Management and Coordination Committee (MCC) is organized at the regional, provincial, city and municipal levels composed of the agencies of the DILG Family, namely: the DILG-LG Sector, Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM). The heads or representatives of these agencies participate in all MCC activities. Regional and Provincial MCCs conducted regular meetings to discuss accomplishments and communicate issues and concerns affecting each agency as a member of the DILG Family. The MCCs consolidate the efforts and harmonize activities of all agencies under the DILG family relative to peace and order, anti-illegal drugs campaign and public safety. The City/Municipal MCCs also regularly interface with the members of the DILG Family. Shortly after the special meeting of the Regional Management and Coordination Committee (RMCC) Region 7 on March 10, 2009 at the Police Regional Office (PRO)-7, around thirty-two (32) officials subjected themselves to drug-testing to show to the public that their government officials, particularly in Central Visayas, are drug-free. The surprise drug test is in line with the government’s efforts to intensify the anti-illegal drugs campaign. It was the first RMCC-initiated surprise drug test nationwide. No one of the officials tested was found positive on illegal drugs. Among them were DILG Top Management Officials – Usec for Public Safety Marius Corpus, Usec for Special Concerns Joselito Ruiz, Asec for Interior Oscar Valenzuela, the RMCC-7 members, headed by Dir. Pedro A. Noval, Jr. and their Directorial Staff. The RMCC-7 in partnership with the Association of Regional Executives of National Agencies (ARENA)-7 spearheaded the conduct of the National Crime Prevention Week in Central Visayas. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 15

2009 National Crime Prevention Week Proclamation No. 461 mandates the nationwide celebration of the National Crime Prevention Week which aims to generate community awareness and appreciation of the importance and value of crime prevention and foster interest and participation of the general public. The NCPW in CY 2009 was celebrated with the theme, “Labanan and Krimen, Pamilya Patatagin” The RMCC-7 in partnership with the Association of Regional Executives of National Agencies (ARENA)-7 spearheaded an elaborate fete for this year’s NCPW celebration with the involvement of the national government agencies and private sectors, such as, the Cebu Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Cebu 16 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Jaycees and the Cebu Lions Club. The presidents of said Clubs, along with the members of the RMCC-7 signed the manifestation of support on the Declaration by the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC)-7 of the Total AllOut War against Illegal Drugs during the formal program launching on September 1, 2009. Other significant activities conducted in celebration of the week-long event are the following: 0 Kick-off Ceremony through a Holy Mass, motorcade and formal launching at Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex 0 Series of fora and TV/radio guestings, distribution of information and campaign materials, awareness drives

and contest depicting the NCPW theme in collaboration with ARENA-7, Philippine Information Agency (PIA)-7 and Association of Government Information Officers (AGIO)-7 0 Distribution of mini posters on crime prevention and conduct of awareness drive on crime and drug abuse prevention by NAPOLCOM-7 0 Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign by PDEA-7 0 Advocacy on NCPW celebration to all regional agencies, malls and schools by ARENA-7 The provinces, cities and municipalities likewise organized their respective activities pursuant to DILG memorandum circular enjoining the local officials to actively support the projects and activities of the NCPW.

Local Governance Resource Center DILG-R7 and its six sub-regional offices sustained the operations of the LGRC-7 Program and maintained its respective LGRC facilities. Hereunder are highlights of accomplishments of the LGRC-7: 0 Establishment and maintenance of web-based systems such as the LGRC7 website: www.dilg-lgrc7.co.nr and LGRC7 Social Network: http://lgrcregion7.ning.com, the knowledge hubs in Central Visayas. 0 Use of One-Note System in knowledge sharing and utilization and regular updating of information thereof; 0 Use of stand-alone library management system for knowledge materials/resources. There is a total of 1,242 materials catalogued and available at the LGRC; 0 Involvement of the LGRC-7 Multi-Stakeholders Advisory Committee (MSAC) in the advisory, convergence of program/activities as well as program implementation (i.e. NEO, BNEO, RPS/CDP); 0 Facilitated multi-sectoral discussions on LGSP-LED program participated by DILG, NGAs, LGSP-LED consultants and LGU officials; 0 Took part in the formulation of the Regional Development Research Agenda of the Central Visayas by providing inputs on how to conduct the LGU consultations on the priority research topics as necessary inputs to the document; 0 Expanded the MSAC on Local Economic Development (LED) to include the regional offices of DTI, SEC, CDA, NEDA and DA; 0 Assisted other regions which were interested, such as ARMM and DILG Region 2, in the establishment and enrichment of their LGRCs; and, 0 Continued development of Knowledge Products in support to DILG-7 program implementation.

DILG7 2009 Annual Report 17

DILG-7 Call Center on Local Governance


Program/TACT Team Concerns

The DILG-7 has established the Call Center on Local Governance. Unique in region 7, the program aims at improving service delivery, prompt response to the local government clients, and reaching out to a wider community. Basically, it is an enhancement of the LGRC7, where Knowledge Management is utilized to serve our clients better, by giving relevant and timely info-service to our customers via telephone. In order to monitor the implementation of the Call Center, a Call Record System was established. A briefing was conducted for all Call Center Officers on the monitoring and evaluation of the program to further enhance the call center operations. As reported by the Call Center Administrator, the Call Center received and acted accordingly a total of 2,358 incoming calls in CY 2009 which are official in nature, and are mostly legal matters. Based on record, the following are the top 10 out of 19 programs/TACT Team concerns which had in CY 2009 the most number of official incoming calls received and acted:


Legal Matters


18 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

No. of calls received and acted 412


Strengthening LSBs, LDCCS, BBIs, MCCs, ADACs and POCs




Project CURE, BPLS and CBAS




PDMU and Finance Accessing




LGU Policy Compliance (PACTs, GMAC, Special Sectors, Environmental/Health Concerns, etc.)




LGU Capacity Building Services and Technical Assistance (DemandDriven Trainings, BNEO, ISKOLARBOS, Scholarship Assistance, Lakbay Aral Assistance, Authority to Conduct Trainings, etc.)








DILG-7 TACT, Planning Unit and RDC Concerns








Public Information




DILG-7 Call Center Hotline numbers: (032) 2535479 (032) 2557730 (032) 2554846 (032) 2535489 Email address: dilgro7@cvis.net.ph panoval@dilg.gov.ph dilgregion7_cv@yahoo.com DILG-7 Website: www.dilgregion7.8m.com LGRC-7 Website: www.dilg_lgrc7.co.nr

Good Practices in Local Governance: Facility for Adaptation and Replication (GO-FAR) LGU Good Practices documented this year are “Championing E-Governance for Better Public Service” of Argao, Cebu and “Bantayan Summer Class Program” of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. This brings to a total of twelve (12) good practices in Central Visayas which are documented under the GO-FAR program. DILG-Bohol has participated in the on-going documentation of Bohol’s peace initiatives through a TWG constituted by the Bohol Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC). The DILG-7 continues to feature an LGU Best Practice in every issue of its Kalambuan tri-annual publication. The following best practices were featured this year: “Electrical Installation Loan Program (EILP)” of the Municipality of

One Cluster, One Vision (OCOV) for Local Development Project

Valencia, Negros Oriental, “Sustaining the Marine Resources and Improving the Quality of Life thru the Establishment of Coastal Resource Management” of the Municipality of Ubay, Bohol, and “Seaweed (Guzo) Farming” of Hingotanan Island, Municipality of Bien Unido, Bohol. Activities were conducted to further enhance the skills of GO-FAR implementers in Central Visayas. Barangay Tabok, Mandaue City and the three (3) UNFPA pilot LGUs in Bohol, namely, Carmen, Talibon and Ubay participated in a GO-FAR Replication Inception Workshop in support to their already documented best practices. Six (6) region 7 personnel from the DILG, NEDA and OCD participated in a three-day trainer’s training on “Provincial Readiness to Institutionalize and Mainstream Risk Reduction through Best Practices Replication of a Permanent Disaster Risk Management Office”. Cebu and Negros Oriental are the target provinces in the region for the replication of the good practice on “Public Safety and Emergency Management Office” of the Province of Albay.

The DiLiVaJaGaHe cluster of Bohol implemented its Tourism Circuit project for CY 2009. Each cluster municipality has developed its tourism project in pursuance of the cluster development plan. Dimiao already completed its Agro Farm with Road Improvement Project, Lila showcased its new Water Slides, Valencia enhanced the Badiang Springs with the construction of a Hotel and Restaurant, Jagna’s Cluster Circuit Travellers’ Lounge is for completion, and Garcia-Hernandez’ Roxas Park was facelifted with the purchase of camping tents, construction of function hall and rooms, and bicycle lane. Negros Oriental TSAMP Cluster composed of Tanjay City, San Jose, Amlan, Mabinay and Pamplona sustained its functionality through the conduct of monthly meetings and pooling of funds to facilitate the implementation of projects. The cluster has approved for the creation of OCOV tourism signages featuring the TSAMP LGUs. The LGU and DILG TSAMP OCOV coordinators represented region 7 in the Investment Forum for OCOV Clustered LGUs and Development Partners last October 20, 2009 at Sulo Hotel, Quezon City. The activity served as a venue for the five (5) selected LGU Clusters from different regions to showcase their programs and projects, as well as present their capacity requirements for the development partners to evaluate and determine for areas of collaboration and possible interventions. Siquijor Province’s SCORE Cluster sustained its functionality and focused on tourism development as its banner project. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 19

Gender and Development This year’s celebration of the National Women’s Month is focused on creating a genderresponsive environment to encourage and support women in venturing into high value and more meaningful economic activities and enterprise development. The theme, “Babae, Yaman ka ng Bayan!” is in recognition of the significant potentials and contributions of women in the nation’s economic development. Pursuant to this, the DILG-7 advocated to the LGUs for the conduct of fitting activities in celebration of said event. Highlights of activities are the conduct of Women’s Congress in Cebu Province, formulation of Kasambahay Ordinance for the Protection of the Rights and Welfare of Household Helpers in Cebu City, and launching of the Primer on Everything a Barangay Official Should Know about the Issuance of a Barangay Protection Order (BPO) in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. Common activities conducted regionwide include: display of banners/streamers, parade/ motorcade, lectures and discussions on RA 9262, RA 7610, RA 9208 and RA 9433, seminars and fora on gender responsiveness and livelihood opportunities, skills enhancement training, and conduct of short programs. The TACT Cluster Teams at the sub-regional offices provided technical assistance to the LGUs on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, conduct of seminars on RA 9262, RA 9208 and other gender-related activities. The Cebu Provincial Government launched the GeRL Ka Na Ba Search which seeks to assess whether LGUs in the province are genderresponsive. The tool combines the GeRL and LGPMS indicators as basis for the rating. Talisay City (Component City Category) and Pilar, Camotes (1st to 3rd Class Category) emerged as winners of the Search. The Cebu City Government likewise continued to utilize the GeRL Ka Na Ba tool. DILG-7 actively participated in Inter-agency Meetings on Anti-Trafficking in Person and AVAWC. 20 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Lupong Tagapamayapa, Incentives and Awards (LTIA)

Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the Year Ten (10) deserving barangay officials in region 7 were proclaimed as winners of this year’s prestigious search for the Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the Year (TOBOY). The awardees are: CITY LEVEL PUNONG BARANGAY BARANGAY KAGAWAD BARANGAY SECRETARY BARANGAY TREASURER SK CHAIRPERSON PROVINCIAL LEVEL PUNONG BARANGAY BARANGAY KAGAWAD

- Nida C. Cabrera Brgy Luz, Cebu City - Rian C. Tante Brgy Luz, Cebu City - Erwin D. Peñafort Ermita, Cebu City - Ivy Del Prado - Gabiana Mambaling, Cebu City - Virgil J. Catajoy, III Pajac, Lapulapu City, Cebu - Judith Virtudazo Laca, Jagna, Bohol - Nicasio Mellomida Villa Aurora, Antequera, Bohol

BARANGAY SECRETARY - Teotimo P. Tabilon Hilaitan, Guihulngan, Negros Oriental BARANGAY TREASURER - Ramona A. Salcedo Cangmangki, Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor SK CHAIRPERSON - Ray Carlo Y. Antonio Sto.Niño, San Jose, Negros Oriental Each of the winners received a plaque of recognition, cash prize and gift items during the Awarding Ceremony held on December 15, 2009 at the Waterfront Hotel-Mactan. Unique to region 7, the Search aims at giving recognition to barangay officials who have shown exemplary performance in the discharge of their functions. The selection is based on accomplishments of the barangay officials during the period August of the previous year up to July of the present year.

Four (4) barangays in region 7 were proclaimed as the CY 2009 LTIA winners during the Awarding Ceremony held on December 15, 2009 at the Waterfront HotelMactan. The awardees are: - Brgy. Adlaon, Cebu City (HUC Category) - Brgy. II, Bais City, Negros Oriental (Component City Category) - Brgy. Villadolid, Carcar, Cebu (1st – 3rd Class Municipality Category) - Brgy. Jantianon, Amlan, Negros Oriental (4th – 6th Class Municipality Category) The LTIA winners each received a plaque of recognition, cash prize and gift items. Plaques of appreciation were also given to the TACT Cluster Teams from which the winning barangays came from. The LTIA annual search aims to strengthen the efficacy of the Katarungang Pambarangay as an indigenous conflict-resolution structure at the grassroots and to generate awareness among, and support from, various sectors on the KP program as a potent vehicle towards social order and human development. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 21

PDMU/Foreign Projects President’s Bridge Program (PBP) Phase II Nine (9) bridges under the PBP II were monitored for implementation/completion as follows: Lacaon-Mahamlod Bridge - Jimalalud, Neg. Or Balugo-Banwagi Bridge - Guihulngan, Neg. Or. Ilaya Bridge - Ronda, Cebu Burgos Bridge - Mandaue City Budlaan Bridge - Cebu City Mabini Bridge - Mabini, Bohol So. Hingles San Francisco Bridge - Sta. Catalina, Neg. Or. Cabadian Bridge - Bohol Province Busay-Budlaan Bridge - Cebu City The Busay-Budlaan Bridge of Cebu City was completed and inaugurated in October 24, 2009. Water and Sanitation (WatSan) Project Selected DILG field officers underwent a capacity development workshop on June 10, 2009 for the implementation of the final phase of WatSan Project in Tagbilaran City. Said field officers were able to come up with an advocacy plan and a marketing strategy module for the effective cascading of institutional and technical assistance among LGUs Philippine Water Revolving Fund Support Program (PWRFSP) On July 8 to 10, 2009, the DILG7 field officers and LGU representatives from Alburquerque, Jagna and Tubigon, Bohol attended the orientation and training workshop for the Visayas and Mindanao on the Financial Ring Fencing System for the LGU-run water utilities. The training was one of the activities under the Philippine Water Revolving 22 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Fund Support Program, which is assisted by the USAID in terms of financial and technical assistance. It aims at helping the Philippine Government develop an innovative and sustainable financing mechanism for water supply and sanitation (WSS) project. Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) The PMRF program took off in Central Visayas on May 8, 2009 following the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Government of the Philippines and the Government of Australia through the DILG, the AusAid Implementation Management Group and the Bohol Provincial Government held at the Bohol Tropics, Tagbilaran City. PRMF is a governance reform program that will use road maintenance funding as an incentive to change. The project aims to improve the sustainable provision, management and maintenance of a core network of provincial roads in targeted provinces in Visayas and Mindanao, as well as strengthen provincial institutional capacity and governance systems related to the provision and maintenance of provincial roads. Bohol Province is one of the program’s ten (10) recipient provinces in Visayas and Mindanao. Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Fund Four (4) projects under the MDG Fund program were monitored for implementation as follows: 0 Procurement of Road Maintenance Equipment San Isidro, Bohol 0 Rehabilitation of Waterworks Project - Larena, Siquijor 0 Waterworks Project - Oslob, Cebu 0 Procurement Equipment - San Miguel, Bohol The MDG Fund finances loan applications on LGU projects that contribute to the attainment of any or all of the MDG Goals 1-7.

Barangay Assembly In compliance with the provisions of Sec. 397 of the Local Government Code of 1991 which mandates the conduct of Barangay Assembly Day twice every year and Presidential Proclamation No. 342, series of 2003 declaring every last Saturday of March and every 3rd Saturday of October each year as Barangay Assembly Day, all the 3,003 (100%) barangays in Central Visayas were able to conduct the barangay assembly for the 1st and 2nd semesters of CY 2009. Mandatory activities such as the presentation of accomplishments by the Punong Barangay and the financial report by the Barangay Treasurer were conducted. Other activities included are the presentation of Work and Financial Plan and discussion of issues and concerns affecting the barangay such as solid waste management, peace and order, anti-drug campaign, etc. In some barangays, representatives of national government agencies and city/municipal officials interacted with the barangay constituents.

Death Benefits of Barangay Officials Processing and submission of required documents and release of checks to the claimants of deceased barangay officials were done throughout the year. For CY 2009, a total of one hundred and one (101) death benefit claims in the amount of Php 1,452,000.00 were released, as shown in the table below: Province/HUC

Seventy-four (74) death benefit claims which were processed and submitted to Central Office, are still awaiting the release of funds for payment in CY 2010 to intended beneficiaries, as follows:



Total Claims




for Funding




in CY 2010









Cebu Province



Cebu Province



Negros Oriental



Negros Oriental



Siquijor Province



Siquijor Province



Cebu City



Cebu City



Mandaue City



Mandaue City




107 Php 1,452,000.00


74 Php 988,000.00 DILG7 2009 Annual Report 23

5S Program Implementation DILG-7 sustained the implementation of its 5S Program to achieve total organization standardization and cleanliness in the workplace. Since its inception in CY 2008, gains have been observed in terms of organizational efficiency and safety and improvement of employees’ morale. This year, additional physical enhancements were put in place such as landscaping of the office premises, procurement of decorative plant boxes at the office lobby, putting up of cabinets for internet wirings and installation of wire organizers for computer wirings. Repainting of office building is set to start in January 2010. Standardized work practices are now in operation, with periodic review, enhancement/ maintenance. Employees’ commitment to maintain orderliness and follow the 5S SOPs have been regularly revisited during the conduct of Monday Convocation. The DILG-7 continues to conduct activities that would sustain the discipline until such time that practicing the 5S becomes a daily habit for all DILG-7 employees.

Public Information Information Officers and Planning Officers of the DILG-7 regional and sub-regional offices underwent skills enhancement training on advanced computer courses at Informatics, SM CityCebu on June 21-23, 2009. Sessions covered are on Adobe In-Design, Photoshop, Flash and Dreamweaver. The training aimed to enhance the skills of the participants in the formulation of publication materials and multi-media presentations, thereby intensifying information campaign on the DILG-7’s policies, programs and objectives. The DILG-7 published its tri-annual Kalambuan newsletter and Annual Accomplishment Report, copies of which were provided to the LGUs, NGAs, POs, partners and other institutions. The sub-regional offices likewise sustained their periodic newsletters and annual report. Local newspapers were monitored for relevant issues and developments. Press releases were also sent to the different media outlets in the region in order to keep them abreast of the latest developments on program implementation and local governance concerns. Regional and sub-regional offices regularly updated their respective Bulletin Boards and Photo Displays.

24 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Integrity Circle (IC) Development DILG Regional Office -7 conducted its summer activity, dubbed as “Integrity Circle: Moral Renewal Conference” on April 2009 at Boljoon, Cebu. This is in line with its commitment to promote integrity development for all employees and at the same time, strengthen the established Integrity Circles. The activity was participated by DILG-7 Regional Office, DILG-Cebu City, DILG Mandaue City, and DILG-Cebu Provincial Office Personnel. DILG-Negros organized an activity entitled “Improving Cooperation among Clusters through Integrity Circle Development Activity on April 2009, and regularly conducts a monthly Integrity Circle convocation DILG-Bohol and DILG Siquijor field officers and staff also underwent a one-day Integrity Development Activity The Integrity Circle Development activities at the regional and sub-regional offices aim to foster closer relationship among DILG-7 employees, promote the values of sincerity and transparency, and strengthen teamwork. DILG-7 believes that coming together to openly discuss how to make government service more responsive and effective is a vital step in enabling all personnel to work efficiently and effectively. Executive Order No. 319 mandates the institutionalization of the Moral Recovery Program in all government agencies and government owned and controlled corporations through the establishment of Integrity Circles.

DILG72009 Annual Report 25

Observation Visit on DILG-7’s Team Approach on Coordinated Tasks (TACT) Strategy Gaining recognition in the Deparment as an effective strategy for promoting efficiency and productivity in the attainment of the Department’s mandate, the Team Approach on Coordinated Tasks (TACT) Strategy of DILG-7 continues to attract visitors from other regions. On January 21, 2009, thirty-six (36) DILG-R6 senior officials and staff visited DILG7 in order to observe the TACT strategy. They were oriented on the gains, initiatives and innovations of the DILG-7 regional and field offices on TACT implementation. The DILG-7’s Call Center on Local Governance, 5S Project and other initiatives and innovations were likewise shared and discussed. The regional office personnel surprised the guests with a grand production number, a feat which DILG-7 is also known for. Twelve (12) delegates from DILG-ARMM, composed of selected regional office personnel, Provincial Directors from DILG Maguindanao and Lanao Sur, and representatives from the Local Government Support Programme (LGSP), visited the DILG-7 Regional Office and DILG-Bohol Provincial Office on May 18 and 19, 2009, respectively, in order to observe the TACT Strategy as well as the operations of Local Governance Resource Center (LGRC-7). DILG-ARMM is currently in the process of strengthening its LGRC as part of the Autonomous Regional Government’s mechanism in promoting good governance in the region. The LGSP is supporting this effort including the replication of DILG-7’s “Team Approach” initiative to improve DILG-ARMM’s operations at the provincial level. Through the TACT strategy, DILG7 is able to sustain a high level of performance in the implementation of programs, projects and activities in the region since its inception and adoption in CY 2003 until the present. Because of its gains, DILG Top Management continues to encourage the adoption of the TACT Strategy in all the DILG regional offices nationwide. In the past years, four (4) DILG offices have already conducted their respective TACT visits to DILG-7 and have attempted to replicate the TACT in their respective regions, customized in accordance with their organizational and cultural dynamics.

46th Batch Induction Training for LGOOs In pursuit of the Department’s thrust on Human Resource Development, the DILG-7 conducted the 46th Batch Induction Training for Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs) for Regions VII and VIII starting October 2009. The Induction Training aims at providing the participants with adequate knowledge and skills and appropriate working attitude and values to enable them to perform their functions effectively as frontliners of the Department. Said training is also a pre-requisite for promotion to higher LGOO positions. The training has a total of fifty-seven (57) participants, 24 from DILG-Region 7 and 33 from DILG-Region 8. However, the regional training management suspended the conduct of the training last December 2009 due to funding constraints. The training is scheduled to resume in CY 2010 whenever funds will be available.

26 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Planning Conferences and ManCom Meetings The DILG-7 Operations Plan and Budget was finalized during the planning conference on March 24, 2009. A mid-year evaluation conference was conducted on June 24, 2009 which assessed regional and provincial accomplishments based on OPB targets set for the 1st semester, and correspondingly, set new targets and realignments for the 2nd semester of CY 2009. A year-end evaluation for CY 2009 and planning workshop for CY 2010 was conducted on December 18, 2009 which was attended by all DILG-7 personnel and field officers. A total of six (6) Management Committee (ManCom) meetings were conducted in CY 2009. MANCOM serves as a forum for the discussion of operational issues and concerns, sharing of Department updates and developments, and setting of policy directions & guidance for more effective and efficient regional operations.

Personnel Development, Incentives and Awards Modifications were made on the program format of the DILG7’s regular First Monday Convocation, wherein a regional TACT team is assigned to render a program-related presentation or orientation-briefing during the convocation This is in addition to the regular conduct of sponsorship and presentation of production number, by a Division/Section, talk show by a representative from the Operations and Administrative Divisions, Legal Matters and Regional Director’s Time At the regional office, thirty-nine (39) personnel were recognized for the quarterly Perfect Office Attendance Award. The award is given to personnel and staff with no leave of absence (except for scheduled forced leave and special leave, no record of tardiness, and withouty any Pass Slip filed for personal reasons). Awarded during the Monday Convocation were: 4th Quarter of CY 2008 - 10 personnel (awarded in January 2009) 1st Quarter of CY 2009 - 13 personnel 2nd Quarter of CY 2009 - 9 personnel 3rd Quarter of CY 2009 - 7 personnel Awarding for the 4th Quarter of CY 2009 shall be in January 2010. Certificates of Recognition and cash incentives were given to the quarterly awardees. Consistent awardees from the first to fourth quarter of CY 2009 are: Rodrigo G. Labor, Zosimo A. Pasay and Salcedo Q. Ramas. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 27

Year-End Evaluation, Planning Conference and Awarding Ceremonies DILG winded up year 2009 with its traditional but fitting activity dubbed as Yearend Evaluation, Planning Conference and Awarding Ceremonies on December 18, 2009 at the Ecotech Pavillon, Lahug, Cebu City. The yearend activity aimed to evaluate regional and field performance and accomplishments in the implementation of the Department’s programs, projects and activities vis-a-vis plans and program targets set by the Department for CY 2009. It provides the field units the avenue to take a look at how each unit fared in their operations for the year. The whole day affair was attended by a total of three hundred fifty (350) participants composed of DILG-7 management and staff, 46th batch LGOO trainees, CY 2009 retirees, media representatives and other guests. The launching of the Search for Outstanding LGUs in Planning and Budgeting highlighted the affair. A video presentation kicked off the ceremonial launching followed by the symbolic unveiling of banner. Dr. Herwig Mayer, Decentralization Program Manager of GTZ graced the event and expressed his full support to the program. TACT Cluster Teams and field units with outstanding performance throughout the year were recognized and awarded. The following were conferred with Plaques of Recognition and cash prizes: Outstanding DILG-7 Field Units Category A : DILG-Negros Oriental Province Category B : DILG Siquijor Province Outstanding TACT Cluster Team Winner : TACT Cluster Team 1A, DILG-Bohol Province Finalists : TACT Cluster Team 2C, DILG-Cebu Province TACT Cluster Team 5, DILG-Negros Oriental The following winners for Best CY 2009 Annual Report Award were also awarded with Plaques of Recognition and cash prizes: Winner : DILG-Bohol Province 1st Runner Up : DILG-Cebu City 2nd Runner Up : DILG-Cebu Province The presentation of DILG-7 CY 2009 Report of Accomplishments culminated the morning’s activities. The afternoon’s activities began with the Workshop on Identification of Directions and Strategies for CY 2010 and Formulation of Draft CY 2010 OPB per sub-regional office. Adding color to the annual gathering is the much-awaited showcase of talents by personnel and staff from the sub-regional offices. Raffles and fellowship capped the whole day affair. The Year-End Evaluation activity gives the DILG-7 opportune time to identify the gains and impact of the Team Approach on Coordinated Tasks (TACT) strategy, discuss approaches to further strengthen regional operations, and identify appropriate strategies & priority PPAs in order to be more relevant & responsive to the clientele. This is also a much anticipated time of the year for the DILG-7 personnel and staff to strengthen camaraderie, showcase their talents, and together celebrate the Christmas season. 28 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

DILG-Negros Oriental Province

DILG-Siquijor Province

DILG-Bohol Province

TACT Cluster Team 1A, DILG-Bohol Province

Cultural Development Program Since its reorganization in CY 2008, the DILG-7 Chorale has continued to perform in various official functions, and has gained recognition within the government circle due to guest performances in various inter-agency functions. Employees of the DILG-7 always look forward to the Yearend Evaluation Conference as an avenue to showcase their talents through the Production Number Contest. Last December 18, 2009, the Duet Competition for married/engaged couples signaled the muchawaited battle of talents. The following winners each received cash prizes Champion : DILG-Siquijor Province 1st Runner Up : DILG-Negros Oriental 2nd Runner Up : DILG Regional Office The six (6) field units showcased the best of their local culture, festivals and dances during the highly anticipated presentation of Production Numbers. The regional office personnel opened the Contest with a theme-related dance medley. Performances were uploaded in the internet and can be viewed via YouTube. The following winners were awarded with Plaque of Recognition and cash prizes: Champion : DILG-Negros Oriental 1st Runner Up : DILG-Cebu Province 2nd Runner Up : DILG-Bohol Province Dr. Herwig Mayer, Program Manager, GTZ Guest of Honor and Speaker

DILG7 Chorale

Launching of the Search for Outstanding LGUs in Planning and Budgeting DILG Siquijor Province

DILG Negros Oriental Province

DILG Regional Office

DILG7 2009 Annual Report 29

Showcase of Local Culture, Festivals and Dances

DILG-Negros Oriental

DILG-Negros Oriental

DILG-Cebu Province

DILG-Bohol Province

DILG-Cebu City and Mandaue City


Intermission Number DILG7 regional office

Intermission Number DILG7 newly hired field officers

30 DILG7 2009 Annual Report


RD Pedro A. Noval, Jr. assumed as President of the Association of Regional Executives of National Agencies (ARENA)-7 during its General Assembly, Election of Officers and Induction of New Set of Officers on March 25, 2009 at the Malacanang sa Sugbo. RD Noval had already served as President of ARENA7 in 2008 for the remaining months of the year following the retirement of the association’s former president. The late Press Secretary Cerge Remonde inducted into office the new set of officers. Significant accomplishments of ARENA-7 in CY 2009 under the leadership of RD Noval: Collaboration with the Civil Service Commission (CSC)-7, Regional Management Coordinating Committee (RMCC)-7 and the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) on the conduct of the September celebrations, such as, the National Crime Prevention Week, Philippine Civil Service Month and the Maritime Week; Establishment of ARENA-7 Electronic Database with a total of 141 regional executive members (agency heads and assistant heads) from the123 agencies in the region; ARENA-7 Sportsfest, with the formal opening conducted on November 6, 2009 at the Cebu City Sports Complex; Partnerhip with the Office of the President-Central Visayas (OP-CV) in the conduct of six (6) “Halad sa Katawhan ni PGMA” activities within the year; ARENA7 likewise took part in IECs and pressing issues in 2009, viz: Consultation Dialogue with Hon. Secretary Norberto B. Gonzales, Department of National Defense and concurrent National Security Adviser on issues with implications on national security on November 20, 2009 at Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City; Dialogue with the GSIS Officials on issues and concerns raised by the employees of all agencies in the region on November 26; Campaign for early tagging of government vehicles in support of the LTO’s RFID thru the Cluster Heads; Formulation of the Citizens’ Charter by the NGAs having frontline services in response to the implementation of RA 9485, otherwise known as the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 Campaign for the implementation of the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) III. DILG7 2009 Annual Report 31

Personnel Complement

Financial Management

DILG-7 maintained its 373 plantilla positions composed of the following: 21 Key Positions 240 Technical Positions 5 Support to Technical Positions 107 Administrative Positions

DILG-7 effectively and efficiently managed the operations of the regional and six (6) sub-regional offices despite its limited financial resources. For CY 2009, the total amount disbursed from Regular Appropriation is P113,890,163.81, broken down into P101,993,104.71 or 90% for Personal Services, P11,897,059.10 or 10% for MOOE, and 0% for Capital Outlay. Austerity measures were continuously adopted and prudent fiscal management was observed.

Newly-Hired Personnel, Promotions and Retirement A total of fourteen (14) Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs) II were hired in CY 2009, viz: 1. IRENE O. ANONAR 2. SHEVAH TRIXY B. LUZANO 3. JESSIE MARY L. BUCTOLAN 4. JACILLO D. ORONGAN 5. MYLOVE W. CARDINOZA 6. JUN IAN A. SURIC 7. ANTHONY DEI V. DALIDA


Three (3) personnel promotional appointments were issued to the following personnel: Felix D. Ablir., Jr. - LGOO V to LGOO VI/CLGOO, Dumaguete City 32 DILG7 2009 Annual Report

Zosimo A. Pesigan Elvie S. Gaud an

- LGOO V to LGOO VI/CLGOO, Bais City - LGOO II to LGOO V/MLGOO, Cebu Province

Six (6) personnel retired from service, namely: LGOO VI/CLGOO Elvira F. Rodriguez LGOO V Alfonso B. Mandin, Jr. LGOO V Ruby R. Noblefranca Admin. Aide IV Generoso F. Villanueva Admin. Aide III David C. Luzon Admin. Asst. II Myrna F. Despi


VISION The DILG is the primary catalyst for excellence in local governance that nurtures self-reliant, progressive, orderly, safe and globally competitive communities sustained by Godcentered and empowered citizenry. MISSION To move faster, higher and stronger and help make a difference in the life of the nation. SLOGAN Sa Diyos, Sa Tao‌Serbisyong Totoo.


ADVISERS DR. PEDRO A. NOVAL, JR. Regional Director EnP. ELIAS F. FERNANDEZ, JR. Assistant Regional Director ATTY. DANILO E. ALMENDRAS Chief, Operations Performance Division / Legal Officer MS. MA. LOISELLA E. LUCINO Chief, Capacity Development Division ATTY. FERDINAND R. ALBANO Chief, Administrative Division

DILG7 2009 Annual Report 33


DR. PEDRO A. NOVAL, JR. Regional Director

MS. RUSTICA N. MASCARINAS Provincial Director, Bohol

EnP. ELIAS F. FERNANDEZ. JR. Assistant Regional Director

MR. JOFRALITO L. LORICO Provincial Director, Negros Oriental

ATTY. DANILO E. ALMENDRAS Chief, Operations Performance Division / Legal Officer

DR. PATRICIO GABUYA City Director, Cebu City

MS. MA. LOISELLA E. LUCINO Chief, Capacity Development Division

MR. EDMUNDO J. JAMISOLA Provincial Director, Cebu

MS. DOMINICA K. LACUESTA Provincial Director, Siquijor

ATTY. FERDINAND R. ALBAテ前 Chief, Administrative Services Division

MR. AVELINO A. CABERTE City Director, Mandaue City

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