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ETNIKA Leftaro

In the sixteenth century, several native populations of the New World faced the expansion of the Spanish monarchy. In today south-central Chile were the RecheMapuche people who steadfastly opposed to Spanish rule, inaugurating the War of Arauco. Among the leaders highlighted the Toqui reche Lautaro (Luan-taro or Leftraru = hawk or bird fast mapudungun), who would have been born around 1534 in the vicinity of TirĂşa in the range of Nahuelbuta, son of a lonko called CuriĂąancu. At just 11 years old he was captured and turned into yanacona or Indian service in the stable of Pedro Valdivia, an experience that gave him a great knowledge of the Spanish culture. Fundamentally it has a Hispanic view of Lautaro from what was reported by chroniclers of the sixteenth century. The Spanish advanced commanded by Pedro de Valdivia had founded cities with relative success and defeated native populations, subjecting them to the parcel and

jobs. During the first fighting the Indians showed that his conception of the war differed from Europe. Influenced by the Inca culture, they reche regarded the war as a battle ritual, before a company destined to total extermination of the enemy. By 1550, in his capacity as Indian servant, Lautaro observed that the harsh punishment inflicted on the indigenous Spaniards in the battles of AndaliĂŠn and Penco. He decided to leave the Spaniards and in December 1553 appeared as the main leader in the Battle of Tucapel, the first indigenous uprising of importance in Chile. Lautaro had acquired prominence to inform cahuines meetings or lineages, clans and lonkos as Colocolo, on the vulnerability of the Spanish (heavy armor, gunpowder futility of rain) and the advantages of using combat modes Hispanic, as weapons and horses. Breaking the rules governing pre-Hispanic ritual battle, at the Battle of Tucapel Lautaro and Reches were victorious, capturing and killing the governor Pedro de Valdivia. The choice of the location of combat and the use of successive waves of attack and military strategies by Lautaro Toqui were crucial to ensure victory, success can also be explained by the importance that had the institution of war in reche life. In February 1554, two months after the death of Pedro de Valdivia, Lautaro again demonstrated its leadership in the Battle of MarigĂźeĂąu, where he crushed the contingent commanded by Francisco de Villagra. This allowed him to completely destroy and loot the city of Concepcion, a practice that will be a history of the raid of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which aimed to get the most real of the group attacked. Between 1554 and 1555 the introduction of European diseases ravaged the population reche. Besides a plague of typhus, he lived during this period a lack of food lessened the intensity and frequency of the clashes. Lautaro 1556 resumed fighting unsuccessfully trying to move toward Santiago, managing to reach the Maule river, to be held at the battle of Peteroa. A year later, the campaigns to move towards the central area continued. Lautaro managed to establish a protected area, building a fort or malal that would allow him to control the region by providing the resources to achieve the total expulsion of the Spanish Central Valley. However, excesses and punishment committed by Lautaro and his men against the natives of the area -the promaucaes- earned him the enmity of several chiefs who retaliated and betray him. In a surprise attack, the Spaniards fell on the camp, killing Lautaro in 1557. Days later, his head was displayed in the main square of Santiago. Lautaro struggle as defender of his people catapulted him as a legendary figure in Mapuche and Chilean history.

Storytelling Etnika


Leftaro or Lautaro (fast Hawk), a super warrior emblematic Araucano, is the most important son of the ethnic Mapuche of Chile, possessor of big development strategies of the world's ethnic groups. Calls for large heads of tribes to fight in leadership skills circuits worldwide. NGOs ETNIKA When they were preparing to begin the challenge, he played Trutruca back and forth; He was on the ridge of a hill warning them against the light, always a warrior fighting even beyond his death and his ideas ... He takes a long spear and shoots into the forest spirits ... leave a sign of union emerging in the immortal out of ethnic groups ... For over 300 years the Spanish Empire tried to subdue the Mapuche people for over 300 years did not realize who fought against souls ...coming from the invincible nature.

First Episode

Scene I Leftaro called the leaders to meet in full Lonquimay one night with snowfall, Gods and Negechén Pillan, Elche and Elmapu - with wide scenes in the fields of Lonquimay, they sit with their comrades of all the ethnic groups of the world to recover super soul Pu - am. Scene II Under snow and knees Leftaro pronounced with full force to claims existing before the creation, comprised ancient spirits and were represented by the Ngen, The, Pillán and Wangulén, who are made of light, passion, intuition, dream and understanding . All of which are related to the Pu-am, which is involved in all of them and where they are all part of it. They would ageless beings because they are very old, but also young.

Scene III For the Mapuche, the soul of man always lives in close contact with nature, such example is the celebration of all their rituals in clearings among the trees. To do this, first of all, there is Pu-Am, a universal spirit that permeates all living things. This follows the universal soul of every man, Am, accompanying his body to death. However, not only the human being has his Am, every living thing has its own soul. Only wekufe have no soul.

Episode II

Scene I Leftaro convenes major warlords to handcuff the land of all worlds and sections of nature crying out to regain its ancient history, affected by global warming today ... Scene II Thousands of horses loose in the fields, and thousands of loose in the fields, trying to regain ancestral lands spiritual warriors. Scene III Conflict arises, Global Warming ...

Episode III

Scene I Leftaro, bears all the warriors or toquis day and night Araucania, Till the sun will shine both blinded to the evil deities. Provoking change the axis of the Earth, and reclaiming the land of their wounds and exploitation of its original native garb. Scene II NGO Etnika, cutting tape and providing seals guarantee a healthy and sustainable life for the tribes of the future worldwide. Children having abolished the future of humanity on a rainy day ...

Scene III Leftaro galloping across the plains, the snow without a trace ... ... the bottom far, Negechen looking ...


Big Four Integration : Internet / Cinema - Social Media - Advertising Release

Accessibility : - Smartphone Campaign - Trailer Leftaro NGSs - Apps - webisodes

Connectivity : -

Survey Leftaro Social Media web site branding Etnika Campaign Advertising

Interactivity - Vuvox collage: - Multiiperspective Stories - Gigapans

Digital Brands / Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso Universität der Künste Berllin Career College

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