José Costa - Landscape Architecture - Portfolio

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Landscape Architecture

JosĂŠ Costa

JosĂŠ Costa

Education 2008 - 11

University of Porto

2011 - Present

University of Porto


degree in Landscape Architecture master of Landscape Architecture

[Human] Hand Drafting Sketching Model Building Communication Teamwork Craftsmanship


email: phone: 00351 910902695 born: 14-01-1990

[Technology] AutoCAD AutoCAD civil 3D Google Sketchup Pro Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Maxwell render Corel Paintshop Pro ArcGIS


At the moment I am finishing my last year in the master program of Landscape Architecture, doing my internship at GTL Landschaftsarchitekten in Kassel until July and in the end of September I will conclude my studies and will be ready to enter in the job market.


I am currently trying to update my portfolio with my last works so there might be some text, images and links missing, thank you for your comprehension.


Urban planning

Aveiro park

Parks and gardens

2012 2012 2011 2011


Primo Madeira’s house


Cadouços garden


FCUP campus

Spatial planning


Construction details


Drawings & sketches

Yearbook Photography

Cadouços garden

Restoration and maintenance 2011

Porto & Tinto green infrastructure 2011


Dwelling house

Quires urban park

Productive urban garden



Levada river park

Eco- productive park 2011


Aveiro park

Povoa de Varzim

Tinto & Torto watershed

Tinto & Torto tourism promotion 2011

Forest recovery

Other works

The blank spot of Aveiro city A new urbanization

The project has evolved to adapt sustainable design features that meet the needs of the territory. It presented a set of measures for energy, water, housing, circulation, public space and green space. All these elements contribute to a new dynamic system that interacts and innovates the rest of the city.

Project: Landscape Management - 2012 Professors: Maria JosĂŠ Curado

Public space





2 floors 3 floors 4 floors 5 floors

Single family dwelling Apartments with only familiar use Apartments

Primary street

Services Marketing center Business center

Secondary street

Pedestrian and cycling path Sports infrastructure Area for infrastructure’s implementation

Tertiary street




Traffic flow Crossroads


Green infrastructure

Project: Landscape management - 2012

Aveiro Urban Park A two phased project

In order to create an urban park to Aveiro city, that cannot be implanted all at the same time for economical reasons it is presented a two phased proposal that creates a dynamic space targeted for active and passive recreation along with an agricultural section. The proposed intervention develops a spatial composition that relies on the creation of recreational permeable areas with meandering walkways complemented by a vegetation structure that breaks the monotony of the horizontal ground. This conception combines the geometric lines, characteristic of the agricultural fields, with the curved lines bringing dynamism and providing sensory. Project: Urban Qualification - 2012 Professors: Teresa Marques




2nd Stage

A A’




Water gathering


Agriculture fields

Project: Urban qualification - 2012

1st Stage A’ A






Open spaces





Project: Urban qualification - 2012


existing bicycle path proposed bicycle path

sports complex

by improving and cre

Qualification of the surrounding areas, eating new accesses and public spaces.

Project: Urban qualification - 2012

Levada river park Restoring a disturbed place

The objective of this proposal is to minimize and mitigate the environmental impacts, and visual impact of the surrounding area, as well as integration of structures in the landscape by using proper techniques. With this project, built on the concept of linearity, the area becomes more cohesive, more acessible and combines with a touch of modernity open spaces, productive areas and the surroundings. Another key factor about this proposal is bringing to the surface Tinto’s river. Project: Rehabilitation of environmental impact - 2012 Professors: Isabel Martinho da Silva



Mitigation B’


A’ A

B’ B








Project: Rehabilitation of environmental impact - 2012



Open space





Project: Rehabilitation of environmental impact - 2012








Project: Rehabilitation of environmental impact - 2012

Quires urban park A place of all for all

The intervention area is an abandoned place without apparent function that is progressively disqualifying urban integration. The opportunity in this project is to bring functions, aesthetics, and landscaping / urban integration in order to achieve a harmony between the environmental, ecological and social systems that surround the area. The route in Quires urban park is accompanied by a biomorphic design with smooth curves, to stimulate the user senses. The term sustainability in this project is based on the water management: the WADI plays a crucial role in the accumulation / water retention, that progressively infiltrates in the lower layers of soil, providing soil quality, creating micro-climates zones and attracting and biodiversity. Project: Outdoor spaces II - 2011 Professors: JosÊ Miguel Lameiras & Gonçalo Andrade

Stratification Before






mbulation |

Suport areas



Project: Outdoor spaces II 2011

The main goal is to promote spatial, se ing the sustainable function of both sy

ensory, social and urban quality, optimizystems and moderating climate comfort.

Project: Outdoor spaces II 2011

Lourinha Ecoproductive park Promoting biodiversity in an agricultural and urban context

The park of Lourinha is a space that arises in a rural area with tradition but at the same in a zone that has been influenced by the modernization and human pressure of the city. The concept is to make Lourinha a space that can combine pleasure with productivity and biodiversity and where user intervention is the proper management of the space. It is a two phased project, at the first part it was done the design of all the area and in the second part was done all the construction and the detail plans of the south area. Project: Public spaces - 2011 Professors: Paulo Farinha Marques



Sustainability | Producti

This is a dynamic project directed for production,

recreation and promotion of biodiversity and the design preserves the character of the place. The park is characterized by a scenic route that slowly reveals different views of the fields, where the sea-

sonal and agricultural diversity are constants.

tivity |

Cooperation |



Passive recreation

Trees’ distribution

Project: Vegetation in urban space - 2111

Cadouços garden An urban space next to the sea

Located in Foz do Douro, Porto, this place is inserted in a densified network, surrounded by various services and points of interest. It is a place marked by difficult topography acting as a mediating element between the city and the sea. This project intervention aims for simplicity, with a simple and direct group of paths targeted to the flow of people and cars, with a green expressive area. The main square is centered and unifies the space, linking the movement of people and serves as a support area to the coffee that is oriented along with the street Ria de Cadouços, with its face directed to the sea. The amphitheatre along with a smooth slope combines the pavement and the green spaces. The green area is characterized by a considerable dimension and for being isolated from the traffic through the vegetation and modelation. The geometric forms of infrastructure are cutted by the biomorphic lines of shrubs and herbaceous, and the rhythm is created by trees. Project: Outdoor spaces II - 2011 Professors: José Miguel Lameiras & Gonçalo Andrade

Visual aesthetics | Spring - summer Trees Shrubs Sub-shrubs Herbaceous

Salt tolerance vegetatio Autumn - Winter



Dry meadow



Project: Outdoor spaces II 2011

Productive urban garden Designing with productive plants.

In response to the proposed design of a garden in an urban public space, it is presented a proposal that creates a dynamic place, aimed for active and passive recreation that is integrated with the surrounding urban area. The appreciation of the space is made ​​through the diversity of vegetation, with a rich collection of colors, textures and scents. Project: Vegetation in urban space - 2010 Professors: Jorge Barbosa & Gonçalo Andrade

Quick connection

Colors Textures



Productive boxes




Culture environment

Project: Vegetation in urban space - 2010

The main square is a central point that stands out and provides a connection with the surroundings, combining a range of environments with an educational, entertaining and interactive purpose. The lines of space are marked by the rhythm of vegetation. The central axis that cuts through space, is designed to stand out and to integrate and link the most important spaces like Casa da Musica, the Rotunda da Boavista and the Casa da Musica’s underground.

Primo Madeira’s garden Rehabilitation of a historic garden Project: Cultural landscapes - 2012 Professors: Teresa Marques






paths’ amendment

eliminated and transplanted vegetation

An emblematic space in the heart of the city carefully restored




1892 1940 2007



Project: Cultural Landscapes - 2010

FCUP campus The management design

This proposal seeks to relate the needs of students with the management and maintenance of the several areas with the many limits imposed by the discipline. For each area defined small notes and sketches were made that later led into a proposal that unifies a highly fragmented space and takes advantage of the volume and texture of the various types of vegetation, creating attractive areas for different uses, improving the “image� of Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto (FCUP). Exterior space management - 2011 Professors: Paulo Farinha Marques & Jorge Barbosa

Landscape intervention is not a finish management, maintenance and co

Different spaces, different uses, different manag

hed act. The space progresses with ontrol over the elements.


Exterior space management 2011

Porto & Rio Tinto green

infrastructure Connecting spaces

Porto and Rio Tinto are two cities that have been losing their permeability along the time due to urban and industrial expansion. The goal of this work is to identify different typologies of green spaces in these cities and linking them in the discontinuities through three different types of projects,such as a park, a pocket garden and green street. Project: Plant material application - 2011 Professors: Paulo Farinha Marques & Clรกudia Fernandes

Advantages: geological, hydrological,

Mobility + Services and equipment + Green infrastructure + Heritage


Some of the several vegetation typologies identified


biological, metabolic, circulation, social

Project: Plant material application - 2011

The proposal of Porto and Rio Tinto green corridor

Riparian gallery

Roads and surroundings

Three different types of projects to co prop

2.Pocket garden

1.Green street based on SUDS

onnect the discontinuities of the main posal

3.Conceptual park

Project: Plant material application - 2011

Povoa de Varzim Implementation of infrastructure in landscapes

After assimilated concepts such as landscape ecology, sustainable development and a brief introduction to the legal plans of spatial planning, a proposal for the territory of Povoa de Varzim was made, based on the structure: analysis, synthesis and proposal, the objective was to install a built structure (3kmx1km), an urban (80ha) and industrial (20ha) expansion area. Introduction to spatial planning - 2011 Professors: Teresa Andresen & Jorge Barbosa


2.Synthesis Slopes




3. Proposal Soil’s use


Rio Tinto & Rio Torto watershed Geographic information systems applied to the spatial planning

The main objectives of this course were: consolidate training in the practice of spatial planning emphasizing the guidelines for the spatial distribution of economic activities to meet the principles of sustainable development and the current framework of the Land Management’s Instruments, with emphasis on the Municipal Master Plan. Spatial planning I - 2011 Professors: Maria JosÊ Curado & JosÊ Miguel Lameiras

These proposals are the result of a wide soil capabilities, risks, among other pote

1.ecological structure

2.sports network

e reflection in the synthesis stage about entialities of this territory.

3.agricultural parks network

Spatial planning I 2011

4.spatial plan

Rio Tinto & Rio Torto tourism promotion A different proposal to different kind of enotourism Spatial planning II - 2012 Professors: Maria JosĂŠ Curado

Objectives of the proposal: stre reclassify the built heritage; utili

engthen the territorial cohesion; ize the existing resources

Mills restoration

Spatial planning II 2012


bread farms 9.2km



Roadmap Agricultural fields preservation The logo

Forest recovery Recovery of burn areas: an opportunity to design landscape

In the workshop organized by the University of Tras-osMontes and Alto Douro (UTAD) the main objective was the recovery of a vast burned area. The target area is located in the parishes of Ribeira de Pena and Boticas district of Vila Real, focusing on the area burned in 2009 and 2010, an area of 4000 hectares. The recuperation of the space is proposed through the implementation of fire fighting techniques, using the flora management and implementation of cultural and economic forest services, with the goal to a sustainable development. Regarding the type of intervention, the land was divided mainly in areas of production and maintenance of ecological zones. Workshop UTAD 2011 Several professors from several areas of FCUP and UTAD

Dwelling house Single family lot.

The challenge in this project was to model the ground to obtain 6% inclination on the paths and incorporote the house with the garden, defining the functionality of the surrounded area. Project: Outdoor spaces I - 2009 Professors: Isabel Martinho da Silva & Ricardo Gomes



Construction techniques, plan assessment and intervention on the existing elements.

In this course it was instructed the technical resources needed to build pavements, walls and other built structures used in landscape architecture projects. It was also made a requalification plan for Rainha Dona AmÊlia’s square in order to make the area more attractive and healthy. Project: Construction details - 2010 Professors: Isabel Martinho da Silva & Ricardo Gomes

Drawings & sketches Works made in the drawings’ discipline in FAUP and others in spare time.

In this course were developed observation skills, ability and knowledge in the art of drawing, sensitivity values for plastic and aesthetic aspects. Drawing I - 2008 Professors: Maria JosĂŠ & Raquel Pelayo


Landscape y

year book 1/2

Landscape y

year book 2/2

JosĂŠ Costa

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