Liceo Bosque Nativo English Department
English Test “Diagnosing Crop Problems and Bioengineering” Name: Grade: Total Points
Date: 58 pts.
Student’s points
I-Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E). “Bioengineering” 1. ____Transgenic a. The process by which genes produce traits in an organism. 2- ____Gene b. Has one or more genes artificially introduced from another plant or animal. 3- ____Biotechnology c. The process of copying a biological organism or part of that organism. 4- ____Expression d. Segment of DNA. 5- ____Cloning e. Branch of biology that uses living things in applied technology field such medicine. II-Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E). “Diagnosing Crop Problems” 1. ____Stunted a. To make or become brown. 2- ____Agricultural advisor b. Slowed or stopped abnormally in growth or development. 3- ____Browning c. Covered with many colored dots. 4- ____Abiotic d. The person who assists and advice farmers, government, etc. in the production, processing, and distribution of process of farm products. 5- ____Stippled e. The non living things. III- Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the box. Wilt – Stippled – Biotic – Stunted – Symptoms - Browning
1.- The ______________ trees are smaller than others. 2.- The ______________ leaves are full of black spots. 3.- Which are the ______________ of your crop problem? 4.- My crop problem is caused by a _____________ factor. 5.- The leaves are starting to _______________ on the top. 6.- The plants are started to ______________ because of the cold.
IV- Read the sentence pair. Choose where the word best fits the blanks. 1 Biotechnology /Gene enhancement a. Karla wants to work in the ____________________ field. b. You can create stringer animals by ______________________. 2 Regulation / Expression a. Gene __________________ is one of the new techniques for producing favorable outcomes. b. There is a strict _________________ of genetic research. “If you are not willing to learn no one can help you. If you are determine to learn no one can stop you”